Unless otherwise stated below, the address of each beneficial owner listed in the table is c/o Clarivate Plc, 70 St. Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BE, United Kingdom.
The information in the table above is based solely on information contained in this shareholder’s Schedule 13D/A under the Exchange Act filed by such shareholder with the SEC. GEI VII Capri Holdings, LLC (“Capri Holdings”) is the record and direct holder of 116,666,507 ordinary shares held by Capri Holdings on behalf of the following investors: (i) Green Equity Investors VII, L.P. (“GEI VII”) is the indirect owner of 33,763,998 ordinary shares, (ii) Green Equity Investors Side VII, L.P. (“GEI Side VII”) is the indirect owner of 47,264,079 ordinary shares, (iii) GEI VII Capri AIV, L.P. (“AIV”) is the indirect owner of 6,234,835 ordinary shares, (iv) Capri Coinvest LP (“Coinvest”) is the indirect owner of 28,094,163 ordinary shares, (v) LGP Associates VII-A LLC (“Associates VII-A”) is the indirect owner of 121,171 ordinary shares, and (vi) LGP Associates VII-B LLC (“Associates VII-B”) is the indirect owner of 1,188,261 ordinary shares. The principal business of each of Capri Holdings, GEI VII, GEI Side VII, AIV, Coinvest, Associates VII-A and Associates VII-B is to pursue investments. Each of GEI VII, GEI Side VII, AIV, Coinvest, Associates VII-A, Associates VII-B, Capri VII, and LGP are members of Capri Holdings. The principal business of Capri VII is to act as a member of Capri Holdings. GEI Capital VII, LLC (“Capital”) is the general partner of GEI VII and GEI Side VII. Capital’s principal business is to act as the general partner of GEI VII and GEI Side VII. LGP is an affiliate of Capital and Capri VII. LGP’s principal business is to act as the management company of GEI VII, GEI Side VII and other affiliated funds. LGP Management, Inc. (“LGPM”) is the general partner of LGP. LGPM’s principal business is to act as the general partner of LGP. Peridot Coinvest Manager LLC (“Peridot”) is an affiliate of LGP and Capital whose principal business is to act as the general partner of Coinvest, the manager of Capri Holdings, and the management company of Associates VII-A, Associates VII-B, and other similar entities. Due to their relationships with GEI VII, GEI Side VII, AIV, Coinvest, Associates VII-A, and Associates VII-B, each of Capri Holdings, Capri VII, Capital, LGP, LGPM, and Peridot may be deemed to have shared voting and investment power with respect to the ordinary shares beneficially owned by GEI VII, GEI Side VII, AIV, Coinvest, Associates VII-A, and Associates VII-B. As such, Capri Holdings, Capri VII, Capital, LGP, LGPM, and Peridot may be deemed to have shared beneficial ownership over such ordinary shares. Each of Capri Holdings, Capri VII, Capital, LGP, LGPM, and Peridot, however, disclaims beneficial ownership of such ordinary shares. The address of GEI VII Capri Holdings, LLC. is 11111 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 2000, Los Angeles, CA 90025.
The information in the table above is based solely on information contained in this shareholder’s Schedule 13G under the Exchange Act filed by such shareholder with the SEC. Clarkston Capital Partners, LLC (“CCP”), is an investment adviser and the record holder of 48,465,749 Ordinary shares, having shared voting power over 44,036,834 of those shares and shared dispositive power over 48,465,749 shares. Collectively, the securities reported in the Schedule 13G are held in the accounts of CCP’s discretionary clients or in an account over which a control person of CCP has beneficial ownership. The sole members of CCP are Clarkston Companies, Inc. and Modell Capital LLC. The sole owners of Clarkston Companies, Inc. are Jeffrey A. Hakala and Gerald W. Hakala. The sole member of Modell Capital LLC is the Jeremy J. Modell Revocable Living Trust. The address of Clarkston Capital Partners, LLC is 91 West Long Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304.
The information in the table above is based solely on information contained in this shareholder’s Schedule 13G/A under the Exchange Act filed by such shareholder with the SEC. The address of Generation Investment Management LLP is 20 Air Street, 7th floor, London, United Kingdom W1B 5AN.
The information in the table above is based solely on information contained in this shareholder’s Schedule 13G/A under the Exchange Act filed by such shareholder with the SEC. Onex Partners IV LP is the record holder of 15,874,408 ordinary shares; Onex Partners IV PV LP is the record holder of 784,783 ordinary shares; Onex Partners IV Select LP is the record holder of 109,890 ordinary shares; Onex Partners IV GP LP is the record holder of 453,991 ordinary shares; Onex Camelot Co-Invest LP is the record holder of 9,289,010 ordinary shares; Onex US Principals LP is the record holder of 584,939 ordinary shares; and Onex Partners Holdings LLC is the record holder of 14,820,116 ordinary shares. Mr. Gerald W. Schwartz beneficially owns all of the shares held by Onex Corporation and directly controls New PCo GP Inc. Mr. Schwartz may be deemed to share beneficial ownership of the shares beneficially owned by Onex Corporation and New