HALF YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 
                  SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 
                          DIRECTORS' REVIEW 
The Finders group report a consolidated loss after tax of $5.7 
million (Half year 2007: $2.2 million) for the six months ended 31 
December 2008.  The major contributor to the loss was the write-off 
of pre-production costs at the Wetar heap leach solvent 
extraction-electrowinning (SX-EW) demonstration project.  The group 
incurred $3.8 million in pre-production costs during the period. 
These costs have been expensed in the half year accounts. 
The half year marked the completion of construction of the Wetar 
demonstration plant on the Indonesian island of Wetar.  The 
demonstration plant was commissioned in early 2009 with first copper 
cathode production in early February 2009.  The plant is now 
producing at its nameplate capacity of 5 tonnes copper cathode a 
day.  A maiden shipment of 61 tonnes of copper cathode was despatched 
from Wetar on 6 March 2009. 
As required under accounting standards, the group has made a 
provision of $1.3 million for rehabilitation at Wetar.  The provision 
represents the present value of the estimated future costs of 
rehabilitation and restoration of the Wetar site.  The provision has 
been capitalized as part of the project costs and will be expensed 
against profits over the life of the operations. 
Funding during the half year was provided by the placement of new 
shares which raised $5.3 million, drawdown of the balance of a US$5 
million secured loan facility, deferred settlement terms on the 
acquisition of a supply vessel and creditors. 
The funds raised were largely invested in developing the Wetar 
demonstration project.  A total of $10.1 million was paid for plant 
and equipment, development costs and the feasibility study.  Minimal 
expenditure was incurred on the group's gold exploration leases at 
Ojolali in Sumatra. 
The delay in completing the Wetar project on the original schedule 
has strained the group's financial position.  Subsequent to 31 
December 2008, the company raised further funds as follows - 
a)       US$1.5 million pursuant to a Convertible Note Facility 
Agreement with Resource Capital Fund IV L.P.; 
b)       Loans totalling A$714,000 from four directors of the 
company, Messrs Russell Fountain, Christopher 
          Farmer,   Robert Thomson and Stephen de Belle. 
The company is currently conducting a further round of capital 
raising to secure sufficient funds to complete the Wetar feasibility 
study, retire outstanding creditors and for working capital. 
As stated above, the Wetar project is currently producing 5 tonnes of 
copper cathode a day.  The cashflow from copper cathode sales will be 
a useful contribution towards the group's funding needs. 
Total borrowings increased from $4.2 million at 30 June 2008 to $8.2 
million at 31 December 2008.  The borrowings have been classified as 
current liabilities (30 June 2008: non-current liabilities) as the 
loans are repayable by 31 December 2009. 
The secured loan facility was fully drawn down during the half year 
and together with capitalised costs and interest the loan outstanding 
at 31 December 2008 was US$5.4m.  Due to the much weaker A$/US$ 
exchange rate, the loan totalled A$7.8m at balance date. 
Wetar Copper Demonstration Plant 
Copper cathode production commenced at Wetar in early February 2009. 
The demonstration plant was built to prove the leachability of the 
Wetar ore under various operating conditions.  The demonstration 
plant is a full scale SX-EW plant with a nameplate production 
capacity of 5 tonnes copper cathode per day.  A total of 100,000 
tonnes of ore is being mined and stacked on three test heaps.  The 
performance of the first heap has so far met expectations, with 
leaching characteristics in line with column test results.  The heaps 
show excellent percolation characteristics and strong initial 
leaching of copper which bodes well for the expected development of 
the full scale project. 
The Wetar project contains a mineral resource estimated at 9 Mt at 
2.4% copper, or 218,000 tonnes of contained copper, at a 0.5% copper 
cutoff.  It is expected that almost all of the mineral resources will 
be converted into ore reserves upon the completion of further mine 
planning and feasibility study work.  The company is targeting copper 
cathode production of 20,000 - 25,000 tonnes per year by 2010, 
subject to completion of the definitive feasibility study and project 
financing.  At that production rate, the Wetar project has a mine 
life of up to 10 years. 
Total exploration expenditure for the half year on Wetar (including 
feasibility study costs) and the Ojolali gold project in Sumatra 
amounted to $3.3 million (Half year 2007: $1.1 million).  Minimal 
expenditure was incurred on the Ojolali exploration leases as all 
cash and human resources were directed towards completing the Wetar 
demonstration plant. 
The company holds 5.9 million shares in Geopacific Resources NL, an 
ASX-listed company focussed on gold exploration in Fiji. 
The investment in Geopacific is a non-core asset and the company will 
consider divesting of the shares at the appropriate time. 
With the Wetar demonstration plant now in production, the group's 
priority is to complete the feasibility study, with a view to 
unlocking the value of the project through the development of a 
20,000 - 25,000 tonnes per year copper cathode operation.  Initial 
results from the demonstration plant have added to the already high 
confidence level that the project is technically feasible and 
To complete the feasibility study, the company is currently in 
advanced discussions with potential investors to raise sufficient 
funds for that purpose, retire outstanding creditors and to provide 
additional working capital.  Subject to raising the required funds, 
the directors are optimistic that the group will achieve its aim of 
developing the Wetar project into a substantial copper cathode 
                               DIRECTORS' REPORT 
            Your directors submit the financial report of the 
            consolidated group for the half-year ended 31 December 
            The directors who held office during the financial 
            period and up to the date of this report are - 
            Dr Russell Fountain (Executive Chairman) 
            Dr Chris Farmer (Managing Director) 
            Mr Robert Thomson (Executive Director - Development) 
            Mr Stephen de Belle (Non - Executive Director) 
            Mr Steve Lonergan (Non - Executive Director) 
            Mr Ian Neuss (Alternate Director for Dr Russell 
            Review and Results of Operations 
            A review of the consolidated entity's operations during 
            the half-year is set out on pages 2 and 3. 
            Auditor's Independence Declaration 
            The lead auditor's independence declaration under 
            section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 is set out on 
            page 5. 
Rounding of amounts to nearest thousand 
The company is of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/0100 
dated 10 July 1998 issued by the Australian Securities & 
Investments Commission and in accordance with that Class Order, 
amounts in the Directors' Report and the Half Year Financial 
Report have been rounded off to the nearest thousand dollars, 
unless otherwise stated. 
            This report is signed in accordance with a resolution 
            of the Board of Directors. 
            Dr Russell Fountain 
            Executive Chairman 
            Mr Stephen de Belle 
            Sydney, 13 March 2009 
        Auditor's Independence Declaration Under Section 307C 
                    of the Corporations Act 2001 
  To the Directors of Finders Resources Ltd and Controlled Entities 
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, during the 
half-year ended 31 December 2008 there have been: 
(a)                no contraventions of the auditor independence 
requirements as set out in the Corporations Act 2001 in 
                    relation to the review; and 
(b)                no contraventions of any applicable code of 
professional conduct in relation to the review. 
A D Danieli 
Chartered Accountants 
Sam Danieli 
10 March 2009 
                              Note 31 Dec 2008 30 Jun 2008 
                                         $'000       $'000 
Cash and cash equivalents                  412       4,988 
Receivables                                  -         425 
Financial assets                           354         129 
Inventories                                 15           - 
Other assets                               212         629 
Total Current Assets                       993       6,171 
Receivables                              2,045           - 
Financial assets                             -         378 
Plant and equipment                      9,656       3,901 
Development expenditure                  4,695       3,195 
Exploration expenditure        4         4,415       1,961 
Other assets                               452         808 
Total Non-Current Assets                21,263      10,243 
Total Assets                            22,256      16,414 
Trade and other payables                 4,723       2,199 
Borrowings                               8,208           - 
Total Current Liabilities               12,931       2,199 
Borrowings                                   -       4,217 
Provision                      5         1,327           - 
Total Non-Current Liabilities            1,327       4,217 
Total Liabilities                       14,258       6,416 
NET ASSETS                               7,998       9,998 
Issued capital                 2        33,382      28,025 
Reserves                                   214       1,892 
Accumulated losses                    (25,598)    (19,919) 
TOTAL EQUITY                             7,998       9,998 
Total equity consists of: 
Parent entity interest                   7,998       9,998 
Minority equity interest                     -           - 
                                         7,998       9,998 
   The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 
FOR the half year ended 31 december 2008 
                                        Financial   Currency 
             Share Capital Accumulated    Asset    Translation 
               Ordinary      Losses      Reserve     Reserve   Total 
                 $'000        $'000       $'000       $'000    $'000 
Balance at 1  28,025     (19,919)        24        1,868       9,998 
July 2008 
Share issues   5,357            -         -            -       5,357 
attributable       -      (5,679)         -            -     (5,679) 
to members 
of parent 
from               -            -         -      (1,678)     (1,678) 
of foreign 
Balance at 
31 December   33,382     (25,598)        24          190       7,998 
Balance at 1  18,061     (13,243)     1,971          700       7,489 
July 2007 
of AASB 139 
for fair           -            -     (413)            -       (413) 
value on 
shares in 
issued            25            -         -            -          25 
during the 
to members         -      (1,740)         -            -     (1,740) 
of parent 
attributable       -        (493)         -            -       (493) 
to minority 
translation        -            -         -        (104)       (104) 
of foreign 
investments        -         (47)         -            -        (47) 
Balance at 
31 December   18,086     (15,523)     1,558          596       4,717 
   The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 
                                               Six months  Six months 
                                                    ended       ended 
                                              31 Dec 2008 31 Dec 2007 
                                                    $'000       $'000 
Payments to suppliers and employees                 (879)     (1,381) 
Interest received                                      51         115 
Taxes and value added tax paid                    (1,110)       (164) 
Other Income                                            -           7 
 Net cash provided by (used in) operating         (1,938)     (1,423) 
Payment for plant and equipment                   (4,550)       (196) 
Payment for development expenditure               (5,619)       (812) 
Payment for exploration expenditure                 (914)     (1,087) 
Payment for shares in subsidiary acquired           (325)           - 
from minority shareholder 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing         (11,408)     (2,095) 
Proceeds from issue of shares                       5,586          25 
Payment for share issue expenses                    (229)           - 
Proceeds from borrowings                            1,701           - 
Repayment of borrowings                              (34)           - 
Cash received in relation to share issue in             -       4,158 
Net cash provided by (used in) financing            7,024       4,183 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash held              (6,322)         665 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of           4,988       5,157 
Effect of changes in exchange rates                 1,746       (152) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period            412       5,670 
   The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 
The half-year consolidated financial statements are a general 
purpose financial report prepared in accordance with the 
requirements of the Corporations Act 2001, Accounting Standard 
AASB 134: Interim Financial Reporting, Australian Accounting 
Interpretations and other authoritative pronouncements of the 
Australian Accounting Standards Board. 
The half-year report does not include full disclosures of the 
type normally included in an annual financial report and 
therefore cannot be expected to provide as full an understanding 
of the financial performance, financial position and cashflows of 
the consolidated entity as the annual financial report. 
The half year financial report should be read in conjunction with 
the annual financial report for the year ended 30 June 2008.  It 
is also recommended that this financial report be considered with 
any public announcements made by Finders Resources Limited and 
its controlled entities during the half-year in accordance with 
the continuous disclosure requirements arising under the 
Corporations Act 2001. 
The Accounting policies have been consistently applied by the 
entities in the consolidated group and are consistent with those 
in the 30 June 2008 annual financial report. 
Reporting Basis and Convention 
The half-year report has been prepared on an accrual basis and is 
based on historical costs modified by the revaluation of selected 
non-current assets, financial assets and financial liabilities 
for which the fair value basis of accounting has been applied. 
Going Concern 
At 31 December 2008, the consolidated entity had current assets of 
$0.99 million and current liabilities of $12.93 million of which $7.8 
million is repayable on 31 December 2009.  AASB101 requires that, 
when preparing financial reports, management is to make an assessment 
of  the entity's ability to continue as a going concern. When doing 
so, management is required to address and disclose any material 
uncertainties related to events or conditions that may cast 
significant doubt on the entity's ability to continue as a going 
The uncertainties which the Directors have addressed are the current 
difficulties in the debt and equity markets which may adversely 
affect the Company's ability to raise equity capital in the short 
term to pay creditors and to refinance a loan repayment due on 31 
December 2009.  As noted in Note 5 Events After Balance Date, the 
company has already this year raised US$1.5 million through a 
convertible note facility and A$714,000 in loans from directors of 
the company and arranged an advance payment facility of up to US$2.0 
million (A$2.9 million) following commencement of production at Wetar 
under an agreement linked to a copper offtake contract in 
circumstances which are at least as difficult as the circumstances 
which the Directors believe lie ahead in 2009. 
The company is currently in advanced discussions with potential 
investors to raise further funds to complete the Wetar project 
feasibility study and for working capital.  The directors have 
reasonable expectation to believe that the current discussions will 
lead to a successful capital raising which, with cash flow from the 
Wetar demonstration plant, will inject sufficient funds into the 
company to enable it to at least pay its outstanding creditors and 
the Directors are confident that additional funds can be raised to 
ensure payment of the $7.8 million loan repayment due on 31 December 
Rounding of amounts to nearest 
thousand dollars 
The company is of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/0100 dated 10 
July 1998 issued by the Australian Securities & Investments 
Commission and in accordance with that Class Order, amounts in the 
Directors' Report and the Half Year Financial Report have been 
rounded off to the nearest thousand dollars, unless otherwise stated. 
                                           31 Dec 2008    30 Jun 2008 
                                                     $              $ 
Ordinary shares 
84,051,835 (30 June 2008: 74,911,425)       33,382,306     28,025,197 
fully paid ordinary shares 
Movement:                                       Number         Number 
At beginning of reporting period            74,911,425     65,624,136 
Shares issued during the period: 
           Exercise of options                  10,400         52,000 
           Issued under Share Purchase         271,657              - 
           Placement of shares               8,650,020      9,165,289 
           Issued in payment of fees           208,333              - 
Shares issued to employees                           -         70,000 
At end of reporting period                  84,051,835     74,911,425 
At 31 December 2008, the following unlisted options were on issue - 
 Number    Expiry date  Exercise price 
3,090,367 20 March 2009    50 cents 
1,322,881 22 March 2009    24 pence 
 500,000  13 June 2010   68.75 cents 
Note 3: OPERATING SegmentS 
The consolidated entity operates in two geographical locations, being 
Australia and Indonesia.  Its minerals business is based in Indonesia 
where it is developing a copper project on the island of Wetar and 
conducting mineral exploration on Wetar Island and Sumatra. 
In the 2008 Annual Report, segment information was reported based on 
geographical locations.  The primary reporting segments below is 
based on the consolidated entity's current reporting structure, being 
Copper Mining, Exploration and Head Office Administration. 
Copper mining is centred on the Wetar Project.  Copper cathode 
production commenced in February 2009, hence no sales revenue was 
derived during the half year.  Copper cathode sales revenue is being 
derived from March 2009. 
|             |                                                      |    | 
|                     | Copper Mining  |  Exploration  |      Total       | 
|                     |  Six   |  Six  |  Six  |  Six  |  Six   |   Six   | 
|                     | months |months |months |months | months | months  | 
|                     | ended  | ended | ended | ended | ended  |  ended  | 
|                     | 31 Dec |31 Dec |31 Dec |31 Dec | 31 Dec | 31 Dec  | 
|                     |  2008  | 2007  | 2008  | 2007  |  2008  |  2007   | 
|                     | $'000  | $'000 | $'000 | $'000 | $'000  |  $'000  | 
|Revenue              |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Sales revenue        |       -|      -|      -|      -|       -|        -| 
|Unallocated revenue  |        |       |       |       |      51|      122| 
|Total revenue        |        |       |       |       |      51|      122| 
|                     |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Profit or loss       |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Segment loss         | (1,609)|  (983)|  (511)|  (787)| (2,120)|  (1,770)| 
|Pre-production costs | (3,786)|      -|      -|      -| (3,786)|        -| 
|written off          |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Unallocated income   |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|less unallocated     |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|expenses             |        |       |       |       |     227|    (462)| 
|Loss before income   |        |       |       |       | (5,679)|  (2,232)| 
|tax                  |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Income tax expense   |        |       |       |       |       -|        -| 
|Loss after income tax|        |       |       |       | (5,679)|  (2,232)| 
|                     |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|                     |  31 Dec| 30 Jun| 31 Dec| 30 Jun|  31 Dec|   30 Jun| 
|                     |    2008|   2008|   2008|   2008|    2008|     2008| 
|Assets               |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Segment assets       |  20,423| 10,782|    351|    447|  20,774|   11,229| 
|Unallocated assets   |        |       |       |       |   1,482|    5,185| 
|Total assets         |        |       |       |       |  22,256|   16,414| 
|                     |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Liabilities          |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Segment liabilities  |   5,383|  1,824|    261|     66|   5,644|    1,890| 
|Unallocated          |        |       |       |       |   8,614|    4,526| 
|liabilities          |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|Total liabilities    |        |       |       |       |  14,258|    6,416| 
|                     |        |       |       |       |        |         | 
|                                                                         | 
|NOTE 4: EXPLORATION EXPENDITURE                                          | 
|Exploration expenditure represents costs carried forward in respect of   | 
|the Wetar Project feasibility study.                                     | 
|                                                                         | 
The consolidated entity will be obliged to rehabilitate and restore 
the Wetar Demonstration Project site on cessation of operations.  To 
that end it has made a provision in the half-year accounts for 
rehabilitation costs expected to be incurred.  The estimated costs 
are based on current costs, current legal requirements and current 
technology.  The estimated costs, discounted to its net present 
value, are provided for and capitalized as part of the project 
costs.  These costs are charged against profits over the life of the 
operations, through the depreciation of the asset and the unwinding 
of the discount on the provision. 
Subsequent to 31 December 2008, the company entered into the 
following agreements to raise further funds for working capital - 
a)       a US$1.5 million Convertible Note Facility Agreement 
("Facility") with Resource Capital Fund IV L.P.  The 
          Facility has been fully drawn down; 
b)       Loans agreements totalling A$714,000 from four directors of 
the company, Messrs Russell Fountain, 
          Christopher Farmer, Robert Thomson and Stephen de Belle; 
c)       advance payment facility of up to US$2.0 million (A$2.9 
million) following commencement of production at 
          Wetar under an agreement linked to a copper offtake 
The company is also in advanced discussions with potential investors 
to raise further funds to complete the Wetar feasibility study, 
retire outstanding creditors and for working capital. 
The Wetar Demonstration Plant commenced copper cathode production in 
February 2009.  Cashflow from copper cathode sales will supplement 
the group's funding requirements. 
Certain comparative numbers have been reclassified to conform with 
the current period presentation. 
In the opinion of the directors: 
1.       the financial statements and notes, as set out on pages 6 to 
         a.            comply with Accounting Standard AASB 134 
                       Interim Financial Reporting and the 
                       Corporations Regulations 2001; and 
         b.            give a true and fair view of the consolidated 
                       entity's financial position as at 31 December 
                       2008 and of its performance for the half-year 
                       ended on that date. 
2.       there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company 
         will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due 
         and payable. 
This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board 
of Directors. 
Dr Russell Fountain 
Executive Chairman 
Mr Stephen de Belle 
Sydney, 13 March 2009 
                      Independent Review Report 
                          To the Members of 
            Finders Resources Ltd and Controlled Entities 
                         ABN: 82 108 547 413 
Report on the Half-Year Financial Report 
We have  reviewed  the  accompanying half-year  financial  report  of 
Finders Resources  Ltd  and  Controlled  Entities  (the  consolidated 
entity) which comprises the balance sheet as at 31 December 2008, and 
the income statement, statement  of changes in  equity and cash  flow 
statement for  the  half-year ended  on  that date,  a  statement  of 
accounting  policies,  other  selected  explanatory  notes  and   the 
directors' declaration. 
Directors' responsibility for the Half-Year Financial Report 
The directors  of the  consolidated entity  are responsible  for  the 
preparation and fair presentation  of the half-year financial  report 
in accordance  with Australian  Accounting Standards  (including  the 
Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Act 2001. 
This responsibility  includes establishing  and maintaining  internal 
control relevant  to the  preparation and  fair presentation  of  the 
half-year financial report that  is free from material  misstatement, 
whether due to  fraud or  error; selecting  and applying  appropriate 
accounting  policies;  and  making  accounting  estimates  that   are 
reasonable in the circumstances. 
Auditor's responsibility 
Our responsibility  is  to  express a  conclusion  on  the  half-year 
financial report  based on  our review.  We conducted  our review  in 
accordance with  Auditing Standard  on Review  Engagements ASRE  2410 
Review of an  Interim Financial Report  Performed by the  Independent 
Auditor of the Entity, in order to state whether, on the basis of the 
procedures described, we have become  aware of any matter that  makes 
us believe that the  financial report is not  in accordance with  the 
Corporations Act 2001 including: giving a  true and fair view of  the 
consolidated entity's financial position as  at 31 December 2008  and 
its performance for the half-year  ended on that date; and  complying 
with Accounting Standard  AASB 134: Interim  Financial Reporting  and 
the  Corporations  Regulations  2001.  As  the  auditor  of   Finders 
Resources Ltd and  Controlled Entities,  ASRE 2410  requires that  we 
comply with the  ethical requirements  relevant to the  audit of  the 
annual financial report. 
A  review  of  a  half-year  financial  report  consists  of   making 
enquiries,  primarily  of  persons  responsible  for  financial   and 
accounting  matters,  and  applying   analytical  and  other   review 
procedures. A review  is substantially  less in scope  than an  audit 
conducted  in  accordance  with  Australian  Auditing  Standards  and 
consequently does not  enable us  to obtain assurance  that we  would 
become aware of all significant  matters that might be identified  in 
an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 
In conducting  our review,  we have  complied with  the  independence 
requirements of  the  Corporations  Act 2001.  We  confirm  that  the 
independence declaration  required  by  the  Corporations  Act  2001, 
provided to the  directors of  Finders Resources  Ltd and  Controlled 
Entities on 10 March 2009, would be in the same terms if provided  to 
the directors as at the date of this auditor's review report. 
Based on our review, which is not an audit, we have not become  aware 
of any  matter that  makes us  believe that  the half-year  financial 
report of Finders  Resources Ltd  and Controlled Entities  is not  in 
accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 including: 
(a)    giving  a true  and  fair view  of the  consolidated  entity's 
financial position as at 31 December 2008 and of its performance  for 
the half-year ended on that date; and 
(b)    complying with Accounting Standard AASB 134 Interim  Financial 
Reporting and Corporations Regulations 2001. 
Material Uncertainty Regarding Continuation as a Going Concern 
Without qualifying our opinion,  we draw attention to  Note 1 in  the 
financial report which indicates that the company incurred a net loss 
of $5,679,000 during  the period ended  31 December 2008  and, as  of 
that date,  the company's  current liabilities  exceeded its  current 
assets by $11,938,000. These conditions, along with other matters  as 
set forth in Note 1, indicate the existence of a material uncertainty 
which may cast  doubt about the  company's ability to  continue as  a 
going concern. 
Chartered Accountants 
Sam Danieli 
Sydney, 13 March 2009 
                         CORPORATE DIRECTORY 
Directors          Russell John Fountain           Executive Chairman 
                   Christopher Ben Farmer          Managing Director 
                   Robert Peter Thomson            Executive Director 
                   Stephen Ross de Belle           - Development 
                   Stephen John Lonergan           Non-Executive 
                   Ian David Neuss                 Director 
                                                   Alternate for RJ 
Secretary          Ian Morgan 
Offices            Registered Office and Principal Indonesian Office 
                   Place of Business 
                   Suite 51, Level 3               Level 9, Room 931 
                   330 Wattle Street               Patra Office Tower 
                   Ultimo  NSW  2007               Jl Jend. Gatot 
                                                   Subroto 32-34 
                                                   Jakarta, Indonesia 
Telephone          + (612) 9211 8299 
Fax                + (612) 9212 0200 
Email              info@findersresources.com 
Website            www.findersresources.com 
Stock Exchange     ASX: FND 
Listings           AIM: FND 
Nominated Adviser  RFC Corporate Finance Limited   Level 8, QV1 
(for the AIM       Level 14, 19-31 Pitt Street     Building 
Market of the      Sydney  NSW  2000 Australia     250 St Georges 
London Stock                                       Terrace 
Exchange)                                          Perth  WA 6000 
Broker             JM Finn Capital Markets Limited 
                   4 Coleman Street 
                   London EC2R 5TA United Kingdom 
Share Registry     Australia                       United Kingdom 
                   Computershare Investor Services Computershare 
                   Pty Limited                     Investor Services 
                   60 Carrington Street            Plc 
                   Sydney  NSW  2000 Australia     The Pavilions 
                   Telephone + (612) 8234 5400     Bridgewater Road 
                                                   Bristol BS99 7NH 
                                                   United Kingdom 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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