I am pleased to report that the Group has progressed significantly over the
past financial year. A clear strategy is in place, which will enhance success
in future years. This review will provide shareholders with an appreciation of
the implications of our present inability to access our deposit at the Reserve
Bank of Zimbabwe. This implication represents the most significant challenge to
the well being of the Group and our ability to play a greater role in the
economic future of the country.


We outline below the status of various strategic initiatives that have been
developed to grow the organisation.


Following the decision to enter the resources sector, a division, Meikles
Resources, has been established to house the Group's mining investments.

The Group has obtained a special mining grant within the Midlands area of
Zimbabwe. This grant allows the Group to prospect for various minerals,
including iron ore and chrome. The Group also has opportunities relating to
gold and tantalite. We plan to have at least one producing mine in operation in

We have signed a memorandum of understanding, which will shortly become a full
shareholders agreement, with a substantial technical partner to pursue these
opportunities, including the provision of necessary capital, skills and
expertise in mining. Anticipated funding for mining operations is expected to
be substantial. The division will raise its own capital and will not be
dependent on Group financial resources.

Funds held on deposit at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

The funds on deposit with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) originated from
the listing of the Group on both the Zimbabwe and London Stock Exchanges and
the raising of funds from a number of substantial international investors for
the benefit of the Group.

These funds were remitted to Zimbabwe and ultimately placed on deposit with the
RBZ at the insistence of the then Governor, the predecessor to the present
Governor, to be used for Balance of Payments support. The Group has been
provided with a deposit statement by the Reserve Bank in acknowledgement of the
fact that the RBZ is indebted to the Group. This statement in common with
banking practice is sent to the Group monthly.

This is a US dollar deposit and the Group has been unable to access any of the
funds since 2001. The Group has received promises of repayment from the RBZ,
but to date nothing has materialised. These funds are required for Group
purposes and Government is obliged to make them available.

We have without success engaged both the RBZ and the Ministry of Finance in an
attempt to negotiate an arrangement whereby access to these funds may be
facilitated. In the circumstances, we deem it appropriate to further escalate
our efforts to access these funds.


The decision revealed to stakeholders to fund projects largely with foreign
term loans at lower rates of interest, together with shareholder funding where
required, has been achieved. The renovation of Meikles Hotel, The Victoria
Falls Hotel, the expansion of Tanganda and the renovation and expansion of TM
Supermarkets have all been funded or are about to be funded in this manner.
Over the term of the funding, loans will be repaid from relevant operations.

The Group will retire all short term loans upon receipt of the funds held on
deposit with the RBZ. The recovery of funds held on deposit at the RBZ will
remove the last major impediment to the shareholder value growing to a level
which corresponds more closely to the current intrinsic value of the Group.
Shareholders will understand from this review the extent of the adverse effects
that the present inability to recover this deposit is causing the Group.

The loss, being additional finance charges caused by the present inability to
access the deposit from time of dollarisation to 31 March 2013, amounts to
US$26 million. This is in addition to interest that has been credited by the
RBZ but which has not been received by the Group. This outflow is the result of
interest paid to third parties, which need not have been incurred.  This sum
added to the balance of the sum on deposit would total US$82 million and is
more than sufficient to eliminate all short term borrowings in the group and
leave a useful credit balance for Group investment purposes. It would also
permit the payment of a dividend to shareholders, and facilitate other measures
to enhance shareholder value.


The Group has a very significant property portfolio situated in all the major
centres of Zimbabwe. Steps are currently underway to leverage this portfolio to
unlock value and maximise returns and cash generation. This portfolio is
currently valued in excess of $60 million and is anticipated to grow
substantially in value.

Group results

The Group made a profit before taxation of US$7.8 million, compared to a loss
of US$8.5 million in the previous year, an improvement of US$16.3 million. The
profit after taxation was US$6.5 million compared to a loss of US$3.4 million
in the previous year. Key benchmarks of turnover and margin resulted in
improved gross profits, compared to the previous year. Increases in operating
costs were contained at levels below growth in turnover.

We continue to incur substantial interest costs, although these costs did not
increase relative to the previous year. It is calculated that our inability to
recover our deposit from the RBZ has resulted in the Group paying excessive
interest costs of US$7 million during the year under review. It is anticipated
that interest costs in the forthcoming financial year will be adversely
affected by approximately US$8 million should we fail to recover the deposit.

TM Supermarkets

The company recorded an EBITDA of US$11.5 million, compared with US$5.2 million
in the previous year. Four stores were completely refurbished. Two of these are
branded Pick n Pay and two remained with the TM brand. They have all performed
above expectations.   A number of other stores received upgrades of various
items of equipment, pending a full refurbishment. As expected, the partial
refurbishments have also resulted in an increase in turnover and an improvement
in gross margins.

The potential for this company is substantial. Shareholders are to ensure that
additional funding for store refurbishment and store expansion amounting to
US$25 million, will be made available to TM Supermarkets.

Thomas Meikle Stores

The company recorded an EBITDA loss of US$1.3 million, compared to a loss of
US$2.2 million in the previous year. The current economic environment dictates
that priority is given to food, basic necessities and school fees, ahead of
luxuries, as disposable incomes remain very low. There has been
rationalisation, including the closure of nine Home and Beauty shops, which
were operated by the Group. The deteriorating liquidity in the market has
caused us to curtail credit. Funding limitations caused by our inability to
access our deposit with the RBZ has caused difficulties in achieving
appropriate stock levels.

We plan to be more aggressive and provide better shopping environments and
choices for our customers, but we can only do so if we are able to access our
RBZ deposit. If we fail to secure our deposit a further downsizing and
curtailment of resources allocated to the stores is anticipated.

Meikles Hospitality

The hotels achieved an EBITDA of US$612,000 compared to a loss of US$900,000 in
the previous year. The refurbishment of the North Wing at Meikles Hotel
commenced in April 2012 and will be completed in the next few months. This
project has taken far longer to complete than anticipated. There have been
various reasons for the delay, but shortage of funding at various times, but
now rectified, has probably been the main reason for the delay.   Once the
redevelopment is complete, we shall have a world class product for our guests.

The Victoria Falls Hotel revenues increased relative to the previous year,
mainly due to improved room rates. Work to refashion 44 luxury suites and
public areas has already started and is scheduled to be completed in time for
the UNWTO Conference in August 2013.

Both projects have involved local contractors.

Work on the Hotel in Lusaka has been delayed. This delay emanated from the
changes in the functional currency in Zambia which has moved to the use of the
Zambian Kwacha, for local transactions. This has impacted on the feasibility of
the project. However it is expected that the project will commence in the near

The Group will continue to seek expansion opportunities both in Zimbabwe and in
the region. Meikles Hospitality is attractive to potential investors and has a
good and solid future.


The company achieved an EBITDA of US$1.2 million compared to a loss of US$3.9
million in the previous year. Minimal rains were received in the winter of 2012
and certain tea areas were affected by frost. The dry spell continued up to the
end of the 3rd quarter, but useful rains were received in the final quarter of
the financial year. The delayed rains affected tea production which amounted to
7,500 tons compared to 8,500 tons in the previous year. This short-fall in
production was mitigated by an increase in global tea prices on the back of
increasing demand and an improved quality of teas from our estates.

Investment in the coming year will focus on the replacement of the existing
antiquated tea packaging plant with modern equipment. This new equipment will
significantly improve the efficiency of production and quality of product.
There are opportunities for increasing sales of packeted teas in the region.

Water production and distribution increased by 51% to 3 million litres. The
market will see increased availability of the product, in the coming year.

In addition to the existing 2,400 hectares of tea and in line with our
diversification strategy, it is our intention to continue developing the
plantations to 300 hectares of coffee, 425 hectares of avocados and 700
hectares of macadamias in the coming financial year.

Tanganda continues to attract interest from potential investors and will have a
good and solid future.

Mentor Africa

The Group acquired a direct shareholding in Mentor Africa, following the merger
of the Cape Grace Hotel into Mentor Africa.

Mentor Africa's investments were revalued as at 31 March 2013. The Group's pro
rata share of these investments was valued by the Directors at R241 million,
representing an uplift of value, in Rand terms of 12%. Due to the devaluation
of the Rand, there was a 6% diminution in the US$ value when compared to the
initial recognition in the Group's financial records. The Group remains
optimistic about prospects for its investment in Mentor Africa and expects the
value of this investment to increase.

Dnata Catering Services, the Newrest Group and Mentor Africa recently announced
the formation of a new, jointly-owned inflight catering services group in South
Africa. A new company called "dnata Newrest" was formed by Wings Inflight
Services, which was jointly owned by dnata and Mentor Africa, acquiring the
inflight catering services business of Newrest First Catering in South Africa.
The new entity, dnata Newrest RSA, will be owned and managed equally by dnata,
Newrest and Mentor Africa. The transaction was implemented on 15 March 2013.
Operationally, the new entity will be controlled by dnata and Newrest with
their extensive worldwide experience in the inflight catering arena.

dnata is a member of the Emirates Group and has interests in ground handling
and inflight catering business in 38 countries across five continents.

Newrest is the only major catering company active in all catering and related
hospitality segments including airline catering, rail catering, contract
catering, concession retail, buy-on-board, health care, education, and remote
site and support services.

The Cape Grace Hotel performed exceptionally well as a result of new operating
strategies adopted and improved further on all recognised operating
bench-marks. It was also voted the second best luxury/top hotel in the world by
TripAdvisors in the 2013 Travellers Choice Awards, a proud achievement by the
hotel management and staff. The hotel has won the Best City Hotel in Africa in
the UltraTravel Awards. The hotel has also been voted number one in Africa by
Celebrated Living, which is the magazine for American Airlines and was voted
number two in the Travel and Leisure World's best service for Africa and the
Middle East.

Mentor Africa is also invested in a leading provider in South Africa of energy
efficient lighting solutions and products which continue to work with major
mining, industrial and property groups in South Africa, and is expecting to
participate in major contracts going forward.

Meikles Guard Services

The company was formed late in the financial year and its management brings to
Zimbabwe 18 years of security services experience in the international arena.
The company will provide security services to companies, embassies and
nongovernmental organisations in addition to the security requirements of the


The Group has made the positive steps outlined above through the dedicated
efforts and commitment of the board, management and staff across all business
units. The regulatory authorities are guiding us as we make the foray into new
areas to expand our business.

The shareholders whose support we always count on, can be assured that with the
return to profitability of our Group, the future will improve. This coupled
with the new ventures should lead to an increase in shareholder value in the
near term. However, Group fortunes will be affected if the funds held on
deposit at the RBZ are not made available.

JRT Moxon

Executive Chairman

3 June 2013

                                                         31 March      31 March
                                                             2013          2012
                                                          US$ 000       US$ 000


Revenue                                                   391,328       354,102

Net operating costs                                     (386,262)     (362,430)

Operating profit / (loss)                                   5,066       (8,328)

Investment income                                           2,244         2,011

Finance costs                                             (6,994)       (7,126)

Net exchange ( losses) / gains                              (340)         1,183

Fair value adjustments                                      7,828         3,792

Profit / (loss) before tax                                  7,804       (8,468)

Income tax (expense) / credit                             (2,442)         2,544

Profit /(loss) for the year from continuing                 5,362       (5,924)


Profit for the period from discontinued                     1,173         2,480

PROFIT/ (LOSS)FOR THE YEAR                                  6,535       (3,444)

Other comprehensive loss

Items that will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss:

Exchange differences on translating foreign                     -       (1,992)

Other comprehensive loss for the year, net of                   -       (1,992)

TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE PROFIT / (LOSS)FOR THE                  6,535       (5,436)

Profit / (loss) attributable to:

Owners of the parent                                        3,084       (3,537)

Non-controlling interests                                   3,451            93

                                                            6,535       (3,444)

Total comprehensive profit / (loss)
attributable to:

Owners of the parent                                        3,084       (5,529)

Non-controlling interests                                   3,451            93

                                                            6,535       (5,436)

Earnings / (loss) per share- cents

Basic                                                        1.21        (1.44)

Continuing operations                                        0.75        (2.45)

Discontinued operations                                      0.46          1.01

Diluted                                                      1.15        (1.31)

Continuing operations                                        0.71        (2.23)

Discontinued operations                                      0.44          0.92

Headline earnings / (loss) per share- cents                  0.86        (1.47)

Continuing operations                                        0.86        (2.37)

Discontinued operations                                         -          0.90

Diluted headline earnings / (loss) per share-                0.81        (1.34)

Continuing operations                                        0.81        (2.16)

Discontinued operations                                         -          0.82


AS AT 31 MARCH 2013

                                                          31 March     31 March
                                                              2013         2012
                                                           US$ 000      US$ 000

ASSETS                                                                Restated*

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment                               99,063       86,122

Investment property                                            254           43

Investment in Mentor Africa Limited                         27,657            -

Biological assets                                           21,521       11,770

Intangible assets                                            2,204          124

Other financial assets                                      12,693       18,370

Balances with Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe                      40,514       38,627

Deferred tax                                                 1,997        1,888

Total non-current assets                                   205,903      156,944

Current assets

Inventories                                                 36,708       36,666

Trade and other receivables                                 17,283       17,642

Other financial assets                                       1,405        1,085

Cash and bank balances                                      14,198        8,427

                                                            69,594       63,820

Assets held for sale                                             -       37,871

Total current assets                                        69,594      101,691

Total assets                                               275,497      258,635


Capital and reserves

Share capital                                                2,538        2,538

Share premium                                                1,316        1,316

Non-distributable reserves                                  12,559        6,233

Retained earnings                                          121,028      104,626

Capital and reserves relating to assets classified as            -       19,644
held for sale

Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent        137,441      134,357

Non-controlling interests                                   10,990        7,539

Total equity                                               148,431      141,896

Non-current liabilities

Borrowings                                                   7,417        4,786

Deferred tax                                                14,534       12,155

Total non-current liabilities                               21,951       16,941

Current liabilities

Trade and other payables                                    46,263       38,371

Borrowings                                                  58,852       47,199

                                                           105,115       85,570

Liabilities relating to assets classified as held for            -       14,228

Total current liabilities                                  105,115       99,798

Total liabilities                                          127,066      116,739

Total equity and liabilities                               275,497      258,635

* Refer to note 6 for details of the restatement.


                                                                          group  Attributable
                                                         Non-           capital            to            Non
                                  Share   Share distributable Retained      and     owners of    controlling
                                capital premium      reserves earnings reserves        parent      interests     Total
                                US$ 000 US$ 000       US$ 000  US$ 000  US$ 000       US$ 000        US$ 000   US$ 000
Balance at 1 April 2012           2,538   1,316         6,233  104,626   19,644       134,357          7,539   141,896

Profit for the year                   -       -             -    3,084        -         3,084          3,451     6,535

Transfer on disposal
of assets classified as
held for sale                         -       -         6,326   13,318 (19,644)             -              -         -

Balance at 31 March 2013          2,538   1,316        12,559  121,028        -       137,441         10,990   148,431

2012 - restated

Balance at 1 April 2011
as previously stated              2,454       -         2,627  111,207   18,083       134,371            764   135,135

Prior year adjustment -
inventory valuation error             -       -             -  (1,719)        -       (1,719)          (573)   (2,292)

Change in accounting
policy - inventory valuation          -       -             -       67        -            67             22        89

Balance at 1 April 2011 restated  2,454       -         2,627  109,555   18,083       132,719            213   132,932

Loss for the year                     -       -             -  (6,017)    2,480       (3,537)             93   (3,444)

Change in ownership interests
in a subsidiary without loss
of control                            -       -         4,679    1,256        -         5,935          7,065    13,000

Other comprehensive
loss for the year                     -       -       (1,073)        -    (919)       (1,992)              -   (1,992)

Issue of shares for cash             84   1,316             -        -        -         1,400              -     1,400

Transfer on disinvestment of
non controlling interest in
a subsidiary                          -       -             -    (168)        -         (168)            168         -

Balance at 31 March 2012
restated                          2,538   1,316         6,233  104,626   19,644       134,357          7,539   141,896

Refer to note 6 for details of the restatement.



                                                           31 March    31 March
                                                               2013        2012

CONTINUING AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                      US$ 000     US$ 000

Cash flows from operating activities

Profit / (loss) before tax from                               7,804     (5,616)
continuing and discontinued operations

Adjustments for:

- Depreciation and impairment                                 4,901       4,834

- Net interest                                                4,750       6,371

- Net exchange losses / (gains)                                 340     (1,342)

- Fair value adjustments                                    (7,828)     (3,681)

- Loss / (profit) on disposal of                                267        (69)
property, plant and equipment

Operating cash flow before working                           10,234         497
capital changes

(Increase) / decrease in inventories                           (42)       1,196

Increase in trade and other receivables                     (2,164)     (3,252)

Increase in trade and other payables                         13,108       7,675

Cash generated fromoperations                                21,136       6,116

Income taxes paid                                             (172)         (9)

Net cash generated fromoperating                             20,964       6,107

Cash flows from investing activities

Payment for property, plant and equipment                  (18,299)     (6,839)

Proceeds from disposal of property, plant                       188       1,503
and equipment

Increase in intangible assets                               (2,080)           -

Net movement in service assets                                (209)        (21)

Payment for other investments                                  (82)       (250)

Net expenditure on biological assets                        (1,923)       (496)

Net outflow on disposal of subsidiary                       (2,857)           -

Investment income                                               357         251

Net cash used in investing activities                      (24,905)     (5,852)

Cash flows from financing activities

Change in ownership interests in a                                -      13,000
subsidiary without loss of control

Net increase in interest bearing                             14,284           6

Proceeds from issue of shares                                     -       1,400

Finance costs                                               (6,994)     (8,454)

Net cash generated from financing                             7,290       5,952

Net increase in cash and bank balances                        3,349       6,207

Cash and bank balances at the beginning                      11,284       4,785
of the year

Net effect of exchange rate changes on                        (435)         606
cash and bank balances

Translation of foreign entities                                   -       (314)

Cash and bank balances at the end of the                     14,198      11,284


1. Basis of preparation

The abridged financial statements are prepared from statutory records that are
maintained under the historical cost basis except for biological assets and
certain financial instruments which are measured at fair value. Historical cost
is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given in exchange for

2. Statement of compliance

The Group's abridged audited financial results have been extracted from
financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards and the Companies Act (Chapter 24.03) and relevant
statutory instruments (SI33/99 and SI62/96). These results have been audited by
Deloitte & Touche, whose unqualified report is available for inspection at the
registered office of the Company.

3. Accounting policies

Accounting policies and methods of computation applied in the preparation of
these abridged financial statements are consistent, in all material respects,
with those used in the prior year with no significant impact arising from new
and revised International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) applicable for
the year ended 31 March 2013.

4. Segment information

                                                         31 March     31 March
                                                             2013         2012

                                                          US$ 000      US$ 000


Continuing operations

Supermarkets                                              335,909      296,403

Hotels                                                     14,842       15,397

Agriculture                                                24,176       19,978

Stores                                                     18,489       24,061

Intra-group sales                                         (2,088)      (1,737)

                                                          391,328      354,102

Discontinued operations

Cape Grace Hotel group of companies                             -       16,163


Continuing operations

Supermarkets                                               11,514        5,155

Hotels                                                        612        (900)

Agriculture                                                 1,217      (3,899)

Stores                                                    (1,339)      (2,201)

Corporate*                                                (3,059)      (3,900)

                                                            8,945      (5,745)

The EBITDA figures are before Group management fees.

Segment assets

Continuing operations

Supermarkets                                               60,943       47,556

Hotels                                                     47,719       29,878

Agriculture                                                52,852       43,004

Stores                                                     37,408       41,544

Corporate*                                                 76,575       56,373

                                                          275,497      218,355

Assets classified as held for sale

Cape Grace Hotel group of companies                             -       40,280

                                                          275,497      258,635

Segment liabilities

Continuing operations

Supermarkets                                               38,516       32,173

Hotels                                                     16,421        8,720

Agriculture                                                29,631       19,538

Stores                                                     36,890       52,596

Corporate*                                                  5,608     (16,924)

                                                          127,066       96,103

Liabilities classified as held for sale

Cape Grace Hotel group of companies                             -       20,636

                                                          127,066      116,739

*Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated from the corporate
amounts. Corporate also includes other subsidiaries that are not allocated to a
reportable segment, including Meikles Guard Services (Private) Limited.

5. Disposal of discontinued operations

The disposal of the Cape Grace Hotel operations in South Africa was concluded
during the year with an effective date of 1 April 2012.

Below is the analysis of assets and liabilities over which control was lost and
the gain on disposal.

                                                                   31 March 201

                                                                        US$ 000

Current assets                                                            6,839

Non-current assets                                                       33,441

Total assets                                                             40,280

Current liabilities                                                       8,181

Non-current liabilities                                                  12,455

Total liabilities                                                        20,636

Net assets disposed of                                                   19,644

                                                                   31 March 201

                                                                        US$ 000

Gain on disposal

Net assets disposed of                                                 (19,644)

Amounts due from Mentor Africa Limited                                  (6,840)
converted to equity

Non cash consideration received - shares in                              27,657
Mentor Africa Limited

Gain on disposal                                                          1,173

The gain on disposal is included in the profit for the year from discontinued

6. Restatement

6.1 Prior year adjustment - inventory valuation error

During the year, the Group identified an error in the valuation of the trading
inventory at TM Supermarkets (Private) Limited , carried forward from 31 March
2011 financial year. The error had the effect of overstating inventory,
retained earnings, non-controlling interests and deferred tax liability for the
financial periods ended 31 March 2011 and 31 March 2012.

6.2 Change in accounting policy

During the year, the valuation method for retail trading inventory was changed
from retail method to weighted average cost method. Previously, retail
merchandise was valued at selling price less an appropriate percentage to
reduce the value to approximate cost, due allowance having been made for
redundant, obsolete and spoiled inventories.

Under the weighted average cost method, the cost of each item is determined
from the weighted average of the cost of similar items at the beginning of the
period and the cost of similar items purchased during the period. The average
is calculated as each delivery is received.

The effect of the restatement and change in accounting policy on the Group
financial statements is summarised below.

                                    stated                Change in    Restated
                                  31 March   Valuation   accounting    31 March
                                      2011       error       policy        2011

                                   US$ 000     US$ 000      US$ 000     US$ 000

Effect on financial position        40,713     (3,087)          120      37,746


Retained earnings                  111,207     (1,719)           67     109,555

Non-controlling interests              764       (573)           22         213

Deferred tax liability              15,996       (795)           31      15,232

                                               (3,087)          120

Effect on statement of profit
or loss and other
comprehensive income

Cost of sales                    (256,124)     (3,087)          146   (259,065)

Income tax credit                      793         795         (38)       1,550

Decrease in profit for the                     (2,292)          108
period from continuing

                                    stated   Valuation    Change in    Restated
                                  31 March       error   accounting    31 March
                                      2012                   policy        2012

                                   US$ 000     US$ 000      US$ 000     US$ 000

Effect on financial position        39,633     (3,087)          120      36,666


Retained earnings                  105,750     (1,169)           45     104,626

Non-controlling interests            8,618     (1,123)           44       7,539

Deferred tax liability              12,919       (795)           31      12,155

                                               (3,087)          120

The restatement has no material effect on the result for the years ended 31
March 2012 and 31 March 2013.

7. Other information

                                                         31 March     31 March
                                                             2013         2012

                                                          US$ 000      US$ 000

Continuing operations

Depreciation and impairment - property, plant and           4,901        4,835

Capital commitments authorised by the Directors but  25,613             22,813
not contracted

Group's share of capital commitments of joint               1,783        3,000

For further information contact Onias Makamba on
or +263-4-252068/70.

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