RNS Number:5036T
Oxeco PLC
30 April 2008

                                                                   30 April 2008

                      Oxeco Plc ("Oxeco" or the "Company")

Audited Results for the period 17 October 2006 to 31 January 2008 and Chairman's

Chairman's Statement

The Company was established on 17 October 2006. It was admitted to AIM in
December 2006 with a net #2.84 million raised in cash and a stated strategy of
seeking investments in or acquiring assets, businesses or companies in the
technology and science sectors.

On 29 June 2007 Oxeco Plc acquired the entire issued share capital of Oxray
Limited ("Oxray").

The total consideration payable for Oxray was approximately #2.1 million
satisfied by the issue new Ordinary Shares with a value of #2.0 million and the
cash settlement of related acquisition costs amounting to #0.1million.

On completion of the acquisition of Oxray, I joined the Board as Executive
Chairman, Professor Stephen Davies joined as a Non-executive Director and
Professor Graham Richards changed his role from Non-executive Chairman to that
of Non-executive Director.

Oxray's primary objectives are the development of novel X-ray crystallography
structure determination software and the provision of small-molecule X-ray
crystallography structure services to both industry and academic institutions.
This is to be achieved by developing novel molecular structure determination
software in-house, licensing IP and potentially making acquisitions in this

Oxray has made good progress in the development of its X-ray crystallography
structure determination software and the Company secured its first revenue
contact in January 2008. The service will use a web portal behind which the
Company will work to maximise the extent to which the service can be automated.
The Company intends to offer standardised response times to its customers but
will also market premium services such as a fast-response and extended
scientific reporting suitable to support customers' patent applications.

The Group's loss before tax for the period from incorporation 17 October 2006 to
31 January 2008 was #58,000. Total equity shareholders funds at the period end
amounted to #4.87 million including cash balances of #2.76 million.

Your Directors are continuing to evaluate a range of new commercial and
acquisition opportunities which they believe fulfill the Company's original
objectives of investing in the technology and science sectors and especially
those which are complementary to the Company's enlarged business.

I would like to conclude by thanking our employees and management for their
support in the growth and development of the Company in the period.

Jussi Westergren
Executive Chairman
29 April 2008

Audited Results

The audited results for the period 17 October 2006 to 31 December 2008 are
presented below. The audited accounts will be sent to the Company's shareholders
within the next 48 hours and are available on the Company's website.

For further information, please contact:

Michael Bretherton                                          +44 (0) 207352 8989
Oxeco PLC

Ray Zimmerman/Jonathan Evans                                +44 (0) 207 060 1760
Zimmerman Adams International Ltd

Daniel Briggs                                               +44 (0) 207 448 4400
Hichens, Harrison & Co plc

For the period from incorporation on 17 October 2006 to 31 January 2008

                                                     Notes               2008

Revenue                                                                     7

Administrative expenses                                                  (243)

OPERATING LOSS                                          2                (236)

Finance income                                          3                 178
LOSS BEFORE TAXATION                                                      (58)

Taxation                                                5                  (5)

RETAINED LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                                              (63)


Basic and diluted                                       6            (0.01) p

The loss for the period arises from the Group's continuing operations and
includes contributions from subsidiaries acquired in the period as set out in
note 15 of the financial statements.

For the period from incorporation on 17 October 2006 to 31 January 2008

The Group
                                   Share        Share     Retained       Total
                                 Capital      Premium      Deficit      Equity
                                   #'000        #'000        #'000       #'000

At 17 October 2006                     -            -            -           -
Loss for the period                    -            -          (63)        (63)
Issue of shares                      600        4,500            -       5,100
Expenses of issue of shares            -         (167)           -        (167)
                                ________     ________     ________    ________

At 31 January 2008                   600        4,333          (63)      4,870
                                ========     ========     ========    ========

The Company
                                   Share        Share     Retained       Total
                                 Capital      Premium     Earnings      Equity
                                   #'000        #'000        #'000       #'000

At 17 October 2006                     -            -            -           -
Profit for the period                  -            -           21          21
Issue of shares                      600        4,500            -       5,100
Expenses of issue of shares            -         (167)           -        (167)
                                ________     ________     ________    ________

At 31 January 2008                   600        4,333           21       4,954
                                ________     ________     ________    ________

As at 31 January 2008

                                                  Notes     Group       Company 
                                                             2008          2008
                                                            #'000         #'000

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                       7           2             -
Intangible assets - goodwill                        8       2,120             -
Investments                                         9           -         2,100
                                                         ________      ________
                                                            2,122         2,100
                                                         ________      ________
Current assets
Trade and other receivables                        10          29           223
Cash and cash equivalents                          11       2,761         2,646
                                                         ________      ________
                                                            2,790         2,869
                                                         ________      ________
TOTAL ASSETS                                                4,912         4,969
                                                         ________      ________


Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                           12         (37)          (10)
Current taxation                                    5          (5)           (5)
                                                         ________      ________
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                             (42)          (15)
                                                         ________      ________
NET ASSETS                                                  4,870         4,954
                                                         ========      ========
Attributable to equity holders of
Issued share capital                               13         600           600
Share premium                                      14       4,333         4,333
Retained (deficit)/earnings                                   (63)           21
                                                         ________      ________
TOTAL EQUITY                                                4,870         4,954
                                                         ========      ========

Approved by the board of Directors and authorised for issue on 29 April 2008 and
signed on its behalf by:-

M A Bretherton
Finance Director

For the period from incorporation on 17 October 2006 to 31 January 2008

                                                  Notes     Group       Company 
                                                             2008          2008
                                                            #'000         #'000
Operating loss                                               (236)         (152)
Increase in trade and other receivables                       (29)         (223)
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables               (15)           10
                                                         ________      ________
Net cash outflow from operations                             (280)         (365)
                                                         ________      ________

Purchase of property, plant and equipment 
(see note 7)                                                   (2)            -

Acquisitions of subsidiaries (see note 15)                   (100)         (100)
Cash in subsidiaries at acquisition                            32             -
                                                         ________      ________
Net cash outflow from investing activities                    (70)         (100)
                                                         ________      ________

Proceeds from issue of share capital                        3,100         3,100
Expenses of issue of share capital                           (167)         (167)
Interest received                                             178           178
                                                         ________      ________
Net cash inflow from financing activities                   3,111         3,111
                                                         ________      ________

INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                       2,761         2,646

Cash and cash equivalents
At 17 October 2006                                              -             -
                                                         ________      ________
AT 31 JANUARY 2008                                          2,761         2,646
                                                         ========      ========



The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as
adopted by the EU.


The consolidated financial statements incorporate those of Oxeco Plc and its
subsidiary undertaking, Oxray Ltd.


Subsidiaries are all entities over which the Group has the power to govern the
financial and operating policies generally accompanying a shareholding of more
than half of the voting rights. The existence and effects of potential voting
rights are considered when assessing whether the Group controls the entity.
Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date control passes.

The purchase method of accounting is used to account for the acquisition of
subsidiaries by the Group.  The costs of an acquisition are measured as the fair
value of the assets given, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or
assumed at the date of exchange, plus costs directly attributable to the
acquisition.  Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent
liabilities assumed in a business combination are initially measured at fair
value at acquisition date irrespective of the extent of any minority interest.
The difference between the cost of acquisition of shares in subsidiaries and the
fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired is capitalised as goodwill
and reviewed annually for impairment. Any deficiency of the cost of acquisition
below the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired (i.e. discount on
acquisition) is recognised directly in the income statement.

All intra-group transactions, balances, and unrealised gains on transactions
between Group companies are eliminated on consolidation. Subsidiaries'
accounting policies are amended where necessary to ensure consistency with the
policies adopted by the Group. All financial statements are made up to 31
January 2008.

As provided by section 230 of the Companies Act 1985, no income statement is
presented for Oxeco Plc. The profit after tax dealt with in the income statement
of the Company for the period from incorporation on 17 October 2006 to 31
January 2008 amounted to #21,000.


Property, plant and equipment assets are stated at historical cost.

Depreciation is provided on all property, plant and equipment assets at rates
calculated to write each asset down to its estimated residual value evenly over
its expected useful life, as follows:-

Office furniture and equipment:     over 3 years


Investments in subsidiaries are stated in the balance sheet of the Parent
Company at cost less provision for any impairment.


Goodwill arising on consolidation of subsidiaries represents the excess of fair
value of the cost of acquisition over the Group's interest in the fair value of
the identifiable assets and liabilities at the date of acquisition.

Goodwill is tested for impairment annually and whenever there is an indication
that the asset may be impaired.


At each balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amounts of its
property, plant and equipment and intangible assets to determine whether there
is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any
such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in
order to determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any).

Discounted cash flow valuation techniques are generally applied for assessing
recoverable amounts using 5 year forward looking cash flow projections and
terminal value estimates, together with discount rates appropriate to the risk
of the related cash generating units.

If the recoverable amount of an asset is estimated to be less than its carrying
amount, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable amount.
An impairment loss is recognised as an expense immediately.


Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables do not carry any interest and are initially
recognised at fair value. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost using
the effective interest rate method, less any provision for impairment.

Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables are not interest bearing and are initially recognised
at fair value. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the
effective interest method, less any provision for impairment.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at hand and deposits on a term of not
greater than 3 months.


Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or
receivable in the normal course of business, net of discounts, VAT and other
sales related taxes and is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the
economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow in to the Group.


All costs associated with the development of software are expensed to the income
statement as incurred.


The Group's activities are considered to comprise one business and one
geographical segment which consists of the provision of molecular structure
determination software services to both industry and academic institutions in
the UK.


The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred

The tax currently payable is based on taxable loss for the period. The Group's
liability for current tax is calculated by using tax rates that have been
enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date deferred tax is the
tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying
amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the
corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable loss, and is
accounted for using the balance sheet liability method.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences
and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that
taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences
can be utilised. Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected
to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled.
Deferred tax is charged or credited in the income statement, except when it
relates to items credited or charged directly to equity, in which case the
deferred tax is also dealt with in equity.


Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical
experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.  Actual results may differ
from these estimates.

The estimates and assumptions in relation to goodwill are considered to have the
most significant effect on the carrying amount of the assets in the financial
statements as discussed below.  The Group is required to test at least annually,
whether goodwill has suffered any impairment.  The recoverable amount is
determined using value in use calculations.  The use of this method requires the
estimation of future cash flows and the selection of a suitable discount rate in
order to calculate the present value of these cash flows.


At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, the following
Standards and Interpretations that have not been applied in these financial
statements were in issue but not yet effective or endorsed (unless otherwise

*         IFRS 2:     Share based payment - Amendments relating to vesting
                      conditions and cancellations
*         IFRS 3:     Business Combinations - Amendments
*         IFRS 7:     Financial Instruments: Disclosures - Consequential
                      amendments arising from   amendments to IAS32
*         IFRS 8:     Operating Segments (endorsed)
*         IAS 1:      Presentation of Financial Statements - Revised
*         IAS 1:      Presentation of Financial Statements - Amendments relating
                      to Puttable Financial Instruments and obligations arising 
                      on liquidation
*         IAS 23:     Borrowing Costs - Amendment
*         IAS 27:     Consolidated and separate Financial Statements -
                      Consequential amendments arising from amendments from 
*         IAS 28:     Investments in Associates - Consequential amendments
                      arising from amendments to IFRS3
*         IAS 31:     Interest in Joint Ventures - Consequential amendments
                      arising from amendments to IFRS3
*         IAS 32:     Financial Instruments: Presentation - Amendments relating
                      to Puttable Financial Instruments and obligations arising 
                      on liquidation
*         IAS 39:     Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement -
                      Consequential amendments arising from amendments to IAS 32
*         IFRIC 2:    Members' Shares in Co-operative Entities and Similar
                      Instruments - Consequential amendments arising from 
                      amendments to IAS 32
*         IFRIC 11:   IFRS 2 - Group and Treasury Share Transactions (endorsed)
*         IFRIC 12:   Service Concession Arrangements
*         IFRIC 13:   Customer loyalty programmes
*         IFRIC 14:   IAS 19 - The limit on a defined benefit asset, minimum
                      funding requirements and their interaction

The Directors anticipate that the adoption of these Standards and
Interpretations in future periods will have no material impact on the financial
statements of the Group.


                                                                                                 Period to
                                                                                           31 January 2008
Operating loss is stated after charging:
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                                            1
Operating lease rentals on land and buildings                                                            4
Other operating lease rentals                                                                            3
Staff costs (see note 4)                                                                                73

Auditor's remuneration:
Fees payable to the Company's auditor for the audit of the Company's annual accounts                    10
Fees payable to the Company's auditor for the audit of  the annual accounts of                           
subsidiary                                                                                               7
Other services pursuant to legislation (charged to share premium)                                       35
Other fees paid                                                                                          3

Total auditor's remuneration                                                                            55


                                                                                                 Period to
                                                                                           31 January 2008

Bank interest receivable                                                                               178

The average monthly number of persons (including Directors) employed by
the Group during the period was:

Administration and management                                                                            6

                                                                                                 Period to
                                                                                           31 January 2008
The aggregate remuneration comprised:
Wages and Salaries                                                                                      70
Social Security costs                                                                                    3
Director's remuneration included in the aggregate remuneration above
Emoluments for qualifying services                                                                      44

In addition, the Group paid fees of #18,000, (see note 17), to Ora Capital
Partners Plc for consultancy services provided by Michael Bretherton.


The Group
                                                                                                 Period to
                                                                                           31 January 2008

Current tax:
UK corporation tax on losses of period                                                                   5

Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of timing differences                                                           -

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                                                                       5

                                                                                                 Period to
                                                                                           31 January 2008
The Group

Factors affecting tax charge for the year

The tax assessed for the period varies from the standard rate of
corporation tax as explained below:

Loss on ordinary activities before tax                                                                 (58)
Loss on ordinary activities multiplied by the standard rate of corporation                             (17)
tax (30%)

Effects of:
Expenses not deductable for tax purposes                                                                 8
Unutilised tax losses                                                                                   14

Current tax charge for the year                                                                          5

The Group has estimated losses of #163,000 in subsidiaries available for carry
forward against future trading profit. The Group has not recognised deferred tax
assets of #45,000 relating to these losses as their recoverability is uncertain.


Basic loss per share is based on the net loss for the period of #63,000
attributable to equity shareholders related to the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period of 456,050,955. Fully diluted loss
per share is the same as basic loss per share.

                                                                                Fixtures and
At 17 October 2006                                                                         -
Acquisition of subsidiary (see note 15)                                                    1
Additions                                                                                  2
At 31 January 2008                                                                         3

At 17 October 2006                                                                         -
Charge for the year                                                                        1
At 31 January 2008                                                                         1

Net book value
At 31 January 2008                                                                         2
At 17 October 2006                                                                         -


The Group

At 17 October 2006                                                                         -
Arising on acquisition of subsidiary (see note 15)                                     2,120
At 31 January 2008                                                                     2,120

Goodwill arising on the acquisition of the subsidiary relates to the Group's
Oxray Ltd subsidiary cash generating unit and is principally attributable to
anticipated future earnings growth.


The Company
Cost and book value at 17 October 2006                                                     -
Additions (see note 15)                                                                2,100
Cost and book value at 31 January 2008                                                 2,100

There has been no impairment loss to the investment in the subsidiary in the 

At 31 January 2008 the Company had an investment in a subsidiary where it holds
50% or more of the issued share capital of the following companies:

Undertaking                 Sector                Website                        31 January 2008
                                                                  Share of issued ordinary share
                                                                       capital and voting rights

Oxray Ltd                   Technology         www.oxray.com                                 100

The Company is incorporated in England and Wales and operates wholly or mainly 
in the country of incorporation.

All subsidiaries have been included in the consolidated financial statements.


                                                                                Group             Company
                                                                                 2008                2008
                                                                                #'000               #'000

Trade receivables                                                                   6                   -
Prepayments and accrued income                                                     23                  23
Amounts owed by subsidiary undertakings                                             -                 200
                                                                            _________           _________
                                                                                   29                 223
                                                                            =========           =========

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables
approximates to their fair value.


The Group is exposed to a number of risks through its normal operations, the
most significant of which are market, credit and liquidity risks. The management
of these risks is vested in the Board of Directors.

Categorisation of financial instruments

Financial assets/
                                       Loans and                 Financial                  Total
                                     receivables            liabilities at
                                                            amortised cost
                                           #'000                     #'000                  #'000
At 31 January 2008
Trade and other receivables                    6                         -                      6
Cash and cash equivalents                  2,761                         -                  2,761
Trade and other payables                       -                       (35)                   (35)
                                       _________                 _________              _________
TOTAL                                      2,767                       (35)                 2,732
                                       _________                 _________              _________

The Group had no gains at fair value through profit and loss.

The disclosures above are only provided on a Group consolidated basis as the
directors do not believe there is any material benefit in providing similar
information for the Company.

Management of market risk

The most significant area of market risk to which the Group is exposed is
interest risk.

As the Group has no significant borrowings it has only a limited interest rate
risk. The principal impact to the Group is the result of interest-bearing cash
and cash equivalent balances held as set out below:

                                                              31 January 2008
                                            Fixed              Floating rate                 Total
                                            #'000                      #'000                 #'000

Cash and cash equivalents                   2,111                        650                 2,761
                                        _________                  _________             _________

The impact of an increase/decrease by 1 percentage point in the rate of interest
earned on the above period end interest-bearing cash and cash equivalent
balances equates to #27,610 per annum on the Group's pre tax results for the
period and on equity.

Management of credit risk

The Group's principal financial assets are bank balances and cash.

The Group deposits surplus liquid funds with counterparty banks that have high
credit ratings.

The maximum exposure to credit risk on the Group's financial assets and
liabilities is represented by their carrying amounts as outlined in the
categorisation of financial instruments table above.

The Group does not consider that any changes in fair value of financial assets
or liabilities in the year are attributable to credit risk.

No aged analysis of financial assets is presented as no financial assets are
part due at the reporting date with the exception of trade receivables and other
receivables, which the Directors do not consider to be material.

Management of liquidity risk

The Group seeks to manage liquidity risk to ensure that sufficient liquidity is
available to meet foreseeable needs and to invest cash assets safely and
profitably. The Group deems there is sufficient liquidity for the foreseeable

No maturity analysis for financial liabilities is presented, as the Directors
consider that liquidity risk is not material.

The Group and the Company had cash and cash equivalents at 31 January 2008 of

As at 31 January 2008 all financial assets and liabilities mature for payment
within one year.


                                                                        Group             Company
                                                                         2008                2008
                                                                        #'000               #'000

Trade payables                                                             17                   -
Other taxes and social security                                             2                   -
Accruals                                                                   18                  10
                                                                     ________            ________

                                                                           37                  10
                                                                     ========            ========

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other payables
approximates to their fair value.


The Group and the Company
                                                                  2008               2008
                                                                Number              #'000
Ordinary shares of 0.1p                                  1,000,000,000              1,000
                                                       ===============         ==========
Allotted, issued and fully paid:
Ordinary shares of 0.1p                                    600,000,000                600
                                                       ===============         ==========

The Company was incorporated on 17 October 2006, on which date the authorised
share capital was #1,000,000 divided into 100,000,000 shares of 0.1p each, 2 of
which were issued at par value.

On 19 October 2006 the Company allotted and issued 99,999,998 shares of 0.1p
each for cash at par value.

On 21 December 2006 the Company placed 300,000,000 shares of 0.1p each on AIM
for cash at a price of 1p per share, resulting in a share premium of #2,700,000.

On 29 June 2007 the Company allotted 200,000,000 shares of 0.1p each at a price
of 1p per share in connection with the acquisition by the Company of the entire
issued share capital of Oxray Ltd, resulting in a share premium of # 1,800,000
(see note 15).


The Group and the Company

At 17 October 2006                                                                         -
Premium on issue of shares in the period                                               4,500
Expenses of issue of shares                                                             (167)

At 31 January 2008                                                                     4,333

See note 13 to the financial statements for details of shares issued in the


On the 29 June 2007, the Company acquired 100% of the issued share capital of
Oxray Ltd by issue of 200,000,000 ordinary shares at 1p share for a value of
#2,000,000 together with the settlement in cash of costs of  #100,042.

The 1p price was agreed with the Oxray vendors as the appropriate fair value of
the Oxeco shares notwithstanding that the quoted market price of the shares on
the date of announcing the deal on 27 March 2007 was 5.5p. The 1p price was
determined to be the appropriate fair value taking into account the following

i)      there was very limited liquidity in the Oxeco shares between the date 
        of admission to the AIM market in December 2006 and agreeing terms with
        the Oxray  vendors and announcing the deal on 27 March 2007;

ii)     1p was the actual subscription price at which #3.0 million of new money 
        was raised by the Company on admission to the AIM market in December 
        2006; and

iii)    Oxeco had not traded or made any acquisitions or announced any
        valuation changing events between the date of admission to AIM and the 
        date of agreeing terms with the Oxray vendors.

The aggregate amount of the difference between the value attributed to these
equity instruments and the published price is #8,500,000.

This acquisition has been accounted for by the purchase method of accounting as
summarised below.

Assets and liabilities acquired represent the carrying value at date of
acquisition. The Director's believe that carrying value is a reasonable
approximation of fair value.

                                                                                         Oxray Ltd
Net assets / (liabilities) acquired (100%)
Fixed assets                                                                                     1
Cash                                                                                            32
Other net liabilities                                                                          (53)
Net liabilities acquired                                                                       (20)
Goodwill on acquisition                                                                      2,120
Total Consideration                                                                          2,100
Satisfied by:
Issue of shares                                                                              2,000
Cash                                                                                           100
Total                                                                                        2,100

The above values of net liabilities on acquisition of the subsidiary comprise
book value carrying amounts which the Directors estimate to be the same as their
fair value amount.

For the period between the date of acquisition on 29 June 2007 and 31 January
2008, Oxray contributed revenues of #6,870 and the loss before tax contribution
amounted to #83,388. If Oxray had been consolidated in full from the period of
incorporation of Oxeco, the revenue of Oxray would have been the same and the
loss before tax contribution of Oxray would have been #203,834.


At 31 January 2008, the Company had no commitments under non-cancellable leases
and the Group had commitments falling due as follows:

Expiring within one year                                                                             5
Expiring between one and five years                                                                  5
Total commitments                                                                                   10


Trading transactions

During the period the Company entered into the following transactions with Ora
Capital Partners Plc which as at 31 January 2008 holds 45.25per cent. of the
Company's issued share capital:
                                                                   Group                     Company
                                                                    2008                        2008
                                                                   #'000                       #'000

Management consultancy fees charged                                   
by Ora Capital Partners Plc in the period                             18                          18
                                                                 =======                     =======

The outstanding balance owed to Ora Capital Partners Plc at the balance sheet
date was #1,175.

During the period, Oxray borrowed #200,000 from the Company for working capital
purposes.  The loan is non-interest bearing and is repayable on demand, the
outstanding balance at 31 January 2008 was #200,000.

Transactions with Key Management Personnel

The Group's key management personnel comprised only the Directors of the

During the period Group companies entered into the following transactions in
which the Directors' had an interest:

 i.   Directors' remuneration.

      The remuneration of the individual Directors is provided in the Directors'
      Report and disclosed in note 4 of the financial statements.

 ii.  Directors' had investments in Ora Capital Partners Plc as follows as at 
      31 January 2008:

      Director                          % of issued share capital of Ora

      David Norwood                                               3.00 %
      Michael Bretherton                                          0.06 %

Michael Bretherton and David Norwood are both Directors of Ora Capital Partners


The Directors do not believe that there is an ultimate controlling party.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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