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Definitions, Terms, and Reconciliations (Unaudited)
1. Other direct cost of revenue includes compensation, insurance, repairs, and ground lease rent and related property tax.
2. Costs to finance the purchase of miners were zero in all periods presented as the miners were paid for with cash from the Company’s cash balance. The seller did not provide any financing, nor did the Company borrow from a third-party to purchase the miners.
3. Power curtailment credits are credited against our power invoices as a result of temporarily pausing our operations to participate in ERCOT’s Demand Response Service Programs. Our fixed-price power purchase contracts enable us to strategically curtail our mining
operations and participate in these programs, which significantly lower our cost to mine Bitcoin. These credits are recognized in Power Curtailment Credits on our Consolidated Statement of Operations, outside of cost of revenue.
4. Computed as revenue recognized from Bitcoin mined divided by the quantity of Bitcoin mined during the same period.
Cost of Power: The Company defines Cost of Power as the cost of power directly used in the process of mining Bitcoin, less power curtailment credits divided by
the kilowatt (“kWh”) hours used. Power is overwhelmingly the largest marginal input cost in mining Bitcoin and a significant contributor to profitability. Miners
with a low cost of power will also be able to profitability mine in a wider range of Bitcoin price and hash price scenarios.
Cost to Mine: The Company defines Cost to Mine as the direct cost to mine one Bitcoin, excluding Bitcoin miner depreciation, as calculated in the table below.
Cost to Mine represents the marginal profitability on operations of a Bitcoin miner. This number is frequently compared to the market price of Bitcoin to determine
at what discount to the market price of Bitcoin a miner is earnings net Bitcoin.
2024 2023 2024 2023
Cost of power for self-mining operations $ 41,864 $ 22,460 $ 96,326 $ 65,513
Other direct cost of revenue for self-mining operations(1)(2), excluding Bitcoin miner depreciation 9,608 1,989 26,970 4,482
Cost of revenue for self-mining operations, excluding Bitcoin miner depreciation 51,472 24,449 123,296 69,995
Less: power curtailment credits(3)
(12,417) (49,601) (31,445) (66,146)
Cost of revenue for self-mining operations, net of power curtailment credits, excluding Bitcoin miner depreciation 39,055 (25,152) 91,851 3,849
Bitcoin miner depreciation 44,303 55,549 93,120 164,457
Cost of revenue for self-mining operations, net of power curtailment credits, including Bitcoin miner depreciation $ 83,358 $ 30,397 $ 184,971 $ 168,306
Quantity of Bitcoin mined 1,104 1,106 3,312 4,996
Production value of one Bitcoin mined(4) $ 61,133 $ 28,228 $ 58,771 $ 25,818
Cost to mine one Bitcoin, excluding Bitcoin miner depreciation $ 35,376 $ (22,741) $ 27,733 $ 770
Cost to mine one Bitcoin, excluding Bitcoin miner depreciation, as a % of production value of one Bitcoin mined 57.9% -80.6% 47.2% 3.0%
Cost to mine one Bitcoin, including Bitcoin miner depreciation $ 75,506 $ 27,484 $ 55,849 $ 33,688
Cost to mine one Bitcoin, including Bitcoin miner depreciation, as a % of production value of one Bitcoin mined 123.5% 97.4% 95.0% 130.5%
Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
September 30, September 30,
2024 2023 2024 2023
Total Cost of Power $ 50,620 $ 35,241 $ 121,823 $ 101,550
less Power curtailment credits (12,417) (49,601) (31,100) (63,922)
Net Cost of Power $ 38,203 $ (14,360) $ 90,723 $ 37,628
kWh used 1,233,531,741 769,518,913 2,862,705,794 2,276,097,806
Cost of Power (c/kWh) $ 3.1 $ (1.9) $ 3.2 $ 1.7
Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
September 30, September 30, |