Lawsuit loan company restarts funding on YDC sex abuse cases effective immediately, despite the state of New Hampshire challenging the legality of the landmark verdict.

CONCORD, N.H., July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Legal-Bay, The Pre Settlement Funding Company, announced today that the landmark $38MM verdict against the New Hampshire Youth Detention Center (YDC) is most likely headed back to the courts on appeal. A jury initially awarded the damages to lead plaintiff David Meehan for the sexual abuse violations he endured at YDC in the 1990s. 

Legal-Bay LLC Logo (PRNewsFoto/Legal-Bay LLC)

Parties are due back in court on July 15 to file additional motions and make oral arguments.  However, based on the state's unwillingness to accept the judge's proposal, the most likely scenario is a retrial.  For victims of sexual abuse, having to go through a retrial forces them to relive their trauma all over again.

At stake for the state and its taxpayers is a large award that could be paid out from state coffers.
Possible appeals could throw the entire class of claimants in jeopardy if they do not opt into the settlement. A positive for opt-ins is a new bill signed into law by New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu just last month which will increase the awards, offering larger compensation to the plaintiffs. The bill adds $60MM to the settlement fund while also extending the deadline for victims to file suit against their abusers.

Chris Janish, CEO of Legal Bay, had this to say, "Legal-Bay was the first funding company to support victims of the YDC sex abuse litigation, and with the news of increased state legislative aid coming for opt-in clients only, we are initiating our YDC sexual abuse funding again immediately.  Due to our close relationship with the entire class, we are refraining from further comment on the direction of the litigation at this time, but can state unequivocally that we continue to support all victims and their pursuit of justice."

If you're a lawyer or plaintiff involved in an active sexual abuse lawsuit of any kind and need an immediate cash advance against an impending lawsuit settlement, please visit Legal-Bay HERE or call toll-free at 877.571.0405.

Legal-Bay reports that the New Hampshire YDC litigation has approximately 1500 cases filed to date. When Legal-Bay began funding early on—when no other company would—there were just eight plaintiffs.  The company says the other victims have David Meehan and Rus Rilee to thank for their courage to take on the state in what has become one of the most egregious criminal and civil violations of children's rights in U.S. History. 

It doesn't end there, though, as YDC is not an isolated problem.  Litigations all over the country are emerging, and the psychological damage inflicted upon so many is beyond what normal society can even comprehend. Legal-Bay is at the forefront of each and every one of these litigations, doing their best to support the victims to get their lives back in order and help them receive justice. And it isn't only about the money for Legal-Bay; it is about the compassion to believe plaintiffs when they relay their accounts about what happened to them, to let them know that someone is in their corner.

Legal Bay's loan for settlement funding programs are designed to provide immediate cash in advance of a plaintiff's anticipated monetary award. While it's common to refer to these legal funding requests as settlement loans, loans for settlements, lawsuit loans, loans for lawsuits, etc., the "lawsuit loan" funds are, in fact, non-recourse. That means there's no risk when it comes to loans in lawsuit settlements because there is no obligation to repay the money if the recipient loses their case. Therefore, terms like settlement loan, loans for lawsuit, loans on settlement, or lawsuit loan funds don't necessarily apply, as the "loan on lawsuit" isn't really a loan at all, but rather a stress-free cash advance.

Legal-Bay is known to many as the best legal funding company in the nation when it comes to sexual abuse funding, and one of the best lawsuit loan companies overall for their knowledgeable staff, low rates, and quick turnaround, sometimes within 24-48 hours once all documents have been received.

To apply right now for a loan settlement program, please visit the company's website HERE or call toll-free at: 877.571.0405 where agents are standing by to answer any questions.


Chris Janish, CEO


Ph.: 877.571.0405



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