8 months ago
Neither, they just quietly disappeared. it appears they thought they could pay the $100 filing fee to the SOS and get control of the company.
Nairobi is listed as an officer including head of a “compensation committee”. Meanwhile Goldy is still listed as CEO, Interim CFO, President. That will most likely present a problem since an officer / director bar was imposed, a penny stock bar, and orders that Goldberg pay disgorgement of $250,000, representing profits gained as a result of the conduct alleged in the complaint, plus pre-judgment interest of $44,889.86 for a total of $294,889.86.
As Renee told us, the $150,000 judgement is against the company, In Ovations Inc., and that judgement stays against the company even if the company changes its name, business, or management.
8 months ago
She changed the address, inserted Nairobi Lorean Anderson as CEO, Secretary, Treasurer, herself as “other”, and of course Mark Goldberg would never let them alter his presence as CEO. The company description stayed the same, going back a decade or more.
it appears they thought they would pay the $100 filing fee to the SOS and then be rolling in the money with their new scam.
The name and mailing address of the individual causing the document to be delivered for filing is:
Nikki Lee
214 Anthony Ln
Red Oak TX
Document number: 20221596268 Amount Paid: $100.00
1 year ago
INOH Memorable Historical Posts
Wednesday, August 08, 2018 5:30:07 PM
Post# 64377 of 66395
08/10/18 7:23 AM
#64383 RE: Apophis #64377
HAHAHA INOH LONG!! I have read that same post a 1000x and it never happens and never will. I am thinking of painting it green today at 3:59, watch closely.
Less than a month later, Apophis nailed it, it happened! INOH SEC complaint Filed 09/05/18 against both Goldberg and InOvations (INOH). Goldberg issued materially false press releases to fraudulently induce investors to buy Ovations stock. Goldberg received $250,000 from the promoter(s) for his role in issuing numerous false PRs. Both were charged with Fraud: IN OVATIONS HOLDINGS, INC. and MARK GOLDBERG,
2 years ago
Raider, I’m so glad you posted! You were instrumental in taking out the infamous Mark Goldberg because as I recall, you met him and Michael Scaglione in a most unfortunate way and were aware of some of Goldberg’s Cons throughout the years. Hard to imagine that Scaglione went to prison and Goldberg didn’t.
If others don’t know, on this con that took him down, he had a plethora of pumpers working to trick traders into buying shares during this repetitive INOH scams. The PRs were false / misleading and Goldy received approximately $250,000 in return from one or more stock promoters for his role in the fraud.
From what I understand, there’s a $150,000 judgement against the company, which stays against the company even if the company changes its name, business, or management. Evidently the buyers thought they could pay a $100 filing fee to the Colorado SOS and come away with a publicly traded company. The company is EM, dark/defunct, its website,, is listed for sale for $377.
Goldy is still listed as CEO, interim CFO, President, BOD. The beauty shop / maid service owners in Texas are shown as being in Wabbaseka, Arkansas - Nairobi Lorean Anderson & Nikki Lee. They will need to pay the $150k civil penalty wherever they are. They’re both listed as officers/other on INOH.
I don’t know if you recall this fun fact, when Goldberg was arrested, he said (in the presence of agents but not in reply to any question they asked) that he was being arrested because of things that people were “saying about him on Investorhub”. lol, that’s Power!
Take care and post when you can!
2 years ago
Quote: I miss you guys and the camaraderie we enjoyed while helping to take down Goldberg, a.k.a. Goldslug lol (thank you, Peggy)! I’m enjoying life and traveling a bit, please write whenever you feel like it - Take care ~
First time in a very long time that I have come back to look at this board. I can't believe it's still up but I agree with your comment about 'camaraderie'. Yes, a number of us all stuck together to expose the truth, eventually bringing that low life character down.
2 years ago
Mark Goldberg, The Fraudster, is still listed as INOH CEO, Interim CFO, President. He fraudulently induced investors to buy shares of Ovations' stock so that one or more stock promoters could sell the shares into the market for a profit….he received approximately $250,000 in return from one or more stock promoters at least partly for his role ….
2 years ago
Precisely, that’s why it won’t happen, we all know the baseless “Naked Shorty” claim regarding INOH is nonsense. The SEC also provided this, One of the Key Points About Regulation SHO:
There also may be instances where a company insider or paid promoter provides false and misleading excuses for why a company’s stock price has recently decreased. For instance, these individuals may claim that the price decrease is a temporary condition resulting from the activities of “naked” short sellers…
The insiders or promoters may hope to use this misinformation to move the price back up so they can dump their own stock at higher prices….
Often, the price decrease is a result of the company’s poor financial situation rather than the reasons provided by the insiders or promoters.
Maybe you could show some proof that these trip zero stocks are heavily naked shorted? Thanks.
(hint: can't be done because it doesn't exist)