Washington, D.C. 20549



[X]        Annual Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2023


[ ]        Transition Report Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the transition period from ___________ to ____________.

Commission file number 001-02979

A.Full title of the plan and the address of the plan, if different from that of the issuer named below:
Wells Fargo & Company 401(k) Plan
c/o Wells Fargo & Company
550 S. 4th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415

B.Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan and the address of its principal executive office:
Wells Fargo & Company
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104

(a)The following financial statements and reports, which have been prepared pursuant to the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, are filed as part of this Annual Report on Form 11-K:

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Financial Statements:
Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits as of December 31, 2023 and 2022
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits for the year ended December 31, 2023
Notes to Financial Statements

Supplemental Schedule:

Schedule H, Line 4i - Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) as of December 31, 2023

(b)The following Exhibit is filed as part of this Annual Report on Form 11-K:

(23) Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.

Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedule
December 31, 2023
(With Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Thereon)

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
To the Plan Participants and Plan Administrator
Wells Fargo & Company 401(k) Plan:
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits of Wells Fargo & Company 401(k) Plan (the Plan) as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the related statement of changes in net assets available for benefits for the year ended December 31, 2023, and the related notes (collectively, the financial statements). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plan as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, and the changes in net assets available for benefits for the year ended December 31, 2023, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Plan in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Accompanying Supplemental Information
The Schedule H, line 4i - Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) as of December 31, 2023 has been subjected to audit procedures performed in conjunction with the audit of the Plan’s financial statements. The supplemental information is the responsibility of the Plan’s management. Our audit procedures included determining whether the supplemental information reconciles to the financial statements or the underlying accounting and other records, as applicable, and performing procedures to test the completeness and accuracy of the information presented in the supplemental information. In forming our opinion on the supplemental information, we evaluated whether the supplemental information, including its form and content, is presented in conformity with the Department of Labor’s Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. In our opinion, the supplemental information is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the financial statements as a whole.
/s/ KPMG LLP        
We have not been able to determine the specific year that we began serving as the Plan’s auditor; however, we are aware that we have served as the Plan’s auditor since at least 1989.
Cleveland, Ohio
June 18, 2024

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
December 31, 2023 and 2022
Investments at fair value:    
Allocated$46,931,811,897 40,063,655,128 
Unallocated 462,655,357 
Investments at fair value46,931,811,897 40,526,310,485 
Investments at contract value4,414,684,914 4,871,188,511 
Total investments51,346,496,811 45,397,498,996 
Notes receivable from participants798,107,600 778,723,088 
Accrued income - unallocated 317,310 
Total assets52,144,604,411 46,176,539,394 
ESOP notes payable – unallocated 447,249,135 
Total liabilities 447,249,135 
Net assets available for benefits$52,144,604,411 45,729,290,259 
See accompanying notes to financial statements.    

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
Year ended December 31, 2023
Additions to net assets attributed to:
Investment income:
Net appreciation in fair value of investments
Interest and dividends527,477,542 
Total investment income
Total contributions2,936,141,557 
Interest income from notes receivable from participants51,243,367 
Other income16,292,756 
Total additions to plan assets
Deductions to net assets attributed to:
Benefits paid to participants5,416,995,608 
ESOP interest expense6,795,060 
Administrative expense5,455,622 
Total deductions from plan assets5,429,246,290 
Net increase
Net assets available for benefits:
Beginning of year45,729,290,259 
End of year$52,144,604,411 
See accompanying notes to financial statements.


Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2023
(1)        Description of Plan
The following description of the Wells Fargo & Company 401(k) Plan (the “Plan”) provides only general information. Participants should refer to the Plan document, as amended, for a more complete description of the Plan’s provisions.
(a)        General
The Plan is a defined contribution plan with a 401(k) feature sponsored by Wells Fargo & Company (the “Company”, "Wells Fargo" or “Plan Sponsor”). A portion of the Plan invested in Company stock is an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). All subsidiaries of the Company with U.S.-based employees are participating employers in the Plan. The Plan is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), as amended, and the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), as amended. Employees, who satisfy the Plan’s eligibility requirements, become eligible to make salary deferral contributions on the first day of the month following one calendar month of service. Employees may be eligible to receive employer matching contributions and base contributions, after completion of one year of vesting service and satisfaction of other eligibility requirements.
The Plan Administrator is the Plan Sponsor's Head of Human Resources (or the functional equivalent title of the most senior position in Human Resources), the Head of Total Rewards (or the functional equivalent title of the most senior position in Human Resources over compensation and benefit plans or programs other than the Head of Human Resources), and the Head of Benefits (or the functional equivalent title of the most senior position in Human Resources benefit plans and programs other than the Head of Human Resources and the Head of Total Rewards), each of whom may act individually or jointly as the Plan Administrator, or its authorized delegate. The Plan Administrator hired Empower Retirement, LLC to serve as the recordkeeper ("Recordkeeper").
The Plan document requires that Company common stock be offered as an available investment option to participants through the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund. The Plan Sponsor's Employee Benefit Review Committee (the “Committee”) has discretion under the Plan to select additional investment alternatives to be offered to participants. Under the terms of a trust agreement, between the Company and Empower Trust Company, LLC (the "Trustee"), the Trustee manages the Plan’s assets in one or more funds (“Trust”) on behalf of the Plan, except to the extent the Trustee is directed by the Committee.
An independent Fiduciary Agreement was entered into July 12, 2021 with Newport Trust Company ("Newport Trust") to serve as the trustee of a subaccount in the Trust used for the 2022 settlement with the United States Department of Labor (see "Note 10").
The Plan is not considered a safe harbor plan under the IRC and is subject to annual nondiscrimination testing requirements.
(b)         Contributions and Vesting
Each year, eligible participants may make salary deferral contributions, subject to certain limitations, from 1% to 50% of their certified compensation, as defined in the Plan. Salary deferral contributions are eligible to be matched by the Company after one year of service. Participants age 50 or older can make catch‑up salary deferral contributions each year in accordance with limits set by the IRS. Catch‑up contributions are generally not eligible for employer matching contributions. Participants are fully vested in their salary deferral contributions.
Employer contributions consist of two components: matching contributions and base contributions. To be eligible to receive these contributions, a participant must be employed on December 15 of the plan year, with certain exceptions. Termination of employment on or after normal retirement age,
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December 31, 2023
disability, and death are the three exceptions to the December 15 employment rule to be eligible for employer match and base, contributions. Effective January 1, 2023, Wells Fargo amended and restated the Plan to remove the employer discretionary contribution.
Matching contributions are equal to 100% of salary deferral contributions up to 6% of participant's eligible certified compensation in the plan year and are paid at year-end. Matching contributions for eligible employees hired January 1, 2021 or after are subject to 3-year cliff vesting. Eligible employees hired prior to January 1, 2021 are 100% vested in their current and future matching contributions. The matching contributions are invested in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund, which is primarily invested in the Company’s common stock, and participants can reallocate their Plan account balance, including matching contributions, at any time.
Base contributions are generally equal to the greater of 1% of an eligible participant's certified compensation for the plan year or $300. Effective January 1, 2023, Wells Fargo amended and restated the Plan to remove the $300 minimum for the employer base contribution; base contributions are now 1% of an eligible participant's certified compensation for the plan year. To be eligible to receive this contribution, a participant must have completed one year of service and the sum of the participant's certified compensation and elective deferrals to the Wells Fargo & Company Deferred Compensation Plan for the plan year must be less than $75,000. Base contributions are subject to 3-year cliff vesting. Base contributions are invested in accordance with participants’ investment elections on file from their choice of the available investment options offered within the Plan, or the Plan's qualified default investment alternative, if an election is not on file.
Plan participants may also elect to roll over distributions from a former employer’s qualified retirement plan or a qualified Individual Retirement Account to the Plan.
(c)         Participant Accounts
Each participant’s Plan account is credited with the participant’s salary deferral contributions, any rollover contributions, the Company’s matching contributions and base contributions which are subject to investment gains and losses. The benefit to which a participant is entitled is the benefit that can be provided from the participant’s vested Plan account.
(d)         ESOP Plan Notes Payable
As an ESOP, the Plan may borrow money from the Company or directly from outside lenders for the purpose of purchasing the Company’s common stock. The Plan may also purchase the Company’s common stock from entities other than the Company or the Company may contribute Company common stock. There was no new ESOP loan issued in 2023, as the Plan did not borrow money to buy Company common stock. On October 16, 2023, the outstanding ESOP notes were repaid in full, under the terms of the ESOP note agreements, following the contribution of sufficient funds by the Employer.
(e)         Payment of Benefits and Forfeitures
While employed, a participant may make withdrawals from his or her Plan account (as allowed under Plan provisions and IRS regulations). Certain restrictions associated with withdrawals, as described in the Plan, may be waived in the event a participant demonstrates financial hardship.
Upon termination of employment or disability (as defined by the Plan), a participant may elect to receive his or her vested Plan account balance as a lump sum, a partial lump sum distribution, or as periodic installment payments. Beneficiaries do not have the right to elect installment payments for distributions commencing on or after January 1, 2022. Prior to January 1, 2021, the option of installment payments was only available to participants who commenced installment payments prior to January 1, 2010. Certain participants with grandfathered benefits from plans merged into
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the Plan may also take their benefit as an annuity. Distributions from all funds are made in cash; however, a participant invested in the Company’s common stock may elect to receive shares of the Company’s common stock in-kind with the value of fractional shares paid in cash. If the participant’s balance is, or becomes less than $1,000, following termination, a distribution is made as a lump sum, unless the participant elects to roll over their account balance.
When a participant terminates employment or becomes disabled, he or she is entitled to distribution of his or her total vested account balance. The nonvested portion is forfeited and serves to reduce future employer contributions, pay plan administrative expenses, or make corrective adjustments to participants' accounts. Forfeitures used to offset employer contributions were approximately $6,340,000 for the year ended December 31, 2023. The forfeiture account balance was $0 for both years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.
(f)          Notes Receivable from Participants
Two types of loans are available to participants under the Plan: general purpose and principal residence. General purpose loans may be obtained for periods of up to five years. Principal residence loans are available only to finance the purchase or construction of the participant’s principal residence and may not exceed 20 years. Participants may have two loans outstanding at any time, one of which may be a principal residence loan. The maximum amount of any loan, when added to the balance outstanding on all other loans to the participant, may not exceed the lesser of (1) $50,000 reduced by the excess (if any) of (A) the highest outstanding balance of loans from the Plan to the Participant during the one-year period ending on the day before the date on which the loan is made, over (B) the outstanding balance of loans from the Plan to the Participant on the date on which the loan is made, or (2) one-half of the value of the Participant’s vested account balance on the date on which the loan is made. The minimum principal amount for any loan is $500. The loan interest rate is 2% above the prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal on the origination date of the loan.
Repayments on loans are generally made through biweekly payroll deductions and are allocated to the participant's account and invested according to the participant’s investment elections. Upon termination of employment from Wells Fargo, participants may pay off their loan in full or elect to continue to make loan payments directly to the 401(k) Plan. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, interest rates ranged from 3.25% to 11.50% and loans mature through December 26, 2043 and December 30, 2042, respectively.
(g)         ESOP
Prior to 2019, the Company made ESOP loans to the Plan. As the Plan made payments of principal on the loans, an appropriate percentage of common shares were released for allocation to participant accounts. Common stock equal in value to the employer’s matching contribution is allocated to the participants’ accounts and invested in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund. On October 16, 2023, the outstanding ESOP notes were repaid in full. On December 29, 2023, the Company’s common shares released were allocated to participant accounts as part of the Company matching contributions.
Participants in the Plan may elect to have cash dividends from Company common stock that is held in their account in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund to be either reinvested in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund or distributed to them in cash. The Plan may use the cash dividends received to purchase the shares needed to meet the reinvestment needs based on participants' dividend elections.

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Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2023
(h)         Investment Options
Salary deferral contributions and base contributions are invested in accordance with participants' investment elections on file from their choice of the available investment options offered within the Plan, or the Plan's qualified default investment alternative, which is the age-appropriate target date fund, if an election is not on file. Matching contributions are initially invested in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund but may be reallocated to any other investment options offered within the Plan at any time at the election of the participant.
(2)        Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
(a)         Basis of Presentation
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
(b)         Administrative Expenses
All costs and expenses of administering the Plan and Trust are paid by the Company, except for certain investment management fees, which are netted against investment returns and a portion of the recordkeeping fees. Fees for managed account advisory services, overnight delivery charges, and administration of qualified domestic relation orders provided by an independent third-party are charged directly to participant accounts only for individuals that use these services.
(c)         Fair Value Definition and Hierarchy
Investments are reported at fair value. Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Fair value is based on an exit price notion that maximizes the use of observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs.
The Plan classifies its assets and liabilities measured at fair value based upon a three-level hierarchy that assigns the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs. The three levels are as follows:
Level 1 – Valuation is based upon quoted prices for identical instruments traded in active markets.
Level 2 – Valuation is based upon quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active, and model‑based valuation techniques, for which all significant assumptions are observable in the market.
Level 3 – Valuation is generated from model‑based techniques that use significant assumptions not observable in the market. These unobservable assumptions reflect estimates of assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Valuation techniques include use of discounted cash flow models, market comparable pricing, option models and similar techniques.
(d)         Investments and Income Recognition
Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on the trade-date basis. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividends on common stock are allocated based upon participant account holdings in Company common stock held in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund on the record date and are recorded in the Trust on the dividend payment date. Net appreciation or (depreciation) includes gains and or losses on investments bought and sold as well as held during the year.

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(e)         Notes Receivable from Participants
Notes receivable from participants are measured at their unpaid principal balance plus any accrued but unpaid interest. Delinquent participant loans are reclassified as deemed distributions based upon the terms of the Plan and Plan loan rules, as determined by the Plan Administrator.
(f)         Investments Valued at Contract Value
(i)     Description
The Wells Fargo Stable Value Fund (the “Stable Value Fund”) primarily invests in security-backed contracts issued by insurance companies and other financial institutions. The security-backed contracts held in the Stable Value Fund guarantee a fixed return to its investors, resulting in it being considered a fully benefit responsive investment contract. An investment contract is considered fully benefit responsive if all of the following criteria are met: (1) the investment contract is between the fund and the issuer and the contract cannot be sold or assigned, (2) the contract issuer must be obligated to repay principal and interest to participants in the fund or provide prospective crediting rate adjustments that cannot result in an interest crediting rate less than zero, (3) all permitted participant-initiated transactions occur at contract value, without limitations, (4) an event that limits the ability of the participant to transact at contract value is not probable, and (5) the fund must allow participants reasonable access to their funds. The Stable Value Fund also invests in the Short Term Investment Fund A, which invests in highly liquid assets. The Stable Value Fund uses this investment for daily liquidity needs.
A security-backed contract is an investment contract (also known as a synthetic guaranteed investment contract (GIC) or a separate account GIC) issued by an insurance company or other financial institution, backed by a portfolio of bonds. The bond portfolio is either owned directly by the Stable Value Fund or owned by the contract issuer and segregated in a separate account for the benefit of the Stable Value Fund. The portfolio underlying the contract is maintained separately from the contract issuer’s general assets, usually by a third-party custodian. The issuer guarantees that all qualified participant withdrawals will be at contract value. In the case of a full liquidation event, the issuer is responsible for covering any amount by which the contract value exceeds the fair value of the underlying portfolio.
Risks arise when entering into any investment contract due to the potential inability of the issuer to meet the terms of the contract. In addition, security-backed contracts have the risk of default or the lack of liquidity of the underlying portfolio assets. The credit risk of each issuer is evaluated and monitored through the Plan’s investment advisor credit analysis. The credit analysis includes, but is not limited to, asset quality and liquidity, management quality, surplus adequacy, and profitability.
(ii)     Valuation of Underlying Investments
Security-backed contracts are carried at contract value. Contract value is the relevant measure for fully benefit-responsive investment contracts because this is the amount received by participants when they initiate permitted transactions under the terms of the Plan. The contract rate resets periodically, normally each quarter or semi-annually, using end-of-period data. The underlying portfolio assets and the accrued interest receivable are shown by contract on the supplemental schedule of assets (held at end of year). The short‑term investment fund investment is carried at the reported unit value of the fund, as disclosed in the fund's audited financial statements.

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Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2023
(iii)    Withdrawal and Termination Provisions
All security-backed contracts held by the Stable Value Fund are fully benefit responsive, which means withdrawals from these investment contracts may be made at contract value for qualifying benefit payments, including participant‑directed transfers.
Security-backed contracts generally are evergreen contracts that contain termination provisions, allowing the Stable Value Fund or the contract issuer to terminate with notice, at any time at fair value, and providing for automatic termination of the contract if the contract value or the fair value of the underlying portfolio equals zero. The issuer is obligated to pay the excess contract value when the fair value of the underlying portfolio equals zero. Security-backed contracts are not assignable or transferable without consent of the issuer and have no publicly traded secondary market.
Security-backed contracts that permit the issuer to terminate at fair value generally provide that the Stable Value Fund may elect to convert such termination to an amortization election as described below. In addition, if the Stable Value Fund defaults in its obligations under the contract (including the issuer’s determination that the agreement constitutes a nonexempt prohibited transaction as defined under ERISA), and such default is not corrected within the time permitted by the contract, then the contract may be terminated by the issuer and the Stable Value Fund will receive the fair value as of the date of termination. Each contract recognizes certain “events of default” which can invalidate contracts’ coverage. Among these are investments outside of the range of investments which are permitted under the investment guidelines contained in the investment contract, fraudulent or other material misrepresentations made to the investment contract provider, changes of control of the investment adviser not approved by the contract issuer, changes in certain key regulatory requirements, or failure of the Plan to be tax qualified.
Generally, security-backed contracts permit the issuer or investment manager to elect at any time to convert the underlying portfolio to a declining duration strategy whereby the contract would terminate at a date that corresponds to the duration of the underlying portfolio on the date of the amortization election. After the effective date of an amortization election, the underlying portfolio must conform to the guidelines agreed upon by the contract issuer and the investment manager for the amortization election period. The guidelines are intended to result in the convergence of the contract value and the fair value of the underlying portfolio by the termination date.
Security‑backed contracts also generally provide for withdrawals associated with certain events, which are not in the ordinary course of Plan operations. These withdrawals are paid with a market value adjustment applied to the withdrawal as defined in the investment contract. Each contract issuer specifies the events, which may trigger a market value adjustment; however, such events may include, but not limited to, the following:
material amendments to the Plan’s structure or administration;
complete or partial termination of the Plan, including a merger with another plan;
the failure of the Plan to qualify for exemption from federal income taxes or any required prohibited transaction exemption under ERISA;
withdrawals due to the removal of a specifically identifiable group of employees from coverage under the participating plan (such as a group layoff or early retirement incentive program), the closing or sale of a subsidiary, employing unit, or affiliate, the
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bankruptcy or insolvency of a plan sponsor, the merger of the Plan with another plan, or the Plan sponsor’s establishment of another tax qualified defined contribution plan;
any change in law, regulation, ruling, administrative or judicial position, or accounting requirement, applicable to the Plan or participating plans; and
the delivery of any communication to Plan participants designed to influence a participant not to invest in the Plan.
At this time, the Stable Value Fund manager does not believe that the occurrence of any such market value event, which would limit the Plan’s ability to transact at contract value with participants, is probable.
(iv)   Wrapper Contract Fees
The Stable Value Fund pays wrapper contract fees to the security-backed contract issuers to assure contract liquidity for plan participant‑directed withdrawals. Annual investment management fees in 2023 were $318,671 based on separate agreements for various types of instruments.
(g)         Risks and Uncertainties
The Plan may invest in various types of investment securities. Investment securities are exposed to various risks, such as interest rate, market, and credit risks. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investment securities, it is possible that changes in the values of investment securities will occur in the near term and that such changes could materially affect the amounts reported in the statements of net assets available for benefits.
(h)         Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles may require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of net assets available for benefits and changes therein. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
(i)          Payment of Benefits
Benefits are recorded when paid.
(3)        Wells Fargo ESOP Fund
The Company's common stock held in an account called the “Unallocated Reserve” that were purchased with the proceeds of the ESOP loans from the Company represent leveraged shares. The leveraged shares were released from the Unallocated Reserve as the ESOP loans were repaid. Any such shares of common stock released from the Unallocated Reserve as the ESOP loans were repaid were used to provide all or part of the Company matching contributions credited to participants’ accounts. On October 16, 2023, the outstanding ESOP notes were repaid in full. On December 29, 2023, the Company’s common shares released were allocated to participant accounts as part of the Company matching contributions.
Each participant is entitled to exercise voting rights attributable to the Company common stock allocated to his or her Plan account and is notified by the Trustee prior to the time that such rights are to be exercised. The Trustee will vote all shares of Company common stock held in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund in proportion to “votes" cast by participants.
Participants may elect to have dividends on their vested accounts held in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund paid to them in cash or have the dividends automatically reinvested in additional shares of Company common stock in the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund. The dividend will be automatically reinvested in the Plan if: (i) a
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participant makes no election, (ii) if the total vested dividend for a participant is less than $5, or (iii) the participant is deceased.
The Plan provided that dividends received on the Company’s common stock that was held in the Unallocated Reserve, and dividends attributable to the portion of the participants' employer contribution account that are reinvested in Company common stock, may be applied to make any required ESOP loan payments. Shares of Company common stock that were released due to the use of such dividends for ESOP loan payments were transferred to the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund, first to replace the value of any Company common dividends so used, and then as matching contributions. To the extent that such dividends were not sufficient to make required ESOP loan payments, employer contributions were applied to make the required payments.
(4)        Shares and Investments Not Directed by Participants
Information about the net assets and significant components of the changes in net assets relating to nonparticipant directed investments as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 and for the year ended December 31, 2023 is presented in the following tables.
Company common stock$ 426,511,249 
Mutual funds 36,144,108 
Total investments 462,655,357 
Accrued income 317,310 
Total assets 462,972,667 
Notes payable 447,249,135 
Total liabilities 447,249,135 
Net assets available for benefits$ 15,723,532 
Company common stock shares:
Number of shares 10,329,650 
Cost$ 429,196,904 
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Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2023
Employer matching contributions$444,008,810 
Net appreciation
Interest and dividend income
Transfer to allocated accounts
Net transfer to allocated ESOP
Benefits paid to participants(31,755,851)
Notes payable interest expense(6,795,060)
Release of common stock - 10,410,335 shares
Decrease in net assets(15,723,532)
Net assets:
Beginning of year15,723,532 
End of year$ 
(5)        Fair Value Measurements
The Plan classifies its investments recorded at fair value as either Level 1, 2, or 3 in the fair value hierarchy. The highest priority (Level 1) is assigned to valuations based on unadjusted quoted prices in active markets and the lowest priority (Level 3) is assigned to valuations based on significant unobservable inputs.
In the determination of the classification of financial instruments in Level 2 or Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, the Plan considers all available information, including observable market data, indications of market liquidity and orderliness, and its understanding of the valuation techniques and significant inputs used. Judgments are made regarding the significance of the Level 3 inputs to the instruments’ fair value measurement to its entirety. If unobservable inputs are considered significant, the instrument is classified as Level 3.
The following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for assets measured at fair value. There have been no changes in the methodologies used at December 31, 2023 and 2022.
Investments in mutual funds are valued at fair value based upon quoted prices in an active market. Mutual funds include money market funds, which are priced at $1.00 per share.
Investments in collective investment funds are redeemable daily at net asset value ("NAV"), which is the readily determinable fair value. The price per share is quoted on a private market; however, the price per share is based on the value of the underlying investments, which are traded on an active market.
Investments in multi-manager funds are comprised of publicly traded mutual funds, which are valued at fair value based upon quoted prices in an active market, and collective investment funds that are valued at NAV. The NAV is based upon the value of the underlying investments which are traded on an active market.
Investments in the Stable Value Fund’s collective investment funds that are not an underlying investment of a fully benefit responsive contract are valued at NAV as described above.
Investments in the Company’s common stock are valued at quoted market price.
The allocated portion of the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund is structured as a unitized account that holds Wells Fargo common stock that are valued at quoted market prices and a percentage of money market funds
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that are valued at fair value as described above. The money market funds are used to provide daily liquidity for the fund.
The methods described above may produce a fair value calculation that may not be indicative of net realizable value or reflective of future fair values. Furthermore, while the Plan believes its valuation methods are appropriate and consistent with other market participants, the use of different methodologies or assumptions to determine the fair value of certain financial instruments could result in a different fair value measurement at the reporting date.
The following tables sets forth by level, within the fair value hierarchy, the Plan’s assets at fair value as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively:
December 31, 2023
Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Collective investment funds$ 25,604,849,468  25,604,849,468 
Mutual funds1,232,795,246   1,232,795,246 
Multi-manager funds:
Collective investment funds 8,369,971,717  8,369,971,717 
Mutual funds2,330,297,876   2,330,297,876 
Total multi-manager funds2,330,297,876 8,369,971,717  10,700,269,593 
Stable Value Fund
Collective investment funds 79,159,146  79,159,146 
Company common stock9,314,738,444   9,314,738,444 
Total investments
    at fair value
$12,877,831,566 34,053,980,331  46,931,811,897 
December 31, 2022
Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Cash$1,431,750 — — 1,431,750 
Collective investment funds— 20,990,882,646 — 20,990,882,646 
Mutual funds1,009,439,186 — — 1,009,439,186 
Multi-manager funds:
Collective investment funds— 7,419,289,804 — 7,419,289,804 
Mutual funds2,175,017,657 — — 2,175,017,657 
Total multi-manager funds2,175,017,657 7,419,289,804 — 9,594,307,461 
Stable Value Fund
Collective investment funds— 173,035,668 — 173,035,668 
Company common stock8,757,213,774 — — 8,757,213,774 
Total investments
    at fair value
$11,943,102,367 28,583,208,118 — 40,526,310,485 
There were no transfers between the fair value levels in 2023.
(6)        Concentration of Investments
At December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Plan owned approximately 3.45% and 3.87%, respectively, of the issued common stock of the Company. The Plan’s investment in shares of the Company’s common stock was 19.85% and 21.61% of total investments at fair value as of December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. The quoted market price of the Company’s common stock was $49.22 and $41.29 as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively.

    13    (Continued)

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2023
(7)        Related Party Transactions and Party-in-Interest
The Plan engaged in transactions involving acquisition or disposition of units of participation in certain investments managed by a subsidiary of Allspring Global Investments, LLC ("Allspring") through December 4, 2023. The Company has a noncontrolling interest in Allspring, which may be considered a party-in-interest with respect to the Plan. Such transactions, even if considered parties-in-interest transactions under ERISA regulations, are covered by an exemption from the “prohibited transaction” provisions of ERISA and the IRC. Additionally, the Stable Value Fund manager is a subsidiary of Allspring and the Company pays the investment management fees of such affiliate that are associated with the Stable Value Fund.
The Plan allows participants to invest in Company common stock within the Wells Fargo ESOP Fund.
(8)        Other Income
The Plan periodically receives monies from litigation settlements or other residual proceeds (“Proceeds”) related to the Plan, or prior plans that merged into the Plan, in which the Plan Administrator or their delegate is typically responsible for determining how these Proceeds will be allocated to the Plan.
These Proceeds are deposited into a Plan level interest-bearing account and are included as allocated investments on the statements of net assets available for benefits and in other income on the statement of changes of net assets available for benefits until the Plan Administrator directs the recordkeeper and Trustee to allocate the Proceeds and accrued interest, in accordance with the plan of allocation.
(9)        Tax Status
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has determined and informed the Company by a letter dated August 2, 2017, that the Plan and related Trust are designed in accordance with applicable sections of the IRC. Although the Plan has been amended and restated since receiving the determination letter, the Plan Administrator believes that the Plan is designed and is currently being operated in compliance with the applicable requirements of the IRC, and therefore believe that the Plan is qualified, and the related Trust is tax-exempt.
Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require the Plan Administrator to evaluate tax positions taken by the Plan and recognize a tax liability, if the Plan has taken an uncertain position that more likely than not would not be sustained upon examination by the IRS. The Plan Administrator has analyzed the tax positions taken by the Plan, and has concluded that as of December 31, 2023, there are no uncertain positions taken or expected to be taken that would require recognition of a liability or disclosure in the financial statements.
(10)    Regulatory Matters
Federal government agencies, including the United States Department of Labor (Department of Labor), have undertaken reviews of certain transactions associated with the ESOP feature of the Plan, including the manner in which the 401(k) plan purchased certain securities used in connection with the Company’s contributions to the 401(k) plan. In September 2022, the Company entered into an agreement to resolve the Department of Labor’s review. As part of the agreement, the Company made a settlement payment of approximately $131.8 million to the Plan. In December 2022, the Plan disbursed approximately $100.4 million in settlement payments and accrued interest to current and former participants. In 2023, the Plan disbursed the remaining approximately $32.6 million in settlement payments and accrued interest to eligible current and former participants.
By a letter dated August 25th, 2020, the Plan Sponsor received written notice from the IRS that the Plan was selected for examination of the Plan year ended December 31, 2018. The IRS requested certain Plan
    14    (Continued)

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2023
information and documents that the Plan Sponsor has provided. By letter dated March 13, 2024, the Plan Sponsor received written notification that the IRS completed the examination with no change.
(11)    Notes Payable
Notes payable as of December 31 were:
1.50% 2014 ESOP Note, due December 2023$ 28,475,380 
1.48% 2015 ESOP Note, due December 2024 46,153,845 
1.70% 2016 ESOP Note, due December 2025 101,420,680 
1.90% 2017 ESOP Note, due December 2026 109,594,455 
2.25% 2018 ESOP Note, due December 2027 161,604,775 
$ 447,249,135 
The notes represented exempt ESOP loans to the Plan from the Company. Principal and interest payments were made according to the applicable loan schedules. Company contributions were used to repay the loans. The notes could be repaid in installments through March 31, 2027, with the last payment due December 31, 2027. On October 16, 2023, the notes were repaid in full. The estimated fair value of the notes was $0 and $403 million as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively. The estimated fair value for 2022 utilized a discounted cash flow valuation technique and interest rates currently available for issuance of debt with similar terms and remaining maturities. Discount rates consisted of a benchmark rate component and a credit risk component. The fair value would be considered a Level 3 liability as defined in Note 5.
(12)    Plan Termination
Although it has not expressed any intent to do so, the Company by action of its Board of Directors reserves the right to terminate the Plan at any time. In the event of Plan termination, participants shall become 100% vested in their accounts.
(13)  Legal Actions
The following class actions lawsuits have been brought on behalf of Plan participants and beneficiaries:
a)Plaintiff Yvonne Becker filed a putative class action Complaint against Wells Fargo, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Galliard Capital Management, Inc., the Employee Benefits Review Committee, the Human Resources Committee of the Board of Directors of Wells Fargo & Company (“HRC”) and individual members Ronald L. Sargent, Wayne M. Hewett, Donald M. James, and Maria R. Morris on March 13, 2020 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Plaintiff is a former employee of Wells Fargo and a participant in the Plan. Plaintiff purported to bring this action on behalf of “all participants and beneficiaries in the Plan from March 13, 2014 through the date of judgment.” Plaintiff alleged that several investment options in the Plan charged excessive fees, underperformed comparable to investment alternatives, and paid fees to Wells Fargo.
The parties agreed to a class action settlement of $32.5 million. The effective date of the settlement was October 3, 2022. The settlement funds were distributed through the Plan to current participants on February 7, 2023, by a settlement administrator hired by the Plaintiffs' counsel in the amount of $16.3 million. This amount is reflected in other income in the statement of changes in net assets. The settlement administrator made the remaining distributions to former participants outside of the Plan on or about February 7, 2023.
    15    (Continued)

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2023
b)On September 26, 2022, Plan participants filed a putative class action against the Company and others (Randall v. GreatBanc Trust Company, et. al., Case No. 22-cv-02354 (D. Minn.)). The lawsuit alleges that the defendants are fiduciaries and that they breached their fiduciary duties under the ERISA and violated other provisions of ERISA in connection with certain employee stock ownership plan loan transactions.
On December 16, 2022, defendants filed a motion to dismiss the complaint. On January 6, 2023, plaintiffs filed an amended complaint and sought certain jurisdictional discovery. On March 28, 2023, the court granted plaintiffs’ motion seeking certain jurisdictional discovery.
On July 25, 2023, Defendants filed a motion to dismiss Plaintiffs’ first amended complaint. On February 13, 2024, the Court denied Defendants’ motion to dismiss. Defendants filed answers on March 11, 2024, and discovery is ongoing.
(14)  Subsequent Events
The Plan has evaluated subsequent events from December 31, 2023 through June 18, 2024, the date on which the financial statements were issued. Except as noted below, there have been no material events that would require additional recognition in the financial statements or disclosures to the financial statements.
Effective January 1, 2024, the plan was amended and restated to add new plan provisions to permit (i) automatic rollover to an Individual Retirement Account for plan participants who have a plan account balance of $7,000 or less, but greater than $1,000 following termination of employment; and (ii) new matching contributions received on or after January 1, 2024 to be invested according to the participants investment elections on file on the date the matching contribution is made; (iii) flexible employees and interns to be qualified employees; and (iv) set a minimum eligibility age of 18.
On June 11, 2024, a former Wells Fargo employee (Thomas Matula Jr.) filed a putative class action in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California against Wells Fargo, the Human Resources Committee of the Board of Directors, the Employee Benefits Review Committee, and other unnamed defendants. Matula v. Wells Fargo & Co., et al., Case 3:24-cv-03504-LB (N.D. Ca.). The Complaint alleges that defendants breached their fiduciary duties by using forfeited 401(k) Plan assets to reduce the Company’s employer contributions instead of distributing the assets to participants or using the assets to reduce Plan administrative expenses.
(15)  Reconciliation of Financial Statements to the Form 5500
The following is a reconciliation of net assets available for benefits per the financial statements at December 31, 2023 and 2022 to net assets per the Form 5500:
Net assets available for benefits per the financial statements$52,144,604,411 45,729,290,259 
Adjustment from contract value to fair value for fully
    benefit responsive investment contracts
Deemed loan distributions(77,148,416)(69,348,054)
Benefits payable (32,555,970)
Net assets per the Form 5500$51,831,350,351 45,285,811,503 
    16    (Continued)

Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2023
The following is a reconciliation of increases in net assets available for benefits per the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, to the net income per the Form 5500:
Increase in net assets available for benefits per the financial statements
Change in the adjustment from contract value to fair value for fully benefit responsive investment contracts at December 31, 2023105,469,088 
Change in deemed loan distributions(7,800,362)
Change in benefits payable32,555,970 
Net income per the Form 5500

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
*Participant loansParticipant loans,
Interest rates ranging from 3.25% to
11.50%, maturing at various dates
through December 26, 2043(1)$720,959,184 
State Street Target Ret Income NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)236,363,520 
State Street Target Ret 2020 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)323,694,778 
State Street Target Ret 2025 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)1,086,966,633 
State Street Target Ret 2030 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)1,190,871,220 
State Street Target Ret 2035 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)1,076,951,980 
State Street Target Ret 2040 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)1,259,221,820 
State Street Target Ret 2045 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)945,385,898 
State Street Target Ret 2050 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)1,277,464,222 
State Street Target Ret 2055 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)544,627,107 
State Street Target Ret 2060 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)238,990,191 
State Street Target Ret 2065 NL CL ACollective Investment Fund(1)64,055,600 
State Street Emerging Markets Index ACollective Investment Fund(1)209,748,411 
State Street International Index MCollective Investment Fund(1)972,797,756 
State Street Russell Sm Cap Index NL CL KCollective Investment Fund(1)884,624,373 
State Street S&P Mid Cap Index NL CL MCollective Investment Fund(1)2,411,320,920 
State Street NASDAQ 100 Index NL CL MCollective Investment Fund(1)4,254,477,685 
State Street S&P 500 Index K NLCollective Investment Fund(1)6,404,087,005 
State Street U.S. Bond Index NL MCollective Investment Fund(1)1,744,326,904 
BlackRock MSCI ACWI ESG Focus Index FCollective Investment Fund(1)478,873,445 
BlackRock Liquidity Treasury InstlMutual Fund(1)1,170,689,198 
Large Cap Value FundMulti-Manager Fund
MFS Large Cap Value CL 5Collective Investment Fund(1)1,056,654,329 
T Rowe Price Equity Income TR FCollective Investment Fund(1)1,056,647,996 
Dodge & Cox Stock Class XMutual Fund(1)1,088,671,854 
Large Cap Growth FundMulti-Manager Fund
Los Angeles Capital Large Cap Growth ACollective Investment Fund(1)687,822,589 
T Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Trust T7Collective Investment Fund(1)687,820,393 
SEI Investments Focus Growth CITCollective Investment Fund(1)687,818,985 
Brown Advisory Sustainable GrowthCollective Investment Fund(1)687,818,103 
Jennison Large Cap GrowthCollective Investment Fund(1)687,813,188 
Small Cap FundMulti-Manager Fund
State Street Russell Sm Cap Index NL CL KCommon Collective Fund(1)540,866,114 
William Blair Small Cap Growth CIF II CL 1Common Collective Fund(1)262,488,815 
Westfield Small Cap Growth EquityCommon Collective Fund(1)262,489,724 
WTC Small Cap ValueCommon Collective Fund(1)262,856,778 
Peregrine Small Cap ValueCommon Collective Fund(1)262,484,930 
International Equity FundMulti-Manager Fund
Causeway International Value Equity FCommon Collective Fund(1)333,242,830 
Sprucegrove International FCommon Collective Fund(1)333,242,302 
American EuroPacific Growth R6Mutual Fund(1)666,484,242 
Emerging Markets Equity FundMulti-Manager Fund
Acadian Emerging Markets Equity FundCommon Collective Fund(1)235,312,806 
Lazard Emerging Markets Equity CCommon Collective Fund(1)168,080,180 
Baillie Gifford Emerging Markets EQS KMutual Fund(1)168,081,373 
DFA Emerging Markets Small CapMutual Fund(1)100,849,008 
Diversified Real Asset FundMulti-Manager Fund
Principal Diversified Real Asset IIICommon Collective Fund(1)117,382,587 
State Street Real Assets NL ACommon Collective Fund(1)39,129,068 
     18    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
Global Bond FundMulti-Manager Fund
Franklin Global Opportunities Bond ISMutual Fund(1)$122,390,903 
PIMCO Global Advantage Strategy BDMutual Fund(1)122,624,529 
Federated Hermes Total Return Bond ISMutual Fund(1)61,195,967 
*Wells Fargo Stable Value Fund
Security-backed contracts:
American General Life Ins. Co.2.91%(1)— 
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.2.99%(1)— 
Metropolitan Tower Life Ins. Co.2.88%(1)— 
Nationwide Life Ins. Co.3.02%(1)— 
Pacific Life Ins. Co.3.09%(1)— 
Prudential Ins. Co. of America3.11%(1)— 
Royal Bank of Canada2.86%(1)— 
State Street Bank and Trust Co.3.04%(1)— 
Transamerica Life Ins. Co.3.05%(1)— 
Voya Ret. Ins. and Annuity Co.2.90%(1)— 
*Galliard SA Intermediate Core Fund C10,834,236 units(1)317,329,354 
American General Life Ins. Co.2.91%(1)— 
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.2.99%(1)— 
Metropolitan Tower Life Ins. Co.2.88%(1)— 
Nationwide Life Ins. Co.3.02%(1)— 
Pacific Life Ins. Co.3.09%(1)— 
Prudential Ins. Co. of America3.11%(1)— 
Royal Bank of Canada2.86%(1)— 
State Street Bank and Trust Co.3.04%(1)— 
Transamerica Life Ins. Co.3.05%(1)— 
Voya Ret. Ins. and Annuity Co.2.90%(1)— 
*Galliard SA Intermediate Core Fund J19,440,036 units(1)313,243,130 
American General Life Ins. Co.2.91%(1)— 
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.2.99%(1)— 
Metropolitan Tower Life Ins. Co.2.88%(1)— 
Nationwide Life Ins. Co.3.02%(1)— 
Pacific Life Ins. Co.3.09%(1)— 
Prudential Ins. Co. of America3.11%(1)— 
Royal Bank of Canada2.86%(1)— 
State Street Bank and Trust Co.3.04%(1)— 
Transamerica Life Ins. Co.3.05%(1)— 
Voya Ret. Ins. and Annuity Co.2.90%(1)— 
*Galliard SA Intermediate Core Fund Q26,799,218 units(1)315,978,863 
American General Life Ins. Co.2.91%(1)— 
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.2.99%(1)— 
Metropolitan Tower Life Ins. Co.2.88%(1)— 
Nationwide Life Ins. Co.3.02%(1)— 
Pacific Life Ins. Co.3.09%(1)— 
Prudential Ins. Co. of America3.11%(1)— 
Royal Bank of Canada2.86%(1)— 
State Street Bank and Trust Co.3.04%(1)— 
Transamerica Life Ins. Co.3.05%(1)— 
Voya Ret. Ins. and Annuity Co.2.90%(1)— 
   7-Eleven Inc0.800%, $1,290,000 par, due 2/10/2024 (1)1,282,675 
   Abay Leasing 2014 LLC2.654%, $476,323 par, due 11/9/2026 (1)460,595 
   Access Group Inc 2013-15.952%, $486,874 par, due 2/25/2036 (1)479,215 
   Albemarle Corp4.650%, $1,685,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)1,655,558 
   Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc3.450%, $2,000,000 par, due 4/30/2025 (1)1,952,918 
   Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc4.300%, $250,000 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)246,084 
   Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2022-24.760%, $4,030,000 par, due 5/17/2027 (1)4,012,893 
   Ally Auto Receivables Trust 2022-35.070%, $3,175,000 par, due 4/15/2027 (1)3,173,832 
   Ameren Corp5.700%, $950,000 par, due 12/1/2026 (1)972,592 
   American Express Co4.990%, $2,175,000 par, due 5/1/2026 (1)2,169,091 
   American Express Co6.338%, $570,000 par, due 10/30/2026 (1)581,324 
     19    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   American Express Co5.389%, $2,930,000 par, due 7/28/2027 (1)$2,965,268 
   American Express Co4.900%, $315,000 par, due 2/13/2026 (1)315,859 
   American Express Credit Account Master Trust3.750%, $5,735,000 par, due 8/15/2027 (1)5,637,935 
   AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2021-20.340%, $486,302 par, due 12/18/2026 (1)481,240 
   AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust 2022-24.380%, $650,000 par, due 4/18/2028 (1)643,687 
   AMEX Credit Account Master Trust 2023-14.870%, $2,730,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)2,750,860 
   AMEX Credit Acct Mstr Tr5.230%, $2,850,000 par, due 9/15/2028 (1)2,897,182 
   Amphenol Corp2.050%, $1,295,000 par, due 3/1/2025 (1)1,249,950 
   Amphenol Corp4.750%, $770,000 par, due 3/30/2026 (1)770,815 
   Anglo American Capital PLC4.750%, $920,000 par, due 4/10/2027 (1)908,454 
   Anglo American Capital PLC3.625%, $1,435,000 par, due 9/11/2024 (1)1,411,764 
   ARI Fleet Lease Trust 2021-A0.370%, $135,117 par, due 3/15/2030 (1)134,837 
   ARI Fleet Lease Trust 2022-A3.120%, $206,475 par, due 1/15/2031 (1)204,592 
   Astrazeneca Finance LLC0.700%, $1,760,000 par, due 5/28/2024 (1)1,725,940 
   AT&T Inc0.900%, $2,380,000 par, due 3/25/2024 (1)2,353,763 
   AT&T Inc2.300%, $675,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)627,101 
   AT&T Inc6.808%, $2,050,000 par, due 6/12/2024 (1)2,057,114 
   AT&T Inc1.650%, $1,655,000 par, due 2/1/2028 (1)1,475,025 
   BA Credit Card Trust4.790%, $1,800,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)1,806,833 
   BA Credit Card Trust5.000%, $3,215,000 par, due 4/15/2028 (1)3,234,544 
   BAE Systems Holdings Inc3.800%, $1,990,000 par, due 10/7/2024 (1)1,962,329 
   BAE Systems Holdings Inc3.850%, $1,000,000 par, due 12/15/2025 (1)978,170 
   Bank of America Auto Trust 2023-15.530%, $3,850,000 par, due 2/15/2028 (1)3,895,519 
   Bank of America Auto Trust 2023-25.740%, $6,760,000 par, due 6/15/2028 (1)6,890,995 
   Bank of America Corp1.530%, $7,005,000 par, due 12/6/2025 (1)6,733,970 
   Bank of America Corp4.376%, $825,000 par, due 4/27/2028 (1)806,692 
   Bank of America Corp0.981%, $325,000 par, due 9/25/2025 (1)313,691 
   Bank of America Corp3.384%, $1,175,000 par, due 4/2/2026 (1)1,142,940 
   Bank of America Corp5.933%, $1,720,000 par, due 9/15/2027 (1)1,755,692 
   Bank of America Corp0.976%, $2,480,000 par, due 4/22/2025 (1)2,440,355 
   Bank of America Corp3.458%, $1,555,000 par, due 3/15/2025 (1)1,547,626 
   Bank of Montreal5.203%, $475,000 par, due 2/1/2028 (1)484,212 
   Bank of Montreal5.266%, $1,480,000 par, due 12/11/2026 (1)1,500,862 
   Bank of Montreal1.250%, $1,070,000 par, due 9/15/2026 (1)975,191 
   Bank of Montreal0.625%, $1,000,000 par, due 7/9/2024 (1)975,517 
   Bank of Montreal1.500%, $410,000 par, due 1/10/2025 (1)395,114 
   Bank of New York Mellon Corp4.947%, $1,760,000 par, due 4/26/2027 (1)1,760,966 
   Bank of New York Mellon Corp4.414%, $1,442,000 par, due 7/24/2026 (1)1,426,954 
   Bank of New York Mellon/The5.224%, $2,125,000 par, due 11/21/2025 (1)2,124,533 
   Bank of Nova Scotia/The4.750%, $915,000 par, due 2/2/2026 (1)913,210 
   Bank of Nova Scotia/The1.300%, $2,040,000 par, due 9/15/2026 (1)1,858,587 
   Bank of Nova Scotia/The3.450%, $1,175,000 par, due 4/11/2025 (1)1,149,786 
   Bank of Nova Scotia/The5.250%, $275,000 par, due 12/6/2024 (1)274,789 
   Bank of Nova Scotia/The5.350%, $1,210,000 par, due 12/7/2026 (1)1,230,918 
   Baxter International Inc1.322%, $4,850,000 par, due 11/29/2024 (1)4,670,497 
   Bayer US Finance II LLC4.250%, $860,000 par, due 12/15/2025 (1)838,185 
   Bayer US Finance LLC3.375%, $885,000 par, due 10/8/2024 (1)867,061 
   Baylor Scott & White Holdings0.827%, $1,200,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)1,103,894 
   Bell Telephone Co of Canada or Bell Canada0.750%, $1,890,000 par, due 3/17/2024 (1)1,870,639 
   Bergen County Improvement Authority/The4.000%, $2,900,000 par, due 8/1/2024 (1)2,883,441 
   Black Hills Corp3.950%, $2,655,000 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)2,592,262 
   Black Hills Corp1.037%, $2,960,000 par, due 8/23/2024 (1)2,872,461 
   BMW Vehicle Lease Trust 2023-25.990%, $3,690,000 par, due 9/25/2026 (1)3,743,402 
   BMW Vehicle Owner Trust 2023-A5.470%, $2,410,000 par, due 2/25/2028 (1)2,435,471 
   BNP Paribas SA2.819%, $3,065,000 par, due 11/19/2025 (1)2,986,861 
   BNP Paribas SA4.705%, $1,667,000 par, due 1/10/2025 (1)1,666,857 
   BOCA Commercial Mortgage Trust 2022-BOCA7.131%, $1,650,000 par, due 5/15/2039 (1)1,640,709 
   Boeing Co/The4.875%, $2,765,000 par, due 5/1/2025 (1)2,751,382 
   Boeing Co/The2.196%, $495,000 par, due 2/4/2026 (1)467,877 
   Boston Properties LP3.650%, $275,000 par, due 2/1/2026 (1)264,750 
   Boston Properties LP3.200%, $960,000 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)933,255 
   Boston Properties LP3.800%, $624,000 par, due 2/1/2024 (1)622,820 
   BPCE SA1.625%, $2,400,000 par, due 1/14/2025 (1)2,311,826 
   BPCE SA4.750%, $905,000 par, due 7/19/2027 (1)894,502 
   BPR Trust 2022-OANA7.260%, $4,470,000 par, due 4/15/2037 (1)4,405,516 
   BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2019-XL6.396%, $1,810,981 par, due 10/15/2036 (1)1,806,376 
     20    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2021-VOLT6.176%, $1,890,000 par, due 9/15/2036 (1)$1,841,351 
   BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2022-PSB7.813%, $5,128,599 par, due 8/15/2039 (1)5,142,154 
   BX Commercial Mortgage Trust BX 2022-CSMO A7.477%, $3,135,000 par, due 6/15/2027 (1)3,140,894 
   BX Trust 2022-GPA7.527%, $4,855,000 par, due 8/15/2039 (1)4,859,564 
   BX Trust 2022-IND6.853%, $444,500 par, due 4/15/2037 (1)441,154 
   Byron Center Public Schools2.546%, $750,000 par, due 5/1/2024 (1)744,158 
   Canadian Natural Resources Ltd3.850%, $895,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)870,154 
   Canadian Pacific Railway Co1.350%, $2,875,000 par, due 12/2/2024 (1)2,769,102 
   Capital One Financial Corp4.927%, $605,000 par, due 5/10/2028 (1)594,947 
   Capital One Financial Corp1.878%, $550,000 par, due 11/2/2027 (1)494,949 
   Capital One Financial Corp2.636%, $1,405,000 par, due 3/3/2026 (1)1,346,483 
   Capital One Prime Auto Receivables Trust 2022-23.660%, $5,220,000 par, due 5/17/2027 (1)5,122,428 
   Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2021-10.340%, $1,403,540 par, due 12/15/2025 (1)1,377,759 
   CarMax Auto Owner Trust 2022-23.490%, $3,077,984 par, due 2/16/2027 (1)3,032,368 
   Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2022-33.970%, $525,000 par, due 4/15/2027 (1)518,020 
   CarMax Auto Owner Trust 2023-14.750%, $1,000,000 par, due 10/15/2027 (1)996,117 
   Carmax Auto Owner Trust 2023-35.280%, $2,825,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)2,855,883 
   CarMax Auto Owner Trust 2023-46.000%, $4,170,000 par, due 7/17/2028 (1)4,287,640 
   Carrier Global Corp2.242%, $2,000,000 par, due 2/15/2025 (1)1,938,364 
   Carrier Global Corp5.800%, $1,020,000 par, due 11/30/2025 (1)1,033,618 
   CES MU2 LLC2.166%, $1,866,613 par, due 12/16/2026 (1)1,792,620 
   Charles Schwab Corp/The5.875%, $2,640,000 par, due 8/24/2026 (1)2,708,260 
   Chase Auto Owner Trust 2022-A3.980%, $6,005,000 par, due 6/25/2027 (1)5,931,445 
   Chesapeake Funding II LLC6.160%, $5,206,022 par, due 10/15/2035 (1)5,260,170 
   Chesapeake Funding II LLC5.650%, $2,267,987 par, due 5/15/2035 (1)2,274,067 
   Chesapeake Funding II LLC0.870%, $437,796 par, due 8/15/2032 (1)434,790 
   Chesapeake Funding II LLC0.470%, $1,359,914 par, due 4/15/2033 (1)1,330,941 
   Children's Hospital Medical Center/Cincinnati OH2.853%, $325,000 par, due 11/15/2026 (1)306,204 
   CHRISTUS Health4.341%, $1,235,000 par, due 7/1/2028 (1)1,207,802 
   Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC213.855%, $425,000 par, due 5/10/2047 (1)422,774 
   Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC273.137%, $5,345,000 par, due 2/10/2048 (1)5,215,341 
   Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC292.935%, $2,328,017 par, due 4/10/2048 (1)2,272,075 
   Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-GC313.762%, $400,000 par, due 6/10/2048 (1)384,886 
   Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-C13.209%, $4,237,000 par, due 5/10/2049 (1)4,008,130 
   Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-P63.458%, $3,086,094 par, due 12/10/2049 (1)2,950,612 
   Citigroup Inc6.066%, $1,145,000 par, due 10/30/2024 (1)1,145,641 
   Citigroup Inc4.658%, $605,000 par, due 5/24/2028 (1)601,245 
   Citigroup Inc4.140%, $310,000 par, due 5/24/2025 (1)308,138 
   Citigroup Inc3.290%, $1,390,000 par, due 3/17/2026 (1)1,353,411 
   Citigroup Inc5.610%, $520,000 par, due 9/29/2026 (1)523,913 
   Citigroup Inc3.106%, $820,000 par, due 4/8/2026 (1)797,075 
   Citigroup Inc1.281%, $1,030,000 par, due 11/3/2025 (1)991,096 
   Citigroup Inc0.981%, $1,870,000 par, due 5/1/2025 (1)1,838,361 
   Citigroup Inc3.352%, $331,000 par, due 4/24/2025 (1)328,482 
   Citigroup Inc3.070%, $830,000 par, due 2/24/2028 (1)782,580 
   Citigroup Inc2.014%, $4,750,000 par, due 1/25/2026 (1)4,564,907 
   Citizens Auto Receivables Trust 2023-15.840%, $3,805,000 par, due 1/18/2028 (1)3,859,214 
   Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI2.250%, $1,045,000 par, due 4/28/2025 (1)999,069 
   Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI4.119%, $1,640,000 par, due 5/23/2025 (1)1,600,568 
   City of Atlanta GA Water & Wastewater Revenue1.537%, $225,000 par, due 11/1/2028 (1)198,304 
   City of Chandler AZ Excise Tax Revenue1.240%, $225,000 par, due 7/1/2025 (1)213,802 
   City of Norfolk VA0.937%, $575,000 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)523,555 
   City of Tampa FL Water & Wastewater System Revenue0.827%, $1,855,000 par, due 10/1/2025 (1)1,741,418 
   City of Yuma AZ1.269%, $350,000 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)322,417 
   City of Yuma AZ0.704%, $150,000 par, due 7/15/2024 (1)146,597 
   Clackamas County School Dist No 12 North Clackamas0.613%, $225,000 par, due 6/15/2024 (1)220,732 
   CNH Equipment Trust 2022-B3.890%, $4,950,000 par, due 8/16/2027 (1)4,865,375 
   CNH Industrial Capital LLC1.450%, $900,000 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)825,773 
   CNH Industrial Capital LLC3.950%, $1,285,000 par, due 5/23/2025 (1)1,262,406 
   CNH Industrial Capital LLC5.450%, $675,000 par, due 10/14/2025 (1)678,247 
   College Loan Corp Trust I6.346%, $5,945,000 par, due 4/25/2046 (1)5,920,400 
   COMM 2014-CCRE19 Mortgage Trust3.499%, $502,939 par, due 8/10/2047 (1)498,338 
   COMM 2015-3BP Mortgage Trust3.178%, $3,590,000 par, due 2/10/2035 (1)3,409,904 
   COMM 2015-DC1 Mortgage Trust3.078%, $1,152,110 par, due 2/10/2048 (1)1,129,692 
   COMM 2016-COR1 Mortgage Trust2.826%, $4,136,228 par, due 10/10/2049 (1)3,861,082 
   COMM 2016-CR28 Mortgage Trust3.762%, $375,000 par, due 2/10/2049 (1)360,518 
     21    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   COMM 2016-DC2 Mortgage Trust3.765%, $1,325,000 par, due 2/10/2049 (1)$1,277,230 
   CommonSpirit Health2.760%, $510,000 par, due 10/1/2024 (1)498,660 
   Commonwealth of Massachusetts4.110%, $3,748,086 par, due 7/15/2031 (1)3,717,651 
   ConocoPhillips Co2.400%, $239,000 par, due 3/7/2025 (1)232,193 
   Consumers 2023 Securitization Funding LLC5.210%, $3,620,000 par, due 9/1/2030 (1)3,705,932 
   Cooperatieve Rabobank UA1.339%, $725,000 par, due 6/24/2026 (1)683,505 
   Cooperatieve Rabobank UA3.649%, $3,050,000 par, due 4/6/2028 (1)2,908,861 
   County of Collin TX0.967%, $175,000 par, due 2/15/2025 (1)167,318 
   County of Howard MD1.454%, $600,000 par, due 8/15/2024 (1)587,772 
   County of Spokane WA2.096%, $1,135,000 par, due 12/1/2024 (1)1,107,737 
   Credit Suisse AG/New York NY3.700%, $330,000 par, due 2/21/2025 (1)323,256 
   CRH America Inc3.875%, $2,365,000 par, due 5/18/2025 (1)2,313,826 
   Csail 2015-C2 Commercial Mortgage Trust3.504%, $425,000 par, due 6/15/2057 (1)411,132 
   CSAIL 2015-C3 Commercial Mortgage Trust3.718%, $375,000 par, due 8/15/2048 (1)361,972 
   CSAIL 2015-C4 Commercial Mortgage Trust3.544%, $2,859,813 par, due 11/15/2048 (1)2,773,047 
   CSAIL 2015-C4 Commercial Mortgage Trust3.808%, $3,290,000 par, due 11/15/2048 (1)3,180,186 
   CubeSmart LP4.000%, $795,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)773,013 
   CVS Health Corp5.000%, $748,000 par, due 2/20/2026 (1)751,811 
   Daimler Truck Finance North America LLC5.600%, $1,530,000 par, due 8/8/2025 (1)1,540,116 
   Daimler Truck Finance North America LLC1.625%, $1,815,000 par, due 12/13/2024 (1)1,748,246 
   DBJPM 2016-C3 Mortgage Trust2.632%, $2,972,288 par, due 8/10/2049 (1)2,764,032 
   Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2021-20.530%, $242,943 par, due 12/22/2026 (1)240,968 
   Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2022-24.140%, $3,510,000 par, due 7/22/2027 (1)3,477,336 
   Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2023-15.650%, $675,000 par, due 9/22/2028 (1)680,291 
   Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2023-25.650%, $1,430,000 par, due 1/22/2029 (1)1,447,190 
   Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2023-35.930%, $3,245,000 par, due 4/23/2029 (1)3,305,396 
   Discover Card Execution Note Trust5.030%, $2,990,000 par, due 10/15/2027 (1)3,002,196 
   DLLAA 2021-1 LLC0.670%, $3,395,214 par, due 4/17/2026 (1)3,298,630 
   DLLAA 2023-1 LLC5.640%, $4,045,000 par, due 2/22/2028 (1)4,110,444 
   DLLAD 2021-1 LLC0.640%, $3,449,616 par, due 9/21/2026 (1)3,327,968 
   DLLAD 2021-1 LLC0.900%, $5,800,000 par, due 6/20/2029 (1)5,291,044 
   DLLMT 2021-1 LLC1.000%, $2,224,653 par, due 7/21/2025 (1)2,179,322 
   Donlen Fleet Lease Funding 2 LLC0.560%, $600,642 par, due 12/11/2034 (1)591,725 
   DTE Energy Co4.220%, $2,010,000 par, due 11/1/2024 (1)1,986,489 
   DuPont de Nemours Inc4.493%, $965,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)958,060 
   East Ohio Gas Co/The1.300%, $1,825,000 par, due 6/15/2025 (1)1,725,364 
   ECMC Group Student Loan Trust 2021-16.022%, $372,621 par, due 11/25/2070 (1)364,084 
   EdLinc Student Loan Funding Trust 2012-16.452%, $51,531 par, due 9/25/2030 (1)51,513 
   Edsouth Indenture No 3 LLC6.182%, $125,592 par, due 4/25/2039 (1)125,058 
   Edu Fund of South6.493%, $130,344 par, due 3/25/2036 (1)130,314 
   Edu Fund of South6.246%, $66,554 par, due 4/25/2035 (1)66,499 
   EMD Finance LLC3.250%, $955,000 par, due 3/19/2025 (1)932,154 
   Emory University1.566%, $940,000 par, due 9/1/2025 (1)893,240 
   Enbridge Inc5.900%, $1,230,000 par, due 11/15/2026 (1)1,263,397 
   Enbridge Inc2.150%, $1,085,000 par, due 2/16/2024 (1)1,080,083 
   Enbridge Inc2.500%, $850,000 par, due 2/14/2025 (1)824,220 
   Energy Transfer LP6.050%, $1,930,000 par, due 12/1/2026 (1)1,983,527 
   Entergy Louisiana LLC0.950%, $1,620,000 par, due 10/1/2024 (1)1,567,169 
   Entergy Texas Inc1.500%, $200,000 par, due 9/1/2026 (1)180,013 
   Enterprise Fleet Financing 2022-1 LLC3.030%, $1,103,460 par, due 1/20/2028 (1)1,085,234 
   Enterprise Fleet Financing 2022-2 LLC4.650%, $504,800 par, due 5/21/2029 (1)501,380 
   Enterprise Fleet Financing 2022-3 LLC4.380%, $3,037,655 par, due 7/20/2029 (1)3,004,028 
   Enterprise Fleet Financing 2022-4 LLC5.760%, $1,815,676 par, due 10/22/2029 (1)1,821,146 
   Enterprise Fleet Financing 2023-1 LLC5.510%, $515,571 par, due 1/22/2029 (1)516,100 
   Enterprise Fleet Financing 2023-2 LLC5.560%, $2,060,000 par, due 4/22/2030 (1)2,065,723 
   Enterprise Fleet Financing 2023-3 LLC6.400%, $5,290,000 par, due 3/20/2030 (1)5,408,030 
   Equifax Inc5.100%, $715,000 par, due 6/1/2028 (1)721,860 
   ERP Operating LP3.250%, $420,000 par, due 8/1/2027 (1)399,268 
   Ethiopian Leasing 2012 LLC2.646%, $502,162 par, due 5/12/2026 (1)488,557 
   Ethiopian Leasing 2012 LLC2.566%, $2,061,537 par, due 8/14/2026 (1)2,017,305 
   Evergy Kansas Central Inc3.100%, $1,870,000 par, due 4/1/2027 (1)1,779,423 
   Evergy Metro Inc3.650%, $1,260,000 par, due 8/15/2025 (1)1,232,528 
   EXIM Bank of the United States2.329%, $251,136 par, due 1/14/2027 (1)237,964 
   EXIM Bank of the United States1.900%, $1,245,078 par, due 7/12/2024 (1)1,233,140 
   EXIM Bank of the United States1.732%, $256,402 par, due 9/18/2024 (1)252,171 
   EXIM Bank of the United States1.732%, $91,340 par, due 9/18/2024 (1)89,818 
     22    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   EXIM Bank of the United States2.372%, $304,656 par, due 3/19/2027 (1)$292,933 
   Extended Stay America Trust 2021-ESH6.557%, $3,290,376 par, due 7/15/2038 (1)3,259,420 
   Extra Space Storage LP3.500%, $330,000 par, due 7/1/2026 (1)316,762 
   Fannie Mae Grantor Trust 2004-T26.000%, $297,768 par, due 11/25/2043 (1)299,984 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.540%, $5,600,000 par, due 12/1/2027 (1)5,792,853 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.330%, $5,110,000 par, due 12/1/2028 (1)5,331,416 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.180%, $2,200,000 par, due 12/1/2028 (1)2,284,176 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.090%, $4,120,000 par, due 1/1/2029 (1)4,260,776 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.100%, $6,845,000 par, due 1/1/2026 (1)6,639,472 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.790%, $15,370,000 par, due 3/1/2028 (1)15,484,998 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.870%, $8,731,163 par, due 9/1/2027 (1)8,677,790 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.380%, $7,260,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)7,557,007 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.920%, $8,510,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)8,717,950 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.895%, $4,965,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)4,936,898 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.020%, $6,018,000 par, due 4/1/2028 (1)5,933,369 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $105,221 par, due 10/1/2035 (1)107,033 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $214,895 par, due 6/1/2035 (1)218,593 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.141%, $8,734,469 par, due 6/1/2053 (1)8,723,568 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.312%, $691,781 par, due 12/1/2052 (1)696,274 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.302%, $550,238 par, due 11/1/2046 (1)564,516 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.190%, $2,580 par, due 2/1/2041 (1)2,578 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $144,694 par, due 5/1/2038 (1)143,169 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.961%, $212,444 par, due 2/1/2045 (1)216,921 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.866%, $59,949 par, due 7/1/2045 (1)61,305 
   Fannie Mae Pool6.280%, $198,534 par, due 8/1/2045 (1)202,599 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.807%, $313,128 par, due 12/1/2049 (1)297,546 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.630%, $783,496 par, due 12/1/2049 (1)740,699 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.742%, $818,886 par, due 12/1/2049 (1)775,091 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.697%, $2,504,099 par, due 1/1/2050 (1)2,370,002 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.736%, $1,899,386 par, due 1/1/2050 (1)1,796,950 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.381%, $88,015 par, due 5/1/2037 (1)86,820 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.850%, $40,496 par, due 8/1/2045 (1)41,037 
   Fannie Mae Pool6.455%, $239,671 par, due 8/1/2045 (1)243,181 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.479%, $185,864 par, due 5/1/2036 (1)180,973 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.586%, $58,058 par, due 12/1/2045 (1)59,698 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.611%, $2,523,043 par, due 7/1/2052 (1)2,401,692 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.805%, $830,485 par, due 6/1/2052 (1)795,565 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.864%, $1,081,297 par, due 7/1/2052 (1)1,037,879 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.104%, $3,813,428 par, due 8/1/2052 (1)3,691,955 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.473%, $4,190,524 par, due 6/1/2052 (1)3,833,918 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.481%, $372,677 par, due 11/1/2045 (1)382,903 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.072%, $462,114 par, due 5/1/2052 (1)432,388 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.601%, $4,520,885 par, due 6/1/2052 (1)4,157,731 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.483%, $5,462,161 par, due 9/1/2052 (1)5,193,778 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.534%, $2,858,315 par, due 8/1/2052 (1)2,801,898 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.724%, $1,216,379 par, due 10/1/2052 (1)1,199,274 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.564%, $3,884,168 par, due 10/1/2052 (1)3,815,861 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.253%, $215,979 par, due 10/1/2046 (1)221,269 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.118%, $1,063,307 par, due 11/1/2052 (1)1,063,996 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.821%, $3,166,101 par, due 12/1/2052 (1)3,136,353 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.424%, $204,855 par, due 10/1/2046 (1)210,390 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.218%, $90,696 par, due 11/1/2046 (1)92,884 
   Fannie Mae Pool6.000%, $84,512 par, due 10/1/2041 (1)84,119 
   Fannie Mae Pool6.000%, $109,569 par, due 11/1/2041 (1)112,004 
   Fannie Mae Pool6.080%, $40,625 par, due 11/1/2041 (1)40,523 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.243%, $30,892 par, due 3/1/2042 (1)30,987 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.130%, $335,798 par, due 6/1/2047 (1)339,282 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.008%, $569,041 par, due 6/1/2047 (1)573,700 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.022%, $512,836 par, due 6/1/2047 (1)517,475 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.120%, $945,000 par, due 1/1/2024 (1)941,322 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.800%, $1,475,000 par, due 4/1/2024 (1)1,458,937 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.220%, $19,072 par, due 6/1/2024 (1)18,824 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $360,734 par, due 12/1/2026 (1)349,494 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.500%, $89,039 par, due 4/1/2033 (1)91,762 
   Fannie Mae Pool6.000%, $15,713 par, due 2/1/2033 (1)16,334 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.500%, $4,294 par, due 1/1/2036 (1)4,236 
     23    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $147,294 par, due 8/1/2027 (1)$142,038 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $242,799 par, due 2/1/2027 (1)236,527 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $1,324,913 par, due 8/1/2056 (1)1,324,950 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $228,516 par, due 9/1/2027 (1)222,009 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $48,364 par, due 10/1/2024 (1)47,673 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.500%, $26,388 par, due 2/1/2036 (1)26,017 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.500%, $170,246 par, due 9/1/2036 (1)175,457 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $184,227 par, due 2/1/2031 (1)177,005 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $118,743 par, due 2/1/2031 (1)113,801 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $1,459,559 par, due 4/1/2031 (1)1,399,706 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $325,094 par, due 5/1/2031 (1)311,664 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $1,425,271 par, due 11/1/2027 (1)1,371,952 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $291,761 par, due 8/1/2027 (1)281,261 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $617,786 par, due 2/1/2034 (1)610,010 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $431,856 par, due 2/1/2034 (1)426,420 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $674,674 par, due 8/1/2027 (1)654,543 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $1,245,920 par, due 7/1/2034 (1)1,181,715 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $314,949 par, due 7/1/2034 (1)299,887 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.832%, $236,334 par, due 7/1/2047 (1)237,351 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.975%, $438,379 par, due 7/1/2047 (1)436,220 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.546%, $119,255 par, due 7/1/2047 (1)119,589 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.768%, $898,539 par, due 9/1/2047 (1)897,464 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.708%, $665,887 par, due 11/1/2047 (1)659,586 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.912%, $353,786 par, due 5/1/2047 (1)358,179 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.965%, $466,369 par, due 2/1/2048 (1)461,419 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.578%, $168,503 par, due 10/1/2032 (1)163,920 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.140%, $415,890 par, due 11/1/2032 (1)401,245 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.055%, $298,761 par, due 6/1/2033 (1)302,462 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.558%, $61,916 par, due 8/1/2035 (1)61,154 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.153%, $120,314 par, due 8/1/2033 (1)122,373 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.201%, $61,172 par, due 8/1/2033 (1)62,173 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.656%, $202,655 par, due 10/1/2033 (1)202,500 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.728%, $91,330 par, due 12/1/2033 (1)91,048 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.299%, $763,171 par, due 5/1/2048 (1)751,105 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.297%, $56,226 par, due 3/1/2034 (1)57,169 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.425%, $28,036 par, due 5/1/2034 (1)28,395 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.234%, $538,973 par, due 6/1/2034 (1)547,246 
   Fannie Mae Pool7.238%, $33,373 par, due 8/1/2034 (1)33,791 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.830%, $316,397 par, due 8/1/2044 (1)322,874 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.840%, $92,220 par, due 8/1/2044 (1)94,125 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.840%, $149,303 par, due 8/1/2044 (1)152,514 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.840%, $125,113 par, due 8/1/2044 (1)127,733 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.456%, $147,173 par, due 11/1/2048 (1)143,230 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.850%, $8,810 par, due 9/1/2044 (1)8,986 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.850%, $45,215 par, due 10/1/2044 (1)45,163 
   Fannie Mae Pool6.821%, $131,294 par, due 7/1/2046 (1)134,485 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.852%, $203,648 par, due 1/1/2049 (1)199,545 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.100%, $133,233 par, due 12/1/2046 (1)137,084 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.052%, $1,211,436 par, due 8/1/2049 (1)1,161,866 
   Fannie Mae Pool3.016%, $799,520 par, due 8/1/2049 (1)766,326 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.485%, $245,630 par, due 4/1/2045 (1)249,759 
   Fannie Mae Pool4.453%, $217,964 par, due 4/1/2045 (1)221,486 
   Fannie Mae Pool5.781%, $22,917 par, due 6/1/2045 (1)23,432 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.764%, $1,882,053 par, due 11/1/2049 (1)1,787,250 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.826%, $633,217 par, due 11/1/2049 (1)602,227 
   Fannie Mae Pool2.845%, $365,742 par, due 11/1/2049 (1)347,977 
   Fannie Mae REMIC Trust 2002-W125.066%, $2,009 par, due 2/25/2033 (1)1,888 
   Fannie Mae REMIC Trust 2003-W117.097%, $12,090 par, due 7/25/2033 (1)11,944 
   Fannie Mae REMIC Trust 2004-W117.000%, $347,359 par, due 5/25/2044 (1)349,421 
   Fannie Mae REMICS5.500%, $798,145 par, due 4/25/2035 (1)811,456 
   Fannie Mae REMICS5.500%, $778,163 par, due 4/25/2035 (1)790,685 
   Fannie Mae REMICS2.500%, $18,424 par, due 3/25/2037 (1)17,517 
   Fannie Mae Trust 2003-W66.500%, $101,661 par, due 9/25/2042 (1)103,559 
   Fannie Mae Trust 2004-W17.000%, $222,332 par, due 12/25/2033 (1)232,578 
   Federal Realty OP LP1.250%, $1,020,000 par, due 2/15/2026 (1)941,669 
   Federal Realty OP LP3.950%, $355,000 par, due 1/15/2024 (1)354,622 
     24    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   Fidelity National Information Services Inc4.500%, $990,000 par, due 7/15/2025 (1)$980,184 
   Fifth Third Auto Trust 2023-15.530%, $4,645,000 par, due 8/15/2028 (1)4,710,527 
   Fifth Third Bancorp4.055%, $350,000 par, due 4/25/2028 (1)333,894 
   Fifth Third Bank NA3.850%, $1,535,000 par, due 3/15/2026 (1)1,476,688 
   Fiserv Inc3.850%, $1,685,000 par, due 6/1/2025 (1)1,653,405 
   Fiserv Inc2.750%, $1,690,000 par, due 7/1/2024 (1)1,664,642 
   Florida Gas Transmission Co LLC4.350%, $710,000 par, due 7/15/2025 (1)697,743 
   FMC Corp3.200%, $1,140,000 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)1,078,618 
   FMC Corp5.150%, $1,585,000 par, due 5/18/2026 (1)1,583,394 
   Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2018-REV13.190%, $7,570,000 par, due 7/15/2031 (1)7,413,574 
   Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2021-A0.300%, $953,340 par, due 8/15/2025 (1)939,870 
   Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-REV13.880%, $1,915,000 par, due 11/15/2034 (1)1,864,095 
   Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2023-A4.650%, $5,340,000 par, due 2/15/2028 (1)5,320,984 
   Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2023-C5.530%, $8,310,000 par, due 9/15/2028 (1)8,484,751 
   Fortune Brands Innovations Inc4.000%, $1,000,000 par, due 6/15/2025 (1)982,740 
   Freddie Mac Gold Pool5.500%, $65,868 par, due 12/1/2033 (1)67,982 
   Freddie Mac Gold Pool6.000%, $840,767 par, due 8/1/2038 (1)880,673 
   Freddie Mac Gold Pool6.000%, $389,824 par, due 8/1/2038 (1)408,325 
   Freddie Mac Gold Pool3.000%, $475,042 par, due 8/1/2027 (1)461,827 
   Freddie Mac Gold Pool3.000%, $89,085 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)86,950 
   Freddie Mac Multifam Struct PT Cert5.172%, $216,249 par, due 1/25/2046 (1)214,832 
   Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured PT Cert6.219%, $8,760,000 par, due 11/25/2029 (1)8,773,087 
   Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured PT Cert4.860%, $2,910,000 par, due 10/25/2028 (1)2,973,650 
   Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured PT Cert4.850%, $8,850,000 par, due 9/25/2028 (1)9,011,884 
   Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured PT Certificates5.805%, $10,845,985 par, due 10/25/2027 (1)10,792,526 
   Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured PT Certificates1.242%, $1,017,049 par, due 5/25/2051 (1)946,943 
   Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured PT Certificates5.998%, $201,547 par, due 10/25/2047 (1)200,942 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.385%, $60,040 par, due 11/1/2046 (1)61,392 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.246%, $505,315 par, due 1/1/2047 (1)515,118 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.677%, $29,641 par, due 1/1/2041 (1)29,699 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.419%, $151,771 par, due 5/1/2042 (1)151,746 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.500%, $5,385 par, due 6/1/2042 (1)5,399 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.189%, $89,031 par, due 1/1/2043 (1)90,982 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.073%, $73,713 par, due 12/1/2042 (1)75,347 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.018%, $8,691,376 par, due 9/1/2053 (1)8,611,884 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.541%, $4,952 par, due 6/1/2042 (1)4,968 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.716%, $52,938 par, due 7/1/2042 (1)52,818 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool6.000%, $19,158 par, due 8/1/2042 (1)19,128 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.783%, $491,409 par, due 6/1/2047 (1)492,191 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.154%, $11,570 par, due 2/1/2042 (1)11,475 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.564%, $5,425,201 par, due 4/1/2053 (1)5,489,630 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.862%, $4,104,962 par, due 12/1/2052 (1)4,060,079 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.213%, $128,231 par, due 10/1/2046 (1)131,063 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.394%, $822,103 par, due 10/1/2046 (1)841,923 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.367%, $308,225 par, due 10/1/2046 (1)315,563 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.562%, $430,952 par, due 11/1/2052 (1)422,033 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.666%, $396,228 par, due 9/1/2052 (1)388,846 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.294%, $3,449,791 par, due 10/1/2052 (1)3,349,323 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.880%, $64,725 par, due 10/1/2045 (1)65,635 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.492%, $196,057 par, due 11/1/2045 (1)200,974 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.117%, $154,778 par, due 3/1/2046 (1)158,232 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.077%, $242,470 par, due 2/1/2046 (1)246,704 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.033%, $164,113 par, due 4/1/2046 (1)167,738 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.453%, $4,016,933 par, due 7/1/2052 (1)3,796,162 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.008%, $5,001,986 par, due 8/1/2052 (1)4,812,195 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.628%, $5,615,094 par, due 8/1/2052 (1)5,337,428 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.053%, $6,809,917 par, due 9/1/2052 (1)6,562,098 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.149%, $2,519,462 par, due 9/1/2052 (1)2,433,992 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.100%, $93,472 par, due 1/1/2046 (1)95,592 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.870%, $139,243 par, due 9/1/2045 (1)141,458 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.762%, $62,210 par, due 8/1/2045 (1)63,384 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.120%, $62,550 par, due 2/1/2046 (1)63,898 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.925%, $649,877 par, due 7/1/2045 (1)661,568 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool6.354%, $75,639 par, due 8/1/2045 (1)76,859 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.850%, $33,888 par, due 8/1/2045 (1)34,477 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool6.201%, $868,525 par, due 8/1/2045 (1)882,797 
     25    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.175%, $339,841 par, due 4/1/2038 (1)$350,514 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.120%, $25,490 par, due 5/1/2038 (1)25,140 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.514%, $26,380 par, due 6/1/2045 (1)26,836 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.304%, $381,900 par, due 6/1/2049 (1)367,761 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.350%, $119,368 par, due 4/1/2045 (1)120,545 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.991%, $134,739 par, due 5/1/2045 (1)136,819 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.245%, $1,042,263 par, due 7/1/2049 (1)1,002,403 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.541%, $1,302,317 par, due 11/1/2045 (1)1,335,528 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.879%, $98,957 par, due 3/1/2046 (1)94,685 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.878%, $111,785 par, due 1/1/2045 (1)112,829 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.652%, $174,705 par, due 12/1/2044 (1)176,744 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.778%, $120,683 par, due 5/1/2047 (1)121,508 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.850%, $140,437 par, due 8/1/2044 (1)142,807 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.890%, $125,821 par, due 8/1/2043 (1)128,025 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.850%, $239,282 par, due 10/1/2043 (1)243,249 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool6.145%, $222,347 par, due 9/1/2037 (1)229,175 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool7.515%, $41,116 par, due 6/1/2036 (1)40,898 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.412%, $81,017 par, due 8/1/2035 (1)80,234 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.921%, $181,703 par, due 5/1/2044 (1)184,338 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.975%, $209,331 par, due 5/1/2044 (1)212,477 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.697%, $104,137 par, due 6/1/2044 (1)105,923 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.818%, $97,770 par, due 11/1/2047 (1)96,533 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.431%, $226,233 par, due 5/1/2048 (1)221,980 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.944%, $245,404 par, due 11/1/2047 (1)242,086 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.037%, $94,792 par, due 8/1/2047 (1)94,503 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.566%, $218,885 par, due 10/1/2047 (1)215,822 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool6.000%, $158,667 par, due 9/1/2042 (1)161,937 
   Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.953%, $62,613 par, due 7/1/2047 (1)62,691 
   Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $1,282,865 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)1,216,737 
   Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $2,349,494 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)2,228,382 
   Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $1,089,284 par, due 7/1/2034 (1)1,033,144 
   Freddie Mac REMICS3.500%, $834 par, due 4/15/2041 (1)831 
   Freddie Mac REMICS3.000%, $17,173 par, due 12/15/2044 (1)16,156 
   Freddie Mac Struct PT Cert5.231%, $1,724,528 par, due 5/25/2043 (1)1,645,728 
   Freddie Struct PT Cert7.000%, $138,971 par, due 7/25/2043 (1)146,659 
   GE HealthCare Technologies Inc5.600%, $1,935,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)1,952,475 
   GE HealthCare Technologies Inc5.650%, $360,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)372,906 
   General Motors Financial Co Inc1.200%, $1,815,000 par, due 10/15/2024 (1)1,751,399 
   General Motors Financial Co Inc3.800%, $2,130,000 par, due 4/7/2025 (1)2,085,398 
   General Motors Financial Co Inc6.050%, $1,195,000 par, due 10/10/2025 (1)1,208,856 
   Georgia-Pacific LLC3.600%, $675,000 par, due 3/1/2025 (1)663,254 
   Georgia-Pacific LLC1.750%, $2,155,000 par, due 9/30/2025 (1)2,039,675 
   Ginnie Mae II pool6.343%, $99,024 par, due 3/20/2058 (1)98,742 
   Ginnie Mae II pool4.740%, $508 par, due 6/20/2061 (1)501 
   Ginnie Mae II Pool4.364%, $922 par, due 12/20/2066 (1)903 
   Ginnie Mae II Pool4.364%, $420 par, due 1/20/2067 (1)411 
   Ginnie Mae II pool5.470%, $2,069 par, due 8/20/2059 (1)1,976 
   Ginnie Mae II pool6.023%, $1,571,634 par, due 5/20/2058 (1)1,566,669 
   Ginnie Mae II pool6.860%, $56,670 par, due 6/20/2058 (1)56,724 
   Ginnie Mae II pool2.625%, $81,511 par, due 10/20/2045 (1)80,664 
   Ginnie Mae II pool2.625%, $24,171 par, due 12/20/2045 (1)23,873 
   Ginnie Mae II pool3.625%, $47,178 par, due 3/20/2042 (1)47,395 
   Ginnie Mae II pool3.875%, $157,183 par, due 4/20/2042 (1)157,264 
   GM Fin Consumer Auto Recv Tr 2023-14.660%, $3,680,000 par, due 2/16/2028 (1)3,667,418 
   GM Financial Automobile Leasing Trust 2023-25.050%, $2,310,000 par, due 7/20/2026 (1)2,310,035 
   GM Financial Consumer Auto Rec Trust 2021-10.350%, $1,261,755 par, due 10/16/2025 (1)1,244,908 
   GM Financial Consumer Auto Rec Trust 2022-44.820%, $3,915,000 par, due 8/16/2027 (1)3,900,193 
   GM Financial Consumer Automobile Rec Trust 2022-23.100%, $1,295,000 par, due 2/16/2027 (1)1,269,852 
   GM Financial Consumer Automobile Rec Trust 2023-24.470%, $3,880,000 par, due 2/16/2028 (1)3,855,560 
   GMF Floorplan Owner Revolving Trust5.340%, $4,025,000 par, due 6/15/2028 (1)4,075,329 
   GNMA6.437%, $1,708,509 par, due 12/20/2066 (1)1,704,870 
   GNMA6.087%, $1,717,288 par, due 10/20/2065 (1)1,703,646 
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The5.798%, $2,080,000 par, due 8/10/2026 (1)2,100,494 
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The3.272%, $1,445,000 par, due 9/29/2025 (1)1,420,705 
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The4.482%, $300,000 par, due 8/23/2028 (1)294,989 
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The2.640%, $905,000 par, due 2/24/2028 (1)839,198 
     26    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The5.915%, $2,150,000 par, due 9/10/2024 (1)$2,146,556 
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The5.859%, $3,020,000 par, due 10/21/2024 (1)3,016,195 
   Government National Mortgage Association6.337%, $1,177,525 par, due 1/20/2066 (1)1,173,117 
   GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2017-GS53.409%, $662,699 par, due 3/10/2050 (1)617,815 
   GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2017-GS63.164%, $4,234,254 par, due 5/10/2050 (1)3,965,650 
   Guardian Life Global Funding3.246%, $2,025,000 par, due 3/29/2027 (1)1,929,673 
   Gulfstream Natural Gas System LLC6.190%, $650,000 par, due 11/1/2025 (1)653,722 
   Gulfstream Natural Gas System LLC4.600%, $1,865,000 par, due 9/15/2025 (1)1,830,576 
   Haleon UK Capital PLC3.125%, $1,885,000 par, due 3/24/2025 (1)1,841,051 
   Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Trust 2021-B0.560%, $1,455,005 par, due 11/16/2026 (1)1,419,307 
   Health Care Service Corp A Mutual Legal Reserve Co1.500%, $2,805,000 par, due 6/1/2025 (1)2,662,772 
   HEALTHPARTNERS4.089%, $1,000,000 par, due 7/1/2026 (1)981,000 
   Healthpeak OP LLC4.000%, $2,115,000 par, due 6/1/2025 (1)2,074,255 
   Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co5.900%, $2,625,000 par, due 10/1/2024 (1)2,631,993 
   HNA 2015 LLC2.291%, $1,059,671 par, due 6/30/2027 (1)1,012,372 
   Honda Auto Receivables 2021-1 Owner Trust0.270%, $588,739 par, due 4/21/2025 (1)581,590 
   Honda Auto Receivables 2022-2 Owner Trust3.730%, $4,790,000 par, due 7/20/2026 (1)4,716,215 
   Honda Auto Receivables 2022-2 Owner Trust3.760%, $1,240,000 par, due 12/18/2028 (1)1,212,680 
   Honda Auto Receivables 2023-3 Owner Trust5.410%, $3,365,000 par, due 2/18/2028 (1)3,409,489 
   Honda Auto Receivables 2023-4 Owner Trust5.670%, $5,315,000 par, due 6/21/2028 (1)5,427,651 
   Honda Auto Receivables 2023-4 Owner Trust5.660%, $635,000 par, due 2/21/2030 (1)652,761 
   Honolulu City & County Board of Water Supply1.600%, $2,000,000 par, due 7/1/2028 (1)1,790,320 
   Howell Public Schools0.890%, $275,000 par, due 5/1/2024 (1)271,400 
   HP Inc4.750%, $1,340,000 par, due 1/15/2028 (1)1,342,302 
   HPEFS Equipment Trust1.380%, $2,108,486 par, due 5/21/2029 (1)2,084,730 
   HSBC Holdings PLC2.251%, $2,270,000 par, due 11/22/2027 (1)2,084,511 
   HSBC Holdings PLC1.589%, $1,875,000 par, due 5/24/2027 (1)1,720,449 
   HSBC Holdings PLC0.976%, $1,945,000 par, due 5/24/2025 (1)1,905,478 
   HSBC Holdings PLC4.180%, $880,000 par, due 12/9/2025 (1)868,157 
   HSBC Holdings PLC2.099%, $825,000 par, due 6/4/2026 (1)785,520 
   HSBC Holdings PLC2.999%, $400,000 par, due 3/10/2026 (1)387,880 
   HSBC Holdings PLC3.803%, $548,000 par, due 3/11/2025 (1)545,771 
   Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH2.625%, $520,000 par, due 8/6/2024 (1)510,254 
   Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH4.443%, $865,000 par, due 8/4/2028 (1)839,093 
   Huntington National Bank/The4.008%, $450,000 par, due 5/16/2025 (1)443,334 
   Huntington National Bank/The4.552%, $705,000 par, due 5/17/2028 (1)681,433 
   Huntington National Bank/The5.699%, $950,000 par, due 11/18/2025 (1)939,392 
   Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2021-C0.380%, $323,985 par, due 9/16/2024 (1)323,219 
   Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2023-B5.150%, $4,010,000 par, due 6/15/2026 (1)4,011,708 
   Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2023-C5.800%, $4,310,000 par, due 12/15/2026 (1)4,362,828 
   Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2023-A4.580%, $3,515,000 par, due 4/15/2027 (1)3,495,467 
   Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2023-B5.480%, $3,305,000 par, due 4/17/2028 (1)3,361,578 
   Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust 2023-C5.540%, $6,205,000 par, due 10/16/2028 (1)6,335,677 
   Ingredion Inc3.200%, $1,032,000 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)987,591 
   International Business Machines Corp2.200%, $2,335,000 par, due 2/9/2027 (1)2,175,074 
   Interstate Power and Light Co3.250%, $2,120,000 par, due 12/1/2024 (1)2,075,896 
   Interstate Power and Light Co3.400%, $1,280,000 par, due 8/15/2025 (1)1,246,043 
   INTOWN 2022-STAY Mortgage Trust7.851%, $2,465,000 par, due 8/15/2039 (1)2,472,725 
   JobsOhio Beverage System3.985%, $2,355,000 par, due 1/1/2029 (1)2,322,619 
   John Deere Owner Trust 2021-B0.520%, $1,258,216 par, due 3/16/2026 (1)1,224,140 
   John Deere Owner Trust 2022-C5.090%, $700,000 par, due 6/15/2027 (1)699,985 
   John Deere Owner Trust 20235.010%, $975,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)976,995 
   JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mtg Sec Trust 2014-C203.805%, $2,547,368 par, due 7/15/2047 (1)2,518,004 
   JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Sec Trust 2015-C303.822%, $910,000 par, due 7/15/2048 (1)870,287 
   JPMCC Commercial Mortgage Sec Corp6.738%, $4,725,000 par, due 3/15/2039 (1)4,659,743 
   JPMCC Commercial Mortgage Sec Trust 2015-JP13.914%, $2,073,000 par, due 1/15/2049 (1)2,001,560 
   JPMCC Commercial Mortgage Sec Trust 2022-NLP5.958%, $4,534,819 par, due 4/15/2037 (1)4,172,033 
   JPMDB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2016-C22.881%, $3,612,814 par, due 6/15/2049 (1)3,443,185 
   JPMDB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2016-C23.144%, $275,000 par, due 6/15/2049 (1)257,200 
   JPMDB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2016-C42.882%, $3,322,973 par, due 12/15/2049 (1)3,111,326 
   JPMorgan Chase & Co0.969%, $3,711,000 par, due 6/23/2025 (1)3,624,430 
   JPMorgan Chase & Co1.561%, $2,370,000 par, due 12/10/2025 (1)2,281,803 
   JPMorgan Chase & Co0.824%, $2,035,000 par, due 6/1/2025 (1)1,991,536 
   JPMorgan Chase & Co6.070%, $1,370,000 par, due 10/22/2027 (1)1,410,012 
   JPMorgan Chase & Co4.323%, $1,940,000 par, due 4/26/2028 (1)1,912,405 
   JPMorgan Chase & Co2.947%, $1,900,000 par, due 2/24/2028 (1)1,788,715 
     27    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   JPMorgan Chase & Co2.595%, $275,000 par, due 2/24/2026 (1)$266,342 
   JPMorgan Chase & Co4.851%, $615,000 par, due 7/25/2028 (1)615,632 
   JPMorgan Chase Bank NA5.110%, $2,640,000 par, due 12/8/2026 (1)2,664,993 
   Kentucky Utilities Co3.300%, $1,100,000 par, due 10/1/2025 (1)1,072,543 
   KeyBank NA/Cleveland OH4.700%, $910,000 par, due 1/26/2026 (1)888,989 
   KeyBank NA/Cleveland OH5.850%, $760,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)759,903 
   KeyCorp3.878%, $1,440,000 par, due 5/23/2025 (1)1,407,744 
   Kimco Realty OP LLC3.800%, $1,425,000 par, due 4/1/2027 (1)1,368,563 
   Kimco Realty OP LLC2.700%, $450,000 par, due 3/1/2024 (1)447,502 
   King County School District No 412 Shoreline1.001%, $375,000 par, due 12/1/2027 (1)332,445 
   Kraft Heinz Foods Co3.000%, $50,000 par, due 6/1/2026 (1)48,057 
   Kraft Heinz Foods Co3.875%, $50,000 par, due 5/15/2027 (1)49,072 
   Kubota Credit Owner Trust 2021-10.620%, $1,893,978 par, due 8/15/2025 (1)1,855,548 
   L3Harris Technologies Inc5.400%, $1,740,000 par, due 1/15/2027 (1)1,777,032 
   La Joya Independent School District5.000%, $2,650,000 par, due 2/15/2027 (1)2,697,276 
   Lake Central Multi-District School Building Corp0.983%, $1,000,000 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)959,330 
   Lake Central Multi-District School Building Corp1.053%, $1,200,000 par, due 7/15/2025 (1)1,132,872 
   Lake Central Multi-District School Building Corp0.853%, $325,000 par, due 1/15/2024 (1)324,539 
   Lennox International Inc1.350%, $1,450,000 par, due 8/1/2025 (1)1,364,370 
   Life 2022-BMR Mortgage Trust6.657%, $3,825,000 par, due 5/15/2039 (1)3,738,938 
   Louisiana Local Govt Env Fac. & Comm Dev Auth3.615%, $4,122,268 par, due 2/1/2027 (1)4,030,052 
   Louisiana Local Govt Env Fac. & Comm Dev Auth5.081%, $3,606,067 par, due 6/1/2031 (1)3,632,824 
   Lowe's Cos Inc3.350%, $185,000 par, due 4/1/2027 (1)178,314 
   Magellan Midstream Partners LP5.000%, $840,000 par, due 3/1/2026 (1)838,198 
   Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co5.400%, $1,745,000 par, due 11/21/2025 (1)1,733,609 
   Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co4.650%, $1,200,000 par, due 1/27/2026 (1)1,175,140 
   Marathon Petroleum Corp4.700%, $2,435,000 par, due 5/1/2025 (1)2,418,890 
   Masco Corp3.500%, $855,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)813,394 
   Massachusetts School Building Authority1.134%, $2,000,000 par, due 8/15/2026 (1)1,832,920 
   Mercedes-Benz Auto Lease Trust 2021-B0.400%, $87,891 par, due 11/15/2024 (1)87,725 
   Mercedes-Benz Auto Lease Trust 2023-A4.740%, $3,490,000 par, due 1/15/2027 (1)3,475,506 
   Mercedes-Benz Auto Receivables Trust 2022-15.210%, $2,000,000 par, due 8/16/2027 (1)2,002,842 
   Mercedes-Benz Auto Receivables Trust 2023-14.510%, $7,495,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)7,447,692 
   Mercedes-Benz Auto Receivables Trust 2023-25.950%, $4,780,000 par, due 11/15/2028 (1)4,916,541 
   Mercedes-Benz Finance North America LLC5.200%, $840,000 par, due 8/3/2026 (1)851,504 
   Met Tower Global Funding5.400%, $1,910,000 par, due 6/20/2026 (1)1,939,292 
   METLIFE SECURITIZATION TRUST 2019-13.750%, $81,413 par, due 4/25/2058 (1)78,952 
   Metropolitan Life Global Funding I4.400%, $665,000 par, due 6/30/2027 (1)653,797 
   MHC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2021-MHC6.277%, $3,980,548 par, due 4/15/2038 (1)3,938,100 
   Michigan Finance Authority Student ABS 2021-15.970%, $1,150,132 par, due 7/25/2061 (1)1,138,826 
   Mid-America Apartments LP3.750%, $200,000 par, due 6/15/2024 (1)197,999 
   Mid-America Apartments LP4.000%, $862,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)847,018 
   Mid-America Apartments LP1.100%, $1,600,000 par, due 9/15/2026 (1)1,451,723 
   MidAmerican Energy Co3.100%, $1,100,000 par, due 5/1/2027 (1)1,052,028 
   Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority6.179%, $1,876,445 par, due 1/25/2061 (1)1,826,344 
   Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority6.170%, $3,418,894 par, due 3/25/2061 (1)3,315,028 
   Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc1.412%, $1,460,000 par, due 7/17/2025 (1)1,377,990 
   Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc0.962%, $1,000,000 par, due 10/11/2025 (1)964,013 
   Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc4.080%, $745,000 par, due 4/19/2028 (1)724,825 
   Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc4.788%, $1,015,000 par, due 7/18/2025 (1)1,010,240 
   Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc0.953%, $4,110,000 par, due 7/19/2025 (1)4,004,924 
   MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2019-B2.010%, $493,966 par, due 12/12/2024 (1)491,702 
   MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2020-A0.970%, $4,211,235 par, due 4/9/2027 (1)4,013,147 
   MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2021-A0.560%, $2,479,718 par, due 6/13/2028 (1)2,375,979 
   MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2022-A3.200%, $3,650,000 par, due 1/13/2028 (1)3,545,836 
   Mondelez International Holdings Netherlands BV2.250%, $560,000 par, due 9/19/2024 (1)546,721 
   Mondelez International Holdings Netherlands BV4.250%, $880,000 par, due 9/15/2025 (1)869,216 
   Mondelez International Holdings Netherlands BV0.750%, $1,770,000 par, due 9/24/2024 (1)1,706,186 
   Monongahela Power Co4.100%, $1,453,000 par, due 4/15/2024 (1)1,443,099 
   Morgan Stanley2.475%, $1,225,000 par, due 1/21/2028 (1)1,138,094 
   Morgan Stanley2.720%, $150,000 par, due 7/22/2025 (1)147,533 
   Morgan Stanley0.791%, $3,715,000 par, due 1/22/2025 (1)3,704,070 
   Morgan Stanley4.679%, $1,590,000 par, due 7/17/2026 (1)1,575,035 
   Morgan Stanley2.630%, $3,490,000 par, due 2/18/2026 (1)3,378,177 
   Morgan Stanley1.164%, $1,465,000 par, due 10/21/2025 (1)1,410,042 
   Morgan Stanley6.138%, $100,000 par, due 10/16/2026 (1)101,821 
     28    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   Morgan Stanley0.790%, $1,795,000 par, due 5/30/2025 (1)$1,754,875 
   Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2014-C163.892%, $2,710,155 par, due 6/15/2047 (1)2,690,010 
   Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2014-C183.923%, $6,612,816 par, due 10/15/2047 (1)6,484,395 
   Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2015-C203.249%, $875,000 par, due 2/15/2048 (1)850,658 
   Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2015-C253.635%, $500,000 par, due 10/15/2048 (1)482,725 
   Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2016-C283.272%, $755,365 par, due 1/15/2049 (1)721,978 
   Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2016-C293.325%, $2,160,000 par, due 5/15/2049 (1)2,052,540 
   Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2016-C312.840%, $3,013,856 par, due 11/15/2049 (1)2,838,910 
   Morgan Stanley Bank NA4.754%, $510,000 par, due 4/21/2026 (1)509,918 
   MPLX LP4.875%, $730,000 par, due 12/1/2024 (1)725,800 
   MPLX LP4.875%, $725,000 par, due 6/1/2025 (1)720,400 
   MPLX LP4.000%, $175,000 par, due 2/15/2025 (1)172,326 
   MPLX LP4.125%, $175,000 par, due 3/1/2027 (1)171,377 
   Mutual of Omaha Cos Global Funding5.450%, $850,000 par, due 12/12/2028 (1)868,261 
   Mutual of Omaha Cos Global Funding5.800%, $1,130,000 par, due 7/27/2026 (1)1,151,922 
   Nature Conservancy/The6.719%, $475,000 par, due 2/1/2024 (1)474,998 
   Navient Private Education Refi Loan Trust 2021-E0.970%, $2,790,414 par, due 12/16/2069 (1)2,405,979 
   Navient Private Education Refi Loan Trust 2021-G1.580%, $4,514,243 par, due 4/15/2070 (1)3,916,300 
   Navient Private Education Refi Loan Trust 2022-A2.230%, $2,649,018 par, due 7/15/2070 (1)2,336,752 
   Navient Student Loan Trust 2020-FA1.220%, $2,046,280 par, due 7/15/2069 (1)1,856,729 
   Navient Student Loan Trust 2021-16.052%, $2,598,903 par, due 12/26/2069 (1)2,554,446 
   Navistar Fin Dealer Note Master Owner Trust II6.180%, $1,260,000 par, due 8/25/2028 (1)1,272,322 
   Nebraska Investment Finance Authority5.000%, $875,000 par, due 3/1/2050 (1)865,953 
   Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2021-A6.272%, $3,559,626 par, due 4/20/2062 (1)3,525,069 
   Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2021-A1.360%, $2,930,486 par, due 4/20/2062 (1)2,653,869 
   Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2021-B6.252%, $289,126 par, due 4/20/2062 (1)285,115 
   Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2021-C6.212%, $4,437,245 par, due 4/20/2062 (1)4,364,062 
   Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2021-D6.162%, $3,990,510 par, due 4/20/2062 (1)3,924,798 
   New York Life Global Funding5.450%, $1,580,000 par, due 9/18/2026 (1)1,615,597 
   New York Life Global Funding2.350%, $780,000 par, due 7/14/2026 (1)734,968 
   New York Life Global Funding0.850%, $845,000 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)780,622 
   New York State Dormitory Authority2.738%, $450,000 par, due 3/15/2026 (1)434,349 
   New York State Dormitory Authority2.438%, $890,000 par, due 2/15/2026 (1)854,453 
   New York State Urban Development Corp3.170%, $275,000 par, due 3/15/2026 (1)266,054 
   New York State Urban Development Corp3.350%, $275,000 par, due 3/15/2026 (1)267,075 
   NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc6.051%, $75,000 par, due 3/1/2025 (1)75,677 
   NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc4.255%, $1,830,000 par, due 9/1/2024 (1)1,812,068 
   Nissan Auto Lease Trust 2023-B5.690%, $2,375,000 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)2,392,264 
   Nissan Auto Receivables 2022-B Owner Trust4.460%, $1,025,000 par, due 5/17/2027 (1)1,017,450 
   Nissan Auto Receivables 2023-A Owner Trust4.910%, $3,095,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)3,096,371 
   NNN REIT Inc4.000%, $840,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)821,747 
   Northrop Grumman Corp2.930%, $2,630,000 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)2,570,065 
   Northstar Edu Fin Inc6.152%, $239,660 par, due 12/26/2031 (1)239,287 
   NorthWestern Corp1.000%, $1,470,000 par, due 3/26/2024 (1)1,451,247 
   Northwestern Mutual Global Funding0.800%, $1,705,000 par, due 1/14/2026 (1)1,576,927 
   NTT Finance Corp0.583%, $905,000 par, due 3/1/2024 (1)897,677 
   NTT Finance Corp4.142%, $360,000 par, due 7/26/2024 (1)357,587 
   NTT Finance Corp1.162%, $1,615,000 par, due 4/3/2026 (1)1,490,207 
   Nucor Corp4.300%, $1,150,000 par, due 5/23/2027 (1)1,139,404 
   Nucor Corp3.950%, $740,000 par, due 5/23/2025 (1)728,217 
   Nutrien Ltd5.950%, $725,000 par, due 11/7/2025 (1)737,199 
   Nutrien Ltd5.900%, $1,240,000 par, due 11/7/2024 (1)1,243,280 
   Nutrien Ltd3.000%, $460,000 par, due 4/1/2025 (1)446,556 
   NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC / NXP USA Inc4.400%, $1,450,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)1,431,952 
   Oklahoma Water Resources Board0.700%, $1,610,000 par, due 10/1/2024 (1)1,559,816 
   ONE Gas Inc1.100%, $541,000 par, due 3/11/2024 (1)536,199 
   Oracle Corp2.500%, $2,240,000 par, due 4/1/2025 (1)2,165,692 
   Oracle Corp1.650%, $3,485,000 par, due 3/25/2026 (1)3,252,439 
   Orlando Health Obligated Group3.777%, $350,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)331,092 
   Pacific Life Global Funding II1.200%, $1,290,000 par, due 6/24/2025 (1)1,223,686 
   PacifiCorp3.350%, $2,300,000 par, due 7/1/2025 (1)2,237,875 
   Packaging Corp of America3.650%, $1,695,000 par, due 9/15/2024 (1)1,670,567 
   Parker-Hannifin Corp3.300%, $1,595,000 par, due 11/21/2024 (1)1,565,263 
   Parker-Hannifin Corp2.700%, $456,000 par, due 6/14/2024 (1)450,005 
   Parker-Hannifin Corp3.650%, $1,090,000 par, due 6/15/2024 (1)1,079,528 
   PeaceHealth Obligated Group1.375%, $2,065,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)1,918,511 
     29    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   Pennsylvania Electric Co5.150%, $380,000 par, due 3/30/2026 (1)$379,522 
   Petroleos Mexicanos6.071%, $113,125 par, due 2/15/2024 (1)112,812 
   Petroleos Mexicanos2.460%, $230,000 par, due 12/15/2025 (1)222,018 
   Petroleos Mexicanos6.006%, $148,500 par, due 4/15/2025 (1)148,333 
   PHEAA Student Loan Trust 2016-16.602%, $801,879 par, due 9/25/2065 (1)803,098 
   Phillips 663.850%, $810,000 par, due 4/9/2025 (1)796,961 
   Phillips 660.900%, $925,000 par, due 2/15/2024 (1)919,272 
   Pioneer Natural Resources Co1.125%, $1,040,000 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)965,771 
   Pioneer Natural Resources Co5.100%, $1,345,000 par, due 3/29/2026 (1)1,355,257 
   PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The4.758%, $2,015,000 par, due 1/26/2027 (1)1,999,960 
   PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The6.615%, $770,000 par, due 10/20/2027 (1)799,091 
   PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The5.812%, $2,040,000 par, due 6/12/2026 (1)2,052,583 
   Porsche Financial Auto Securitization Trust 2023-25.790%, $6,285,000 par, due 1/22/2029 (1)6,421,711 
   PPG Industries Inc1.200%, $1,965,000 par, due 3/15/2026 (1)1,816,900 
   Pricoa Global Funding I5.550%, $1,110,000 par, due 8/28/2026 (1)1,133,351 
   Principal Life Global Funding II1.375%, $2,280,000 par, due 1/10/2025 (1)2,189,334 
   Protective Life Global Funding1.646%, $2,010,000 par, due 1/13/2025 (1)1,932,555 
   Protective Life Global Funding4.714%, $855,000 par, due 7/6/2027 (1)850,358 
   Protective Life Global Funding5.366%, $995,000 par, due 1/6/2026 (1)1,002,331 
   Protective Life Global Funding3.218%, $455,000 par, due 3/28/2025 (1)443,822 
   PSNH Funding LLC 33.094%, $106,429 par, due 2/1/2026 (1)106,165 
   REALTY INCOME CORP4.125%, $1,860,000 par, due 10/15/2026 (1)1,825,300 
   Regions Financial Corp2.250%, $100,000 par, due 5/18/2025 (1)95,319 
   Reliance Industries Ltd1.870%, $95,526 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)92,151 
   Reliance Industries Ltd2.444%, $1,911,842 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)1,859,547 
   Reliance Industries Ltd2.512%, $1,306,250 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)1,270,144 
   Revvity Inc0.850%, $1,730,000 par, due 9/15/2024 (1)1,669,988 
   RI State Std Ln Authority6.076%, $221,812 par, due 9/1/2036 (1)221,062 
   Rogers Communications Inc2.950%, $770,000 par, due 3/15/2025 (1)747,163 
   Rogers Communications Inc3.200%, $410,000 par, due 3/15/2027 (1)391,578 
   Roper Technologies Inc2.350%, $440,000 par, due 9/15/2024 (1)429,163 
   Royal Bank of Canada1.400%, $2,010,000 par, due 11/2/2026 (1)1,840,038 
   Royal Bank of Canada3.625%, $800,000 par, due 5/4/2027 (1)773,742 
   Royal Bank of Canada5.200%, $1,530,000 par, due 7/20/2026 (1)1,548,094 
   Royal Bank of Canada4.875%, $490,000 par, due 1/12/2026 (1)491,098 
   Royal Bank of Canada4.784%, $2,535,000 par, due 12/12/2025 (1)2,535,565 
   RTX Corp5.000%, $766,000 par, due 2/27/2026 (1)769,290 
   RTX Corp5.750%, $850,000 par, due 11/8/2026 (1)873,061 
   Ryder System Inc3.650%, $292,000 par, due 3/18/2024 (1)290,582 
   Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC5.875%, $690,000 par, due 6/30/2026 (1)702,585 
   SANFORD HEALTH2.496%, $1,345,000 par, due 11/1/2024 (1)1,316,701 
   Santa Monica Community College District1.496%, $1,500,000 par, due 8/1/2028 (1)1,323,120 
   Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2022-75.750%, $645,000 par, due 4/15/2027 (1)645,137 
   Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust 2023-25.210%, $2,775,000 par, due 7/15/2027 (1)2,769,367 
   SBA Small Business Investment Cos5.688%, $25,750,000 par, due 9/10/2033 (1)26,805,905 
   SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.517%, $91,797 par, due 3/10/2025 (1)87,675 
   SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.829%, $598,192 par, due 9/10/2025 (1)578,104 
   SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.507%, $307,752 par, due 3/10/2026 (1)294,235 
   SBNA Auto Lease Trust 2023-A6.510%, $6,795,000 par, due 4/20/2027 (1)6,926,775 
   SC State Std Ln Corp5.952%, $541,956 par, due 1/25/2041 (1)527,497 
   Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust2.500%, $3,299,941 par, due 9/25/2060 (1)2,966,739 
   Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2018-33.500%, $77,150 par, due 8/25/2057 (1)72,885 
   Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2020-22.500%, $3,317,502 par, due 11/25/2059 (1)2,908,627 
   Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2020-32.500%, $1,448,594 par, due 5/25/2060 (1)1,266,860 
   Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2020-32.500%, $1,677,396 par, due 5/25/2060 (1)1,518,755 
   Sempra3.300%, $1,495,000 par, due 4/1/2025 (1)1,458,800 
   Sherwin-Williams Co/The4.050%, $720,000 par, due 8/8/2024 (1)713,519 
   Simon Property Group LP3.300%, $175,000 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)169,577 
   SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-106.283%, $4,599,335 par, due 12/17/2068 (1)4,522,471 
   SLM Student Loan Trust 2013-25.902%, $282,939 par, due 6/25/2043 (1)275,580 
   Southern California Edison Co4.900%, $1,385,000 par, due 6/1/2026 (1)1,391,040 
   Southern Co Gas Capital Corp3.875%, $390,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)380,067 
   Spire Missouri Inc5.908%, $3,965,000 par, due 12/2/2024 (1)3,959,592 
   Spring Independent School District0.980%, $400,000 par, due 8/15/2024 (1)390,948 
   Stanley Black & Decker Inc2.300%, $535,000 par, due 2/24/2025 (1)516,991 
   State of Hawaii1.283%, $475,000 par, due 8/1/2026 (1)439,142 
     30    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   State of Hawaii0.713%, $3,165,000 par, due 8/1/2024 (1)$3,087,426 
   State of Texas4.701%, $1,895,000 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)1,916,072 
   State of Utah3.539%, $624,158 par, due 7/1/2025 (1)616,580 
   State Street Corp2.203%, $1,600,000 par, due 2/7/2028 (1)1,486,813 
   State Street Corp1.746%, $1,730,000 par, due 2/6/2026 (1)1,662,537 
   Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc1.474%, $3,329,000 par, due 7/8/2025 (1)3,150,918 
   Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc2.174%, $200,000 par, due 1/14/2027 (1)184,759 
   Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc1.402%, $350,000 par, due 9/17/2026 (1)318,877 
   Sutter Health1.321%, $1,940,000 par, due 8/15/2025 (1)1,817,922 
   Take-Two Interactive Software Inc3.300%, $17,000 par, due 3/28/2024 (1)16,893 
   Take-Two Interactive Software Inc5.000%, $865,000 par, due 3/28/2026 (1)869,199 
   Take-Two Interactive Software Inc3.550%, $270,000 par, due 4/14/2025 (1)264,267 
   Taubman Centers Commercial Mortgage Trust 2022-DPM7.548%, $625,000 par, due 5/15/2037 (1)621,271 
   Tesla Electric Vehicle Trust 2023-15.380%, $3,240,000 par, due 6/20/2028 (1)3,270,122 
   Texas Tech University System0.938%, $1,250,000 par, due 2/15/2025 (1)1,196,163 
   T-Mobile US Trust 2022-14.910%, $5,960,000 par, due 5/22/2028 (1)5,947,991 
   T-Mobile USA Inc2.625%, $1,310,000 par, due 4/15/2026 (1)1,245,941 
   T-Mobile USA Inc2.250%, $660,000 par, due 2/15/2026 (1)625,373 
   Toronto-Dominion Bank/The5.532%, $700,000 par, due 7/17/2026 (1)713,588 
   Toronto-Dominion Bank/The1.200%, $3,000,000 par, due 6/3/2026 (1)2,755,251 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2017-12.750%, $53,804 par, due 10/25/2056 (1)53,439 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2017-55.755%, $228,279 par, due 2/25/2057 (1)230,549 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2017-62.750%, $261,743 par, due 10/25/2057 (1)250,512 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2018-13.000%, $98,196 par, due 1/25/2058 (1)95,347 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2018-23.250%, $1,044,128 par, due 3/25/2058 (1)1,011,527 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2018-33.750%, $704,453 par, due 5/25/2058 (1)680,440 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2018-63.750%, $235,545 par, due 3/25/2058 (1)230,212 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2019-HY36.470%, $1,144,734 par, due 10/25/2059 (1)1,150,737 
   Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2021-12.250%, $3,414,863 par, due 11/25/2061 (1)3,129,606 
   Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2020-11.350%, $3,265,000 par, due 5/25/2033 (1)3,099,207 
   Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2021-11.070%, $5,835,000 par, due 2/27/2034 (1)5,377,209 
   Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2022-13.820%, $2,105,000 par, due 4/25/2035 (1)2,045,357 
   Toyota Auto Receivables 2021-C Owner Trust0.430%, $176,541 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)171,844 
   Toyota Auto Receivables 2022-C Owner Trust3.760%, $3,140,000 par, due 4/15/2027 (1)3,087,531 
   Toyota Auto Receivables 2022-D Owner Trust5.300%, $3,970,000 par, due 9/15/2027 (1)3,990,561 
   Toyota Auto Receivables 2023-A Owner Trust4.630%, $6,970,000 par, due 9/15/2027 (1)6,928,515 
   Toyota Lease Owner Trust 2023-A4.930%, $40,000 par, due 4/20/2026 (1)39,929 
   Toyota Lease Owner Trust 2023-B5.660%, $3,640,000 par, due 11/20/2026 (1)3,693,679 
   Toyota Motor Credit Corp5.400%, $1,700,000 par, due 11/20/2026 (1)1,740,809 
   Toyota Motor Credit Corp3.050%, $1,130,000 par, due 3/22/2027 (1)1,082,846 
   Trane Technologies Financing Ltd3.500%, $1,260,000 par, due 3/21/2026 (1)1,225,063 
   Trinity Health2.734%, $2,000,000 par, due 12/1/2027 (1)1,866,000 
   Truist Bank3.800%, $1,885,000 par, due 10/30/2026 (1)1,806,882 
   Truist Bank3.625%, $2,535,000 par, due 9/16/2025 (1)2,450,458 
   Truist Financial Corp4.260%, $2,040,000 par, due 7/28/2026 (1)1,998,045 
   TSMC Arizona Corp1.750%, $1,695,000 par, due 10/25/2026 (1)1,560,544 
   TSMC Global Ltd0.750%, $1,375,000 par, due 9/28/2025 (1)1,278,041 
   UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C33.167%, $3,675,000 par, due 8/15/2050 (1)3,468,671 
   UBS Group AG4.490%, $2,135,000 par, due 8/5/2025 (1)2,119,079 
   UBS Group AG4.488%, $1,100,000 par, due 5/12/2026 (1)1,083,444 
   UBS Group AG1.494%, $540,000 par, due 8/10/2027 (1)488,125 
   UBS Group AG6.327%, $940,000 par, due 12/22/2027 (1)969,311 
   UDR Inc2.950%, $1,765,000 par, due 9/1/2026 (1)1,675,539 
   United States Small Business Administration4.760%, $224,130 par, due 9/1/2025 (1)220,172 
   United States Small Business Administration1.880%, $18,608 par, due 3/1/2025 (1)18,298 
   United States Small Business Administration5.510%, $64,025 par, due 11/1/2027 (1)63,573 
   United States Small Business Administration6.770%, $88,126 par, due 11/1/2028 (1)90,201 
   United States Small Business Administration5.630%, $263,252 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)260,554 
   United States Small Business Administration5.290%, $224,331 par, due 12/1/2027 (1)223,042 
   United States Small Business Administration5.720%, $69,376 par, due 1/1/2029 (1)68,609 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond4.625%, $33,990,000 par, due 11/15/2026 (1)34,542,338 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond4.500%, $8,710,000 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)8,794,034 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond4.375%, $49,505,000 par, due 8/15/2026 (1)49,856,931 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond4.625%, $35,955,000 par, due 9/15/2026 (1)36,470,451 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond4.625%, $33,535,000 par, due 10/15/2026 (1)34,048,521 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond1.875%, $26,283,000 par, due 7/31/2026 (1)24,872,339 
     31    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
   United States Treasury Note/Bond4.375%, $19,375,000 par, due 11/30/2028 (1)$19,845,754 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond4.125%, $20,430,000 par, due 6/15/2026 (1)20,432,390 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond4.375%, $37,940,000 par, due 12/15/2026 (1)38,328,278 
   United States Treasury Note/Bond3.750%, $8,265,000 par, due 12/31/2028 (1)8,235,296 
   US Bancorp5.727%, $1,550,000 par, due 10/21/2026 (1)1,560,078 
   US Bancorp2.215%, $1,935,000 par, due 1/27/2028 (1)1,779,428 
   US Bancorp4.548%, $2,240,000 par, due 7/22/2028 (1)2,208,546 
   VCM Lease SA2.516%, $335,937 par, due 9/28/2027 (1)321,782 
   Ventas Realty LP3.500%, $820,000 par, due 2/1/2025 (1)801,197 
   Ventas Realty LP2.650%, $570,000 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)552,710 
   Verizon Communications Inc4.125%, $1,000,000 par, due 3/16/2027 (1)986,013 
   Verizon Master Trust5.670%, $3,840,000 par, due 11/20/2029 (1)3,946,214 
   Verizon Master Trust3.670%, $4,340,000 par, due 1/22/2029 (1)4,255,418 
   Verizon Master Trust1.530%, $4,775,000 par, due 7/20/2028 (1)4,599,533 
   Verizon Master Trust5.230%, $2,195,000 par, due 11/22/2027 (1)2,194,947 
   Verizon Master Trust4.890%, $4,140,000 par, due 4/13/2028 (1)4,126,856 
   Verizon Master Trust5.160%, $1,765,000 par, due 6/20/2029 (1)1,786,572 
   Vermont Std Asst Corp6.143%, $225,041 par, due 7/28/2034 (1)224,409 
   Vermont Std Asst Corp6.185%, $149,893 par, due 4/30/2035 (1)149,474 
   Volkswagen Auto Loan Enhanced Trust 2023-25.480%, $6,620,000 par, due 12/20/2028 (1)6,758,583 
   Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC5.700%, $1,770,000 par, due 9/12/2026 (1)1,795,821 
   Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC3.950%, $1,015,000 par, due 6/6/2025 (1)994,162 
   Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC3.350%, $895,000 par, due 5/13/2025 (1)871,525 
   Vulcan Materials Co4.500%, $1,493,000 par, due 4/1/2025 (1)1,475,090 
   Warnermedia Holdings Inc3.755%, $2,345,000 par, due 3/15/2027 (1)2,248,733 
   Warnermedia Holdings Inc3.638%, $1,085,000 par, due 3/15/2025 (1)1,061,680 
   Washington Aircraft 1 Co DAC2.637%, $373,822 par, due 9/15/2026 (1)358,924 
   WEC Energy Group Inc3.550%, $1,155,000 par, due 6/15/2025 (1)1,123,797 
   WEC Energy Group Inc0.800%, $1,280,000 par, due 3/15/2024 (1)1,266,929 
   WEC Energy Group Inc5.600%, $1,490,000 par, due 9/12/2026 (1)1,516,896 
   WEC Energy Group Inc4.750%, $225,000 par, due 1/9/2026 (1)224,188 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-LC183.405%, $4,430,000 par, due 12/15/2047 (1)4,312,698 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-C313.695%, $1,935,000 par, due 11/15/2048 (1)1,865,253 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2015-LC223.839%, $3,370,000 par, due 9/15/2058 (1)3,267,131 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-C333.162%, $1,566,563 par, due 3/15/2059 (1)1,494,941 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-C352.674%, $840,024 par, due 7/15/2048 (1)796,498 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-LC242.684%, $911,182 par, due 10/15/2049 (1)858,889 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-NXS62.642%, $3,375,000 par, due 11/15/2049 (1)3,181,467 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C383.190%, $2,678,102 par, due 7/15/2050 (1)2,509,874 
*   Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C393.157%, $4,610,000 par, due 9/15/2050 (1)4,325,024 
   Welltower OP LLC4.000%, $100,000 par, due 6/1/2025 (1)98,172 
   Welltower OP LLC3.625%, $2,496,000 par, due 3/15/2024 (1)2,479,189 
   Westpac Banking Corp6.411%, $1,600,000 par, due 2/26/2024 (1)1,600,832 
   Weyerhaeuser Co4.750%, $2,295,000 par, due 5/15/2026 (1)2,284,826 
   WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C223.752%, $2,600,000 par, due 9/15/2057 (1)2,538,570 
   WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C253.365%, $3,273,935 par, due 11/15/2047 (1)3,209,281 
   Wheels Fleet Lease Funding 1 LLC6.460%, $4,440,000 par, due 8/18/2038 (1)4,494,146 
   Wheels Fleet Lease Funding 1 LLC5.800%, $3,975,000 par, due 4/18/2038 (1)3,986,504 
   Williams Cos Inc/The4.550%, $460,000 par, due 6/24/2024 (1)457,449 
   Williams Cos Inc/The5.400%, $1,795,000 par, due 3/2/2026 (1)1,813,799 
   Williams Cos Inc/The3.900%, $2,387,000 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)2,349,023 
   Windermere Aviation LLC2.351%, $452,331 par, due 5/27/2026 (1)434,608 
   WMRK Commercial Mortgage Trust 2022-WMRK8.151%, $400,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)399,996 
   World Omni Auto Lease Sec Trust 2023-A5.070%, $3,365,000 par, due 9/15/2026 (1)3,364,472 
   World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2022-A1.660%, $3,059,105 par, due 5/17/2027 (1)2,970,208 
   World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2022-C3.660%, $500,000 par, due 10/15/2027 (1)491,032 
   World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2022-D5.610%, $600,000 par, due 2/15/2028 (1)604,610 
   World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2023-A4.830%, $5,040,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)5,030,837 
   World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2023-B4.660%, $575,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)572,058 
   World Omni Auto Receivables Trust 2023-D5.790%, $4,800,000 par, due 2/15/2029 (1)4,927,181 
   World Omni Select Auto Trust 2021-A0.530%, $544,342 par, due 3/15/2027 (1)534,406 
   WRKCo Inc3.750%, $1,305,000 par, due 3/15/2025 (1)1,279,084 
   WRKCo Inc3.000%, $885,000 par, due 9/15/2024 (1)868,090 
   Blackrock Treasury Trust Fund5.248%, $19,871,513 shares(1)19,871,513 
Accrued income receivable 9,178,423 
     32    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
Receivable for investment payments due$797,769 
Payable for investment payments due(31,824)
Payable for securities purchased(8,229,603)
Receivable for securities sold 3,767,321 
American General Life Ins. Co.2.91%(1)— 
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.2.99%(1)— 
Metropolitan Tower Life Ins. Co.2.88%(1)— 
Nationwide Life Ins. Co.3.02%(1)— 
Pacific Life Ins. Co.3.09%(1)— 
Prudential Ins. Co. of America3.11%(1)— 
Royal Bank of Canada2.86%(1)— 
State Street Bank and Trust Co.3.04%(1)— 
Transamerica Life Ins. Co.3.05%(1)— 
Voya Ret. Ins. and Annuity Co.2.90%(1)— 
  7-Eleven Inc0.950%, $690,000 par, due 2/10/2026 (1)637,972 
  AbbVie Inc3.200%, $720,000 par, due 11/21/2029 (1)673,884 
  Access Group Inc 2013-15.952%, $251,290 par, due 2/25/2036 (1)247,337 
  Advocate Health & Hospitals Corp2.211%, $1,555,000 par, due 6/15/2030 (1)1,337,931 
  Agilent Technologies Inc2.750%, $1,020,000 par, due 9/15/2029 (1)933,698 
  Agilent Technologies Inc2.100%, $650,000 par, due 6/4/2030 (1)560,740 
  Alabama Federal Aid Highway Finance Authority2.256%, $1,520,000 par, due 9/1/2033 (1)1,235,182 
  Albemarle Corp4.650%, $420,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)412,661 
  Albemarle Corp5.050%, $640,000 par, due 6/1/2032 (1)625,692 
  Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc4.300%, $780,000 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)767,781 
  Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc3.800%, $1,010,000 par, due 4/15/2026 (1)983,167 
  Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc3.450%, $1,600,000 par, due 4/30/2025 (1)1,562,334 
  American Express Co1.650%, $1,100,000 par, due 11/4/2026 (1)1,011,250 
  American Express Co2.550%, $1,430,000 par, due 3/4/2027 (1)1,340,380 
  American Express Co5.282%, $740,000 par, due 7/27/2029 (1)756,110 
  American Honda Finance Corp5.125%, $1,145,000 par, due 7/7/2028 (1)1,177,170 
  AMEX Credit Account Master Trust 2023-14.870%, $2,745,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)2,765,975 
  Amgen Inc5.150%, $1,130,000 par, due 3/2/2028 (1)1,156,062 
  Anglo American Capital PLC2.250%, $340,000 par, due 3/17/2028 (1)303,247 
  Anglo American Capital PLC4.875%, $1,240,000 par, due 5/14/2025 (1)1,230,383 
  Anglo American Capital PLC3.625%, $200,000 par, due 9/11/2024 (1)196,762 
  Aon Corp3.750%, $730,000 par, due 5/2/2029 (1)699,140 
  Aon Corp / Aon Global Holdings PLC2.850%, $660,000 par, due 5/28/2027 (1)624,177 
  Ascension Health2.532%, $3,000,000 par, due 11/15/2029 (1)2,681,232 
  AT&T Inc4.500%, $870,000 par, due 5/15/2035 (1)825,787 
  AT&T Inc2.250%, $2,730,000 par, due 2/1/2032 (1)2,258,379 
  AT&T Inc1.700%, $2,140,000 par, due 3/25/2026 (1)2,002,974 
  AT&T Inc6.808%, $320,000 par, due 6/12/2024 (1)321,110 
  Atmos Energy Corp2.625%, $302,000 par, due 9/15/2029 (1)275,305 
  BA Credit Card Trust4.790%, $2,035,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)2,042,725 
  BAE Systems Holdings Inc3.800%, $1,000,000 par, due 10/7/2024 (1)986,095 
  BAE Systems Holdings Inc3.850%, $1,200,000 par, due 12/15/2025 (1)1,173,804 
  BANK 2017-BNK53.390%, $2,230,000 par, due 6/15/2060 (1)2,104,418 
  BANK 2017-BNK63.518%, $1,800,000 par, due 7/15/2060 (1)1,704,730 
  BANK 2017-BNK83.229%, $1,486,056 par, due 11/15/2050 (1)1,388,687 
  BANK 2018-BNK113.784%, $3,527,368 par, due 3/15/2061 (1)3,350,517 
  Bank of America Commercial Mtg Trust 2017-BNK33.311%, $2,078,080 par, due 2/15/2050 (1)1,971,683 
  Bank of America Corp4.271%, $2,180,000 par, due 7/23/2029 (1)2,107,280 
  Bank of America Corp1.734%, $3,220,000 par, due 7/22/2027 (1)2,951,265 
  Bank of America Corp2.551%, $1,200,000 par, due 2/4/2028 (1)1,112,340 
  Bank of America Corp2.015%, $1,740,000 par, due 2/13/2026 (1)1,671,985 
  Bank of America Corp1.197%, $1,510,000 par, due 10/24/2026 (1)1,402,181 
  Bank of America Corp4.571%, $2,210,000 par, due 4/27/2033 (1)2,111,907 
  Bank of America Corp1.530%, $2,770,000 par, due 12/6/2025 (1)2,662,826 
  Bank of America Corp1.319%, $2,020,000 par, due 6/19/2026 (1)1,901,561 
  Bank of Montreal4.700%, $970,000 par, due 9/14/2027 (1)973,317 
  Bank of Montreal5.203%, $1,240,000 par, due 2/1/2028 (1)1,264,047 
  Bank of Montreal2.650%, $350,000 par, due 3/8/2027 (1)329,700 
  Bank of Montreal1.250%, $1,245,000 par, due 9/15/2026 (1)1,134,684 
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp2.050%, $325,000 par, due 1/26/2027 (1)302,196 
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp4.596%, $940,000 par, due 7/26/2030 (1)934,420 
     33    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp5.802%, $180,000 par, due 10/25/2028 (1)$186,738 
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp4.543%, $2,080,000 par, due 2/1/2029 (1)2,066,413 
  Bank of Nova Scotia/The4.850%, $340,000 par, due 2/1/2030 (1)339,748 
  Bank of Nova Scotia/The1.950%, $760,000 par, due 2/2/2027 (1)700,350 
  Bank of Nova Scotia/The5.250%, $1,400,000 par, due 6/12/2028 (1)1,422,322 
  Baxter International Inc1.322%, $1,370,000 par, due 11/29/2024 (1)1,319,295 
  Baxter International Inc3.950%, $385,000 par, due 4/1/2030 (1)364,916 
  Baxter International Inc1.915%, $2,120,000 par, due 2/1/2027 (1)1,942,768 
  Bayer US Finance II LLC4.375%, $1,200,000 par, due 12/15/2028 (1)1,141,562 
  Bayer US Finance II LLC4.250%, $790,000 par, due 12/15/2025 (1)769,961 
  BBCMS Mortgage Trust 2018-C24.047%, $1,735,000 par, due 12/15/2051 (1)1,660,683 
  BBCMS Mortgage Trust 2018-C24.314%, $2,040,000 par, due 12/15/2051 (1)1,973,088 
  Becton Dickinson & Co4.693%, $680,000 par, due 2/13/2028 (1)683,491 
  Becton Dickinson & Co4.298%, $100,000 par, due 8/22/2032 (1)96,646 
  Becton Dickinson & Co2.823%, $640,000 par, due 5/20/2030 (1)572,703 
  Benchmark 2018-B8 Mortgage Trust4.232%, $1,896,000 par, due 1/15/2052 (1)1,790,425 
  BHP Billiton Finance USA Ltd4.750%, $3,070,000 par, due 2/28/2028 (1)3,104,320 
  Black Hills Corp3.150%, $1,544,000 par, due 1/15/2027 (1)1,462,072 
  BMW US Capital LLC5.050%, $1,610,000 par, due 8/11/2028 (1)1,641,097 
  BNP Paribas SA4.705%, $1,283,000 par, due 1/10/2025 (1)1,282,890 
  BNP Paribas SA2.591%, $700,000 par, due 1/20/2028 (1)648,134 
  BNP Paribas SA4.400%, $1,510,000 par, due 8/14/2028 (1)1,472,042 
  BNP Paribas Sec Corp1.675%, $810,000 par, due 6/30/2027 (1)742,121 
  Boeing Co/The2.196%, $140,000 par, due 2/4/2026 (1)132,329 
  Boeing Co/The2.700%, $1,420,000 par, due 2/1/2027 (1)1,339,885 
  Boeing Co/The5.040%, $130,000 par, due 5/1/2027 (1)131,219 
  Boeing Co/The5.150%, $1,780,000 par, due 5/1/2030 (1)1,814,422 
  Boston Properties LP2.750%, $1,150,000 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)1,067,110 
  Boston Properties LP3.650%, $1,550,000 par, due 2/1/2026 (1)1,492,230 
  BP Capital Markets America Inc2.721%, $770,000 par, due 1/12/2032 (1)672,166 
  BP Capital Markets America Inc4.893%, $1,440,000 par, due 9/11/2033 (1)1,467,586 
  BPCE SA4.750%, $1,600,000 par, due 7/19/2027 (1)1,581,440 
  BPR Trust 2022-OANA7.260%, $3,350,000 par, due 4/15/2037 (1)3,301,673 
  Brazos Education Loan Authority6.170%, $2,027,399 par, due 1/25/2072 (1)1,989,560 
  Brazos Education Loan Authority Inc6.050%, $3,723,153 par, due 11/25/2071 (1)3,647,074 
  BX Commercial Mortgage Trust 2021-VOLT6.176%, $2,565,000 par, due 9/15/2036 (1)2,498,977 
  BX Trust 2021-BXMF6.112%, $1,426,467 par, due 10/15/2026 (1)1,399,634 
  BX Trust 2021-RISE6.224%, $1,586,468 par, due 11/15/2036 (1)1,560,605 
  BX Trust 2022-IND6.853%, $3,246,780 par, due 4/15/2037 (1)3,222,341 
  Campbell Union High School District2.312%, $1,430,000 par, due 8/1/2035 (1)1,122,807 
  Canadian Natural Resources Ltd3.850%, $730,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)709,734 
  Canadian Pacific Railway Co1.750%, $1,090,000 par, due 12/2/2026 (1)1,005,539 
  Canadian Pacific Railway Co2.900%, $460,000 par, due 2/1/2025 (1)448,898 
  Capital One Financial Corp1.878%, $1,595,000 par, due 11/2/2027 (1)1,435,353 
  Capital One Financial Corp5.268%, $790,000 par, due 5/10/2033 (1)776,553 
  Capital One Financial Corp4.985%, $650,000 par, due 7/24/2026 (1)642,601 
  Capital One Financial Corp3.273%, $740,000 par, due 3/1/2030 (1)661,559 
  Capital One NA2.280%, $930,000 par, due 1/28/2026 (1)896,995 
  Carrier Global Corp2.493%, $2,870,000 par, due 2/15/2027 (1)2,700,053 
  CD 2017-CD5 Mortgage Trust3.171%, $3,510,000 par, due 8/15/2050 (1)3,268,691 
  Cedars-Sinai Health System2.288%, $2,500,000 par, due 8/15/2031 (1)2,082,895 
  CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric LLC5.200%, $1,130,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)1,167,201 
  CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric LLC4.450%, $1,580,000 par, due 10/1/2032 (1)1,555,183 
  CGMS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-B13.458%, $4,219,746 par, due 8/15/2050 (1)3,947,096 
  Charles Schwab Corp5.643%, $1,160,000 par, due 5/19/2029 (1)1,190,883 
  Charles Schwab Corp/The5.875%, $655,000 par, due 8/24/2026 (1)671,936 
  Charter Communications Operating LLC4.400%, $1,100,000 par, due 4/1/2033 (1)1,016,456 
  Cherokee County Board of Education5.626%, $1,000,000 par, due 8/1/2028 (1)1,032,820 
  Children's Hospital Medical Center/Cincinnati OH2.853%, $1,775,000 par, due 11/15/2026 (1)1,672,346 
  CHRISTUS Health4.341%, $1,500,000 par, due 7/1/2028 (1)1,466,966 
  Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-B24.009%, $2,710,000 par, due 3/10/2051 (1)2,580,828 
  Citigroup Inc3.668%, $880,000 par, due 7/24/2028 (1)839,268 
  Citigroup Inc3.070%, $4,220,000 par, due 2/24/2028 (1)3,978,899 
  Citigroup Inc3.352%, $1,144,000 par, due 4/24/2025 (1)1,135,296 
  Citigroup Inc3.520%, $500,000 par, due 10/27/2028 (1)473,256 
  Citigroup Inc0.981%, $910,000 par, due 5/1/2025 (1)894,604 
     34    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Citigroup Inc4.910%, $1,580,000 par, due 5/24/2033 (1)$1,549,711 
  Citigroup Inc2.572%, $2,050,000 par, due 6/3/2031 (1)1,753,642 
  Citizens Auto Receivables Trust 2023-15.840%, $4,050,000 par, due 1/18/2028 (1)4,107,704 
  Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI3.750%, $260,000 par, due 2/18/2026 (1)247,579 
  Citizens Bank NA/Providence RI4.575%, $1,870,000 par, due 8/9/2028 (1)1,776,668 
  City & County of Honolulu HI3.753%, $425,000 par, due 9/1/2030 (1)407,618 
  City of Atlanta GA2.288%, $2,445,000 par, due 12/1/2033 (1)1,988,934 
  City of Chandler AZ Excise Tax Revenue2.007%, $1,840,000 par, due 7/1/2030 (1)1,592,943 
  City of Chicago IL6.050%, $110,000 par, due 1/1/2029 (1)110,328 
  City of Phoenix Civic Improvement Corp1.455%, $835,000 par, due 7/1/2028 (1)738,758 
  City of Worcester MA6.250%, $780,000 par, due 1/1/2028 (1)809,812 
  CLEVELAND CLINIC HEALTH SYSTEM2.885%, $3,475,000 par, due 1/1/2032 (1)3,053,205 
  Clovis Unified School District2.228%, $2,620,000 par, due 8/1/2030 (1)2,271,619 
  CNH Industrial NV3.850%, $2,400,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)2,312,138 
  Coast Community College District2.788%, $3,610,000 par, due 8/1/2033 (1)3,074,276 
  Comcast Corp3.400%, $750,000 par, due 4/1/2030 (1)702,984 
  COMM 2014-CCRE17 Mortgage Trust3.977%, $2,355,000 par, due 5/10/2047 (1)2,335,388 
  COMM 2014-CCRE18 Mortgage Trust3.828%, $4,505,000 par, due 7/15/2047 (1)4,454,666 
  COMM 2014-CCRE19 Mortgage Trust3.796%, $2,420,133 par, due 8/10/2047 (1)2,384,896 
  COMM 2014-CR14 Mortgage Trust4.236%, $863,918 par, due 2/10/2047 (1)862,222 
  Commonwealth Edison Co3.700%, $2,254,000 par, due 8/15/2028 (1)2,179,266 
  Commonwealth of Massachusetts3.769%, $1,500,000 par, due 7/15/2029 (1)1,466,220 
  Commonwealth of Massachusetts1.670%, $1,125,000 par, due 11/1/2031 (1)913,455 
  Commonwealth of Massachusetts1.520%, $1,350,000 par, due 11/1/2030 (1)1,118,489 
  Consumers Energy Co3.800%, $1,600,000 par, due 11/15/2028 (1)1,543,979 
  Consumers Energy Co4.900%, $1,320,000 par, due 2/15/2029 (1)1,344,504 
  Cooperatieve Rabobank UA1.004%, $870,000 par, due 9/24/2026 (1)807,892 
  Cooperatieve Rabobank UA3.649%, $590,000 par, due 4/6/2028 (1)562,698 
  Cooperatieve Rabobank UA5.564%, $850,000 par, due 2/28/2029 (1)864,005 
  Cooperative Rabobank UA1.980%, $3,080,000 par, due 12/15/2027 (1)2,804,500 
  Corebridge Global Funding0.900%, $2,020,000 par, due 9/22/2025 (1)1,875,408 
  Corebridge Global Funding5.900%, $880,000 par, due 9/19/2028 (1)907,453 
  Coterra Energy Inc3.900%, $640,000 par, due 5/15/2027 (1)619,663 
  County of Bexar TX2.171%, $2,090,000 par, due 6/15/2032 (1)1,750,605 
  County of Lee FL Water & Sewer Revenue2.416%, $2,140,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)1,950,396 
  County of Spokane WA2.728%, $950,000 par, due 12/1/2031 (1)840,769 
  County of Spokane WA2.828%, $875,000 par, due 12/1/2032 (1)767,358 
  CRH America Finance Inc3.400%, $410,000 par, due 5/9/2027 (1)392,494 
  CRH America Finance Inc3.950%, $1,070,000 par, due 4/4/2028 (1)1,034,888 
  CRH America Inc3.875%, $740,000 par, due 5/18/2025 (1)723,988 
  CSAIL 2018-C14 Commercial Mortgage Trust4.422%, $1,850,000 par, due 11/15/2051 (1)1,753,121 
  CubeSmart LP2.250%, $1,510,000 par, due 12/15/2028 (1)1,331,982 
  CVS Health Corp4.300%, $421,000 par, due 3/25/2028 (1)414,349 
  CVS Health Corp3.000%, $400,000 par, due 8/15/2026 (1)382,488 
  CVS Health Corp1.300%, $2,530,000 par, due 8/21/2027 (1)2,248,831 
  CVS Health Corp5.125%, $1,860,000 par, due 2/21/2030 (1)1,891,386 
  Daimler Truck Finance North America LLC5.400%, $750,000 par, due 9/20/2028 (1)765,252 
  Daimler Truck Finance North America LLC3.650%, $820,000 par, due 4/7/2027 (1)790,853 
  Daimler Truck Finance North America LLC2.000%, $2,000,000 par, due 12/14/2026 (1)1,839,206 
  DC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2023-DC6.314%, $2,095,000 par, due 9/12/2040 (1)2,162,807 
  Dell Equipment Finance Trust 2023-25.650%, $1,080,000 par, due 1/22/2029 (1)1,092,983 
  Denver City & County School District No 13.587%, $1,255,000 par, due 12/1/2032 (1)1,169,635 
  Digital Realty Trust LP4.450%, $1,120,000 par, due 7/15/2028 (1)1,094,143 
  Digital Realty Trust LP5.550%, $640,000 par, due 1/15/2028 (1)651,624 
  DLLMT 2023-1 LLC5.340%, $1,605,000 par, due 3/22/2027 (1)1,603,727 
  Dominion Energy South Carolina Inc2.300%, $930,000 par, due 12/1/2031 (1)776,062 
  DTE Electric Co2.250%, $220,000 par, due 3/1/2030 (1)193,280 
  DTE Electric Co2.625%, $950,000 par, due 3/1/2031 (1)832,347 
  DTE Electric Co3.000%, $1,520,000 par, due 3/1/2032 (1)1,348,805 
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC2.550%, $1,230,000 par, due 4/15/2031 (1)1,068,025 
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC2.850%, $580,000 par, due 3/15/2032 (1)506,492 
  Duke Energy Florida LLC2.400%, $730,000 par, due 12/15/2031 (1)616,822 
  Duke Energy Progress LLC3.450%, $350,000 par, due 3/15/2029 (1)334,136 
  Duke Energy Progress LLC2.000%, $2,020,000 par, due 8/15/2031 (1)1,670,290 
  Duke Energy Progress LLC3.700%, $730,000 par, due 9/1/2028 (1)709,417 
  Duke University3.199%, $1,000,000 par, due 10/1/2038 (1)836,386 
     35    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Duke University Health System Inc2.552%, $2,674,000 par, due 6/1/2029 (1)$2,363,495 
  DuPont de Nemours Inc4.493%, $770,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)764,462 
  East Ohio Gas Co/The1.300%, $617,000 par, due 6/15/2025 (1)583,315 
  ECMC Group Student Loan Trust 2021-16.022%, $1,748,656 par, due 11/25/2070 (1)1,708,596 
  EdLinc Student Loan Funding Trust 2012-16.452%, $10,472 par, due 9/25/2030 (1)10,468 
  Edsouth Indenture No 3 LLC6.182%, $153,548 par, due 4/25/2039 (1)152,895 
  Edu Fund of South6.493%, $666,203 par, due 3/25/2036 (1)666,051 
  Edu Fund of South6.246%, $60,634 par, due 4/25/2035 (1)60,584 
  EMD Finance LLC3.250%, $2,210,000 par, due 3/19/2025 (1)2,157,130 
  Enbridge Inc4.250%, $460,000 par, due 12/1/2026 (1)454,014 
  Enbridge Inc3.700%, $620,000 par, due 7/15/2027 (1)598,735 
  Energy Transfer LP6.100%, $1,230,000 par, due 12/1/2028 (1)1,292,393 
  Entergy Arkansas LLC4.000%, $1,300,000 par, due 6/1/2028 (1)1,265,675 
  Entergy Mississippi LLC2.850%, $1,360,000 par, due 6/1/2028 (1)1,256,227 
  Enterprise Fleet Financing 2023-2 LLC5.560%, $1,450,000 par, due 4/22/2030 (1)1,454,028 
  Enterprise Products Operating LLC2.800%, $880,000 par, due 1/31/2030 (1)796,988 
  Equifax Inc5.100%, $500,000 par, due 12/15/2027 (1)505,019 
  Equifax Inc2.600%, $730,000 par, due 12/1/2024 (1)710,738 
  Equifax Inc5.100%, $1,030,000 par, due 6/1/2028 (1)1,039,882 
  Equifax Inc2.350%, $690,000 par, due 9/15/2031 (1)573,380 
  ERP Operating LP4.150%, $1,240,000 par, due 12/1/2028 (1)1,217,064 
  Ethiopian Leasing 2012 LLC2.646%, $468,685 par, due 5/12/2026 (1)455,986 
  Ethiopian Leasing 2012 LLC2.566%, $316,873 par, due 8/14/2026 (1)310,074 
  Evergy Metro Inc2.250%, $1,080,000 par, due 6/1/2030 (1)921,285 
  Evergy Metro Inc4.950%, $1,060,000 par, due 4/15/2033 (1)1,061,339 
  Evergy Missouri West Inc5.150%, $420,000 par, due 12/15/2027 (1)422,816 
  Exelon Corp5.150%, $630,000 par, due 3/15/2028 (1)639,222 
  EXIM Bank of the United States1.732%, $484,377 par, due 9/18/2024 (1)476,385 
  Experian Finance PLC4.250%, $1,300,000 par, due 2/1/2029 (1)1,287,923 
  Extra Space Storage LP3.900%, $350,000 par, due 4/1/2029 (1)331,473 
  Fannie Mae Grantor Trust 2002-T167.000%, $40,393 par, due 7/25/2042 (1)42,371 
  Fannie Mae Grantor Trust 2002-T187.000%, $20,174 par, due 8/25/2042 (1)21,363 
  Fannie Mae Grantor Trust 2004-T36.000%, $107,890 par, due 2/25/2044 (1)108,022 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.070%, $1,124,120 par, due 2/1/2026 (1)1,090,271 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $4,295,973 par, due 8/1/2051 (1)4,045,887 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $6,339,138 par, due 1/1/2052 (1)5,450,226 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.500%, $388,844 par, due 4/1/2033 (1)400,735 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.500%, $52,500 par, due 4/1/2036 (1)54,111 
  Fannie Mae Pool6.000%, $26,232 par, due 9/1/2038 (1)26,359 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $1,105,993 par, due 12/1/2049 (1)992,099 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.500%, $6,703,990 par, due 10/1/2052 (1)6,827,799 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.500%, $99,893 par, due 8/1/2032 (1)96,342 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $595,815 par, due 3/1/2033 (1)564,607 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $428,320 par, due 7/1/2032 (1)406,608 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.500%, $1,554,294 par, due 6/1/2056 (1)1,517,505 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.500%, $1,071,499 par, due 6/1/2056 (1)1,055,417 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $1,256,449 par, due 6/1/2056 (1)1,191,789 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $2,322,165 par, due 7/1/2056 (1)2,205,548 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.500%, $2,735,048 par, due 6/1/2056 (1)2,693,997 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.500%, $1,216,281 par, due 11/1/2046 (1)1,153,179 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $1,565,038 par, due 7/1/2056 (1)1,484,505 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.500%, $897,167 par, due 11/1/2048 (1)885,377 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $557,245 par, due 9/1/2034 (1)517,404 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $1,158,023 par, due 10/1/2034 (1)1,075,213 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $903,337 par, due 10/1/2034 (1)838,736 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $18,363,959 par, due 6/1/2052 (1)17,552,254 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $225,166 par, due 2/1/2031 (1)216,340 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $407,047 par, due 6/1/2031 (1)384,517 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $356,759 par, due 6/1/2031 (1)337,250 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $413,116 par, due 6/1/2031 (1)390,524 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $440,625 par, due 6/1/2031 (1)416,039 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $466,205 par, due 5/1/2031 (1)446,946 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $775,659 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)735,680 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $657,206 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)623,337 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.000%, $417,671 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)394,609 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.500%, $1,409,002 par, due 12/1/2034 (1)1,308,255 
     36    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $556,463 par, due 11/1/2045 (1)$541,971 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.500%, $1,734,542 par, due 9/1/2052 (1)1,689,995 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.500%, $15,177,136 par, due 10/1/2052 (1)14,827,758 
  Fannie Mae Pool6.112%, $34,055 par, due 11/1/2041 (1)32,388 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.805%, $10,522 par, due 5/1/2036 (1)10,514 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.077%, $184,642 par, due 3/1/2044 (1)187,313 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.109%, $87,560 par, due 3/1/2044 (1)88,809 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.129%, $165,959 par, due 5/1/2044 (1)169,345 
  Fannie Mae Pool7.297%, $68,720 par, due 3/1/2034 (1)69,873 
  Fannie Mae Pool6.129%, $15,893 par, due 4/1/2044 (1)15,151 
  Fannie Mae Pool7.238%, $40,789 par, due 8/1/2034 (1)41,300 
  Fannie Mae Pool7.052%, $22,713 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)23,002 
  Fannie Mae Pool7.054%, $13,290 par, due 7/1/2035 (1)13,406 
  Fannie Mae Pool7.150%, $26,136 par, due 7/1/2035 (1)26,617 
  Fannie Mae Pool6.825%, $9,815 par, due 1/1/2037 (1)9,943 
  Fannie Mae Pool7.018%, $11,231 par, due 4/1/2037 (1)11,244 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.456%, $180,047 par, due 11/1/2048 (1)175,223 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.231%, $62,026 par, due 7/1/2035 (1)61,386 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.479%, $106,208 par, due 5/1/2036 (1)103,413 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.086%, $32,172 par, due 1/1/2041 (1)33,065 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.243%, $30,491 par, due 3/1/2042 (1)30,585 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $183,822 par, due 11/1/2033 (1)186,987 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $250,202 par, due 10/1/2035 (1)254,511 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $388,535 par, due 6/1/2035 (1)395,221 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $813,395 par, due 3/1/2036 (1)827,406 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $123,027 par, due 9/1/2033 (1)125,141 
  Fannie Mae Pool5.000%, $9,004,018 par, due 10/1/2052 (1)9,008,835 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.500%, $389,555 par, due 4/1/2046 (1)365,722 
  Fannie Mae Pool6.512%, $151,630 par, due 4/1/2036 (1)149,959 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $300,979 par, due 1/1/2041 (1)296,866 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $1,544,656 par, due 11/1/2040 (1)1,523,543 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.000%, $2,275,369 par, due 4/1/2041 (1)2,244,274 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.500%, $2,272,502 par, due 1/1/2051 (1)2,244,041 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.580%, $3,480,000 par, due 1/1/2026 (1)3,409,227 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.284%, $809,879 par, due 11/1/2026 (1)787,034 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.326%, $625,739 par, due 12/1/2027 (1)603,375 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.840%, $2,749,784 par, due 1/1/2027 (1)2,622,067 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.080%, $3,055,000 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)2,858,860 
  Fannie Mae Pool1.390%, $1,240,000 par, due 11/1/2028 (1)1,077,223 
  Fannie Mae Pool1.390%, $2,050,000 par, due 11/1/2028 (1)1,780,892 
  Fannie Mae Pool1.990%, $6,196,984 par, due 2/1/2029 (1)5,551,246 
  Fannie Mae Pool1.980%, $5,288,740 par, due 6/1/2030 (1)4,608,285 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.590%, $4,438,000 par, due 3/1/2029 (1)4,071,945 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.270%, $2,190,000 par, due 4/1/2029 (1)1,975,671 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.590%, $5,010,000 par, due 12/1/2030 (1)4,450,804 
  Fannie Mae Pool2.885%, $3,590,000 par, due 5/1/2029 (1)3,331,129 
  Fannie Mae Pool3.500%, $24,944,000 par, due 10/1/2029 (1)23,748,359 
  Fannie Mae Pool4.210%, $6,580,000 par, due 2/1/2028 (1)6,544,336 
  Fannie Mae REMIC Trust 2005-W16.500%, $85,470 par, due 10/25/2044 (1)88,275 
  Fannie Mae REMICS5.500%, $119,722 par, due 4/25/2035 (1)121,718 
  Fannie Mae Trust 2003-W66.500%, $45,893 par, due 9/25/2042 (1)46,749 
  Fannie Mae Trust 2003-W87.000%, $7,540 par, due 10/25/2042 (1)7,722 
  Fannie Mae Trust 2004-W27.000%, $38,580 par, due 2/25/2044 (1)39,993 
  Federal Realty OP LP5.375%, $700,000 par, due 5/1/2028 (1)708,142 
  FedEx Corp4.250%, $1,170,000 par, due 5/15/2030 (1)1,144,906 
  Fidelity National Information Services Inc4.700%, $650,000 par, due 7/15/2027 (1)650,306 
  Fifth Third Bancorp4.772%, $1,510,000 par, due 7/28/2030 (1)1,476,874 
  Fifth Third Bancorp4.337%, $260,000 par, due 4/25/2033 (1)242,297 
  Fifth Third Bancorp4.055%, $630,000 par, due 4/25/2028 (1)601,009 
  Fiserv Inc5.450%, $630,000 par, due 3/2/2028 (1)649,335 
  Fiserv Inc5.375%, $1,820,000 par, due 8/21/2028 (1)1,873,868 
  Fiserv Inc3.200%, $570,000 par, due 7/1/2026 (1)548,878 
  Florida Gas Transmission Co LLC4.350%, $1,780,000 par, due 7/15/2025 (1)1,749,270 
  FMC Corp3.450%, $670,000 par, due 10/1/2029 (1)605,651 
  Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust1.060%, $5,230,000 par, due 4/15/2033 (1)4,876,536 
  Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2021-REV11.370%, $3,705,000 par, due 10/17/2033 (1)3,425,565 
     37    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2022-REV13.880%, $3,075,000 par, due 11/15/2034 (1)$2,993,260 
  Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust 2023-B5.230%, $1,980,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)1,997,594 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool6.000%, $84,077 par, due 8/1/2038 (1)88,067 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool6.000%, $26,182 par, due 9/1/2038 (1)27,379 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool6.000%, $139,223 par, due 8/1/2038 (1)145,830 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool3.500%, $34,110 par, due 12/1/2025 (1)33,560 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool4.000%, $32,445 par, due 2/1/2026 (1)32,053 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool3.000%, $268,022 par, due 8/1/2027 (1)260,566 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool4.000%, $580,657 par, due 1/1/2047 (1)561,486 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool4.000%, $700,150 par, due 4/1/2046 (1)676,801 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool3.000%, $1,126,631 par, due 1/1/2043 (1)1,039,023 
  Freddie Mac Gold Pool3.500%, $76,068 par, due 2/1/2043 (1)71,652 
  Freddie Mac Multifamily Structured PT Certificates2.282%, $4,105,000 par, due 7/25/2026 (1)3,903,124 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.496%, $6,793,197 par, due 5/1/2052 (1)6,199,607 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.953%, $299,909 par, due 7/1/2047 (1)300,284 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.037%, $115,857 par, due 8/1/2047 (1)115,503 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool2.566%, $659,371 par, due 10/1/2047 (1)650,143 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.268%, $6,074 par, due 7/1/2034 (1)5,998 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool3.925%, $140,658 par, due 1/1/2044 (1)142,927 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.850%, $171,743 par, due 8/1/2044 (1)174,641 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool5.331%, $43,784 par, due 12/1/2036 (1)43,543 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool6.025%, $22,454 par, due 11/1/2040 (1)22,473 
  Freddie Mac Non Gold Pool4.154%, $12,651 par, due 2/1/2042 (1)12,547 
  Freddie Mac Pool3.500%, $77,151 par, due 8/1/2049 (1)71,789 
  Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $2,822,825 par, due 11/1/2049 (1)2,534,415 
  Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $2,793,515 par, due 12/1/2049 (1)2,504,618 
  Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $2,838,439 par, due 1/1/2050 (1)2,546,664 
  Freddie Mac Pool2.000%, $4,437,698 par, due 11/1/2050 (1)3,671,991 
  Freddie Mac Pool2.500%, $8,477,166 par, due 12/1/2051 (1)7,299,120 
  Freddie Mac Pool4.500%, $3,242,764 par, due 9/1/2052 (1)3,149,391 
  Freddie Mac Pool2.500%, $1,262,861 par, due 12/1/2034 (1)1,172,552 
  Freddie Mac Pool4.000%, $3,982,619 par, due 8/1/2052 (1)3,787,467 
  Freddie Mac Pool4.000%, $3,937,684 par, due 8/1/2052 (1)3,765,946 
  Freddie Mac Pool2.500%, $5,399,067 par, due 12/1/2034 (1)5,018,303 
  Freddie Mac Pool2.500%, $1,242,742 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)1,155,099 
  Freddie Mac Pool2.500%, $3,773,430 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)3,507,328 
  Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $346,439 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)328,587 
  Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $472,954 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)448,579 
  Freddie Mac Pool3.000%, $310,830 par, due 1/1/2035 (1)293,755 
  Freddie Struct PT Cert7.000%, $421,875 par, due 7/25/2043 (1)445,216 
  GE HealthCare Technologies Inc5.650%, $1,790,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)1,854,172 
  GE HealthCare Technologies Inc5.857%, $530,000 par, due 3/15/2030 (1)557,413 
  General Mills Inc5.500%, $980,000 par, due 10/17/2028 (1)1,014,535 
  General Mills Inc2.875%, $895,000 par, due 4/15/2030 (1)809,802 
  General Motors Financial Co Inc2.400%, $1,940,000 par, due 10/15/2028 (1)1,724,043 
  General Motors Financial Co Inc4.300%, $1,270,000 par, due 4/6/2029 (1)1,224,585 
  General Motors Financial Co Inc5.000%, $730,000 par, due 4/9/2027 (1)728,427 
  Ginnie Mae II pool3.625%, $46,367 par, due 3/20/2042 (1)46,580 
  Ginnie Mae II pool6.860%, $132,230 par, due 6/20/2058 (1)132,357 
  Ginnie Mae II pool6.023%, $982,271 par, due 5/20/2058 (1)979,168 
  Ginnie Mae II Pool4.622%, $1,082,911 par, due 3/20/2065 (1)1,067,850 
  Ginnie Mae II Pool4.587%, $477,300 par, due 1/20/2067 (1)468,831 
  Ginnie Mae II Pool4.318%, $928,117 par, due 12/20/2066 (1)906,111 
  Ginnie Mae II Pool4.468%, $1,361,349 par, due 2/20/2067 (1)1,335,318 
  Ginnie Mae II Pool4.548%, $1,812,381 par, due 1/20/2067 (1)1,780,017 
  GM Financial Revolving Receivables Trust 2021-11.170%, $3,830,000 par, due 6/12/2034 (1)3,470,175 
  GM Financial Revolving Receivables Trust 2022-15.910%, $1,525,000 par, due 10/11/2035 (1)1,587,421 
  GM Financial Revolving Receivables Trust 2023-25.770%, $3,125,000 par, due 8/11/2036 (1)3,259,422 
  GMF Floorplan Owner Revolving Trust5.340%, $3,340,000 par, due 6/15/2028 (1)3,381,763 
  GNMA6.337%, $976,448 par, due 12/20/2066 (1)972,130 
  GNMA6.437%, $1,939,389 par, due 12/20/2066 (1)1,935,258 
  GNMA6.087%, $522,653 par, due 10/20/2065 (1)518,501 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The3.272%, $1,405,000 par, due 9/29/2025 (1)1,381,378 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The1.948%, $3,170,000 par, due 10/21/2027 (1)2,901,130 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The2.640%, $2,840,000 par, due 2/24/2028 (1)2,633,506 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The3.615%, $1,030,000 par, due 3/15/2028 (1)988,497 
     38    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The1.542%, $2,410,000 par, due 9/10/2027 (1)$2,185,790 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The3.850%, $670,000 par, due 1/26/2027 (1)651,743 
  Government National Mortgage Association6.157%, $3,398,800 par, due 1/20/2069 (1)3,335,148 
  GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC263.629%, $6,460,000 par, due 11/10/2047 (1)6,290,354 
  GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2017-GS63.164%, $2,195,715 par, due 5/10/2050 (1)2,056,428 
  GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2017-GS83.205%, $4,510,000 par, due 11/10/2050 (1)4,171,755 
  GS Mortgage Securities Trust 2018-GS104.155%, $2,366,207 par, due 7/10/2051 (1)2,227,509 
  GSK Consumer Healthcare Capital UK PLC3.375%, $1,410,000 par, due 3/24/2027 (1)1,357,500 
  Guardian Life Global Funding3.246%, $440,000 par, due 3/29/2027 (1)419,287 
  Guardian Life Global Funding5.737%, $250,000 par, due 10/2/2028 (1)262,497 
  Guardian Life Global Funding5.550%, $740,000 par, due 10/28/2027 (1)768,464 
  Gulfstream Natural Gas System LLC6.190%, $1,510,000 par, due 11/1/2025 (1)1,518,646 
  Halliburton Co2.920%, $1,730,000 par, due 3/1/2030 (1)1,558,294 
  Healthpeak OP LLC2.875%, $1,470,000 par, due 1/15/2031 (1)1,277,908 
  Healthpeak OP LLC3.500%, $580,000 par, due 7/15/2029 (1)541,532 
  Healthpeak OP LLC3.250%, $750,000 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)720,145 
  Hexcel Corp4.200%, $1,230,000 par, due 2/15/2027 (1)1,185,149 
  HOUSTON TX UTILITY SYS REVENUE 3.973%, $685,000 par, due 11/15/2031 (1)656,203 
  HP Inc4.000%, $1,130,000 par, due 4/15/2029 (1)1,097,501 
  HP Inc4.750%, $400,000 par, due 1/15/2028 (1)400,687 
  HSBC Holdings PLC6.161%, $1,840,000 par, due 3/9/2029 (1)1,900,847 
  HSBC Holdings PLC4.292%, $730,000 par, due 9/12/2026 (1)714,705 
  HSBC Holdings PLC4.041%, $2,187,000 par, due 3/13/2028 (1)2,108,347 
  HSBC Holdings PLC2.013%, $2,200,000 par, due 9/22/2028 (1)1,960,112 
  HSBC Holdings PLC2.871%, $1,970,000 par, due 11/22/2032 (1)1,639,806 
  HSBC Holdings PLC4.583%, $400,000 par, due 6/19/2029 (1)388,232 
  HSBC Holdings PLC4.755%, $540,000 par, due 6/9/2028 (1)532,445 
  Huntington Bancshares Inc/OH4.443%, $730,000 par, due 8/4/2028 (1)708,137 
  Huntington National Bank/The5.650%, $600,000 par, due 1/10/2030 (1)605,644 
  Huntington National Bank/The4.552%, $960,000 par, due 5/17/2028 (1)927,909 
  Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority5.750%, $2,330,000 par, due 7/1/2054 (1)2,362,876 
  Ingredion Inc2.900%, $740,000 par, due 6/1/2030 (1)661,584 
  Ingredion Inc3.200%, $600,000 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)574,181 
  International Business Machines Corp4.150%, $2,190,000 par, due 7/27/2027 (1)2,165,231 
  International Business Machines Corp4.500%, $820,000 par, due 2/6/2028 (1)824,511 
  Interstate Power and Light Co3.250%, $870,000 par, due 12/1/2024 (1)851,901 
  Interstate Power and Light Co4.100%, $1,200,000 par, due 9/26/2028 (1)1,166,276 
  IPALCO ENTERPRISES INC3.700%, $500,000 par, due 9/1/2024 (1)492,051 
  Jackson National Life Global Funding2.650%, $1,470,000 par, due 6/21/2024 (1)1,443,271 
  John Deere Owner Trust 2023-B5.180%, $1,115,000 par, due 3/15/2028 (1)1,124,988 
  Johns Hopkins Health System Corp/The2.420%, $1,935,000 par, due 1/1/2030 (1)1,684,313 
  JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Sec Trust 2014-C243.639%, $3,400,000 par, due 11/15/2047 (1)3,316,057 
  JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Sec Trust 2014-C263.494%, $2,245,000 par, due 1/15/2048 (1)2,188,150 
  JPMCC Commercial Mortgage Sec Trust 2017-JP53.723%, $1,940,000 par, due 3/15/2050 (1)1,828,755 
  JPMDB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2016-C43.141%, $1,765,000 par, due 12/15/2049 (1)1,620,844 
  JPMDB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust 2017-C73.409%, $1,875,000 par, due 10/15/2050 (1)1,738,365 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co2.947%, $1,970,000 par, due 2/24/2028 (1)1,854,615 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co1.470%, $2,970,000 par, due 9/22/2027 (1)2,691,322 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co5.299%, $640,000 par, due 7/24/2029 (1)650,012 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co4.203%, $810,000 par, due 7/23/2029 (1)787,817 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co3.960%, $890,000 par, due 1/29/2027 (1)869,662 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co3.782%, $770,000 par, due 2/1/2028 (1)744,297 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co2.182%, $2,500,000 par, due 6/1/2028 (1)2,288,143 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co2.069%, $660,000 par, due 6/1/2029 (1)585,743 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co4.452%, $1,370,000 par, due 12/5/2029 (1)1,343,037 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co1.578%, $1,620,000 par, due 4/22/2027 (1)1,495,433 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co4.565%, $410,000 par, due 6/14/2030 (1)401,634 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co0.969%, $470,000 par, due 6/23/2025 (1)459,036 
  Kellanova3.400%, $690,000 par, due 11/15/2027 (1)662,687 
  Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corp6.479%, $5,089,170 par, due 11/25/2050 (1)5,057,109 
  KeyBank NA/Cleveland OH3.400%, $1,320,000 par, due 5/20/2026 (1)1,238,256 
  KeyBank NA/Cleveland OH5.000%, $690,000 par, due 1/26/2033 (1)646,324 
  KeyCorp4.789%, $970,000 par, due 6/1/2033 (1)892,236 
  KeyCorp2.250%, $840,000 par, due 4/6/2027 (1)756,921 
  Kimco Realty OP LLC2.250%, $2,140,000 par, due 12/1/2031 (1)1,750,597 
  Kinder Morgan Inc1.750%, $1,610,000 par, due 11/15/2026 (1)1,482,002 
     39    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  King County Public Hospital District No 22.601%, $2,045,000 par, due 12/1/2034 (1)$1,647,861 
  Lake Central Multi-District School Building Corp1.651%, $1,695,000 par, due 7/15/2028 (1)1,501,889 
  Leland Stanford Junior University/The1.289%, $975,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)882,238 
  Leland Stanford Junior University/The3.089%, $2,500,000 par, due 5/1/2029 (1)2,341,970 
  Lennox International Inc1.350%, $1,190,000 par, due 8/1/2025 (1)1,119,725 
  Lennox International Inc1.700%, $490,000 par, due 8/1/2027 (1)440,271 
  Life 2021-BMR Mortgage Trust6.177%, $2,113,386 par, due 3/15/2038 (1)2,066,893 
  Life 2022-BMR Mortgage Trust6.657%, $4,000,000 par, due 5/15/2039 (1)3,910,000 
  Los Angeles Community College District/CA1.806%, $1,500,000 par, due 8/1/2030 (1)1,283,460 
  Louisiana Local Govt Env Fac. & Comm Dev Auth4.145%, $2,980,000 par, due 2/1/2031 (1)2,933,214 
  Louisiana Local Govt Env Fac. & Comm Dev Auth4.475%, $1,000,000 par, due 8/1/2039 (1)968,650 
  Lowe's Cos Inc3.750%, $610,000 par, due 4/1/2032 (1)571,849 
  Lowe's Cos Inc1.700%, $720,000 par, due 9/15/2028 (1)636,437 
  M&T Bank Corp4.553%, $630,000 par, due 8/16/2028 (1)606,110 
  Magellan Midstream Partners LP5.000%, $1,005,000 par, due 3/1/2026 (1)1,002,844 
  Magellan Midstream Partners LP3.250%, $1,108,000 par, due 6/1/2030 (1)1,004,390 
  Manhattan West 2020-1MW Mortgage Trust2.130%, $1,970,000 par, due 9/10/2039 (1)1,741,385 
  Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co4.700%, $2,430,000 par, due 1/27/2028 (1)2,362,830 
  Marathon Oil Corp4.400%, $1,600,000 par, due 7/15/2027 (1)1,559,253 
  Marathon Petroleum Corp4.700%, $1,470,000 par, due 5/1/2025 (1)1,460,274 
  Martin Marietta Materials Inc2.500%, $670,000 par, due 3/15/2030 (1)590,671 
  Masco Corp2.000%, $1,790,000 par, due 10/1/2030 (1)1,474,113 
  Massachusetts School Building Authority1.753%, $1,000,000 par, due 8/15/2030 (1)859,510 
  Massachusetts Water Resources Authority2.390%, $3,000,000 par, due 8/1/2033 (1)2,484,240 
  McCormick & Co Inc/MD3.400%, $1,230,000 par, due 8/15/2027 (1)1,175,195 
  McDonald's Corp3.600%, $365,000 par, due 7/1/2030 (1)346,746 
  MD Comm Dev Admin Housing Rev3.500%, $90,000 par, due 9/1/2047 (1)88,690 
  Mercedes-Benz Finance North America LLC5.100%, $1,090,000 par, due 8/3/2028 (1)1,112,082 
  METLIFE SECURITIZATION TRUST 2019-13.750%, $461,010 par, due 4/25/2058 (1)447,074 
  Metropolitan Edison Co5.200%, $670,000 par, due 4/1/2028 (1)675,426 
  Metropolitan Life Global Funding I1.875%, $3,820,000 par, due 1/11/2027 (1)3,490,384 
  Mid-America Apartments LP1.700%, $550,000 par, due 2/15/2031 (1)446,707 
  Mid-America Apartments LP4.200%, $1,017,000 par, due 6/15/2028 (1)994,717 
  Mid-America Apartments LP1.100%, $160,000 par, due 9/15/2026 (1)145,172 
  Mid-America Apartments LP3.950%, $420,000 par, due 3/15/2029 (1)408,311 
  Minnesota Housing Finance Agency6.000%, $1,990,000 par, due 7/1/2053 (1)2,040,486 
  Minnesota Housing Finance Agency6.000%, $1,300,000 par, due 1/1/2054 (1)1,334,034 
  Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority6.040%, $1,078,131 par, due 8/25/2061 (1)1,037,281 
  Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc2.341%, $1,370,000 par, due 1/19/2028 (1)1,268,550 
  Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc1.538%, $2,180,000 par, due 7/20/2027 (1)1,992,867 
  Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc5.017%, $600,000 par, due 7/20/2028 (1)600,901 
  Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc1.640%, $1,440,000 par, due 10/13/2027 (1)1,311,604 
  Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc4.080%, $1,080,000 par, due 4/19/2028 (1)1,050,753 
  MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2019-B2.010%, $376,574 par, due 12/12/2024 (1)374,848 
  MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2020-A1.400%, $815,000 par, due 8/9/2030 (1)728,409 
  MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2022-A3.320%, $2,305,000 par, due 6/13/2044 (1)2,201,618 
  MMAF Equipment Finance LLC 2023-A5.540%, $2,545,000 par, due 12/13/2029 (1)2,581,971 
  Mondelez International Holdings Netherlands BV1.250%, $1,100,000 par, due 9/24/2026 (1)1,001,465 
  Mondelez International Holdings Netherlands BV2.250%, $1,315,000 par, due 9/19/2024 (1)1,283,819 
  Morgan Stanley4.210%, $1,550,000 par, due 4/20/2028 (1)1,515,973 
  Morgan Stanley1.164%, $1,310,000 par, due 10/21/2025 (1)1,260,857 
  Morgan Stanley2.188%, $1,280,000 par, due 4/28/2026 (1)1,229,812 
  Morgan Stanley5.164%, $1,910,000 par, due 4/20/2029 (1)1,922,518 
  Morgan Stanley1.593%, $710,000 par, due 5/4/2027 (1)654,465 
  Morgan Stanley2.475%, $1,730,000 par, due 1/21/2028 (1)1,607,267 
  Morgan Stanley4.431%, $610,000 par, due 1/23/2030 (1)594,765 
  Morgan Stanley2.720%, $540,000 par, due 7/22/2025 (1)531,118 
  Morgan Stanley5.449%, $370,000 par, due 7/20/2029 (1)377,340 
  Morgan Stanley1.512%, $1,080,000 par, due 7/20/2027 (1)986,865 
  Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2014 C193.526%, $3,020,000 par, due 12/15/2047 (1)2,947,568 
  Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2017-C333.337%, $2,550,000 par, due 5/15/2050 (1)2,420,185 
  Morgan Stanley BAML Trust 2017-C343.536%, $800,000 par, due 11/15/2052 (1)746,051 
  MPLX LP4.000%, $490,000 par, due 3/15/2028 (1)472,862 
  MPLX LP4.950%, $440,000 par, due 9/1/2032 (1)431,311 
  MPLX LP4.125%, $900,000 par, due 3/1/2027 (1)881,366 
  MPLX LP1.750%, $810,000 par, due 3/1/2026 (1)758,042 
     40    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  MS State Higher Ed Asst Co6.132%, $429,411 par, due 10/25/2035 (1)$422,021 
  Mutual of Omaha Cos Global Funding5.450%, $1,290,000 par, due 12/12/2028 (1)1,317,714 
  Nature Conservancy/The3.016%, $1,500,000 par, due 3/1/2030 (1)1,333,730 
  Navient Student Loan Trust 2021-16.052%, $2,454,170 par, due 12/26/2069 (1)2,412,189 
  Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2021-A1.360%, $2,281,831 par, due 4/20/2062 (1)2,066,442 
  Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2021-C1.320%, $642,339 par, due 4/20/2062 (1)576,634 
  Nelnet Student Loan Trust 2021-D1.630%, $3,374,781 par, due 4/20/2062 (1)3,081,941 
  Nevada Housing Division5.750%, $2,050,000 par, due 10/1/2053 (1)2,082,575 
  New York Hospital for Special Surgery3.737%, $285,000 par, due 4/1/2028 (1)269,974 
  New York Life Global Funding4.900%, $1,610,000 par, due 6/13/2028 (1)1,625,762 
  New York Life Global Funding4.850%, $470,000 par, due 1/9/2028 (1)473,151 
  New York State Electric & Gas Corp5.650%, $1,600,000 par, due 8/15/2028 (1)1,641,981 
  NextEra Energy Capital Holdings Inc1.875%, $1,215,000 par, due 1/15/2027 (1)1,117,909 
  Nissan Auto Lease Trust 2023-B5.690%, $2,245,000 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)2,261,319 
  NNN REIT Inc4.300%, $1,350,000 par, due 10/15/2028 (1)1,310,905 
  Norfolk Southern Corp3.150%, $1,293,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)1,236,034 
  Norfolk Southern Corp2.550%, $1,470,000 par, due 11/1/2029 (1)1,321,889 
  Norfolk Southern Corp3.650%, $460,000 par, due 8/1/2025 (1)450,324 
  North Carolina Housing Finance Agency2.870%, $195,000 par, due 7/1/2032 (1)190,394 
  North Dakota Public Finance Authority2.580%, $2,630,000 par, due 12/1/2034 (1)2,124,356 
  North Dakota Public Finance Authority4.050%, $750,000 par, due 12/1/2030 (1)724,200 
  North Texas Higher Education Authority Inc6.040%, $2,629,173 par, due 10/25/2061 (1)2,559,526 
  North Texas Higher Education Authority Inc6.040%, $2,044,646 par, due 9/25/2061 (1)2,006,424 
  Northrop Grumman Corp4.400%, $1,430,000 par, due 5/1/2030 (1)1,424,206 
  Northstar Edu Fin Inc6.152%, $41,217 par, due 12/26/2031 (1)41,153 
  Northwestern Mutual Global Funding3.300%, $970,000 par, due 4/4/2029 (1)893,405 
  Northwestern Mutual Global Funding4.350%, $710,000 par, due 9/15/2027 (1)700,465 
  Northwestern Mutual Global Funding1.750%, $2,660,000 par, due 1/11/2027 (1)2,434,844 
  NTT Finance Corp1.162%, $1,960,000 par, due 4/3/2026 (1)1,808,549 
  Nucor Corp4.300%, $680,000 par, due 5/23/2027 (1)673,734 
  Nutrien Ltd2.950%, $540,000 par, due 5/13/2030 (1)488,257 
  Nutrien Ltd4.900%, $720,000 par, due 3/27/2028 (1)726,962 
  Nuveen LLC4.000%, $1,200,000 par, due 11/1/2028 (1)1,173,026 
  NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC / NXP USA Inc5.000%, $400,000 par, due 1/15/2033 (1)401,472 
  NXP BV / NXP Funding LLC / NXP USA Inc2.650%, $1,800,000 par, due 2/15/2032 (1)1,519,177 
  NYC Transit Fin Auth Future Tax Rev2.625%, $1,000,000 par, due 5/1/2030 (1)894,900 
  OhioHealth Corp2.297%, $2,100,000 par, due 11/15/2031 (1)1,770,317 
  Oklahoma Development Finance Authority4.285%, $330,650 par, due 2/1/2032 (1)324,980 
  Oklahoma Development Finance Authority4.135%, $1,048,496 par, due 12/1/2033 (1)1,024,548 
  Oklahoma Development Finance Authority3.877%, $2,513,905 par, due 5/1/2032 (1)2,430,619 
  Oncor Electric Delivery Co LLC4.550%, $1,250,000 par, due 9/15/2032 (1)1,240,646 
  Oncor Electric Delivery Co LLC2.750%, $1,930,000 par, due 5/15/2030 (1)1,728,626 
  Oncor Electric Delivery Co LLC4.300%, $1,040,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)1,028,022 
  Oracle Corp6.150%, $300,000 par, due 11/9/2029 (1)323,153 
  Oracle Corp2.950%, $2,465,000 par, due 4/1/2030 (1)2,226,654 
  Oracle Corp2.650%, $1,300,000 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)1,233,207 
  Orlando Health Obligated Group2.291%, $1,250,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)1,097,883 
  Orlando Health Obligated Group3.777%, $1,000,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)945,976 
  Otis Worldwide Corp2.565%, $550,000 par, due 2/15/2030 (1)490,533 
  Pacific Life Global Funding II1.450%, $1,500,000 par, due 1/20/2028 (1)1,310,151 
  PacifiCorp3.500%, $1,426,000 par, due 6/15/2029 (1)1,339,711 
  PacifiCorp2.700%, $475,000 par, due 9/15/2030 (1)412,127 
  Packaging Corp of America3.400%, $1,100,000 par, due 12/15/2027 (1)1,047,822 
  Parker-Hannifin Corp2.700%, $884,000 par, due 6/14/2024 (1)872,379 
  Parker-Hannifin Corp4.500%, $770,000 par, due 9/15/2029 (1)773,990 
  Parker-Hannifin Corp4.250%, $910,000 par, due 9/15/2027 (1)902,705 
  Parker-Hannifin Corp3.300%, $1,600,000 par, due 11/21/2024 (1)1,570,170 
  Petroleos Mexicanos2.378%, $300,000 par, due 4/15/2025 (1)288,051 
  Petroleos Mexicanos2.290%, $48,750 par, due 2/15/2024 (1)48,274 
  PFS Financing Corp5.520%, $1,400,000 par, due 10/15/2028 (1)1,415,921 
  PHEAA Student Loan Trust 2016-26.402%, $911,753 par, due 11/25/2065 (1)903,312 
  Phillips 663.900%, $1,210,000 par, due 3/15/2028 (1)1,177,222 
  Phillips 66 Co4.950%, $1,120,000 par, due 12/1/2027 (1)1,130,328 
  Pioneer Natural Resources Co1.125%, $2,970,000 par, due 1/15/2026 (1)2,758,019 
  PNC Bank NA4.050%, $1,030,000 par, due 7/26/2028 (1)993,301 
  PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The5.068%, $310,000 par, due 1/24/2034 (1)303,868 
     41    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The6.037%, $470,000 par, due 10/28/2033 (1)$491,926 
  PNC Financial Services Group Inc/The5.354%, $1,190,000 par, due 12/2/2028 (1)1,205,175 
  PPG Industries Inc2.550%, $1,330,000 par, due 6/15/2030 (1)1,158,090 
  PPL Electric Utilities Corp5.000%, $2,550,000 par, due 5/15/2033 (1)2,610,333 
  Pricoa Global Funding I1.200%, $630,000 par, due 9/1/2026 (1)572,340 
  Prologis LP4.000%, $189,000 par, due 9/15/2028 (1)184,490 
  Prologis LP1.750%, $1,000,000 par, due 2/1/2031 (1)831,880 
  Protective Life Global Funding4.714%, $655,000 par, due 7/6/2027 (1)651,444 
  Protective Life Global Funding5.467%, $1,200,000 par, due 12/8/2028 (1)1,233,250 
  Providence St Joseph Health Obligated Group2.746%, $750,000 par, due 10/1/2026 (1)705,305 
  PSNH Funding LLC 33.506%, $900,000 par, due 8/1/2028 (1)878,329 
  Public Service Co of Colorado4.100%, $1,060,000 par, due 6/1/2032 (1)1,017,225 
  Public Service Electric and Gas Co1.900%, $1,760,000 par, due 8/15/2031 (1)1,446,718 
  Public Service Electric and Gas Co3.650%, $795,000 par, due 9/1/2028 (1)767,105 
  Realty Income Corp4.850%, $1,820,000 par, due 3/15/2030 (1)1,830,128 
  Reckitt Benckiser Treasury Services PLC2.750%, $1,680,000 par, due 6/26/2024 (1)1,656,013 
  Regions Financial Corp1.800%, $1,570,000 par, due 8/12/2028 (1)1,345,963 
  Revvity Inc1.900%, $1,420,000 par, due 9/15/2028 (1)1,230,674 
  Rexford Industrial Realty LP5.000%, $1,130,000 par, due 6/15/2028 (1)1,131,994 
  RI State Std Ln Authority6.076%, $1,131,317 par, due 9/1/2036 (1)1,127,493 
  Rochester Gas and Electric Corp3.100%, $2,070,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)1,953,209 
  Rogers Communications Inc3.800%, $1,490,000 par, due 3/15/2032 (1)1,372,700 
  Rogers Communications Inc3.625%, $775,000 par, due 12/15/2025 (1)752,486 
  Rolls-Royce PLC3.625%, $780,000 par, due 10/14/2025 (1)749,190 
  Roper Technologies Inc3.850%, $750,000 par, due 12/15/2025 (1)735,471 
  Roper Technologies Inc1.000%, $430,000 par, due 9/15/2025 (1)401,979 
  Royal Bank of Canada4.240%, $3,320,000 par, due 8/3/2027 (1)3,283,809 
  Royal Bank of Canada3.625%, $1,200,000 par, due 5/4/2027 (1)1,160,612 
  RTX Corp4.125%, $1,300,000 par, due 11/16/2028 (1)1,270,740 
  RTX Corp2.250%, $970,000 par, due 7/1/2030 (1)838,922 
  Ryder System Inc4.300%, $1,240,000 par, due 6/15/2027 (1)1,212,472 
  Ryder System Inc3.650%, $1,703,000 par, due 3/18/2024 (1)1,694,730 
  Ryder System Inc5.650%, $580,000 par, due 3/1/2028 (1)597,946 
  Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC4.500%, $890,000 par, due 5/15/2030 (1)870,386 
  San Diego Community College District2.807%, $3,020,000 par, due 8/1/2032 (1)2,642,832 
  San Diego Community College District2.383%, $1,000,000 par, due 8/1/2033 (1)827,540 
  San Diego Gas & Electric Co4.950%, $1,590,000 par, due 8/15/2028 (1)1,623,400 
  San Jose Evergreen Community College District2.440%, $1,100,000 par, due 8/1/2029 (1)998,415 
  San Jose Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency3.375%, $1,530,000 par, due 8/1/2034 (1)1,374,537 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos5.168%, $9,340,512 par, due 3/10/2033 (1)9,375,763 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos3.015%, $41,684 par, due 9/10/2024 (1)41,010 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.517%, $565,515 par, due 3/10/2025 (1)540,120 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.829%, $402,035 par, due 9/10/2025 (1)388,533 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.507%, $376,141 par, due 3/10/2026 (1)359,620 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.845%, $1,747,388 par, due 3/10/2027 (1)1,682,418 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.518%, $1,858,864 par, due 9/10/2027 (1)1,747,958 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos3.548%, $2,013,978 par, due 9/10/2028 (1)1,920,650 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos3.113%, $2,753,379 par, due 3/10/2029 (1)2,594,741 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.283%, $2,943,783 par, due 9/10/2029 (1)2,676,791 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.078%, $3,834,634 par, due 3/10/2030 (1)3,476,970 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos1.667%, $2,526,546 par, due 3/10/2031 (1)2,191,700 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos1.304%, $4,769,126 par, due 9/10/2031 (1)4,020,082 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos2.938%, $17,015,590 par, due 3/10/2032 (1)15,492,320 
  SBA Small Business Investment Cos3.191%, $199,658 par, due 3/10/2024 (1)198,656 
  SC State Std Ln Corp6.663%, $341,141 par, due 10/27/2036 (1)339,538 
  SC State Std Ln Corp5.952%, $104,532 par, due 1/25/2041 (1)101,743 
  Sealed Air Corp1.573%, $750,000 par, due 10/15/2026 (1)675,625 
  Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2018-33.500%, $2,344,318 par, due 8/25/2057 (1)2,214,734 
  Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2019-14.000%, $1,163,778 par, due 7/25/2058 (1)1,081,881 
  Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2019-24.000%, $1,409,138 par, due 8/25/2058 (1)1,317,224 
  Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2020-22.000%, $3,987,616 par, due 11/25/2059 (1)3,159,288 
  Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust Series 2020-32.500%, $3,781,105 par, due 5/25/2060 (1)3,097,379 
  SFS Auto Receivables Securitization Trust 2023-15.470%, $2,205,000 par, due 10/20/2028 (1)2,227,985 
  Sherwin-Williams Co/The2.300%, $700,000 par, due 5/15/2030 (1)607,900 
  Sherwin-Williams Co/The2.950%, $500,000 par, due 8/15/2029 (1)460,479 
  Sherwin-Williams Co/The3.300%, $911,000 par, due 2/1/2025 (1)887,774 
     42    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Sherwin-Williams Co/The3.450%, $860,000 par, due 6/1/2027 (1)$830,582 
  Simon Property Group LP3.375%, $1,000,000 par, due 12/1/2027 (1)953,927 
  SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-106.283%, $2,717,949 par, due 12/17/2068 (1)2,672,527 
  SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION2.130%, $288,821 par, due 1/1/2033 (1)265,503 
  Solano County Community College District1.641%, $2,370,000 par, due 8/1/2029 (1)2,042,111 
  Solano County Community College District1.479%, $890,000 par, due 8/1/2028 (1)782,737 
  South32 Treasury Ltd4.350%, $2,980,000 par, due 4/14/2032 (1)2,686,512 
  Stanford Health Care3.310%, $1,351,000 par, due 8/15/2030 (1)1,242,898 
  Stanley Black & Decker Inc3.400%, $1,630,000 par, due 3/1/2026 (1)1,576,238 
  State of California3.050%, $3,000,000 par, due 4/1/2029 (1)2,819,220 
  State of Hawaii1.710%, $2,475,000 par, due 8/1/2028 (1)2,215,422 
  State of Texas4.631%, $1,250,000 par, due 4/1/2033 (1)1,255,938 
  State of Texas2.704%, $2,410,000 par, due 4/1/2031 (1)2,156,757 
  State of Utah3.539%, $1,122,552 par, due 7/1/2025 (1)1,108,924 
  State of Washington5.090%, $1,400,000 par, due 8/1/2033 (1)1,446,242 
  State of Wisconsin2.002%, $1,580,000 par, due 5/1/2034 (1)1,246,509 
  State of Wisconsin2.544%, $1,425,000 par, due 5/1/2031 (1)1,259,116 
  State Street Corp4.421%, $560,000 par, due 5/13/2033 (1)545,490 
  State Street Corp4.164%, $380,000 par, due 8/4/2033 (1)358,098 
  State Street Corp5.820%, $470,000 par, due 11/4/2028 (1)487,884 
  Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc2.348%, $3,180,000 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)3,086,979 
  Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc2.174%, $360,000 par, due 1/14/2027 (1)332,566 
  Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc5.716%, $900,000 par, due 9/14/2028 (1)932,885 
  Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc1.902%, $1,780,000 par, due 9/17/2028 (1)1,559,260 
  Take-Two Interactive Software Inc3.700%, $590,000 par, due 4/14/2027 (1)572,323 
  Tennessee Housing Development Agency6.000%, $2,185,000 par, due 1/1/2054 (1)2,238,620 
  Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs6.250%, $1,925,000 par, due 9/1/2053 (1)1,992,991 
  Texas Electric Market Stabilization Funding N LLC4.265%, $3,142,207 par, due 8/1/2034 (1)3,037,996 
  Texas Natural Gas Securitization Finance Corp5.102%, $4,250,000 par, due 4/1/2035 (1)4,331,345 
  Texas Transportation Commission State Highway Fund5.178%, $1,200,000 par, due 4/1/2030 (1)1,227,684 
  T-Mobile USA Inc2.400%, $1,110,000 par, due 3/15/2029 (1)997,119 
  T-Mobile USA Inc4.800%, $1,050,000 par, due 7/15/2028 (1)1,059,530 
  Toronto-Dominion Bank/The5.523%, $670,000 par, due 7/17/2028 (1)690,269 
  Toronto-Dominion Bank/The2.800%, $1,910,000 par, due 3/10/2027 (1)1,804,507 
  Toronto-Dominion Bank/The4.693%, $730,000 par, due 9/15/2027 (1)729,179 
  Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2017-12.750%, $41,231 par, due 10/25/2056 (1)40,951 
  Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2017-55.755%, $21,049 par, due 2/25/2057 (1)21,258 
  Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2017-62.750%, $42,430 par, due 10/25/2057 (1)40,610 
  Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2019-42.900%, $2,861,752 par, due 10/25/2059 (1)2,688,639 
  Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2019-HY16.470%, $520,204 par, due 10/25/2048 (1)524,308 
  Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2019-HY26.470%, $494,859 par, due 5/25/2058 (1)502,847 
  Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2022-43.750%, $2,814,296 par, due 9/25/2062 (1)2,634,659 
  Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2020-11.350%, $3,875,000 par, due 5/25/2033 (1)3,678,231 
  Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2021-11.070%, $5,980,000 par, due 2/27/2034 (1)5,510,833 
  Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2022-13.820%, $4,710,000 par, due 4/25/2035 (1)4,576,547 
  Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2023-14.930%, $4,060,000 par, due 6/25/2036 (1)4,099,553 
  Trane Technologies Financing Ltd3.500%, $1,310,000 par, due 3/21/2026 (1)1,273,676 
  Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co LLC4.000%, $720,000 par, due 3/15/2028 (1)698,072 
  Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co LLC3.250%, $1,205,000 par, due 5/15/2030 (1)1,093,821 
  Trinity Health3.084%, $2,235,000 par, due 12/1/2034 (1)1,947,534 
  Truist Financial Corp4.260%, $1,025,000 par, due 7/28/2026 (1)1,003,920 
  Truist Financial Corp6.123%, $670,000 par, due 10/28/2033 (1)696,596 
  Truist Financial Corp4.873%, $1,160,000 par, due 1/26/2029 (1)1,143,977 
  Truist Financial Corp4.123%, $1,780,000 par, due 6/6/2028 (1)1,715,197 
  TSMC Arizona Corp1.750%, $650,000 par, due 10/25/2026 (1)598,439 
  UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C33.167%, $1,455,000 par, due 8/15/2050 (1)1,373,310 
  UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-C104.313%, $2,550,000 par, due 5/15/2051 (1)2,435,908 
  UBS Group AG1.364%, $2,000,000 par, due 1/30/2027 (1)1,834,464 
  UBS Group AG4.751%, $410,000 par, due 5/12/2028 (1)404,042 
  UBS Group AG1.494%, $1,500,000 par, due 8/10/2027 (1)1,355,904 
  UBS Group AG2.746%, $510,000 par, due 2/11/2033 (1)419,090 
  UBS Group AG4.703%, $1,230,000 par, due 8/5/2027 (1)1,212,961 
  UBS Group AG3.869%, $340,000 par, due 1/12/2029 (1)320,762 
  UBS Group AG2.593%, $640,000 par, due 9/11/2025 (1)626,140 
  UBS Group AG1.305%, $410,000 par, due 2/2/2027 (1)375,243 
  UDR Inc3.500%, $1,380,000 par, due 1/15/2028 (1)1,301,148 
     43    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Union Electric Co2.950%, $2,760,000 par, due 3/15/2030 (1)$2,495,322 
  United States Int Dev Finance Corp3.600%, $3,750,000 par, due 3/15/2035 (1)3,583,496 
  United States Small Business Administration3.800%, $7,384,533 par, due 8/1/2047 (1)6,928,531 
  United States Small Business Administration5.040%, $3,276,267 par, due 10/1/2047 (1)3,318,088 
  United States Small Business Administration4.480%, $2,799,656 par, due 4/1/2048 (1)2,746,740 
  United States Small Business Administration5.630%, $131,626 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)130,277 
  United States Small Business Administration3.370%, $899,841 par, due 10/1/2033 (1)856,336 
  United States Small Business Administration2.840%, $1,646,762 par, due 4/1/2037 (1)1,515,261 
  United States Small Business Administration2.850%, $1,365,731 par, due 10/1/2037 (1)1,253,579 
  United States Small Business Administration5.510%, $78,253 par, due 11/1/2027 (1)77,700 
  United States Small Business Administration5.310%, $63,885 par, due 5/1/2027 (1)63,048 
  United States Small Business Administration5.130%, $3,946,854 par, due 11/1/2047 (1)4,008,673 
  United States Small Business Administration3.940%, $7,398,053 par, due 5/1/2047 (1)6,908,517 
  United States Small Business Administration6.770%, $37,461 par, due 11/1/2028 (1)38,343 
  United States Small Business Administration2.810%, $1,861,009 par, due 6/1/2037 (1)1,704,934 
  United States Small Business Administration2.810%, $329,898 par, due 12/1/2036 (1)303,060 
  United States Small Business Administration5.680%, $47,729 par, due 6/1/2028 (1)47,344 
  United States Small Business Administration5.720%, $470,217 par, due 1/1/2029 (1)465,015 
  United States Small Business Administration2.800%, $922,367 par, due 1/1/2037 (1)851,462 
  United States Small Business Administration4.710%, $2,136,706 par, due 12/1/2047 (1)2,130,031 
  United States Small Business Administration2.980%, $680,784 par, due 6/1/2035 (1)632,473 
  United States Small Business Administration2.780%, $1,705,362 par, due 12/1/2037 (1)1,562,872 
  United States Small Business Administration5.280%, $3,120,000 par, due 12/1/2048 (1)3,213,712 
  United States Small Business Administration3.150%, $623,299 par, due 7/1/2033 (1)592,007 
  United States Small Business Administration2.980%, $736,886 par, due 7/1/2037 (1)682,864 
  United States Small Business Administration2.880%, $476,349 par, due 7/1/2035 (1)446,090 
  United States Small Business Administration4.910%, $1,334,193 par, due 1/1/2048 (1)1,342,442 
  United States Small Business Administration5.180%, $6,135,000 par, due 7/1/2048 (1)6,254,540 
  United States Small Business Administration3.230%, $437,756 par, due 2/1/2034 (1)415,100 
  United States Small Business Administration5.540%, $25,677 par, due 9/1/2026 (1)25,567 
  United States Small Business Administration5.600%, $133,896 par, due 9/1/2028 (1)132,319 
  United States Small Business Administration3.210%, $399,842 par, due 3/1/2034 (1)378,578 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond4.500%, $22,725,000 par, due 11/15/2033 (1)23,907,404 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond3.875%, $4,000,000 par, due 11/30/2027 (1)3,994,532 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond4.875%, $36,115,000 par, due 10/31/2028 (1)37,734,541 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond4.625%, $960,000 par, due 11/15/2026 (1)975,600 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond4.375%, $12,065,000 par, due 11/30/2028 (1)12,358,143 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond4.125%, $6,775,000 par, due 10/31/2027 (1)6,822,635 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond3.500%, $7,410,000 par, due 2/15/2033 (1)7,199,860 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond0.375%, $3,725,000 par, due 1/31/2026 (1)3,442,280 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond3.875%, $6,700,000 par, due 8/15/2033 (1)6,705,233 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond4.375%, $7,000,000 par, due 8/31/2028 (1)7,156,408 
  University of California3.349%, $1,170,000 par, due 7/1/2029 (1)1,112,506 
  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill3.327%, $500,000 par, due 12/1/2036 (1)448,885 
  US Bancorp4.548%, $1,650,000 par, due 7/22/2028 (1)1,626,831 
  US Bancorp5.850%, $950,000 par, due 10/21/2033 (1)980,835 
  US Bancorp2.215%, $620,000 par, due 1/27/2028 (1)570,153 
  USAA Capital Corp2.125%, $190,000 par, due 5/1/2030 (1)159,785 
  Ventas Realty LP3.500%, $721,000 par, due 2/1/2025 (1)704,467 
  Ventas Realty LP2.650%, $200,000 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)193,933 
  Ventas Realty LP4.400%, $1,370,000 par, due 1/15/2029 (1)1,331,295 
  Verizon Communications Inc2.355%, $1,603,000 par, due 3/15/2032 (1)1,335,491 
  Verizon Communications Inc4.329%, $1,400,000 par, due 9/21/2028 (1)1,386,445 
  Verizon Communications Inc2.100%, $2,390,000 par, due 3/22/2028 (1)2,163,947 
  Verizon Master Trust5.160%, $1,995,000 par, due 6/20/2029 (1)2,019,383 
  Vermont Std Asst Corp6.143%, $650,062 par, due 7/28/2034 (1)648,236 
  Virginia Housing Development Authority 2016-A3.100%, $270,557 par, due 6/25/2041 (1)247,825 
  Volkswagen Auto Loan Enhanced Trust 2023-15.020%, $2,725,000 par, due 6/20/2028 (1)2,740,227 
  Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC4.350%, $950,000 par, due 6/8/2027 (1)931,480 
  Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC5.650%, $1,960,000 par, due 9/12/2028 (1)2,012,940 
  Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC2.850%, $590,000 par, due 9/26/2024 (1)578,259 
  Vulcan Materials Co3.900%, $480,000 par, due 4/1/2027 (1)465,410 
  Warnermedia Holdings Inc4.279%, $3,630,000 par, due 3/15/2032 (1)3,326,608 
  Washington & Multnomah Counties School Dist No 48J1.407%, $1,500,000 par, due 6/15/2027 (1)1,363,365 
  WEC Energy Group Inc2.200%, $665,000 par, due 12/15/2028 (1)590,723 
  WEC Energy Group Inc3.550%, $386,000 par, due 6/15/2025 (1)375,572 
     44    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  WEC Energy Group Inc5.150%, $1,480,000 par, due 10/1/2027 (1)$1,502,517 
*  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2016-C333.162%, $524,473 par, due 3/15/2059 (1)500,495 
*  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C383.453%, $2,350,000 par, due 7/15/2050 (1)2,208,431 
*  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C393.157%, $2,270,000 par, due 9/15/2050 (1)2,129,675 
*  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C403.317%, $3,065,000 par, due 10/15/2050 (1)2,890,782 
*  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2017-C423.589%, $2,830,000 par, due 12/15/2050 (1)2,593,285 
*  Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-C434.012%, $2,820,000 par, due 3/15/2051 (1)2,688,864 
  Welltower OP LLC3.625%, $308,000 par, due 3/15/2024 (1)305,926 
  Welltower OP LLC4.125%, $2,191,000 par, due 3/15/2029 (1)2,117,021 
  Welltower OP LLC2.050%, $550,000 par, due 1/15/2029 (1)484,059 
  West Haymarket Joint Public Agency5.400%, $1,250,000 par, due 12/15/2030 (1)1,297,763 
  Weyerhaeuser Co4.000%, $1,000,000 par, due 4/15/2030 (1)953,724 
  WFRBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-C203.995%, $3,274,000 par, due 5/15/2047 (1)3,234,136 
  Wheels Fleet Lease Funding 1 LLC5.800%, $2,995,000 par, due 4/18/2038 (1)3,003,668 
  Williams Cos Inc/The5.650%, $730,000 par, due 3/15/2033 (1)764,070 
  Williams Cos Inc/The5.300%, $940,000 par, due 8/15/2028 (1)962,784 
  Wisconsin Power and Light Co3.950%, $790,000 par, due 9/1/2032 (1)749,746 
  WRKCo Inc4.650%, $330,000 par, due 3/15/2026 (1)327,839 
  WRKCo Inc3.000%, $1,260,000 par, due 9/15/2024 (1)1,235,925 
  WRKCo Inc3.900%, $920,000 par, due 6/1/2028 (1)878,755 
  Xcel Energy Inc1.750%, $465,000 par, due 3/15/2027 (1)424,333 
  Yale University1.482%, $500,000 par, due 4/15/2030 (1)418,538 
  Blackrock Treasury Trust Fund5.248%, $4,150,240 shares(1)4,150,240 
Accrued income receivable 8,866,858 
Receivable for investment payments due166,148 
Payables for investment payments due(32,315)
Receivable for securities sold 6,269,140 
Payable for securities purchased(2,931,854)
American General Life Ins. Co.2.91%(1)— 
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.2.99%(1)— 
Metropolitan Tower Life Ins. Co.2.88%(1)— 
Nationwide Life Ins. Co.3.02%(1)— 
Pacific Life Ins. Co.3.09%(1)— 
Prudential Ins. Co. of America3.11%(1)— 
Royal Bank of Canada2.86%(1)— 
State Street Bank and Trust Co.3.04%(1)— 
Transamerica Life Ins. Co.3.05%(1)— 
Voya Ret. Ins. and Annuity Co.2.90%(1)— 
  AbbVie Inc3.200%, $1,470,000 par, due 11/21/2029 (1)1,375,847 
  AerCap Ireland Capital DAC1.650%, $286,000 par, due 10/29/2024 (1)275,987 
  AerCap Ireland Capital DAC2.450%, $585,000 par, due 10/29/2026 (1)541,716 
  AerCap Ireland Capital DAC3.000%, $310,000 par, due 10/29/2028 (1)283,337 
  AerCap Ireland Capital DAC5.750%, $395,000 par, due 6/6/2028 (1)404,551 
  AerCap Ireland Capital DAC6.450%, $725,000 par, due 4/15/2027 (1)751,129 
  Altria Group Inc2.350%, $250,000 par, due 5/6/2025 (1)241,138 
  American Electric Power Co Inc1.000%, $570,000 par, due 11/1/2025 (1)529,182 
  American Express Co2.250%, $650,000 par, due 3/4/2025 (1)628,973 
  American Express Co3.950%, $1,760,000 par, due 8/1/2025 (1)1,731,770 
  American Express Co5.282%, $1,050,000 par, due 7/27/2029 (1)1,072,848 
  American Honda Finance Corp2.000%, $650,000 par, due 3/24/2028 (1)589,232 
  American Tower Corp1.875%, $1,125,000 par, due 10/15/2030 (1)923,333 
  Amgen Inc2.200%, $1,065,000 par, due 2/21/2027 (1)990,929 
  Amgen Inc4.050%, $1,210,000 par, due 8/18/2029 (1)1,185,921 
  AT&T Inc1.650%, $845,000 par, due 2/1/2028 (1)753,106 
  AutoZone Inc6.250%, $480,000 par, due 11/1/2028 (1)510,418 
  AvalonBay Communities Inc2.450%, $890,000 par, due 1/15/2031 (1)768,195 
  Bank Of America Cc Tr 2023-A14.790%, $1,880,000 par, due 5/15/2026 (1)1,885,151 
  Bank of America Corp3.419%, $1,860,000 par, due 12/20/2028 (1)1,751,264 
  Bank of America Corp2.496%, $1,005,000 par, due 2/13/2031 (1)864,200 
  Bank of America Corp2.087%, $1,195,000 par, due 6/14/2029 (1)1,054,169 
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The5.802%, $400,000 par, due 10/25/2028 (1)414,972 
  Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The4.543%, $840,000 par, due 2/1/2029 (1)834,506 
  Bank of Nova Scotia/The4.750%, $2,280,000 par, due 2/2/2026 (1)2,275,531 
  Barclays Commercial Mortgage5.710%, $630,000 par, due 11/1/2032 (1)663,264 
     45    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  BAT Capital Corp2.259%, $720,000 par, due 3/25/2028 (1)$644,832 
  BAT International Finance PLC4.448%, $555,000 par, due 3/16/2028 (1)545,976 
  Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co3.700%, $1,375,000 par, due 7/15/2030 (1)1,302,056 
  BMW Vehicle Lease Trust 2023-15.160%, $190,000 par, due 3/25/2025 (1)189,734 
  Boston Properties LP3.400%, $1,105,000 par, due 6/21/2029 (1)991,262 
  BP Capital Markets America Inc4.812%, $935,000 par, due 2/13/2033 (1)944,537 
  Bristol-Myers Squibb Co5.750%, $695,000 par, due 2/1/2031 (1)745,791 
  Canadian National Railway Co3.850%, $600,000 par, due 8/5/2032 (1)571,956 
  Charles Schwab Corp/The2.450%, $465,000 par, due 3/3/2027 (1)433,110 
  Charles Schwab Corp/The5.643%, $845,000 par, due 5/19/2029 (1)867,494 
  Charles Schwab Corp/The6.196%, $815,000 par, due 11/17/2029 (1)855,448 
  Citibank Credit Card Iss Trust6.249%, $1,255,000 par, due 5/14/2027 (1)1,259,982 
  Citibank NA5.488%, $1,575,000 par, due 12/4/2026 (1)1,604,090 
  Citigroup Inc4.600%, $1,205,000 par, due 3/9/2026 (1)1,189,913 
  Citigroup Inc5.610%, $1,530,000 par, due 9/29/2026 (1)1,541,506 
  Citigroup Inc6.174%, $390,000 par, due 5/25/2034 (1)404,282 
  CNH Equipment Trust 2022-B3.890%, $305,000 par, due 6/15/2026 (1)299,708 
  CNH Equipment Trust 2023-A5.340%, $1,385,000 par, due 3/15/2025 (1)1,382,479 
  Comcast Corp1.500%, $1,595,000 par, due 2/15/2031 (1)1,308,953 
  Constellation Energy Generation LLC5.600%, $870,000 par, due 3/1/2028 (1)896,779 
  Consumers 2023 Securitization Funding LLC5.550%, $710,000 par, due 3/1/2027 (1)715,503 
  CVS Health Corp4.780%, $245,000 par, due 3/25/2038 (1)232,716 
  CVS Health Corp3.625%, $935,000 par, due 4/1/2027 (1)906,688 
  CVS Health Corp3.750%, $450,000 par, due 4/1/2030 (1)423,531 
  CVS Health Corp5.000%, $495,000 par, due 2/20/2026 (1)497,520 
  Diageo Capital PLC5.300%, $1,070,000 par, due 10/24/2027 (1)1,102,977 
  DLLST LLC3.400%, $793,905 par, due 7/20/2024 (1)788,721 
  DTE Energy Co2.529%, $590,000 par, due 10/1/2024 (1)576,088 
  Duke Energy Florida LLC1.750%, $1,015,000 par, due 6/15/2030 (1)848,175 
  DuPont de Nemours Inc4.493%, $1,255,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)1,245,964 
  Elevance Health Inc2.375%, $310,000 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)301,103 
  Emerson Electric Co2.000%, $865,000 par, due 12/21/2028 (1)774,530 
  Equinix Inc1.550%, $980,000 par, due 3/15/2028 (1)860,675 
  Equinix Inc3.900%, $605,000 par, due 4/15/2032 (1)562,765 
  Equinor ASA3.000%, $340,000 par, due 4/6/2027 (1)325,356 
  ERP Operating LP3.000%, $490,000 par, due 7/1/2029 (1)451,530 
  Eversource Energy5.950%, $930,000 par, due 2/1/2029 (1)974,547 
  Exelon Corp3.950%, $1,050,000 par, due 6/15/2025 (1)1,032,108 
  Fannie Mae5.000%, $33,970 par, due 3/1/2049 (1)34,161 
  Fifth Third Bancorp1.707%, $1,330,000 par, due 11/1/2027 (1)1,197,599 
  Firstkey homes 2020-sfr2 trust1.266%, $1,895,416 par, due 11/1/2025 (1)1,756,065 
  Florida Power & Light Co4.400%, $1,475,000 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)1,478,584 
  FN FS26003.000%, $7,284,046 par, due 12/1/2051 (1)6,475,954 
  FNMA2.000%, $3,395,000 par, due 1/1/2054 (1)2,774,292 
  FNMA5.500%, $3,530,000 par, due 1/1/2054 (1)3,548,109 
  FNMA2.000%, $2,968,361 par, due 1/1/2052 (1)2,437,915 
  Ford Credit Auto Own Tr 2023-C5.530%, $1,075,000 par, due 4/15/2027 (1)1,096,608 
  Freddie Mac Coupon Strips0.000%, $205,000 par, due 7/15/2031 (1)150,775 
  GE HealthCare Technologies Inc5.600%, $1,035,000 par, due 11/15/2025 (1)1,044,346 
  General Mills Inc5.500%, $605,000 par, due 10/17/2028 (1)626,314 
  General Motors Financial Co Inc5.000%, $495,000 par, due 4/9/2027 (1)493,931 
  GM Financial Revolving 2023-25.770%, $395,000 par, due 11/11/2028 (1)412,194 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The3.691%, $140,000 par, due 6/5/2028 (1)133,857 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The1.542%, $1,845,000 par, due 9/10/2027 (1)1,673,341 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The2.650%, $605,000 par, due 10/21/2032 (1)504,975 
  Goldman Sachs Group Inc/The3.750%, $765,000 par, due 2/25/2026 (1)747,650 
  GS Mortgage-Backed Securities3.000%, $628,912 par, due 1/1/2029 (1)557,411 
  Guardian Life Global Funding0.875%, $1,070,000 par, due 12/10/2025 (1)990,242 
  Guardian Life Global Funding3.246%, $475,000 par, due 3/29/2027 (1)452,637 
  Guardian Life Global Funding5.737%, $675,000 par, due 10/2/2028 (1)708,737 
  Haleon US Capital LLC3.375%, $250,000 par, due 3/24/2027 (1)240,690 
  Haleon US Capital LLC3.375%, $1,035,000 par, due 3/24/2029 (1)979,534 
  Honda Auto Rec Own Tr 2023-15.040%, $730,000 par, due 4/21/2026 (1)731,402 
  Honda Auto Receivables 2022-2 Owner Trust3.730%, $255,000 par, due 9/18/2025 (1)251,262 
  HSBC Holdings PLC4.300%, $200,000 par, due 3/8/2026 (1)196,722 
  HSBC Holdings PLC4.950%, $260,000 par, due 3/31/2030 (1)258,110 
  HSBC Holdings PLC1.645%, $1,650,000 par, due 4/18/2026 (1)1,568,556 
  HSBC Holdings PLC5.887%, $1,395,000 par, due 8/14/2027 (1)1,415,144 
     46    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  HSBC USA Inc3.750%, $1,375,000 par, due 5/24/2024 (1)$1,364,633 
  Hyundai Auto Lease Securitization Trust 2022-C4.380%, $610,000 par, due 12/15/2024 (1)605,913 
  John Deere Capital Corp4.950%, $745,000 par, due 7/14/2028 (1)764,474 
  JP Morgan Mortgage Trust3.000%, $410,011 par, due 8/1/2044 (1)350,301 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co4.452%, $1,470,000 par, due 12/5/2029 (1)1,441,056 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co2.005%, $925,000 par, due 3/13/2026 (1)888,814 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co2.956%, $190,000 par, due 5/13/2031 (1)167,230 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co1.578%, $875,000 par, due 4/22/2027 (1)807,713 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co1.470%, $1,350,000 par, due 9/22/2027 (1)1,223,316 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co4.851%, $1,150,000 par, due 7/25/2028 (1)1,151,173 
  JPMorgan Chase & Co5.299%, $145,000 par, due 7/24/2029 (1)147,268 
  Keurig Dr Pepper Inc4.417%, $180,000 par, due 5/25/2025 (1)178,117 
  KeyCorp3.878%, $690,000 par, due 5/23/2025 (1)674,537 
  Kimberly-Clark Corp3.100%, $230,000 par, due 3/26/2030 (1)214,965 
  Kinder Morgan Inc4.300%, $920,000 par, due 6/1/2025 (1)908,491 
  Lowe's Cos Inc4.500%, $790,000 par, due 4/15/2030 (1)786,524 
  Lowe's Cos Inc1.300%, $535,000 par, due 4/15/2028 (1)470,490 
  MassMutual Global Funding II4.150%, $662,000 par, due 8/26/2025 (1)655,241 
  McDonald's Corp3.500%, $200,000 par, due 7/1/2027 (1)194,420 
  McDonald's Corp3.600%, $440,000 par, due 7/1/2030 (1)417,991 
  Mercedes-Benz Finance North America LLC2.700%, $1,215,000 par, due 6/14/2024 (1)1,199,035 
  Metropolitan Life Global Funding I5.000%, $1,150,000 par, due 1/6/2026 (1)1,154,221 
  Metropolitan Life Global Funding I0.950%, $270,000 par, due 7/2/2025 (1)254,602 
  Mondelez International Inc2.750%, $145,000 par, due 4/13/2030 (1)131,135 
  Mondelez International Inc2.625%, $690,000 par, due 3/17/2027 (1)651,229 
  Morgan Stanley3.622%, $1,410,000 par, due 4/1/2031 (1)1,299,851 
  Morgan Stanley3.625%, $120,000 par, due 1/20/2027 (1)116,413 
  Morgan Stanley1.512%, $1,635,000 par, due 7/20/2027 (1)1,493,998 
  Morgan Stanley2.511%, $470,000 par, due 10/20/2032 (1)390,081 
  Navient Student Ln Tr 2023-Ba6.480%, $317,431 par, due 4/15/2031 (1)323,818 
  Navient Student Loan Trust4.000%, $564,304 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)544,300 
  Navient Student Loan Trust3.130%, $237,528 par, due 4/15/2026 (1)227,842 
  Navient Student Loan Trust1.690%, $98,996 par, due 10/15/2027 (1)90,040 
  Navient Student Loan Trust3.390%, $194,470 par, due 3/15/2026 (1)184,700 
  Navient Student Loan Trust0.840%, $63,857 par, due 5/15/2028 (1)56,190 
  Navient Student Loan Trust1.310%, $286,320 par, due 9/25/2033 (1)245,296 
  New York Life Global Funding2.900%, $1,670,000 par, due 1/17/2024 (1)1,668,146 
  Northwestern Mutual Global Funding0.800%, $595,000 par, due 1/14/2026 (1)550,304 
  Northwestern Mutual Global Funding4.350%, $770,000 par, due 9/15/2027 (1)759,651 
  NVIDIA Corp2.850%, $260,000 par, due 4/1/2030 (1)240,843 
  Occu Auto Rcvbls Tr 2023-1A6.230%, $680,000 par, due 7/15/2026 (1)688,350 
  Oracle Corp2.950%, $230,000 par, due 11/15/2024 (1)224,853 
  Otis Worldwide Corp2.056%, $975,000 par, due 4/5/2025 (1)937,355 
  Pacific Gas and Electric Co4.950%, $475,000 par, due 6/8/2025 (1)471,927 
  Parker-Hannifin Corp4.250%, $670,000 par, due 9/15/2027 (1)664,627 
  Pfizer Investment Enterprises Pte Ltd4.750%, $1,625,000 par, due 5/19/2033 (1)1,628,965 
  Philip Morris International Inc4.875%, $1,200,000 par, due 2/15/2028 (1)1,213,932 
  Phillips 661.300%, $340,000 par, due 2/15/2026 (1)315,938 
  Private Export Funding Corp0.550%, $670,000 par, due 7/30/2024 (1)652,982 
  Progress Residential Trust2.271%, $517,240 par, due 9/1/2024 (1)503,611 
  Prologis LP2.875%, $340,000 par, due 11/15/2029 (1)308,737 
  Public Service Enterprise Group Inc1.600%, $830,000 par, due 8/15/2030 (1)681,040 
  Rate Mortgage Trust3.000%, $699,285 par, due 1/1/2044 (1)596,574 
  Reckitt Benckiser Treasury Services PLC2.750%, $1,605,000 par, due 6/26/2024 (1)1,582,081 
  Republic Services Inc1.450%, $1,270,000 par, due 2/15/2031 (1)1,032,002 
  Resolution Funding Corp Interest Strip0.000%, $705,000 par, due 1/15/2030 (1)543,069 
  Resolution Funding Corp Principal Strip0.000%, $920,000 par, due 4/15/2030 (1)701,702 
  Roper Technologies Inc1.000%, $340,000 par, due 9/15/2025 (1)317,842 
  S&P Global Inc2.450%, $1,470,000 par, due 3/1/2027 (1)1,387,239 
  Santander Retail Auto Lease Trust 2022-B3.280%, $915,000 par, due 11/20/2024 (1)903,755 
  SFS Auto Rcvbls Sec Tr 2023-1A5.890%, $501,176 par, due 6/20/2025 (1)502,168 
  SFS Auto Rcvbls Sec Tr 2023-1A5.470%, $810,000 par, due 12/20/2026 (1)818,659 
  Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV1.200%, $900,000 par, due 3/11/2026 (1)837,027 
  SMB Private Ed Ln Tr 2020-Pta1.600%, $822,500 par, due 9/25/2028 (1)743,910 
  SMB Private Education Loan Tru1.590%, $327,988 par, due 10/15/2029 (1)284,943 
  Southern California Edison Co5.650%, $355,000 par, due 10/1/2028 (1)370,332 
     47    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
  Southern Co/The1.750%, $600,000 par, due 3/15/2028 (1)$533,976 
  Southwestern Electric Power Co1.650%, $335,000 par, due 3/15/2026 (1)312,032 
  State Street Corp5.684%, $790,000 par, due 11/21/2029 (1)817,421 
  Texas Electric Market Stabilization Funding N LLC4.265%, $856,110 par, due 8/1/2034 (1)831,035 
  T-Mobile USA Inc3.875%, $660,000 par, due 4/15/2030 (1)626,406 
  T-Mobile USA Inc2.550%, $720,000 par, due 2/15/2031 (1)620,870 
  T-Mobile USA Inc2.400%, $520,000 par, due 3/15/2029 (1)467,116 
  Toronto-Dominion Bank/The2.800%, $1,370,000 par, due 3/10/2027 (1)1,294,321 
  Toyota Auto Ln Extend 2021-1A1.070%, $2,115,000 par, due 5/25/2028 (1)1,947,450 
  Toyota Auto Ln Extend 2023-1A4.930%, $1,745,000 par, due 6/25/2028 (1)1,759,012 
  Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2020-11.350%, $715,000 par, due 10/25/2027 (1)678,556 
  Toyota Auto Loan Extended Note Trust 2022-13.820%, $1,425,000 par, due 12/25/2029 (1)1,382,165 
  Toyota Auto Rcvbls Tr 2023-B5.280%, $590,410 par, due 1/15/2025 (1)589,513 
  Toyota Auto Rcvbls Tr 2023-D5.540%, $635,000 par, due 6/15/2027 (1)648,183 
  TransCanada PipeLines Ltd4.625%, $75,000 par, due 3/1/2034 (1)71,117 
  Truist Financial Corp4.123%, $1,380,000 par, due 6/6/2028 (1)1,329,754 
  Truist Financial Corp4.260%, $795,000 par, due 7/28/2026 (1)778,647 
  TSMC Arizona Corp1.750%, $985,000 par, due 10/25/2026 (1)906,860 
  TSMC Global Ltd1.375%, $1,515,000 par, due 9/28/2030 (1)1,230,680 
  Union Pacific Corp3.950%, $400,000 par, due 9/10/2028 (1)397,064 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond1.250%, $4,005,000 par, due 8/31/2024 (1)3,906,277 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond0.500%, $10,350,000 par, due 4/30/2027 (1)9,243,896 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond1.375%, $7,765,000 par, due 10/31/2028 (1)6,918,770 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond2.750%, $24,760,000 par, due 4/30/2027 (1)23,829,519 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond3.000%, $34,965,000 par, due 7/15/2025 (1)34,204,162 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond2.625%, $49,220,000 par, due 7/31/2029 (1)46,159,008 
  United States Treasury Note/Bond4.250%, $14,705,000 par, due 10/15/2025 (1)14,679,119 
  UnitedHealth Group Inc4.250%, $1,720,000 par, due 1/15/2029 (1)1,718,968 
  US Bancorp5.727%, $1,250,000 par, due 10/21/2026 (1)1,258,125 
  US Bancorp4.653%, $1,715,000 par, due 2/1/2029 (1)1,689,429 
  USAA Capital Corp2.125%, $275,000 par, due 5/1/2030 (1)231,267 
  Veridian Auto Rcvbls 2023-1A5.560%, $1,140,000 par, due 5/15/2026 (1)1,137,503 
  Verizon Communications Inc4.500%, $580,000 par, due 8/10/2033 (1)566,660 
  Verizon Communications Inc1.750%, $1,575,000 par, due 1/20/2031 (1)1,293,626 
  Verizon Communications Inc2.355%, $360,000 par, due 3/15/2032 (1)299,923 
  Verizon Master Trust 2023-14.490%, $1,365,000 par, due 1/20/2026 (1)1,357,315 
  Verizon Master Trust 2023-65.350%, $2,270,000 par, due 9/20/2028 (1)2,342,209 
  Verizon Master Trust 2023-75.670%, $1,270,000 par, due 11/20/2026 (1)1,308,354 
  Volkswagen Auto Enhance 2023-25.480%, $655,000 par, due 6/20/2027 (1)668,952 
  Volkswagen Auto Lea Tr 2023-A5.810%, $830,000 par, due 2/20/2026 (1)840,815 
  Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2022-A3.440%, $370,000 par, due 10/20/2024 (1)367,073 
  Warnermedia Holdings Inc4.054%, $275,000 par, due 3/15/2029 (1)261,027 
  Warnermedia Holdings Inc4.279%, $190,000 par, due 3/15/2032 (1)174,120 
  WEC Energy Group Inc0.800%, $660,000 par, due 3/15/2024 (1)653,255 
  Wisconsin Electric Power Co1.700%, $240,000 par, due 6/15/2028 (1)213,394 
  Blackrock Treasury Trust Fund5.248%, $5,797,380 shares(1)5,797,380 
 Accrued income receivable2,505,530 
Payable for investment payments due(4,949,800)
Receivable for investment payments due2,991,131 
Payable for daily variation margin on futures contracts71,336 
Payable for securities purchased on a forward commitment basis(9,034,893)
Receivable for securities sold on a forward commitment basis5,705,151 
Total investment in security-backed contracts 4,178,579,270 
Collective Investment Fund, (1.8%)
Short-Term Investment Fund II79,800,439 units(1)79,159,146 
     48    (Continued)

Schedule H, Line 4i – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
December 31, 2023
Description of investment, including
maturity date, rate of interest,
Identity of issuer, borrower, lessor, or similar partycollateral, par, or maturing valueCostCurrent value
*Wells Fargo - ESOP Fund
BlackRock Liquidity Treasury InstMutual Fund(1)$62,106,048 
*Wells Fargo & Company common stock - allocatedCommon stock fund8,051,579,2959,314,738,444 
*Represents a party-in-interest.
(1)Cost information not required as investments are participant directed.
See accompanying report of independent registered public accounting firm.

Exhibit No.DescriptionLocation
Filed herewith.




The Plan. Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the trustees (or other persons who administer the employee benefit plan) have duly caused this annual report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

/s/ Daniela Nese            
Daniela Nese
Managing Director
Head of Benefits and Recognition
Wells Fargo & Company
June 18, 2024

Exhibit (23)
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

We consent to the incorporation by reference in the registration statement (No. 333-211639) on Form S-8 of our report dated June 18, 2024, with respect to the financial statements of the Wells Fargo & Company 401(k) Plan.

/s/ KPMG LLP        

Cleveland, Ohio
June 18, 2024

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