8 years ago
cork, surprised this got zero attention on the board. What say ye?
THE WAR ON CASH AND THEN ON GOLD... (repost from DiscoverGold)
By Clive Maund
* December 18, 2016
The global financial system continues to groan under the strain of the accumulated weight of trillions of dollars worth of debt and derivatives, which have built up to even more fantastic levels than those that precipitated the near collapse in 2008, thanks to the policy of solving liquidity problems near-term by creating even more debt and derivatives, Quantitative Easing being the most obvious example. However, while the majority consider the situation to be hopeless, there is actually “light at the end of the tunnel”.
If only a way could be found to freely tap the funds of savers at will, by imposing duties or taxes on bank accounts, with the additional option to appropriate savers’ funds on occasion as required, then the systemic liquidity problems will be solved. Banks need never fear solvency problems again and they can simply fall back on the account holder’s funds to meet any obligations. There are in fact already names for these restorative operations, they are called “bails-ins” and NIRP (Negative Interest Rate Policy).
Unfortunately, any immediate attempt to implement bail-ins and NIRP on a large scale will backfire because, faced with being charged significant sums for the privilege of keeping their money in the bank, savers will simply withdraw their funds and keep them as cash at home, or maybe even invest in Precious Metals. It is therefore imperative that these escape routes are blocked off.
We have already seen an interesting “trial balloon” in recent years with respect to bails-ins. This was the celebrated Cyprus bail-in. When Cyprus banks were about to go belly up a couple of years ago, they saved themselves by raiding customers’ accounts, which is more palatably described as a bail-in. The reaction of global savers to this action by the Cyprus banks was one of horror and revulsion and they made it plain that they weren’t going to stand idly by and watch banks plunder their funds – they would withdraw them as cash if any such threat should appear over the horizon. This reaction set the great minds of the banking community to work on how to stop savers withdrawing their funds in the face of these threats. The solution was and is simple – abolish cash! Thus we have seen production of the 500 Euro note in the European Union stopped so that it gradually fades into oblivion and in the US Larry Summers has proposed abolition of the $100 bill, which accounts for most of the money in circulation. The idea is to implement the policy for a global cashless society in stages – if it is done all at once the public will revolt. They need to be trained to go cashless and this will take time. By starting with high denomination notes you actually remove most of the currency in circulation at a stroke, but the masses can still buy cigarettes and candy bars at street corner shops with small denomination notes. The excuse given for the removal of the notes is that it impedes organized crime and money laundering etc, which is of course a convenient smokescreen.
With plans for a cashless society already well advanced it was time for another trial balloon. India was selected. Anxious to demonstrate his credentials as a card carrying member of the New World Order, and oblivious to the effects of the operation on the hapless citizenry of his country, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi went ahead with the withdrawal of two key banknotes. This caused chaos across the country, especially in rural areas where many don’t even have bank accounts, and citizens often had to travel long distances to get to banks to change these banknotes, only to find that the banks had in many cases run out of smaller denomination notes. Despite the economic dislocation and suffering experienced by the masses including some deaths, the experiment was deemed a success by the elites, as they had gotten away with it, with the cowed and impotent citizenry accepting it as their fate – what they should have done is rioted until the measures were withdrawn. Globally, the plan therefore is to keep chipping away at it until the cashless society is universally accepted, the only cash likely to remain being small denomination notes and coins suitable for paying street vendors and bus fares etc.
The arrival of the cashless society will not only mean that banks will be able to avail themselves of citizens funds as and when they please, it will also mean that the banks, and by extension the government, will know all your financial business, what you do and when. Tax evasion will be impossible, and eventually you will not be able to do business with companies that are not approved of by the government.
With the escape route into cash set to be blocked off, that leaves Precious Metals, gold and silver, gold as a store of value and silver more for everyday transactions. Gold bugs and others, especially survivalists, and many wealthy investors see this as THE way to escape the rapacious grasp of the banks and the government, and are busy squirreling away fortunes into overseas vaults etc. However, it is unfortunate that if you can think of this, so can they, so can the banks and the government, and they have plans for you and your gold hoard. Remember, their power is absolute, no-one dare stand up to them and they can and will do what they like, changing the law as required to suit their purposes. They are much more powerful than President Roosevelt, who in the 1930’s, in an act of naked piracy, seized the gold of US citizens, and furthermore their modern powers of surveillance and tracking are much more sophisticated than anything back then. Thus we can expect governments to declare the holding of gold (and silver) to be illegal, and to demand forfeiture to the government in exchange for nominal compensation. Vendors of gold bars will be closed down and mints will not sell retail gold. Unlike the 1930’s this be a be a coordinated global campaign, a kind of witch hunt if you will, and there will be no corner of the world that is safe, just as they finished off private banking in Switzerland. Those buying gold and stashing it in various pseudo anonymous remote foreign depositories will be in for a nasty shock as these vaults are arbitrarily raided and plundered, with local and international law being changed as required to facilitate this. Nothing will stand in the way of a system that will not permit alternatives.
We will end on a positive note. No-one really wants to see a complete systemic collapse, which is what will happen if banks don’t avail themselves of savers funds quite soon, least of all the controlling elites at the top of the pyramid who live lives of scarcely imaginable opulence and luxury and wish to continue doing so. Such a collapse would lead to bank accounts being frozen, and a breakdown of the distribution system leading to anarchy and hand-to-hand fighting in the streets for essentials like food and gasoline. Should we not therefore be grateful to our illustrious masters who have ingeniously thought of a way out of the current impasse, by availing themselves of your funds as required? Is it not a small price to pay to go cashless and forego your privacy and independence, and forfeit your gold and silver on demand?
It is tempting to blame others for all this, especially those in control of the system, but don’t forget that for decades you voted for people who routinely lied before elections, and told you what you wanted to hear, that you could have it all right now and to hell with the future – well, that future has now arrived.
9 years ago
The Zapper is interesting Bob....
Back when I was stricken with Lyme, 20 years ago...when it really hit me in full force, it immediately cramped my intestines and I couldnt eat anything or even drink water.I got tested and tested positive, and after the doctor explained that I might end up on a lifetime of antibiotics,just to hope I can manage it.... I knew I needed to try and find some alternatives to the abx. not that I'm not willing to do a few courses ,if it helps, but I wanted to see if theres any other ways. and I really needed to be open to trying anything that worked, because my entire health was wiped out .I didnt have the strength to lift a frying pan to cook a meal. One of the first things I did was to begin learning about the zapper and then trying this one to see if it could help. what I noticed immediately was a sense of relief, the inflammation started going away, and I noticed also a herx reaction, which happens when you kill off alot of bacteria quickly and the body strains to flush it all out of the system, you can feel a bit worse for a day,until it flushes out. so they recommend using the zapper briefly at first , just a half hour on the first few days, then working up to longer periods, or several, a few more half hour sessions thru the day and night. One of the best tell tale signs that this zapper is doing something,alongside the Herx, is that after using it for about 5 days in a row, I will start to get indigestion, bloating, maybe a little constipation, nothing bad, but the onset of indigestion, and what that means is.... the zapper is killing my gut flora bacteria, its killing all bacteria in the body, and evidence is that its killing my probiotic gut bacteria as well... it never fails. I'll have good digestion , when I'm not zapping. then when I start up the zapper again, after 4 or 5 days, I start to notice the indigestion coming on. I always saw that as a welcome sign that this zapper might really be working to kill bacteria. the other thing I notice is that after 2 days, the Lyme symptoms go away. inflammation subsides, and I feel normal again. The lyme bacteria does Not like the electric pulses. it must morph into hiding ,like it does when it senses the presence of antibiotics, the symptoms go away, and stay away as long as youre on the abx, and curiously....many times, in an abx treatment, after the treatment stops, patients continue to feel better, until the abx is out of the system....the intelligent lyme bacteria (might have been engineered by the government labs as a bioweapon,) whereas most bacteria are simple organisms with 2 or 3 or 4 strands of dna....the lyme bacteria shows 53 strands of dna !!!? that did not come from natural evolution if you know what I mean. In any case, it has an intelligence, that senses the danger of abx and the electric zapper, and it goes into hiding, it changes shape, and forms a hard calcium shell to protect itself. thats why its so hard to get rid of once you have it in the system long term. anyway, sorry for the tutorial, my point is about the zapper. I have always felt like the zapper helps alot. If I approach my treatment with several tools ,the zapper is one of the most important . abx is ok. nano-partical colloidal silver is a good medicine , and some other things .The other sign that the zapper works is that I use it when I start to get a cold or flu, my family uses it too like that, and instead of getting a bad cold develop, ....once I use the zapper, the cold goes away the next day. and the flu never develops. so I have good reason to believe the zapper does work in some kind of way, maybe just the way they describe, it electrocutes and shatters the bacteria,or whatever it does.
Bob, I think the idea about using the zapper for treating cancer, is that the idea of cancer having many components to its cause and development. that it develops from a combination of many toxins, pathogens, bacteria, viruses, petro chemicals, pesticides, one simple particle of glyphosate (Monsanto roundup ) readily found in water and food now, one particle that goes to the breat tissue can cause cancer. all tumors seem to have this toxin in it, as well as fungus, all components of cancer development. sugar feeds the cancer. a weakened immune system fails to attack it good enough. its a systemic illness profile, you know alot about it by now I presume.
So when I think of a treatment plan...ok, if you go thru chemo as a treatment,thats one part of a plan. my wife did chemo and radiation,it got rid of her breast cancer,and any cells left over, etc,and she's ok for the last 13 years.
But for me to think about treating the whole toxic buildup...I think I want to do alot of detoxifying. get rid of the pesticides, the petro chemicals, the sugar, get rid of bacteria, fungus, viruses, get rid of parasites, and get rid of mercury fillings , detoxify with infrared sauna, get rid of toxins in the fat cells. flush out toxins from the kidneys and liver and colon. boost the immune system with all the vitamins and herbs that do this. boost the detoxification system with different supplements that help the kidneys and liver . so many things. work my way up to high dose vitamin C. all part of a complex treatment plan. alot of probiotic supplements are essential when using the zapper. so its a comprehensive plan to put together. Now they discover that cannabis the thc and cbd cannabinoids, kill cancer cells. I add it to the plan.
anything that works or shows promising info. when the science world somehow despite itself,manages to discover some aspects of what constitutes cancer and its development....they recognise that cancer develops in relation to fungus. it has connections to a polluted terrain, so pesticides and petrochemicals toxins come into the area that is damaged. One small particle of glyphosate is all it takes.
a toxic cocktail of pollution and bacteria/virus/ fungus sets in the body and creates a damaged terrain. stresses the immune system, hides from the immune system, shuts off the immune system or otherwise neutralizes the immune system....Thats what the toxin called Nagalase does. its an ingredient in vaccines. thats what contributes to autism as well. its found in high levels in cancer patients as well. so the idea of detoxifying the body from all these damaging things,needs to be dismantled piece by piece. Using chemo is like dropping a nuclear bomb on the cancer. Its ok if it works. The complex treatment plan I'm describing is like a construction company dismantling a rotten house piece piece by piece...or a gardener weeding a garden, taking out all the crab grass piece by piece.
Many things are necessary for the healing process, including simple things like good sleep, and a good diet, boosting the body with vitamins,and boosting the immune system. and a big program of detoxifying.
anyway, sorry for the long monologue. but I wanted to describe how the Zapper fits in with a complex and comprehensive treatment plan. like this.
I like the idea of using the zapper every day....but you would likely discover as I do, that after about 5 or 6 days using it, you start to get some digestion discomfort...and thats when I might stop the zapper for a few days, while I take alot of probiotics, and maybe on the 3rd day I would start the zapper again. and get a sense of what rhythm feels right, pulsing , 5 days on , 3 days off, etc.... and just keep using it like that. same with the infrared sauna....things have to be done with a balanced approach....when you do alot of sweating treatments, you lose essential minerals, so you have to take mineral supplements as part of the daily plan. and I might use the sauna, every other day, for about a week, and maybe stop for 4 days, then start using the sauna again. and get a feel for the right pattern. same with taking silver. maybe even chemo programs follow a certain pattern too, time off, before the next round...
anyway, Bob, I highly recommend getting that zapper...AND....getting that infrared sauna.
If you want to talk about a vitamin program, feel free to discuss it with me anytime. The word 'vitamin' is an oversimplified, old word, that doesnt mean much to most people. they think of "vitamins" as being like a one a day vitamin pill, or centrum, those stupid worthless nothing vitamins they sell at walgreens. No, thats not what I mean by vitamins. I mean a complete program of many supplements, from A to Z...and it would be as much as 70 different supplements. maybe taking 50 pills a day. very sophisticated and comprehensive. and all working together to nourish the body and when taken in the right does , and combination , it becomes good medicine. eating one orange is not medicine vitamin C. but taking 5 grams of Vitamin C powder ,5 times a day thru the day, becomes good medicine brushing your teeth with baking soda is not medicine...but dumping 2 boxes of baking soda into a warm bath becomes a medicine bath. Dr.Sircus discusses that kind of treatment. well Bob, and keep your eye on the stock market and dont forget to keep an eye on your mining forum too....there's some snit picking that goes on some time,that needs your supervision....smiles
9 years ago
thats good news.
That article on heavy metal detox,I found especially interesting about How a good test should be done, testing all three and the relationship ratio, hair/blood/and saw that? interesting way to evaluate the data. not simply testing blood levels.
My lyme disease,I guess can screw up some things about how my body processes toxins. Ive been ok these 20 years, been managing it ok. but always have this burden lurking near by...that starts up every few weeks. I can be good for maybe 2 or 3 weeks then I feel it coming on again. I beat it back down, and I'm ok again for a few weeks. and gradually I get worn down with arthritis, inflammation,in the knees and elbows, stiff neck, and intestinal inflammation,things like that,flue like feeling,achiness...I beat it back down with my treatments, and feel better for a week or two. I might feel good during the day and then achy and wiped out by end of night.that is how it works in me.for 2 or 3 days I'll have a swollen elbow incapacitate my elbow. then that goes away and becomes stiff back for a few days, then that goes away and becomes burning feet, etc... it migrates around my body. like playing cops and robbers, my treatments chase the thing around my body where it tries to hide .hides in the synovial fluid in my joints, thats why it goes to elbows and knees. anyway....its really alot of fun.
but the wearing down process is what might be happening now, after 20 years of this game.... I dont know what kind of stress load my system is dealing with all the time. toxins that I kill with the zapper, and silver, and need to be flushed out the body with infrared sauna, and things like cilantro and detoxification...I approach it with some kind of comprehensive process. what bacteria and toxins that get killed in my body they all need to be flushed out of the system,thru the liver,kidneys,bowels, lymph drainage system, ...needs boosting ,purifying, so I use a program of supplements and these assorted treatments I do. It really is a full time occupation doing all the healing work. but I'm always open and willing to do anything that works.
I was looking into that Carnivora (venus fly trap) a few years ago, I havent tried it yet. I do like Paw-Paw ,and have used it for some periods a few years ago.
Theres a few tricks to the treatment process,Bob, like when using Immune boosters,like the mushrooms...they need to be used only for about 5 days in a row, then stop. then another 5 days a week or two later. not as a daily vitamin, but in a cyclic rythem , 5 days on, then stop.
One thing my body did seem to like was High dose Vitamin C...gradually working up to 100 grams a day. which takes a few weeks to achieve. in the beginning, taking 1/4 tspn dose, is 2 grams, as one dose, to start with is about the bowel tolerance limit, then a few hours later, another 2 gram dose, by the end of day ,after a few days, I worked up to about 10 grams a day, thats just starting to become "High dose". it doesnt really become high dose level until at least 20 grams a day. and gradually that 1/4 tspn a dose becomes 1/2 tspn, then after every 2 or 3 hours another dose,the bowel tolerance level is ok, and I work up to 5 grams a dose,and every 2 or 3 hours ,this is powder vitamin c, in water.... by the end of day I managed to consume about 50 grams a takes some time to get up to 100 grams a day. but when I had that going, about 40-50 grams a day, it felt like good medicine. I plan to do that again .anyway, I guess dealing with lyme disease, I found/find it takes a certain amount of effort to do all these things...but what choice do I have otherwise. so I have to deal with it.
Also the idea of detoxification supplements, its not just to aid the detox....but also to boost the daily functioning as I keep taking the basic regimen of supplements.
When you get done with the chemo and can start up a daily routine of the easy things you could do is to use a Zapper,for half an hour every day , I use it for a week, then stop for several days, then start up again. You might find it useful to research the Zapper technology, various devices some simple, and inexpensive, like the one I use, cost 60 dollars and it works pretty good. !!?Its always worked well, to get rid of or at least make the lyme go into hiding. its that cops and robbers chase game .the lyme bugs dont like the zapper electricity.
But when you research about these Zappers,you see very fancy ones for thousands and simple ones like the one I have...and they do work to kill bacteria and viruses. whenever I start to get a cold or flu...I use the zapper, my wife and kids do too, and the cold goes away the next'd see that its a good healing tool to use. If I was really stricken badly with a big escalation of Lyme from here, I would probably look into getting one of the more sophisticated expensive models,that dial into the specific frequencies of the pathogens...but so far, Ive managed it ok this way. Obviously Lyme is a different illness than cancer, but many aspects of the healing process, are similar, the need to get rid of harmful toxins,kill harmful cells,etc,flush them out of the system, boost immune system, etc.