November 4, 2003

Talisman Energy-$2.1 Billion In Cash Flow For Nine Months





Talisman Energy Inc. today reported record high cash flow and earnings for the first nine 
months of 2003.

Cash flow to September 30 was $2,085 million ($16.17/share) compared to $1,886 
million ($14.03/share) a year ago. Cash flow during the third quarter was $640 million 
($4.99/share) compared to $600 million ($4.65/share) in the previous quarter and $657 
million ($4.87/share) a year earlier. The comparable number, excluding cash flow from 
Sudan operations, for the third quarter of 2002 was $543 million ($4.03/share).

Earnings to the end of September were $900 million ($6.85/share) versus $342 million 
($2.41/share) in the same period last year. Net income during the quarter was $126 
million ($0.94/share) compared to $151 million ($1.08/share) a year ago. Excluding 
Sudan operations, earnings in the same period last year were $77 million ($0.53/share).

Production averaged 379,000 boe/d during the quarter, in line with the Company's 
guidance and up 4% over the previous quarter. Unit operating costs were up during the 
quarter, averaging $7.31/boe, but are expected to fall with production increases in the 
fourth quarter.

"Talisman's strategic positioning in new exploration and development areas is beginning 
to pay off," said Dr. Jim Buckee, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Production is 
benefiting from increasing contributions from Malaysia/Vietnam and Algeria. We have 
had exploration success in a number of areas and have a significant inventory of high-
impact exploration opportunities, some of which are currently drilling or about to spud.

"The billion dollar PM-3 CAA oil and gas development in Malaysia/Vietnam is up and 
running, on time and on budget. Oil production is currently 12,000 bbls/d net to 
Talisman, with more wells being drilled and tied-in. Peak oil production is expected in 
early 2004. First natural gas production has started and volumes will increase into 2004.

"We have a very active ongoing program and have seen success on a number of fronts. 
This quarter saw Talisman's first production from Norway, the startup of the first Blake 
Flank well in the North Sea and increasing Algerian production. Drilling success 
continued in North America and we have added to our pipeline infrastructure in core 
areas. We have a number of high-impact wells drilling in Colombia and Trinidad and 
have made our first discovery offshore Vietnam.

"In total, production increased 4% over the second quarter of this year and, excluding 
Sudan, production per share was up 5% over the previous year. We anticipate this upward 
trend will continue in the fourth quarter and we continue to expect production of between 
395,000-415,000 boe/d for the year, consistent with our earlier guidance.

"Expected cash flow for the year is $2.7 billion or approximately $21 per share, based on 
fourth quarter WTI oil prices of US$29/bbl, NYMEX gas prices of US$4.65/mcf and a 
C$/US$ exchange rate of $0.75."

Talisman Third Quarter Summary

- Talisman increased its semi-annual dividend to forty cents Canadian (C$0.40) per share 
on the Company's common shares.

- Talisman repurchased 1.2 million common shares during the quarter at an average price 
of $60.99/share.

- Drilling success averaged 90% in North America with 83 gas and 62 oil wells.

- Talisman acquired 100% of the shares of Vista Midstream Solutions, enhancing the 
Company's ability to control its production, timing and costs in the Deep Basin in 
Alberta. This positioning has been augmented by success at recent land sales.

- Talisman has completed the Erith Pipeline and dehydration project.

- Talisman's subsidiary, Fortuna Energy Inc., drilled two successful Black River gas wells 
on its New York properties.

- North Sea production increased 9% over the previous quarter.

- Production from the first Blake Flank well in the North Sea started in September.

- Talisman completed the acquisition of the Gyda field in Norway during the quarter. Net 
Talisman production is currently 7,000 boe/d.

- The Affleck exploration well in the North Sea tested at 4,000 bbls/d from one zone. A 
sidetrack is planned. Talisman has a 27% working interest.

- First oil production from the PM-3 Commercial Arrangement Area Phase 2/3 project in 
Malaysia/Vietnam commenced in September and is currently averaging about 12,000 
bbls/d (net TLM). First natural gas production started in late October.

- The North Bunga Orkid exploration well on PM-3 CAA tested at 28.7 mmcf/d from two 
zones out of over 20 hydrocarbon zones encountered by the well. A sidetrack well was 
drilled to test the extent of the discovery. Talisman has a 41.44% working interest.

- The Hoa Mai exploration well on Vietnam Block 46-Cai Nuoc tested at 34 mmcf/d 
from a single zone. Talisman has a 33.15% working interest.

- First natural gas sales to Singapore commenced from the Corridor Production Sharing 
Contract in South Sumatra.

- The Howler well on Block 2c offshore Trinidad tested natural gas.

- Talisman is drilling its first two exploration wells in Colombia.


This discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the Interim Consolidated 
Financial Statements. The calculation of barrels of oil equivalent (boe) is based on a 
conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet (mcf) of natural gas for one barrel of oil 
equivalent. All comparative percentages are between the quarters ended September 30, 
2003 and 2002, unless stated otherwise. All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless 
otherwise indicated. Reported production represents Talisman's working interest share 
before royalties unless otherwise noted. Readers are also referred to the product netbacks 
by reporting segment included elsewhere in this interim report upon which much of the 
following discussion is based.

Included in the MD&A are references to terms commonly used in the oil and gas industry 
such as cash flow and cash flow per share. These terms are not defined by Generally 
Accepted Accounting Principles in either Canada or the US. Consequently these are 
referred to as non-GAAP measures. Cash flow, as discussed below, appears as a separate 
caption on the Company's cash flow statement and is reconciled to both net income and 
cash flow from operations.

Quarterly results summary

                                       Three months      Nine months
                                          ended            ended
September 30                       2003       2002    2003       2002
Financial (millions of Cdn.
 dollars unless otherwise
Cash flow (1&3)                     640        657   2,085      1,886
Net income (1)                      126        151     900        342
Exploration and development
 expenditures                       575        443   1,522      1,391
Per common share (dollars)
  Cash flow (1&3) - Basic          4.99       4.87   16.17      14.03
                  - Diluted        4.92       4.80   15.98      13.78
  Net income (2)  - Basic          0.94       1.08    6.85       2.41
                  - Diluted        0.92       1.06    6.77       2.36
 (daily average production)
Oil and liquids (bbls/d)        202,008    267,393 212,520    273,467
Natural gas (mmcf/d)              1,064      1,024   1,074      1,039
Total mboe/d (6mcf=1boe)        379,393    437,865 391,473    446,665

1) Amounts are reported prior to preferred security charges of $10 million ($6 million, 
net of tax) for the three months ended September 30, 2003 (2002 - $11 million; $6 
million, net of tax).

2) Per common share amounts for net income and diluted net income are reported after 
preferred security charges.

3) Cash flow is a non-GAAP measure and represents net income before exploration costs, 
DD&A, future taxes and other non-cash expenses.

The Company's cash flow for the first nine months increased to $2,085 million, up 10% 
over 2002. Higher natural gas production and prices more than offset the impact of the 
sale of the Sudan operations in March of this year. The current quarter's cash flow, as 
compared to the second quarter of 2002, decreased 3% to $640 million primarily due to 
the sale of Sudan. Cash flow per share for the quarter increased to $4.99 as the average 
number of shares decreased 5% during the past year as a result of shares purchased under 
the Company's normal course issuer bid.

Net income per share for the quarter decreased $0.14 to $0.94 as compared to the third 
quarter of 2002 due primarily to the sale of the Sudan operations. Net income per share 
for the first nine months was $6.85, up from $2.41 in 2002. The Company's net income 
for the nine months of 2003 was impacted by the following three significant special non-
cash items which increased the year-to-date net income by $382 million ($2.95/share):

- Sale of Sudan operations - first quarter gain on sale increased net income by $296 
million ($2.28/share)

- Change in stock options accounting- second quarter expense of $105 million ($74 
million, net of tax) or $0.57/share upon implementation of a change in stock options 

- Tax rate changes - second quarter future tax recovery of $160 million ($1.24/share) due 
to decreases in Canadian federal and provincial tax rates.

Sale of Sudan operations

On March 12, 2003, Talisman completed the sale of its indirectly held subsidiary, which 
owned an interest in the Greater Nile Oil Project in Sudan, to ONGC Videsh Limited 
("OVL"), a subsidiary of India's national oil company. The aggregate amount realized by 
Talisman from the transaction (including interest and cash received by Talisman between 
September 1, 2002 and closing) was $1.13 billion (US$771 million), subject to post-
closing adjustments. See note 7 to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

The following table has been provided to assist readers in understanding the Company's 
results after taking into account the sale of the Sudan operations. The pro forma amounts 
presented below for 2002 and 2003 exclude the $296 million gain on sale of the Sudan 
operations and the Sudan results of operations.

Pro forma Sudan operations and gain on sale

                                      Pro forma           Pro forma
                                     Three months        Nine months
                                        ended               ended
September 30                      2003       2002     2003       2002
Financial (millions of Cdn.
 dollars unless otherwise stated)
Cash flow                          640        543    2,009      1,620
Net income                         126         77      559        170
Exploration and development
 expenditures                      575        411    1,520      1,313
Per common share (dollars)
 Cash flow - Basic                4.99       4.03    15.58      12.05
           - Diluted              4.92       3.97    15.40      11.84
 Net income - Basic               0.94       0.53     4.20       1.13
           - Diluted              0.92       0.52     4.15       1.11
Production (daily average
Oil and liquids (bbls/d)       202,008    207,348  195,087    213,711
Natural gas (mmcf/d)             1,064      1,024    1,074      1,039
Total mboe/d (6mcf=1boe)       379,393    377,820  374,040    386,907

On a pro forma basis, cash flow per share increased 24% for the quarter due to higher 
North America natural gas revenues and fewer outstanding common shares. Pro forma 
net income for the quarter increased 64% compared to a year ago.

Talisman continues to be subject to a lawsuit brought by the Presbyterian Church of 
Sudan and others under the Alien Tort Claims Act in the United States District Court for 
the Southern District of New York. In July 2003, Talisman filed a motion to dismiss the 
lawsuit for lack of personal jurisdiction of the Court over Talisman. In August 2003, the 
plaintiffs filed a motion seeking certification of the case as a class action. Talisman is in 
the process of challenging this certification. No decision is expected on either of these 
motions until 2004. In a mandatory disclosure served in September 2003, the plaintiffs 
named the compensatory and punitive damage amounts they are claiming. Talisman 
regards these claims to be entirely without merit and is continuing to vigorously defend 
itself against this lawsuit.

Company Netbacks

                                Three months          Nine months
                                    ended                ended
September 30                  2003   2002   2001   2003   2002   2001
Oil and liquids ($/bbl)
 Sales price                 37.15  39.64  35.33  39.44  35.77  36.76
 Hedging expense (income)     2.01   0.63  (0.04)  2.04  (0.01)  0.07
 Royalties                    4.20   6.66   6.18   5.76   6.16   6.98
 Operating costs              9.89   8.89   6.96   9.68   7.81   7.10
                             21.05  23.46  22.23  21.96  21.81  22.61
Natural gas ($/mcf)
 Sales price                  5.59   3.32   3.66   6.40   3.64   5.88
 Hedging expense (income)     0.02  (0.30) (0.18)  0.13  (0.26)  0.13
 Royalties                    0.98   0.51   0.66   1.22   0.60   1.35
 Operating costs              0.74   0.72   0.58   0.71   0.65   0.59
                              3.85   2.39   2.60   4.34   2.65   3.81
Total $/boe (6mcf=1boe)
 Sales price                 35.46  31.92  30.11  38.94  30.32  36.14
 Hedging expense (income)     1.13  (0.31) (0.44)  1.45  (0.62)  0.36
 Royalties                    4.99   5.25   5.32   6.48   5.16   7.43
 Operating costs              7.31   7.11   5.60   7.17   6.28   5.66
                             22.03  19.87  19.63  23.84  19.50  22.69
Netbacks do not include synthetic oil and pipeline operations.
Additional netback information by major product type and region is
included elsewhere in this interim report.

The Company's average netback for the quarter was $22.03/boe, up 11% from 2002 with 
higher North America natural gas prices reduced by higher natural gas royalties, 
increased hedging losses and the impact of the strengthening Canadian dollar. Oil 
royalties during the quarter were reduced due to the UK's abolition of government 
royalties in the North Sea and the sale of the Sudan operations.


September 30                    Three months          Nine months
                                    ended                ended
Gross Sales ($ millions)      2003   2002   2001   2003   2002   2001
North America                  640    470    480  2,129  1,411  1,923
North Sea                      413    504    427  1,250  1,451  1,197
Southeast Asia                 123    117    115    379    344    337
Algeria                         27      -      -     48      -      -
Sudan                            -    209    167    209    569    507
                             1,203  1,300  1,189  4,015  3,775  3,964

The Company's gross sales were $1.2 billion for the quarter, down slightly from 2002 
with the increase in natural gas revenues due to higher prices ($210 million) and volumes 
($25 million) being more than offset by the decrease in oil and liquids revenues due to the 
sale of the Sudan operations ($209 million), lower liquids volumes ($20 million) and 
prices ($52 million) and increased hedging losses ($52 million). On a pro forma basis, 
after removing the Sudan operations, gross sales for the quarter were up 10% as higher 
natural gas revenues in North America more than offset the drop in oil and liquids 
revenue and hedging losses.

Production (daily average)

                            Three months             Nine months
                                ended                   ended
September 30             2003    2002    2001    2003    2002    2001
Oil and liquids (bbls/d)
North America          59,612  61,266  65,845  60,267  62,632  66,250
North Sea             112,360 124,106 116,696 107,811 128,577 102,665
Southeast Asia         22,241  21,976  21,307  22,170  22,500  19,531
Algeria                 7,795       -       -   4,839       -       -
Sudan                       -  60,045  54,342  17,433  59,758  52,560
                      202,008 267,393 258,190 212,520 273,467 241,006
Natural gas (mmcf/d)
North America             853     809     810     863     817     797
North Sea                  91     122      88     106     126      98
Southeast Asia            120      93      88     105      96      91
                        1,064   1,024     986   1,074   1,039     986
Total boe/d
 (6mcf=1boe)          379,393 437,865 422,459 391,473 446,665 405,406

The Company's daily average production during the quarter, as measured in barrels of oil 
equivalent, increased 4% over the second quarter of 2003 but was down from a year ago 
primarily due to the sale of the Sudan operations, natural decline and North Sea 
turnarounds. The startup of Algeria operations and higher natural gas production 
contributed to the increase in production over the second quarter.

As anticipated, North Sea production for the quarter increased 10,000 bbls/d over the 
second quarter of 2003 due to successful development drilling and the acquisition of the 
Gyda field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Gyda contributed 3,500 bbls/d 
during the quarter and is currently producing approximately 7,000 boe/d. The Blake 
Flank achieved first oil near the end of September and is currently averaging 
approximately 1,900 bbls/d. Liquids production from the PM-3 CAA development 
project in Southeast Asia commenced at quarter end. Malaysia/Vietnam production 
averaged 6,300 bbls/d during the quarter and is currently producing 12,000 bbls/d. 
Algeria production commenced at the end of 2002 at Ourhoud and increased through the 
first nine months of 2003 with the startup of the MLN project at the end of the second 
quarter. North America liquids production was lower as the Company continues to focus 
on natural gas opportunities.

North America natural gas production for the quarter ended September 30, increased to 
853 mmcf/d, up 5% over the same period last year with the acquired properties in 
Appalachia averaging 64 mmcf/d. However, North America natural gas production for 
the quarter was affected by development delays and turnarounds. Talisman's North Sea 
natural gas production in the third quarter of 2002 benefited from a temporary increase in 
access to export pipeline capacity at Brae. Southeast Asia production averaged 120 
mmcf/d, up 29% over last year, with the increase due primarily to Corridor sales under 
the Caltex 2 gas contract. Corridor production also included sales under a long-term 
supply contract to Gas Supply Pte. Ltd. in Singapore which commenced mid-September 
at 7.5 mmcf/d. Natural gas production in Malaysia/Vietnam has started from the end of 


                            Three months             Nine months
                                ended                   ended
September 30             2003    2002    2001    2003    2002    2001
Oil and liquids ($/bbl)
North America           33.43   35.57   32.81   36.41   31.70   33.87
North Sea               38.66   41.89   37.16   40.08   37.77   38.70
Southeast Asia          38.26   41.27   37.87   40.91   37.59   39.54
Algeria                 39.37       -       -   38.44       -       -
Sudan                       -   38.33   33.36   43.89   34.86   35.42
                        37.15   39.64   35.33   39.44   35.77   36.76
Natural gas ($/mcf)
North America            5.92    3.26    3.56    6.79    3.55    6.16
North Sea                4.08    3.13    3.40    4.46    3.70    4.28
Southeast Asia           4.41    4.12    4.88    5.10    4.32    5.06
                         5.59    3.32    3.66    6.40    3.64    5.88
Total $/boe (6mcf=1boe) 35.46   31.92   30.11   38.94   30.32   36.14
Hedging loss (income)-
 excluded from the
 above prices
 Oil and liquids ($/bbl) 2.01    0.63   (0.04)   2.04   (0.01)   0.07
 Natural gas ($/mcf)     0.02   (0.30)  (0.18)   0.13   (0.26)   0.13
 Total $/boe (6mcf=1boe) 1.13   (0.31)  (0.44)   1.45   (0.62)   0.36
Benchmark prices
 WTI (US$/bbl)          30.20   28.27   26.49   30.99   25.39   27.73
 Brent dated (US$/bbl)  28.41   26.95   25.30   28.65   24.38   26.16
 NYMEX (US$/mmbtu)       5.10    3.26    2.98    5.73    3.01    5.01
 AECO (C$/gj)            5.97    3.08    3.72    6.70    3.48    6.92
 Excludes synthetic oil.

World oil and North American natural gas prices remained strong during the third quarter 
with WTI averaging US$30.20/bbl and NYMEX averaging US$5.10/mmbtu. Talisman's 
average reported prices remained strong during the quarter with North America natural 
gas prices averaging $5.92/mcf, significantly higher compared to a year ago, while 
Talisman's reported average oil price, though down slightly from a year ago, averaged 
$37.15/bbl for the quarter. Talisman's Canadian dollar average reported prices, as 
compared to the WTI and Brent benchmark prices, were reduced due to the strengthening 
of the Canadian dollar against the US dollar.

The average natural gas price in Southeast Asia was impacted due to increased gas sales 
under the Caltex 2 contract. The Caltex 2 gas price is approximately 25% less than the 
original Caltex contract. Both Caltex contracts are referenced to oil prices. Natural gas 
sales to Singapore are referenced to the Singapore spot market for fuel oil and averaged 
approximately $4.93/mcf for the second half of September.

The Company's commodity hedging activities resulted in a $1.13/boe loss for the quarter 
compared to a gain of $0.31/boe in 2002, due to higher North American natural gas 
prices and oil benchmark prices. The Company's net hedging loss for the quarter was $39 
million compared to a gain of $13 million in 2002. A summary of the Company's 
outstanding commodity based sales contracts may be found in note 5 to the Interim 
Consolidated Financial Statements.


September 30                   Three months ended  Nine months ended
Royalty expense ($ millions)     2003  2002  2001   2003  2002  2001
North America                     127    84    99    465   254   486
North Sea                          (2)   25    25     (6)   74    62
Southeast Asia                     33    34    24    107    92    70
Algeria                            15     -     -     26     -     -
Sudan                               -    68    59     97   205   203
                                  173   211   207    689   625   821

September 30                   Three months ended  Nine months ended
Average royalty rates (%)       2003   2002  2001   2003  2002  2001
North America                     20     19    21     21    19    25
North Sea                          -      5     6      -     5     5
Southeast Asia                    25     29    21     27    27    21
Algeria                           51      -     -     51     -     -
Sudan                              -     32    35     46    36    40
                                  14     16    18     17    17    21
Excludes synthetic oil

The Company's royalty expense for the third quarter was $173 million, which equates to 
an overall royalty rate of 14%, down from 16% in 2002.  Higher natural gas prices in 
Canada increased the royalty rate for North America.  North Sea royalties decreased as a 
result of the UK abolishing government royalties effective January 2003.  In addition, 
agreement was reached with respect to the outstanding UK royalty issues in respect of 
prior years resulting in a negative royalty expense for 2003.  Talisman's Algerian royalty 
rate is expected to average 51% during the initial years of production.  Without Sudan, 
the Company's quarterly average royalty rate would have been 13% and 15% for 2002 
and 2001, respectively.

Operating Expense

September 30                  Three months ended   Nine months ended
------------         -----------------------------------------------
Operating expense ($millions)   2003  2002  2001   2003   2002  2001
North America                     98    92    83    291    258   246
North Sea                        140   164   122    428    430   330
Southeast Asia                    21    23    17     62     61    49
Algeria                            9     -     -     12      -     -
Sudan                              -    23    14     18     63    50
                                 268   302   236    811    812   675

September 30                 Three months ended    Nine months ended
------------         -----------------------------------------------
Unit operating costs ($/boe) 2003   2002   2001   2003   2002   2001
North America                5.07   4.90   4.18   4.93   4.48   4.23
North Sea                   11.18  11.47   9.00  11.65   9.74   9.13
Southeast Asia               5.27   6.58   5.26   5.68   5.81   5.16
Algeria                     12.24      -      -   8.93      -      -
Sudan                           -   4.07   2.78   3.73   3.85   3.46
                             7.31   7.11   5.60   7.17   6.28   5.66
Excludes synthetic oil

Operating expense decreased to $268 million for the quarter due to lower North Sea 
maintenance expenditures and the sale of the Sudan operations. Higher power costs 
contributed to the increase in North America unit operating costs. Higher Corridor 
production decreased the Southeast Asia unit operating costs to $5.27/boe. The Algeria 
operating costs increased due to the startup of the MLN project at the end of the second 
quarter. However, the strengthening Canadian dollar generally mitigated the increase in 
the Company's reported unit operating costs.

Capital expenditures ($ millions)

                               Three months ended  Nine months ended
September 30                   2003   2002   2001   2003  2002  2001
North America                   359    179    249  1,231   609   745
North Sea                       325    153    153    545   418   485
Southeast Asia                   78     76     35    232   181    69
Algeria                           5     36     13     30    76    42
Sudan                             -     32     37      2    78    88
Other                            79     12      9    137    82    22
                                846    488    496  2,177 1,444 1,451
Capital expenditures include exploration and development expenditures
and net asset acquisitions but exclude administrative capital.

Total planned exploration and development spending for 2003 is projected to be $2.2 
billion excluding acquisitions. During the first nine months of 2003, $1.5 billion was 
spent on exploration and development and $655 million was spent on net acquisitions 
including debt and working capital assumed. In the first nine months of 2003, the 
category "other" in the above table includes $78 million spent for exploration and 
development in Trinidad.

In August, Talisman completed the purchase of a 61% operating interest in the 
Norwegian offshore Gyda field, associated facilities and adjacent acreage for $130 
million, including $25 million of assumed working capital deficiency. As part of this 
acquisition, Talisman has preliminarily recorded $47 million of goodwill. Gyda, in 
addition to its current production, is expected to provide prospective field development 
opportunities. Talisman also acquired additional minor working interests in four North 
Sea fields for $60 million. Most of the minor acquisitions occurred at the end of the third 

The acquisition of Vista Midstream Solutions (Vista) was completed in July for $130 
million, including debt and working capital assumed. The acquisition of Vista, in addition 
to its growing midstream revenue, will also provide access to infrastructure to support 
Talisman's exploration activities in the Deep Basin area of Alberta.

The first quarter acquisition of the US natural gas properties for $384 million accounts 
for the remainder of the acquisitions completed in the first nine months of 2003.

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

                             Three months ended    Nine months ended
September 30           ----------------------------------------------
DD&A ($/boe)                 2003   2002   2001   2003   2002   2001
North America                9.35   8.49   8.54   9.21   8.34   7.85
North Sea                   12.82  14.04  11.99  12.69  12.75  11.72
Southeast Asia               5.40   6.14   6.48   5.91   6.12   6.46
Algeria                      6.81      -      -   7.08      -      -
Sudan                           -   4.18   3.93   3.98   4.21   3.97
                            10.02   9.53   8.85   9.73   9.08   8.36

The 2003 third quarter depreciation, depletion and amortization (DD&A) expense was 
$350 million, down from $384 million in 2002 as an increase in unit DD&A rate partly 
offset the impact of lower production. The DD&A rate in North America increased due to 
the inclusion of costs associated with the US property acquisitions. The North Sea 
DD&A rate fell due partly to lower depletion at Beatrice.

Other ($ millions except where noted)

                             Three months ended    Nine months ended
September 30                 2003   2002   2001    2003   2002  2001
G&A                            32     33     25     106     99    79
  G&A ($/boe)                0.92   0.81   0.64    0.99   0.81  0.71
Interest expense               30     38     44     102    122   103
Interest costs capitalized      8      7      2      22     18    14
Dry hole expense               71     73     26     185    125    81
Stock-based compensation       18      -      -     123      -     -
Other revenue                  17     21     17      54     60    60
Other expense (income)         (9)   (14)    59      25     60    61

Dry hole expense was $71 million for the quarter, a portion of which related to a high risk 
exploration well off-shore Nova Scotia. Interest expense fell during the quarter due to the 
lower average debt level. Other revenue included $14 million of pipeline and processing 
revenue. For the first nine months, the income statement item 'other expense (income)' 
includes a second quarter property impairment in the North Sea of $27 million due to 
disappointing development drilling at Ivanhoe/Rob Roy.

Stock-Based Compensation

The Company's stock option plans were amended to provide employees and directors 
who hold stock options with the choice upon exercise to purchase a share of the 
Company at the stated exercise price or to receive a cash payment in exchange for 
surrendering the option. The cash payment is equal to the appreciated value of the stock 
option as determined based on the difference between the option's exercise price and the 
Company's share price at the time of surrender. The cash payment alternative is expected 
to result in reduced shareholder dilution in the future as it is anticipated that most holders 
of the stock options (now and in the future) will elect to take a cash payment. Such cash 
payments made by the Company to stock option holders will be deductible by the 
Company for income tax purposes.

As a result of the cash payment alternative, which became available on July 1, 2003, the 
Company's second quarter results included a $105 million ($74 million, or $0.57/share, 
net of tax) stock-based compensation expense relating to the appreciated value of the 
Company's outstanding stock options at June 30, 2003. The stock-based compensation 
expense for the third quarter was $18 million primarily relating to the appreciation of the 
Company's stock price during the quarter. During the third quarter, the first period in 
which the new cash payment alternative was provided to option holders, 580,035 options 
were surrendered for $17 million. Additional stock-based compensation expense or 
recoveries in future periods is dependent on the movement of the Company's share price 
and the number of outstanding options. See notes 1 and 3 to the Interim Consolidated 
Financial Statements for additional information on stock-based compensation.

Income taxes ($ millions)

                           Three months ended      Nine months ended
September 30              2003   2002    2001    2003   2002    2001
Income before tax          217    257     219   1,123    770   1,174
Less PRT                    23     30      35      73    106     115
                           194    227     184   1,050    664   1,059
Income tax expense
  Current income tax        59     68      82     194    192     276
  Future income tax          9      8     (19)    (44)   130      90
                            68     76      63     150    322     366
Effective tax rate          35     33      34      14     48      35

The current income tax expense for the quarter decreased due to lower North Sea income. 
The effective tax rate for the current quarter was 35% compared with 33% in 2002 due to 
the change in the sourcing of the Company's taxable income between tax jurisdictions.

The effective tax rate for the first nine months was impacted by a number of items 
including the gain on the sale of the Sudan operations and taxable foreign exchange gains 
on foreign currency denominated loans due to the strengthening Canadian dollar. During 
the second quarter of 2003, the Company recorded a non-cash future tax recovery of 
$160 million ($1.24/share) due to a reduction in the Canadian federal and provincial tax 

In 2002, the future tax expense for the first nine months increased due to the introduction 
of a 10% supplemental tax in the UK ($128 million), which was partially offset by a 
reduction in the Alberta provincial tax rate ($12 million).

Long-term debt and liquidity

Long-term debt decreased to $2.3 billion, down from $3.0 billion at year end, as a portion 
of the Sudan net proceeds was used to repay amounts outstanding under the Company's 
bank credit facilities. In addition, the strengthening of the Canadian dollar vis-.-vis the 
US dollar during the first nine months of 2003 decreased the reported debt amount by 
$278 million as compared to year end. The majority of the change in reported debt due to 
currency movements does not impact the Company's net income but instead impacts the 
cumulative foreign currency translation account which is included in shareholders' equity. 
Subsequent to September 30, the continuing appreciation of the Canadian dollar against 
the US dollar in the month of October has further decreased the US dollar denominated 
debt by approximately $37 million.

Allowing for $220 million of cash and short-term investments, total net corporate debt at 
quarter end, excluding the preferred securities, was $2.1 billion. On a net debt basis, debt-
to-debt plus equity was 30%, down from 40% at year end.

During the quarter, 1,200,900 common shares were repurchased for $73 million 
($60.99/share). Year-to-date, the Company purchased 3,335,600 common shares for $194 
million ($58.24/share). In March 2003, the Company renewed the normal course issuer 
bid to permit the purchase of up to 6,456,669 of its common shares, representing 5% of 
the total number of common shares outstanding at the time of the renewal.

In September 2003, Talisman declared a semi-annual dividend of $0.40/share payable 
December 31, 2003. This constitutes a 33% ($0.10/share) increase in the semi-annual 
dividend rate. The dividend will be paid to shareholders of record at the close of business 
on December 10, 2003.


North America

During the third quarter, Talisman participated in 161 wells (gross). A total of 83 gas and 
62 oil wells were drilled, with an average success rate of 90%.

Gas production in North America during the third quarter averaged 853 mmcf/d, an 
increase of 5% over the same period last year, including production from Appalachia. 
Liquids production averaged 59,612 bbls/d, a decrease of 3% over the same period last 
year. Natural gas continues to be the focus of the Company's exploration and 
development activities in North America, supplemented by low risk oil projects.

In the Alberta Foothills, natural gas production averaged 124 mmcf/d, essentially 
unchanged from the last few quarters. Talisman estimates that it has 15-20 mmcf/d of 
shut in production in the area due to infrastructure limitations. The Erith pipeline and 
dehydration projects have just been commissioned and are expected to alleviate this 
bottleneck by mid-November. The pipeline will add 75 mmcf/d of raw gas capacity from 
the Foothills area to Talisman's Edson gas plant. The Company expects to utilize 
approximately two-thirds of this raw gas capacity for its own production. Talisman 
continued its active program in the area with four operated and six non-operated drilling 
rigs. During the quarter, five of the 34 wells (gross) planned for this year were drilled 
with a 100% success rate, testing at rates between 8-18 mmcf/d.

In the Turner Valley field, Talisman's successful oil and up hole gas drilling programs 
continued with three new gas wells.  Construction of a new sweet gas plant at Little 
Chicago in Turner Valley has been approved, which will allow 10 mmcf/d (net) of shut-
in sweet gas to flow. The plant received EUB approval and construction is projected to 
start in the first quarter of 2004. The plant is sized for capacity of 20 mmcf/d to allow for 
growth from 2004 drilling.

In the Monkman area, natural gas production averaged 87 mmcf/d, an increase of 8% 
over the same period last year and unchanged from last quarter. There are currently three 
rigs active in the area, with two deep wells drilling.

In Chauvin, 27 oil wells were drilled in the third quarter with a 100% success rate. 
Chauvin's production averaged 18,279 boe/d.

Production from Appalachia averaged 64 mmcf/d during the third quarter. Two wells 
have been completed and are awaiting tie-in and compression. The Fortuna 
Konstantinedes well tested at rates up to 10.4 mmcf/d. Two wells are currently drilling 
and two more wells are planned for the rest of the year.

Bigstone/ Wild River continues to be an active area for the Company. Year-to-date, a 
total of 48 wells (gross) have been drilled with 100% success. Currently there are six rigs 
working in the area and Talisman expects to drill a total of 67 gross wells here in 2003 
versus 27 in 2002. Production averaged 15,548 boe/d during the quarter. The Wild River 
plant was at capacity following its 2002 expansion and was expanded again during the 
third quarter, adding 15 mmcf/d of capacity.

Another active winter drilling program is underway at West Whitecourt, with two rigs 
currently operating in the area and plans to expand to four rigs by year end. A total of 26 
wells (gross) have been drilled year-to-date with an 88% drilling success rate. Talisman 
plans to drill a total of 40 wells (gross) in 2003 versus 38 wells in 2002.

The Company continues to increase production in the Deep Basin, with an average 
production rate of 66.7 mmcfe/d, a 31% increase over the same period last year and a 
17% increase from the previous quarter. This gain is attributable in part to the Elmworth 
1-17-70-7W6 well, which has produced at rates as high as 17 mmcf/d. The acquisition of 
the Vista Cutbank midstream assets in the Deep Basin supports Talisman's strategy in the 
area. During the third quarter, three gas wells were drilled with one rig currently 
operating and four more expected to be operating in November. Six additional wells are 
expected to be drilled by year end.

As part of our ongoing acquisition and disposition process, Talisman completed 15 
transactions during the quarter resulting in the purchase of $142 million in assets 
(including $130 million for the Vista Midstream assets) and the sale of $55 million of 
non-core holdings, including some of the acquired Vista assets.

North America Frontiers

During the quarter, Talisman participated in the high-risk Balvenie-B79 well off the east 
coast of Nova Scotia. The well was plugged and abandoned, however it did not reach 
Talisman's prime objective.

North Sea

North Sea production during the third quarter averaged 127,500 boe/d, up 9% from the 
second quarter of 2003, mainly due to the resumption of production after the completion 
of major planned shutdowns at Ross/Blake and at Claymore/Tartan and the acquisition of 
Gyda. Production in September averaged 147,000 boe/d and this production rate has been 
maintained through October.

The acquisition of the operated Gyda interest (TLM 61%) in Norway closed during the 
quarter. Current production is 7,000 boe/d net to Talisman. The drilling rig is currently 
being upgraded to accommodate drilling in early 2004.

Production from the Blake Flank pilot development commenced in September, with an 
initial rate of 5,200 bbls/d (TLM 54%) from one well. A water injector has been 
completed and a second producer is currently being drilled. The one-well Braemar field 
(TLM 13%) came on-stream on September 27. Development planning is underway for 
the J1 discovery near Buchan.

Talisman has a very active development drilling program in the North Sea with wells 
currently drilling in the Clyde, Halley, Ross and Claymore areas in addition to an 
exploration well at J5, near Buchan.  A successful exploration well was drilled at Affleck, 
near Clyde (TLM 27%) and tested at 4,000 bbls/d of 36o API oil from one zone. A 
sidetrack well is planned to further appraise the Affleck discovery.

Four new exploration blocks were awarded to Talisman during the quarter. Talisman will 
be evaluating potential stratigraphic traps on this acreage.


Indonesia production during the third quarter averaged 36,000 boe/d, up 6% from the 
second quarter of 2003, mainly due to stronger Caltex sales for the Duri steam flood 
project and the commencement of sales of Corridor gas to Singapore in September. 
Under the terms of the 20-year gas sales agreement signed February 12, 2001 with Gas 
Supply Pte Ltd., sales to Singapore from the Corridor Block and two other third-party 
blocks in Sumatra are expected to peak at 367 mmcf/d in 2009, of which gas sales from 
the Corridor Block will be about 155 mmcf/d (Talisman's share 36%). Negotiations for 
the sale of over 2.3 tcf of Corridor gas to West Java are very active.

The successful fracture stimulation program at Tanjung continued into the third quarter 
with production rates maintained at 6,100 bbls/d (net TLM).


The PM-3 CAA Phase 2/3 Project started oil production on time and on budget on 
September 29. To date, 19 development wells have been drilled. Current oil production is 
12,000 bbls/d. First natural gas production started in late October.

Five out of five successful exploration and appraisal wells have been drilled year-to-date 
at South Angsi in PM305, Hoa Mai in Block 46-Cai Nuoc (Vietnam) and in the northern 
area of PM-3 CAA at Bunga Pakma/Bunga Orkid. Development planning for the South 
Angsi discovery is underway, with development sanction expected at year end with first 
production in mid-2005. Reserves at South Angsi are being revised upwards.


Development of the Angostura field located in offshore Block 2c is progressing as 
planned (TLM 25%). The K-2 jacket has been installed and development drilling has 
started. First oil from the project is expected in early 2005.

The Howler well offshore Block 2c tested natural gas. The Bimurraburra exploration well 
in Block 3a is being evaluated.  An exploration well at Delaware-1 is also being drilled 
on Block 3a.


Oil production from the Menzel Lejmat North (MLN) field in Algeria commenced in late 
June 2003. MLN oil production has now increased to approximately 16,000 bbls/d (TLM 
35%). Talisman's current production in Algeria, including its interest in the Ourhoud 
field, is 9,000 bbls/d. Further production increases are expected in the fourth quarter as 
the MLN satellite fields start production. Development planning is ongoing for the 
undeveloped MLSE discoveries in the south of Block 405a.


Exploration drilling in Colombia commenced in early September and the Acevedo and 
Huila Norte wells are expected to reach their target depths in the next one to two months.


Talisman has established a temporary office in Qatar. The Company's permanent office is 
under construction and scheduled to be completed about the end of November. Tenders 
have gone out for seismic reprocessing, with work expected to start in December. 
Activity in 2004 will consist of shooting new 2D and 3D seismic and developing a 
drilling program.

Talisman Energy Inc. is a large, independent oil and gas producer, with operations in 
Canada and, through its subsidiaries, the North Sea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, 
Algeria and the United States. Talisman's subsidiaries also conduct business in Trinidad, 
Colombia and Qatar. Talisman has adopted the International Code of Ethics for Canadian 
Business and is committed to maintaining high standards of excellence in corporate 
citizenship and social responsibility wherever its business is conducted. Talisman's shares 
are listed on Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada and New York Stock Exchange in the 
United States under the symbol TLM.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Included in this news release are references to terms commonly used in the oil and gas 
industry such as cash flow and cash flow per share. These terms are not defined by 
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in either Canada or the US. Consequently 
these are referred to as non-GAAP measures. Cash flow, as referred to in this news 
release, appears as a separate caption on the Company's cash flow statement and is 
reconciled to both net income and cash flow from operations.

Forward-looking Statements

This news release contains statements about estimates of future sales, production and 
deliveries, business plans for drilling and development, the estimated amounts and timing 
of capital expenditures, anticipated operating costs, royalty rates, cash flows, 
transportation plans and capacity, anticipated access to infrastructure or other 
expectations, beliefs, plans, goals, objectives, assumptions and statements about future 
events or performance that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of 
the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections 
that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ 
materially from those anticipated by the Company and described in the forward-looking 
statements. These risks include the risks of the oil and gas industry, such as operational 
risks in exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas; risks and 
uncertainties involving geology of oil and gas deposits; the uncertainty of reserve 
estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and 
expenses; potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development 
projects or capital expenditures; and health, safety and environmental risks. Relevant 
risks also include, but are not limited to: uncertainties as to the availability and cost of 
financing; risks in conducting foreign operations (for example, political and fiscal 
instability or the possibility of civil unrest or military action in countries such as 
Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Algeria or Colombia); general economic conditions; the 
effect of acts of, or actions against international terrorism; fluctuations in oil and gas 
prices and foreign currency exchange rates; and the possibility that government policies 
may change or governmental approvals may be delayed or withheld.

Additional information on these and other factors which could affect the Company's 
operations or financial results are included in the Company's Annual Report under the 
headings "Management's Discussion and Analysis - Liquidity and Capital Resources", "- 
Risks and Uncertainties" and "- Outlook" as well as in Talisman's other reports on file 
with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the United States Securities and 
Exchange Commission ("SEC").

Forward-looking statements are based on the estimates and opinions of the Company's 
management at the time the statements are made. The Company assumes no obligation to 
update forward-looking statements should circumstances or management's estimates or 
opinions change.

Note to U.S. Residents

Talisman is subject to the reporting requirements of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, and, consequently files reports with and furnishes other information to the SEC. 
These reports and other information have been prepared in accordance with the disclosure 
requirements of Canada, which differ from those in the United States. ?Talisman follows 
the Canadian practice of reporting gross production volumes, which are prior to the 
deduction of royalties and similar payments. Any references to net production in this 
news release, unless indicated otherwise, refers to Talisman's net working interest prior to 
the deduction of royalties and similar payments. In the United States, net production 
volumes are reported after deduction of these amounts. As a consequence, Talisman's 
production volumes may not be comparable to those made by United States companies 
subject to SEC reporting and disclosure requirements.

You may read any document Talisman furnishes to the SEC at the SEC's public reference 
rooms at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 and 500 West 
Meridian Street, Suite 1400, Chicago, Illinois 60661. You may also obtain copies of the 
same documents from the public reference room of the SEC at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., 
Washington D.C. 20549 by paying a fee. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for 
further information on the public reference rooms.

Talisman Energy Inc.

                               Three months ended  Nine months ended
                                     September 30       September 30
                                    2003     2002      2003     2002
(millions of Canadian dollars
 unless otherwise stated)
Cash flow                            640      657     2,085    1,886
Net income                           126      151       900      342
Exploration and development
 expenditures                        575      443     1,522    1,391
Per common share (dollars)
  Cash flow (1)                     4.99     4.87     16.17    14.03
  Net income (2)                    0.94     1.08      6.85     2.41
(daily average)
Oil and liquids (bbls/d)
  North America                   56,556   58,533    57,570   59,852
  North Sea                      112,360  124,106   107,811  128,577
  Southeast Asia                  22,241   21,976    22,170   22,500
  Algeria                          7,795        -     4,839        -
  Sudan                                -   60,045    17,433   59,758
  Synthetic oil                    3,056    2,733     2,697    2,780
Total oil and liquids            202,008  267,393   212,520  273,467
Natural gas (mmcf/d)
  North America                      853      809       863      817
  North Sea                           91      122       106      126
  Southeast Asia                     120       93       105       96
Total natural gas                  1,064    1,024     1,074    1,039
Total mboe/d                         379      438       391      447
Prices (3)
Oil and liquids ($/bbl)
  North America                    33.43    35.57     36.41    31.70
  North Sea                        38.66    41.89     40.08    37.77
  Southeast Asia                   38.26    41.27     40.91    37.59
  Algeria                          39.37        -     38.44        -
  Sudan                                -    38.33     43.89    34.86
Crude oil and natural gas liquids  37.15    39.64     39.44    35.77
  Synthetic oil                    42.59    42.70     45.14    39.06
Total oil and liquids              37.24    39.66     39.51    35.80
Natural gas ($/mcf)
  North America                     5.92     3.26      6.79     3.55
  North Sea                         4.08     3.13      4.46     3.70
  Southeast Asia                    4.41     4.12      5.10     4.32
Total natural gas                   5.59     3.32      6.40     3.64
Total ($/boe) (includes synthetic) 35.52    31.98     38.98    30.37

(1) Cash flow per common share is calculated before deducting
    preferred security charges.
(2) Net income per common share is calculated after deducting
    preferred security charges.
(3) Prices are before hedging.

Talisman Energy Inc.
Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                          September 30   December 31
(millions of Canadian dollars)                    2003          2002
  Cash and short-term investments                  220            27
  Accounts receivable                              639           719
  Inventories                                      105           147
  Prepaid expenses                                  17            24
                                                   981           917

Accrued employee pension benefit asset              65            67
  Other assets                                      73            99
  Goodwill                                         491           469
  Property, plant and equipment                  9,609        10,042
                                                10,238        10,677
Total assets                                    11,219        11,594

  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities         902           803
  Income and other taxes payable                   189           186
                                                 1,091           989

Deferred credits                                    51            57
Provision for future site restoration              789           813
Long-term debt                                   2,274         2,997
Future income taxes                              2,126         2,236
                                                 5,240         6,103
Contingencies and Commitments
Shareholders' equity
Preferred securities                               431           431
Common shares                                    2,723         2,785
Contributed surplus                                 73            75
Cumulative foreign currency translation           (132)          140
Retained earnings                                1,793         1,071
                                                 4,888         4,502
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity      11,219        11,594

See accompanying notes.
Interim statements are not independently audited.

Talisman Energy Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Income

                               Three months ended  Nine months ended
(millions of Canadian dollars        September 30       September 30
except per share amounts)           2003     2002      2003     2002
  Gross sales                      1,203    1,300     4,015    3,775
  Less royalties                     173      211       689      625
  Net sales                        1,030    1,089     3,326    3,150
  Other                               17       21        54       60
Total revenue                      1,047    1,110     3,380    3,210

  Operating                          268      302       811      812
  General and administrative          32       33       106       99
  Depreciation, depletion and
   amortization                      350      384     1,040    1,107
  Dry hole                            71       73       185      125
  Exploration                         70       37       161      115
  Interest on long-term debt          30       38       102      122
  Stock-based compensation            18        -       123        -
  Other                               (9)     (14)       25       60
Total expenses                       830      853     2,553    2,440
Gain on sale of Sudan operations       -        -       296        -
Income before taxes                  217      257     1,123      770
  Current income tax                  59       68       194      192
  Future income tax (recovery)         9        8       (44)     130
  Petroleum revenue tax               23       30        73      106
                                      91      106       223      428
Net income                           126      151       900      342
Preferred security charges,
 net of tax                            6        6        17       18
Net income available to common
 shareholders                        120      145       883      324

Per common share (dollars)
  Net income                        0.94     1.08      6.85     2.41
  Diluted net income                0.92     1.06      6.77     2.36
Average number of common
 shares outstanding (millions)
  Basic                              128      135       129      134
  Diluted                            130      137       130      137

Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings

                               Three months ended  Nine months ended
                                     September 30       September 30
(millions of Canadian dollars)      2003     2002      2003     2002

Retained earnings, beginning
 of period                         1,721      926     1,071      787
Net income                           126      151       900      342
Common share dividends                 -        -       (39)     (40)
Purchase of common shares            (48)       -      (122)       -
Preferred security charges,
 net of tax                           (6)      (6)      (17)     (18)
Retained earnings, end of period   1,793    1,071     1,793    1,071

See accompanying notes.

Talisman Energy Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                              Three months ended   Nine months ended
                                    September 30        September 30
(millions of Canadian dollars)     2003     2002      2003      2002
Net income                          126      151       900       342
Items not involving current
 cash flow                          444      469     1,024     1,429
Exploration                          70       37       161       115
Cash flow                           640      657     2,085     1,886
Deferred gain on unwound hedges      (3)     (12)       (8)      (37)
Changes in non-cash working capital  (4)     (97)       (2)      (87)
Cash provided by operating
 activities                         633      548     2,075     1,762
Proceeds on sale of Sudan operations  -        -     1,012         -
Capital expenditures
  Exploration, development and
   corporate                       (584)    (448)   (1,550)   (1,408)
  Acquisitions                     (246)     (49)     (644)      (69)
Proceeds of resource property
 dispositions                        48        4        62        16
Investments                           -       (2)       (3)       (2)
Changes in non-cash working
 capital                             16       90         1        11
Cash used in investing
 activities                        (766)    (405)   (1,122)   (1,452)
Long-term debt repaid               (54)    (234)     (791)   (1,397)
Long-term debt issued                 -      107       292     1,162
Common shares issued
 (purchased)                        (72)       -      (186)       34
Common share dividends                -        -       (39)      (40)
Preferred security charges          (10)     (11)      (29)      (32)
Deferred credits and other            2        9        20        (4)
Cash used in financing
 activities                        (134)    (129)     (733)     (277)
Effect of translation on
 foreign currency cash               (1)       -       (27)        -
Net (decrease) increase in cash    (268)      14       193        33
Cash and short-term investments,
 beginning of period                488       36        27        17
Cash and short-term
 investments, end of period         220       50       220        50

See accompanying notes.

(tabular amounts in millions of Canadian dollars ("$") except as noted)

The Interim Consolidated Financial Statements of Talisman Energy Inc. ("Talisman" or 
the "Company") have been prepared by management in accordance with accounting 
principles generally accepted in Canada. Certain information and disclosures normally 
required to be included in notes to annual consolidated financial statements have been 
condensed or omitted. The Interim Consolidated Financial Statements should be read in 
conjunction with the Consolidated Financial Statements and the notes thereto in 
Talisman's Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2002.

1. Significant Accounting Policies

The Interim Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared following the same 
accounting policies and methods of computation as the Consolidated Financial 
Statements for the year ended December 31, 2002 except for the following:

As approved by the Company's shareholders, Talisman's stock option plans have been 
amended effective July 1, 2003 to provide employees and directors who hold stock 
options the choice upon exercise to receive a cash payment in exchange for surrendering 
the option. The cash payment is equal to the appreciated value of the stock option as 
determined based on the difference between the option's exercise price and the 
Company's share price at the time of surrender.

In addition to the Company's stock option plans, Talisman's subsidiaries have issued 
382,080 cash units during the year to certain overseas employees. Cash units are similar 
to stock options except that the holder does not have a right to purchase the underlying 
share of the Company.

As a result of the amendments to the stock option plans and the issuance of cash units, the 
Company has recorded $123 million ($87 million, net of tax) of stock-based 
compensation expense for the first nine months of 2003. The $106 million liability for 
stock-based compensation as at September 30, 2003 is based on the appreciated value of 
the outstanding stock options and cash limits as determined using the September 30, 2003 
closing share price.

Future stock based compensation expense or recoveries will be dependent on changes in 
the Company's share price and the number of options and cash units outstanding.

2. Share Capital

Talisman's authorized share capital consists of an unlimited number of common shares 
without nominal or par value and first and second preferred shares. No preferred shares 
have been issued.

Continuity of common shares (year to date)               2003
                                                  Shares      Amount
Balance at January 1,                        131,039,435      $2,785
Issued upon exercise of stock options            265,838           9
Purchased                                     (3,335,600)        (71)
Balance at September 30,                      127,969,673      2,723

Pursuant to a normal course issuer bid renewed in March 2003, Talisman may repurchase 
up to 6,456,669 common shares representing 5% of the outstanding common shares of 
the Company at the time the normal course issuer bid was renewed. During the first nine 
months of 2003 the Company repurchased 3,335,600 common shares for $194 million, 
including 1,200,900 common shares for $73 million in the quarter ended September 30, 

3. Stock Options

Continuity of stock options (year to date)             2003
                                                 Number      Average
                                                     Of     Exercise
                                                Options        Price
Outstanding at January 1, 2003                7,384,054        46.53
  Granted during the period                   2,351,899        59.41
  Exercised for common shares                   265,838        33.33
  Exercised for cash payment                    580,035        35.56
  Expired/forfeited                             146,911        58.77
Outstanding at September 30, 2003             8,743,169        50.92
Exercisable at September 30, 2003             3,434,512        36.82

As indicated in note 1, the Company began recording compensation expense in the 
second quarter of 2003 for stock options and cash units outstanding. Prior to the second 
quarter, no amount of compensation expense had been recognized in the financial 
statements for stock options granted to employees and directors. The following table 
provides pro forma measures of net income and net income per common share had stock 
options been recognized as compensation expense prior to 2003 based on the estimated 
fair value of the options on the grant date. Had the stock option plans not been amended 
during the second quarter of 2003, the pro forma net income would have been 
approximately $57 million ($0.44/share) higher than the net income as reported for the 
nine months ended September 30, 2003.

                                    Three months         Nine months
September 30, 2002(1)                      ended               ended
                                    As       Pro        As       Pro
                              Reported   Forma(2) Reported   Forma(2)
Net income ($millions)             151       143       342       319
Per common share ($/share)
  Basic                           1.08      1.02      2.41      2.24
  Diluted                         1.06      1.00      2.36      2.19
(1) Pro forma amounts have not been provided for 2003 due to the
    recording of compensation expense as disclosed in note 1.
(2) Pro forma net income and net income per common share had stock
    options been recognized as compensation expense based on the
    estimated fair value of the options on the grant date.

Stock options granted during the nine months ended September 30, 2003 had an 
estimated weighted-average fair value of $22.91 per option (2002 - $26.19 per option). 
The estimated fair value of stock options issued was determined using the Black-Scholes 
model using substantially the same assumptions disclosed in note 8 of the December 31, 
2002 Consolidated Financial Statements. All options issued by the Company permit the 
holder to purchase one common share of the Company at the stated exercise price or, 
effective July 1, 2003, to receive a cash payment equal to the appreciated value of the 
stock option.

4. Long-Term Debt

                                          September 30,  December 31,
                                                  2003          2002
Bank Credit Facilities (Canadian $
 denominated)                                      $ -         $ 265
Debentures and Notes (unsecured)
  US$ denominated (US$850 million)               1,148         1,342
  Canadian $ denominated                           634           814
  Pounds Sterling denominated (Pounds
   Sterling 250 million) (1)                       492           576
                                                 2,274         2,997
Less current portion                                 -             -
                                               $ 2,274       $ 2,997

(1) Swapped into US dollars. See note 6 of the December 31, 2002
    Consolidated Financial Statements.

5. Commodity Based Sales Contracts

The following tables are an update of the commodity price derivative contracts and fixed 
price sales contracts outstanding:

a) Commodity price derivative contracts

Natural gas

Fixed price     Remainder            Three-way             Remainder
waps                 2003   2004     collars                    2003
(AECO gas index)                     (AECO gas index)
Volumes (mcf/d)    13,800      -     Volumes (mcf/d)           4,600
Price ($/mcf)        6.35      -     Ceiling price ($/mcf)      3.39
(NYMEX gas index)                    Floor price ($/mcf)        3.11
Volumes (mcf/d)    58,000 48,400     Sold put price ($/mcf)     2.56
Price (US$/mcf)      5.13   4.58

Two-way         Remainder            Two-way               Remainder
collars              2003            collars                    2003
(AECO gas index)                     (Sumas gas index)
Volumes (mcf/d)    9,200             Volumes (mcf/d)           3,200
Ceiling price                        Ceiling price (US$/mcf)    4.96
 ($/mcf)            7.25             Floor price (US$/mcf)      3.92
Floor price ($/mcf) 6.21

Crude oil contracts

Fixed price    Remainder             Two-way        Remainder
swaps               2003    2004     collars             2003   2004
(Brent oil index)                    (Brent oil index)
Volumes (bbls/d)  12,000  10,000     Volumes (bbls/d)  12,000 18,000
Price (US$/bbl)    22.79   25.95     Ceiling price
                                      (US$/bbl)         25.71  26.12
                                     Floor price
                                      (US$/bbl)         22.23  23.08
(WTI/NYMEX oil index)                (WTI/NYMEX oil index)
Volumes (bbls/d)  30,000   2,000     Volumes (bbls/d)  23,000 10,000
Price (US$/bbl)    25.34   27.37     Ceiling price
                                      (US$/bbl)         28.48  29.21
                                     Floor price
                                      (US$/bbl)         23.05  25.00

b) Physical contracts (North America)

Fixed price sales                  2003         2004       2005-2007
Volumes (mcf/d)                  54,500       33,800          14,600
Weighted average price ($/mcf)     3.80         3.37            3.09

In addition to the fixed price contracts, the Company has entered into physical contracts 
with a pricing structure similar to the three-way commodity collars disclosed in note 9 of 
the Company's December 31, 2002 Consolidated Financial Statements.

NIT index                          2003         2004
Volumes (mcf/d)                  16,800       15,300
Ceiling ($/mcf)                    3.75         3.49
Floor ($/mcf)                      3.53         3.32
Sold put strike ($/mcf)            2.90         2.67

6. Selected Cash Flow Information

                              Three months ended   Nine months ended
                                    September 30        September 30
                                   2003     2002       2003     2002
Net income                          126      151        900      342
Items not involving current
 cash flow
  Depreciation, depletion and
   amortization                     350      384      1,040    1,107
  Property impairments                -        -         28       49
  Dry hole                           71       73        185      125
  Net loss (gain) on asset
   disposals                         (5)      (2)       (14)      (1)
  Gain on sale of Sudan
   operations                         -        -       (296)       -
  Stock-based compensation            1        -        106        -
  Future taxes and deferred PRT      29       21        (24)     159
  Other                              (2)      (7)        (1)     (10)
                                    444      469      1,024    1,429
Exploration                          70       37        161      115
Cash flow                           640      657      2,085    1,886

7. Sale of Sudan Operations

On March 12, 2003, the Company completed the sale of its 25% indirectly held interest 
in the Greater Nile Oil Project in Sudan. Total gross proceeds were $1.13 billion 
(US$771 million), including interest and cash received by Talisman between September 
1, 2002 and closing on March 12, 2003. The gain on sale is as follows:

Gross proceeds on sale of Sudan operations (US$771
 million)                                                    $ 1,135
Less interim adjustments                                        (123)

  Property, plant and equipment                                  687
  Working capital and other assets                                72
  Future income tax liability                                    (59)
Net carrying value at March 12, 2003                             700
Estimated closing costs                                           16

Gain on disposal                                                $296

The interim adjustments are subject to finalization and may change.

8. Segmented Information

                            North America (1)           North Sea (2)
                        Three           Nine       Three        Nine
                       months         months      months      months
                        ended          ended       ended       ended
(millions of        September      September   September   September
 Canadian                  30             30          30          30
 dollars)         2003   2002    2003   2002   2003 2002  2003  2002
  Gross sales      640    470   2,129  1,411    413  504 1,250 1,451
  Royalties        127     84     465    254     (2)  25    (6)   74
  Net sales        513    386   1,664  1,157    415  479 1,256 1,377
  Other             12     10      32     28      5   11    22    32
Total revenue      525    396   1,696  1,185    420  490 1,278 1,409
Segmented expenses
  Operating         98     92     291    258    140  164   428   430
  DD&A             173    154     513    454    151  186   435   520
  Dry hole          47     70     109     91     (1)   -    50     -
  Exploration       28     18      66     49      5    3    16    14
  Other            (11)    (3)    (31)    (7)     3    1    32    56
Total segmented
 expenses          335    331     948    845    298  354   961 1,020
Segmented income
 before taxes      190     65     748    340    122  136   317   389
  General and
  Interest on
   long-term debt
  Gain on sale of
   Sudan operations
Income before

  Exploration      115     71     348    233     25   52    59   105
  Development      155    110     413    380    118   54   301   255
Exploration and
 development       270    181     761    613    143  106   360   360
  Proceeds on
Net capital
 expenditures (4)

Property, plant
 and equipment                  5,521  4,955             2,690 2,921
Goodwill                          291    291                87    46
Other                             537    350               290   387
Segmented assets                6,349  5,596             3,067 3,354
Total assets (5)

                            Southeast Asia (3)               Algeria
                         Three           Nine       Three       Nine
                        months         months      months     months
                         ended          ended       ended      ended
(millions of         September      September   September  September
 Canadian                   30             30          30         30
 dollars)          2003   2002    2003   2002   2003 2002  2003 2002
  Gross sales       123    117     379    344     27    -    48    -
  Royalties          33     34     107     92     15    -    26    -
  Net sales          90     83     272    252     12    -    22    -
  Other               -      -       -      -      -    -     -    -
Total revenue        90     83     272    252     12    -    22    -
Segmented expenses
  Operating          21     23      62     61      9    -    12    -
  DD&A               21     21      64     64      5    -     9    -
  Dry hole            1      -       2      4      1    -     1    -
  Exploration         4      4      11     10      -    -     -    -
  Other               1      1       5      5      -    -     -    1
Total segmented
 expenses            48     49     144    144     15    -    22    1
Segmented income
 before taxes        42     34     128    108     (3)   -     -   (1)
  General and
  Interest on
   long-term debt
  Gain on sale of
   Sudan operations
Income before

  Exploration        11      6      44     20      1    -     4    -
  Development        67     70     188    161      4   36    26   77
Exploration and
 development         78     76     232    181      5   36    30   77
  Proceeds on
Net capital
 expenditures (4)

Property, plant
 and equipment                   1,081  1,093               217  244
Goodwill                           113    132                 -    -
Other                              193    205                18    6
Segmented assets                 1,387  1,430               235  250
Total assets (5)

                                      Sudan                    Other
                        Three          Nine        Three        Nine
                       months        months       months      months
                        ended         ended        ended       ended
(millions of        September     September    September   September
 Canadian                  30            30           30          30
 dollars)         2003   2002   2003   2002   2003  2002  2003  2002
  Gross sales        -    209    209    569      -     -     -     -
  Royalties          -     68     97    205      -     -     -     -
  Net sales          -    141    112    364      -     -     -     -
  Other              -      -     (1)     -      -     -     1     -
Total revenue        -    141    111    364      -     -     1     -
Segmented expenses
  Operating          -     23     18     63      -     -     -     -
  DD&A               -     23     19     69      -     -     -     -
  Dry hole           -      3      -     10     23     -    23    20
  Exploration        -      1      5      5     33    11    63    37
  Other              -    (10)     -    (10)     -     -     3     -
Total segmented
 expenses            -     40     42    137     56    11    89    57
 income before
 taxes               -    101     69    227    (56)  (11)  (88)  (57)
  General and
  Interest on
   long-term debt
  Gain on sale of
   Sudan operations
Income before

Capital expenditures
  Exploration        -      9      7     23     63     8   101    73
  Development        -     23     (5)    55     16     4    36     9
Exploration and
 development         -     32      2     78     79    12   137    82
  Proceeds on
Net capital
 expenditures (4)

Property, plant
 and equipment                     -    772                100    57
Goodwill                           -      -                  -     -
Other                              -     56                 16    12
Segmented assets                   -    828                116    69
Total assets (5)

                                     Three months        Nine months
                                            ended              ended
                                     September 30       September 30
(millions of Canadian dollars)      2003     2002      2003     2002
  Gross sales                      1,203    1,300     4,015    3,775
  Royalties                          173      211       689      625
  Net sales                        1,030    1,089     3,326    3,150
  Other                               17       21        54       60
Total revenue                      1,047    1,110     3,380    3,210
Segmented expenses
  Operating                          268      302       811      812
  DD&A                               350      384     1,040    1,107
  Dry hole                            71       73       185      125
  Exploration                         70       37       161      115
  Other                               (7)     (11)        9       45
Total segmented expenses             752      785     2,206    2,204
Segmented income before taxes        295      325     1,174    1,006
Non-segmented expenses
  General and administrative          32       33       106       99
  Interest on long-term debt          30       38       102      122
  Gain on sale of Sudan operations     -        -      (296)       -
  Stock-based compensation            18        -       123        -
  Currency translation                (2)      (3)       16       15
Total non-segmented expenses          78       68        51      236
Income before taxes                  217      257     1,123      770

Capital expenditures
  Exploration                        215      146       563      454
  Development                        360      297       959      937
Exploration and development          575      443     1,522    1,391
  Property acquisitions              343       71       741       91
  Proceeds on dispositions           (72)     (26)      (86)     (38)
  Other non-segmented                  8        5        27       17
Net capital expenditures (4)         854      493     2,204    1,461

Property, plant and equipment                         9,609   10,042
Goodwill                                                491      469
Other                                                 1,054    1,016
Segmented assets                                     11,154   11,527
Non-segmented assets                                     65       67
Total assets (5)                                     11,219   11,594

                                     Three months        Nine months
                                            ended              ended
                                     September 30       September 30
(1) North America                   2003     2002      2003     2002
Canada                               485      396     1,557    1,185
US                                    40        -       139        -
Total revenue                        525      396     1,696    1,185
Canada                                                5,111    4,848
US                                                      410      107
Property, plant and equipment (5)                     5,521    4,955

                                     Three months        Nine months
                                            ended              ended
                                     September 30       September 30
(2) North Sea                       2003     2002      2003     2002
United Kingdom                       402      486     1,243    1,388
Netherlands                            6        4        23       21
Norway                                12        -        12        -
Total revenue                        420      490     1,278    1,409
United Kingdom                                        2,525    2,875
Netherlands                                              38       46
Norway                                                  127        -
Property, plant and equipment(5)                      2,690    2,921

                                     Three months        Nine months
                                            ended              ended
                                     September 30       September 30
(3) Southeast Asia                  2003     2002      2003     2002
Indonesia                             73       69       222      213
Malaysia                              16       14        42       36
Vietnam                                1        -         8        3
Total revenue                         90       83       272      252
Indonesia                                               407      515
Malaysia                                                660      565
Vietnam                                                  14       13
Property, plant and equipment (5)                     1,081    1,093

(4) Excluding corporate acquisitions.

(5) Current year represents balances as at September 30, prior year 
    represents balances as at December 31.

9. Contingencies

Talisman is being sued by the Presbyterian Church of Sudan and others under the Alien 
Tort Claims Act in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New 
York. In July 2003, Talisman filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit for lack of personal 
jurisdiction of the Court over Talisman. In August 2003, the plaintiffs filed a motion 
seeking certification of the case as a class action. Talisman is in the process of 
challenging this certification. No decision is expected on either of these motions until 
2004. In a mandatory disclosure served in September 2003, the plaintiffs named the 
compensatory and punitive damage amounts they are claiming. Talisman regards these 
claims to be entirely without merit and is continuing to vigorously defend itself against 
this lawsuit.

Talisman Energy Inc.
Product Netbacks

                                Three months ended Nine months ended
(C$ - production before               September 30      September 30
 royalties)                          2003     2002     2003     2002
North America

Oil and liquids ($/bbl)
  Sales price                       33.43    35.57    36.41    31.70
  Hedging (gain)                     2.05     0.52     2.58    (0.05)
  Royalties                          6.81     7.74     7.54     6.66
  Operating costs                    6.21     5.91     6.13     5.34
                                    18.36    21.40    20.16    19.75
Natural gas ($/mcf)
  Sales price                        5.92     3.26     6.79     3.55
  Hedging (gain)                     0.03    (0.37)    0.16    (0.33)
  Royalties                          1.18     0.55     1.47     0.65
  Operating costs                    0.77     0.74     0.74     0.68
                                     3.94     2.34     4.42     2.55
North Sea

Oil and liquids ($/bbl)
  Sales price                       38.66    41.89    40.08    37.77
  Hedging (gain)                     1.98     0.75     1.98     0.03
  Royalties                         (0.27)    1.68    (0.35)    1.56
  Operating costs                   12.12    12.74    13.01    10.82
                                    24.83    26.72    25.44    25.36
Natural gas ($/mcf)
  Sales price                        4.08     3.13     4.46     3.70
  Hedging (gain)                        -        -        -        -
  Royalties                          0.09     0.46     0.14     0.54
  Operating costs                    0.71     0.61     0.56     0.52
                                     3.28     2.06     3.76     2.64
Southeast Asia (1)

Oil and liquids ($/bbl)
  Sales price                       38.26    41.27    40.91    37.59
  Hedging (gain)                     2.07     0.53     2.50    (0.04)
  Royalties                         14.43    16.13    16.28    14.06
  Operating costs                    7.13     8.30     7.56     7.68
                                    14.63    16.31    14.57    15.89
Natural gas ($/mcf)
  Sales price                        4.41     4.12     5.10     4.32
  Hedging (gain)                        -        -        -        -
  Royalties                          0.24     0.24     0.28     0.23
  Operating costs                    0.53     0.69     0.55     0.53
                                     3.64     3.19     4.27     3.56

Oil ($/bbl)
  Sales price                       39.37        -    38.44        -
  Hedging (gain)                     2.07        -     2.32        -
  Royalties                         20.38        -    19.73        -
  Operating costs                   12.24        -     8.93        -
                                     4.68        -     7.46        -

Oil ($/bbl)
  Sales price                           -    38.33    43.89    34.86
  Hedging (gain)                        -     0.52        -    (0.03)
  Royalties                             -    12.45    20.34    12.60
  Operating costs                       -     4.07     3.73     3.85
                                        -    21.29    19.82    18.44
Total Company

Oil and liquids ($/bbl)
  Sales price                       37.15    39.64    39.44    35.77
  Hedging (gain)                     2.01     0.63     2.04    (0.01)
  Royalties                          4.20     6.66     5.76     6.16
  Operating costs                    9.89     8.89     9.68     7.81
                                    21.05    23.46    21.96    21.81
Natural gas ($/mcf)
  Sales price                        5.59     3.32     6.40     3.64
  Hedging (gain)                     0.02    (0.30)    0.13    (0.26)
  Royalties                          0.98     0.51     1.22     0.60
  Operating costs                    0.74     0.72     0.71     0.65
                                     3.85     2.39     4.34     2.65

(1) Includes operations in Indonesia and Malaysia/Vietnam.
Netbacks do not include synthetic oil or pipeline operations.

Talisman Energy Inc.
Additional Information for US Readers
Production net of royalties

                               Three months ended  Nine months ended
                                     September 30       September 30
                                    2003     2002      2003     2002
Oil and liquids (bbls/d)
  North America                   45,032   45,801    45,648   47,288
  North Sea                      113,136  119,143   108,745  123,270
  Southeast Asia (1)              13,854   13,388    13,347   14,085
  Algeria                          3,761        -     2,356        -
  Sudan                                -   40,547     9,355   38,167
  Synthetic oil (Canada)           2,903    2,577     2,554    2,634
Total oil and liquids            178,686  221,456   182,005  225,444

Natural gas (mmcf/d)
  North America                      684      673       676      669
  North Sea                           89      104       102      107
  Southeast Asia (1)                 113       87        99       91
Total natural gas                    886      864       877      867

Total mboe/d                         326      365       328      370

(1) Includes operations in Indonesia and Malaysia/Vietnam.

Talisman Energy Inc.
Additional Information for US Readers
Product Netbacks

                                Three months ended Nine months ended
(US$ - production net of              September 30      September 30
 royalties)                          2003     2002     2003     2002
North America

Oil and liquids (US$/bbl)
  Sales price                       24.22    22.75    25.47    20.18
  Hedging (gain)                     1.87     0.43     2.27    (0.04)
  Operating costs                    5.65     4.83     5.41     4.30
                                    16.70    17.49    17.79    15.92
Natural gas (US$/mcf)
  Sales price                        4.29     2.09     4.75     2.26
  Hedging (gain)                     0.02    (0.29)    0.14    (0.26)
  Operating costs                    0.70     0.57     0.66     0.53
                                     3.57     1.81     3.95     1.99
North Sea

Oil and liquids (US$/bbl)
  Sales price                       28.01    26.80    28.04    24.05
  Hedging (gain)                     1.42     0.50     1.37     0.02
  Operating costs                    8.72     8.49     9.02     7.18
                                    17.87    17.81    17.65    16.85
Natural gas (US$/mcf)
  Sales price                        2.96     2.00     3.12     2.36
  Hedging (gain)                        -        -        -        -
  Operating costs                    0.52     0.46     0.40     0.39
                                     2.44     1.54     2.72     1.97
Southeast Asia (1)

Oil and liquids (US$/bbl)
  Sales price                       27.72    26.40    28.62    23.93
  Hedging (gain)                     2.41     0.56     2.90    (0.05)
  Operating costs                    8.30     8.71     8.78     7.81
                                    17.01    17.13    16.94    16.17
Natural gas (US$/mcf)
  Sales price                        3.20     2.64     3.57     2.75
  Hedging (gain)                        -        -        -        -
  Operating costs                    0.41     0.47     0.41     0.36
                                     2.79     2.17     3.16     2.39

Oil (US$/bbl)
  Sales price                       28.53        -    26.89        -
  Hedging (gain)                     3.11        -     3.34        -
  Operating costs                   18.38        -    12.83        -
                                     7.04        -    10.72        -

Oil (US$/bbl)
  Sales price                           -    24.52    30.70    22.20
  Hedging (gain)                        -     0.49        -    (0.03)
  Operating costs                       -     3.85     4.86     3.84
                                        -    20.18    25.84    18.39
Total Company

Oil and liquids (US$/bbl)
  Sales price                       27.03    25.51    27.55    22.90
  Hedging (gain)                     1.65     0.49     1.67    (0.01)
  Operating costs                    8.11     6.88     7.92     6.04
                                    17.27    18.14    17.96    16.87
Natural gas (US$/mcf)
  Sales price                        4.02     2.13     4.42     2.32
  Hedging (gain)                     0.02    (0.22)    0.11    (0.20)
  Operating costs                    0.64     0.55     0.60     0.50
                                     3.36     1.80     3.71     2.02

(1) Includes operations in Indonesia and Malaysia/Vietnam.
Netbacks do not include synthetic oil or pipeline operations.

Talisman Energy Inc.
Consolidated Financial Ratios
September 30, 2003

The following financial ratios are provided in connection with the
Company's continuous offering of medium term notes pursuant to the
short form prospectus dated March 27, 2002 and a prospectus
supplement dated March 28, 2002, and are based on the corporation's
consolidated financial statements that are prepared in accordance
with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada.

The asset coverage ratios are calculated as at September 30, 2003.
The interest coverage ratios are for the 12 month period then ended.

                                               Preferred   Preferred
                                              Securities  Securities
                                            as equity (5) as debt (6)
Interest coverage (times)
  Income (1)                                        9.87        7.81
  Cash flow (2)                                    21.75       17.21
Asset coverage (times)
  Before deduction of future income taxes
   and deferred credits (3)                         4.45        3.78
  After deduction of future income taxes
   and deferred credits (4)                         3.15        2.67

(1) Net income plus income taxes and interest expense; divided by the
    sum of interest expense and capitalized interest.
(2) Cash flow plus current income taxes and interest expense; divided
    by the sum of interest expense and capitalized interest.
(3) Total assets minus current liabilities; divided by long-term
(4) Total assets minus current liabilities and long-term liabilities
    excluding long-term debt; divided by long-term debt.
(5) The Company's preferred securities are classified as equity and
    the related charges have been excluded from interest expense.
(6) Reflects adjusted ratios, had the preferred securities been
    treated as debt and the related charges been included in interest



Talisman Energy Inc.
David Mann, Senior Manager,
Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
(403) 237-1196
(403) 237-1210 (FAX)