4 February 2011 
Anglo & Overseas Plc (the "Company") 
Proposals for the voluntary winding-up and reconstruction of the Company 
The Company announces today proposals for the voluntary winding-up and 
reconstruction of the Company. Under the Proposals, Shareholders will be able 
to exchange some or all of their investment in the Company for shares in EP 
Global Opportunities Trust plc ("EP Global"), an existing investment trust 
managed by Edinburgh Partners, and/or to realise some or all of their 
investment in the Company for cash. Overseas Holders will, if the Proposals 
become effective, receive cash in respect of their holdings. 
The Proposals are conditional, inter alia, on the approval of Shareholders at 
general meetings to be held on Thursday, 3 March 2011 and Thursday, 10 March 
2011. The Board of the Company (the "Board") recommends Shareholders to vote in 
favour of the resolutions required to implement the Proposals at both Meetings. 
Notices of the Meetings are set out in the circular of the Company (the 
"Circular") which is being published today. Capitalised terms used in this 
announcement have the same meaning as set out in the Circular. 
Background to the Proposals 
The Board has been concerned for some time at the level of the discount at 
which the Shares trade to NAV. The average discount to NAV over the 12 months 
to 31 December 2010 was 14.8 per cent. and at 2 February 2011 (the latest 
practicable date before the release of this announcement) the discount stood at 
13.4 per cent. 
Given the Company's size, the Board believes that it would be difficult for the 
Company to remain attractive to a sufficient number of investors if it were to 
reduce the discount to an acceptable level through a buy-back programme. After 
careful consideration of a number of possible options, the Board has concluded 
that the best way forward would be to merge the assets of the Company with 
those of EP Global, an existing investment trust with a broadly similar 
investment objective and strategy to that of the Company and which is also 
managed by Edinburgh Partners, with a view to creating a larger and more liquid 
trust. EP Global Shares have in recent years traded at a much narrower discount 
to NAV than have the Shares of the Company. 
The Proposals 
Under the Proposals, the Company will be wound up voluntarily and a scheme of 
reconstruction under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986 put in place, under 
which Shareholders may elect to: 
* roll over all or part of their investment in the Company into shares in EP 
Global (the Rollover Option); or 
* receive cash in respect of some or all of their investment in the Company 
(the Cash Option); or 
* any combination of the above options. 
Shareholders can make different elections in respect of different parts of 
their holdings. 
Shareholders (other than Overseas Holders) who do not make a valid election 
under the Proposals will be deemed to have elected for EP Global Shares in 
respect of their entire holding. Overseas Holders will be deemed to have 
elected for cash unless the Directors and the EP Global Directors are satisfied 
that the relevant Overseas Holder can be issued EP Global Shares without 
breaching any relevant securities laws. 
Shareholders' entitlements to both EP Global Shares and cash will be determined 
by reference to the formula asset value of the Company (FAV), which will be the 
Company's NAV as at the Calculation Date after providing for all the Company's 
liabilities and the fixed costs incurred by the Company in implementing the 
Proposals, including the contribution of up to GBP440,000 to EP Global's costs 
and expenses in connection with the Proposals which the Company has agreed to 
make (the Costs Contribution). 
Shareholders who elect for the Cash Option will bear (i) the Management 
Agreement Termination Costs (which will comprise the annual management fees 
that would have been payable by reference to that part of the Company's assets 
attributable to Shareholders who elect (or are deemed to have elected) for the 
Cash Option (cash exiters) and the current annual administration fee of 
GBP116,337) and (ii) an amount equal to 0.25 per cent. of that part of the FAV 
which is attributable to cash exiters (the Cash Exit Charge). Shareholders who 
elect for the Rollover Option will benefit from the Cash Exit Charge borne by 
cash exiters, but will bear the Stamp Duty Costs (which will reflect any stamp 
duty or stamp duty reserve tax payable on the transfer of assets in the 
Rollover Fund from the Company to EP Global by reference to the value of the 
relevant assets at the Calculation Date). 
If the Proposals are implemented, Edinburgh Partners has agreed to set off 
against the management fees otherwise payable to it by EP Global under the 
terms of the EP Global Management Agreement an amount equal to the Management 
Agreement Termination Costs. Edinburgh Partners has also agreed to amend the EP 
Global Management Agreement so that the annual rate of the management fee 
thereunder will be reduced from 0.75 per cent. to 0.65 per cent. in respect of 
the portion (if any) of the market capitalisation of EP Global that exceeds 
GBP100 million. 
In the event that the Proposals are not approved or do not become effective, 
the Company would continue as an investment trust. 
Information on EP Global 
EP Global is an existing investment trust which focuses on investments in 
issuers throughout the world. Edinburgh Partners has been the investment 
manager of EP Global since its launch in November 2003. At 2 February 2011 (the 
latest practicable date before the release of this announcement) EP Global had 
unaudited net assets (with current year income) of GBP52.6 million and 27,365,480 
Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding treasury shares. Its market capitalisation 
at that date was GBP50.7 million. EP Global has an indefinite life. 
Investment objective and policy 
EP Global's investment objective is to provide shareholders with an attractive 
real long-term total return by investing globally in undervalued securities. 
The portfolio is managed without reference to the composition of any stock 
market index. 
EP Global invests in a focused portfolio of approximately 30 to 40 securities 
of issuers throughout the world, predominantly in quoted equities. EP Global 
may also invest in unquoted securities, which are not anticipated to exceed 10 
per cent. of EP Global's total assets at the time of investment (excluding 
shares held in Edinburgh Partners). No investment in EP Global's portfolio may 
exceed 15 per cent. of EP Global's total assets at the time of that investment 
(being the maximum amount permitted for an investment trust in terms of Chapter 
4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010). 
The investment objective and policy are intended to distinguish EP Global from 
other investment vehicles which have relatively narrow investment objectives 
and are thus constrained in their decision making and asset allocation. The 
objective and policy allow EP Global to be constrained in its investment 
selection only by valuation and to be pragmatic in portfolio construction by 
only investing in securities which the investment manager considers to be 
undervalued on an absolute basis. 
Any material changes to EP Global's investment policy will require the approval 
of EP Global Shareholders at a general meeting. 
Performance track record 
Since EP Global Shares commenced trading in December 2003, EP Global's 
long-term performance has been sound. The table below compares the total return 
(assuming all dividends are re-invested) to shareholders with the total 
shareholder return on a notional investment made up of shares of the same kind 
and number as those by reference to which the FTSE All-World Total Return Index 
is calculated: 
                                  1 year    3 year    5 year  From commencement 
                                                                     of trading 
NAV return                         11.3%     20.1%     27.4%             108.2% 
Share price return                 12.4%     34.5%     22.3%              99.4% 
FTSE All-World Total Return        20.1%     23.1%     32.7%              84.8% 
Source: Edinburgh Partners/Datastream. All figures are calculated on a total 
return basis over periods to 31 January 2011. 
Discount control policy 
The EP Global Board has adopted a strict approach to monitoring the level of 
any discount to NAV at which the EP Global Shares trade and to the buy-back of 
shares and has instructed the investment manager accordingly. The EP Global 
Board is also committed to using its powers to allot or repurchase EP Global 
Shares with a view to maintaining the middle market price at which the shares 
trade at close to the NAV most recently published (taking into account the 
effect on the NAV per EP Global Share of any rights to which those shares are 
trading "ex"). The average discounts to NAV at which EP Global Shares traded 
over the periods of 1 year and 3 years to 31 December 2010 were 3.1 per cent. 
and 5.0 per cent. respectively, and at 2 February 2011 (the latest practicable 
date before the release of this announcement) the discount stood at 3.5 per 
During the year ended 31 December 2010 EP Global bought back 1,393,700 EP 
Global Shares into treasury (2009: 782,000; 2008: 1,734,000) and nil EP Global 
Shares for cancellation (2009: 1,218,000; 2008: nil). 
Capital structure 
Share capital 
EP Global's issued share capital comprises ordinary shares only, all of which 
are listed on the premium segment of the Official List and admitted to trading 
on the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities. 
The EP Global Shares issued pursuant to the Scheme will not qualify for the 
interim dividend of EP Global expected to be paid on 18 March 2011 in respect 
of the year ended 31 December 2010 referred to under "Dividend policy" below, 
but otherwise will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing issued EP 
Global Shares, including the right to receive all dividends and other 
distributions (if any) declared, paid or made by reference to a record date 
falling on or after the Effective Date. 
EP Global's investment policy permits it to borrow for investment purposes up 
to the equivalent of 25 per cent. of its total assets and, unlike the Company, 
EP Global currently employs gearing. EP Global recently entered into a GBP5 
million secured multicurrency revolving facility agreement with Scotiabank 
Europe PLC, of which approximately GBP4.5 million has been drawn down in a 
combination of US dollars and Japanese yen. 
Directors and management of EP Global 
Details of the current EP Global Directors, all of whom are non-executive and 
independent of Edinburgh Partners, are contained in the Circular. It is 
intended that Giles Weaver, a Director of the Company, will join the EP Global 
Board if the Scheme becomes effective. Mr Weaver will be a non-executive 
director and independent of Edinburgh Partners. 
Edinburgh Partners manages EP Global's investments under an investment 
management agreement dated 16 April 2008 (the EP Global Management Agreement), 
details of which are contained in the Circular. Edinburgh Partners is an asset 
manager in the UK with approximately GBP9.3 billion of funds under management at 
31 December 2010. 
Dr Sandy Nairn is the manager of EP Global's portfolio. Dr Nairn has managed EP 
Global's portfolio since EP Global's shares commenced trading in December 2003. 
Dr Nairn was one of the founders of Edinburgh Partners and is its Chief 
Executive Officer. Prior to founding Edinburgh Partners, Dr Nairn had spent 
time at Templeton Investment Management and Scottish Widows Investment 
Partnership. Dr Nairn has also been primarily responsible for the management of 
the Company's portfolio since the Company's launch in July 2005. 
Dividend policy 
EP Global does not place any emphasis on income in its choice of investments, 
which are made solely to generate attractive real long-term total returns. EP 
Global does not have any formal policy to achieve or maintain any specified 
level of dividend, but intends primarily to ensure sufficient revenues to meet 
expenses. The EP Global Board has previously stated that it would rather reduce 
EP Global's dividend pay-out than compromise its investment policy, and has in 
fact done so on one occasion. EP Global pays one dividend in respect of each 
financial year, usually in May, either as an interim or final dividend. For the 
year ended 31 December 2009 EP Global paid a dividend of 2.4p per share (2008: 
3.1p per share). 
EP Global expects to declare an interim dividend in respect of the year ended 
31 December 2010 on 23 February 2011 and expects to pay such dividend on 18 
March 2011. This dividend will be paid to EP Global Shareholders on the EP 
Global Register at the close of business on 4 March 2011, and the holders of EP 
Global Shares issued pursuant to the Scheme will not qualify to receive this 
dividend in respect of their new EP Global Shares. 
Entitlements under the Scheme 
Under the Scheme, each Shareholder on the Register on the Record Date (other 
than an Overseas Holder) may elect to receive: 
* such number of EP Global Shares as have a value (at the EP Global FAV per 
share) equal to the proportion of the Rollover FAV attributable to such 
Shareholder's Shares; and/or 
* an amount of cash equal to the proportion of the Cash Entitlement 
attributable to such Shareholder's Shares. 
Both the Rollover FAV and the Cash Entitlement (which will determine the 
respective entitlements under the Scheme of Shareholders who elect for the Cash 
Option and the Rollover Option) will be determined by reference to the FAV of 
the Company. This will be calculated by the Board and will be the NAV of the 
Company as at the Calculation Date (calculated in accordance with paragraph 5.1 
of Part 3 of the Circular and the Company's accounting policies) after 
providing for all of the Company's liabilities, including the proposed interim 
dividend of the Company referred to under "Proposed interim dividend" below, 
current and future, actual and contingent liabilities and the costs of 
implementing the Proposals (including the Costs Contribution), other than the 
Management Agreement Termination Costs and the Stamp Duty Costs. 
Following the calculation of the FAV, the Company will allocate the FAV between 
those Shareholders who have elected (or are deemed to have elected) for the 
Cash Option and the Rollover Option respectively pro rata according to their 
Elections. The Cash Entitlement will be an amount equal to the proportion of 
FAV attributable to cash exiters less (i) the Management Agreement Termination 
Costs and (ii) the Cash Exit Charge, which charge will be applied for the 
benefit of Shareholders who have elected (or are deemed to have elected) for 
the Rollover Option. Shareholders who elect for the Cash Option will thus bear 
all the costs of terminating the Management Agreement. 
The Rollover FAV will be an amount equal to the proportion of the FAV 
attributable to those Shareholders who have elected (or are deemed to have 
elected) for the Rollover Option plus the Cash Exit Charge less any Stamp Duty 
Costs. Shareholders who elect for the Rollover Option will thus benefit from 
the Cash Exit Charge borne by cash exiters, but will bear the cost of any stamp 
duty or stamp duty reserve tax payable on the transfer of securities forming 
part of the Rollover Fund (calculated by reference to the value of those 
securities as at the Calculation Date) from the Company to EP Global. 
The EP Global FAV will be the NAV of EP Global as at the Calculation Date 
calculated on the basis described in paragraph 5.4 of Part 3 of the Circular 
adjusted to reflect the interim dividend expected to be paid by EP Global in 
respect of the year ended 31 December 2010 referred to above (which 
Shareholders electing for the Rollover Option will not receive) and any costs 
and expenses of the Proposals to be borne by EP Global after allowing for the 
Costs Contribution and the Stamp Duty Costs, which are to be paid by the 
Illustrative financial effects of the Proposals 
Had the Scheme been implemented on 2 February 2011 (the latest practicable date 
before the release of this announcement) and assuming (for illustrative 
purposes only) that the holders of 75 per cent. of the Shares in issue elect 
for the Rollover Option and the remaining Shareholders elect for the Cash 
Option, based on the other assumptions set out below the FAV would have been 
GBP85.9 million, the Rollover FAV and the Rollover FAV per Share would have been 
GBP64.4 million and 117.40p respectively, the Cash Entitlement and the Cash 
Entitlement per Share would have been GBP21.2 million and 115.94p respectively 
and the EP Global FAV and the EP Global FAV per share would have been GBP52.6 
million and 192.04p respectively. On this basis, the exchange ratio under the 
Rollover Option would have been 0.6113 of an EP Global Share for each Share in 
the Company. All of these calculations exclude the dividends proposed to be 
paid by the Company and expected to be paid by EP Global referred to in this 
On the above basis, a holder of 1,000 Shares who elects for the Rollover Option 
would receive 611 EP Global Shares and a holder of 1,000 Shares who elects for 
the Cash Option would receive GBP1,159. 
On the basis of the assumptions set out below, the impact on NAV and market 
value for Shareholders would, on this basis, be as follows: 
                                                                       % impact 
NAV impact for Shareholders electing for EP Global Shares                 -1.50 
Market value impact for Shareholders electing for EP                       9.68 
Global Shares 
NAV impact for Shareholders electing for cash                             -2.72 
Market value impact for Shareholders electing for cash                    12.29 
The illustrative figures set out above are based on the following assumptions: 
 i. The NAV (cum income) of the Company is GBP87.2million. 
ii. The total costs payable by the Company in respect of the Proposals to be 
    deducted in calculating FAV are GBP1.12 million (including in respect of the 
    Costs Contribution). 
iii. The Management Agreement Termination Costs are GBP0.2million. 
iv. The Cash Exit Charge borne by the cash exiters which is applied for the 
    benefit of Shareholders who elect (or are deemed to have elected) for the 
    Rollover Option is GBP53,661. 
 v. The Stamp Duty Costs are GBP45,000. 
vi. There are no portfolio realisation costs. 
vii. The Company's overseas withholding tax asset at 2 February 2011 of 
    GBP192,000 is deducted for the purposes of arriving at the FAV and the 
    illustrative figures. It is expected that all or a significant proportion 
    of the Company's overseas withholding tax asset at the Calculation Date 
    will be recovered in the first year of the liquidation, but there is a risk 
    that part will not be recovered during such period or at all. 
viii. The Liquidators' retention of GBP50,000 is excluded. 
ix. The number of Shares in issue on the Calculation Date is 73,142,881. 
 x. The NAV (with current year income) of EP Global is GBP52.6 million. 
xi. The number of EP Global Shares in issue on the Calculation Date is 
xii. The price at which EP Global Shares trade will represent a discount of 
    3.54 per cent. to the NAV per EP Global Share. 
xiii. After allowing for the Costs Contribution and payment by the Company of 
    the Stamp Duty Costs, there are no costs to EP Global in implementing the 
xiv. Holders of 75 per cent. of the Shares in issue elect for the Rollover 
    Option, while the remaining Shareholders elect for the Cash Option. 
It should be emphasised that the figures above are given for illustrative 
purposes only and should not be regarded as a forecast of the actual FAV, 
Rollover FAV, Rollover FAV per Share, Cash Entitlement, Cash Entitlement per 
Share, EP Global FAV or EP Global FAV per share, all of which will be 
calculated as at the Calculation Date. 
Proposed interim dividend 
The Board proposes that the Company should pay an interim dividend in respect 
of the year ending 31 July 2011 to Shareholders on the Register at the close of 
business on 4 March 2011. This dividend will be paid prior to, and is not 
dependent on, the implementation of the Proposals. The Shares will go ex 
dividend on 2 March 2011. Shareholders who have a dividend re-investment 
instruction in place should note that this dividend will not be re-invested in 
further Shares. 
Benefits of the Proposals 
The Board believes that the Proposals are the best way forward for 
Shareholders, as they give each Shareholder the choice of continuing to invest 
in an investment trust with a broadly similar investment objective to that of 
the Company or receiving cash. In particular, the Board believes that the 
Proposals have the following beneficial features: 
* Shareholders who elect for EP Global Shares: 
  * will be able to maintain their exposure to global securities through a 
    closed-ended investment vehicle without incurring an immediate liability to 
    UK capital gains tax; 
  * will be able to continue to benefit from access to Edinburgh Partners' 
    management expertise; and 
  * should benefit from a market value uplift to their shares, as EP Global 
    Shares have in recent years traded at a much smaller discount to NAV than 
    have the Shares of the Company. 
* Shareholders who wish to realise some or all of their investment for cash 
will be able to do so at close to net asset value. 
One of the aims of the Proposals is to create the opportunity for Shareholders 
to invest in a larger and more liquid company. However, the size of EP Global 
following implementation of the Proposals will depend on the Elections made by 
Shareholders. As at 2 February 2011, the unaudited NAV of EP Global (with 
current year income) was GBP52.6 million. On the assumptions set out under 
"Illustrative financial statistics" above, including that the holders of 75 per 
cent. of the Shares elect for the Rollover Option, the unaudited NAV of EP 
Global (with current year income) would be approximately GBP117.0 million 
compared with the Company's unaudited NAV at 2 February 2011 of GBP87.2 million. 
However, the Proposals are not conditional on a minimum level of Elections for 
the Rollover Option and therefore there can be no guarantee that if the 
Proposals are implemented, EP Global's NAV will be greater than that of the 
Company at the present time. 
The choice between the options available under the Proposals will be a matter 
for each Shareholder to decide and will be influenced by his or her investment 
objectives and by his or her personal, financial and tax circumstances. 
Accordingly, Shareholders should, before making any Election, read carefully 
all the information in the Circular and in the EP Global Prospectus which will 
accompany it. 
Shareholders who are in any doubt as to the contents of the Circular or as to 
the action to be taken should seek their own personal financial advice from 
their financial adviser authorised under FSMA. 
Management of the Company's portfolio 
The Directors intend that the Company should remain fully invested until the 
First Meeting, by which time Shareholders' elections will be known. The 
portfolio will then be re-designed, having regard to the extent of the 
Elections for EP Global Shares, so as largely to comprise securities which 
Edinburgh Partners has indicated that it wishes to receive which are in line 
with EP Global's investment objective and policy. 
Apportionment of the Company's assets on liquidation 
On liquidation, the Liquidators will set aside cash and other assets in a 
Liquidation Fund in an amount which they consider sufficient to provide for all 
current and future, actual and contingent liabilities of the Company, including 
a retention (estimated at GBP50,000) in respect of unascertained and unknown 
liabilities and the entitlements of those Shareholders who have elected (or are 
deemed to have elected) for the Cash Option. The remaining assets of the 
Company will be allocated to the Rollover Fund, which will be transferred to EP 
Directors' intentions 
Each of the Directors intends to vote in favour of the resolutions to approve 
the Proposals at the Meetings and to elect for EP Global Shares in respect of 
his own beneficial holding, which total 389,042 Shares (representing 0.53 per 
cent. of the Company's total voting rights). 
Expected timetable 
Proposed interim dividend announced                      Wednesday, 23 February 
Time and date from which it is advised that             8.00 a.m. on Friday, 25 
dealings in Shares should only be for cash                             February 
settlement and immediate delivery of documents 
of title 
Latest time and date for receipt of forms of     11.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 1 March 
proxy for the First Meeting 
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of      5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 1 March 
Election or TTE instructions from Shareholders 
Record Date for the Scheme                             the close of business on 
                                                               Tuesday, 1 March 
Shares disabled in CREST1                                      Tuesday, 1 March 
Ex-dividend date for the Shares                              Wednesday, 2 March 
First Meeting                                   11.00 a.m. on Thursday, 3 March 
Record date for the proposed interim dividend          the close of business on 
                                                                Friday, 4 March 
Calculation Date                                       the close of business on 
                                                                Monday, 7 March 
Latest time and date for receipt of forms of     11.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 8 March 
proxy for the Second Meeting 
Amendment to the Official List and dealings in  8.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 9 March 
Reclassified Shares commence on the London 
Stock Exchange2 
Dealings in Reclassified Shares suspended       7.30 a.m. on Thursday, 10 March 
Payment of the proposed interim dividend                     Thursday, 10 March 
Second Meeting                                       11.00 a.m. on Thursday, 10 
Effective Date for implementation of the                     Thursday, 10 March 
Proposals and commencement of the liquidation 
of the Company 
Admission to listing of EP Global Shares issued   8.00 a.m. on Friday, 11 March 
pursuant to the Scheme 
EP Global Shares issued in uncertificated form                 Friday, 11 March 
pursuant to the Scheme credited to CREST 
accounts of Shareholders entitled thereto 
CREST payments made in respect of cash                         Friday, 11 March 
Cheques despatched to Shareholders in respect               by Monday, 14 March 
of cash entitlements 
Definitive certificates in respect of EP Global      week commencing Monday, 14 
Shares issued in certificated form pursuant to                            March 
the Scheme despatched to Shareholders entitled 
1 For the avoidance of doubt, the Register will remain open until the Effective 
2 Reclassified Shares are a technical requirement of the Scheme and will be 
created if the resolution to be proposed at the First Meeting is passed and 
becomes effective. 
Each of the times and dates in the above expected timetable (other than in 
relation to the Meetings) may be extended or brought forward without further 
notice. If any of the above times and/or dates changes, the revised time(s) and 
/or date(s) will be notified to Shareholders by an announcement through a 
Regulatory Information Service provider. Save where otherwise provided, all 
references to times are to London times. 
Kenneth Greig                                                     0131 270 3800 
Edinburgh Partners Limited 
William Simmonds                                                  020 7588 2828 
Edward Gibson-Watt 
J.P. Morgan Cazenove 
A copy of the Circular has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and 
will shortly be available for inspection at: www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do 
Note to Shareholders with registered addresses in New Zealand 
Shareholders with registered addresses in New Zealand may elect, subject as 
mentioned below, for the Rollover Option and receive EP Global Shares in 
respect of their entire holding of Shares. 
The ability for New Zealand Shareholders to participate in the Rollover Option 
is conditional on EP Global being granted a specific exemption by the New 
Zealand Securities Commission from certain provisions of the New Zealand 
Securities Act 1978 and the Securities Regulations 2009. It is expected that 
such exemption will be published in the New Zealand Gazette on Monday, 7 
February 2011 (New Zealand time), at which time the exemption will become 
effective. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Circular, until that 
exemption has been published in the New Zealand Gazette, New Zealand 
Shareholders will not be entitled to elect (nor be deemed to have elected) to 
receive EP Global Shares and will instead be treated as Overseas Holders for 
the purposes of the Circular. 
The Circularis not a New Zealand prospectus or investment statement and has not 
been registered, filed with or approved by any New Zealand regulatory authority 
under or in accordance with the New Zealand Securities Act 1978 (or any other 
relevant New Zealand law). 

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