RNS Number : 5207U

Airea PLC

30 July 2020


(the "Group")

Interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2020

The principal activity of the group is the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of commercial floor coverings.

Chairman's Statement

The group's performance in the six months ended 30th June 2020 was significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent nationwide lockdown. The year had started well with Q1 2020 pre-lockdown delivering sales in line with prior year and a 6.6% increase in operating profit.

In our trading update of 26th March 2020, we informed shareholders that we expected a post lockdown decrease in demand. The impact of COVID-19 was at its most significant during April and May with demand reduced by 51% against the prior year; however, we were pleased to see an improvement during June and, although still behind prior year, the reduction had improved to 9%. The group remained open for business throughout the lockdown period and we were able to support our customers whilst also looking to prioritise the well-being of our employees

During this period the group focused on cash and overhead management with all non-critical expenditure halted and our supply chain requirements re-phased to help achieve these priorities. We are pleased we successfully achieved these objectives in preparation for the challenges of H2 2020.

The group was able to take advantage of several of the COVID-19 support packages made available by the UK government and our banking partner including:

- A six year term CBILS loan of GBP2.75m with no fees, interest and repayments for the initial 12 month period

   -    Capital repayment holiday for 6 months on existing long-term loan 
   -    Extended overdraft to GBP1m (not yet utilised) 
   -    Q1 2020 VAT payment deferred 
   -    Furloughed employees during Q2 2020 

These actions as well as continued tight credit control and resilient customer cash collection procedures has enabled the group to increase its cash reserves to GBP6.5m (GBP3.7m excluding the CBILS loan) (2019: GBP1.4m) to help mitigate the unprecedented and unpredictable market conditions the group continues to operate within.

Group Results

Revenue for the period was GBP7.1m (2019: GBP8.9m). The operating profit was GBP137,000 (2019: GBP1,085,000) with underlying product margins in line with the prior year; however, actual operating profit was adversely impacted by the inventory reduction during April and May. Profitability is expected to improve during H2 2020 as inventory levels increase. After charging pension, lease and loan related finance costs of GBP193,000 (2019: GBP143,000) and incorporating the appropriate tax credit the net loss for the period was GBP43,000 (2019: GBP935,000 profit). Basic loss per share was 0.11p (2019: EPS of 2.26p).

Operating cash flows before exceptional items and movements in working capital were GBP0.5m (2019: GBP1.3m). Working capital decreased in the period by GBP1.0m (2019: GBP0.8m increase) through reduced manufacturing output whilst employees were furloughed.

Contributions to the defined benefit pension scheme were GBP0.2m (2019: GBP0.2m) in line with the agreement reached with the scheme trustees following the last triennial valuation as at 1st July 2017. Capital expenditure of GBP0.2m (2019: GBP0.2m) was spent renewing and enhancing manufacturing plant and equipment and supporting new product development.

The pension scheme deficit increased to GBP4.9m (2019: GBP3.6m) due to the COVID-19 impact on the equity markets and reduced corporate bond yields that lowered the discount rate used and increased the value placed on the scheme liabilities. The schemes investments are continuously under review and at this stage, there is no expectation that the group's contributions to the scheme will change.


Demand, although improving, remains lower than previous years as the impact of COVID-19 continues and therefore it is very difficult for the group to forecast the performance in the second half. However, with strong liquidity and the continued development of new products we believe the group is positioned well to take advantage of any opportunities that arise and is hopeful that the second half should deliver a modest profit whilst carefully managing cash reserves.

At this point, we must make a special reference to the magnificent efforts of all our employees who have worked in very difficult circumstances to support the business and its customers throughout.


Given the financial performance of the group and the continued levels of uncertainty in the market and economy the group will continue to prioritise cash to ensure medium to long term stability and therefore will not be proposing an interim dividend (2019: 0.8p).


Chairman 30th July 2020

 Consolidated Income Statement 
 6 months ended 30th June 2020 
                                                              Unaudited 6        Unaudited                Audited 
                                                             months ended         6 months              12 months 
                                                                30th June            ended             ended 31st 
                                                                     2020        30th June               December 
                                                                                      2019                   2019 
                                                                   GBP000           GBP000                 GBP000 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
 Revenue                                                            7,100        8,890                     19,183 
 Operating costs                                                  (7,103)          (7,945)               (17,297) 
 Other operating income                                               140              140                    280 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
 Operating profit before valuation 
  gain                                                                137        1,085                      2,166 
 Unrealised valuation gain                                              -                -                    200 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
 Operating profit                                                     137        1,085                      2,366 
 Finance income                                                         2                3                      6 
 Finance costs                                                      (193)            (143)                  (411) 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                                       (54)              945                  1,961 
 Taxation                                                              11             (10)                  (403) 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
 (Loss)/profit attributable to shareholders 
  of the group                                                       (43)              935                  1,558 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
 (Loss)/earnings per share (basic 
  and diluted) for the group                                      (0.11p)        2.26p                      3.97p 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

6 months ended 30th June 2020

                                                          Unaudited       Unaudited                 Audited 
                                                           6 months        6 months               12 months 
                                                         ended 30th           ended                   ended 
                                                               June       30th June           31st December 
                                                               2020            2019                    2019 
                                                             GBP000          GBP000                  GBP000 
---------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
(Loss)/profit attributable to shareholders 
 of the group                                                  (43)             935                   1,558 
Items that will not be reclassified 
 to profit or loss 
 Actuarial (loss)/gain recognised in 
 the pension scheme                                         (3,448)               -                   2,172 
Related deferred taxation                                       655               -                   (369) 
---------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
                                                            (2,793)               -                   1,803 
---------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
Items that will be reclassified subsequently 
 to profit or loss when specific conditions 
 are met 
 Revaluation/(impairment) of property                            12               -                    (17) 
Related deferred taxation                                       (2)               -                       3 
---------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
                                                                 10               -                    (14) 
---------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
Total other comprehensive (loss)/income                     (2,783)               -                   1,789 
---------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
 attributable to shareholders of the 
 group                                                      (2,826)             935                   3,347 
---------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------  ---------------------- 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
as at 30th June 2020 
                                                    Unaudited 30th        Unaudited                  Audited 
                                                              June        30th June            31st December 
                                                              2020             2019                     2019 
                                                            GBP000           GBP000                   GBP000 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                                4,282        5,182                        4,229 
Intangible assets                                               67               69                       39 
Investment property                                          3,600        3,400                        3,600 
Right-of-use asset                                           1,126                -                    1,233 
Deferred tax asset                                           1,563        1,457                          847 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
                                                            10,638      10,108                         9,948 
Current assets 
Inventories                                                  4,728        7,363                        5,461 
Trade and other receivables                                  1,915        4,621                        2,112 
Cash and cash equivalents                                    6,451        1,436                        2,957 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
                                                            13,094      13,420                        10,530 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
Total assets                                                23,732      23,528                        20,478 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                   (2,482)          (3,614)                  (2,412) 
Provisions                                                   (320)            (320)                    (320) 
Lease liabilities                                            (213)            (190)                    (329) 
Loans and borrowings                                         (580)                -                    (562) 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
                                                           (3,595)          (4,124)                  (3,623) 
Non-current liabilities 
Pension deficit                                            (4,888)          (3,625)                  (1,472) 
Deferred tax                                                 (526)            (304)                    (457) 
Lease liabilities                                            (297)            (227)                    (323) 
Loans and borrowings                                       (3,317)          (1,551)                    (724) 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
                                                           (9,028)          (5,707)                  (2,976) 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
Total liabilities                                         (12,623)          (9,831)                  (6,599) 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
Net assets                                                  11,109      13,697                        13,879 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
Called up share capital                                     10,339      10,339                        10,339 
Share premium account                                          504              504                      504 
Own shares                                                 (1,518)                -                  (1,839) 
Share-based payment reserve                                    141                -                       85 
Capital redemption reserve                                   3,617        3,617                        3,617 
Revaluation reserve                                          3,058        3,096                        3,048 
Retained earnings                                          (5,032)          (3,859)                  (1,875) 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
Total Equity                                                11,109      13,697                        13,879 
------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------- 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
6 months ended 30th June 2020 
                                                     Unaudited        Unaudited                Audited 
                                                      6 months         6 months              12 months 
                                                    ended 30th            ended             ended 31st 
                                                          June        30th June               December 
                                                          2020             2019                   2019 
                                                        GBP000           GBP000                 GBP000 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Cash flow from operating activities 
(Loss)/profit for the period                              (43)              935                  1,558 
Depreciation                                               114              157                    206 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets                        140                -                    274 
Amortisation                                                25               32                     65 
Net finance costs                                          191              137                    405 
Loss on disposal of property, plant 
 and equipment                                               -                -                   (12) 
Tax (credit)/charge                                       (11)               10                    403 
Share-based payment expense                                 56                -                      - 
Unrealised valuation gain                                    -                -                  (200) 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Operating cash flows before movements 
 in working capital                                        472        1,271                      2,699 
Decrease/(increase) in inventory                           733            (566)                  1,336 
Decrease/(increase) in trade and 
 other receivables                                         197            (291)                    221 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and 
 other payables                                             70               43                (1,159) 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Cash generated from operations                           1,472              457                  3,097 
Contributions to defined benefit 
 pension scheme                                          (200)            (200)                  (400) 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Net cash generated from operating 
 activities                                              1,272              257                  2,697 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Investing activities 
Payments to acquire intangible fixed 
 assets                                                   (33)              (6)                    (9) 
Payments to acquire tangible fixed 
 assets                                                  (156)            (230)                  (378) 
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed 
 assets                                                      -                -                    136 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
                                                         (189)            (236)                  (251) 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Financing activities 
Interest paid on lease liabilities                         (8)              (6)                   (21) 
Interest paid on borrowings                               (18)                -                   (34) 
Interest received                                            2                3                      6 
Proceeds from loan                                       2,750        1,700                      1,700 
Purchase of own shares by the EBT                            -          (2,000)                (2,000) 
Principal paid on lease liabilities                      (177)             (93)                  (343) 
Repayment of loan                                        (138)            (149)                  (448) 
Equity dividends paid                                        -            (772)                (1,081) 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Net cash used in financing activities                    2,411          (1,317)                (2,221) 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and 
 cash equivalents                                        3,494          (1,296)                    225 
Cash and cash equivalents at start 
 of the period                                           2,957        2,732                      2,732 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of the period                                           6,451        1,436                      2,957 
--------------------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

6 months ended 30th June 2020

                                   Share                       Share-based       Capital                        Profit 
                     Share         premium         Own          payment          redemption    Revaluation      and             Total 
                     capital       account         Shares       reserve          reserve           reserve      loss            equity 
                      GBP000        GBP000        GBP000            GBP000           GBP000         GBP000       GBP000         GBP000 
--------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------  -----------  ------------- 
At 1st January 
 2019                 10,339           504              -                -            3,617       3,096         (4,028)         13,528 
  for the year 
Profit for the 
 year                   - - - - - -                                                                            1,558        1,558 
Actuarial gain 
on the pension 
        scheme          - - - - - -                                                                            1,803        1,803 
Impairment of 
 property               - - - - - (14)                                                                                -        (14) 
--------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  --------------- 
  income for the year 
   -                                     -              -                -                -           (14)     3,361        3,347 
Contributions by and 
  distributions to 
Dividend paid -                          -              -                -                -              -      (1,081)    (1,081) 
Purchase of own shares 
  by EBT -                               -        (2,000)                -                -              -            -    (2,000) 
Share-based payment 
 -                                       -              -               85                -              -            -         85 
Own share transfer 
 -                                       -        161                    -                -              -        (161)                - 
Revaluation Reverse 
  Transfer -                             -              -                -                -           (34)         34                  - 
----------------------------  ------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------  -----------  --------------- 
  Total contributions 
   by and distributions 
   to owners -                           -        (1,839)               85                -           (34)      (1,208)      (2,996) 
----------------------------  ------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------  -----------  --------------- 
  At 31st December 2019 
   and 1st January 2020 
   10,339                              504        (1,839)               85            3,617         3,048       (1,875)      13,879 
----------------------------  ------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------  -----------  --------------- 
income for the 
Loss for the 
 year                   - - - - - -                                                                                (43)        (43) 
Actuarial loss 
on the pension 
        scheme          - - - - - -                                                                             (2,793)    (2,793) 
 of property            - - - - - 10                                                                                  -         10 
--------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  --------------- 
  income for the year 
   -                                     -              -                -                -           10        (2,836)    (2,826) 
Contributions by and 
  distributions to 
Share-based payment 
 -                                       -              -               56                -              -            -         56 
Own Shares Transfer 
 -                                       -        321                    -                -              -        (321)                - 
----------------------------  ------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------  -----------  --------------- 
  Total contributions 
   by and distributions 
   owners -                              -          321                 56                -              -        (321)           56 
----------------------------  ------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------  -----------  --------------- 
At 30th June 2020 
 10,339                                504        (1,518)              141            3,617       3,058         (5,032)    11,109 
----------------------------  ------------  -------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------------  -----------  --------------- 


The financial information for the six months ended 30th June 2020 and the six months ended 30th June 2019 have not been audited and do not constitute full financial statements within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.

The financial information relating to the year ended 31st December 2019 does not constitute full financial statements within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. This information is based on the group's statutory accounts for that period. The statutory accounts were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union ("IFRS") and received an unqualified audit report and did not contain statements under Section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. These financial statements have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

These interim financial statements have been prepared using the recognition and measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union ("IFRS"). The accounting policies used are the same as those used in preparing the financial statements for the period ended 31st December 2019. These policies are set out in the annual report and accounts for the period ended 31st December 2019 which is available on the company's website at www.aireaplc.co.uk.

Further copies of this report are available from the Company Secretary at the registered office at Victoria Mills, The Green, Ossett, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF5 0AN and are also available, along with this announcement, on the company's website at www.aireaplc.co.uk.


   Neil Rylance                                         01924 266561 

Chief Executive Officer

   Paul Stevenson                                     01924 266561 

Group Finance Director

   Peter Steel / Ben Farrow                     020 7496 3000 

N+1 Singer

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 30, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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