Arteon PLC / Epic: ARTO / Index: AIM / Sector: Property 
30 December 2009 
                    Arteon PLC (`Arteon' or `the Company') 
          Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2009 
Arteon PLC, the AIM traded real estate investment and services company, 
announces its results for the six months ended 30 September 2009, following the 
disposal of TurfTrax Holdings Limited (`THL') and the adoption of its new 
business strategy in July 2009. 
Chairman's Statement 
The period under review has been a transitional one for the Company and as a 
result this statement will be largely forward looking in nature by virtue of 
the fact the majority of the period was taken up with the disposal of the 
legacy business and the development and resulting adoption in July of our new 
business strategy to create a diverse property investment and services 
business. Following the preparatory steps taken in 2009 we hope, during 2010, 
to begin generating revenues as platform provider and asset manager to a new 
breed of transparent property funds and vehicles. 
Implementing the New Strategy 
The first major step in this strategy was achieved post period end in October 
2009, when we licensed Orchos, a proprietary technology platform, from Real 
Estate Innovations Holdings Ltd (`REIH'), a strategic Arteon shareholder. 
Orchos is designed to enable qualified investors and funds to hold and report 
investment property within a uniform and transparent framework, and in 
particular to gain exposure `on demand' to individual assets. The Directors 
believe that as it evolves, this platform should give Arteon a unique 
competitive proposition in the investment property marketplace. 
Arteon has worldwide exclusivity for the use of Orchos, providing that we 
achieve Euro 300 million of assets under management or in the pipelines of 
relevant funds by March 2011, with payment to REIH based on a licence fee 
ranging between 9.5 per cent. and 12.5 per cent of resulting revenues. The 
first GBP2 million of such revenues accruing to Arteon in any year are exempt 
from the fee. 
Our immediate operational priority is a series of new, targeted property 
investment vehicles which will deploy Orchos on behalf of family offices and 
similarly sophisticated investors. As previously announced, talks are underway 
with a number of parties interested in establishing the first of these 
entities. In addition to providing an early revenue stream for Arteon as asset 
manager and/or investment advisor, these vehicles will serve as `showcase 
funds' demonstrating the capabilities and advantages of the new platform. 
Since October, a significant amount of work has taken place to bring Orchos 
into a deployment phase and we are well advanced in identifying the additional 
human resources required to support our investment and asset management 
division. We will be previewing the platform at launch events in the UK and 
mainland Europe beginning in January 2010 and I expect to be in a position to 
update you further on concrete progress towards the showcase funds at that 
Financial Review 
As a result of the disposal of THL and adoption of the new investing strategy 
in July 2009 the figures, and in particular the comparatives, shed little light 
on the business that we are in the process of building. From a cash 
perspective, the obligations incurred by your Company during the period were 
largely those relating to the maintenance of the AIM listing and the production 
of the associated circular following the disposal of THL. Excluding management 
fees (see note 5 and below) these costs amounted to GBP66,000 during the period 
under review. 
The negative equity position of GBP108,000 includes the effect of GBP137,000 of 
management charges which, together with an additional GBP12,000 cash loan, are 
fully financed by an interest-free subordinated facility provided by the major 
shareholders. The interested shareholders have confirmed that they have no 
intention of calling the facility (which in any case requires a minimum of 12 
months notice) in the near future and that, in principal, they are willing to 
extend further such facilities throughout 2010. 
Global Property Investment 
During 2009, which includes the period under review, investment property 
markets worldwide have displayed conflicting signals beneath a veneer of 
headlines which focussed on the slightest evidence of recovery. Widespread 
money printing and the virtual absence of base rates have seen funds flow into 
prime assets - in some cases chasing down yields to levels which are suggestive 
of a series of `mini-bubbles'. 
At the same time, a number of new and existing funds have sought to take 
advantage of the expected supply of distressed property and so far appear 
largely frustrated by the measured approach taken by most lenders who have been 
robust in turning away `vulture' offers for impaired securities. 
We believe that recent market development is largely the result of macro (or 
Beta driven) trades by financial investors seeking to hedge against inflation, 
gain yield (relative to low bank rates) or take advantage of what they perceive 
to be undervalued currencies. The resulting bubble-like recovery in certain 
assets is further evidence of the volatility which results when capital markets 
come face to face with an asset class which is as `lumpy' and indivisible as 
With a significant volume of property lending due to roll over within the next 
24 months and great uncertainty in the domestic economies which underpin the 
asset class, we believe that opportunities will be more plentiful in the coming 
times. We expect that demand for income and a hedge against inflation will 
remain a central theme and against this backdrop we are encouraged by the 
prospects of our unique approach to property investment; centred on a platform 
designed to facilitate diversification - whilst simultaneously enabling 
targeted investments at the individual asset level. We believe that these 
features, together with highly transparent reporting, will strike a chord with 
many investors and principals in the marketplace. 
Successful implementation of the Orchos platform could open significant 
opportunities for the Company, providing a distinct competitive advantage as an 
asset manager and service provider for a new range of specialist funds and 
vehicles - whether private or exchange traded. I would like to thank the Board 
and staff for the time and energy they have committed to the Company during 
this transformational period, as well as to Shareholders for their continued 
Peter Hagerty 
for the six months ended 30 September 2009 
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                          6 months      6 months     Year ended 
                                             ended         ended 
                                                30            30       31 March 
                                         September     September 
                                              2009          2008           2009 
                                              GBP000          GBP000           GBP000 
Continuing operations: 
Revenues                                         -            58              - 
Administrative expenses                      (202)          (68)           (97) 
Finance income                                   -            84              - 
Finance costs                                    -           (1)              - 
(Loss)/profit before taxation from           (202)            73           (97) 
continuing operations 
Income tax expense                               -             -              - 
(Loss)/profit for the period from            (202)            73           (97) 
continuing operations 
Loss for the period from                         -         (551)          (508) 
discontinued operations 
Total loss for the period from 
and discontinued operations                  (202)         (478)          (605) 
Loss per ordinary share from               (GBP0.46)       (GBP5.37)        (GBP6.80) 
continuing and discontinued 
operations (basic and diluted) 
(Loss)/profit per ordinary share           (GBP0.46)         GBP0.82        (GBP1.09) 
from continuing operations (basic 
and diluted) 
                            Share     Share    Share   Merger Accumulated  Total 
                          capital   premium   option  reserve     deficit 
                           GBP `000    GBP `000   GBP `000   GBP `000      GBP `000 GBP `000 
At 1 April 2008             4,429     1,972      133   10,730    (16,649)    615 
Loss for the period             -         -        -        -       (478)  (478) 
Share based payments            -         -     (41)        -          41      - 
At 30 September 2008        4,429     1,972       92   10,730    (17,086)    137 
Release of merger               -         -        - (10,730)      10,730      - 
Loss for the period             -         -        -        -       (127)  (127) 
Share based payments            -         -     (92)        -          56   (36) 
At 31 March 2009            4,429     1,972        -        -     (6,427)   (26) 
Loss for period                                                     (202)  (202) 
Issue of equity                40        80        -        -           -    120 
At 30 September 2009        4,469     2,052        -        -     (6,629)  (108) 
as at 30 September 2009 
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                                30            30       31 March 
                                         September     September 
                                              2009          2008           2009 
                                              GBP000          GBP000           GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                    4            40              - 
                                                 4            40              - 
Current Assets 
Inventories                                      -             4              - 
Trade and other receivables                     19            83              - 
Cash and cash equivalents                       84           195              2 
                                               103           282              2 
Total assets                                   107           322              2 
Capital and reserves attributable 
to equity holders of the Company 
Share capital                                4,469         4,429          4,429 
Share premium                                2,052         1,972          1,972 
Share option reserve                             -            92              - 
Merger reserve                                   -        10,730              - 
Accumulated deficit                        (6,629)      (17,086)        (6,427) 
Total equity                                 (108)           137           (26) 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                        65           185             28 
                                                65           185             28 
Non current liabilities 
Subordinated loan                              150             -              - 
                                               150             -              - 
Total liabilities                              215           185             28 
Total equity and liabilities                   107           322              2 
for the six months ended 30 September 2009 
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                          6 months      6 months     Year ended 
                                             ended         ended 
                                                30            30       31 March 
                                         September     September 
                                              2009          2008           2009 
                                              GBP000          GBP000           GBP000 
Cash flows from operating 
Cash used in operations                       (46)         (889)          (912) 
Interest paid                                    -           (1)            (2) 
                                              (46)         (890)          (914) 
Net cash used in operating 
Cash flows from investing 
Purchase of property, plant and                (4)           241           (13) 
Proceeds on disposal of property,                -             -             40 
plant and equipment 
Proceeds from disposal of business               -             -            108 
Other                                            -          (11)              - 
Interest received                                -            84             10 
Net cash used in investing                     (4)           314            145 
Cash flows from financing 
Proceeds from issuance of ordinary             120             -              - 
Issue of subordinated loan                      12             -              - 
Net cash generated from financing              132             -              - 
Net increase (decrease) in cash, 
cash equivalents and 
bank overdrafts                                 82         (576)          (769) 
Cash, cash equivalents and bank                  2           771            771 
overdrafts at beginning of the year 
Cash, cash equivalents and bank 
overdrafts at end of 
the year                                        84           195              2 
for the six months ended 30 September 2009 
1. Legal status and activities 
The Company is a public limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in 
England and Wales. The address of its registered office is 27/28 Eastcastle 
Street, London W1W 8DH. 
The Company is listed on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange. 
The Company's accounts for the year ended 31 March 2009 have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies. Those accounts have received an unqualified audit 
report which did not contain statements under Section 237 (2) and (3) of the 
Companies Act 1985. 
These condensed interim financial statements are not statutory accounts within 
the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. 
These interim financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of 
Directors on 29 December 2009. 
2. Basis of preparation of the interim report 
The Company has presented its results in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted in the EU (`IFRS') using the same 
accounting policies and methods of computation as were used in the annual 
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2009. As permitted, the 
interim report has been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules for companies 
and is not compliant in all respects with IAS 34 Interim Financial Statements. 
The condensed interim financial statements do not include all of the 
information required for full annual financial statements and cannot be 
construed to be in full compliance with IFRS. 
3. Loss per share 
Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to 
equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
in issue. 
Given the Group's reported loss for the period share options are not taken into 
account when determining the weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
issue during the period and therefore the basic and diluted loss per share are 
the same. 
On 11 July 2009 the Company carried out a capital reorganisation whereby for 
each 500 ordinary 10p shares held by shareholders they were issued with one new 
5p ordinary share and 88,581 deferred ordinary shares of GBP49.95 each in 
exchange for their 10p ordinary shares in the Company. The deferred ordinary 
shares have no voting rights and essentially have no value to the shareholder. 
On the same date the company issued 788,459 new ordinary shares of 5p each at a 
premium of 10.22p per share. 
The number of shares in issue for the purposes of earning per share 
calculations is re calculated for earlier years based on the number of new 5p 
ordinary shares received by shareholders in exchange for their 10p ordinary 
shares in the Company. 
                                              Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited 
                                             Six months  Six months   31 March 
                                               ended 30    ended 30       2009 
                                              September   September 
                                                   2009        2008 
(Loss)/profit per share from continuing         (GBP0.46)       GBP0.82    (GBP1.09) 
Loss per share from discontinued operations           -     (GBP6.19)    (GBP5.71) 
Total basic loss per share                      (GBP0.46)     (GBP5.37)    (GBP6.80) 
The losses and weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the 
calculation of basic loss per share are as follows: 
                                              Unaudited  Unaudited     Audited 
                                             Six months  Six months   31 March 
                                               ended 30    ended 30       2009 
                                              September   September 
                                                   2009        2008 
                                                  GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
(Loss)/profit used in calculation of total        (202)         478      (605) 
basic and diluted earnings per share 
Loss for the period from discontinued                 -       (551)      (508) 
operations used in the calculations of 
basic and diluted earnings per share from 
discontinued operations 
(Loss)/profit used in the calculation of          (202)          73       (97) 
basic earnings per share from continuing 
Number of shares 
                                              Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited 
                                             Six months  Six months   31 March 
                                               ended 30    ended 30       2009 
                                              September   September 
                                                   2009        2008 
                                                   `000        `000       `000 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares          440          89         89 
for the purposes of basic earnings per 
4. Cash used in operations 
Reconciliation of operating loss to cash flows from operating activities 
                                                Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited 
                                               Six months Six months   31 March 
                                                 ended 30   ended 30       2009 
                                                September  September 
                                                     2009       2008 
                                                     GBP000       GBP000       GBP000 
Operating loss from continuing operations           (202)       (10)       (97) 
Operating loss from discontinued operations             -      (551)      (515) 
                                                    (202)      (561)      (612) 
Adjustments for: 
- Depreciation                                          -         14         53 
- Profit on disposal of property, plant and             -      (202)          - 
- Profit on disposal of business                        -          -      (321) 
- Transfer to share option reserve                      -          -       (37) 
- Trade payables converted to subordinated            138          -          - 
Changes in working capital 
- Inventories                                           -         12      (138) 
- Trade and other receivables                        (19)        198        169 
- Trade and other payables                             37      (350)       (26) 
Cash flows from operating activities                 (46)      (889)      (912) 
5. Management Services 
During the period under review Peter Hagerty and Patrick Aisher, both directors 
of the Company, provided services to the Company amounting to GBP137,000 through 
Choron Management Limited, a Company controlled by family trusts of which they 
are potential beneficiaries. 
Choron has agreed with the Company that the payment of any liabilities owed to 
it will be deferred for a minimum period of 12 months and that Choron will 
consider converting any liability into shares of the Company. 
6. Website 
These interim accounts will be available from today's date on the Company's 
website, www.arteonplc.com. 
For further information visit www.arteonplc.com or contact: 
Peter Hagerty              Arteon Plc                   Tel: +44 (0)20 7148 7700 
Luke Cairns / Avi Robinson Astaire Securities Plc       Tel: +44 (0)20 7448 4400 
Isabel Crossley / Hugo de  St Brides Media & Finance    Tel: +44 (0)20 7236 1177 
Salis                      Ltd 

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