5 hours ago
Reminds me of the time, a few years ago,
i was doin' some business at at bank near Wall St. I had withdrawn $300,000 in cash so i coud get a cash discount on a new Rolls
i was gonna buy, and took all my FNMA and FMCC stock certificates from my safety deposit box, 200.000 shares worth and put it all in a little suitcase and proceeded to walk over to the Roll;s Dealer to get the car,but then, two ugly muggers came up behind me, one guy put his arm around the front of my neck to keep me still, while the other guy took my suitcase. He opened it and took all the certificates, but left the money...wonder why? heh heh heh
7 hours ago
This is very important so I hope you don't mind if I enhanced it just a bit!
How settements worked: there was a settlement amount which is $63 Billion from 18 banks. Every settlement had clause that if bank can give$1 Billion to the Non Government Organizations then bank can deduct $2Billion from settlement amount before giving settlement amount to the treasury.
we have a new Treasury Sec ... this tweet is what Sen Kennedy
was squawking about during Bill Pulte's hearing - Servicers making
mortgage payments on Loans that they approved - it will be limited
or COMPLETELY STOPPED in this Admin ... DOGE
Navy, the $301 BILLION repaid also does not include any settlements that were won by the FHFA, Rule of Law Guy's $63 BILLION won, my figure was $50 BILLION but it sounds like his is more accurate. When the lawsuits and settlements were taking place, I was expecting some kind of press release announcing the money "settlements" ostensibly for compensating FANNIE AND FREDDIE for the fraudulent loans they purchased from the banks, but the money won went to Fannie and Freddie (I believe), and shortly thereafter the settlements were SWEPT AWAY (of course) upon direction of FHFA and sent to Treasury. I do not recall ever seeing in Fannie or Freddies earnings reports or balance sheets back then SHOWING a receipt of settlement money or a transfer out of the settlements to Treasury.
We need to contact Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch to see if he can pursue this and possibly file class action on behalf of shareholders to try and claw back these settlement monies as REPARATIONS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS AND PUNITIVES FOR FRAUD!!
Has ALL this been forwarded to "Bill Pulte" new FHFA Director, so these items are NOT forgotten during RELEASE process & talks.& DOGE team to investigate what happened to $40B that went NGO
9 hours ago
Navy, the $301 BILLION repaid also does not include any settlements that were won by the FHFA, Rule of Law Guy's $63 BILLION won, my figure was $50 BILLION but it sounds like his is more accurate. When the lawsuits and settlements were taking place, I was expecting some kind of press release announcing the money "settlements" ostensibly for compensating FANNIE AND FREDDIE for the fraudulent loans they purchased from the banks, but the money won went to Fannie and Freddie (I believe), and shortly thereafter the settlements were SWEPT AWAY (of course) upon direction of FHFA and sent to Treasury. I do not recall ever seeing in Fannie or Freddies earnings reports or balance sheets back then SHOWING a receipt of settlement money or a transfer out of the settlements to Treasury.
We need to contact Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch to see if he can pursue this and possibly file class action on behalf of shareholders to try and claw back these settlement monies as REPARATIONS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS AND PUNITIVES FOR FRAUD!!
13 hours ago
“ However, under the GSE conservatorship, this $25 billion aggregate amount went directly to Treasury.” … “ FHFA used to have a webpage setting forth this information, but it has now been deleted.” …
It’s been stated numerous times on this board over the years the money went to the companies and then swept into the dark hole of the treasury included in the $301 billion. Apparently, shareholders were told to believe another lie. The 10,000 hidden documents need to be released.
1 day ago
email from Rule of Law Guy:
FHFA Recovered $25 Billion on Behalf of the GSEs in GFC Fraud Litigation Against Originating Banks.
That Money Went to Treasury.
Shouldn't That Be Added to Treasury's Total Recovery From It's SPS?
The Answer, of course, is YES.
Which Means that Treasury has Recouped $326 Billion from its $187 billion GSE Senior Preferred Stock Investment
Rule Of Law Guy - Mar 8
It is a little recognized fact that FHFA litigated, on behalf of the GSEs, against several national banks which originated mortgages that were sold to the GSEs in the period leading up to the Great Financial Crisis in 2008, and which also led to the GSEs’ conservatorship and Treasury’s $187 billion GSE senior preferred stock investment (“SPS”).
It is an even less recognized fact that FHFA recovered some $25 billion in damages from settlements in that litigation (the consolidated case is Federal Housing Finance Agency v. Deutsche Bank AG et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 11-06192, before Judge Denise Cote).
It is difficult to source these facts.
FHFA used to have a webpage setting forth this information, but it has now been deleted. For example, FHFA Office of Inspector General referred to this litigation at footnotes 35 through 39 of its report on Enterprise Reform, but FHFA has deleted the webpages to which these footnotes refer.
One source that documents FHFA’s $25 billion recovery on behalf of the GSEs comes from the website of one of the legal counsel that FHFA retained to conduct that litigation, Selendy/Gay¹
Selendy/Gay states the following, among its representative engagements:
Federal Housing Finance Agency, for over seven years in the Southern District of New York and the District of Connecticut, as lead counsel across FHFA’s entire platform of RMBS litigation, obtaining $25 billion in recoveries for U.S. taxpayers in residential mortgage-backed securities suits against Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Countrywide, Deutsche Bank, First Horizon, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, RBS, and UBS.
Why is this relevant?
In the process leading up to an anticipated GSE recap/release under Trump 47, there will be negotiations between Treasury and FHFA as to what additional economic return Treasury should be entitled to in connection with Treasury’s SPS.
Treasury’s SPS investment totaled $187 billion between both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
As for Treasury’s return on the SPS to date, the GSEs report in their financial statements that they have paid back to Treasury an aggregate of $301 billion (denominated under the net worth sweep provisions of the SPS as dividends).
This has resulted in Treasury earning a 11.4% IRR on its SPS. See p. 73 of Ackman’s recent GSE slide deck.
This return to Treasury of $301 billion from the GSEs is expected to be used by Treasury and FHFA to determine what additional return Treasury should be entitled to, through its 79.9% warrant position in each GSE, in connection with GSE recap/release.
Isn’t this $301 billion return figure $25 billion short of Treasury’s actual return?
The $25 billion aggregate recovery that FHFA recouped from banks’ fraudulent selling of mortgages to FHFA was the GSEs’ money, the recovery of the GSEs” damages. However, under the GSE conservatorship, this $25 billion aggregate amount went directly to Treasury.
In considering whether Treasury should cancel its SPS for no additional value in connection with GSE recap/release, shouldn’t Treasury, FHFA and the GSEs all agree that Treasury has recouped $326 billion from its investment in the SPS?
* * * * *
As always, this substack provides investment analysis, not investment advice. Do your own due diligence.
FHFA retained the firms Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan and Kobre & Kim as well to represent it. Phillipe Selendy, formerly of Quinn Emmanuel, formed his own firm in 2018 after leaving his former firm, where he developed his reputation as the “go to” lawyer for mortgage fraud and misrepresentation lawsuits on behalf of plaintiffs.