4 years ago
I see ibx annual report has been released. All in all, the company seems to be moving along much better than it did under manny and marv's greedy, self-serving control.
The sad fact for shareholders is what seems like a brick wall at the ipo price of .20 - between all the dilution(now over 1 billion o/s), and all those who are happy to get back to break even and get out.
Once all the sellers at .20 are done, the big question will be can ibx produce positive news and progress faster than it dilutes. There is $13 million or so in cash on hand, but these trials and product development costs are quite expensive.
Tom 59
4 years ago was recommended to me by Rusty. As it is a low stock price, you will have to go through the international trading office. You will have to set up an account on line first, fund it - which take 3-4 days, then call the international trading office at 1-800-544-2976. You will not be able to make this trade on line due to the price of the stock. They will give you the exchange rate for the Australian dollar, what’re that happens to be at the time of the trade. It was app $1 US to $1.35 Australian.
I was able to pick up some shares through TD Ameritrade, however you I believe you pay a premium as there are not many shares moving on that exchange. IBX in the US is IBXXF through TD AMERITRADE. Through Fidelity you can buy it as IBXXF with US dollar or IBX:AU with the exchange rate. I am not familiar with the exchange rate process, however there are many more shares of IBX moving on the Australian market then with TD Ameritrade.
Fidelity will charge you a commission and a exchange rate fee, which will run a little over $100 for 30,000 shares, perhaps $150 for 50,000 shares. Fidelity will give you an idea of this cost before you place the order.
5 years ago
Good news, but it still seems that they have a long way to go to the human study. "later this year" seems like a far away place that seems to always be delayed.
Business Update: Manufacturing Commences
Imagion Biosystems Limited (ASX: IBX) (the Company), a company dedicated to improving healthcare through the earlier detection of cancer, is pleased to provide an update on progress towards its key business objective of initiating its first study for HER2 metastatic breast cancer in human subjects this year.
The primary operational focus for the past quarter has been on ensuring the readiness of its contract-manufacturing partners to begin the manufacturing of the nanoparticle formulation to be used in the study. The company is pleased to report it has purchased equipment and supplies and has completed the necessary vendor qualifications and audits to confirm compliance with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), required for the manufacturing of medical devices and pharmaceutical products used in human clinical studies.
With these steps complete, the company will now commence manufacturing.
“Patient safety is of paramount importance for all human studies,” said Bob Proulx, Executive Chairman of Imagion Biosystems. “With this being the first time our nanoparticle product is to be used in a human study, we have taken great care in our preparations to ensure we could move forward with confidence into manufacturing and achieve the exacting standards required of GMP manufacturing processes.”
While manufacturing proceeds, the Company will continue working on the other key areas needed to support initiating the study later this year when manufacturing is complete. This includes establishing clinical sites and preparing the sites for enrolment of subjects, and receiving the necessary regulatory authorization, for example an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) from the US FDA.
Dialogue with the FDA continues as previously advised, and is in line with expectations at this stage of the process.
5 years ago
This may be of interest here. Still waiting on Imagion to explain it all.
Kemper Shaw is on the BOD at Californian based company Collinear, Wireless Connectivity Innovator:-"
Now the curious thing is that the last time we had a massive selldown like this, it was done by his mate, William Taylor, who offloaded about 20 million shares. These guys both worked together at Collinear...
This link details when they both became significant SHs and now both have offloaded in a big way killing the momentum of the SP rally once again......why????
In separate filings, Kemper Shaw and William Taylor Nominees say both have become substantial shareholders in Imagion with 36,798,818 shares (11.4%). Both Mr Shaw and William Taylor Nominees’ James and Marion Taylor gave the same Bondi Junction post box address, said they each acquired 25,000,000 shares in the rights issue that raised $4.3 million at four cents a share and held the same number of shares (BD: Nov 19, 2018).
A spokesman for Imagion told Biotech Daily that the two identical holdings were held by Kemper Shaw and James Taylor, who both worked for the same company. Imagion fell 0.4 cents or 10.8 percent to 3.3 cents."
They both purchased the exact same number of shares, 36,798,818
Anyway, good news in that it was only the one person that caused all of that chaos yesterday; why did he bail, who knows?? What kind of negative inside info would he have when the trials haven't started?? Why did his mate William Taylor bail when he did back in July, each to their own.
Now I did a bit more digging and have found that these guys are locked in a court case with Lockheed Martin, the massive aerospace company. Lockheed Martin is suing Collinear. These court proceedings started in July, the same time Taylor sold down, and I believe it's still in progress; refer to these links:-
(you'll find William Taylor and Kemper Shaw mentioned in this article)
Maybe Shaw and Taylor need the cash??