RNS No 7998v
21st May 1998

       Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31 March 1998
Meikles  Africa  Limited ("Meikles Africa"),  the  Zimbabwe  based
hotel and retail group, which is listed on the Zimbabwe and London
Stock  Exchanges, announces preliminary results for the year ended
31 March 1998

*    Turnover of Z$2,826m up 35%

*    Operating profit of Z$250m up 41%

*    Profit before tax and exceptional items of Z$481m up 25%

*    Headline earnings per share of 209 cents up 60%

John Moxon, Executive Chairman, commented:

"These  are very strong results given the turmoil we faced  during
the  year.  Operationally, the current year is going well  and  we
are  well  positioned to benefit from any upturn in  the  economy.
Overall,  the  Board  is  confident of  producing  a  satisfactory
performance during the year".


Meikles Africa Limited         Tel: 00 263 4 883315
John Moxon, Executive Chairman

College Hill                   Tel: 0171 457 2020
Mark Garraway
Nicholas Williams

                       CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

It  is pleasing to report that in the Company's first full year of
operations  since  listing, all three operating divisions  of  the
group  recorded real growth. Turnover was 35% up on  the  previous
year,  with  operating  profit showing a  41%  gain.   Net  profit
attributable to shareholders has increased from Z$179m to Z$407.6m
and  headline  earnings record an increase of 11.4%  to  Z$410.9m.
The  Board has recommended a final dividend of 35 cents per share,
bringing the dividend for the year to 65 cents, based on  a  cover
of 2.0 times earnings, excluding exchange gains.

Expansion  plans were exceeded in the TM Supermarkets, with  eight
new  branches  coming  on stream during  the  year.   Our  working
relationship with Pick 'n Pay has continued to strengthen, and  an
exciting  range  of  house-brand merchandise was  offered  to  the
public over the Christmas season. Further opportunities for growth
are  constantly  under  review and it  is  likely  that  operating
branches will exceed 50 in number by the end of the current  year,
with a further increase of 6 branches planned.

Meikles  Hotel achieved an excellent result and continues to  hold
its  own in terms of market share.  The complete refurbishment  of
the  South Wing was started in October and those floors which have
been  finished  have drawn favourable comments  from  guests.   In
March of this year the world class rating of the hotel was further
enhanced  with  the  achievement of  the  International  ISO  9002
quality  standard  -  the first hotel in Africa  to  achieve  this
rating.   A  decision  has  now been  made  to  proceed  with  the
development  on  land adjoining the Chapman Golf  Course.   It  is
planned that building will commence this year and the hotel is due
to  open  in  2001.   In addition plans are at an  advanced  stage
regarding an opportunity to operate at the Victoria Falls.

The  Department  Stores finished the year strongly,  although  for
some  months prior to the festive season retail trade  in  general
had  been  slow.   The  Clicks  / Diskom  chain  consolidated  its
position  in  the  market with the opening of 6 new  units  and  a
suitable  central office and warehouse facilities in Harare.   The
chain has exciting plans to expand the scope of its operations and
improve the market share during the current year.  Four new  units
have  been  added  to  the Food Franchise chain  of  Black  Steer,
Bulldogs  Pubs,  Flame Diners and Max Frangos Chicken  during  the
course of the year.

In  our  last  Annual  Report reference  was  made  to  the  funds
earmarked  for regional investment.  These now amount to  US$43.1m
and have given rise to the Z$203.8m exchange gain included in this
year's  earnings.  At the request of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe,
these  funds  have  been  deposited  with  the  Reserve  Bank   at
competitive commercial interest rates, until such time as they are
required for new developments.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Company, shareholders will be
asked  to  approve  a  share  purchase scheme  which  will  enable
employees  to purchase up to Z$100m of the Company's shares.   The
purpose  of  the  scheme will be to broaden the ownership  of  the
Company  and further align the interests of employees to those  of
the  shareholders,  resulting in the  enhancement  of  shareholder

I  would  like to record my appreciation to all employees for  the
hard work and loyalty displayed by them in their various fields of
endeavour throughout the year.

  The year under review was characterised by a period of political
and  economic turmoil culminating in a severe depreciation in  the
value of the Zimbabwean dollar.  Despite this background, we  were
able  to  produce  very strong results.  It is to  be  hoped  that
recent moves to restore economic stability will lead in turn to  a
restoration in consumer confidence.

Operationally,  the  current year is going  well.   The  group  is
financially  strong and has a sound strategy.   We  are  therefore
well  positioned  to  benefit  from any  upturn  in  the  economy.
Overall,  the  Board  is  confident of  producing  a  satisfactory
performance during the year.

                                            Meikles Africa Limited
                                                       J.R.T Moxon
                                                Executive Chairman
                       DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT

On  15  May 1998, the Board approved a final dividend No.57 of  35
cents   per  share  on  152,895,305   shares  payable  to  members
registered in the books of the company at the close of business on
Friday  3  July 1998.  The Transfer Books and Register of  Members
will be closed from 4 July to 19 July 1998.  Dividend cheques will
be mailed to shareholders on or about 20 July 1998.  The dividends
payable  to  non-resident shareholders will be paid in  accordance
with  Exchange  Control Regulations Shareholders' withholding  tax
will be deducted where applicable.

The  Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held in  Harare
on  10  July 1998, details of which will be provided in the Annual

By order of the Board

                                               A. P. Lane-Mitchell
                                                 Company Secretary
                                                       15 May 1998

The audited results of the Meikles Africa Group Companies in
respect of the year ended 31 March 1998 are as follows:

Consolidated Income Statement
for the year ended 31 March 1998

                                          1998       1997
                                         Z$000      Z$000
Turnover                             2,826,344  2,092,797
Gross profit                         692,738    526,114
Operating expenses                   (442,364)  (349,169)
Operating profits                    250,174    176,945
Exchange gains and net interest      230,882    (40,170)
Profit before exceptional item and   481,056    136,775
Profit on disposal of 25% Interest   -          58,321
in TM Supermarkets
Profit before taxation               481,056    195,096
Taxation                             (30,122)   (520)
Profit after taxation                430,934    194,576
Minority Interest                    (23,318)   (14,953)
Net Profit for the year              407,616    179,621
attributable to shareholders
Dividends                            (99,382)   (125,595)
Transferred to retain earnings       308,234    54,026
Earnings per share + basic (cents)   267        157
IIMR Headline earnings per share     269        168

Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 31 March 1998

                                          1998       1997
                                         Z$000      Z$000
Non-current assets                   732,837    555,656
Current assets                       1,466,266  1,175,298
Total assets                         2,199,103  1,730,954
Equity and liabilities                          
Capital and reserves                 1,475,657  1,167,423
Minority Interest                    16,072     12,805
Non-current liabilities              139,986    117,160
Current liabilities                  567,388    433,566
Total Equity and liabilities         2,199,103  1,730,954

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 March 1998

                                          1998       1997
                                         Z$000      Z$000
Cash flow from operating activities             
Profit before tax                    481,056    195,096
Adjustments for non-cash items       (184,058)  24,113
Operating cash flow before working   296,998    219,209
capital changes
Used in working capital changes      (104,324)  (40,214)
Operating cash flow                  192,674    178,995
Income tax paid                      (24,511)   (1,742)
Net cash generated from operating    168,163    177,253
Net cash used in investing           (198,019)  (144,874)
Net cash (used in)/ generated from   (139,678)  579,722
financing activities
Net effect of exchange rate changes             
on cash and cash equivalents         209,841    31,151
Net increase in cash and cash        34,307     643,252
Acquired with subsidary              -          50,094
Cash and cash equivalents at 31      786,950    93,604
March 1997
Cash and cash equivalents at 31      821,257    786,950
March 1998

Accounting policies

The  accounting  policies are the same as those used  in  the   31
March 1997 Financial Statements, except in relation to investments
and land and buildings which have been changed with effect from  1
April  1997.   Comparative figures have been restated  to  reflect
these changes.

In  prior periods quoted investments were revalued to market value
at  the  date of the balance sheet, the surplus being included  in
non-distributable  reserves.  The Group's quoted  investments  are
now  only long-term investments and therefore, in conformity  with
International Accounting Standards, they are carried at cost  with
the  market value shown by way of note.  The effect of this change
is  a  reduction in investments and non-distributable reserves  of
Z$65,137,000 at 1 April 1997.

Freehold  land  and  buildings were  previously  included  in  the
Financial   Statement  at  valuation  and   buildings   were   not
depreciated.    The  Group  has  now  adopted  the   International
Accounting Standard and included them at historic cost,  with  the
market value shown by way of note.  The effect of this change is a
reduction  in  freehold  land and buildings and  non-distributable
reserves of Z$328,945,000 at 1 April 1997.  Freehold buildings are
now  depreciated  on  a straight line basis over  their  estimated
useful  life of 60 years.  The effect of the change is an increase
in  the  depreciation charge of Z$4,554,384 (1998) and Z$4,029,922
(1997).   Retained  earnings have been  reduced  by  Z$19,274,471,
which is the amount of the charge relating to periods prior  to  1
April 1998



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