RNS Number:7768G
Thorntons PLC
7 March 2000
PART II                                  

                            THORNTONS PLC   
                   Announcement of Interim Results
                for the 28 weeks ended 8 January 2000

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Unaudited results for 28 weeks ended 8 January 2000

                             For 28 weeks ended 8 January 2000              
                              Result                  Continuing
                    Notes     before    Exceptional   operations
                        exceptionals          Items        2000
                               #'000          #'000       #'000
Turnover             2        94,332           -         94,332  
Cost of sales        -       (41,912)          -        (41,912) 
Gross profit         -        52,420           -         52,420  
Selling and          -      
distribution costs           (34,371)          828      (33,543)
Administration       -        
expenses                      (5,771)           -        (5,771) 
Other operating      -             
income                           108            -           108
Operating profit     2  
- continuing                                                              
operations                    12,386          828        13,214
Exceptional items                                                          
Loss on disposal      
of Belperm facilily  -           -         (1,055)       (1,055)
Release of 
European provision
provision -
discontinued        -           -             -              -   
                                -          (1,055)       (1,055)
Profit on ordinary  - 
activities before                   
interest                   12,386            (227)       12,159
receivable and
similar income      -         118              -            118 
Interest payable    
and similar charges  3     (2,427)             -         (2,427) 
Profit on ordinary                                                             
ordinary activities                
before taxation            10,077            (227)       9,850

Taxation             4     (2,166)           (248)      (2,414)  
Profit on ordinary                                                             
activities after              
taxation             -      7,911            (475)       7,436   
Dividends            -     (1,283)              -       (1,283)  
Retained profit for        
the period           -      6,628            (475)       6,153  
Basic earnings      5                                                      
per ordinary             
share (pence)               12.00           (0.72)       11.28  
Fully diluted earnings 
per ordinary             
share (pence)       5       11.92           (0.72)       11.20   
Dividend per ordinary                                                      
share (pence)                1.95              -          1.95    

                         For 28 weeks ended 9 January
                     Results       Exceptional items       uing
                     before                       Onerous  oper-
                     except-     Reorganisation   leases   ations
               notes tionals    charges          (restated)(restated)
Turnover          2   87,760          -           -        87,760
Cost of sales     -  (39,321)      (402)          -       (39,723)
Gross profit      -   48,439       (402)          -        48,037
Selling and        
distribution costs - (28,950)      (233)        160      (29,023)
expenses         -    (6,492)      (713)         -        (7,205) 
Other operating   -     
income                   175         -           -           175
Operating profit 2  
- continuing                                                              
  operations          13,172     (1,348)        160       11,984
Exceptional items 
Loss on disposal       
of Belper facility      -            -          -          -        
Release of                
European provision
provision - 
discontinued            -          803          -           803    
                        -          803          -           803
Profit on ordinary -                                                      
activities before               
interest             13,172       (545)        160       12,787       
receivable and
similar income  -        89         -           -            89
Interest payable    3 
and similar charges  (1,133)        -           -        (1,133)               

Profit on ordinary  -                                                 
activities before               
taxation             12,128       (545)       160        11,743
Taxation           4 (2,922)       415        (48)       (2,555)
Profit on ordinary                                                        
activities after      9,206       (130)       112         9,188
Dividends       -    (1,263)         -          -        (1,263)
Retained profit for    
the period            7,943        (130)       112        7,925
Basic earnings    5                                                      
per ordinary          14.05       (0.20)      0.17        14.02
share (pence)         -----------------------------------------
Fully diluted
earnngs per ordinary              
share (pence)     5   13.96       (0.20)      0.17        13.93
Dividend per ordinary                                                      
share (pence)          1.95           -        -           1.95

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (continued)
Unaudited results for 28 weeks ended 8 January 2000
                                 For 52 weeks ended 26 June 1999
                          Results     Exceptional Items    inuing
                           before  Reorganisation  Onerous  oper-
                     exceptionals      charges     leases    1999       
                       #'000            #'000      #'000    #'000
Turnover             141,267               -          -    41,267
Cost of sales        (66,802)            (402)        -   (67,204)
Gross profit          74,465             (402)        -    74,063  
Selling and               
distribution costs   (51,869)            (233)       572 (51,530)
expenses              (9,843)            (713)       -   (10,556)
Other operating income   332               -         -       332  
Operating profit -            
continuing operations 13,085           (1,348)       572  12,309
Exceptional items        -                -           -      -  
Release of European            
provision -
discontinued             -               803          -      803
                         -               803          -      803
Profit on ordinary        
activities before
interest            13,085              (545)        572  13,112
Interest receivable      
and similar income      74                -           -       74
Interest payable    (2,646)               -           -   (2,646)
and similar charges ---------------------------------------------
Profit on ordinary         
activities before
taxation            10,513             (545)         572  10,540
Taxation              (768)             415         (172)   (525)
Profit on ordinary          
activities after
taxation             9,745            (130)          400  10,015
Dividends           (4,465)             -             -   (4,465)
Retained profit for     
the period           5,280            (130)          400   5,550
Basic earnings per          
ordinary share
 (pence)            14.84            (0.20)         0.61   15.25
Fully diluted earnings                                         
per ordinary share          
(pence)             14.74            (0.20)         0.61  15.15
Dividend per ordinary 
share (pence)        6.80              -              -    6.80
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 26 June 1999
                            As at 8           As at 9    As at 26
                            January      January 1999   June 1999
                               2000        (restated)     
                              #'000            #'000       #'000
Fixed assets                                               
Tangible assets             104,897          104,459     109,157
Investments - purchase          290              305         290
of own shares               ------------------------------------
                            105,187          104,764     109,447
Current assets                                              
Stocks                       13,170           13,784      11,728
Debtors: amounts falling        
due after one year              351            1,652         452
Debtors: amounts falling    
due within one year          11,147           11,141       9,605
Cash at bank and in hand      2,651            5,140       2,941
                             27,319           31,717      24,726
Bank loans, overdrafts       
and finance leases             (978)          (3,204)    (11,966)
falling due within one
Other creditors falling   
due within one year         (31,405)         (33,735)    (25,647)
                            (32,383)         (36,939)    (37,613)
Net current liabilities      (5,064)          (5,222)    (12,887)
Total assets less          
current liabilities         100,123           99,542      96,560
Bank loans and finance     
leases falling due after
one year                    (41,188)         (40,998)    (41,704)
Other creditors falling    
due after one year           (1,711)          (2,339)     (2,114)
Restructuring provisions       (782)          (2,357)     (1,480)
Onerous lease provision    
net of sublet receivables    (2,122)          (3,681)     (3,114)
Net assets                   54,320           50,167      48,148
Capital and reserves                                        
Share capital                 6,645           6,617        6,644
Share premium                12,250          11,903       12,232
Revaluation reserve             505             887          729
Profit and loss account      34,920          30,760       28,543
Equity shareholders'         54,320          50,167       48,148
funds                        -----------------------------------
Net debt                     39,515          39,062       50,729
Gearing                       72.7%           77.8%        105.4%
Net assets per share          81.75p          75.82p       72.47p

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                For 28           
                                  For 28         weeks    For 52
                                   weeks         ended     weeks
                                   ended     9 January     ended
                               8 January          1999   26 June
                                    2000    (restated)      1999
                                   #'000         #'000     #'000
Profit after tax                                               
attributable to shareholders       7,436         9,188    10,015
- as reported
Revaluation surplus realised         224           -         158
on property disposals              -----------------------------

Total recognised gains and                                     
losses in the period - as         
reported                           7,660         9,188    10,173
Prior period adjustments -            -         (2,767)   (2,767)
FRS12                              ------------------------------

Total recognised gains and                                     
losses since last Annual           7,660         6,421     7,406
Report                             -----------------------------

Historical cost results

There was no material difference between the result as disclosed in
the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account and the result on an
unmodified historical cost basis.

Movements in shareholders' funds
                                      For 28 weeks              
                       For 28 weeks          ended  For 52 weeks
                              ended      9 January         ended
                          8 January           1999  26 June 1999
                               2000     (restated)
                       #'000  #'000  #'000   #'000  #'000  #'000
Profit after tax                                                
attributable to               7,436          9,188         10,01
Dividends                    (1,283)        (1,263)       (4,465)
Retained profit                                                 
attributable to               6,153          7,925         5,550
New share capital issued         19              -           569
Net increase in               6,172          8,138              
shareholders' funds
Opening shareholders'                                           
funds as reported      48,148       44,796          44,796
Prior period             
adjustments - FRS12        -        (2,767)         (2,767)                    
Opening shareholders'                                           
funds - as restated          48,148        42,029        42,029           
Closing shareholders'        
funds                        54,320        50,167        48,148

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Unaudited results for 28 weeks ended 8 January 2000

                        For 28 weeks  For 28 weeks   For 52 weeks
                               ended         ended          ended
                      8 January 2000     9 January   26 June 1999
                      #'000    #'000  #'000  #'000   #'000  #'000
Cash inflow from 
operating            6       22,570         24,505        29,693
Returns on
investments and                
servicing of                                         
finance                       (2,375)       (2,071)       (3,978)
Taxation                          (8)         (622)       (2,872)
Capital expenditure                                                
and financial                 (5,608)      (26,690)      (37,066)
Equity dividends             
paid                          (3,198)       (3,013)       (4,297)              
Cash inflow/(outflow)                                                          
before use of liquid                  
resources and financing       11,381        (7,891)      (18,520)
Management of                   (152)        9,525       (11,596)
liquid resources                                              
Financing - Issue        19             213           569       
of shares
Financing -                                                          
increase in debt    (11,772)          2,431        10,529
                             (11,753)        2,644        11,098
(Decrease) /                                                         
increase in cash in            (524)         4,278         4,174
the period
Reconciliation of 
net cash flow to
movement in net debt
(Decrease) /                                                         
increase in cash in   (524)           4,278       (4,174)
the period                                                 
Cash flow from                                                       
(increase) in debt  11,772          (2,431)      (10,529)   
Cash flow from                                                       
(decrease) in                                
liquid resources       152          (9,525)      (11,596)
Change in net debt                                                   
resulting from                  
cashflow                    11,400        (7,678)        (17,951)
Inception of 
finance leases                (425)       (1,326)         (2,696)
Termination of                       
finance leases                 157             -              -
difference                      82            47              23
Movement in net                                                      
debt in the period          11,214       (8,957)         (20,624)

Net debt at                  
beginning of period        (50,729)     (30,105)         (30,105)
Net debt at end of       
period                     (39,515)     (39,062)         (50,729)

Analysis of Net Debt
Group: For the 28 weeks                       Other                 
ended 8 January 2000        At 26  Cash    non-              At 8
                        June 1999  Flow    cash  Exchange  January
                                           changes  Movement  2000
                           #'000   #'000   #'000    #'000   #'000
Cash at bank and in hand   2,941   (524)      -        82   2,499
Overdrafts                   -       -        -        -       -
                           2,941   (524)      -        82   2,499
Debt due within one year (11,100) 11,100      -        -       -
Debt due after one year  (39,574)     -       -        - (39,574)
Finance leases            (2,996)    672   (268)       -  (2,592)
                         (53,670) 11,772   (268)       - (42,166)
Cash on deposit             -        152      -        -     152
Total net debt           (50,729) 11,400   (268)      82 (39,515)
                                          Other               At
                             At           non-                 9
                         27 June    Cash  cash    Exchange  January
Group: For the 28 weeks     1998    Flow  changes Movement   1999
ended 9 January 1999  
                           #'000   #'000   #'000    #'000   #'000
Cash at bank and in hand     385   2,707       -       -    3,092
Overdrafts                (1,618)  1,571       -      47       -
                          (1,233)  4,278       -      47    3,092
Debt due within one year     -    (2,700)      -       -   (2,700)
Debt due within one year (39,574)      -       -       -  (39,574)
Finance leases              (871)    269  (1,326)      -   (1,928)
                         (40,445) (2,431) (1,326)      -  (44,202)
Cash on deposit           11,573  (9,525)      -       -    2,048
Total net debt           (30,105) (7,678)  (1,326)     47 (39,062)



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