Half year report 
Stockcube plc Interim Report 2009 
The Stockcube group produces research and technical analysis of the relative strengths and weaknesses 
of price trends of stocks, stock and sector indices, currencies, bonds and financial data to assist 
institutional and private investors with the timing of investment decisions. 
Highlights for the six months ended 30 June, 2009 
    *     Turnover of GBP1,214,000 (2008: GBP1,372,000) 
    *     Operating profit of GBP36,000 (2008: GBP111,000) 
    *     Profit before tax of GBP75,000 (2008: GBP165,000) 
    *     Earnings per share of 0.61p (2008: 0.77p) 
" We have been weathering these extraordinary economic conditions, and in particular the caution 
being exercised by clients in our institutional business, as well as can be expected. We have 
witnessed an unprecedented period of market turbulence which had impacted our institutional clients 
negatively with consequent knock-on effects to us. We continue to improve our services and certainly 
there is little doubt that we have had early sight, and so have our customers, of what significant 
trend changes there have been in the major markets. 
"While it is important that we continue to improve our products and continually upgrade our services 
we also have to be mindful of a relatively fixed cost base. We will continue to monitor the 
efficiency of our research production and respond accordingly if the market for our services shifts 
significantly in relation to recent events." 
Julian Burney 
Chief Executive of Stockcube, 
17 September, 2009 
Julian Burney                     Chief Executive Officer            +44 (0)207-352-4001 
Shirley Yeoh                      Finance Director                   +44 (0)207-352-4001 
William Vandyk                    Astaire Securities Plc             +44 (0)207-448-4400 
Our website is:                   www.stockcube.com 
Chairman's Statement 
We have continued to provide our customers with clear and valuable timing advice during the first six 
months of the year when market direction has shown sharp reversals of  trends. 
Financial review 
Turnover for the six months ended 30 June, 2009 was down 12% to GBP1,214,000 (2008: GBP1,372,000) and 
group operating profit decreased by 68% from GBP111,000 to GBP36,000 in 2009. Like for like, before the 
tax on the grant of share of share options of GBP30,000, this is a decrease of 41%. 
Profit before tax amounted to GBP75,000 a decrease of 55% from GBP165,000 in 2008. Like for like, a 
decrease of 36%. 
Basic earnings per share of 0.61p compared to 0.77p in 2008, a fall of 21%. Like for like, a decrease 
of 12%. 
The group balance sheet showed net tangible assets of 27p per share at 30 June, 2009 of which cash, 
cash equivalents and marketable bonds of GBP2,652,000 (June 2008: GBP2,590,000) represented 28p per 
Review of operations 
Our institutional investor consultancy, although ahead of budget, continues to reflect the 
uncertainties with which our institutional customers are grappling, recording a 26% drop in revenues 
in the first six months of the year. We do not expect such uncertainty to diminish until these 
customers have greater visibility in the trends of their business. 
Demand for Fullermoney, our global investment strategy service has weakened with a drop of 13% in 
revenues as private investors have indicated they are prepared to sit out current market conditions. 
More positively, income from our US business, Chartcraft Inc, showed an 11% increase in US$ terms 
(and a flattering 38% increase in sterling terms due to favourable GBP/US$ exchange movements) and our 
non-US wider market activities conducted through Investors Intelligence showed a 12% increase in 
income between 2008 and 2009. 
Ecube, our website developer, continues to expand its customer base with an encouraging 38% increase 
in third party development and hosting and licensing income, partly reflecting the impact of new work 
deferred by customers from the first half of 2008 to first half of 2009. Ecube is building a valuable 
reputation for website development and integrated online financial research production and 
distribution systems. 
Trading outlook 
The trading outlook is uncertain and we do not see any signs of an imminent recovery in stock market 
activity although there is a general consensus that the economic shocks suffered in the last eighteen 
months are being absorbed. 
We will continue to develop and improve our analysis and systems so we are in the best possible 
position to service and benefit from any increase in investor activity. 
Edward Forbes, 
17 September 2009 
Stockcube Plc 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                                                Unaudited        Unaudited       Audited 
                                                            Six Months to    Six Months to       Year to 
                                                   Notes          30 June          30 June        31 Dec 
                                                                     2009             2008          2008 
                                                                    GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
Revenue                                              3,4            1,214            1,372         2,586 
Cost of sales                                                        (157)             (119)        (328) 
                                                                  --------         --------       ------- 
Gross Profit                                                        1,057            1,253         2,258 
Administrative expenses                                            (1,021)          (1,142)       (2,184) 
                                                                  --------         --------      -------- 
Group operating profit                                                 36              111            74 
Investment revenues 
                                                                       39               54           118 
                                                                  --------         --------      -------- 
Profit before taxation                                                 75              165           192 
Taxation                                                 5            (16)             (91)         (110) 
                                                                  --------          -------       ------- 
Profit  for the period attributable to equity holders 
of the parent                                                          59               74            82 
                                                                  --------         --------       ------- 
Earnings per share                                        6 
Basic                                                               0.61p            0.77p         0.85p 
Diluted                                                             0.61p            0.77p         0.85p 
Stockcube Plc 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                                                  Unaudited         Unaudited       Audited 
                                                              Six Months to     Six Months to       Year to 
                                                                    30 June           30 June        31 Dec 
                                                                       2009              2008          2008 
                                                                      GBP'000             GBP'000         GBP'000 
Profit for the period                                                    59                74            82 
                                                                   --------          --------      -------- 
Other comprehensive income 
Fair  value  unrecognised gain on available-for-sale  financial           -                 -             9 
Exchange differences on translation of subsidiary                        13                (2)          (27) 
                                                                    --------          --------     -------- 
Total  comprehensive  income  for the  period  attributable  to          72                72            64 
equity holders of the parent 
                                                                    --------          --------     -------- 
Stockcube Plc 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
as at 30 June 2009 
                                                                 Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited 
                                                                     As at            As at            As at 
                                                                   30 June          30 June           31 Dec 
                                                                      2009             2008             2008 
                                                                     GBP'000            GBP'000            GBP'000 
            Non Current Assets 
Intangible assets                                                       17               17               17 
Available- for- sale investments                                     1,127                -              700 
Property, plant and equipment                                          314              333              329 
                                                                  --------         --------         -------- 
                                                                     1,458              350            1,046 
                                                                  --------         --------         -------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                                            311              856              229 
Available- for- sale investments                                       584                -              515 
Cash and cash equivalents                                              941            2,590            1,413 
                                                                  --------         --------         -------- 
                                                                     1,836            3,446            2,157 
                                                                  --------         --------         -------- 
Current Liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                             (692)          (1,050)            (603) 
Current tax payable                                                   (50)             (41)             (60) 
Financial Liability                                                     -             (170)               - 
                                                                  --------         --------         -------- 
                                                                     (742)          (1,261)            (663) 
                                                                  --------         --------         -------- 
Net current assets                                                   1,094            2,185            1,494 
                                                                  --------         --------         -------- 
Total assets less current liabilities                                2,552            2,535            2,540 
                                                                  --------         --------         -------- 
Share Capital                                                          961              961              961 
Share premium account                                                1,294            1,322            1,294 
Merger reserve                                                         568              568              568 
Share options reserve                                                   71                -               41 
Investments  revaluation reserve                                       (9)                -                9 
Translation reserve                                                    (7)                5              (20) 
Retained earnings                                                    (326)             (321)            (313) 
                                                                  --------          --------         -------- 
Equity shareholders' funds                                           2,552            2,535            2,540 
                                                                  --------          --------         -------- 
Approved by Order of the Board on 17 September 2009 
Julian Burney 
Stockcube Plc 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                          Share       Share        Merger  Translation     Share     Investments   Retained 
                          Capital    Premium       Reserve     Reserve     Option    Revaluation   earnings 
                                                                           reserve   reserve                  Total 
                           GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000          GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Balance at 1 January 2008    961       1,327         568              7         -             -       (275)   2,588 
Total comprehensive income 
for the period                 -           -           -             (2)        -             -          74      72 
Capital reorganisation - 
legal expenses                 -         (5)           -              -         -             -           -      (5) 
Dividends paid                 -           -           -              -         -             -        (120)   (120) 
                          -------     -------     -------        -------    ------     ---------     -------  ------ 
Balance at 30 June 2008      961       1,322         568              5         -             -        (321)  2,535 
                          -------     -------     -------        -------    ------     ---------     -------  ------ 
Balance at 1 January 2008    961       1,327         568              7         -             -       (275)   2,588 
Total comprehensive income 
for the period                 -           -           -            (27)        -             9         82       64 
Capital reorganisation - 
legal expenses                 -         (33)          -              -         -             -          -      (33) 
Share options charge           -           -           -              -        41             -          -       41 
Dividends paid                 -           -           -              -         -             -       (120)    (120) 
                           -------     -------     -------     ---------    ------     ---------    -------  ------- 
Balance at 31 December 2008  961       1,294         568            (20)       41             9       (313)   2,540 
                           -------     -------     -------     ----------    ------     ---------   -------  ------- 
Balance at 1 January 2009    961       1,294         568           (20)        41              9      (313)  2,540 
Total comprehensive income 
for the period                 -           -           -            13          -              -        59      72 
AFS revaluation recognised 
in profit during the year      -           -           -             -          -             (18)       -     (18) 
Share options charge           -           -           -             -         30               -        -      30 
Dividends paid                 -           -           -             -          -               -      (72)    (72) 
                           -------     -------     -------     ----------    ------     ---------   -------  ------- 
Balance at 30 June 2009      961       1,294         568            (7)        71             (9)     (326)  2,552 
                           -------     -------     -------        -------    ------     ---------   -------  ------- 
Stockcube Plc 
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
                                                            Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited 
                                                        Six months to      Six months         Year to 
                                                              30 June         30 June     31 December 
                                                                 2009            2008            2008 
                                                Notes           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Net cash from operating activities                  8              59             357             526 
                                                                --------    --------        -------- 
Net cash flows from investing activities 
Interest and other income received                                 39              54             118 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                        (2)             (4)            (10) 
Sales of available-for-sale investments                           645               -               - 
Purchases of available-for-sale investments                   (1,141)               -         (1,206) 
                                                             --------        --------        -------- 
Net cash generated from investing activities                    (459)              50         (1,098) 
                                                             --------        --------        -------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Capital reorganisation - associated expenses                        -             (5)           (203) 
Equity dividends paid                                            (72)           (120)           (120) 
                                                             --------        --------        -------- 
Net cash used in financing activities                            (72)           (125)           (323) 
                                                             --------        --------        -------- 
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash                       (472)             282           (895) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of                       1,413           2,308           2,308 
                                                             --------        --------        -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period          9             941           2,590           1,413 
                                                             --------        --------        -------- 
Stockcube Plc 
Notes to the Interim Report 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
1. Statement of Compliance 
The  consolidated financial information has been prepared using accounting policies  consistent  with 
International  Financial  Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European  Union  applied  in 
accordance  with  the  provisions of the Companies Act 1985 and in accordance with  IAS  34,  Interim 
Financial Reporting. 
The results for the year ended 31 December 2008  have been audited whilst the results for the six months 
ended  30  June  2009 and 30 June 2008 are un-audited.  The financial information contained  in  this 
interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies  Act 
1985.  The  statutory  accounts  for the previous year, which were  prepared  under  IFRS  have  been 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' opinion on those accounts was unqualified  and 
did not contain a statement made under s237 (2) or s237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985 
2. Accounting Policies 
Basis of preparation of interim financial statements 
The interim financial information has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with IFRS, as set 
out in the last annual report to 31 December 2008, except as described below: 
The Group has applied the following standards which are effective for the period beginning on or after 
January 1, 2009. The adoption of these standards only impacts the presentation and the extent of the 
disclosures presented in the financial statements: 
*     IAS 1 revised, Presentation of Financial Statements 
*     IFRS 8, Operating Segments 
Principle risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year 
The group does not have any gearing which would impact the results over the remaining six months of the 
Further, the group has surplus cash available and should be in a strong position to take advantage of 
situations arising out of the current economic environment. 
3. Revenue 
Revenue, which is stated net of value added tax, represents the sales value of work done in the period or 
Revenue is attributable mainly to the continuing activity of the provision of research and analysis of price 
trends in stocks, commodities, currencies and interest rates. 
An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows: 
                                                          Unaudited            Unaudited        Audited 
                                                      Six months to        Six months to        Year to 
                                                            30 June              30 June    31 December 
                                                               2009                 2008           2008 
                                                              GBP'000                GBP'000          GBP'000 
Rendering of services                                         1,214                1,372          2,586 
                                                           --------             --------       -------- 
4.     Operating segments 
In accordance with IFRS 8, Operating Segments, the information presented in this note is the same as that 
reported to the Chief Operating Decision Maker for the purposes of making decisions about allocating 
resources to the segment and assessing its performance. 
The segments presented in this note reflect the separate companies within the Group and is how management 
information is presented to the Chief Operating Decision Maker. 
30 June 2009              Stockcube       Stockcube        Ecube    Chartcraft   Eliminations    Total 
(unaudited)                     plc        Research      Limited          Inc. 
                              GBP'000           GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000 
Third party                       -             930           84           200             -      1,214 
Inter segment                     -               -           99             -          (99)          - 
Total Revenue                     -             930          183           200          (99)      1,214 
Profit/(loss) before           (62)             112         (35)            59            1          75 
Total assets                  4,201           3,065           92           254       (4,318)      3,294 
31 December /2008         Stockcube       Stockcube        Ecube    Chartcraft   Eliminations      Total 
(audited)                       plc        Research      Limited          Inc. 
                              GBP'000           GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
Third party                       -           2,094          145           347             -       2,586 
Inter segment                     -               -          273             -          (273)          - 
Total Revenue                     -           2,094          418           347          (273)      2,586 
Profit/(loss) before             49             117         (40)            65             1         192 
Total assets                  4,303           2,799          102           234          (4,235)    3,203 
30 June 2008              Stockcube       Stockcube        Ecube    Chartcraft   Eliminations      Total 
(unaudited)                     plc        Research      Limited          Inc. 
                              GBP'000           GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
Third party                       -           1,160           68           144             -       1,372 
Inter segment                     -               -          117            -           (117)         - 
Total Revenue                     -           1,160          185           144          (117)      1,372 
Profit/(loss) before           (36)             198         (55)            57             1         165 
Total assets                  4,400           3,275           52           165         4,096)      3,796 
There has been no alteration from the last annual financial statements in the basis of segmentation, 
however the information has been restated in order to reflect the adoption of IFRS 8. 
5. Tax on profit on ordinary activities 
The taxation charge is comprised as follows: 
                                                                   Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                                                     30 June      30 June       31Dec 
                                                                        2009         2008        2008 
                                                                       Total        Total       Total 
                                                                       GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Current tax                                                               16           36          56 
Adjustments for prior periods                                             -             -          (1) 
Deferred tax charge                                                       -            55          55 
                                                                     ------        ------      ------ 
                                                                         16            91         110 
                                                                     ------        ------      ------ 
6. Earnings per share 
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited 
                                                                     30 Jun        30 Jun       31Dec 
                                                                       2009          2008        2008 
Earnings                                                              GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
Earnings for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per 
share being net profit attributable to equity shareholders               59            74          82 
                                                                   --------      --------    -------- 
Number of shares                                                       '000          '000        '000 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of 
basic earnings per  share                                             9,611         9,611       9,611 
Number of dilutive shares under option                                    -             -           - 
                                                                   --------      --------    -------- 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of 
basic earnings per  share                                             9,611         9,611       9,611 
                                                                   --------      --------    -------- 
Profit per ordinary share (pence): 
Basic                                                                  0.61p        0.77p       0.85p 
Normalised basic                                                       0.93p        1.34p       1.85p 
Diluted                                                                0.61p        0.77p       0.85p 
Normalised diluted                                                     0.93p        1.34p       1.85p 
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary  shares 
outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.  A calculation is done to 
determine the number of shares that could have been acquired at fair value (determined as the average 
annual  market  share price of the company's shares) based on the monetary value of the  subscription 
rights  attached to outstanding share options. The number of shares calculated as above  is  compared 
with  the  number of shares that would have been issued assuming the exercise of the  share  options. 
Based on these calculations there were no dilutive potential ordinary shares in 2009 (2008: nil). 
Normalised basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated by adding back the notional charge  of 
GBP30,000  (Dec 2008:GBP41,000; June 2008: nil)  in respect  of the cost of  share options  and  deferred 
tax charge of GBPnil (December 2008: GBP55,000; June 2008: GBP55,000) to earnings. 
7. Dividends and other appropriations 
                                                         Unaudited          Unaudited          Audited 
                                                     Six Months to      Six Months to          Year to 
                                                           30 June            30 June           31 Dec 
                                                              2009               2008             2008 
                                                             GBP'000              GBP'000             GBP000 
Equity dividends on ordinary shares -Paid                       72                120              120 
                                                          --------           --------         -------- 
8. Cash generated from operations 
Group                                                    Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited 
                                                     Six Months to     Six Months to          Year to 
                                                           30 June           30 June           31 Dec 
                                                              2009              2008             2008 
                                                             GBP'000             GBP'000            GBP'000 
Operating profit                                                36               111               74 
Depreciation                                                    17                 9               20 
Exchange differences                                            13                 -              (27) 
Share Option benefits charge                                    30                 -               41 
AFS investments charge                                         (18)                -                - 
(Increase)/decrease in trade receivables                       (82)              (65)             562 
Increase/(decrease)/increase in trade payables                  89               352              (95) 
                                                          --------          --------         -------- 
Cash generated from operations                                  85               407              575 
Tax (paid)                                                     (26)              (50)             (49) 
                                                          --------          --------         -------- 
Net cash from operating activities                              59               357              526 
                                                          --------          --------         -------- 
9. Reconciliation of net cash flow 
Group                                                    Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited 
                                                     Six Months to     Six Months to          Year to 
                                                           30 June           30 June           31 Dec 
                                                              2009              2008             2008 
                                                             GBP'000             GBP'000            GBP'000 
Cash at bank and in hand 
At start of period                                           1,413             2,308            2,308 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash flow                         (472)               282            (895) 
                                                          --------          --------         -------- 
At end of period                                               941             2,590            1,413 
                                                          --------          --------         -------- 
10. Share-based payments 
    The following options were outstanding: 
                                        Founders    Executive      Approved      EMI      Total 
                                                         No.2        Scheme 
At 30 June 2008                           43,000       70,000        95,647   1,464,500     1,673,147 
Renunciations                                  -            -             -           -             - 
New Options                                    -            -             -           -             - 
At 31 December 2008                       43,000       70,000        95,647   1,464,500     1,673,147 
Renunciations                                  -            -             -           -             - 
New Options                                    -            -             -           -             - 
At 30 June 2009                           43,000       70,000        95,647   1,464,500     1,673,147 
By order of the board 
=-------------------------------------                          ------------------------------------------- 
Edward Forbes                                    Julian Burney 
Chairman                                        Chief Executive 
Stockcube PLC 

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