RNS Number:0565L
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S.
13 May 2003

VI-       Consolidated Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk shows the loss probability related to the changes in the
interest rates depending on the Parent Bank's position, and it is managed by the
Treasury Department. The interest rate sensitivity of assets, liabilities and
off-balance sheet items related to this risk are measured by using the standard
method. The first step at calculation of interest rate risk, is to place the
instruments subject to interest rate risk in the appropriate one of the 13
maturity sections according to the remaining time to maturity or to the
reprising. At the second step, the instruments with variety of maturities are
weighted according to their risks for reflecting the interest rate risk
volatilities that match their maturities.

The first priority of the Group's risk management is to protect from interest
rate volatility. All types of sensitivity analysis performed within the context
is calculated by the risk management and reported to the Asset-Liability

Work is performed regarding interest income according to the macro economical
indicators in the Group's budget estimations and the effects of the market
interest fluctuations on the financial position and cash flow are purified at
the maximum level possible by means of target revisions.

The Group management follows the market interest rates daily and determines the
interest rates of the Parent Company Bank when necessary.

Since the Group does not permit or imposes limits on maturity mismatches, it is
not expected that the Group will face a significant interest rate risk.

Information related to the interest rate sensitivity of assets, liabilities and
off-balance sheet items based on reprising dates):
                                    Up to 1        1-3        3-6      6-12     1 Year and                            
                                     Months     Months     Months     Months           Over       Demand        Total 
  Current Period                                                                                                      
  Cash (cash in vault, foreign      474,701          -          -          -              -       87,008      561,709 
  currency cash, money in                                                                                             
  transit, cheques purchased)                                                                                         
  and balances with the                                                                                               
  Central Bank of Turkey                                                                                              
  Due from Banks and other        1,353,093     14,935     11,082      2,670              -       66,699    1,448,479 
  financial institutions                                                                                              
  Trading securities                  2,528     28,653     11,123      6,777            709          272       50,062 
  Securities                              -     16,856          -          -              -            9       16,865 
  Loans                             401,266    252,771    300,688    154,660        199,127        4,962    1,313,474 
  Securities held-to-maturity           207     36,350      1,542      1,298            224            -       39,621 
  Other assets                        5,449     80,986     14,800     22,919         31,470      118,722      274,346 
  Total Assets                    2,237,244    430,551    339,235    188,324        231,530      277,672    3,704,556 
  Bank deposits                     101,810      2,631      1,000          -              -            -      105,441 
  Other deposits                  2,239,004    162,245     52,996     82,043        164,034            -    2,700,322 
  Miscellaneous payables                  -          -          -          -              -       59,814       59,814 
  Marketable securities issued            -          -          -          -              -            -            - 
  Funds provided from other          33,557    198,170     74,759    101,119          9,871            -      417,476 
  financial institutions                                                                                              
  Other liabilities                   2,690     34,247      1,082        233              -      383,251      421,503 
  Total Liabilities               2,377,061    397,293    129,837    183,395        173,905      443,065    3,704,556 
  Balance Sheet Interest          (139,817)     33,258    209,398      4,929         57,625    (165,393)            - 
  Sensitivity Gap                                                                                                     
  Off Balance Sheet Interest                                                                                          
  Sensitivity Gap                                                                                                     
  Total Interest Sensitivity      (139,817)     33,258    209,398      4,929         57,625    (165,393)            - 

The other asset line at the without interest column consists of TL 42,349 amount
tangible fixed assets, TL 3,890 of intangible fixed assets, TL 443 of
participations and TL 338 of subsidiaries and the other liability line consists
of equity total amounting to TL 256,232 and TL 19,246 amount minority interest.
                                  Up to 1          1-3        3-6      6-12     1 Year and                            
                                   Months       Months     Months     Months           Over       Demand        Total 
  Prior Period                                                                                                        
  Cash (cash in vault,            135,986            -          -          -              -      185,415      321,401 
  foreign currency cash,                                                                                              
  money in transit, cheques                                                                                           
  purchased) and balances                                                                                             
  with the Central Bank of                                                                                            
  Due from Banks and other      1,192,046       13,124          -          -              -        1,605    1,206,775 
  financial institutions                                                                                              
  Trading securities                    -        3,737      7,849      4,184              -          196       15,966 
  Securities                            -            -          -          -              -            -            - 
  Loans                           313,700      238,169    256,106    268,916        101,887       15,727    1,194,505 
  Securities                       17,566       32,232     38,837          -              -            7       88,642 
  Other assets                      6,014       63,849     15,483     22,368         28,905      114,281      250,900 
  Total Assets                  1,665,312      351,111    318,275    295,468        130,792      317,231    3,078,189 
  Bank deposits                    84,017        6,070        311          -              -            -       90,398 
  Other deposits                1,476,982      240,896    118,090    150,090         77,299       33,437    2,096,794 
  Miscellaneous payables                -            -          -          -              -       66,021       66,021 
  Marketable securities                 -            -          -          -              -            -            - 
  Funds provided from other        88,695      219,175    114,350      2,080         15,813        6,030      446,143 
  financial institutions                                                                                              
  Other liabilities                 6,740       16,136      4,191      4,764          4,184      342,818      378,833 
  Total Liabilities             1,656,434      482,277    236,942    156,934         97,296      448,306    3,078,189 
  Balance Sheet Interest            8,878    (131,166)     81,333    138,534         33,496    (131,075)            - 
  Sensitivity Gap                                                                                                     
  Off Balance Sheet Interest            -            -          -          -              -            -            - 
  Sensitivity Gap                                                                                                     
  Total Interest Sensitivity        8,876    (131,166)     81,333    138,534         33,496    (131,075)            - 

The other asset line at the without interest column consists of TL 40,280 amount
tangible fixed assets, TL 3,600 of intangible fixed assets, TL 492 of
participations and TL 813 of subsidiaries and the other liability line consists
of equity total amounting to TL 229,340 and TL 18,167 amount minority interest.

Average interest rates applied to monetary financial instruments: 
                                                                                          EURO    USD     YEN      TL 
                                                                                             %       %      %       % 
  Current Period                                                                                                      
  Cash (cash in vault, foreign currency cash, money in transit, cheques purchased) and     1.43    0.55      -   25.00
  balances with the Central Bank of Turkey                                                                            
  Due from Banks and other financial institutions                                          3.25    1.26      -   45.62
  Trading securities                                                                       8.10    3.62      -   56.49
  Securities available-for-sale                                                               -       -   3.50       -
  Loans                                                                                    5.58    6.00      -   51.48
  Securities held-to-maturity                                                                 -       -      -   44.35
  Bank deposits                                                                            2.75    2.75      -   42.49
  Other deposits                                                                           2.41    2.59      -   43.01
  Miscellaneous payables                                                                      -       -      -       -
  Marketable securities issued                                                                -       -      -       -
  Funds provided from other financial institutions                                         5.65    2.88      -   47.43

VII-     Consolidated Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk occurs when there is not sufficient amount of cash or cash flows
to fulfill the cash outflows completely and on time, resulting from the unstable
cash inflows.

Liquidity risk may occur when the market penetration is not enough, when the
open positions cannot be closed urgently with a suitable price and sufficient
amount due to barriers and break-ups at the markets.

The Group's policy is to establish a liquid asset structure that can afford all
kinds of liabilities by liquid sources. In this scope liquidity problem does not
happen at any period. The Boards of Directors of the Group continuously
determines the liquidity ratios and related standards, and controls them, in
order to keep this structure.

There is a system worked on to apply international measurement methods. However,
according to the general policies of the Group, the adaptation of the assets,
liabilities, the interest rates to the payments are always established within
the asset liability management strategies. A positive difference is tried to be
established between the yields of TL and foreign currency assets and liabilities
at the balance sheet and their costs. According to this strategy, the Group pays
special attention not to take maturity risk, and no banking service is marketed
when the price is lower than the financing cost.

When the funding and liquidity sources are considered, the Parent Bank covers
majority of its liquidity need by deposits, and in addition to this source, it
makes use of prefinancing and syndication products to generate additional
sources. Generally the Bank does not prefer to utilize liquidity from interbank
money markets and is in a net lender position in interbank money markets.

Presentation of assets and liabilities according to their remaining maturities :
                                             1-3 Months (*)    3-6 Months    6-12 Months       1 Year and       Total 
  Current Period              Demand (**)                                                            Over              
  Cash (cash in vault,            561,709                 -             -              -               -      561,709 
  foreign currency cash,                                                                                              
  money in transit,                                                                                                   
  cheques purchased) and                                                                                              
  Balances with the                                                                                                   
  Central Bank of Turkey                                                                                              
  Due from Banks and other      1,419,792            14,935        11,082          2,670               -    1,448,479 
  financial institutions                                                                                              
  Trading securities                  367            16,121        10,735          6,675          16,164       50,062 
  Securities                            9            16,856             -              -               -       16,865 
  Loans                           406,228           252,771       300,688        154,660         199,127    1,313,474 
  Securities                          207                 -         1,542          1,298          36,574       39,621 
  Other assets                     77,142            80,986        14,800         22,919          31,470      274,346 
  Total Assets                  2,465,454           381,669       338,847        188,222         283,335    3,704,556 
  Bank deposits                    58,959            43,015         3,467              -               -      105,441 
  Other deposits                2,239,005           162,245        52,996         82,043         164,033    2,700,322 
  Funds provided from              33,557            29,987        79,685        190,616          83,631      417,476 
  other financial                                                                                                     
  Marketable securities                 -                 -             -              -               -            - 
  Miscellaneous payables           33,000            26,814             -              -               -       59,814 
  Other liabilities              385,941             34,247         1,082            233               -      421,503 
  Total Liabilities             2,750,461           296,308       137,230        272,892         247,665    3,704,556 
  Net Liquidity Gap             (285,007)            85,361       201,617       (84,670)          35,670            - 
  Prior Period                                                                                                        
  Total Assets                  1,937,357           351,110       318,276        295,468         130,792    3,078,189 
  Total Liabilities             2,104,736           482,276       236,942        156,934          97,301    3,078,189 
  Net Liquidity Gap             (167,379)         (131,166)        81,334        138,534          33,491            - 

(*)  The maturity of up to 1 month of interbank funds sold amounting to TL
413,033, loans amounting to TL 276,085, and domestic and foreign Banks
placements amounting to TL 839,176 are shown in the demand column. Furthermore,
deposits with maturities up to one month amounting to TL 1,637,853 is included
in the other deposits and shown at the demand columns. The demand column of the
other liabilities consist of shareholders' equity amounting to TL 256,232 and
minority interest amounting to TL 19,246.

(**)     Total column includes other assets amounting to TL 47,020 consists of
subsidiaries and participations amounting to TL 781, tangible fixed assets
amounting to TL 42,349 and intangible fixed assets amounting to TL 3,890 and
these are not taken in to consideration at the maturity distribution.

(***)  Other assets consists of factoring receivables amounting to TL 66,554 and
other liabilities consists of factoring payables amounting to TL 27,982 under
1-3 months column.


Presentation of Assets and Liabilities with Their Fair Values

The table below presents fair values and book values of financial assets and
liabilities which are not reflected at their fair values in the financial

Securities held for investment purposes at the current period consists of
interest bearing held to maturity assets. The fair value of the held to maturity
assets are determined based on the market value or if the market value cannot be
determined, the fair values are determined based on the presented market prices
of the other marketable securities which are similar in interest rates,
maturities and other conditions.

The approximate fair value of the demand deposits is the amount payable under
demand. The fair values of the floating rate placements and overnight deposits
are considered to be the book values due to short maturities. The approximate
fair value of the deposits with fixed rates and funds collected from other
financial institutions are determined by calculating discounted cash flows by
making use of the money market interest rates used for other liabilities with
similar quality and maturities. The fair value is presented by the book value of
the other payables due to short maturity.

                                                          Book Value (*)             Fair Value
                                                      Current Prior Period       Current Prior Period
                                                       Period                     Period
Financial Assets                                    1,504,965    1,295,417     1,504,163    1,300,770
Due from Groups and other financial                 1,448,479    1,206,775     1,448,479    1,206,775
Securities available-for-sale                          16,865            -        16,865            -
Securities held-to-maturity                            39,621       88,642        38,819       93,995
Financial Liabilities                               3,305,853    2,699,351     3,314,604    2,707,343
InterGroup money market deposits                      105,441       90,398       105,634       90,560
Other deposits                                      2,700,322    2,096,794     2,705,845    2,101,282
Funds provided from other financial                   440,276      446,143       443,311      449,480
Marketable securities issued                                -            -             -            -
Miscellaneous payables                                 59,814       66,016        59,814       66,021

(*)  Book values do not include interest accruals as of related period ends .

IX-  Transactions Made in the Name and Account of the Third Parties,
     Fiduciary Transactions

The Group makes purchases from adjudications in the account of the clients, and
gives keeping, management and consultancy services. The Group has no fiduciary

X-        Operating Segments

Apart from the corporate, commercial, retail and private banking services, the
Group also provides its clients with treasury, financial leasing, factoring,
insurance, asset management, and brokerage services.

Accordingly, the Group operates in private client current accounts, deposit
accounts, products enabling long term investments, exchange and custody
services, credit and debit cards, consumer loans and long term housing loans and
other private banking service areas, and additionally it supports its operations
by products at international banking and asset management areas.

As corporate banking services, corporate banking operations include products
like, automated transfer services, current accounts, deposit accounts, open loan
transactions, lending and other loan services, future and option agreements and
other similar agreement services, provided to meet the needs and expectations of
the domestic and foreign companies with relatively higher gross revenues.

Group provides following services ;

*   International banking, corporate and private banking activities through the
    Parent Bank and The Economy Bank NV established in the Netherlands,

*   Capital market brokerage activities, marketable security buy and sell
    activities for Turkish, international companies and individual investors are
    provided through TEB Yatirim Menkul Degerler A.S.,

*   Domestic and international factoring activities are provided through TEB
    Faktoring A.S.,

*   All insurance activities except life insurance are provided through TEB
    Sigorta A.S.,

*   Fund management activities  are provided through TEB Portfoy Yonetimi A.S.

The Group does not operate in investment banking, corporate financing and data
processing sectors.

Segment reporting will begin as of January 1, 2004.

                                  SECTION FIVE


I.   Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Consolidated Assets

1.   Information related to the account of the Central Bank of Turkey:

                                                                  Current Period     Prior Period
Demand Unrestricted Amount                                                14,800            2,520
Time Unrestricted Amount                                                 327,997            1,802
Total                                                                    342,797            4,322

2.         Additional information of trading portfolio ( stated at net values ):

a)   Trading securities given as collateral or blocked: None.
b)   Trading securities subject to repurchase agreements:

                                                        Current Period              Prior Period
                                                       TL            FC            TL           FC
Government bonds                                   16,726             -            -            -
Treasury bills                                      5,670             -            -            -
Other debt securities                                   -             -            -            -
Group bonds and Group guaranteed bonds                  -             -            -            -
Asset backed securities                                 -             -            -            -
Other                                                   -             -            -            -
Total                                              22,396             -            -            -

The repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements of the Parent Bank are included
in the balance sheet accounts after February 1, 2002 due to substance over form
principle in accordance with the December 13, 2001 dated and BDDK DZM. 2/13
numbered official writing of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency
announced at the "Banking Accounting Standards, Uniform Chart of Accounts and
Its Explanation" effective with the temporary article 2-a of the Banking Law
4389. Additionally, the above stated financial assets are classified according
to their acquisition purposes in accordance with the Communique No:1 of the "
ARR" effective from October 1, 2002. As December 31, 2001 the total amount of
marketable securities subject to repurchase agreements is TL 141,246 and
included in off-balance sheet items.

3.         Information on foreign bank accounts:

                                           Unrestricted Amount                Restricted Amount        
                                   Current Period   Prior Period       Current Period   Prior Period
  European Union countries                222,518        255,678                    -              -
  USA and Canada                          377,431        201,775                    -              -
  OECD Countries*                          75,636          3,066                    -              -
  Off-shore banking regions                94,202          1,264                    -              -
  Other                                    59,324          2,591                    -              -
  Total                                   829,111        464,374                    -              -

* OECD countries other than European Union countries, USA and Canada
 4.     Information on reverse repurchase agreements: 
                                           Current Period             Prior Period   
                                             TL        FC             TL        FC
  From domestic transactions                  -         -              -         - 
  Central Group of Turkey                 2,582         -              -         - 
  Groups                                  4,469         -              -         - 
  Brokerage Firms                             -         -              -         - 
  Other financial institutions                -         -              -         - 
  Other institutions                          -         -              -         - 
  Real persons                                -         -              -         - 
  From foreign transactions                   -         -              -         - 
  Central Groups                              -         -              -         - 
  Groups                                      -         -              -         - 
  Brokerage Firms                             -         -              -         - 
  Other financial institutions                -         -              -         - 
  Other institutions                          -         -              -         - 
  Real persons                                -         -              -         - 
  Total                                   7,051         -              -         - 

5.     Information on available for sale portfolio:  
a)   Main types of available for sale securities: public sector debt 
     securities, and other marketable securities and share certificates.

b)   Information on available for sale portfolio:
                                  Current Period    Prior Period 
  Debt securities                         16,856               -
  Quoted in a stock exchange                   -               -
  Not quoted                              16,856               -
  Share certificates                           9               -
  Quoted in a stock exchange                   -               -
  Not quoted                                   9               -
  Provision for impairment (-)                 -               -
  Total                                   16,865              - 
These financial assets are classified according to their acquisition purposes as 
of October 1, 2002 in accordance with the Communique No:1 of the AAR. 
Accordingly information on prior period cannot be presented. 
c)   Available for sale securities given as collateral or blocked: None.

d)   Information on investment securities available-for-sale given as collateral 
     or blocked : None

e)   Information on investment securities available-for-sale subject to 
     repurchase agreements: None.

6.   Information on loans : 

a)   Information on all types of loans and advances given to shareholders and 
     employees of the Bank:
                                                          Current Period                      Prior Period           
                                                    Cash Loans    Non-Cash Loans      Cash Loans    Non-Cash Loans 
     Direct loans granted to shareholders              100,978             6,730          21,669             1,198 
     Corporate shareholders                            100,978             6,730          21,669             1,198 
     Real person shareholders                                -                 -               -                 - 
     Indirect loans granted to shareholders                  -                 -               -                 - 
     Loans granted to employees                            753                 -             517                 - 
                                      Total    101,731    6,730    22,186    1,198 

b)   Information about the first and second group loans and other receivables 
     including loans that have been restructured or rescheduled:
                                                                            Loans and Other Receivables Under Close   
                               Standard Loans and Other Receivables                       Monitoring                  
                                 Loans and Other        Restructured or        Loans and Other        Restructured or
  Cash Loans                         Receivables            Rescheduled            Receivables            Rescheduled 
  Non-specialized loans                1,302,216                      -                    836                  5,460 
  Discount notes                          42,174                      -                      -                      - 
  Export loans                           387,669                      -                      -                      - 
  Import loans                                 -                      -                      -                      - 
  Loans given to                         137,484                      -                      -                      - 
  financial sector                                                                                                    
  International loans                     66,988                      -                      -                      - 
  Consumer loans                          16,545                      -                      -                      - 
  Credit cards                            14,715                      -                      -                      - 
  Precious metals loans                   20,406                      -                    834                      - 
  Other                                  616,275                      -                      2                  5,460 
  Specialized loans                            -                      -                      -                      - 
  Other receivables                            -                      -                      -                      - 
  Total                                1,302,216                      -                    836                  5,460 

c) Loans according to their maturity structure :

                                                                             Loans and Other Receivables Under Close  
                                Standard Loans and Other Receivables                       Monitoring                 
                                  Loans and Other        Restructured or                              Loans and Other
  Cash Loans                          Receivables            Rescheduled            Cash Loans            Receivables 
  Short-term loans                      1,109,449                      -                     2                  5,460 
  Non-specialized loans                 1,109,449                      -                     2                  5,460 
  Specialized loans                             -                      -                     -                      - 
  Other receivables                             -                      -                     -                      - 
  Medium and long-term                    192,767                      -                   834                      - 
  Non-specialized loans                   192,767                      -                   834                      - 
  Specialized loans                             -                      -                     -                      - 
  Other receivables                             -                      -                     -                      - 
  Total                                 1,302,216                      -                  836                   5,460 
d) Information on consumer loans:

                                                  Medium and Long Term              Interest Income Accrual  
                                    Short Term                             Total                             
  Consumer loans-TL                      9,279                   2,653    11,932                        385 
  Real estate loans                        537                     639     1,176                         23 
  Automotive loans                       3,323                   2,014     5,337                        112 
  Consumer loans                             -                       -         -                          - 
  Personnel loans                          573                       -       573                         30 
  Other consumer loans                   4,846                       -     4,846                        220 
  Consumer loans- Indexed to FC          4,377                     236     4,613                      1,758 
  Real estate loans                      1,052                      60     1,112                        148 
  Automotive loans                       2,417                      48     2,465                      1,553 
  Consumer loans                           366                       -       366                         45 
  Personnel loan                           156                      50       206                          7 
  Other consumer loans                     386                      78       464                          5 
  Credit cards                          14,715                       -    14,715                        142 
  Total Consumer Loans                  28,371                    2,889   31,260                      2,285 

d) Loans according to type of borrowers :

             Current Period   Prior Period
  Public             27,240         26,088 
  Private         1,281,272      1,152,690 
  Total           1,308,512      1,178,778 
f)     Domestic and foreign loans:

                     Current Period   Prior Period
  Domestic loans          1,215,063      1,111,538 
  Foreign loans              93,449         67,240 
  Total                   1,308,512      1,178,778 

g)     Loans granted to subsidiaries and investments: None.

h)     Specific provisions provided against loans:

                                                        Current Period   Prior Period
  Specific provisions                                                                 
  Loans and receivables with limited collectibility                 63          2,883 
  Loans and receivables with doubtful collectibility               180          1,548 
  Uncollectible loans and receivables                           15,047          2,483 
  Total                                                         15,290          6,914 

j)     Information on loans under follow-up account (Net) :

j.1) Information on loans and other receivables included in loans under 
     follow-up account which are restructured or rescheduled: None.
j.2) The movement of loans under follow-up:
                                                    III. Group:                  IV. Group:                  V. Group 
                                                                       Loans and receivables                          
                                      Loans and receivables with               with doubtful                          
                                         limited collectibility               colectibility    Uncollectible loans and
  Prior period end                                       16,444                       3,713                     2,484 
  Additions (+)                                           2,004                       3,719                     3,430 
  Transfers from other                                       -                       12,977                    15,434 
  categories of loans                                                                                                 
  under follow-up (+)                                                                                                 
  Transfers to other                                     12,977                      15,434                        -  
  categories of loans                                                                                                 
  under follow-up (-)                                                                                                 
  Collections (-)                                           683                       3,741                     1,775 
  Write-offs (-)                                              -                           -                         6 
  Indexation difference                                   3,876                         875                       586 
  Current period end                                        912                         359                    18,981 
  Specific provision (-)                                     63                         180                    15,047 
  Net Balances on                                           849                         179                     3,934 
  Balance Sheet                                                                                                       

j.3) Information on foreign currency loans and other receivables under follow-up:
                                              III. Group:                     IV. Group:                     V. Group 
                                                               Loans and receivables with                             
                                Loans and receivables with        doubtful colectibility                              
                                   limited collectibility                                      Uncollectible loans and
  Period end balance                                    -                              -                           40 
  Specific provision (-)                                -                              -                           40 
  Net Balances on Balance                               -                              -                            - 

k)     Liquidation policies for the uncollectible loans and other receivables :

The loans and other receivables decided to be uncollectible are written off from
the assets according to the Tax Law by the decision of the top management in
accordance with the "Communique on Methods and Principles for the Determination
of Loans and Other Receivables to be Reserved for and Allocation of Reserves"
related to the clause 12 of article 11 and clause 11 of the article 3 of the
Group Law 4389 changed by the laws 4672 and 4491and announced at the Official
Gazette numbered 24448 and dated June 30, 2001.

7.     Information on factoring receivables: 
                                       Current Period               Prior Period     
                                      TL            FC             TL            FC
  Short term                      41,900        24,654         26,047        23,361
  Medium and Long Term                 -             -              -             -
  Total                           41,900        24,654         26,047        23,361

8.     Information on held to maturity portfolio (Net) : 

a)     Information on held to maturity portfolio:

                                  Current Period   Prior Period
  Debt securities                         39,621         88,642 
  Quoted in a stock exchange              39,621         50,062 
  Not quoted                                   -         38,580 
  Provision for impairment (-)                 -              - 
  Total                                   39,621         88,642 

b)     Movement of Held to Maturity Portfolio :
                                                    Current Period    Prior Period
  Beginning balance                                         88,642               -
  Effect of inflation (-)                                   20,967               -
  Foreign currency differences on monetary assets            5,284               -
  Purchases during year                                     39,621               -
  Disposals through sales and redemptions                 (72,959)               -
  Impairment provision                                           -               -
  Closing Balances                                          39,621               - 

Financial assets are classified according to their acquisition purposes as of
October 1, 2002 in accordance with Communique No:1 related to the AAR. For this
reason, information on prior period cannot be presented. 

c.1)     Information on accounts in which investment securities held-to-maturity are recorded:
                                     Current Period                                    Prior Period                   
                              Historical Cost             Valuation           Historical Cost               Valuation 
                                  TL       FC           TL       FC              TL        FC           TL         FC 
  Held to Maturity                                                                                                    
  Given as                    36,781        -       37,513        -          50,062    38,573       55,240     40,049 
  collateral or                                                                                                       
  Subject to repo                  -        -            -        -               -         -            -          - 
  Held for                         -        -            -        -               -         -            -          - 
  Receivables from                                                                                                    
  Other (*)                        -    2,840            -    2,907               7         -            -          - 
  Collaterals on                   -        -            -        -               -         -            -          - 
  Closing Balances            36,781    2,840       37,513    2,907          50,069    38,573       55,240    40,049  

(*) The free marketable securities held by the Group is stated at the Other 

There are no free held to maturity securities under held to maturity portfolio 
except for the amounts stated above.

c.2) Marketable securities held to maturity given as collateral consist of 
     public sector debt securities of TL 36,781, given as collateral for 
     statutory requirements.

Securities held-to-maturity given as collateral or blocked:
                                                       Current Period           Prior Period       
                                                          TL    FC              TL        FC 
  Share certificates                                       -     -               -         - 
  Bonds and similar investment securities             36,781     -          50,062    38,580 
  Other                                                    -     -               -         - 
  Total                                               36,781     -          50,062    38,580 

c.3)     Securities held-to-maturity subject to repurchase agreements : None.

c.4)     Securities held-to-maturity held for structural position: None.

9.     Information on investments (Net):  

a.1)     Information on unconsolidated participations:

                                                          Group's share percentage-If                              
                                             Address     different voting percentage(%)       Group's risk group share
  Description                        (City/ Country)                                                  percentage (%)  
  Varlik Yatirim Ortakligi A.S.     Istanbul /Turkey                              24.40                         34.00 

a.2)     Information on investments as presented in table a.1:(*) :

                                                            Marketable    Current Period                              
   Total           Total         Total       Interest       Securities       Income/Loss      Prior Period            
  Assets          Equity         Fixed         Income           Income                         Income/Loss        Fair
                                Assets                                                                           Value 
  1,396            1,371             5            160                -                55               365       1,323
(*)  The financial statements of Varlik Yatirim Ortakligi A.S. are prepared in 
     accordance with the Capital Market Board Regulations and the financial 
     statements of TEB Sigorta A.S. are prepared in accordance with Insurance
     Supervision Regulations. The current period data is presented as of 
     December 31, 2002 and the prior period income / loss amounts are presented 
     with their nominal values as of December 31, 2001.

a.3) Out of Group members / shareholders who has the control power with the 
     parent company and/or other members of the financial group are explained: 
     66% shares of the unconsolidated participation Varlik Yatirim Ortakligi 
     A.S. is publicly traded.

a.4) The reason for not consolidating the unconsolidated participations and the 
     method of recording the unconsolidated participations at the Parent Bank's 
     financials: The participation is not consolidated due to materiality 
     principle, is quoated at the stock exchange and is valued by fair value.

b)   Information on the consolidated participations:
b.1) Information on the consolidated participations:
                                                                Current Period   Prior Period
  Balance at the beginning of the period                                 4,260          4,260 
  Movements during the period                                            1,061              - 
       Purchases                                                           672              - 
       Free shares obtained profit from current year's share               389              - 
       Dividends from current year income                                    -              - 
       Sales                                                                 -              - 
       Revaluation increase                                                  -              - 
       Provision for impairment                                              -              - 
Balance at the end of the period                                         5,321          4,260 
Capital commitments                                                          -              - 
Share percentage at the end of the period (%)                           %50.00         %50.00 
b.2)     Valuation of investments made to the consolidated participations:
                                   Current Period   Prior Period
  Valuation with cost                       5,321          4,260
  Valuation with fair value                     -              -
  Valuation with equity method                  -              -
  Total                                     5,321          4,260

The above mentioned participation is stated at cost at the unconsolidated
financial statement of the Parent Company Bank.

b.3)  Sectoral information and the related carrying amounts on consolidated 

          Participations                                                          Current Period   Prior Period
          Insurance companies/TEB Sigorta A.S.Sigorta Sirketleri / TEB Sigorta             5,321          4,260
          Total                                                                            5,321          4,260
b.4)     Investments which are quoted to a stock exchange: None.

b.5)     Information related to investments that are included in consolidation:

                                                         Group's share                                                
                            Address (City /    percentage-If different    Group's risk group  Method of Consolidation 
  Description                    Country))       voting percentage(%)       share percentage                          
  TEB Sigorta A.S.       Istanbul / Turkey                      50.00                 50.00                      Full 

Since the management of the company is controlled by the Parent Bank, line by 
line consolidation method is used.

Information related to investments that are included in consolidation as 
presented in table 9. b.5):
                                                                         Income from     Current                      
                                                   Total                  Marketable      Period                      
                             Shareholders'         Fixed     Interest     Securities    Profit /      Prior       Fair
                     Total          Equity       Assets       Income      Portfolio        Loss      Period     Value 
                   Assets                                                                          Profit /           
  TEB Sigorta       18,122            4,670          381          139            463         442        709          -
(*)  The financial statements of TEB Sigorta A.S. is prepared in accordance with 
     the principles of Insurance Law and the current year data is stated as of 
     December 31, 2002 and the previous period data is stated as of December 31,
     2001 by their nominal values.

b.6) Information on consolidated investments which are sold in current 
     period : None.

b.7) Consolidated investments purchased in the current period: None.
10.  Information on Subsidiaries (Net): 

a)   Information on unconsolidated subsidiaries:

TEB Kiymetli Madenler Anonim Sirketi is not included in the consolidation in 
accordance with AAR's materiality principle.

a.1)     Information on unconsolidated subsidiaries:

  Description                    Address(City/ Country)      Group's share percentage-If      Group's risk group share
                                                          different voting percentage(%)                percentage (%)
  TEB Kiymetli Madenler A.S.           Istanbul/Turkey                            66.00                         75.00 

a.2)     Information on subsidiaries as presented in table a.1:
                                                                          Income from                                 
                                                                           Marketable     Current                     
                Shareholders'Equity(*)      Total Fixed      Interest      Securities      Period      Prior      Fair
  Total                                      Assets(*)    Income (*)   Portfolio (*)     Profit /     Period     Value
  Assets                                                                                 Loss (*)    Profit /      (*) 
                                                                                                     Loss (*)           
  280                               231              27             -               -          40         67         -

(*)  From statutory historical financial statements
(**) The subsidiaries TEB Ekonomi Arastirmalari A.S and Factors International 
     Holding S.A., not included in the consolidation as of December 31, 2001 
     amounting to TL 9 and TL 466, respectively, are liquidated in 2002.

b)     Information on the consolidated subsidiaries

b.1)     Information on the consolidated subsidiaries:

                                                                Current Period   Prior Period
  Balance at the beginning of the period                                99,219         75,361 
  Movements during the period                                           12,307         23,858 
       Purchases                                                         6,876            149 
       Free shares obtained profit from current year's share             4,520         20,493 
       Dividends from current year income                                    -              - 
       Sales                                                                 -           (10) 
       Revaluation increase (*)                                            911          3,226 
       Provision for impairment                                              -              - 
  Balance at the end of the period                                     111,526         99,219 
  Capital commitments                                                        -              - 
  Share percentage at the end of the period (%)                                          

(*)  The exchange income generated from the difference between the devaluation 
     and inflation of the foreign subsidiaries.

b.2)     Valuation of investments made to the consolidated subsidiaries:

Subsidiaries denominated in Turkish Lira are reflected by restating their costs
and the capital increases after deducting the ones generated by means of adding
the values accumulated at the revaluation like funds to the capital of the
subsidiaries with the conversion factors applicable for the relevant dates.
Subsidiaries denominated in foreign currency are translated into Turkish Lira by
applying the exchange rates prevailing at balance sheet dates. When there is a
permanent diminution in value of the subsidiaries then a provision is set.

                                  Current Period   Prior Period
  Valuation with cost                    111,526         99,219 
  Valuation with fair value                    -              - 
  Valuation with equity method                 -              - 

b.3) Sectoral information on consolidated subsidiaries and the related 
     carrying amounts:

                                                               Current Period    Prior Period 
  Banks / The Economy Bank N.V.                                        42,973          35,205
  Other Financial Sub. / Petek International Holdings B.V.                774             774
  TEB Yatirim Men.Deg. A.S.                                            24,163          20,124
  TEB Portfoy Yonetimi A.S.                                             2,893           2,393
  Leasing Companies / TEB Finansal Kiralama A.S.                       25,074          25,074
  Factoring Companies / TEB Factoring A.S.                             15,649          15,649
  Total                                                               111,526          99,219

b.4)     Consolidated subsidiaries which are quoted to a stock exchange: None.

b.5)     Information related to subsidiaries that are included in consolidation:

                                                             Group's share        Group's risk                        
                          Address (City /                    percentage-If         group share               Method of
  Description             Country))                       different voting     percentage (%)           Consolidation 
  The Economy Bank N.V.   The Netherlands                          100.00                   -                    Full 
  Petek International     The Netherlands                          100.00                   -                    Full 
  Holdings B.V.                                                                                                       
  TEB Yatirim Menkul      Istanbul/Turkey                           74.80               25.20                    Full 
  Degerler A.S.                                                                                                       
  TEB Portfoy Yonetimi    Istanbul/Turkey                           55.89               44.11                    Full 
  TEB Finansal Kiralama   Istanbul/Turkey                           68.76               31.24                    Full 
  TEB Factoring A.S.      Istanbul/Turkey                           65.80               34.20                    Full 

Information on subsidiaries as presented in table 10. b.5:

                                                                    Income from      Current                          
                                       Total                       Marketable         Period                          
       Total     Shareholders'         Fixed      Interest         Securities         Profit /   Prior Period   Fair  
   Assets (*)        Equity (*)    Assets (*)    Income (*)      Portfolio (*)       Loss (*)        Profit /   Value 
                                                                                                    Loss (*)          
  1,219,225              76,746           536        90,850                205          8,112          9,922        -
      1,780               1,769             -             3                  -          3,262         10,830        -
     16,558              13,899           533           916             11,892          2,983          3,289        -
      4,202               3,573           682           163                 93            876          1,032        -
    143,421              32,212       125,541         2,722                143          4,141        (4,067)        -
     57,395               6,679           196        10,084                812            500          (911)        -

(*) From statutory historical financial statements

b.6) Information on the consolidated subsidiaries that were disposed in 
     current period: None.

b.7) Information on the consolidated subsidiaries purchased in current 
     period: None.
11.  Information on other investments: None.

a)   The obligations of the Group relating to the joint ventures, except for the 
     other obligations, the obligations on capital or share on the capital 
     obligations among other investors and the Group's share on capital 
     obligations on other subsidiaries: None

b)   Information on joint ventures : None.

c)   The Group which does not prepare consolidated financial statements due to 
     not being a parent company should disclose the information related to joint 
     ventures in unconsolidated financials : Not applicable.

d)   The reason for unconsolidation of the unconsolidated joint ventures and the 
     recording method of the joint ventures at the unconsolidated financial 
     statements of the parent company Group is explained: Not applicable.
12. Information on financial lease receivables (Net): 

a)     Aging of leasing receivables:
                                 Current Period            Prior Period     
                                 Gross      Net          Gross      Net 
  Less than 1 year              63,593   55,583         44,394   37,929
  Between 1-4 years             29,511   27,737         28,066   24,131
  Over 4 years                   3,829    1,727              -        -
  Total                         96,933   85,047         72,460   62,060

b)     Information on net lease receivables:

                                       Current Period   Prior Period
  Gross lease receivable                       96,933         72,460
  Unearned finance income                      11,886         10,400
  Cancelled lease agreements (-)                    -              -
  Net Investment on Financial Lease            85,047         62,060

c)   Related to lease agreements, criteria used in determining conditional lease 
     installments, conditions for renewal or purchasing options and updating 
     agreement quantities and restrictions on lease agreements, and some points
     like, event of being default or not, agreements renewed or not, if renewed 
     the conditions of the renewal, restrictions of the renewal and general 
     explanations about other important decisions that are included in leasing
     agreement: None.      
13.  Information on receivables arising from term sales of assets included in 
     miscellaneous receivables: None.
14.  Explanations related to interest and income accruals : 
a) Information about accrued interest and income receivables:

                                                                    Current Period                Prior Period 
  Accrued interest and income receivables                               TL      FC              TL            FC 
  Interest accruals - due                                              228       -             259             4
  Interest accruals - not due                                        9,118   9,816           9,024        25,156
  Loan commissions and other income accruals - due                       -       -           1,032             -
  Loan commissions and other income accruals - not due                  11       1               7             -
  Total                                                              9,357   9,817          10,322        25,160

b) Information on other interest and income accruals :
                                                                     Current Period            Prior Period      
  Other interest and income accruals                                    TL      FC              TL      FC 
  Trading securities                                                 3,475     112           5,049   1,671
  Securities available for sale                                          -     357             317       -
  Securities held to maturity                                          732      68             163       -
  Interest accruals of reverse repo transactions                         -       -               -       -
  Interest accruals of reserve deposits                                920     247             818       -
  Income accruals of financial derivative instruments                3,735     315             682     243
  Interest and income accruals                                           -       -               -       -
  Income accrual of foreign exchange gains                           3,735     315             682     243
  Income accruals of financial lease income                            132     601               -       -
  Other                                                              5,722     533          10,755   1,370
  Total                                                             14,716   2,233          17,784   3,284

15.     Information on fixed assets (Net) : 

                                   Land and buildings           Leased    Vehicles      Other tangible fixed    Total 
                                                          fixed assets                                assets           
  Prior Period End :                                                                                                  
  Cost                                         10,348           27,512        4,666                  42,675    85,201 
  Accumulated depreciation(-)                   2,606           13,839        2,537                  25,939    44,921 
  Net book value                                7,742           13,673        2,129                  16,736    40,280 
  Current Period End :                                                                                                
  Net book value-beginning of                   7,742           13,673        2,129                  16,736    40,280 
  Additions                                         -            5,489        1,409                   8,367    15,265 
  Disposals(-)                                      -                -          109                   1,514     1,623 
  Impairment (*)                                (625)                -            -                       -     (625) 
  Depreciation (-)                                225            5,270          918                   5,794    12,207 
  Currency translation                              -                             1                       9        10 
  differences resulting from                                                                                          
  foreign investments                                                                                                 
  Net book value-end of period                  8,141           13,892        2,512                  17,804    42,349 

(*) Allowance for impairment of the buildings of the Parent Bank related to 
    prior year is reversed since it became not applicable according to the 
    current expertise report.
a)  If an asset impairment amount recorded or reversed in the current period is 
    important for the general of the financial statements:

a.1)  Events and conditions for recording or reversing impairment :

Allowance for impairment of the buildings related to prior year is reversed
since it became not applicable according to the current expertise report.

a.2) Amount of recorded or reversed impairment in the financial statements: 
     The amount of impairment reversed is TL 625.

b)   The diminishing in value amounts set or cancelled in the current period 
     according to the asset groups, that totals to an amount that effects the 
     financial statements even though some or each of the amounts are not 
     important individually and the reason and conditions for this: None
16.  Information stated below, should be explained separately for each class of 
     intangible fixed assets.

a)   Useful life or depreciation rates :
     The value of the intangible fixed asset subject to depreciation is 
     distributed systematically to its useful life and the depreciation period, 
     starting from the effective usage date of the asset is depreciated for its 
     estimated useful life.

b)   Depreciation method : Intangible fixed assets is depreciated by using over, 
     straight-line method with a rate of 20% over restated book values.

c)   Book value and accumulated depreciation amounts at beginning and end of 
     period :
                              Current Period   Prior Period
  Gross Book Value                     9,768          7,902
  Accumulated Depreciation           (5,878)        (4,302)
  Total                                3,890          3,600

d)     Movement of intangible assets for the current period:

                                                                         Current Period 
  Beginning balance                                                               3,600 
  Amounts formed internally                                                           - 
  Additions due to mergers, transfers and acquisitions                            1,855 
  Not used and disposed items                                                         1 
  Increases or decreases in the revaluation fund                                      - 
  Impairment charges                                                                  - 
  Reversal of impairment charges                                                      - 
  Depreciation expenses (-)                                                       1,576 
  Currency translation differences arising from foreign investments                  10 
  Other differences in book values                                                    - 
  Period end balance                                                              3,890 

e)   Disclosures for book value, description and remaining depreciation period 
     for a specific intangible fixed asset that is material to the financial 
     statements: None.

f)   Disclosure for intangible fixed assets acquired through government 
     incentives and accounted at fair value: None.

g)   The method of subsequent remeasurement for intangible fixed assets that are 
     acquired through government incentives and recorded at fair vale at the 
     initial recognition : None.

h)   The book value of intangible fixed assets that are pledged or restricted 
     for use : None.

i)   Amount of purchase commitments for intangible fixed assets : None.

j)   Information on revalued intangible assets according to their types: None.
k)   Amount of total research and development expenses recorded in income 
     statement within the period if any : None.

l)   Positive or negative consolidation goodwill that comes from consolidated 
     parties is explained on related party basis:

  Description            Cost    Depreciation    Goodwill 
  TEB Factoring A.S.      370             222    Positive

m)     Information on goodwill:

                                                     Current Period
  Goodwill arising from consolidation                             -
  From tangible fixed assets                                      -
  From intangible assets                                          -
  From non-monetary assets                                      148
  Goodwill arising from mergers and acquisitions                  -
  From tangible fixed assets                                      -
  From intangible assets                                          -
  From non-monetary assets                                        -

n)     Reconciliation of movements on goodwill in the current period:

                                                                              Current Period
  Gross value at the beginning of the period                                             370 
  Accumulated depreciation (-)                                                            74 
  Impairment provision (-)                                                                 - 
  Movements within the period :                                                            - 
  Additional goodwill                                                                      - 
  Corrections arising from the changes in value of assets and liabilities                  - 
  Goodwill written off due to the end of an operation in current period or                 - 
  complete /partial sale of an asset (-)                                                     
  Depreciation (-)                                                                       148 
  Impairment provision (-)                                                                 - 
  Reversal of impairment provision (-)*                                                    - 
  Other differences occurred in the book value                                             - 
  Gross value at the end of the period                                                   370 
  Accumulated depreciation (-)                                                           222 
  Impairment provision (-)                                                                 - 

o)   Reconciliation of movements on negative goodwill in the current period:
                                                                                                       Current Period
  Gross value at the beginning of the period                                                                      569 
  Accumulated negative goodwill recognized in the income statement                                                  - 
  Period movements :                                                                                                - 
  Additional negative goodwill                                                                                      - 
  Corrections arising from the changes in value of assets and liabilities                                           - 
  Negative goodwill written off due to the end of an operation in current period                                    - 
  or complete /partial sale of an asset (-)                                                                           
  Negative goodwill recognized in the income statement *                                                          569 
  Other differences occurred in the book value                                                                      - 
  Gross value at the end of the period                                                                              - 
  Accumulated negative goodwill recorded as income                                                                  - 

The income booked in accordance with the 16th article of " Accounting of Group 
Mergers, Transfers and Acquisition" standard should be disclosed separately. 
17.     Information on other assets: 

a)     Information on prepaid expenses, taxes and similar items :

                                                       Current Period   Prior Period
  Deferred tax                                                  2,043          1,955
  Assets held for sale                                              -              -
  Advances given                                                  185             70
  Prepaid rent expenses                                           412            483
  Transaction cost related to financial liabilities             2,055            745
  Prepaid taxes                                                10,792         13,526
  Financial lease agreements in progress                        1,398              -
  Leasing primium receivable                                   13,268         11,269
  Other                                                         9,328         11,473
  Total                                                        39,481         39,521
b)   Other assets and liabilities which exceed 10 % of the balance sheet total 
     (excluding off-balance sheet commitments) and breakdown of these which 
     constitute at least 20% of grand total: None
 II-     Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Consolidated Liabilities
1.     a)     Information on maturity structure of deposits:

a.1)     Current period :

                       Demand       7 day Call   Up to 1 month    1-3 Month    3-6 Month      6 Month-1     1 Year and
                                     Accounts                                                     Year           over 
  Saving deposits      17,561               -           78,244       38,485       12,533         3,271         13,469 
  Foreign currency    457,575               -        1,190,062      355,185       74,685        76,574        163,993 
  Residents in        392,526               -          493,206      306,609       29,552         7,069            337 
  Residents abroad     65,049               -          696,856       48,576       45,133        69,505        163,656 
  Public sector            35               -                -            -            -             -              - 
  Commercial           54,174               -           96,010        4,275        8,508             5             13 
  Other                32,758               -              429           14            8             1              - 
  Precious metals       9,714               -                -       11,327            -         1,414              - 
  InterGroup           19,925               -           69,295       15,221            -         1,000              - 
  Central Group of          -               -                -            -            -             -              - 
  Domestic Groups      11,028               -                -            -            -         1,000              - 
  Foreign Groups        8,897               -           69,295       15,221            -             -              - 
  Special finance           -               -                -            -            -             -              - 
  Other                     -               -                -            -            -             -              - 
  Total               591,742               -        1,434,040      424,507       95,734        82,265        177,475 

a.2)     Prior period:

                        Demand        7 day Call        Up to 1   1-3 Month    3-6 Month       6 Month-1    1 Year and
                                       Accounts          month                                     Year          over 
  Saving deposits        7,138           24,970         63,460       23,278        7,283          4,780             - 
  Foreign currency     342,472                -        628,577      483,480      125,347        156,814        77,448 
  Residents in         300,741                -        419,603      332,222       15,637          7,373           149 
  Residents abroad      41,731                -        208,974      151,258      109,710        149,441        77,299 
  Public sector            122                -              -            -            -              -             - 
  Commercial            57,555           47,935         15,525       13,735        1,557              3             - 
  Other                    397              109            378            8            3            154             - 
  Precious metals        6,897                -              -        5,384            -          1,985             - 
  InterGroup             4,026                -         74,723       11,338          311              -             - 
  Central Group of           -                -              -            -            -              -             - 
  Domestic Groups          274                -          2,617            -            -              -             - 
  Foreign Groups         3,752                -         72,106       11,338          311              -             - 
  Special finance            -                -              -            -            -              -             - 
  Other                      -                -              -            -            -              -             - 
  Total                418,607           73,014        782,663      537,223      134,501        163,736        77,448 
b.1) Information on saving deposits under the guarantee of saving deposit 
     insurance and exceeding the limit of saving deposit insurance:

                                    Under the guarantee of saving deposit             Exceeding the limit of          
  Saving Deposits                                insurance                                saving deposit              
                                             Current Period    Prior Period            Current Period    Prior Period 
  Saving deposits                                    24,368          50,858                   139,195          80,051 
  Foreign currency saving                           192,865         232,525                   631,402         452,050 
  Other deposits in the form                            680             922                     6,605           5,858 
  of saving deposits                                                                                                  
  Foreign branches' deposits                              -               -                         -               - 
  under foreign authorities'                                                                                          
  Off-shore Grouping regions'                             -                                         -                 
  deposits under foreign                                                  -                                         - 
  authorities' insurance                                                                                              
  Total                                             217,913         284,305                   777,202         537,959 

b.2) The Group which has settled abroad should disclose, the total amount of 
     savings deposit in Turkey branch, and insured in the country of head 
     office : None

b.3) Saving deposits which are not under the guarantee of deposit insurance 
     fund : None.

2. Information on funds provided from repurchase agreement transactions: 
                                                          Current Period          Prior Period     
                                                             TL    FC              TL    FC 
  From domestic transactions                             21,902     -               -     -
  Financial institutions and organizations               13,000     -               -     -
  Other institutions and organizations                    4,045     -               -     -
  Real persons                                            4,857     -               -     -
  From foreign transactions                                 898     -               -     -
  Financial institutions and organizations                    -     -               -     -
  Other institutions and organizations                      897     -               -     -
  Real persons                                                1     -               -     -
  Total                                                  22,800     -               -     -

(*)  The transactions regarding the repurchase agreements had been followed 
     as an off-balance sheet item in 2001, as explained in Part IV, footnote 2b 
     and accordingly, prior period information is not presented.

3.     a)     Information on funds borrowed:

                                      Current Period               Prior Period       
                                       TL         FC              TL         FC 
  Short-term                       35,331    269,737          50,362    271,773 
  Medium and long-term                  -     87,812             102    123,906 
  Total                            35,331    357,549          50,464    395,679 

c)  Additional explanations on concentration of the Bank's liabilities:

The Parent Bank's funding resources include customer deposits and loans borrowed 
from overseas. As of December 31, 2002 the Bank's foreign funds borrowed 
includes USD 100 million of syndicated loan with a maturity of October 30, 2003.
The Parent Bank conducts a fund supplying client concentration analysis as of
efficiency periods based on branches and the Bank in general, and takes short-
term and long-term precautions for distribution of the above mentioned clients
to the Bank's base.

The 71.24% of the bank deposits and 86.68% of the other deposits of the Bank
consists of foreign currency deposits.

4.     a)     Information on debt securities issued: None.

b)     Information on convertible bonds: None.
The explanation, if any correction made on convertibility rate : Not applicable

c) The explanation on the maturity structure, interest rate, type of currency of 
the issued marketable securities : None.
5.     Explanation on funds: None
6.     Explanation on miscellaneous payables: 
                                              Current Period    Prior Period 
  Total amount of cash collateral obtained               120           1,060 

The table consists of blocked accounts regarding cash collateral, loans, import
and export transactions.
7.   Other assets and liabilities which exceed 10 % of the balance sheet total 
     (excluding off-balance sheet commitments) and breakdown of these which 
     constitute at least 20% of grand total: None 
8.   Information on taxes, duties and premium payables: 
a)   Information on taxes payable :
                                              Current Period   Prior Period
  Corporate taxes payable                                  -              - 
  Taxation of securities                               1,967          2,574 
  Property tax                                           119            110 
  Grouping Insurance Transaction Tax (BITT)            1,574           1526 
  Foreign Exchange Transaction Tax                       527            987 
  Value Added Tax Payable                                 44             14 
  Other                                                1,637          2,109 
  Total                                                5,868          7,320 

b) Information on premiums :

                                                         Current Period   Prior Period
  Social Security Premiums-Employee                                 304            217 
  Social Security Premiums-Employer                                 410            303 
  Group Social Aid Pension Fund Premium-Employee                      -              - 
  Group Social Aid Pension Fund Premium-Employer                      7              7 
  Pension Fund Membership Fees and Provisions-Employee                -              - 
  Pension Fund Membership Fees and Provisions-Employer                -              - 
  Unemployment insurance-Employee                                    21             29 
  Unemployment insurance-Employer                                    43             46 
  Other                                                             105              1 
  Total                                                             890            603 
9.     Explanations on factoring payables: 

                                       Current Period             Prior Period      
                                         TL       FC              TL       FC 
  Domestic                                -        -               -        -
  Short-term                         13,104        -               -        -
  Medium and long-term                    -        -               -        -
  Foreign                                 -        -               -        -
  Short-term                              -   14,878               -   11,899
  Medium and long-term                    -        -               -        -
  Total                              13,104   14,878               -   11,899
10.a)The general explanations on criteria used in determining installments of 
     financial lease agreements, renewal and purchasing options and restrictions 
     in the agreements that create significant obligations to the Bank :

In the financial lease agreements, installments are based on useful life, usage
periods and on the basis of Tax Procedural Code.  

b)   The explanation on modifications in agreements and new obligations that 
     these modifications cause: None.

c)   Explanation on financial lease obligations: None

d)   Footnotes and explanations regarding operational leases:

Except for the head-office and Izmir-Konak branch building, all branch premises
of the Parent Bank and the premises of the subsidiaries are leased under
operational leases. As of December 31, 2002, the operating lease expense,
amounting to TL 10,660 was reflected to the income statement. The lease periods
vary between 1 and 10 years and lease agreements are cancelable subject to a
period of notice.

d) Information about sale and lease back transactions : None.

11.     Information on interest and expense accruals: 

                                                                    Current Period             Prior Period      
                                                                         TL       FC              TL       FC   
  Accrued interest on deposits                                        5,300    8,829           6,256   19,383
  Accrued interest on funds borrowed                                  2,061    2,185           2,851    5,172
  Accrued interest on bonds                                               -        -               -        -
  Accrued interest on repurchase agreement transactions                  28        -               -    1,048
  Accrued interest on derivative financial instruments                4,670        -             542        -
  Accrued interest and expense                                            -        -               -        -
  Foreign exchange losses accrued                                     4,670        -             542        -
  Other interest and expense accruals                                 1,004      823           2,787        -
  Total                                                              13,063   11,837          12,436   25,603
12.     Provisions and subordinated loans : 

a)     Information on general provisions:

                                                          Current Period    Prior Period 
   General provisions                                              6,093           4,828
   Provisions for First Group Loans and Receivables                5,170           4,041
   Provisions for Second Group Loans and Receivables                  31              15
   Provisions for Non Cash Loans                                     892             772
   Others                                                              -               -
   Total                                                           6,093           4,828

b)     Information on employee termination benefits and notice indemnity:

                                                             5 OD     4 OD     3 OD      2 OD    Onceki D.    Cari D. 
  Actual Payments of Employee Termination Benefits             32       56      107       947          662          - 
  Reserve for Employee Termination Benefits and Notice        723    1,580    3,140     4,456        6,912     10,972 
  Actual Payment Ratio                                      %4.38    %3.57    %3.40    %21.24        %9.59      %8.44 
  Ratio of reserve for Employee Termination Benefits and        -        -        -         -            -      %8.44 
  Notice Indemnity (*)                                                                                                
  Possible reserve for Employee Termination Benefits and        -        -        -         -            -      1,751 
  Notice Indemnity                                                                                                    
(*) 5-year actual payment rate.

As of December 31, 2002, TL 926 of reserve for employee termination benefits and
notice indemnity was reflected to the financial statements of Parent Bank
corresponding to 8.44% of total liability of TL 10,972.

As of December 31, 2002, the Parent Bank provided a reserve of TL 217 for the
unused vacation periods constituting 8.44% of total liability.

The consolidated subsidiaries have calculated reserve for employee termination
benefits and notice indemnity in accordance with the regulations they apply, and
reflected an amount of TL 825 into their financial statements as of December 31,
c) Liabilities on pension rights: None.

c.1) Liabilities for pension funds established in accordance with "Social 
     Security Institution": None

c.2) All kinds of liabilities resulting from pension funds, foundations etc, 
     which provide benefits for the employees after retirement: None.
d)   The uncertainties related to the timing of expected payment amount and 
     nature of provisions :

     The nature of provisions is explained in the items a and b. For these 
     provisions no payment is expected short-term.

e)   Information on free reserves for possible losses : None.

f)   Amount, quantity, maturity, interest rate, lender name and share certificate 
     conversion option if any, of subordinated loans:
The Parent Company, the Bank has signed an agreement with the International
Finance Corporation (IFC) on July 17, 2002, for a subordinated loan. The
facility is a US$15 million, subordinated convertible loan, with a maturity of
October 15, 2009 and with an interest rate of LIBOR+4.5%. The loan matches
BRSA's Tier II Capital definitions as well as contributing the Bank's capital
adequacy ratio in a positive manner. The mentioned loan has share convertibility
g) Information on subordinated loans:
                                                   Current Period          Prior Period 
                                                   TL        FC              TL    FC 
  From Domestic Groups                              -         -               -     - 
  From Other Domestic Institutions                  -         -               -     - 
  From Foreign Groups                               -         -               -     - 
  From Other Foreign Institutions                   -    24,596               -     - 
13.     Information of Shareholders' Equity: 

a)     Presentation of paid-in capital:

                       Current Period    Prior Period 
  Common stock                 55,125          55,125 
  Preferred stock                   -               - 

b)   Paid-in capital amount, explanation as to whether the registered share 
     capital system is applicable to the Group if so, amount of registered share 
     capital ceiling :

  Capital System                Paid-in capital    Ceiling 
  Registered capital system              55,125    100,000

c)   Information on share capital increases and their sources; other 
     information on increased capital shares in current period: None

d)   Information on share capital increases from revaluation funds: None.

e)   Capital commitments in the last fiscal year and at the end of the 
     following interim period, the general purpose of these commitments and 
     projected resources required to meet these commitments : None.

f)   Indicators of the Group's income, profit and liquidity for the previous 
     periods and within these indicators possible affects on capital fore 
     sighting uncertainty : None.

g)   Information on privileged shares :

7 % of the Parent Bank's remaining net income and tax after deducting legal
reserves and first dividends, corresponding to the Group's 60,000 shares of TL
30,000,000 (in full TL) is distributed to the founder shares. 

14. a)     Common stock issue premiums, shares and equity instruments: None

15. a)     Information on marketable securities value increase fund:

                                                            Current Period          Prior Period     
                                                                TL    FC              TL    FC 
  From associates and subsidiaries                             201     -               -     - 
  From securities available-for-sale                             -     -               -     - 
  From securities held for structural position                   -     -               -     - 
  Total                                                        201     -               -     - 

     There is no value increase generating from foreign currencu marketable 
b)   The information on presentation of foreign exchange gains related to 
     foreign currency participations, subsidiaries, securities available for 
     sale in the financial statements :

As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, the foreign exchange gains, related to foreign
currency participations, subsidiaries of the Bank, are TL 5,851 and TL 4,587,
respectively. These amounts are reflceted under shareholders' equity as other
c)   The amount of accumulated exchange difference included in equity coming 
     from previous periods related to the first time application of "Effects of 
     Changes in Foreign exchange Rates" standard, except for cases where the 
     amount could not be identified : None.

16.     Information on revaluation fund: None.
17.     The explanations on the elements of the revaluation fund are made: None
18.     Information on legal reserves: 

                                                                                 Current Period    Prior Period 
  First legal reserves                                                                    4,410          26,688
  Second legal reserves                                                                       -          26,795
  Other legal reserves appropriated in accordance with special legislation                    -           1,119
  Total                                                                                   4,410          54,602

"Accumulated Deficit" amounting to TL 209,500 as of December 31, 2001, resulting
from inflation accounting application was netted off as TL 254,893 as restated
in the equivalent purchasing power at September 30, 2002, in consecutive order,
from period income, general reserves, legal reserves and effect of inflation
accounting on share capital accounts in accordance with the letter of BRSA dated
July 29, 2002, numbered DZM 2/25-8760 depending on the authorization given to
the Board of Directors by the Annual General Assembly meeting resolution dated
July 10, 2002. Accordingly, the Parent Company Bank does not hold legal reserves
account as of December 31, 2002. The legal reserve amount consists of legal
reserves of consolidated subsidiaries.

19.     Information on extraordinary reserves: None.

As mentioned in the note 18, as of December 31, 2002, the Group does not have 
any extraordinary reserves.
20. a)     Information on minority shares :

                                          Current Period    Prior Period 
  Balance at the beginning of period              18,167          11,204
  Net profit share from subsidiaries                   -               -
  Prior period dividend                            1,079           6,963
  Balance at the end of the period                19,246          18,167

b) Information on shareholders having more than 10 % share:

  Name/Commercial title        Amounts    Share Percentage    Paid-in capital    Unpaid portion 
  TEB Mali Yatirimlar A.S.      38,631              %70.08             38,631                 - 
  Total                         38,631              %70.08             38,631                  -

III.     Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Consolidated Income Statement 

There is no fundamental error for any groups or items related to the prior
period. There is no change in accounting estimates for the fiscal year.

The breakdown of other interest and non-interest income and expense accounts
that exceed 10% of the related totals are shown below.

Other interest expense amounting to TL 30,118 includes interest expense on
marketable securities subject to repurchase agreements for the period from
February 1, 2002, amounting to TL 28,737.

Other fee and commission income amounting to TL 40,129 includes fees and
commissions on brokerage services amounting to TL 10,972, and other fee and
commission expense amounting to TL 12,400 includes fees and commissions on
credit card amounting to TL 5,497.
1.   a)   Information on interest income received from investments and 
          subsidiaries: None.
     b)   Information on financial lease income:

                             Current Period    Prior Period 
  Financial lease income             22,871          38,743

     c)     Interest received from reverse repurchase agreement transactions:

                                                                               Current Period          Prior Period 
                                                                                   TL    FC              TL    FC 
  Interest received from reverse repurchase agreement transactions              3,002     -          14,527     -

  d)     Information on factoring receivables:

                                        Current Period    Prior Period 
  Interest on factoring receivables             11,328          37,884

2.    a)  Information on interest expense to investments and 
          subsidiaries: None. 
      b)  Information on financial lease expenses : None.

      c)  Distribution of interest expense on deposits based on maturity of 
          deposits :

                                                                 Time Deposits                                        
                             Demand   Up to 1 Month        Up to 3       Up to 6      Up to 1   More than 1           
  Account name            Deposits                         Months        Months         Year          Year      Total 
  Group deposits                37           16,427           493             -            -             -     16,957 
  Saving deposits               32           21,950        12,098         5,129        2,362         1,178     42,749 
  Public sector                  4                -             -             -            -             -          4 
  Commercial                   388            6,158         1,912         2,325           19             2     10,804 
  Other deposits                 1              134             2             4           14             -        155 
  7 days call                    -           28,228             -             -            -             -     28,228 
  Total                        462           72,897        14,505         7,458        2,395         1,180     98,897 
  Foreign                    4,104           55,054        10,788         3,678        4,939        10,774     89,337 
  deposits (*)                                                                                                        
  7 days call                    -                -             -             -            -             -          0 
  Precious metal                 -               40            88             -           18             -        146 
  Total                      4,104           55,094        10,876         3,678        4,957        10,774     89,483 
  Total                      4,566          127,991        25,381        11,136        7,352        11,954    188,380 

(*) Interest expense on foreign currency demand deposits includes TL 624 of 
    foreign Bank deposits interest expense.

b) Interest expense on repurchase agreements :

                                                        Current Period          Prior Period(*)     
                                                           TL    FC                 TL    FC 
  Interest expense on repurchase agreements            28,737      -                  -     -

(*) Since interest on repurchase agreements are included in the Uniform Chart of 
    Accounts after February 1, 2002, the information for prior period is not 

e)  Information about interest expense on factoring payables: None.

3.  Net income/losses from marketable securities for investment purposes: None 

4.  Information on other operating income :
The information on the factors affecting the Group's income including
extraordinary items and new developments, and the explanation on nature and
amount of income earned from extraordinary items : None.

5.     Provision expenses of Groups for loans and other receivables:

                                                          Current Period    Prior Period 
  Specific provisions for loans and other receivables             12,279           7,832 
  Unsecured                                                            -           4,719 
  Other groups                                                    12,279           3,113 
  General provision expenses                                       3,896           2,132 
  Marketable securities impairment expense                           280           2,206 
  Provision for impairment*                                            -               - 
  Other                                                                -               - 
  Total                                                           16,455          12,170 
(*)  Provision for impairment related to participations, subsidiaries and 
     securities held to maturity
6.a) Information related to other operational expenses:

                                               Current Period   Prior Period
  Personnel expenses                                   57,990         61,092
  Reserve for employee termination benefits             1,238          1,753
  Provision for social aid fund deficits                    -              -
  Depreciation expense of fixed assets                 12,207         14,727
  Amortization expense of intangible assets             1,573          1,768
  Other operating expenses                             34,262         45,963
  Maintenance expenses                                  1,029          2,190
  Advertisement expenses                                4,252          4,692
  Other expenses                                       28,981         39,081
  Loss on sales of assets                                  34              -
  Operational lease expenses                           10,660         12,205
  Other (*)                                            25,916         20,001
  Total                                               143,880        157,509

(*)  Saving Deposits Insurance Funds premium amounting of TL 8,898 is 
     included in other operating expenses

b)   The nature and amount of extraordinary expenses and current period, tax 
     expenses on extraordinary items: None.

c) Information on Goodwill:

c.1) Income statement item including goodwill and amortization: It is 
     included in the current period other operating expenses.
c.2) If present, it is stated that the negative goodwill is determined in 
     accordance with the principles in Communique 16 of AAR related to 
     "Acquisition and Merger of Groups and Acquisitions of Subsidiaries", the 
     timing and amount of expected expenses and losses, the periods when the 
     negative goodwill will be recorded as income and the income statement 
     accounts in which it will be recorded: The negative goodwill generated 
     from monatery items amounting to TL 569 is recorded as income under other 
     operating income accounts.

7.a) Income and expenses relating to investments and subsidiaries: None.

a) The information on income and expense from related party transactions: None.

b) The information on income and expense from related party transactions:

The Group has certain Grouping transactions with group companies. These are
commercial transactions, which are realized in line with market rates. These are
reflected in income statement. The related amounts are presented in Part XI. 

8.     Income and expenses from unconsolidated subsidiaries and participations:
  Unconsolidated subsidiaries and participations    Current Period    Prior Period
                                                     Profit / Loss   Profit / Loss
  TEB Kiymetli Madenler A.S.                                   40              67 
  Varlik Yatirim Ortakligi A.S.                                55             365 

9.     The explanations on net income / loss for the period: 

a)   The nature and amount of certain income and expense items from ordinary 
     operations is disclosed if the disclosure for nature, amount and repetition 
     rate of such items is required for a complete understanding of the Group's
     performance for the period : None.

b)   Effect of changes in accounting estimates on income statement for the current 
     and, if any for subsequent periods : None.

c)   Income/loss related to minority shares:

                                                 Current Period    Prior Period 
  Income and loss related to minority shares              1,018         (7,366)

10.  Nature and amount of changes in accounting estimates, which have a material 
     effects on current period or expected to have a material effect on 
     subsequent periods : None. 

IV.  Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Consolidated Off-balance Sheet
1.a) Disclosure to be made separately from other contingent liabilities: 
a.1) The Group's share in contingent liabilities of joint ventures together 
     with other ventures : None.
a.2) Share of joint ventures in their own contingent liabilities: None.
a.3) The Group's contingent liabilities resulting obligations of other ventures 
     in joint ventures : None.

b)   Accounting and presentation of contingent assets and liabilities in the 
     financial statements :

b.1) For contingent assets, if realization probability is close to certain, then 
     it is accounted. If realization probability is low, then it is explained in 
     the footnotes. As of December 31, 2002 there are no contingent assets
     needed to be explained.

b.2) For contingent liabilities, if realization probability is close to certain, 
     then provision is set. If there is low or no realization probability, then 
     it is explained in the footnotes : None.
2.   Information related to derivative financial instruments : 
                                                               Derivative transactions according to purposes            
                                                                Trading                           Hedging             
                                                     Current Period    Prior Period    Current Period    Prior Period 
  Types of trading transactions                                                                                       
  Foreign currency related                                                                                            
  derivative transactions:                                                                                            
  Forward FC transactions                                   259,011         228,949                 -               - 
  FC swap transactions                                      305,032          29,109                 -                 
  Futures FC transactions                                         -               -                 -               - 
  Option FC transactions                                          -               -                 -               - 
  Total of FC derivative                                    564,043         258,058                 -               - 
  transactions (I)                                                                                                    
  Interest related derivative                                                                                         
  transactions :                                                                                                      
  Interest rate swap transactions                                 -               -                 -               - 
  Forward rate agreements                                         -               -                 -               - 
  Interest option transactions                                    -               -                 -               - 
  Other interest agreements                                       -               -                 -               - 
  Futures interest transactions                                   -               -                 -               - 
  Interest option transactions                                    -               -                 -               - 
  Total of interest derivative                                    -               -                 -               - 
  transactions (II)                                                                                                   
  Total trading derivative                                  564,043         258,058                                   
  transactions (I+II)                                                                                                 
  Types of hedging transactions                                                                                       
  Fair value hedges(2):                                                                                               
  Futures currency transactions                                   -               -                 -               - 
  Swap interest transactions                                      -               -                 -               - 
  Total                                                           -               -                 -               - 
  Cash flow hedges (3):                                                                                               
  Swap currency transactions                                      -               -                 -               - 
  Currency call options                                           -               -                 -               - 
  Total                                                           -               -                 -               - 
  Total hedging related                                           -               -                 -               - 
  derivatives (4).                                                                                                    
  Total Derivative Transactions                             564,043         258,058                 -               - 
(1)  Share change in convertible bonds  
(2)  Derivative transactions arranged for protection from the fair value risk  
(3)  Derivative transactions arranged for protection from cash flow risk  
(4)  Derivative transactions arranged for protection from total risk 

Related to agreements of forward transactions and options; the information based
on the type of forward and options transactions are disclosed separately,
specified with related amounts, type of agreement, purpose of transaction,
nature of risk, strategy of risk management, hedging relationship, possible
affects on the Group's financial position, time of cash flow, reasons of
unrealized transactions which previously projected to be realized, income and
expenses that could not be linked to income statement in the fiscal year because
of the agreements :

As of December 31, 2002, the Group has no option contracts. The Group's forward
foreign exchange and swap transactions agreements are based on protection from
interest and currency fluctuations. According to AAR, they do not qualify as
hedging instruments and are remeasured at fair value.    Breakdown of the
Group's foreign currency forward and swap transactions based on currencies are
disclosed below in their TL equivalents :  

                     FORWARD     FORWARD       SWAP       SWAP  
                         BUY        SELL        BUY       SELL 
  Current Period                                               
  TRL                 21,004      61,531          -          -
  USD                 63,276      36,236    143,249      8,102 
  EURO                43,105      21,858      8,595    126,513 
  Other                  574      11,427          -     18,573 
  Total              127,959     131,052    151,844    153,188 
  Prior Period                                                 
  TRL                  5,375       7,479          -          - 
  USD                 65,504      43,839     14,467          - 
  EURO                35,112      56,676          -     12,755 
  Other                8,489       6,475          -      1,887 
  Total              114,480     114,469     14,467     14,642 
TL 47,128 of forward transactions for the current period are commitments from 
arbitrage transactions. Maturities of the outstanding agreements vary between 
January 2003 and October 2003.  

3.   Information on off-balance sheet commitments :
a)   Nature and amount of irrevocable loan commitments: As of 31 December 2002 
     and 2001, credit card spending limit commitments are TL 67,335 and 
     TL 63,971, respectively.

b)   Nature and amount of contingent loss and commitments from off-balance sheet 
     items including below statements:

The Group, within the context of Grouping activities, undertakes certain
commitments, consisting of loan commitments, letters of guarantee, acceptance
credits and letters of credit. 

b.1) Non-cash loans including guarantees, acceptances, financial collaterals 
     and other letters of credits:

     As of December 31, 2002 total guarantees and commitments consist of letter 
     of guarantees amounting to TL 580,633, acceptances amounting to TL 40,361 
     and letters of credit amounting to TL 321,987.
b.2) Guarantees, surety ships and similar transactions : There are other 
     commitments and contingencies amounting TL 9,066 other than the ones 
     explained in article b.1).

4.   Concentration of off-balance sheet commitments: Sectoral concentration is 
     disclosed in Section 8.a. The information requested in this article will be 
     reported after January 1, 2004.

5.a) Non-cash loans: 
                                                 Current Period   Prior Period
  Guarantees given against cash loans                    59,951        119,238
  With maturity of 1 year or less than 1 year            22,463         77,311
  With maturity of more than 1 year                      37,488         41,927
  Other non-cash loans                                  892,096        744,848
  Total                                                 952,047        864,086

b)   Collateral, mortgage and other restrictions on tangible fixed assets, the 
     amount of capital expenditures related to expenses construction of tangible 
     fixed assets, intangible fixed asset purchase commitments: None.                                                   
6.   Custodian and intermediary services :

The Group provides trading and custodian services in the name and account of
third parties. The nominal values of the custody and pledged items of the third
parties, agencies and managers under the custodian of the Bank are TL 1,544,435
(TL - 1,185,674 ) and billions of EURO 40,2 (2001 - billions of EURO 1,468)
respectively as of December 2002 and 2001.

1. The information on the Group's rating by in the international rating 
   introductions :

The results of the trading performed by Moody's Investor Services and Fitch 
Ratings are shown below: 
  Moody's Investor Services: January 2002 

  Group Financial Strength          D+       
  Long Term FX Deposits             B3

  Fitch Ratings: July 2002 

  Foreign Currency Commitments               
  Long Term                         B  
  View                         Stable
  Turkish Lira Commitments 
  Long Term                         B  
  View                         Stable
  Long Term                   A (tur) 
  View     Stable
  Individual Rating               C/D
  Support Points                   4T

8.a)     Sectoral breakdown of non-cash loans : 

                                          Current Period                                 Prior Period                 
                                      TL       (%)         FC       (%)             TL       (%)         FC       (%) 
  Agricultural                     5,903      2.23     16,249      2.36          2,339      0.95     13,344      2.13 
  Farming and Raising              3,579      1.35      5,631      0.81            671      0.28      5,410      0.86 
  Forestry                         2,306      0.87     10,618      1.55          1,641      0.69      7,934      1.26 
  Fishing                             18      0.01          -         -             27      0.01          -         - 
  Manufacturing                  174,368     65.82    375,129     54.59        157,859     66.77    307,095     48.93 
  Mining                           3,577      1.36     10,471      1.52            167      0.07      2,791      0.44 
  Production                     167,122     63.08    360,027      52.4        154,479     65.34    301,073     47.97 
  Electric, gas and water          3,669      1.38      4,631      0.67          3,213      1.36      3,231      0.51 
  Construction                    14,081      5.32      5,353      0.78          8,895      3.76      5,799      0.92 
  Services                        67,619     25.52    224,758     32.71         65,322     27.63    196,573     31.32 
  Wholesale and retail            38,315     14.46     57,084      8.31         27,705     11.72     20,834      3.32 
  Hotel, food and                    256      0.10      4,079      0.59             56      0.02        920      0.15 
  beverage services                                                                                                   
  Transportation and                          3.65                 1.52                                               
  telecommunication                9,680               10,464                    6,906      2.92     24,957      3.98 
  Financial institutions          16,443      6.21    146,275     21.29         22,180      9.38    140,341     22.36 
  Real estate and renting          1,689      0.64      6,127      0.89          5,948      2.52      4,532      0.72 
  Self-employment                    103      0.04          -         -          1,270      0.54      1,403      0.22 
  Education services                  92      0.03          -         -             56      0.02        873      0.14 
  Health and social                1,041      0.39        729      0.11          1,201      0.51      2,713      0.43 
  Other                            2,957      1.12     65,630      9.55          2,000      0.85    104,860     16.71 
  Total                          264,928    100.00    687,119    100.00        236,415    100.00    627,671    100.00 

b)     Information about non-cash loans in Group I and II :

                                       I st Group - Standard loans and other         II nd Group - Loans and other    
                                                    receivables                   receivables under close follow-up   
  Noncash loans                                                  TL        FC                               TL     FC  
  Letters of guarantee                                      264,814    315,819                                        
  Group acceptances                                               -     40,361                               -      - 
  Letters of credit                                              72    321,915                               -      - 
  Endorsements                                                    -          -                               -      - 
  Underwriting commitments                                        -          -                               -      - 
  Other commitments and                                          42      9,024                               -      - 
  Total                                                      264,928    687,119                              -      - 

The Group provided TL 303 of reserve for non-cash loans amounting to TL 1,300.

V.   Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Consolidated Statement of 
     Changes in Shareholders' Equity  

1.   Explanations on the adjustments made in the current period related to the 
     first time application of Accounting Standards on Financial Instruments: 

a) There are no increases resulting from securities available for sale.
Gain or loss generated from remeasurement of securities included in 
shareholders' equity in the current period available for sale, excluding those 
related to hedging : None.

b)   Increase in cash flow risk hedging items: None.

c)   Reconciliation of beginning and ending balances of the foreign currency 
     differences :   
The foreign currency increases regarding the consolidated subsidiaries of the
Group are TL 5,851 and TL 4,587 as of December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
These are stated under the shareholders' equity, as income reserves.

2.   Explanations on the adjustments made in the current period regarding the 
     application of Accounting Standard on Financial Instruments: None.

a)   Information on securities available for sale: None.

Amount of gain/loss, recorded in income statement resulting from remeasurement
of securities available for sale ( except the risk hedging securities ) at fair
value, which was previously recorded in shareholders' equity : None.

b)   Information on cash flow hedges: None.

Amount of gain/loss recorded in income statement resulting from remeasurement of
hedged assets and liabilities in cash flow hedges, which was previously recorded
in shareholders' equity. 

3.     Information on dividend: 
a)   Dividends declared subsequent to the balance sheet date, but before the 
     announcement of the financial statements: None.
b)   Dividends per share proposed subsequent to the balance sheet date: Profit 
     appropriation is resolved on General Assembly meeting of the Parent Bank, 
     dated March 27, 2002, and it is decided to distribute TL 276 (in full TL) 
     per share to the shareholders.
4.   Amounts transferred to legal reserves: The Parent Company, the Bank does 
     not have any legal reserves at its financials as of December 31, 2002. The 
     legal reserves amounting TL 4,410 in the consolidated fianancial statements
     are transferred from participations and subsidiaries.

5.   Information on shares issued:  
a)   The Bank explains the rights, priorities and restrictions regarding all the 
     capital share classes including the distribution of income and repayment of 
     the capital: None.

VI.  Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Consolidated Statement of Cash 

1.   The effects of the other items stated in the cash flow statement and the 
     changes in foreign currency exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents: 
  Cash Flow Statement, Explanation of Item 1.1.9     Current Period    Prior Period 
  Net monetary gain / loss                                  (51,541)       (112,261)
  Fees and commissions given                                (14,287)        (18,250)
  Other operating expenses                                  (70,798)        (78,169)
  Foreign exchange gain / loss (net)                         (4,576)        (21,137)
  Total                                                    (141,202)       (229,817)

Total cash out flow for prepaid taxes and prepaid expenses included in other
assets is TL 4,177. Cash out flow in the other liabilities relate to
miscellaneous payables.

The effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents. 

The effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents and
the unrealized gain/loss on the other non-monetary items are reflected at the
relevant section in the statement of cash flows.

2.   Cash flows related to acquisition of participations, subsidiaries and other 
     investments: None
3.   Information on disposals of the participations, subsidiaries and other 
     investments: None

4.   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning and end of periods: 

The reconciliation of the components of cash and cash equivalents, accounting
policies used to determine these components, the effect of any change made in
accounting principle in the current period, the recorded amounts of the cash and
cash equivalent assets at the balance sheet and the recorded amounts in the cash
flow statement:
                        Current Period    Prior Period 
  Cash                          86,776         183,238
  Cash equivalents           1,777,522       1,211,097
  Total                      1,864,298       1,394,335

Cash includes of cash in TL and cash in foreign currency, cash equivalents
include the balances of the Central Bank, Banks and interbank funds sold which
mature in less than three months.
5.   Amount of cash and cash equivalents restricted for the usage of the Group 
     and the shareholders by legal limitations and other reasons: None
6. a.Amount of unused borrowing facilities that can be used in funding banking 
     operations and fulfillment of capital obligations and limitations related 
     to these, if any: None
b.   The share of the Group in banking, investment and financing operations of 
     the joint ventures that are consolidated on a pro-rata basis: Not 

c.   Total cash flows required to increase the capacity of banking operations, 
     apart from the required cash flows for maintaining current banking 
     operation capacity: None.

VII. Footnotes and Explanations Related to Mergers, Aquisitions of Banks, and 
     the Recording Principles of Aquisitions of Subsidiaries:  

There are no issues to be disclosed related to mergers and acquisitions.

VIII.Footnotes and Explanations Related to the Risk Group of the Parent Bank
1. Volume of The Bank's risk group transactions, income and expense amounts 
     involved and outstanding loan and deposit balances :  

a)     Current Period :

  Bank's Risk Group            Investments and                Direct and indirect         Other entities included in  
  (*)                            subsidiaries              shareholders of the Group            related parties       
                                     Cash    Non-cash                   Cash   Non-cash               Cash   Non-cash 
  Loans and other                                                                                                     
  Balance at beginning                  -           -                21,505       1,198           107,876       5,739 
  of period                                                                                                           
  Balance at end of                     -           -               100,979       6,730            10,154       3,716 
  Interest and                          -           -                 4,344         457            10,466         547 
  commission income                                                                                                   

b)     Prior Period :

  Bank's Risk Group            Investments and                Direct and indirect         Other entities included in  
  (*)                            subsidiaries              shareholders of the Group            related parties       
                                     Cash    Non-cash                   Cash   Non-cash               Cash   Non-cash 
  Loans and other                                                                                                     
  Balance at beginning                  -           -               142,580       1,468           120,627      13,649 
  of period                                                                                                           
  Balance at end of                     -           -                21,505       1,198           107,876       5,739 
  Interest and                          -           -                15,288          11            21,852         123 
  commission income                                                                                                   

c.1)     Information on Bank's Risk Group deposits balances:

  Bank's Risk Group          Investments and               Direct and indirect           Other entities included in   
  (*)                          subsidiaries             shareholders of the Group              related parties        
  Deposits                Current period     Prior           Current period    Prior              Current      Prior  
                                            period                             period               period     period 
  Balance at                           -         -                   59,391    38,069              325,547    390,613 
  beginning of period                                                                                                 
  Balance at end of                    -         -                   187,125   59,391              772,930    337,256 
  Interest on                          -         -                    3,057     9,570               44,652     44,605 

c.2) Information on forward and option agreements and other similar 
     agreements made with related parties :

  Bank's Risk Group       Investments and subsidiaries         Direct and indirect         Other entities included in 
  (*)                                                       shareholders of the Group           related parties       
                               Current period    Prior                Current    Prior           Current       Prior  
                                                 period                period    period            period      period 
  Trading transactions                                                                                                
  Beginning of period                       -         -                 23,168    30,798            15,676   1,623,999
  End of period                             -         -                43,311    23,168            24,485      15,676 
  Total income/loss                         -         -                 (344)        48               618        (73) 
  Hedging transactions                                                                                                
  Beginning of period                       -         -                     -         -                 -           - 
  End of period                             -         -                     -         -                 -           - 
  Total income/loss                         -         -                (344)         48               618       (73)  
(*)  The scope of the related parties are defined in the Article 20-2 of the 
     "Regulation on the Establishment and Operations of Groups".
2.   Disclosures for related parties 

a)   The relations of the Group with the entities controlled by the Group and 
     its related parties, regardless of whether there are any transactions or not:

The Parent Company Bank enters into banking transactions with group companies in
accordance with the Banking Law. These are commercial transactions and realized
on an arms-length basis.
b)   Besides the structure of relationship, nature of the transaction, amount 
     and ratio to the total volume of transactions, amount of major items and 
     ratio to all items, pricing policies and other factors:

                                                 Amount   % According to the Amounts at the Financial Statements
  Securities held to maturity                         -                                                        -
  Cash loans                                    111,133                                                     8.46
  Noncash loans                                  11,103                                                    11.66
  Deposits                                      960,055                                                    34.21
  Forward transactions and option agreements     67,796                                                    15.97
  Other receivables                                   -                                                        -

These transactions are priced in accordance with the general pricing policies of
the Bank and are in line with market rates.

c)   In the case that disclosing items separately, total of  similar items
     is disclosed in order to present the total impact on financial statements :
     Explained in the article b.

d)   Investments accounted for under the equity method : None.

e)   Disclosures related to purchase and sale of real estate and other
     assets, trading of services, agency contracts, leasing contracts, 
     transferring information as a result of research and development, license 
     contracts, financing (loans and cash or real capital supports included), 
     guarantees, and management contracts :

The Group has financial lease agreements with TEB Finansal Kiralama A.S.. The
total leasing obligations related to these agreements amounted to TL 6,784.
Additionally, the Group provides agency services for TEB Sigorta A.S. and TEB
Yatirim Menkul Degerler A.S.

Within the limits of the Grouping Law, the Group renders cash and
non-cash loans to its related parties and the ratio of these to the Group's
total cash and non-cash loan portfolio is 5.39 %. Amounts of these loans are
explained in the note 1a.

As of December 31, 2002 the Group has no purchases and sale of real
estate and other assets, transfer of  information as a result of research and
development, license and management contracts with the related parties.

IX-       Footenotes and Explanations Related to Inflation Accounting

Inflation Accounting

The accompanying financial statements are prepared by applying inflation
accounting to the financial statements, which are prepared on a historical cost
basis, except for the revaluation of fixed assets in line with Turkish Tax
Legislation, in accordance with the provisions of Communique No : 14 "Accounting
Standard Related to the Preparation of Financial Statements in Hyperinflationary
Periods" related to ARR. Communique No:14 requires Groups to restate their
financials in the equivalent purchasing power of Turkish Lira at the balance
sheet date. One characteristic that necessitates the application of inflation
accounting under the provisions of Communique No : 14 is a cumulative three-year
inflation rate approaching or exceeding 100%. As of December 31, 2002 based on
the wholesale price indices announced by the State Institute of Statistics, the
cumulative three-year inflation rate in Turkey is 227.3%.

Communique No:14 requires that the financial statements should be restated in
the equivalent purchasing power at the balance sheet date and the financial
statements of prior year should be restated in their entirety to the measuring
unit current at the balance sheet date.

The main guidelines for inflation accounting are as follows:

Cash and monetary assets and liabilities, which maintain their nominal balances
but experience a decline in purchasing power are not restated because they are
already expressed in terms of the monetary unit current at that balance sheet

Non-monetary assets and liabilities which are not carried at amounts current at
the balance sheet date and other components of shareholders' equity (except for
the revaluation surplus which is eliminated) are restated by applying the
relevant conversion factors; being the change in the general price index from
the date of acquisition to the closing date. The inflation adjusted share
capital amount has been derived by indexing each capital increase other than
bonus shares from statutory revaluation fund from the date they were
contributed. Transfers to share capital from general reserves, gain on sale of
property and investments and inappropriate profits are considered as cash
contributions and are restated from the date of contribution.

Fixed assets subject to depreciation are restated from their historical
acquisition costs after eliminating the statutory revaluation increments.
Depreciation is not separately restated in the income statement since it is
computed over restated amounts.

Non-monetary items reflected at current values are not restated since they are
already stated in the current purchasing power.

Investments and subsidiaries denominated in Turkish Lira are reflected at
restated costs by converting historical acquisition costs, excluding free shares
from revaluation fund, with the relevant conversion factors. Transfers to share
capital from general reserves, gain on sale of property and investments and
inappropriate profits are considered as cash contributions and are restated from
the date of contribution. Investments and subsidiaries denominated in foreign
currency are converted to Turkish Lira with the exchange rates prevailing and

All items in the statements of income are restated by applying the appropriate
conversion factors.

The effect of inflation on the Group's net monetary position is included in the
statements of income and separately disclosed as a net monetary gain or loss.
The effect of inflation accounting on prior year financial statements in
included in retained earnings and the effect of restatement is disclosed
separately under shareholders' equity.

Indices and conversion factors that are used to restate the accompanying the
financial statements as of December 31, 2002, reflecting the restatement for the
changes in the general purchasing power of the Turkish is as follows;

Dates                                             Index       Conversion Factors

December 31, 2002                               6,478.8            1.000
December 31, 2001                               4,951.7            1.308
December 31, 2000                               2,626.0            2.467

Restatement of balance sheet and income statement items through the use of a
general price index and relevant conversion factors does not necessarily mean
that the Group could realize or settle the same values of assets and liabilities
as indicated in the balance sheets. Similarly, it does not necessarily mean that
the Group could return or settle the same values of equity to its shareholders.

In accordance with Communique No :14, the Group obtains expertise reports for
its buildings.

The total amount of legal reserves and general reserves are TL 5,146 and TL
28,769, respectively, in the Bank's  statutory books of account.

Prior year financial statements were subject to special independent audit in
accordance with the temporary article 4 of the Grouping Law no. 4389.

Income statement items do not have seasonality. However, restatement of income
statement items were made with monthly indices.

X-  The Information on the Parent Bank's Domestic, Foreign, Off-shore Branches
and Foreign Representatives

Information relating to the domestic, foreign, offshore branches and foreign
representatives of the Group:

                               Number of

Domestic branch            74      1,673
                                                      Country of Incorporation
Foreign representatives    -           -                         -
                                                                                  Total    Statutory Share
                                                                                 Assets        Capital
Foreign branch             -           -                         -                  -             -
Offshore Grouping region
branches                   -           -                         -                  -             -

XI- Explanations Related to Subsequent Events

a)   Disclosure related to subsequent events and their impact on the financial
     statements as required by the related standard.

a.1) As of January 1, 2003 retirement pay liability ceiling was increased
     to TL 1.324.

a.2) The Parent Bank has established a branch in Bahrain in an offshore
     Bank status based  on the permission of the Under secretariat of Treasury 
     to the Prime Ministry of Turkish Republic and the branch has started 
     operations in March 2003.

a.3) Profit appropriation is resolved on the General Assembly meeting of
     the Parent Company, the Bank, dated March 27, 2002, and it is decided to
     distirbute TL 276 full per share to the shareholders.

b)   The impact of significant changes in foreign exchange rates subsequent to
     the balance sheet date on the foreign currency transactions, items and on 
     the financial statements of the Group : There are no significant changes.

                                  SECTION SIX


I-         Other Explanations Regarding the Parent Bank

Matters required to be disclosed due to having a significant effect on the
financial statements or for the purpose of clarification of the balance sheet :

21 branches have been acquired from KentGroup (a Group under control of Saving
Deposits Insurance Fund) in January 2002, and 3 branches have been acquired from
ToprakGroup (a Group under control of Saving Deposits Insurance Fund) in October

                                 SECTION SEVEN

                        REPORT OF  INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

            I.          Explanations on the Report of Independent Auditors:

The consolidated financial statements of the Group were audited by Guney Serbest
Muhasebeci Mali Musavirlik A.S. (An Affiliated Firm of Ernst &Young
International) and the report of independent auditors, dated March 27, 2003,
including an unqualified opinion is presented preceding the consolidated
financial statements.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange