LEI: 549300WWOCXSC241W468 
Annual results announcement for the year ended 31 October 2022 
                                                                                  As at             As at 
                                                                             31 October        31 October 
                                                                                   2022              2021 
Net assets (£'000)1                                                             171,086           165,334 
Net asset value per ordinary share (pence)                                       213.25            206.08 
Ordinary share price (mid-market) (pence)                                        197.50            198.25 
Discount to cum income net asset value2                                            7.4%              3.8% 
Russell 1000 Value Index3                                                       1824.64           1647.89 
                                                                       ----------------  ---------------- 
Performance (with dividends reinvested) 
Net asset value per share2                                                         7.4%             36.0% 
Ordinary share price2                                                              3.6%             42.4% 
Russell 1000 Value Index                                                          10.7%             35.6% 
                                                                             ==========        ========== 
Performance since inception (with dividends reinvested) 
Net asset value per share2                                                       216.3%            194.4% 
Ordinary share price2                                                            191.4%            181.4% 
Russell 1000 Value Index                                                         269.2%            233.4% 
                                                                             ==========        ========== 
                                                                    Year ended        Year ended 
                                                                    31 October        31 October            Change 
                                                                          2022              2021                 % 
Net profit after taxation (£'000)                                        3,081             3,248              -5.1 
Revenue earnings per ordinary share (pence)3                              3.84              4.06              -5.4 
                                                              ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Interim dividends (pence) 
1st interim                                                               2.00              2.00                 - 
2nd interim                                                               2.00              2.00                 - 
3rd interim                                                               2.00              2.00                 - 
4th interim                                                               2.00              2.00                 - 
Total dividends paid/payable                                              8.00              8.00                 - 
                                                                    ==========        ==========        ========== 
1     The change in net assets reflects portfolio movements and dividends paid 
during the year. 
2        Alternative Performance Measures, see Glossary in the Company's Annual 
Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
3        Further details are given in the Glossary in the Company's Annual 
Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
Sources: BlackRock and Datastream. 
Performance figures have been calculated in Sterling terms with dividends 
This is my first year as Chair of your Company and I am delighted to present 
the Annual Report to shareholders for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
Market overview 
The period under review has proved highly volatile, with economic uncertainty 
peaking in the first half of 2022 and remaining high. Equity markets initially 
appeared to be driven by concerns around high inflation and the response by the 
Federal Reserve (the Fed). However, they then sold off heavily following 
Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as the market was quick to price in potential 
commodity and food disruptions resulting from the conflict. China's continuing 
zero tolerance approach to COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns has also made it 
harder to predict global economic trends, contributing to market volatility. 
The U.S. economy and stock market struggled as it faced a multi-decade high in 
inflation and aggressive monetary tightening by the Fed. Following the start of 
the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, the U.S. economy greatly benefited from 
the Fed's supportive fiscal and monetary policy which bolstered savings and 
supercharged asset prices, but with that liquidity drying up and the hikes in 
interest rates, the risk of recession is growing. 
Compared to the wider US market, the Company has benefited from two particular 
market developments during the year. First, the increase in interest rates (and 
rise in the discount rate used to value future earnings growth) has meant that 
value stocks have had a resurgence in performance compared to growth stocks 
which has favoured our Investment Manager's style of investing. Secondly, the 
strength of the US Dollar compared to Sterling and other currencies over the 
period has meant that returns have been positive in absolute terms for 
Sterling-based investors. 
Against this backdrop and over the year to 31 October 2022, the Company's net 
asset value per share (NAV) returned 7.4%1 and the share price returned 3.6%1. 
This compares with a rise of 10.7%1 in the Russell 1000 Value Index, the 
Company's reference index. September and October 2022 were two of the toughest 
months for the Company since the change in strategy at the end of July 2021, as 
the value style underperformed and the Company faced a combination of headwinds 
including the outperformance of uninvestable sectors (such as aerospace, 
defence and tobacco), portfolio gearing and poor sector allocation and stock 
selection in medical technology, consumer discretionary and financials. It is 
worth noting that the wider market as measured by the S&P 500 Index reached 
bear market territory in mid-June (a drop of 20% or more from a previous peak) 
and then finished the year to 31 October 2022 down by 1.7% in Sterling terms. 
At the close of business on 23 January 2023, the Company's NAV had increased by 
0.7% compared to a decrease of 1.4% in the reference index (both in Sterling 
terms with dividends reinvested) since the year end. 
Revenue earnings and dividends 
The Company's revenue earnings per share (EPS), based on the weighted average 
number of shares in issue for the year, amounted to 3.84p (2021: 4.06p), a 
decrease of 5.4%. As the Company stopped writing option contracts since 31 July 
2021, the Company's revenue EPS has increased on a like-to-like basis by 29.7% 
after excluding the impact of option premium income earned in the year ended 31 
October 2021. Four quarterly interim dividends of 2.00p per share were paid on 
29 April 2022, 1 July 2022, 3 October 2022 and 3 January 2023. This is in line 
with the payments made in the previous financial year. The dividend paid 
represents a yield of 4.1% on the share price at the year end. 
Your Board considers that it remains appropriate to continue with the current 
dividend policy for the new financial year, which will be supported through 
both revenue and other distributable reserves. The Company's distributable 
reserves at 31 October 2022 were £168.6 million. The Board sought shareholder 
authority at the previous Annual General Meeting to cancel the Company's share 
premium account, effectively converting it into a distributable reserve, and 
this became effective in August 2022. The Board continues to believe that this 
dividend policy provides an attractive option for current and prospective 
shareholders who wish to achieve exposure to the U.S. equity market, whilst at 
the same time receiving a competitive dividend. 
The Directors recognise the importance to investors that the market price of 
the Company's shares should not trade at a significant premium or discount to 
the underlying NAV. Accordingly, in normal market conditions, the Board may use 
the Company's share buy back and share issuance powers to ensure that the share 
price does not go to an excessive discount or premium. 
Over the year to 31 October 2022, the Company's shares have traded at an 
average discount of 5.3%. The Board considered that the market volatility 
caused by the geo-political issues referred to above and the associated 
sell-off of equities has given rise to the discount and therefore it was not in 
shareholders' interests to buy back shares at this point in the cycle. 
Consequently, no shares were bought back during the year under review and up to 
the date of this report. Neither were any shares reissued during the same 
period. Resolutions to renew the authorities to issue and buy back shares will 
be put to shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 
Board composition 
As previously announced in last year's Annual Report and Half Yearly Financial 
Report, Simon Miller retired as Chairman at the end of the Company's financial 
year on 31 October 2022. On behalf of the Board and shareholders, I would like 
to thank Simon for his outstanding contribution as Chairman of the Company 
since its inception. 
Christopher Casey has also informed the Board of his intention to retire as a 
Director of the Company following the Annual General Meeting in March 2023 and, 
accordingly, will not be seeking re-election. The Board would like to express 
its strong appreciation for Christopher's wise counsel and invaluable 
contribution to the Company since its formation in 2012. The Board has 
commenced a search and selection process to identify a new Director and a 
further announcement will be made in due course. 
The Board was pleased to appoint David Barron as a new non-executive Director 
with effect from 22 March 2022 and it is the intention that David, a chartered 
accountant, will replace Mr Casey as Audit and Management Engagement Chairman. 
Upon Mr Miller's retirement and my appointment as Chair effective from 1 
November 2022, I retired from the role as the Company's Senior Independent 
Director and Mr Barron replaced me and also became Chairman of the Nomination 
High inflation and tighter monetary policy are two important reasons why the 
world economy is slowing down. Since recognising the urgent need for policy 
tightening to combat inflationary pressures, the Fed has raised interest rates 
at the fastest pace in more than three decades. Most other major developed 
market central banks have followed suit and the scale and speed of subsequent 
rate rises have surprised markets. 
A resilient labour market in the U.S. and excess savings have so far protected 
the economy from a more severe slowdown, but have given rise to more persistent 
inflationary trends and sustained pressure on the Fed to continue to tighten 
fiscal policy. In turn, higher financing costs and declining real disposable 
income (driven by fiscal normalisation and high inflation) will be a headwind 
for the economy. The odds have now shifted towards a recession in 2023, driven 
by a Fed that is laser focused on bringing down inflation. While inflation has 
peaked, it is coming down slowly and is still well above the Fed's 2% inflation 
It has been a difficult decade for the 'value' approach to investing but one of 
the defining characteristics of financial markets in 2022, aside from the 
volatility, has been the rotation from high growth stocks to 'value' areas of 
the market. Historically, value has tended to do best in periods of higher and 
rising rates and higher and rising inflation, so this is likely to continue to 
be supportive of our Portfolio Managers' value investing approach in the near 
Annual General Meeting (AGM) 
The AGM of the Company will be held at the offices of BlackRock at 12 
Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL on Tuesday, 21 March 2023 at 12 noon. 
Details of the business of the meeting are set out in the Notice of Annual 
General Meeting in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 
Shareholders who intend to attend the AGM should ensure that they have read and 
understood the venue requirements for entry to the AGM. These requirements, 
along with further information on the arrangements for the AGM, can be found in 
the Directors' Report in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 
October 2022. In the absence of any reimposition of COVID-19 restrictions, the 
Board very much looks forward to meeting with shareholders at the AGM. 
Alice Ryder 
26 January 2023 
1     All percentages calculated in Sterling terms with dividends reinvested. 
Alternative Performance Measures, see Glossary in the Company's Annual Report 
for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
Investment Manager's Report 
Market Overview 
Over the year to 31 October 2022, the Company's net asset value per share (NAV) 
returned 7.4% and the share price returned 3.6%. This compares with a return of 
10.7% in the Russell 1000 Value Index (all percentages calculated in Sterling 
terms with dividends reinvested). For the same period, U.S. large cap stocks, 
as represented by the S&P 500® Index, declined by 14.6% in US Dollar terms and 
advanced by 1.7% in Sterling terms due to the strength of the dollar. 
Following the adoption of the new investment strategy on 29 July 2021 to 
incorporate explicit Environmental, Social and Governance objectives, and the 
repositioning of the portfolio to reflect the changes, the Company's NAV 
returned 15.0% and the share price returned 13.1%, compared with a return in 
the Russell 1000 Value Index of 16.2%. All percentages are calculated in 
Sterling terms with dividends reinvested. The following highlights some of the 
key market events during the fiscal year. 
U.S. equities rallied in the fourth quarter of 2021 as strong gains in October 
were propelled by better-than-expected corporate earnings results. Investors 
began to digest the Federal Reserve's (the Fed) plans to begin asset purchase 
tapering and weighed Omicron variant uncertainty. By December 2021, Omicron 
worries dissipated due in part to studies that suggested the variant was less 
severe than past strains. Fed policy also continued to evolve in the closing 
weeks of the year, as the U.S. central bank signalled it would slow its bond 
purchases at a quicker pace and that it had pencilled in the potential for 
multiple rate hikes in 2022. 
A confluence of negative factors set U.S. stocks up for a difficult start to 
the year, including rising interest rates, high inflation and unthinkable 
violence and human tragedy in Europe. The S&P 500 recorded its worst January 
since 2009 and officially hit correction territory (a 10%+ decline) in 
February, before rallying higher in March. The Fed struck an increasingly 
aggressive tone during the quarter, as inflation figures hit 40-year highs, and 
Russian sanctions intensified supply-driven price pressures across oil & gas, 
industrial metals and various agricultural commodities. The U.S. central bank 
officially began its hiking cycle with a quarter-point increase in March 2022, 
the first since 2018. 
In the second quarter, U.S. equities remained under immense pressure as 
investors priced in further interest rate rises and increased recession fears. 
Unsurprisingly, annual inflation accelerated to 8.6% in May, the highest 
reading since December 1981. To combat rising inflation, the Fed was forced to 
take increasingly aggressive measures with rate hikes: a 0.50% increase in 
early May followed by a 0.75% increase in mid-June. While the U.S. economy has 
remained resilient in the face of these rate hikes, signs of an economic 
slowdown have emerged. As a result, the focus on high inflation shifted towards 
a potential economic recession as interest rates rose and stock markets 
remained volatile. 
In the second half of 2022, persistently high inflation spurred the Fed to 
continue hiking interest rates aggressively, including 0.75% increases in July 
and September, respectively. Fed Chair Jerome Powell also spoke harshly about 
fighting inflation during his late August Jackson Hole speech, stating "we must 
keep at it until the job is done". Despite central bank policy efforts, 
weakening housing data and a general decline in commodities prices, inflation 
remained firmly embedded in the U.S. economy amid a tightly supplied labour 
market. This backdrop, combined with anticipation of further rate hikes, stoked 
recessionary fears and weighed on market sentiment. 
Portfolio overview 
The largest contributor to relative performance was stock selection and 
allocation decisions in communication services. Within the sector, an 
underweight to the media industry and our decision not to invest in the 
interactive media & services industry accounted for the majority of relative 
outperformance. In energy, investment decisions in the oil, gas, & consumable 
fuels industry boosted relative returns. Furthermore, stock selection in 
utilities proved beneficial due to stock selection and an overweight allocation 
to the multi-utilities industry. 
The largest detractor from relative performance was stock selection and 
allocation decisions in consumer discretionary. Stock selection within the 
sector accounted for the majority of underperformance, although allocation 
decisions in the household durables industry proved costly as well. In 
financials, stock selection within the insurance industry proved detrimental, 
as did our decision of not investing in diversified financial services 
companies. Other modest detractors from relative results included stock 
selection within health care, mainly in the health care equipment & supplies 
and pharmaceuticals industries. 
Below is a comprehensive overview of our allocations (in Sterling) at the end 
of the period. 
Information Technology (IT): 5.3% overweight (13.9% of the portfolio) 
An increasing number of companies in the technology sector are what we refer to 
as "industrial tech". These firms are competitively insulated from disruptors, 
well-positioned to take advantage of long-term secular tailwinds and exhibit 
growth in earnings and Free Cash Flow (FCF). Strong earnings growth and FCF 
generation is also translating to an increasing number of companies paying 
growing dividends to shareholders. This is in stark contrast to the dot-com era 
where growth was often prioritised over shareholder return. We believe this 
trend is poised to continue. Our preferred exposures in the sector include IT 
services and communications equipment companies with sticky revenue streams 
such as Cisco Systems (2.8% of the portfolio), Cognizant Technology Solutions 
(2.6% of the portfolio), and Fidelity National Information Services (2.1% of 
the portfolio). We also continue to invest in software companies with 
capital-light business models such as Microsoft (1.9% of the portfolio). IT 
broadly scores well on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics given 
the generally lower environmental impact than other sectors, with our selection 
of companies including a mix of ESG leaders (Microsoft and Cisco Systems) and 
ESG improvers (Fidelity National Information Services). 
Consumer Discretionary: 3.9% overweight (10.0% of the portfolio) 
Within the sector, our preferred areas of investment include household 
durables, textiles and apparel, and firms with auto-related exposure. 
Disruption risks persist in the sector, and we believe these risks are best 
mitigated through identifying stock-specific investment opportunities that 
either trade at discounted valuations or have business models that are somewhat 
insulated from disruptive pressures. For example, we believe companies such as 
General Motors (autos; 2.3% of the portfolio) and Ralph Lauren (apparel; 2.2% 
of the portfolio) offer investors exposure to underappreciated franchises at 
discounted valuations. Furthermore, retailers such as Dollar Tree (dollar 
store; 1.8% of the portfolio) provide us with access to businesses that can 
potentially compound earnings and are more immune to disruptive forces. From a 
sustainability standpoint, our selection of companies includes a mix of ESG 
leaders such as Panasonic (1.7% of the portfolio), as well as ESG improvers 
with clear roadmaps for better ESG adherence and disclosures (i.e. General 
Motors' commitment to electric vehicles and Ralph Lauren's Global Citizen 
Financials: 1.6% overweight (21.9% of the portfolio) 
Financials represent our portfolio's largest absolute sector allocation and we 
remain particularly bullish on companies in the banks, insurance, and wealth 
management industries. The U.S. banks offer investors a combination of strong 
balance sheets (their capital levels are meaningfully higher post financial 
crisis), attractive valuations, and the potential for relative upside versus 
the broader market from inflation and higher interest rates. We believe the 
current credit cycle is in its early stages as loan growth is starting to pick 
up and consumer balance sheets remain quite healthy. In our view this setup 
could result in upside surprise versus consensus expectations on both growth 
and credit expectations over the next several years. Secondly, we continue to 
like insurers and insurance brokers as these companies operate relatively 
stable businesses and trade at attractive valuations. We categorise most of our 
holdings in this sector as ESG improvers, with opportunities for company 
managements to enact stronger corporate governance and human capital 
development policies. Lastly, we have also identified stock specific 
investments in wealth management as companies such as Morgan Stanley (1.4% of 
the portfolio) and Charles Schwab (1.2% of the portfolio) stand out from peers 
due to their differentiated investment platforms, proximity to end customers 
and runways for long-term growth. 
Materials: 0.2% overweight (4.3% of the portfolio) 
Our exposure to the materials sector is stock specific. In the metals & mining 
industry we have a single position in Newmont (1.3% of the portfolio), an 
advantaged gold miner that operates on the lower end of the cost curve and we 
view as an ESG leader. We sold our position in Steel Dynamics, the fifth 
largest U.S. steel producer, in August 2022 based on valuation. Meanwhile, 
Newmont stands above its gold mining peers due to its strong governance, safety 
record and environmental management commitments. Within the containers & 
packaging industry, we have a position in Sealed Air (1.6% of the portfolio), a 
manufacturer of film packaging for perishable food and industrials/e-commerce. 
Sealed Air operates a high return business, has good pricing power and in our 
view offers a relatively stable growth outlook. From a sustainability 
standpoint, plastic packagers generally score poorly on waste and water stress. 
The key issue for plastic is how to improve circularity and management has 
pledged to have 100% recyclable/reusable solutions and 50% average recycled/ 
renewable content by 2025, which is well ahead of peers. 
Health Care: 3.4% overweight (20.4% of the portfolio) 
Secular growth opportunities in health care are a byproduct of demographic 
trends. Older populations spend more on health care than younger populations. 
In the United States, a combination of greater demand for health care services 
and rising costs facilitates a need for increased efficiency within the health 
care ecosystem. We believe innovation and strong cost control can work together 
to address this need and companies that can contribute to this outcome may be 
poised to benefit. On the innovation front, we are finding opportunities in 
pharmaceuticals and among companies in the health care equipment & supplies 
industry. We prefer to invest in pharma companies with a proven ability to 
generate high research & development productivity versus those that focus on 
one or two key drugs and rely upon raising their prices to drive growth. 
Outside of pharma, our search for attractively priced innovators is more stock 
specific; we recently initiated a position in Baxter International (1.9% of the 
portfolio) a health care company focused on products to treat kidney disease 
and other chronic medical conditions. We believe the company is poised to do 
well as margin pressures from temporary inflation (logistics and shipping) 
suppress and the economy continues to reopen. From a cost perspective, health 
maintenance organisations (HMOs) have an economic incentive to drive down costs 
as they provide health insurance coverage to constituents. These efforts 
ultimately help to make health care insurance affordable to more people and the 
HMOs also play a substantial role in improving the access to and quality of 
health care its members receive. Fundamentally, we believe our holdings in the 
sector can benefit from downward pressure on cost-trend, new membership growth 
and further industry consolidation over time. Furthermore, they trade at 
meaningfully discounted valuations versus peers, offering us an attractive risk 
versus reward opportunity. 
Energy: 0.1% underweight (8.7% of the portfolio) 
The portfolio currently invests in five energy stocks and we have a neutral 
weight in the sector relative to the reference index. Our focus on 
sustainability places a high hurdle for energy companies to be included in the 
portfolio, but we believe the sector remains investable, as more traditional 
oil & gas operators are critical in the energy transition towards less carbon 
intensive sources. For example, natural gas is 40-60% less carbon-intensive to 
produce and combust versus coal and oil. We view natural gas as a key "bridge 
fuel" and like companies such as Woodside Energy Group (2.0% of the portfolio) 
and EQT (1.3% of the portfolio). Fundamentally, we generally seek to invest in 
attractively priced operators with good resource assets that have the 
opportunity to improve upon environmental issues or demonstrate clear 
leadership in sustainability (i.e. through their exposure to renewables or 
commitments to net zero/carbon neutral outcomes). We also prefer to target 
companies with experienced management teams, low financial leverage and 
disciplined capital expenditure spending plans, as these elements can 
contribute to positive free cash flow generation over time. 
Utilities: 1.4% underweight (4.2% of the portfolio) 
The portfolio currently invests in only two utility stocks and we have a slight 
underweight in the sector relative to the reference index. Portfolio exposures 
are stock specific as we are finding pockets of investment opportunity among 
U.S. regulated utilities, which add a level of stability and defensiveness to 
the portfolio through their durable earnings and dividend profiles. Our 
investments in the sector primarily focus on ESG leaders that have specific 
targets for reduction in carbon emissions and maintain significant exposure to 
renewables or generate power through cleaner means such as natural gas. 
Communication Services: 2.9% underweight (4.4% of the portfolio) 
The portfolio has an underweight to communication services. Our underweight is 
driven by expensive valuations and a lack of dividend payers in the 
entertainment and interactive media & services industries. Meanwhile, the 
portfolio is overweight to the diversified telecom services and wireless 
telecom services industries. Notable portfolio holdings include Verizon 
Communications (diversified telecom; 2.8% of the portfolio) and Rogers 
Communications (wireless telecom; 1.6% of the portfolio). Verizon 
Communications and Rogers Communications trade at reasonable valuations, boast 
strong competitive positions and rank well on ESG metrics versus peers. We also 
like that their core businesses, operating telecom networks, can be a key 
enabler of smart cities of the future, with potential to reduce energy 
consumption and provide other social benefits. 
Consumer Staples: 1.9% underweight (5.4% of the portfolio) 
The consumer staples sector is a common destination for the conservative equity 
income investor. Historically, many of these companies have offered investors 
recognisable brands, diverse revenue streams, exposure to growing end markets 
and the ability to garner pricing power. These characteristics, in turn, have 
translated into strong and often stable free cash flow and growing dividends 
for shareholders. In recent years, some of these secular advantages have become 
challenged, in our view, due to changing consumer preferences, greater end 
market competition from local brands and disruption from the rapid adoption of 
online shopping. These challenges, combined with higher than historical 
valuations, have facilitated our underweight positioning in the sector. Notable 
portfolio holdings include PepsiCo (2.6% of the portfolio). We held Lamb Weston 
Holdings during the year and exited the position before the year end. We view 
each of these businesses as ESG leaders: PepsiCo stands out for reducing its 
water usage and product carbon footprint and Lamb Weston is at the forefront of 
implementing strong corporate governance practices. 
Real Estate: 3.2% underweight (1.3% of the portfolio) 
The portfolio has an underweight allocation to real estate, as we are finding 
few companies in the sector with both attractive valuations and strong or 
improving fundamentals. For example, retail REITs are facing challenges due to 
e-commerce and its negative impact on traditional brick and mortar retailers. 
Meanwhile, data center and logistics companies have strong fundamentals, but we 
view their valuations as unattractive. Our only portfolio holding is CBRE Group 
(1.3% of the portfolio), the world's largest commercial real estate services 
firm. The company is trading at a wide discount relative to peers and ranks 
well on ESG metrics versus peers. CBRE Group signed the Climate Pledge in 2021 
to reach net zero by 2040. 
Industrials: 4.9% underweight (5.5% of the portfolio) 
The portfolio is meaningfully underweight to the industrials sector. Our 
selectivity is driven by relative valuations, which we view as expensive, in 
many cases, versus other cyclical value segments of the U.S. equity market. 
Notable positions include Komatsu (1.9% of the portfolio), a Japanese 
manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, and Norfolk Southern (1.7% 
of the portfolio), a major U.S. east coast railroad operator. We view both 
companies as ESG leaders in their respective domains. Komatsu has set 
meaningful targets for reduced CO2 emissions from its products by 2030 and to 
achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Furthermore, Norfolk Southern provides us 
with exposure to a consolidated industry with pricing power that emits roughly 
one-third as much CO2 as trucks (the main shipping alternative), in moving an 
equivalent amount of cargo. 
Market outlook 
Investors and policymakers alike are finding themselves in quite an unusual and 
uncertain market environment. Over the past twelve months we have seen 
geopolitical tensions rise, rapid inflation, increased market volatility and 
the fastest pace of central bank tightening in decades. We believe elevated 
core inflation will linger for a while longer and a recession is to be expected 
across developed markets. In this vein, central banks are in a difficult 
position as they must address inflation but remain cognisant of growth at risk. 
While inflation seems to have finally stopped rising, it remains stubbornly 
elevated, but we believe inflation will inevitably drop in 2023 as commodity 
prices decline and energy and food inflation falls. Core goods inflation will 
decline as supply shortages decrease and shipping costs continue to fall. 
However, risks remain around price pressures in the service sector and central 
banks must stay ahead to curb long-term, high inflation. 
Now, more than ever, is a time to be very cautious and strategic in portfolios. 
As a shallow recession is more likely than not, we can expect U.S. GDP to 
contract and unemployment to rise slightly. Further rate hikes are to be 
expected as the year progresses and as policymakers struggle with inflation 
running well above central bank targets. All told, we see potential downside 
risk for equity markets as companies will have to navigate a tumultuous market 
environment with slowing demand and cost pressures, ultimately leading to 
margin reduction. While we are conscious of the risks, we continue to favour 
high quality companies with strong balance sheets at reasonable valuations. 
Tony DeSpirito, David Zhao and Lisa Yang 
BlackRock Investment Management LLC 
26 January 2023 
1 + Sanofi (2021: 12th) 
Health Care 
Market value: £5,175,000 
Share of investments: 2.9% (2021: 2.3%) 
ESG Leader 
Sanofi is a French multinational pharmaceutical and health care company, and it 
operates in three segments including pharmaceuticals, vaccines and consumer 
health. Sanofi is a leader in diabetes, immunology and cardiovascular 
management and also maintains strong consumer brands such as Allegra, IcyHot, 
GoldBond and Rolaids. The company also has a wide portfolio of vaccines 
including a leading influenza vaccine business. While Sanofi has been subject 
to various inquiries around insulin pricing, this represents a diminishing part 
of the overall business as many of these drugs have seen rapidly declining 
prices due to generic competition. We believe Sanofi trades at a discount 
relative to peers with low exposure to US regulatory reform. With the newly 
appointed CEO who we know well from Novartis, we believe the company's research 
& development and innovation track record can be turned around. 
2 + Wells Fargo (2021: 4th) 
Market value: £5,138,000 
Share of investments: 2.9% (2021: 3.3%) 
ESG Improver 
Wells Fargo (WFC) is one of the largest U.S. banks and it operates in three 
segments including community banking, wholesale banking and wealth & investment 
management. WFC has a strong deposit franchise and we like its history of 
strong investment returns and prudent credit risk management. While WFC has a 
chequered history, we believe its current management team, led by CEO Charlie 
Scharf (hired in October 2019), can restore the firm's reputation as a premiere 
community bank. Operational improvements require patience, but we believe that 
risk and control remediation as well as time-passed can ultimately improve 
WFC's low social and governance scores. In summary, we view shares of the 
company as underappreciated today in an environment characterised by low credit 
losses and ample access to liquidity. 
3 + Willis Towers Watson (2021: 29th) 
Market value: £5,117,000 
Share of investments: 2.9% (2021: 1.7%) 
ESG Improver 
Willis Towers Watson (WLTW) is a British-American multinational insurance 
advisor company. WLTW's revenue breakdown is approximately 55% consulting 
related and 45% insurance brokerage related. Historically, WLTW has lagged its 
peers on margins and has had higher restructuring costs. We believe there is a 
margin improvement opportunity on the horizon, specifically in their insurance 
brokering related businesses. Additionally, WLTW's valuation relative to peers 
is at historically wide levels. The board has seen many positive changes since 
late 2021 and we believe this will improve WLTW's sustainability rating over 
4 + Verizon Communications (2021: 14th) 
Communication Services 
Market value: £4,967,000 
Share of investments: 2.8% (2021: 2.3%) 
ESG Leader 
Verizon Communications is the leading wireless company in the United States. We 
believe the company trades at a reasonable price relative to the quality and 
stability of the business due to competitive dynamics that have somewhat 
abated, as T-Mobile has pivoted to a margin growth strategy (from a share gain 
strategy). The company also has some optionality on new types of revenue 
enabled by 5th generation networks. Telecommunication networks can be key 
enablers for smart cities, with the potential to reduce energy consumption, 
increase safety and provide other social benefits. 
5 - Cisco Systems (2021: 1st) 
Information Technology 
Market value: £4,935,000 
Share of investments: 2.8% (2021: 4.0%) 
ESG Leader 
Cisco Systems is the world's largest networking equipment vendor, with leading 
positions in most of its core end markets. As one of the largest suppliers of 
network security solutions, Cisco System's products help customers to enhance 
data security and privacy. Despite market concerns regarding competition and 
Cloud migration, we believe they can still deliver sustainable revenue and 
earnings growth due to better than feared market positions, a diversified 
portfolio and a large existing installed base. 
6 + Laboratory Corporation of America (2021: N/A) 
Health Care 
Market value: £4,909,000 
Share of investments: 2.8% (2021: N/A) 
ESG Leader 
Laboratory Corporation of America, commonly known as LabCorp, operates in two 
segments including a low-cost, high quality national provider of laboratory 
services and a contract research organisation, which supports clinical research 
through administering trials and lab testing. LabCorp is able to offer high 
quality service at a materially lower cost due to scale. We believe LabCorp's 
drug development business is underearning peers, which allows management to 
drive cost savings. Lastly, diagnostic testing is vital to generating positive 
health outcomes and LabCorp supports low-cost testing services, helping drive 
testing accessibility nationally. 
7 + PepsiCo (2021: 18th) 
Consumer Staples 
Market value: £4,595,000 
Share of investments: 2.6% (2021: 2.1%) 
ESG Leader 
PepsiCo is a multinational food, snack and beverage corporation with the 
majority of the profits stemming from their snacks business (75%). PepsiCo's 
key brands include Lays, Doritos, Pepsi, Gatorade and Mountain Dew. Frito-Lay, 
a subsidiary of PepsiCo that manufactures corn chips, potato chips and other 
snack foods is one of the best assets in the packaged food industry. We believe 
Frito-Lay has the ability to sustainably grow 5% in North America and 8% in 
international markets where it remains underpenetrated. Lastly, PepsiCo is a 
leader within the consumer staples industry in managing its water and product 
carbon footprint, targeting a reduction in its carbon footprint across its 
value chain by 20% by 2030 and water use by 15% by 2025. 
8 + Cigna (2021: 16th) 
Health Care 
Market value: £4,563,000 
Share of investments: 2.6% (2021: 2.2%) 
ESG Leader 
Cigna is a multinational company that operates in two main segments including a 
traditional managed care business which operates a primarily fee-based 
commercial insurance business and a pharmacy benefit managers/health care 
services segment that provides pharmacy benefits and broader health care 
services to a wide variety of customers. We believe managed care companies play 
a substantial role in improving access and quality in health care to its 
members and in driving down costs to make health insurance affordable to more 
people. In 2015, Cigna became the first health services company to sign on to 
and commit to the UN Global Compact principles, which is a pact to encourage 
businesses and firms worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible 
policies and to report on their implementation. Currently, Cigna is trading at 
a meaningful discount to peers and offers an attractive entry point to gain 
exposure to a high quality, double digits earnings compounder at a reasonable 
9 - Cognizant Technology Solutions (2021: 5th) 
Information Technology 
Market value: £4,525,000 
Share of investments: 2.6% (2021: 3.2%) 
ESG Leader 
Cognizant Technology Solutions is an IT Services company with a diversified 
revenue base across industry verticals and geographies. As a service provider, 
they help enterprise and small and medium business clients to transition to 
cloud infrastructure, which is more efficient versus sub-scale in-house data 
centers. The company also exhibits strong governance as evidenced by an 
independent chairman, an independent majority and a gender diverse board. After 
a period of market share loss and earnings guide-downs, we do not believe 
Cognizant Technology Solutions is structurally impaired. Rather, we see an 
attractive turnaround opportunity under CEO Brian Humphries who joined the firm 
in April 2019. 
10 - American International (2021: 8th) 
Market value: £4,474,000 
Share of investments: 2.5% (2021: 2.9%) 
ESG Leader 
American International (AIG) is a diversified insurance company with exposure 
to both property & casualty and life insurance. AIG's business model entails 
pooling and diversifying risk and this includes insuring against adverse events 
related to climate change such as floods, hurricanes, etc. New management at 
AIG has spent the past several years fixing a variety of operational issues at 
the firm. Notably, AIG has expanded margins, increased reserves, lowered 
expenses and better managed catastrophe losses via improved use of reinsurance. 
Despite these developments, the stock still trades at an underappreciated 
All percentages reflect the value of the holding as a percentage of total 
Percentages in brackets represent the value of the holding as of 31 October 
Together, the ten largest investments represent 27.4% of the Company's 
portfolio (31 October 2021: 31.7%). 
Investments as at 31 October 2022 
                                                                                        value        % of total 
Company                                  Country         Sector  Securities             £'000         portfolio 
Sanofi                                    France    Health Care     Ordinary            5,175               2.9 
Wells Fargo                                United    Financials     Ordinary            5,138               2.9 
                                          States                     shares 
Willis Towers Watson                       United    Financials     Ordinary            5,117               2.9 
                                          States                     shares 
Verizon Communications                     United  Communication    Ordinary            4,967               2.8 
                                          States       Services      shares 
Cisco Systems                              United    Information    Ordinary            4,935               2.8 
                                          States     Technology      shares 
Laboratory Corporation of America          United   Health Care     Ordinary            4,909               2.8 
                                          States                     shares 
PepsiCo                                    United       Consumer    Ordinary            4,595               2.6 
                                          States        Staples      shares 
Cigna                                      United   Health Care     Ordinary            4,563               2.6 
                                          States                     shares 
Cognizant Technology Solutions             United    Information    Ordinary            4,525               2.6 
                                          States     Technology      shares 
American International                     United    Financials     Ordinary            4,474               2.5 
                                          States                     shares 
Shell                                      United        Energy     Ordinary            4,466               2.5 
                                         Kingdom                     shares 
AstraZeneca                                United   Health Care     Ordinary            4,412               2.5 
                                         Kingdom                     shares 
Citigroup                                  United    Financials     Ordinary            4,137               2.4 
                                          States                     shares 
General Motors                             United       Consumer    Ordinary            3,956               2.3 
                                          States  Discretionary      shares 
Ralph Lauren                               United       Consumer    Ordinary            3,793               2.2 
                                          States  Discretionary      shares 
Sempra                                     United     Utilities     Ordinary            3,685               2.1 
                                          States                     shares 
Fidelity National Information              United    Information    Ordinary            3,659               2.1 
Services                                  States     Technology      shares 
Cardinal Health                            United   Health Care     Ordinary            3,623               2.1 
                                          States                     shares 
Public Service Enterprise Group            United     Utilities     Ordinary            3,617               2.1 
                                          States                     shares 
Humana                                     United   Health Care     Ordinary            3,565               2.0 
                                          States                     shares 
Anthem                                     United   Health Care     Ordinary            3,556               2.0 
                                          States                     shares 
Woodside Energy Group                  Australia         Energy     Ordinary            3,461               2.0 
Baxter International                       United   Health Care     Ordinary            3,341               1.9 
                                          States                     shares 
Cheniere Energy                            United        Energy     Ordinary            3,306               1.9 
                                          States                     shares 
Komatsu                                    Japan    Industrials     Ordinary            3,293               1.9 
Microsoft                                  United    Information    Ordinary            3,251               1.9 
                                          States     Technology      shares 
Dollar Tree                                United       Consumer    Ordinary            3,244               1.8 
                                          States  Discretionary      shares 
Comerica                                   United    Financials     Ordinary            3,145               1.8 
                                          States                     shares 
Norfolk Southern                           United   Industrials     Ordinary            3,050               1.7 
                                          States                     shares 
JPMorgan Chase                             United    Financials     Ordinary            3,026               1.7 
                                          States                     shares 
Panasonic                                  Japan        Consumer    Ordinary            2,926               1.7 
                                                  Discretionary      shares 
Western Digital                            United    Information    Ordinary            2,923               1.7 
                                          States     Technology      shares 
Reckitt Benckiser Group                    United       Consumer    Ordinary            2,893               1.6 
                                         Kingdom        Staples      shares 
Rogers Communications                     Canada   Communication    Ordinary            2,893               1.6 
                                                       Services      shares 
Sealed Air                                 United     Materials     Ordinary            2,817               1.6 
                                          States                     shares 
Morgan Stanley                             United    Financials     Ordinary            2,546               1.4 
                                          States                     shares 
Citizens Financial Group                   United    Financials     Ordinary            2,478               1.4 
                                          States                     shares 
PPG Industries                             United     Materials     Ordinary            2,476               1.4 
                                          States                     shares 
CBRE Group                                 United   Real Estate     Ordinary            2,258               1.3 
                                          States                     shares 
EQT                                        United        Energy     Ordinary            2,257               1.3 
                                          States                     shares 
Newmont                                    United     Materials     Ordinary            2,224               1.3 
                                          States                     shares 
Zebra Technologies                         United    Information    Ordinary            2,049               1.2 
                                          States     Technology      shares 
Charles Schwab                             United    Financials     Ordinary            2,047               1.2 
                                          States                     shares 
Kraft Heinz                                United       Consumer    Ordinary            2,036               1.2 
                                          States        Staples      shares 
Prudential                                 United    Financials     Ordinary            1,978               1.1 
                                         Kingdom                     shares 
Newell Brands                              United       Consumer    Ordinary            1,909               1.1 
                                          States  Discretionary      shares 
L3Harris Technologies                      United   Industrials     Ordinary            1,830               1.0 
                                          States                     shares 
Visa                                       United    Information    Ordinary            1,751               1.0 
                                          States     Technology      shares 
Invesco                                    United    Financials     Ordinary            1,710               1.0 
                                          States                     shares 
Hess                                       United        Energy     Ordinary            1,699               1.0 
                                          States                     shares 
Novo Nordisk                             Denmark    Health Care     Ordinary            1,698               1.0 
Lear                                       United       Consumer    Ordinary            1,641               0.9 
                                          States  Discretionary      shares 
Robert Half                                United   Industrials     Ordinary            1,639               0.9 
                                          States                     shares 
First American                             United    Financials     Ordinary            1,448               0.8 
                                          States                     shares 
Fidelity National                          United    Financials     Ordinary            1,351               0.8 
                                          States                     shares 
Ciena                                      United    Information    Ordinary              989               0.6 
                                          States     Technology      shares 
Eli Lilly                                  United   Health Care     Ordinary              975               0.6 
                                          States                     shares 
                                                                             ----------------  ---------------- 
Portfolio                                                                             175,425             100.0 
                                                                                   ==========        ========== 
All investments are in ordinary shares unless otherwise stated. The number of 
holdings as at 31 October 2022 was 57 (31 October 2021: 54). 
At 31 October 2022, the Company did not hold any equity interests comprising 
more than 3% of any company's share capital. 
                                                             Total %             Reference Index % 
Communication Services                                           4.4                           7.3 
Consumer Discretionary                                          10.0                           6.1 
Consumer Staples                                                 5.4                           7.3 
Energy                                                           8.7                           8.8 
Financials                                                      21.9                          20.3 
Health Care                                                     20.4                          17.0 
Industrials                                                      5.5                          10.4 
Information Technology                                          13.9                           8.6 
Materials                                                        4.3                           4.1 
Real Estate                                                      1.3                           4.5 
Utilities                                                        4.2                           5.6 
Sources: BlackRock and Datastream. 
Environmental, Social and Governance issues and approach 
The Board's approach to ESG 
The Board believes that responsible investment and sustainability are integral 
to the longer-term delivery of the Company's success. The Board works closely 
with the Investment Manager regularly to review the Company's performance, 
investment strategy and underlying policies to ensure that the Company's 
investment objective continues to be met in an effective, responsible and 
sustainable way in the interests of shareholders and future investors. 
The Board has been mindful of the increase in demand for investment products 
that place a sustainable investment philosophy at their core, a trend that has 
accelerated in recent years. Accordingly, the Company's investment objective 
and investment policy incorporates a sustainable investment approach into the 
investment policy so that the Company is managed in a way which is compatible 
with the principles of sustainable investment adopted by the Company. In 
addition, one of the Company's non-executive Directors has responsibility for 
sustainability, working alongside the rest of the Board and the Investment 
The Company promotes environmental or social characteristics under the EU 
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and is classified as an 
Article 8 product. Further detail around how the Company has achieved these 
characteristics and objectives, is included in the sustainability-related 
disclosures supplementary section to the Annual Report. 
BlackRock Sustainable American Income Trust plc - BlackRock Investment 
Stewardship Engagement with portfolio companies for the year ended 31 October 
The Company's portfolio is managed by the Fundamental Equities division of 
BlackRock's Portfolio Management Group which consists of 28 investment 
professionals. The team engages with company management teams and undertakes 
company meetings to identify the best management teams in the region with the 
ability to create value for shareholders over the long term. In addition, 
BlackRock also has a separate BlackRock Investment Stewardship (BIS) team. 
Consistent with BlackRock's fiduciary duty as an asset manager, BIS seeks to 
support investee companies in their efforts to deliver long-term durable 
financial performance on behalf of BlackRock's clients. BIS engages with 
investee companies to build its understanding of these companies' approach to 
addressing material business risks and opportunities. For the year to 31 
October 2022, BIS held 86 company engagements on a range of governance issues 
with the management teams of 43 companies in the BlackRock Sustainable American 
Income Trust plc portfolio, representing 74% of the portfolio by value at 31 
October 2022. Additional information is set out in the table and charts below, 
as well as the key engagement themes for the meetings held in respect of the 
Company's portfolio holdings. 
                                                                       Year ended 31 
                                                                        October 2022 
Number of engagements held1                                                  86 
Number of companies met1                                                     43 
% of equity investments covered2                                            74.0 
Shareholder meetings voted at1                                               50 
Number of proposals voted on1                                               715 
Number of votes against management1                                          64 
% of total items voted represented by votes against management              1.7 
1  Source: Institutional Shareholder Services as at 31 October 2022. 
2  Source: BlackRock. Company valuation as included in the portfolio at 31 
October 2022 as a percentage of the total portfolio value. 
Governance                                                                                     41% 
Social                                                                                         24% 
Environmental                                                                                  35% 
Climate Risk Management                                                                        49% 
Environmental Impact Management                                                                20% 
Operational Sustainability                                                                     24% 
Other                                                                                          7% 
Human Capital Management                                                                       50% 
Social Risks and Opportunities                                                                 39% 
Other                                                                                          11% 
Board Composition and Effectiveness                                                            21% 
Board Gender Diversity                                                                         1% 
Business Oversight/Risk Management                                                             11% 
Corporate Strategy                                                                             25% 
Executive Management                                                                           6% 
Governance Structure                                                                           6% 
Remuneration                                                                                   24% 
Sustainability Reporting                                                                       5% 
1 Engagements are with investee companies. Sources: ISS Proxy Exchange and 
BlackRock Investment Stewardship. 
Engagements with investee companies 
Case study: Integration of sustainability- related criteria in compensation 
General Motors 
Following the 2021 AGM of General Motors, a U.S. automobile manufacturer, at 
which the BlackRock Investment Stewardship team (BIS) supported management on 
pay, we discussed with management how they might enhance their compensation 
disclosures. In BIS's view, there was an opportunity for the company to 
articulate better their strategic pivot to electric vehicles (EV) and how it 
was being factored into future compensation decisions. Per the company's 2022 
proxy statement, General Motors responded to shareholder feedback and provided 
additional detail on the goal setting process for the short-term incentive 
plan. The company also made changes to the design of the long- term plan, 
adding "Electric Vehicle financial performance measures that reward 
performance" among other adjustments. BIS subsequently supported the company's 
Say on Pay proposal at the June 2022 AGM, which received 92.3% shareholder 
Case study: Voting on climate-related shareholder proposals 
Woodside Petroleum Ltd. (Woodside) is an Australian oil and natural gas 
company. At the company's May 2022 AGM, BIS supported two management proposals, 
among others, seeking shareholder approval of a merger with BHP Petroleum and 
of the company's 2021 Climate Report which outlines the company's view of 
climate risk and their energy transition strategy. The merger with BHP's oil 
and gas business would increase the likelihood of further development of 
natural gas projects in Australia, which have been scrutinized by activist 
groups. BIS discussed these issues with Woodside and sought to understand their 
long-term views on climate risk management, particularly as it relates to these 
projects. BIS had concerns in 2021 about the comprehensiveness of the company's 
climate risk management and target setting. This year's engagement reassured 
BIS that the company is focused on meeting its energy transition commitments 
even with this gas project expansion. At the 2022 AGM, BIS did not support 
several shareholder proposals that it felt were overly prescriptive and risked 
unduly restricting management's ability to make business decisions. BIS will 
continue to engage with Woodside and will discuss management's views on the 
role that the company plays in the transition to a decarbonized economy, among 
other issues that we believe contribute to Woodside's ability to deliver 
durable, long-term shareholder returns. 
Case study: Supporting management proposals to approve the company's climate 
action plans 
At Shell Plc's (Shell) May 2022 AGM, management proposed an advisory, 
non-binding shareholder vote on the progress made to date against the company's 
Energy Transition Strategy. BIS supported this proposal in recognition of the 
company's disclosed energy transition plan to manage climate-related risks and 
opportunities and the company's progress against this strategy. BIS did not 
support a shareholder proposal requesting that the company set and publish 
targets that are consistent with the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement to 
limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to 
pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. BIS believed that it 
was not additive to Shell's Energy Transition Strategy and that the company's 
ability to set absolute short-and medium-term scope 3 emissions reduction 
targets was impeded by the current uncertainty around the pace of declines in 
oil and gas demand as well as energy security considerations. 
Sustainable investing: BlackRock's approach 
BlackRock believes that sustainability risk - and climate risk in particular - 
equates to investment risk, and this will drive a profound reassessment of risk 
and asset values as investors seek to react to the impact of climate policy 
changes. This in turn, in BlackRock's view, is likely to drive a significant 
reallocation of capital away from traditional carbon intensive industries over 
the next decade. BlackRock believes that carbon-intensive companies will play 
an integral role in unlocking the full potential of the energy transition, and 
to do this, they must be prepared to adapt, innovate and pivot their strategies 
towards a low carbon economy. 
As part of BlackRock's structured investment process, ESG risks and 
opportunities (including sustainability/climate risk) are considered within the 
portfolio management team's fundamental analysis of companies and industries 
and the Company's portfolio managers work closely with BIS to assess the 
governance quality of companies and understand any potential issues, risks or 
As part of their approach to ESG integration, the portfolio managers use ESG 
information when conducting research and due diligence on new investments and 
again when monitoring investments in the portfolio. In particular, portfolio 
managers at BlackRock now have access to 1,200 key ESG performance indicators 
in Aladdin (BlackRock's proprietary trading system) from third-party data 
providers. BlackRock's internal sustainability research framework scoring is 
also available alongside third-party ESG scores in core portfolio management 
tools. BlackRock's analysts' sector expertise and local market knowledge allows 
it to engage with companies through direct interaction with management teams 
and conducting site visits. In conjunction with the portfolio management team, 
BIS meets with boards of companies frequently to evaluate how they are 
strategically managing their longer-term issues, including those surrounding 
ESG and the potential impact these may have on company financials. BIS's and 
the portfolio management team's understanding of ESG issues is further 
supported by BlackRock's Sustainable and Transition Solutions (STS) function. 
STS looks to advance ESG research and integration, active engagement and the 
development of sustainable investment solutions across the firm. 
Investment stewardship 
Consistent with BlackRock's fiduciary duty as an asset manager, BIS seeks to 
support investee companies in their efforts to deliver long-term durable 
financial performance on behalf of our clients. These clients include public 
and private pension plans, governments, insurance companies, endowments, 
universities, charities and, ultimately, individual investors, among others. 
BIS serves as an important link between BlackRock's clients and the companies 
they invest in. Clients depend on BlackRock to help them meet their investment 
goals; the business and governance decisions that companies make will have a 
direct impact on BlackRock's clients' long-term investment outcomes and 
financial well-being. 
Global principles 
BlackRock's approach to corporate governance and stewardship is comprised in 
BIS' Global Principles and market-specific voting guidelines. BIS' policies set 
out the core elements of corporate governance that guide its investment 
stewardship activities globally and within each regional market, including when 
voting at shareholder meetings for those clients who have authorised BIS to 
vote on their behalf. Each year, BIS reviews its policies and updates them as 
necessary to reflect changes in market standards and regulations, insights 
gained over the year through third-party and its own research, and feedback 
from clients and companies. BIS' Global Principles are available on its website 
at https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/fact-sheet/ 
blk-responsible-investment- engprinciples-global.pdf. 
Market-specific proxy voting guidelines 
BIS' voting guidelines are intended to help clients and companies understand 
its thinking on key governance matters. They are the benchmark against which it 
assesses a company's approach to corporate governance and the items on the 
agenda to be voted on at a shareholder meeting. BIS applies its guidelines 
pragmatically, taking into account a company's unique circumstances where 
relevant. BlackRock informs voting decisions through research and engages as 
necessary. BIS reviews its voting guidelines annually and updates them as 
necessary to reflect changes in market standards, evolving governance practice 
and insights gained from engagement over the prior year. BIS' market-specific 
voting guidelines are available on its website at www.blackrock.com/corporate/ 
about-us/ investment-stewardship#stewardship-policies. 
BlackRock is committed to transparency in terms of disclosure on its 
stewardship activities on behalf of clients. BIS publishes its stewardship 
policies - such as the Global Principles, engagement priorities, and voting 
guidelines - to help BlackRock's clients understand its work to advance their 
interests as long-term investors in public companies. Additionally, BIS 
publishes both annual and quarterly reports detailing its stewardship 
activities, as well as vote bulletins that describe its rationale for certain 
votes at high profile shareholder meetings. More detail in respect of BIS 
reporting can be found at www.blackrock.com/corporate/about-us/ 
BlackRock's reporting and disclosures 
In terms of its own reporting, BlackRock believes that the Sustainability 
Accounting Standards Board provides a clear set of standards for reporting 
sustainability information across a wide range of issues, from labour practices 
to data privacy to business ethics. For evaluating and reporting 
climate-related risks, as well as the related governance issues that are 
essential to managing them, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial 
Disclosures (TCFD) provides a valuable framework. 
BlackRock recognises that reporting to these standards requires significant 
time, analysis, and effort. BlackRock's 2021 TCFD report can be found at 
www.blackrock. com/corporate/literature/continuous-disclosure-and- 
Strategic Report 
The Directors present the Strategic Report of the Company for the year ended 31 
October 2022. The aim of the Strategic Report is to provide shareholders with 
the information to assess how the Directors have performed their duty to 
promote the success of the Company for the collective benefit of shareholders. 
The Chair's Statement together with the Investment Manager's Report form part 
of this Strategic Report. The Strategic Report was approved by the Board at its 
meeting on 26 January 2023. 
Principal activity 
The Company carries on business as an investment trust and has a premium 
listing on the London Stock Exchange. Its principal activity is portfolio 
investment. Investment trusts are pooled investment vehicles which allow 
exposure to a diversified range of assets through a single investment, thus 
spreading investment risk. 
Investment objective 
The Company's objective is to provide an attractive level of income return 
together with capital appreciation over the long term in a manner consistent 
with the principles of sustainable investing adopted by the Company. 
Strategy, business model and investment policy 
The Company invests in accordance with the objective given above. The Board is 
collectively responsible to shareholders for the long-term success of the 
Company and is its governing body. There is a clear division of responsibility 
between the Board and BlackRock Fund Managers Limited (the Manager). Matters 
reserved for the Board include setting the Company's strategy, including its 
investment objective and policy, setting limits on gearing, capital structure, 
governance, and appointing and monitoring performance of service providers, 
including the Manager. 
Business model 
The Company's business model follows that of an externally managed investment 
trust. Therefore, the Company does not have any employees and outsources its 
activities to third-party service providers including the Manager who is the 
principal service provider. In accordance with the Alternative Investment Fund 
Managers' Directive (AIFMD) the Company is an Alternative Investment Fund 
(AIF). BlackRock Fund Managers Limited is the Company's Alternative Investment 
Fund Manager. 
The management of the investment portfolio and the administration of the 
Company have been contractually delegated to the Manager who in turn (with the 
permission of the Company) has delegated certain investment management and 
other ancillary services to BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (the 
Investment Manager or BIM (UK)). The Manager, operating under guidelines 
determined by the Board, has direct responsibility for the decisions relating 
to the day-to-day running of the Company and is accountable to the Board for 
the investment, financial and operating performance of the Company. 
The Company delegates fund accounting services to the Manager, which in turn 
sub-delegates these services to The Bank of New York Mellon (International) 
Limited (BNYM). Other service providers include the Depositary (also BNYM) and 
the Registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC. Details of the contractual 
terms with the Manager and the Depositary and more details of arrangements in 
place governing custody services are set out in the Directors' Report in the 
Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
Investment policy 
The Company invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of North American* 
equity securities, with a focus on large-cap and medium-cap companies that pay 
and grow their dividends. 'North America', in accordance with the United 
Nations publication 'Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use', means 
Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon and United States of 
America and 'North American' shall be construed accordingly. The Company may 
also invest in the equity securities of companies outside North America, 
subject to the restrictions set out below, and may invest in securities 
denominated in currencies other than the official currencies of the relevant 
countries or areas within North America. The Company may also hold other 
securities from time-to-time including, inter alia, options, futures contracts, 
convertible securities, fixed interest securities, preference shares, 
non-convertible preferred stock and depositary receipts (such securities other 
than equity securities, together 'Other Securities'). The Company may also 
write covered call options in respect of its portfolio. 
To achieve the Company's investment objective, the Investment Manager adopts a 
stock specific approach in managing the Company's portfolio, selecting 
investments that it believes will both increase in value over the long term and 
provide income. The Company does not invest in companies which are not listed, 
quoted or traded on an exchange at the time of investment, although it may have 
exposure to such companies where, following investment, the relevant securities 
cease to be listed, quoted or traded on an exchange. Typically, it is expected 
that the investment portfolio will comprise between 30 and 60 equity 
securities. As at 31 October 2022, there were 57 holdings in the Company's 
The Company may invest in derivatives for efficient portfolio management and in 
options for investment purposes and may, for investment purposes, write covered 
call options in respect of its portfolio. Any use of derivatives for efficient 
portfolio management and/or options for investment purposes is made based on 
the same principles of risk spreading and diversification that apply to the 
Company's direct investments. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company does not 
enter into physical or synthetic short positions or write any uncovered 
Portfolio risk is mitigated by investing in a diversified spread of 
investments. In particular, the Company observes the following investment 
restrictions: no single investment (including for the avoidance of doubt, any 
single derivative instrument) at the time of investment, shall account for more 
than 10% of the gross asset value of the Company; no more than 25% of the gross 
asset value of the Company, at the time of investment, shall be invested in 
securities which are not deemed to be North American* securities; no more than 
35% of the gross asset value of the Company, at the time of investment, shall 
be exposed to any one sector; no more than 20% of the gross asset value of the 
Company, at the time of investment, shall be invested in Other Securities; and 
no more than 20% of the Company's portfolio will be under option at any given 
time. (*Securities may be deemed to be North American securities if: (i) the 
company's principal operations are conducted from North America; or (ii) the 
company's equity securities are listed, quoted or traded on a North American 
stock exchange; or (iii) the company does a substantial amount of business in 
North America; or (iv) the issuer of securities is included in the Company's 
reference index.) 
In managing the Company's portfolio, the Investment Manager, in addition to 
other investment criteria, takes into account the environmental, social and 
governance (ESG) characteristics of the relevant issuers of securities and 
seeks to deliver a superior ESG outcome versus the reference index by aiming 
for the Company's portfolio to achieve: (i) a better ESG score than the 
reference index; and (ii) a lower carbon emissions intensity score than the 
reference index. The reference index is the Russell 1000 Value Index, or such 
other index as may be agreed by the Company and the Investment Manager to be 
appropriate from time to time. However, there can be no guarantee that these 
aims will be achieved and the ESG rating of the Company's portfolio and its 
carbon emission intensity score may vary. 
The Investment Manager also applies a screening policy (currently the BlackRock 
EMEA Baseline Screens policy) at the time of investment through which it seeks 
to limit and/or exclude direct investment (as applicable) in companies which, 
in the opinion of the Investment Manager, have exposure to, or ties with, 
certain sectors (in some cases subject to specific revenue thresholds) 
including but not limited to: (i) the production of certain types of 
controversial weapons; (ii) the distribution or production of firearms or small 
arms ammunition intended for retail civilians; (iii) the extraction of certain 
types of fossil fuel and/or the generation of power from them; (iv) the 
production of tobacco products or certain activities in relation to 
tobacco-related products; and (v) issuers which have been deemed to have failed 
to comply with United Nations Global Compact Principles. 
Following application of the screening policy outlined above, those companies 
which have not yet been excluded from investment are then evaluated by the 
Investment Manager based on their ability to manage the risks and opportunities 
associated with ESG-consistent business practices and their ESG risk and 
opportunity credentials, such as their leadership and governance framework, 
which is considered essential for sustainable growth, their ability to 
strategically manage longer-term issues surrounding ESG and the potential 
impact this may have on a company's financials. To undertake the required 
analyses, the Investment Manager may use data provided by external ESG data 
providers, proprietary models and local intelligence and may undertake site 
Should holdings which are compliant with the screening policy applied by the 
Investment Manager outlined above at the time of investment subsequently become 
ineligible, they will be divested within a reasonable period of time. The 
Company may gain limited exposure (including, but not limited to, through 
investment in other listed closed-ended investment funds and derivatives) to 
issuers with exposures that do not meet the sustainable investment principles 
described above. Circumstances in which such exposure may arise include, but 
are not limited to, where a counterparty to a derivative in which the Company 
invests posts collateral which is inconsistent with the Company's sustainable 
investment principles or where a fund in which the Company invests does not 
apply any or the same sustainable investment principles as the Company and so 
provides exposure to securities which are inconsistent with the Company's 
sustainable investment principles. The Investment Manager may take corrective 
action in such circumstances. 
The Company may borrow up to 20 per cent of its net asset value (calculated at 
the time of draw down), although typically borrowings are not expected to 
exceed 10 per cent of its net asset value at the time of draw down. Borrowings 
may be used for investment purposes. The Company has entered into an overdraft 
facility for this purpose. The Company may enter into interest rate hedging 
The Company's foreign currency investments are not hedged to Sterling as a 
matter of general policy. However, the investment team may employ currency 
hedging, either back to Sterling or between currencies (i.e. cross-hedging of 
portfolio investments). 
In order to comply with the current Listing Rules, the Company also complies 
with the following investment restrictions (which do not form part of the 
Company's investment policy): the Company will not conduct any trading activity 
which is significant in the context of its group as a whole; and the Company 
will not invest more than 10% of its gross asset value in other listed 
closed-ended investment funds, whether managed by the Investment Manager or 
not, except that this restriction shall not apply to investments in listed 
closed-ended investment funds which themselves have stated investment policies 
to invest no more than 15% of their gross assets in other listed closed-ended 
investment funds. 
Information regarding the Company's investment exposures is contained within 
the schedule of investments in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 
31 October 2022. Further information regarding investment risk and activity 
throughout the year can be found in the Investment Manager's Report. 
No material change will be made to the investment policy without the approval 
of shareholders by ordinary resolution. 
Environmental impact 
The direct impact of the Company's activities is minimal as it has no 
employees, premises, physical assets or operations either as a producer or a 
provider of goods or services. Neither does it have customers. Its indirect 
impact occurs through the investments that it makes and this is mitigated 
through BlackRock's environmental, social and governance policies. 
Over the year ended 31 October 2022, the Company's net asset value returned 
+7.4% compared with a return of +10.7% in the Russell 1000 Value Index. The 
ordinary share price returned +3.6% (all percentages are calculated in Sterling 
terms with dividends reinvested). The Investment Manager's Report includes a 
review of the main developments during the year, together with information on 
investment activity within the Company's portfolio. 
Results and dividends 
The results for the Company are set out in the Statement of Comprehensive 
Income. The total return for the year, after taxation, was a profit of £ 
12,170,000 (2021: profit of £44,734,000) of which the revenue return amounted 
to a profit of £3,081,000 (2021: £3,248,000) and the capital return amounted to 
a profit of £9,089,000 (2021: profit of £41,486,000). 
The Company pays dividends quarterly. Four quarterly interim dividends of 2.00p 
per share were paid on 29 April 2022, 1 July 2022, 3 October 2022 and 3 January 
2023. Total dividends of 8.00p per share were paid or declared in the year 
ended 31 October 2022 (2021: 8.00p). 
Future prospects 
The Board's main focus is to provide an attractive level of income together 
with capital appreciation over the long term in a manner consistent with the 
principles of sustainable investing. The future of the Company is dependent 
upon the success of the investment strategy. The outlook for the Company in the 
next twelve months is discussed in both the Chair's Statement and in the 
Investment Manager's Report. 
Social, community and human rights issues 
As an investment trust, the Company has no direct social or community 
responsibilities or impact on the environment. However, the Directors believe 
that it is important and in shareholders' interests to consider human rights 
issues and environmental, social and governance factors when selecting and 
retaining investments. Details of the Company's approach on socially 
responsible investment are set out in the Company's Annual Report for the year 
ended 31 October 2022. 
Modern Slavery Act 
As an investment vehicle, the Company does not provide goods or services in the 
normal course of business and does not have customers. The Investment Manager 
considers modern slavery as part of supply chains and labour management within 
the investment process. Accordingly, the Directors consider that the Company is 
not required to make any slavery or human trafficking statement under the 
Modern Slavery Act 2015. In any event, the Board considers the Company's supply 
chains, dealing predominantly with professional advisers and service providers 
in the financial services industry, to be low risk in relation to this matter. 
Directors, gender representation and employees 
The Directors of the Company on 31 October 2022 are set out in the Directors' 
Biographies in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
The Board consists of two male Directors and two female Directors. The Company 
does not have any executive employees. 
Key performance indicators 
At each Board meeting, the Directors consider a number of performance measures 
to assess the Company's success in achieving its objectives. The key 
performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure the progress and performance of 
the Company over time, and which are comparable to other investment trusts, are 
set out in the following table. As indicated in the footnote to the table, some 
of these KPIs fall within the definition of 'Alternative Performance Measures' 
under guidance issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) 
and additional information explaining how these are calculated is set out in 
the Glossary in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
Additionally, the Board regularly reviews the performance of the portfolio, as 
well as the net asset value and share price of the Company and compares this 
against various companies and indices. The Board also reviews the performance 
of the portfolio against a reference index, the Russell 1000 Value Index. 
Information on the Company's performance is given in the Chair's Statement. 
                                                                           Year     Year 
                                                                         ended    ended 
                                                                             31       31 
                                                                       October  October 
                                                                          2022     2021 
Net asset value per ordinary share                                     213.25p  206.08p 
Ordinary share price (mid-market)                                      197.50p  198.25p 
Net asset value total return1                                            +7.4%   +36.0% 
Reference index2                                                        +10.7%   +35.6% 
Share price total return1                                                +3.6%   +42.4% 
Dividends per share                                                      8.00p    8.00p 
Discount to cum income net asset value3                                   7.4%     3.8% 
Revenue return per share                                                 3.84p    4.06p 
Ongoing charges4                                                         1.01%    1.06% 
                                                                       ======== ======== 
                                                                            ==       == 
1     This measures the Company's share price and NAV total return, which 
assumes dividends paid by the Company have been reinvested. 
2     Russell 1000 Value Index, total return basis. 
3     This is the difference between the share price and the NAV per share with 
debt at par. It is an indicator of the need for shares to be bought back or, in 
the event of a premium to NAV per share, issued. 
4     Ongoing charges represent the management fee and all other operating 
expenses excluding finance costs, direct transaction costs, custody transaction 
charges, VAT recovered, taxation, prior year expenses written back and certain 
non-recurring items as a % of average daily net assets. 
Principal risks 
The Company is exposed to a variety of risks and uncertainties. As required by 
the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code (the UK Code), the Board has put in place 
a robust ongoing process to identify, assess and monitor the principal and 
emerging risks facing the Company, including those that would threaten its 
business model. A core element of this process is the Company's risk register 
which identifies the risks facing the Company and assesses the likelihood and 
potential impact of each risk and the quality of controls operating to mitigate 
it. A residual risk rating is then calculated for each risk based on the 
outcome of the assessment. 
The risk register, its method of preparation and the operation of key controls 
in BlackRock's and third-party service providers' systems of internal control, 
are reviewed on a regular basis by the Audit and Management Engagement 
Committee. In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of BlackRock's 
and other third-party service providers' risk management processes and how 
these apply to the Company's business, BlackRock's internal audit department 
provides an annual presentation to the Audit Committee chairs of the BlackRock 
investment trusts setting out the results of testing performed in relation to 
BlackRock's internal control processes. The Audit and Management Engagement 
Committee also periodically receives and reviews internal control reports from 
BlackRock and the Company's service providers. 
The Board has undertaken a robust assessment of both the principal and emerging 
risks facing the Company, including those that would threaten its business 
model, future performance, solvency or liquidity. The COVID-19 pandemic has 
given rise to unprecedented challenges for businesses across the globe. 
Additionally, the risk that unforeseen or unprecedented events including (but 
not limited to) heightened geo-political tensions such as the war in Ukraine, 
high inflation and the current cost of living crisis has had a significant 
impact on global markets. The Board has taken into consideration the risks 
posed to the Company by these events and incorporated these into the Company's 
risk register. The threat of climate change has also reinforced the importance 
of more sustainable practices and environmental responsibility. 
Emerging risks are considered by the Board as they come into view and are 
incorporated into the existing review of the Company's risk register. 
Additionally, the Manager considers emerging risks in numerous forums and the 
Risk and Quantitative Analysis team produces an annual risk survey. Any 
material risks of relevance to the Company identified through the annual risk 
survey will be communicated to the Board. 
The Board will continue to assess these risks on an ongoing basis. In relation 
to the UK Code, the Board is confident that the procedures that the Company has 
put in place are sufficient to ensure that the necessary monitoring of risks 
and controls has been carried out throughout the reporting period. 
The principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company during the financial 
year, together with the potential effects, controls and mitigating factors are 
set out in the following table. 
Principal Risk                              Mitigation/Control 
The potential loss that the Company could   Due diligence is undertaken before 
incur if a counterparty is unable (or       contracts are entered into and exposures 
unwilling) to perform on its commitments.   are diversified across a number of 
                                            The Depositary is liable for restitution 
                                            for the loss of financial instruments held 
                                            in custody unless able to demonstrate the 
                                            loss was a result of an event beyond its 
                                            reasonable control. 
Investment performance 
Returns achieved are reliant primarily upon To manage this risk the Board: 
the performance of the portfolio.           ·     regularly reviews the Company's 
The Board is responsible for:               investment mandate and long-term strategy; 
·     deciding the investment strategy to   ·     has set investment restrictions and 
fulfil the Company's objective; and         guidelines which the Investment Manager 
·     monitoring the performance of the     monitors and regularly reports on; 
Investment Manager and the implementation   ·     receives from the Investment Manager 
of the investment strategy.                 a regular explanation of stock selection 
An inappropriate investment policy may lead decisions, portfolio exposure, gearing and 
to:                                         any changes in gearing and the rationale 
·     underperformance compared to the      for the composition of the investment 
reference index;                            portfolio; 
·     a reduction or permanent loss of      ·     monitors and maintains an adequate 
capital; and                                spread of investments in order to minimise 
·     dissatisfied shareholders and         the risks associated with particular 
reputational damage.                        countries or factors specific to particular 
                                            sectors, based on the diversification 
                                            requirements inherent in the investment 
                                            policy; and 
                                            ·     receives and reviews regular reports 
                                            showing an analysis of the Company's 
                                            performance against the Russell 1000 Value 
                                            Index and other similar indices. 
Legal & Regulatory Compliance 
The Company has been approved by HM Revenue The Investment Manager monitors investment 
& Customs as an investment trust, subject   movements, the level of forecast income and 
to continuing to meet the relevant          expenditure and the amount of proposed 
eligibility conditions, and operates as an  dividends to ensure that the provisions of 
investment trust in accordance with Chapter Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax 
4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act     Act 2010 are not breached. The results are 
2010. As such, the Company is exempt from   reported to the Board at each meeting. 
corporation tax on capital gains on the     Compliance with the accounting rules 
profits realised from the sale of its       affecting investment trusts is also 
investments.                                carefully and regularly monitored. 
Any breach of the relevant eligibility      The Company Secretary, Manager and the 
conditions could lead to the Company losing Company's professional advisers provide 
investment trust status and being subject   regular reports to the Board in respect of 
to corporation tax on capital gains         compliance with all applicable rules and 
realised within the Company's portfolio. In regulations. The Board and Manager also 
such event, the investment returns of the   monitor changes in government policy and 
Company may be adversely affected.          legislation which may have an impact on the 
A serious regulatory breach could result in Company. 
the Company and/or the Directors being 
fined or the subject of criminal 
proceedings, or the suspension of the 
Company's shares which would in turn lead 
to a breach of the Corporation Tax Act 
Amongst other relevant laws, the Company is 
required to comply with the provisions of 
the Companies Act 2006, the Alternative 
Investment Fund Managers' Directive, the UK 
Listing Rules, Disclosure Guidance and 
Transparency Rules, the Sanctions and 
Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 and the 
Market Abuse Regulation. 
Market risk arises from volatility in the   The Board considers the diversification of 
prices of the Company's investments. It     the portfolio, asset allocation, stock 
represents the potential loss the Company   selection and levels of gearing on a 
might suffer through realising investments  regular basis and has set investment 
in the face of negative market movements.   restrictions and guidelines which are 
Changes in general economic and market      monitored and reported on by the Investment 
conditions, such as currency exchange       Manager. 
rates, interest rates, rates of inflation,  The Board monitors the implementation and 
industry conditions, tax laws, political    results of the investment process with the 
events and trends can also substantially    Investment Manager. 
and adversely affect the securities and, as The Board also recognises the benefits of a 
a consequence, the Company's prospects and  closed-end fund structure in extremely 
share price.                                volatile markets such as those experienced 
Market risk includes the potential impact   as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, 
of events which are outside the Company's   and more recently the conflict in Ukraine. 
control, including (but not limited to)     Unlike open-ended counterparts, closed-end 
heightened geo-political tensions and       funds are not obliged to sell-down 
military conflict, a global pandemic and    portfolio holdings at low valuations to 
high inflation.                             meet liquidity requirements for 
Companies operating in sectors in which the redemptions. During times of elevated 
Company invests may be impacted by new      volatility and market stress, the ability 
legislation governing climate change and    of a closed-end fund structure to remain 
environmental issues, which may have a      invested for the long term enables the 
negative impact on their valuation and      Portfolio Managers to adhere to disciplined 
share price.                                fundamental analysis from a bottom-up 
                                            perspective and be ready to respond to 
                                            dislocations in the market as opportunities 
                                            present themselves. 
                                            The Portfolio Managers spend a considerable 
                                            amount of time understanding the ESG risks 
                                            and opportunities facing investee companies 
                                            and conduct research and due diligence on 
                                            new investments and when monitoring 
                                            investments in the portfolio. 
In common with most other investment trust  Due diligence is undertaken before 
companies, the Company has no employees.    contracts are entered into with third-party 
The Company therefore relies on the         service providers. Thereafter, the 
services provided by third parties and is   performance of the provider is subject to 
dependent on the control systems of the     regular review and reported to the Board. 
Manager, the Depositary and Fund            The Board reviews on a regular basis an 
Accountant, which maintain the Company's    assessment of the fraud risks that the 
assets, dealing procedures and accounting   Company could potentially be exposed to and 
records.                                    also a summary of the controls put in place 
The security of the Company's assets,       by the Manager, Depositary, Custodian, Fund 
dealing procedures, accounting records and  Accountant and Registrar specifically to 
adherence to regulatory and legal           mitigate these risks. 
requirements depend on the effective        Most third-party service providers produce 
operation of the systems of these other     Service Organisation Control (SOC 1) 
third-party service providers. There is a   reports to provide assurance regarding the 
risk that a major disaster, such as floods, effective operation of internal controls as 
fire, a global pandemic, or terrorist       reported on by their reporting accountants. 
activity, renders the Company's service     These reports are provided to the Audit and 
providers unable to conduct business at     Management Engagement Committee for review. 
normal operating effectiveness.             The Committee would seek further 
Failure by any service provider to carry    representations from service providers if 
out its obligations could have a material   not satisfied with the effectiveness of 
adverse effect on the Company's             their control environment. 
performance. Disruption to the accounting,  The Company's financial instruments held in 
payment systems or custody records          custody are subject to a strict liability 
(including cyber security risk) could       regime and, in the event of a loss of such 
prevent the accurate reporting and          financial instruments held in custody, the 
monitoring of the Company's financial       Depositary must return financial 
position.                                   instruments of an identical type or the 
                                            corresponding amount, unless able to 
                                            demonstrate the loss was a result of an 
                                            event beyond its reasonable control. 
                                            The Board reviews the overall performance 
                                            of the Manager, Investment Manager and all 
                                            other third-party service providers on a 
                                            regular basis and compliance with the 
                                            Investment Management Agreement annually. 
                                            The Board also considers the business 
                                            continuity arrangements of the Company's 
                                            key service providers on an ongoing basis 
                                            and reviews these as part of its review of 
                                            the Company's risk register. 
The Company's investment activities expose  Details of these risks are disclosed in 
it to a variety of financial risks which    note 15 to the Financial Statements in the 
include market risk, counterparty credit    Company's Annual Report for the year ended 
risk, liquidity risk and the valuation of   31 October 2022, together with a summary of 
financial instruments.                      the policies for managing these risks. 
Marketing efforts are inadequate or do not  The Board reviews marketing strategy and 
comply with relevant regulatory             initiatives and the Manager is required to 
requirements. There is a failure to         provide regular updates on progress. 
communicate adequately with shareholders or BlackRock has a dedicated investment trust 
reach out to potential new shareholders     sales team visiting both existing and 
resulting in reduced demand for the         potential clients on a regular basis. The 
Company's shares and a widening of the      Manager also devotes considerable resources 
discount.                                   marketing to self-directed private 
                                            investors. Data on client meetings and 
                                            issues raised are provided to the Board on 
                                            a regular basis. 
                                            All investment trust marketing documents 
                                            are subject to appropriate review and 
Section 172 statement: Promoting the success of the Company 
The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 require directors to 
explain in greater detail how they have discharged their duties under Section 
172(1) of the Companies Act 2006 in promoting the success of their companies 
for the benefit of members as a whole. This includes the likely consequences of 
their decisions in the longer term and how they have taken wider stakeholders' 
needs into account. 
The disclosure that follows covers how the Board has engaged with and 
understands the views of stakeholders and how stakeholders' needs have been 
taken into account, the outcome of this engagement and the impact that it has 
had on the Board's decisions. The Board considers the main stakeholders in the 
Company to be the Manager, Investment Manager and the shareholders. In addition 
to this, the Board considers investee companies and key service providers of 
the Company to be stakeholders; the latter comprise the Company's Custodian, 
Depositary, Registrar and Broker. 
Shareholders          Manager and           Other key service     Investee companies 
                      Investment Manager    providers 
Continued shareholder The Board's main      In order for the      Portfolio holdings 
support and           working relationship  Company to function   are ultimately 
engagement are        is with the Manager,  as an investment      shareholders' assets 
critical to the       who is responsible    trust with a listing  and the Board 
continued existence   for the Company's     on the premium        recognises the 
of the Company and    portfolio management  segment of the        importance of good 
the successful        (including asset      official list of the  stewardship and 
delivery of its       allocation, stock and Financial Conduct     communication with 
long-term strategy.   sector selection) and Authority and trade   investee companies in 
The Board is focused  risk management, as   on the London Stock   meeting the Company's 
on fostering good     well as ancillary     Exchange's (LSE) main investment objective 
working relationships functions such as     market for listed     and strategy. The 
with shareholders and administration,       securities, the Board Board monitors the 
on understanding the  secretarial,          relies on a diverse   Manager's stewardship 
views of shareholders accounting and        range of advisors for arrangements and 
in order to           marketing services.   support in meeting    receives regular 
incorporate them into The Manager has       relevant obligations  feedback from the 
the Board's strategy  sub-delegated         and safeguarding the  Manager in respect of 
and objectives in     portfolio management  Company's assets. For meetings with the 
delivering an         to the Investment     this reason, the      management. 
attractive level of   Manager. Successful   Board considers the 
income return         management of         Company's Custodian, 
together with capital shareholders' assets  Depositary, Registrar 
appreciation over the by the Investment     and Broker to be 
long term in a manner Manager is critical   stakeholders. The 
consistent with the   for the Company to    Board maintains 
principles of         successfully deliver  regular contact with 
sustainable investing its investment        its key external 
adopted by the        strategy and meet its service providers and 
Company.              objective. The        receives regular 
                      Company is also       reporting from them 
                      reliant on the        through the Board and 
                      Manager as AIFM to    Committee meetings, 
                      provide support in    as well as outside of 
                      meeting relevant      the regular meeting 
                      regulatory            cycle. 
                      obligations under the 
                      AIFMD and other 
                      relevant legislation. 
Areas of Engagement   Issue                 Engagement            Impact 
Investment mandate    The Board has         The Board worked      The Company's 
and objective         responsibility to     closely with the      investment objective 
                      shareholders to       Investment Manager    is to provide an 
                      ensure that the       throughout the year   attractive level of 
                      Company's portfolio   in further developing income together with 
                      of assets is invested investment strategy   capital appreciation 
                      in line with the      and underlying        over the long term in 
                      stated investment     policies in the       a manner consistent 
                      objective and in a    interests of          with the principles 
                      way that ensures an   shareholders and      of sustainable 
                      appropriate balance   future investors.     investing adopted by 
                      between spread of     The Manager's         the Company. 
                      risk and portfolio    approach to the       The Board believes 
                      returns.              consideration of ESG  that it offers an 
                                            factors in respect of attractive investment 
                                            the Company's         strategy with the 
                                            portfolio, as well as additional alpha 
                                            its engagement with   potential the ESG 
                                            investee companies,   integration provides. 
                                            is to encourage the 
                                            adoption of 
                                            sustainable business 
                                            practices which 
                                            support long-term 
                                            value creation. 
Shareholders          Continued shareholder The Board is          The Board values any 
                      support and           committed to          feedback and 
                      engagement are        maintaining open      questions from 
                      critical to the       channels of           shareholders ahead of 
                      continued existence   communication and to  and during Annual 
                      of the Company and    engage with           General Meetings in 
                      the successful        shareholders. The     order to gain an 
                      delivery of its       Company welcomes and  understanding of 
                      long-term strategy.   encourages attendance their views and will 
                                            and participation     take action when and 
                                            from shareholders at  as appropriate. 
                                            its Annual General    Feedback and 
                                            Meetings.             questions will also 
                                            Shareholders will     help the Company 
                                            have the opportunity  evolve its reporting, 
                                            to meet the Directors aiming to make 
                                            and Investment        reports more 
                                            Manager and to        transparent and 
                                            address questions to  understandable. 
                                            them directly. The    Feedback from all 
                                            Investment Manager    substantive meetings 
                                            will also provide a   between the 
                                            presentation on the   Investment Manager 
                                            Company's performance and shareholders will 
                                            and outlook.          be shared with the 
                                            The Annual Report and Board. The Directors 
                                            Half Yearly Financial will also receive 
                                            Report are available  updates from the 
                                            on the BlackRock      Company's Broker on 
                                            website and are also  any feedback from 
                                            circulated to         shareholders, as well 
                                            shareholders. In      as share trading 
                                            addition, regular     activity, share price 
                                            updates on            performance and an 
                                            performance, monthly  update from the 
                                            factsheets, the daily Investment Manager. 
                                            NAV and other         Portfolio holdings 
                                            information are also  are ultimately 
                                            published on the      shareholders' assets 
                                            Manager's website at  and the Board 
                                            www.blackrock.com/uk/ recognises the 
                                            brsa.                 importance of good 
                                            The Board also works  stewardship and 
                                            closely with the      communication with 
                                            Manager to develop    investee companies in 
                                            the Company's         meeting the Company's 
                                            marketing strategy.   investment objective 
                                            Unlike trading        and strategy. The 
                                            companies, one-to-one Board monitors the 
                                            shareholder meetings  Manager's stewardship 
                                            normally take the     arrangements and 
                                            form of a meeting     receives regular 
                                            with the Investment   feedback from the 
                                            Manager as opposed to Investment Manager in 
                                            members of the Board. respect of meetings 
                                            The Company's         with the management 
                                            willingness to enter  of portfolio 
                                            into discussions with companies. 
                                            shareholders is also 
                                            demonstrated by the 
                                            programmes of 
                                            presentations by the 
                                            Portfolio Managers. 
                                            If shareholders wish 
                                            to raise issues or 
                                            concerns with the 
                                            Board, they are 
                                            welcome to do so at 
                                            any time. The Chair 
                                            is available to meet 
                                            directly with 
                                            periodically to 
                                            understand their 
                                            views on governance 
                                            and the Company's 
                                            performance where 
                                            they wish to do so. 
                                            She may be contacted 
                                            via the Company 
Responsible investing More than ever, the   The Board believes    The Board and 
                      importance of good    that responsible      Investment Manager 
                      governance and        investment and        believe there is 
                      consideration of      sustainability are    likely to be a 
                      sustainable           important to the      positive correlation 
                      investment are key    longer-term delivery  between strong ESG 
                      factors in making     of the Company's      practices and 
                      investment decisions. success. The Board    investment 
                      Climate change is     works closely with    performance over 
                      becoming a defining   the Investment        time. 
                      factor in companies'  Manager to regularly 
                      long-term prospects   review the Company's 
                      across the investment performance, 
                      spectrum, with        investment strategy 
                      significant and       and underlying 
                      lasting implications  policies to ensure 
                      for economic growth   that the Company's 
                      and prosperity.       investment objective 
                                            continues to be met 
                                            in an effective and 
                                            responsible way in 
                                            the interests of 
                                            shareholders and 
                                            future investors. 
                                            The Investment 
                                            Manager's approach to 
                                            the consideration of 
                                            ESG factors in 
                                            respect of the 
                                            Company's portfolio, 
                                            as well as the 
                                            Investment Manager's 
                                            engagement with 
                                            investee companies to 
                                            encourage the 
                                            adoption of 
                                            sustainable business 
                                            practices which 
                                            support long-term 
                                            value creation, are 
                                            kept under review by 
                                            the Board. The Board 
                                            also expects to be 
                                            informed by the 
                                            Manager of any 
                                            sensitive voting 
                                            issues involving the 
                                            The Investment 
                                            Manager reports to 
                                            the Board in respect 
                                            of its ESG policies 
                                            and how these are 
                                            integrated into the 
                                            investment process; a 
                                            summary of 
                                            BlackRock's approach 
                                            to ESG and 
                                            sustainability is set 
                                            out in the Company's 
                                            Annual Report for the 
                                            year ended 31 October 
                                            2022. The Investment 
                                            Manager's engagement 
                                            and voting policy is 
                                            detailed in the 
                                            Company's Annual 
                                            Report for the year 
                                            ended 31 October 2022 
                                            and on the BlackRock 
Management of share   The Board recognises  The Board monitors    The Board continues 
rating                that it is in the     the Company's share   to monitor the 
                      long-term interests   rating on an ongoing  Company's premium/ 
                      of shareholders that  basis and receives    discount to NAV and 
                      shares do not trade   regular updates from  will look to buy back 
                      at a significant      the Manager and the   or issue shares if it 
                      discount (or premium) Company's Broker      is deemed to be in 
                      to their prevailing   regarding the level   the interests of 
                      NAV. The Board        of discount/premium.  shareholders as a 
                      believes this may be  The Board believes    whole. During the 
                      achieved by the use   that the best way of  financial year the 
                      of share buy back     maintaining the share Company did not buy 
                      powers and the issue  rating at an optimal  back or reissue any 
                      of shares.            level over the long   shares. 
                                            term is to create     The Company's average 
                                            demand for the shares discount for the year 
                                            in the secondary      to 31 October 2022 
                                            market. To this end,  was 5.3% and the 
                                            the Investment        discount at 23 
                                            Manager is devoting   January 2023 stood at 
                                            considerable effort   5.8%. 
                                            to broadening the 
                                            awareness of the 
                                            Company, particularly 
                                            to wealth managers 
                                            and to the wider 
                                            retail market. 
                                            In addition, the 
                                            Board has worked 
                                            closely with the 
                                            Manager to develop 
                                            the Company's 
                                            marketing strategy, 
                                            with the aim of 
                                            ensuring effective 
                                            communication with 
                                            existing shareholders 
                                            and to attract new 
                                            shareholders to the 
                                            Company in order to 
                                            improve liquidity in 
                                            the Company's shares 
                                            and to sustain the 
                                            share rating of the 
Service levels of     The Board             The Manager reports   All performance 
third-party providers acknowledges the      to the Board on the   evaluations were 
                      importance of         Company's performance performed on a timely 
                      ensuring that the     on a regular basis.   basis and the Board 
                      Company's principal   The Board carries out concluded that all 
                      suppliers are         a robust annual       key third-party 
                      providing a suitable  evaluation of the     service providers, 
                      level of service,     Manager's             including the 
                      including the Manager performance, their    Manager, were 
                      in respect of         commitment and        operating effectively 
                      investment            available resources.  and providing a good 
                      performance and       The Board performs an level of service. 
                      delivering on the     annual review of the  The Board has 
                      Company's investment  service levels of all received updates in 
                      mandate; the          third-party service   respect of business 
                      Custodian and         providers and         continuity planning 
                      Depositary in respect concludes on their    from the Company's 
                      of their duties       suitability to        Manager, Custodian, 
                      towards safeguarding  continue in their     Depositary, Fund 
                      the Company's assets; role. The Board       Accountant, Registrar 
                      the Registrar in its  receives regular      and Printer and is 
                      maintenance of the    updates from the      confident that 
                      Company's share       AIFM, Depositary,     arrangements are in 
                      register and dealing  Registrar and Broker  place to ensure a 
                      with investor         on an ongoing basis.  good level of service 
                      queries; and the      The ongoing COVID-19  will continue to be 
                      Company's Broker in   pandemic continued to provided. 
                      respect of the        pose challenges to 
                      provision of advice   the operation of 
                      and acting as a       businesses across the 
                      market maker for the  globe. The Board has 
                      Company's shares.     continued to work 
                                            closely with the 
                                            Manager to gain 
                                            comfort that relevant 
                                            business continuity 
                                            plans are operating 
                                            effectively for all 
                                            of the Company's key 
                                            service providers. 
Board composition     The Board is          During the year, the  As a result of the 
                      committed to ensuring Board appointed a new recruitment process, 
                      that its own          Director. The         Mr Barron was 
                      composition brings an Nomination Committee  appointed as a 
                      appropriate balance   agreed the selection  Director of the 
                      of knowledge,         criteria and the      Company with effect 
                      experience and skills method of selection,  from 22 March 2022. 
                      and that it is        recruitment and       As at the date of 
                      compliant with best   appointment. The      this report, the 
                      corporate governance  services of an        Board was comprised 
                      practice under the UK external search       of two men and two 
                      Code, including       consultant, Cornforth women. Two Directors 
                      guidance on tenure    Consulting Ltd, were  have a tenure in 
                      and the composition   used to identify      excess of nine years. 
                      of the Board's        potential candidates. Details of each 
                      committees.           All Directors are     Director's 
                                            subject to a formal   contribution to the 
                                            evaluation process on success and promotion 
                                            an annual basis. All  of the Company are 
                                            Directors stand for   set out in the 
                                            re-election by        Directors' Report in 
                                            shareholders          the Company's Annual 
                                            annually.             Report for the year 
                                            Shareholders may      ended 31 October 2022 
                                            attend the Annual     and details of 
                                            General Meeting and   Directors' 
                                            raise any queries in  biographies can be 
                                            respect of Board      found in the 
                                            composition or        Company's Annual 
                                            individual Directors  Report for the year 
                                            in person or may      ended 31 October 
                                            contact the Company   2022. 
                                            Secretary or the      The Directors are not 
                                            Chair using the       aware of any issues 
                                            details provided in   that have been raised 
                                            the Company's Annual  directly by 
                                            Report for the year   shareholders in 
                                            ended 31 October      respect of Board 
                                            2022.                 composition in the 
                                            The Board is          year under review. 
                                            currently undertaking Details of the proxy 
                                            another review of     voting results in 
                                            succession planning   favour and against 
                                            arrangements having   individual Directors' 
                                            identified the need   re-election at the 
                                            for a new Director    2022 Annual General 
                                            following the         Meeting are given on 
                                            retirement of the     the Manager's website 
                                            Chairman, Mr Miller,  at www.blackrock.com/ 
                                            and the forthcoming   uk/brsa. 
                                            retirement of Mr 
                                            Casey. The services 
                                            of Cornforth 
                                            Consulting Ltd, are 
                                            being used again to 
                                            identify potential 
Viability statement 
In accordance with provision 31 of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, the 
Directors have assessed the prospects of the Company over a longer period than 
the twelve months referred to by the 'Going Concern' guidelines. The Company is 
an investment trust with the objective of providing an attractive level of 
income return together with capital appreciation over the long term. 
The Directors expect the Company to continue for the foreseeable future and 
have therefore conducted this review for a period up to the Annual General 
Meeting in 2026. The Directors assess viability over a rolling three-year 
period as they believe it best balances the Company's long-term objective, its 
financial flexibility and scope with the difficulty in forecasting economic 
conditions which could affect both the Company and its shareholders. The 
Company also undertakes a continuation vote every three years with the next one 
taking place at the Annual General Meeting in 2025. 
In making an assessment on the viability of the Company, the Board has 
considered the following: 
·        the impact of a significant fall in U.S. equity markets on the value 
of the Company's investment portfolio; 
·        the ongoing relevance of the Company's investment objective, business 
model and investment policy in the prevailing market; 
·        the principal and emerging risks and uncertainties, as set out above, 
and their potential impact; 
·        the level of ongoing demand for the Company's shares; 
·        the Company's share price discount/premium to NAV; 
·        the liquidity of the Company's portfolio; and 
·        the level of income generated by the Company and future income and 
expenditure forecasts. 
The Directors have concluded that there is a reasonable expectation that the 
Company will continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due 
over the period of their assessment based on the following considerations: 
·        the Investment Manager's compliance with the investment objective and 
policy, its investment strategy and asset allocation; 
·        the portfolio mainly comprises readily realisable assets which 
continue to offer a broad range of investment opportunities for shareholders as 
part of a balanced investment portfolio; 
·        the operational resilience of the Company and its key service 
providers and their ability to continue to provide a good level of service for 
the foreseeable future; 
·        the effectiveness of business continuity plans in place for the 
Company and its key service providers; 
·        the ongoing processes for monitoring operating costs and income which 
are considered to be reasonable in comparison to the Company's total assets; 
·        the Board's discount management policy; and 
·        the Company is a closed-end investment company and therefore does not 
suffer from the liquidity issues arising from unexpected redemptions. 
In addition, the Board's assessment of the Company's ability to operate in the 
foreseeable future is included in the Going Concern Statement which can be 
found in the Directors' Report in the Company's Annual Report for the year 
ended 31 October 2022. 
By order of the Board 
For and on behalf of 
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited 
Company Secretary 
26 January 2023 
Statement of Directors' Responsibilities in respect of the Annual Report and 
Financial Statements 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and regulations. 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year. Under that law, the Directors have elected to prepare the 
financial statements under UK-adopted International Accounting Standards (IASs) 
in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. Under Company 
law, the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are 
satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the 
Company as at the end of each financial year and of the profit or loss of the 
Company for that period. 
In preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
·        present fairly the financial position, financial performance and cash 
flows of the Company; 
·        select suitable accounting policies in accordance with IAS 8, 
'Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors,' and then 
apply them consistently; 
·        present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that 
provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; 
·        make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
·        state whether the financial statements have been prepared in 
accordance with IASs in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 
2006, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the 
financial statements; 
·        provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific 
requirements in IASs in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 
2006 is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular 
transactions, other events and conditions on the Company's financial position 
and financial performance; and 
·        prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it 
is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with 
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and 
enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies 
Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company 
and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud 
and other irregularities. 
The Directors are also responsible for preparing the Strategic Report, 
Directors' Report, the Directors' Remuneration Report, the Corporate Governance 
Statement and the Report of the Audit and Management Engagement Committee in 
accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and applicable regulations, including 
the requirements of the Listing Rules and the Disclosure Guidance and 
Transparency Rules. The Directors have delegated responsibility to the Manager 
for the maintenance and integrity of the Company's corporate and financial 
information included on the BlackRock website. Legislation in the United 
Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may 
differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Each of the Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
·        the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with 
IASs in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, give a true 
and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and net profit of 
the Company; and 
·        the Strategic Report contained in the Annual Report and Financial 
Statements includes a fair review of the development and performance of the 
business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the 
principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. 
The 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code also requires Directors to ensure that 
the Annual Report and Financial Statements are fair, balanced and 
understandable. In order to reach a conclusion on this matter, the Board has 
requested that the Audit and Management Engagement Committee advise on whether 
it considers that the Annual Report and Financial Statements fulfil these 
requirements. The process by which the Committee has reached these conclusions 
is set out in the Audit and Management Engagement Committee's report in the 
Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. As a result, the 
Board has concluded that the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 
year ended 31 October 2022, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and 
understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess 
the Company's position, performance, business model and strategy. 
For and on behalf of the Board 
26 January 2023 
                                                        2022                                               2021 
                                         Revenue          Capital            Total          Revenue          Capital            Total 
                          Notes            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000 
Income from investments       3            4,255               55            4,310            3,617                2            3,619 
held at fair value 
through profit or loss 
Other income                  3                3                -                3              897                -              897 
                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total income                               4,258               55            4,313            4,514                2            4,516 
                                       =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
Net profit on                                  -           10,423           10,423                -           42,989           42,989 
investments and options 
held at fair value 
through profit or loss 
Net loss on foreign                            -             (433)            (433)               -             (653)            (653) 
                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total                                      4,258           10,045           14,303            4,514           42,338           46,852 
                                       =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
Investment management         4             (299)            (898)          (1,197)            (284)            (853)          (1,137) 
Other operating expenses      5             (412)               2             (410)            (547)             (13)            (560) 
                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total operating expenses                    (711)            (896)          (1,607)            (831)            (866)          (1,697) 
                                       =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
Net profit on ordinary                     3,547            9,149           12,696            3,683           41,472           45,155 
activities before 
finance costs and 
Finance costs                                (17)             (52)             (69)               -                -                - 
                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Net profit on ordinary                     3,530            9,097           12,627            3,683           41,472           45,155 
activities before 
Taxation (charge)/credit                    (449)              (8)            (457)            (435)              14             (421) 
                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Profit for the year                        3,081            9,089           12,170            3,248           41,486           44,734 
                                       =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
Earnings per ordinary         7             3.84            11.33            15.17             4.06            51.84            55.90 
share (pence) 
                                       =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Statement of 
Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with UK-adopted International 
Accounting Standards (IASs). The supplementary revenue and capital accounts are 
both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
Companies (AIC). All items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. All 
income is attributable to the equity holders of the Company. 
The Company does not have any other comprehensive income (31 October 2021: £ 
nil). The net profit for the year disclosed above represents the Company's 
total comprehensive income. 
                                          Called            Share          Capital 
                                        up share          premium       redemption          Special          Capital          Revenue 
                                         capital          account          reserve          reserve         reserves          reserve            Total 
                          Notes            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000 
For the year ended 31 
October 2022 
At 31 October 2021                         1,004           44,873            1,460           38,090           79,369              538          165,334 
Total comprehensive 
Net profit for the year                        -                -                -                -            9,089            3,081           12,170 
Transactions with 
owners, recorded 
directly to equity: 
Transfer of share             9                -          (44,873)               -           44,873                -                -                - 
premium to special 
Dividends paid2               6                -                -                -                -           (3,518)          (2,900)          (6,418) 
                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 31 October 2022                         1,004                -            1,460           82,963           84,940              719          171,086 
                                       =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
For the year ended 31 
October 2021 
At 31 October 2020                         1,004           44,533            1,460           37,839           38,222            3,352          126,410 
Total comprehensive 
Net profit for the year                        -                -                -                -           41,486            3,248           44,734 
Transactions with 
owners, recorded 
directly to equity: 
Ordinary shares reissued                       -              340                -              548                -                -              888 
from treasury 
Share issue costs                              -                -                -               (2)               -                -               (2) 
Ordinary shares bought                         -                -                -             (294)               -                -             (294) 
back into treasury 
Share purchase costs                           -                -                -               (1)               -                -               (1) 
Dividends paid3               6                -                -                -                -             (339)          (6,062)          (6,401) 
                                 ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 31 October 2021                         1,004           44,873            1,460           38,090           79,369              538          165,334 
                                       =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
1     The Company's share premium account was cancelled pursuant to 
shareholders' approval of a special resolution at the Company's Annual General 
Meeting on 22 March 2022 and Court approval on 19 July 2022. The share premium 
account which totalled £44,873,000 was transferred to a special reserve. This 
action was taken, in part, to ensure that the Company had sufficient 
distributable reserves. 
2     4th interim dividend of 2.00p per share for the year ended 31 October 
2021, declared on 3 November 2021 and paid 4 January 2022; 1st interim dividend 
of 2.00p per share for the year ended 31 October 2022, declared on 22 March 
2022 and paid on 29 April 2022; 2nd interim dividend of 2.00p per share for the 
year ended 31 October 2022, declared on 11 May 2022 and paid on 1 July 2022; 
and 3rd interim dividend of 2.00p per share for the year ended 31 October 2022, 
declared on 4 August 2022 and paid on 3 October 2022. 
3        4th interim dividend of 2.00p per share for the year ended 31 October 
2020, declared on 4 November 2020 and paid on 4 January 2021; 1st interim 
dividend of 2.00p per share for the year ended 31 October 2021, declared on 23 
March 2021 and paid on 29 April 2021; 2nd interim dividend of 2.00p per share 
for the year ended 31 October 2021, declared on 5 May 2021 and paid on 2 July 
2021; and 3rd interim dividend of 2.00p per share for the year ended 31 October 
2021, declared on 5 August 2021 and paid on 1 October 2021. 
                                                                                  2022             2021 
                                                                Notes            £'000            £'000 
Non current assets 
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                          175,425          164,971 
Current assets 
Current tax asset                                                                  145               96 
Other receivables                                                                3,287            2,243 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                           58            1,240 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Total current assets                                                             3,490            3,579 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Total assets                                                                   178,915          168,550 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Current liabilities 
Current tax liability                                                               (6)               - 
Other payables                                                                  (3,969)          (3,216) 
Bank overdraft                                                                  (3,854)               - 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Total current liabilities                                                       (7,829)          (3,216) 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Net assets                                                                     171,086          165,334 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Equity attributable to equity holders 
Called up share capital                                             8            1,004            1,004 
Share premium account                                               9                -           44,873 
Capital redemption reserve                                          9            1,460            1,460 
Special reserve                                                     9           82,963           38,090 
Capital reserves                                                    9           84,940           79,369 
Revenue reserve                                                     9              719              538 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Total equity                                                                   171,086          165,334 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Net asset value per ordinary share (pence)                          7           213.25           206.08 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
                                                                                  2022             2021 
                                                                                 £'000            £'000 
Operating activities 
Net profit on ordinary activities before taxation                               12,619           45,155 
Add back finance costs                                                              69                - 
Net profit on investments and options held at fair value through               (10,423)         (42,989) 
profit or loss (including transaction costs) 
Net loss on foreign exchange                                                       433              653 
Sales of investments held at fair value through profit or loss                 107,169          199,237 
Purchases of investments held at fair value through profit or loss            (107,200)        (202,133) 
(Increase)/decrease in other receivables                                           (23)              35 
(Decrease)/increase in other payables                                              (76)             143 
Increase in amounts due from brokers                                            (1,021)          (1,514) 
Increase in amounts due to brokers                                                 829            1,656 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Net cash inflow from operating activities before taxation                        2,376              243 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Taxation paid                                                                     (492)            (609) 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                              1,884             (366) 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Financing activities 
Interest paid                                                                      (69)               - 
Net cash proceeds from ordinary shares reissued from treasury                        -              886 
Net cash outflow from ordinary shares bought back into treasury                      -             (295) 
Dividends paid                                                                  (6,418)          (6,401) 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Net cash outflow from financing activities                                      (6,487)          (5,810) 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                           (4,603)          (6,176) 
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                                           (433)            (653) 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Change in cash and cash equivalents                                             (5,036)          (6,829) 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of year                                       1,240            8,069 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                        (3,796)           1,240 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Comprised of: 
Cash at bank                                                                        58              666 
Bank overdraft                                                                  (3,854)               - 
Cash Fund1                                                                           -              574 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
                                                                                (3,796)           1,240 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
1        Cash Fund represents funds held on deposit with the BlackRock 
Institutional Cash Series plc - US Dollar Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund. 
The principal activity of the Company is that of an investment trust company 
within the meaning of Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. The Company 
was incorporated in England and Wales on 30 August 2012, and this is the tenth 
Annual Report. 
The principal accounting policies adopted by the Company have been applied 
consistently, other than where new policies have been adopted and are set out 
(a) Basis of preparation 
On 31 December 2020, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as 
adopted by the European Union at that date was brought into UK law and became 
UK-adopted International Accounting Standards, with future changes being 
subject to endorsement by the UK Endorsement Board and with the requirements of 
the Companies Act 2006 as applicable to companies reporting under those 
standards. The Company transitioned to UK-adopted International Accounting 
Standards in its financial statements with effect from 1 November 2021. There 
was no impact or changes in accounting policies from the transition. 
The financial statements have been prepared under the historic cost convention 
modified by the revaluation of certain financial assets and financial 
liabilities held at fair value through profit or loss and in accordance with 
UK- adopted International Accounting Standards (IASs). All of the Company's 
operations are of a continuing nature. 
Insofar as the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) for investment trust 
companies and venture capital trusts, issued by the Association of Investment 
Companies (AIC) in October 2019 and updated in July 2022, is compatible with 
UK-adopted International Accounting Standards, the financial statements have 
been prepared in accordance with the guidance set out in the SORP. 
Substantially, all of the assets of the Company consist of securities that are 
readily realisable and, accordingly, the Directors are satisfied that the 
Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the 
foreseeable future for the period to 31 January 2024, being a period of at 
least twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements and 
therefore consider the going concern assumption to be appropriate. The 
Directors have reviewed the income and expense projections and the liquidity of 
the investment portfolio in making their assessment. 
The Directors have considered the impact of climate change on the value of the 
investments included in the Financial Statements and have concluded that: 
·        there was no further impact of climate change to be considered as the 
investments are valued based on market pricing as required by IFRS 13; and 
·        the risk is adequately captured in the assumptions and inputs used in 
measurement of Level 3 assets, as noted in Note 15 of the Financial Statements 
in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
None of the Company's other assets and liabilities were considered to be 
potentially impacted by climate change. 
The Company's financial statements are presented in Sterling, which is the 
functional currency of the Company and the currency of the primary economic 
environment in which the Company operates. All values are rounded to the 
nearest thousand pounds (£'000) except where otherwise indicated. 
Relevant International Accounting Standards that have yet to be adopted: 
IFRS 17 - Insurance contracts (effective 1 January 2023). This standard 
replaces IFRS 4, which currently permits a wide range of accounting practices 
in accounting for insurance contracts. IFRS 17 will fundamentally change the 
accounting by all entities that issue insurance contracts and investment 
contracts with discretionary participation features. 
This standard is unlikely to have any impact on the Company as it has no 
insurance contracts. 
IAS 12 - Deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single 
transaction (effective 1 January 2023). The International Accounting Standards 
Board (IASB) has amended IAS 12 Income Taxes to require companies to recognise 
deferred tax on particular transactions that, on initial recognition, give rise 
to equal amounts of taxable and deductible temporary differences. According to 
the amended guidance, a temporary difference that arises on initial recognition 
of an asset or liability is not subject to the initial recognition exemption if 
that transaction gave rise to equal amounts of taxable and deductible temporary 
differences. These amendments might have a significant impact on the 
preparation of financial statements by companies that have substantial balances 
of right-of-use assets, lease liabilities, decommissioning, restoration and 
similar liabilities. The impact for those affected would be the recognition of 
additional deferred tax assets and liabilities. 
The amendment of this standard is unlikely to have any significant impact on 
the Company. 
None of the standards that have been issued, but are not yet effective, are 
expected to have a material impact on the Company. 
(b) Presentation of the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
In order to better reflect the activities of an investment trust company and in 
accordance with guidance issued by the AIC, supplementary information which 
analyses the Statement of Comprehensive Income between items of a revenue and a 
capital nature has been presented alongside the Statement of Comprehensive 
(c) Segmental reporting 
The Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single 
segment of business being investment business. 
(d) Income 
Dividends receivable on equity shares are recognised as revenue for the year on 
an ex-dividend basis. Where no ex- dividend date is available, dividends 
receivable on or before the year end are treated as revenue for the year. 
Provision is made for any dividends not expected to be received. Special 
dividends, if any, are treated as a capital or a revenue receipt depending on 
the facts or circumstances of each particular case. The return on a debt 
security is recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to reflect the 
effective yield on the debt security. 
Options may be purchased or written over securities held in the portfolio for 
generating or protecting capital returns, or for generating or maintaining 
revenue returns. Where the purpose of the option is the generation of income, 
the premium is treated as a revenue item. Where the purpose of the option is 
the maintenance of capital, the premium is treated as a capital item. 
Option premium income is recognised as revenue evenly over the life of the 
option contract and included in the revenue account of the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income unless the option has been written for the maintenance and 
enhancement of the Company's investment portfolio and represents an incidental 
part of a larger capital transaction, in which case any premia arising are 
allocated to the capital account of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
Deposit interest receivable is accounted for on an accruals basis. Interest 
income from the Cash Fund is accounted for on an accruals basis. 
Where the Company has elected to receive its dividends in the form of 
additional shares rather than in cash, the cash equivalent of the dividend is 
recognised as income. Any excess in the value of the shares received over the 
amount of the cash dividend is recognised in capital. 
(e) Expenses 
All expenses, including finance costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis. 
Expenses have been charged wholly to the revenue account of the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income, except as follows: 
·        expenses which are incidental to the acquisition or sale of an 
investment are charged to the capital account of the Statement of Comprehensive 
Income. Details of transaction costs on the purchases and sales of investments 
are disclosed within note 10 to the financial statements in the Company's 
Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2022; 
·        expenses are treated as capital where a connection with the 
maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments can be demonstrated; 
·        the investment management fee and finance costs have been allocated 
75% to the capital account and 25% to the revenue account of the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income in line with the Board's expected long-term split of 
returns, in the form of capital gains and income, respectively, from the 
investment portfolio. 
(f) Taxation 
The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred 
tax. The tax currently payable is based on the taxable profit for the year. 
Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income because it excludes items of income or expenses that are 
taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that are 
never taxable or deductible. The Company's liability for current tax is 
calculated using tax rates that were applicable at the balance sheet date. 
Where expenses are allocated between capital and revenue accounts, any tax 
relief in respect of expenses is allocated between capital and revenue returns 
on the marginal basis using the Company's effective rate of corporation tax for 
the accounting period. 
Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all temporary differences that 
have originated but not reversed at the financial reporting date, where 
transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more taxation in the 
future or right to pay less taxation in the future have occurred at the 
financial reporting date. This is subject to deferred taxation assets only 
being recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there will be 
suitable profits from which the future reversal of the temporary differences 
can be deducted. Deferred taxation assets and liabilities are measured at the 
rates applicable to the legal jurisdictions in which they arise. 
(g) Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 
In accordance with IFRS 9, the Company classifies its investments at initial 
recognition as held at fair value through profit or loss and are managed and 
evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with its investment strategy and 
business model. 
All investments are measured initially and subsequently at fair value through 
profit or loss. Purchases of investments are recognised on a trade date basis. 
Sales of investments are recognised at the trade date of the disposal. 
The fair value of the financial investments is based on their quoted bid price 
at the financial reporting date, without deduction for the estimated selling 
costs. This policy applies to all current and non-current asset investments 
held by the Company. 
Changes in the value of investments held at fair value through profit or loss 
and gains and losses on disposal are recognised in the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income as "Net profit/(loss) on investments and options held at 
fair value through profit or loss". Also included within the heading are 
transaction costs in relation to the purchase or sale of investments. 
For all financial instruments not traded in an active market, the fair value is 
determined by using various valuation techniques. Valuation techniques include 
market approach (i.e., using recent arm's length market transactions adjusted 
as necessary and reference to the current market value of another instrument 
that is substantially the same) and the income approach (i.e., discounted cash 
flow analysis and option pricing models making as much use of available and 
supportable market data where possible). See note 2(o) below. 
(h) Options 
Options are held at fair value through profit or loss based on the bid/offer 
prices of the options written to which the Company is exposed. The value of the 
option is subsequently marked-to-market to reflect the fair value through 
profit or loss of the option based on traded prices. Where the premium is taken 
to revenue, an appropriate amount is shown as capital return such that the 
total return reflects the overall change in the fair value of the option. When 
an option is exercised, the gain or loss is accounted for as a capital gain or 
loss. Any cost on closing out an option is transferred to revenue along with 
any remaining unamortised premium. 
(i) Other receivables and other payables 
Other receivables and other payables do not carry any interest and are 
short-term in nature and are accordingly stated on an amortised cost basis. 
(j) Dividends payable 
Under IASs, final dividends should not be accrued in the financial statements 
unless they have been approved by shareholders before the financial reporting 
date. Interim dividends should not be recognised in the financial statements 
unless they have been paid. 
Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised in the Statement of 
Changes in Equity. 
(k) Foreign currency translation 
Transactions involving foreign currencies are converted at the rate ruling at 
the date of the transaction. Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities 
and non-monetary assets held at fair value are translated into Sterling at the 
rate ruling on the financial reporting date. Foreign exchange differences 
arising on translation are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
as a revenue or capital item depending on the income or expense to which they 
relate. For investment transactions and investments held at the year end, 
denominated in a foreign currency, the resulting gains or losses are included 
in the profit/(loss) on investments and options held at fair value through 
profit or loss in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
(l) Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash comprises cash in hand, bank overdrafts and on demand deposits. Cash 
equivalents are short term, highly liquid investments that are readily 
convertible to known amounts of cash and that are subject to an insignificant 
risk of changes in value. 
The Company can invest in a Cash Fund which is managed as part of the Company's 
investment policy and, accordingly, the investment is managed as part of the 
Company's cash and cash equivalents as defined under IAS 7 and is presented as 
a cash equivalent in the Financial Statements. 
(m) Bank borrowings 
Bank overdrafts and loans are recorded as the proceeds received. Finance 
charges, including any premium payable on settlement or redemption and direct 
issue costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis in the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income using the effective interest rate method and are added to 
the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are not settled 
in the period in which they arise. 
(n) Share repurchases and reissues 
Shares repurchased and subsequently cancelled - share capital is reduced by the 
nominal value of the shares repurchased and the capital redemption reserve is 
correspondingly increased in accordance with Section 733 of the Companies Act 
2006. The full cost of the repurchase is charged to the special reserve. 
Shares repurchased and held in treasury - the full cost of the repurchase is 
charged to the special reserve. 
Where treasury shares are subsequently re-issued: 
·        amounts received to the extent of the repurchase price are credited to 
the special reserve and capital reserves based on a weighted average basis of 
amounts utilised from these reserves on repurchases; and 
·        any surplus received in excess of the repurchase price is taken to the 
share premium account. 
Where new shares are issued, amounts received to the extent of any surplus 
received in excess of the par value are taken to the share premium account. 
Share issue costs are charged to the share premium account. Costs on share 
reissues are charged to the special reserve and capital reserves. 
(o) Critical accounting estimates and judgements 
The Company makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The 
resulting accounting estimates and assumptions will, by definition, seldom 
equal the related actual results. Estimates and judgements are regularly 
evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including 
expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the 
circumstances. The Directors do not believe that any accounting judgements or 
estimates have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the 
carrying amount of assets and liabilities within the next financial year. 
                                                                                  2022             2021 
                                                                                 £'000            £'000 
Investment income: 
UK dividends                                                                       234              297 
Overseas dividends                                                               3,926            3,228 
Overseas special dividends                                                          27               73 
Overseas REIT dividends                                                             68               19 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Total investment income                                                          4,255            3,617 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Deposit interest                                                                     3                - 
Option premium income                                                                -              897 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Total income                                                                     4,258            4,514 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
During the year, the Company received no option premium income in cash (31 
October 2021: £585,000) for writing covered call options for the purposes of 
revenue generation. 
Option premium income is amortised evenly over the life of the option contract 
and, accordingly, during the year no option premium (31 October 2021: £897,000) 
was amortised to revenue. 
At 31 October 2022, there were no open positions or associated liability (31 
October 2021: no open positions or associated liability). 
There were no derivative transactions in 2022. All derivative transactions in 
2021 were based on constituent stocks in the Russell 1000 Value Index. 
Dividends and interest received in cash during the year amounted to £3,662,000 
and £3,000 (31 October 2021: £3,127,000 and £nil). 
Special dividends of £55,000 have been recognised in capital (31 October 2021: 
                                                           2022                                               2021 
                                            Revenue          Capital            Total          Revenue          Capital            Total 
                                              £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000 
Investment management fee                       299              898            1,197              284              853            1,137 
                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total                                           299              898            1,197              284              853            1,137 
                                          =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
With effect from 30 July 2021, the investment management fee is payable in 
quarterly arrears, calculated at the rate of 0.70% of the Company's net assets. 
Up to 29 July 2021, the investment management fee was payable quarterly in 
arrears, calculated at the rate of 0.75% of the Company's net assets. The 
investment management fee is allocated 75% to the capital account and 25% to 
the revenue account. 
There is no additional fee for company secretarial and administration services. 
                                                                                  2022             2021 
                                                                                 £'000            £'000 
Allocated to revenue: 
Custody fee                                                                          3                3 
Auditors' remuneration - audit services1                                            38               38 
Registrar's fee                                                                     32               32 
Directors' emoluments2                                                             165              164 
Broker fees3                                                                        40               75 
Depositary fees                                                                     16               14 
Printing fees                                                                       32               44 
Legal and professional fees                                                         35               63 
Marketing fees                                                                      49               37 
AIC fees                                                                            11                9 
FCA fees                                                                             9                8 
Write back of prior year expenses4                                                (101)               - 
Other administrative costs                                                          83               60 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
                                                                                   412              547 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
Allocated to capital: 
Custody transaction charges5                                                         5               13 
Write back of prior year expenses5,6                                                (7)               - 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
                                                                                   410              560 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
The Company's ongoing charges7, calculated as a percentage of average            1.01%            1.06% 
daily net assets and using the management fee and all other operating 
expenses excluding finance costs, direct transaction costs, custody 
transaction charges, VAT recovered, taxation, prior year expenses 
written back and certain non-recurring items were: 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
1     No non-audit services were provided by the Company's auditors (31 October 
2021: none). 
2     Further information on Directors' emoluments can be found in the 
Directors' Remuneration Report in the Company's Annual Report for the year 
ended 31 October 2022. The Company has no employees. 
3     Relates to prior year printing fees, legal fees, Directors' emoluments, 
Employers' NI and Directors' expenses written back during the year (31 October 
2021: no expenses were written back). 
4     Broker fees for 2021 include a one off fee of £35,000 for advice on the 
change in the investment policy. 
5     For the year ended 31 October 2022, an expense of £5,000 and write back 
of prior year accruals of £7,000 (31 October 2021: expense of £13,000) were 
charged to the capital account of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. These 
relate to transaction costs charged by the custodian on sale and purchase 
6     Relates to prior year accruals for custody transaction charges written 
back during the year. 
7     Alternative Performance Measure, see Glossary in the Company's Annual 
Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
                                                                                  2022             2021 
Dividends paid on equity shares                        Record  Payment           £'000            £'000 
                                                        date     date 
4th interim dividend of 2.00p per share paid for the       26        4           1,605            1,596 
year ended 31 October 2021 (2020: 2.00p)             November  January 
                                                        2021     2022 
1st interim dividend of 2.00p per share paid for the  1 April 29 April           1,605            1,596 
year ended 31 October 2022 (2021: 2.00p)                2022     2022 
2nd interim dividend of 2.00p per share paid for the   20 May   1 July           1,604            1,605 
year ended 31 October 2022 (2021: 2.00p)                2022     2022 
3rd interim dividend of 2.00p per share paid for the       19        3           1,604            1,604 
year ended 31 October 2022 (2021: 2.00p)               August  October 
                                                        2022     2022 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Accounted for in the financial statements                                        6,418            6,401 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
The total dividends payable in respect of the year ended 31 October 2022 which 
form the basis of Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and Section 833 
of the Companies Act 2006, and the amounts declared, meet the relevant 
requirements as set out in this legislation. 
                                                                                  2022             2021 
Dividends paid or declared on equity shares:                                     £'000            £'000 
1st interim dividend of 2.00p per share paid for the year ended 31               1,605            1,596 
October 2022 (2021: 2.00p) 
2nd interim dividend of 2.00p per share paid for the year ended 31               1,604            1,605 
October 2022 (2021: 2.00p) 
3rd interim dividend of 2.00p per share paid for the year ended 31               1,604            1,604 
October 2022 (2021: 2.00p) 
4th interim dividend of 2.00p per share payable on 3rd January 2023              1,604            1,605 
for the year ended 31 October 20221 (2021: 2.00p) 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
                                                                                 6,417            6,410 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
1        Based on 80,229,044 ordinary shares in issue on 24 November 2022 (the 
ex-dividend date). 
Total revenue, capital earnings and net asset value per ordinary share are 
shown below and have been calculated using the following: 
                                                                            Year ended       Year ended 
                                                                            31 October       31 October 
                                                                                  2022             2021 
Net revenue profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000)                 3,081            3,248 
Net capital profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000)                 9,089           41,486 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Total profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000)                      12,170           44,734 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Equity shareholders' funds (£'000)                                             171,086          165,334 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the          80,229,044       80,031,140 
year on which the earnings per ordinary share was calculated was: 
The actual number of ordinary shares in issue at the year end on which      80,229,044       80,229,044 
the net asset value per ordinary share was calculated was: 
Earnings per ordinary share 
Revenue earnings per share (pence) - basic and diluted                            3.84             4.06 
Capital earnings per share (pence) - basic and diluted                           11.33            51.84 
                                                                       ---------------  --------------- 
Total earnings per share (pence) - basic and diluted                             15.17            55.90 
                                                                             =========        ========= 
                                                                         As at    As at 
                                                                             31       31 
                                                                       October  October 
                                                                          2022     2021 
Net asset value per ordinary share (pence)                              213.25   206.08 
Ordinary share price (pence)                                            197.50   198.25 
                                                                       ======== ======== 
                                                                             =        = 
There were no dilutive securities at the year end. 
                                                              shares         Treasury            Total          Nominal 
                                                            in issue           shares           shares            value 
                                                              number           number           number            £'000 
Allotted, called up and fully paid share capital 
Ordinary shares of 1 pence each: 
At 31 October 2021                                        80,229,044       20,132,261      100,361,305            1,004 
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 31 October 2022                                        80,229,044       20,132,261      100,361,305            1,004 
                                                           =========        =========        =========        ========= 
During the year ended 31 October 2022, the Company reissued no (31 October 
2021: 445,000) shares from treasury for a total consideration including costs 
of £nil (31 October 2021: £886,000). 
The Company bought back and transferred no (31 October 2021: 190,000) shares 
into treasury for a total consideration including costs of £nil (31 October 
2021: £295,000). 
Since 31 October 2022 and up to the date of this report, no shares have been 
reissued from treasury and no shares have been bought back into treasury. 
                                                                                            Distributable reserves 
                                                                                               Capital          reserve 
                                                                                               reserve       arising on 
                                              Share          Capital                        arising on   revaluation of 
                                            premium       redemption          Special      investments      investments          Revenue 
                                            account          reserve          reserve             sold             held          reserve 
                                              £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000 
At 31 October 2021                           44,873            1,460           38,090           62,624           16,745              538 
Movement during the year: 
Total comprehensive income/(loss): 
Net profit/(loss) for the year                    -                -                -           14,154           (5,065)           3,081 
Transactions with owners, recorded 
directly to equity: 
Transfer of share premium to                (44,873)               -           44,873                -                -                - 
special reserve1 
Dividends paid                                    -                -                -           (3,518)               -           (2,900) 
                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 31 October 2022                                -            1,460           82,963           73,260           11,680              719 
                                          =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
1     The Company's share premium account was cancelled pursuant to 
shareholders' approval of a special resolution at the Company's Annual General 
Meeting on 22 March 2022 and Court approval on 19 July 2022. The share premium 
account which totalled £44,873,000 was transferred to a special reserve. This 
action was taken, in part, to ensure that the Company had sufficient 
distributable reserves. 
                                                                                            Distributable reserves 
                                                                                               Capital          reserve 
                                                                                               reserve       arising on 
                                              Share          Capital                        arising on   revaluation of 
                                            premium       redemption          Special      investments      investments          Revenue 
                                            account          reserve          reserve             sold             held          reserve 
                                              £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000 
At 31 October 2020                           44,533            1,460           37,839           47,280           (9,058)           3,352 
Movement during the year: 
Total comprehensive income: 
Net profit for the year                           -                -                -           15,683           25,803            3,248 
Transactions with owners, recorded 
directly to equity: 
Ordinary shares reissued from                   340                -              548                -                -                - 
Share issue costs                                 -                -               (2)               -                -                - 
Ordinary shares bought back into                  -                -             (294)               -                -                - 
Share purchase costs                              -                -               (1)               -                -                - 
Dividends paid                                    -                -                -             (339)               -           (6,062) 
                                    ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
At 31 October 2021                           44,873            1,460           38,090           62,624           16,745              538 
                                          =========        =========        =========        =========        =========        ========= 
The share premium account and capital redemption reserve are not distributable 
reserves under the Companies Act 2006. In accordance with ICAEW Technical 
Release 02/17BL on Guidance on Realised and Distributable profits under the 
Companies Act 2006, the special reserve and capital reserves may be used as 
distributable reserves for all purposes and, in particular, the repurchase by 
the Company of its ordinary shares and for payments as dividends. In accordance 
with the Company's Articles of Association, the special reserve, capital 
reserves and the revenue reserve may be distributed by way of dividend. The 
gain on capital reserve arising on the revaluation of investments of £ 
11,680,000 (31 October 2021: gain of £16,745,000) is subject to fair value 
movements and may not be readily realisable at short notice; as such any gains 
may not be entirely distributable. The investments are subject to financial 
risks; as such capital reserves (arising on investments sold) and the revenue 
reserve may not be entirely distributable if a loss occurred during the 
realisation of these investments. 
Financial assets and financial liabilities are either carried in the Statement 
of Financial Position at their fair value (investments) or at an amount which 
is a reasonable approximation of fair value (due from brokers, dividends and 
interest receivable, due to brokers, accruals, cash at bank and bank 
overdrafts). IFRS 13 requires the Company to classify fair value measurements 
using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of inputs used in 
making the measurements. The valuation techniques used by the Company are 
explained in the accounting policies note 2(g) to the Financial Statements in 
the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on the basis of the 
lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the 
relevant asset. 
The fair value hierarchy has the following levels: 
Level 1 - Quoted market price for identical instruments in active markets 
A financial instrument is regarded as quoted in an active market if quoted 
prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer, broker, 
industry group, pricing service or regulatory agency and those prices represent 
actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm's length basis. 
The Company does not adjust the quoted price for these instruments. 
Level 2 - Valuation techniques using observable inputs 
This category includes instruments valued using quoted prices for similar 
instruments in markets that are considered less than active, or other valuation 
techniques where all significant inputs are directly or indirectly observable 
from market data. 
Valuation techniques used for non-standardised financial instruments such as 
options, currency swaps and other over-the- counter derivatives include the use 
of comparable recent arm's length transactions, reference to other instruments 
that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis, option pricing 
models and other valuation techniques commonly used by market participants 
making the maximum use of market inputs and relying as little as possible on 
entity specific inputs. 
Level 3 - Valuation techniques using significant unobservable inputs 
This category includes all instruments where the valuation technique includes 
inputs not based on market data and these inputs could have a significant 
impact on the instrument's valuation. 
This category includes instruments that are valued based on quoted prices for 
similar instruments where significant entity determined adjustments or 
assumptions are required to reflect differences between the instruments and 
instruments for which there is no active market. The Investment Manager 
considers observable data to be that market data that is readily available, 
regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary, and 
provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant 
The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement 
is categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level 
input that is significant to the fair value measurement. If a fair value 
measurement uses observable inputs that require significant adjustment based on 
unobservable inputs, that measurement is a Level 3 measurement. 
Assessing the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement 
in its entirety requires judgement, considering factors specific to the asset 
or liability. The determination of what constitutes 'observable' inputs 
requires significant judgement by the Investment Manager. 
Fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities 
The table below sets out fair value measurements using the IFRS 13 fair value 
                                                             Level 1          Level 2          Level 3            Total 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or               £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000 
loss at 31 October 2022 
Equity investments                                           175,425                -                -          175,425 
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                             175,425                -                -          175,425 
                                                           =========        =========        =========        ========= 
                                                             Level 1          Level 2          Level 3            Total 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or               £'000            £'000            £'000            £'000 
loss at 31 October 2021 
Equity investments                                           164,971                -                -          164,971 
                                                     ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                             164,971                -                -          164,971 
                                                           =========        =========        =========        ========= 
There were no transfers between levels of financial assets and financial 
liabilities during the year recorded at fair value as at 31 October 2022 and 31 
October 2021. The Company did not hold any Level 3 securities throughout the 
financial year or as at 31 October 2022 (31 October 2021: nil). 
For exchange listed equity investments, the quoted price is the bid price. 
Substantially, all investments are valued based on unadjusted quoted market 
prices. Where such quoted prices are readily available in an active market, 
such prices are not required to be assessed or adjusted for any business risks, 
including climate change risk, in accordance with the fair value related 
requirements of the Company's financial reporting framework. 
Directors' Emoluments 
At the date of this report, the Board consists of four non-executive Directors, 
all of whom are considered to be independent of the Manager by the Board. 
Disclosures of the Directors' interests in the ordinary shares of the Company 
and fees and expenses payable to the Directors are set out in the Directors' 
Remuneration Report in the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 
October 2022. At 31 October 2022, £14,000 (31 October 2021: £14,000) was 
outstanding in respect of Directors' fees. 
Significant Holdings 
The following investors are: 
a.      funds managed by the BlackRock Group or are affiliates of BlackRock 
Inc. (Related BlackRock Funds); or 
b.      investors (other than those listed in (a) above) who held more than 20% 
of the voting shares in issue in the Company and are as a result, considered to 
be related parties to the Company (Significant Investors). 
As at 31 October 2022 
                              Total % of shares held by    Number of Significant 
Total % of shares held by     Significant                  Investors who 
Related                       Investors who are not        are not affiliates of 
BlackRock Funds               affiliates of                BlackRock Group or 
                              BlackRock Group or           BlackRock, Inc. 
                              BlackRock, Inc. 
1.8                           n/a                          n/a 
As at 31 October 2021 
                              Total % of shares held by    Number of Significant 
Total % of shares held by     Significant                  Investors who 
Related                       Investors who are not        are not affiliates of 
BlackRock Funds               affiliates of                BlackRock Group or 
                              BlackRock Group or           BlackRock, Inc. 
                              BlackRock, Inc. 
1.6                           n/a                          n/a 
BlackRock Fund Managers Limited (BFM) provides management and administration 
services to the Company under a contract which is terminable on six months' 
notice. BFM has (with the Company's consent) delegated certain portfolio and 
risk management services, and other ancillary services, to BlackRock Investment 
Management (UK) Limited (BIM (UK)). Further details of the investment 
management contract are disclosed in the Directors' Report in the Company's 
Annual Report for the year ended 31 October 2022. 
The investment management fee due for the year ended 31 October 2022 amounted 
to £1,197,000 (31 October 2021: £1,137,000). At the year end, £899,000 was 
outstanding in respect of the management fee (31 October 2021: £876,000). 
In addition to the above services, BIM (UK) has provided the Company with 
marketing services. The total fees paid or payable for these services for the 
year ended 31 October 2022 amounted to £49,000 excluding VAT (31 October 2021: 
£37,000). Marketing fees of £29,000 excluding VAT (31 October 2021: £29,000) 
were outstanding as at the year end. 
The Company has no investment in the BlackRock Institutional Cash Series plc - 
US Dollar Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund (31 October 2021: £574,000) at the 
year end, which is a fund managed by a company within the BlackRock Group. 
The ultimate holding company of the Manager and the Investment Manager is 
BlackRock, Inc., a company incorporated in Delaware, USA. 
There were no contingent liabilities at 31 October 2022 (31 October 2021: nil). 
The financial information contained in this announcement does not constitute 
statutory accounts as defined in the Companies Act 2006. The Annual Report and 
Financial Statements for the year ended 31 October 2022 will be filed with the 
Registrar of Companies after the Annual General Meeting. 
The figures set out above have been reported upon by the auditors, whose report 
for the year ended 31 October 2022 contains no qualification or statement under 
section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The comparative figures are extracts from the audited financial statements of 
BlackRock Sustainable American Income Trust plc for the year ended 31 October 
2021, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the 
auditor on those financial statements contained no qualification or statement 
under section 498 of the Companies Act. 
Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be published shortly 
and will be available from the registered office, c/o The Company Secretary, 
BlackRock Sustainable American Income Trust plc, 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London 
EC2N 2DL. 
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of 
BlackRock, 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL on Tuesday, 21 March 2023 at 
12.00 noon. 
The Annual Report will also be available on the BlackRock website at 
blackrock.com/uk/brsa. Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the 
contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or 
any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement. 
For further information please contact: 
Melissa Gallagher, Managing Director, Investment Trusts, BlackRock Investment 
Management (UK) Limited 
Tel: 020 7743 3000 
Press enquiries: 
Ed Hooper, Lansons Communications 
Tel:  020 7294 3620 
E-mail:  BlackRockInvestmentTrusts@lansons.com or EdH@lansons.com 
12 Throgmorton Avenue 
26 January 2023 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 27, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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