RNS Number:4516K
21 December 2007

ADL plc

Interim Report for the six months to 30 September 2007

Financial Highlights

*   �631k Operating Profit before deducting �417k exceptional costs 
    (30 September 2006: �538k before exceptional costs of �100k)- an increase 
    of 17.3%

*   �(147)k Retained loss after exceptional items (30 September 2006:
    Retained profit �142k)

*   (1.49)p Earnings per Ordinary Share (30 September 2006: 1.44p)

*   85.10p Net Assets per Ordinary Share (30 September 2006: 77.78p) - an
    increase of  9.4% (Allowing for the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS)

*   Interim dividend passed (2006: 1p per Ordinary Share)

*   Trading in the second half is showing a similar performance to that
    experienced in the first half

For further information please contact:

ADL plc

Jeremy Davies, Managing Director                        07860 717458

Blue Oar Securities Plc

John Wakefield, Corporate Finance Director              0117 933 0020

Chairman's statement

Financial Results

I have pleasure in presenting ADL's Interim Report for the six months ended 30
September 2007.  Turnover was �3.023 million (30 September 2006: �2.741 million
and year to 31 March 2007 �5.648 million). The profit on ordinary activities
before interest, taxation and exceptional costs increased by 17% to �631,241
from �538,547 in the six months to 30 September 2006 (year to 31 March 2007

In September 2007 the company and two of its directors, Jeremy Davies and Pearl
Jackson were charged with wilful neglect under the Mental Health Act following
police enquiries emanating from the raid on Newsham House in July 2005.

Although these charges are being strenuously defended, this action effectively
places an embargo on the further development of the company generally and in
particular on the proposed acquisition of a group of five homes in the Bradford
area which the company had been progressing well and which was nearing
completion. Accordingly your board has written off some �310,112 in corporate
finance costs incurred to date on this project.

In the period your company also incurred a further �51,554 in legal fees
defending itself from the charges raised against it by the Crown.

Further exceptional costs of �55,000 were incurred following the unsuccessful
defence by the company of a claim for wrongful dismissal by a former executive
director of the group, who had relocated to the USA.

After deduction of these exceptional costs of �416,666, the company incurred a
loss on ordinary activities after taxation of �146,567 (2006: Profit of
�142,798, year to 31 March 2007: Profit of �857,295).

During the period the company adopted International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) in accordance with AIM regulations and has restated its
previous results which were prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (UK GAAP).  This has resulted in the add back of amortisation of
goodwill of �9,543 in the comparative six month period to 30 September 2006 and
�23,577 in the year to 31 March 2007, and the full provision of deferred tax of
�1,446,000 as at 30 September 2007 (30 September 2006 �948,792, year to 31st
March 2007 �1,446,000).  In addition, �700,000, being the valuation of
properties held for resale has been recognised in the Profit and Loss and
transferred out of the revaluation reserve in the year to 31st March 2007.

Property rationalisation

Morton Manor

The developer of the six apartments at Morton Manor has sold four of the
properties but has had no interest in two. The development company owes ADL plc
�250,000 and it is proposed that ADL plc takes one of the remaining apartments
independently valued at �280,000 in settlement of the debt.

Allambie Court

Planning permission has been granted for the extension to the home. The
purchaser of the adjacent land, subject to planning permission for eight flats,
awaits detailed planning consent.

Newsham House

The Company has agreed to sell the surplus land for �400,000 with its existing
planning permission as it is unlikely that consent for any further units will be
forthcoming. The developer has agreed to carry out the accommodation works,
providing a new access and car parking area at their expense, costs which under
the previous arrangement would have been borne by ADL plc.

The Knoll

The developer of the surplus land at The Knoll is continuing negotiations with
the local planning authority and if successful will sign a contract to purchase
the land.


As a result of the company being charged under the Mental Health Act, the
company's bankers have indicated that at the present time they would be
unwilling to increase the current level of borrowing despite the low level of

The company has been informed by its lawyers that the costs of defending the
charges against it at Newsham House could be as high as �1 million. As a result,
the company has agreed a standby facility of �1 million with Jeremy Davies,
Managing Director.

Review of Business

From a trading point of view, the business continues to operate satisfactorily,
with occupancy levels being maintained.

However, the future of the business is difficult to predict as a result of the
uncertainty caused by the legal action against the Company and two of its

Sir William Wells


20 December 2007

Unaudited Income Statement                                    6 months to 30   6 months to 30          Year to
for the six months ended                                             Sept 07          Sept 06        31 Mar 07          
30 September 2007                                                      �'000            �'000            �'000          


Continuing operations                                                  3,023            2,491            4,973
Acquisitions                                                               -              250              675
Cost of Sales                                                          3,023            2,741            5,648

Continuing operations                                                  1,830            1,577            3,166
Acquisitions                                                               -              137              409

                                                                       1,830            1,714            3,575

Gross profit                                                           1,193            1,027            2,073

Administrative expenses - continuing operations                        (643)            (567)          (1,239)
Administrative expenses - acquisitions                                     -             (19)             (89)
Exceptional loss                                          2            (417)            (100)            (255)
Other gains                                    Note 5d                     -                -              700
Other operating income                                                    81               97              202

                                                                       (979)            (589)            (681)

Operating profit                                                         214              438            1,392

Continuing operations                                                    214              344            1,215
Acquisitions                                                               -               94              177

                                                                         214              438            1,392

Interest receivable                                                        7                4               11
Interest payable                                                       (299)            (243)            (527)

(Loss) / Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                  (78)              199              876

Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities                             (69)             (57)             (18)

Retained (loss)/profit for the period                                  (147)              142              858

Earnings per ordinary share - basic and diluted                      (1.49)p            1.44p            8.68p

Weighted average number of shares                                  9,885,694        9,885,694        9,885,694

Consolidated Unaudited Balance Sheet as at                         30 Sept 07        30 Sept 06         31 Mar 07
30 September 2007                                                       �'000             �'000             �'000


Non-current assets

 Intangible assets                                                        950             1,022             1,006
 Tangible assets                                                       16,281            15,839            16,332
 Investments                                                                2                 2                 2
 Deferred tax assets                                                       44                51                44

                                                                       17,277            16,914            17,384

Current assets

 Inventories                                                               11                11                11
 Debtors                                                                  787               857               891
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                446               538               341

                                                                        1,244             1,406             1,243

Non-current assets held for sale                                          700               500               700

Total Assets                                                           19,221            18,820            19,327


Current liabilities                                                   (1,016)           (1,045)             (934)

Non-current liabilities                                               (9,792)          (10,085)           (9,783)

Total liabilities                                                    (10,808)          (11,130)          (10,717)

Net Assets                                                              8,413             7,690             8,610


 Called-up equity share capital                                         1,522             1,522             1,522
 Share premium account                                                  3,712             3,712             3,712
 Revaluation reserve                                                    2,362             2,245             2,468
 Retained earnings                                                        817               211               908

Total Equity                                                            8,413             7,690             8,610

Net assets per ordinary share                                           85.10             77.78             87.10

Consolidated Unaudited Cash Flow Statement                     6 months to 30    6 months to 30           Year to
for the Six Months ended                                              Sept 07           Sept 06         31 Mar 07       
30 September 2007                                                       �'000             �'000             �'000       

Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities                                 397               666             1,128

Returns of Investments and Servicing of Finance

Interest received                                                           7                 4                11
Interest paid                                                           (299)             (243)             (527)
Finance charges paid                                                                                        (127)

Net Cash Outflow from Returns on Investments
 and servicing of finance                                               (292)             (239)             (643)


 UK Corporation tax paid                                                    -                 -              (46)

Capital Expenditure and Financial Investment

Purchase of Solutions (Yorkshire) Ltd                                       -           (2,245)           (2,469)
Sale of Nightingale Nursing Home                                            -                 -               800

Net cash outflow from Investing Activities                                  -           (2,245)           (1,669)

Dividends                                                                   -                 -              (99)

Cash Inflow/(outflow) before Financing Activities                         105           (1,818)           (1,329)


New secured loans                                                           -             9,137             9,250
Repayment of amounts borrowed                                               -           (6,789)           (6,900)

Net Cash Inflow from Financing Activities                                   -             2,348             2,350

Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                     105               530             1,021

Reconciliation of Operating profit to Net Cash Inflow from
Operating Activities

Operating profit                                                          214               438             1,392
Amortisation                                                               56                56                80
Amortisation of Finance costs                                              18               100               119
Depreciation                                                                1                12                18
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                                          -                 -               (1)
Fair value of non-current assets held for sale                              -                 -             (700)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                                             96              (86)               100
Increase in creditors                                                      12               146               120

Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities                                 397               666             1,128

Consolidated Statement of Changes in             Share         Share   Revaluation      Retained         Total
Equity                                         Capital       Premium       Reserve      Earnings        Equity          
For the six months ended                         �'000         �'000         �'000         �'000         �'000          
30 September 2007

Balance at 1 April 2006                          1,522         3,712         1,926            69         7,229

Recognised income and expenses                                                   -           142           142
Revaluation net of tax                                                         319             -           319

Balance at 30 September 2006                     1,522         3,712         2,245           211         7,690

Recognised income and expenses                                                   -            16            16
Transfer to profit and loss                                                   (80)            80             -
Revaluation net of tax                                                       1,003             -         1,003
Transfer of land for resale                                                  (700)           700             -
Dividends                                                                        -          (99)          (99)

Balance at 31 March 2007                         1,522         3,712         2,468           908         8,610

Recognised income and expenses                                                   -         (147)         (147)
Transfer to profit and loss                                                   (56)            56             -
Impairment                                                                    (50)             -          (50)

Balance at 30 September 2007                     1,522         3,712         2,362           817         8,413


1.                  Accounting Policies

Basis of Accounting

These unaudited interim financial statements were approved for issue by the ADL
plc Board of Directors on 20 December 2007.

These consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30
September 2007 have been prepared in accordance with the Listing Rules of the
Financial Services Authority and IFRS.  The interim financial statements should
be read in conjunction with the financial statements for the year ended 31 March
2007 which have been prepared in accordance with UK Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP").

The Group now prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with
applicable International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by
the EU.  This is the first financial information on the Group to have been
prepared under IFRS and the disclosures required by IFRS 1 "First time adoption
of IFRS" concerning the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS have been included in
these notes.

The Group has applied consistent accounting policies in preparing the
consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 September
2007, the comparative information for the six months ended 30 September 2006,
the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 and the preparation of
the opening IFRS balance sheet as at 1 April 2006, the date of transition.

These interim financial results are unaudited and do not constitute statutory
financial statements as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The
functional currency of the Group is UK Sterling and accordingly the amounts in
the interim results are denominated in that currency.

The statutory financial statements for ADL plc for the year ended 31 March 2007
received an unqualified Auditor's Report and have been filed with the Registrar
of Companies.

Basis of Consolidation

The consolidated interim results incorporate the interim results of the Company
and all Group undertakings.  These are adjusted, where appropriate, to conform
to Group accounting policies.  Acquisitions are accounted for under the
acquisition method and goodwill arising on consolidation is capitalised and the
value of this goodwill is reviewed on a periodic basis.  The results of
companies acquired are included in the Group profit and loss account after the
date that control passed.

2.                  Operating Profit

Operating profit is stated after charging exceptional costs of �416,666 (2006:

This cost comprises three elements; �310,112 in corporate finance costs which
had previously been prepaid and were incurred on the abortive acquisition of a
group of 5 care homes in Bradford, �51,554 in legal fees incurred by the company
in defending itself and two directors from charges raised by the Crown, and
exceptional costs of �55,000 that were incurred as a result of the unsuccessful
defence by the company of a claim for wrongful dismissal by a former executive
director of the group, who had relocated to the USA.

3.                  The retained loss per ordinary share have been calculated on
the loss on ordinary activities after taxation of �146,567 (30 September 2006:
Retained profit �142,798, 31 March 2007: Retained profit �857,295) using the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the six months ended 30
September 2007 of 9,885,694 shares (30 September 2006: 9,885,694, 31 March 2007:

4.                  Net assets per ordinary share have been calculated on net
assets of �8,412,578 (30 September 2006: �7,689,240, 31 March 2007 �8,609,144)
divided by 9,885,694 ordinary shares in issue at 30 September 2007, 30 September
2006 and 31 March 2007.

5.                  Comparative period

The corresponding amounts in the prior interim period for the six months ended
30 September 2006 and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31
March 2007 have been adjusted for the effects of changes to accounting policies
on transition to IFRS as follows:

(a)    Goodwill arising on the acquisition of Newsham House Limited, Woodland
Healthcare Limited and Solutions (Yorkshire) Limited of �9,543 in the 6 months
ended 30 September 2006 and �23,577 in the year to 31 March 2007 has been
written back to the profit and loss account and Goodwill on the balance sheet.

(b)   Deferred tax arising on the revaluation of properties as at 1 April 206 of
�824,792, as at 30 September 2006 of �948,792 and �1,446,000 as at 31 March 2007
has been provided in full and deducted from the Revaluation Reserve.

(c)    Dividends proposed of �98,857 but not paid as at 30 September 2006 have
been added back to reserves as at that date in accordance with IAS32, "Financial
Instruments: Presentation".

(a)    Non-current assets held for sale comprise surplus land at Newsham House,
Morton Manor, Allambie Court and the Knoll which has been transferred from
non-current assets as at 31 March 2007 in accordance with IFRS 5, "Non-current
Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations". �700,000 has been transferred
from the revaluation reserve and included in income for the year ended 31 March
2007 accordingly.

Independent Review Report to the Directors of ADL plc


We have reviewed the accompanying Balance Sheet of ADL Plc as of 30 September
2007 and the related statements of income, changes in equity and cash flows for
the six month period then ended, and other explanatory notes.  Management is
responsible for the preparation and presentation of this interim financial
information in accordance with EU-endorsed International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS and IFRIC interpretations) applicable to companies reporting
under IFRS and the listing rules of the Financial Services Authority. Our
responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial information
based on our review.

The Report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the International
Standard on Review Engagements 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by Auditing Practices
Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we may state to the Company those
matters we are required to state to them in an Independent Review Report and for
no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or
assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our review work, for
this Report, or for the conclusion we have formed.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with the International Standard on Review
Engagements 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the
Independent Auditor of the Entity." A review of interim financial information
consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures.  A
review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not
enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant
matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an
audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the accompanying interim financial information does not present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of the entity as at 30 September

CLB Littlejohn Frazer

Chartered Accountants

1 Park Place

Canary Wharf

London E14 4HJ

20 December 2007

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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