Alexander Mining plc (AIM:AXM)(TSX VENTURE:AXD) ("Alexander", the "Company"),
the AIM and TSXV-listed mining and mineral processing technologies company,
announces its results for the six months ended 30 June 2011. 

The Company's objective is to become a low cost, highly profitable and
diversified mining technology company. This will be achieved by the
commercialisation of its proprietary mineral processing technologies,
partnerships in producing mines and the acquisition of equity positions in
advanced projects.


--  Continued strong interest from companies in using AmmLeach(R) for
    copper, cobalt and zinc oxide projects 
--  Good progress towards a potential AmmLeach(R) pilot plant in Democratic
    Republic of the Congo for processing cobalt/copper ore 
--  In discussions with Firestone Ventures and other mining companies about
    using AmmLeach(R) for processing zinc oxides 
--  Cash position totaling GBP 1.66 million at the end of June 2011 

Chairman's Review

I am pleased to report on Alexander Mining plc's interim results for the six
months ended 30 June 2011.

During the period, we have devoted our efforts to realising the major potential
of our breakthrough proprietary mineral processing technologies. As a result,
positive progress across the range of targeted base metals and geographic
regions of interest has been made.

Notably, with our special focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo ("DRC")
for copper and cobalt, we are undertaking AmmLeach(R) testwork for Tiger
Resources Limited ("Tiger") on ore from Tiger's Kipoi copper/cobalt project.
Work to date has shown that AmmLeach(R) is effective at dissolving copper and
cobalt into solution for processing into copper and cobalt cathodes. In
addition, Alexander is completing detailed pilot plant design engineering. Tiger
plans to undertake a scoping study to evaluate this concept, prior to a
definitive feasibility study for the development of a small scale AmmLeach(R)
solvent extraction electro-winning plant.

Separately, under the joint venture agreement with Anvil Mining Limited
('Anvil') to build a cobalt pilot plant at its Mutoshi copper-cobalt deposit in
the DRC, test work is progressing on representative samples from Anvil's recent
resource delineation drilling programme. Under the terms of the JV Agreement,
Alexander is responsible for obtaining financing for the construction and
development of the pilot plant, and the Company continues to investigate
possible sources of finance which would avoid equity dilution.

Turning to the major AmmLeach(R) opportunity for processing zinc oxides,
Alexander continues to discuss its use with Firestone Ventures Inc.
('Firestone') at Firestone's Torlon Hill property in Guatemala. This follows
highly encouraging amenability test work results and findings of an independent
consultant's study ('Study') which demonstrated that using AmmLeach(R) may be a
viable process to treat the deposit using a simple heap leaching method, with
significant cost savings compared to the use of acid.

For the use of AmmLeach(R) technology elsewhere in the DRC and in other global
target regions, including Latin America and Australia, we continue to pursue
discussions with mining companies with potentially amenable deposits about
possible commercial agreements for the licensing of our technology. 

Regarding our intellectual property and know-how, we have maintained our robust
approach to its protection via an ongoing patenting regime.


Although financial markets have exhibited extreme volatility in recent months,
reflecting the serious tribulations in the global economy, base metals prices
have held up remarkably well. In my opinion, the underlying positive mining
industry supply and demand fundamentals are supportive for strong base metals
prices in the foreseeable future. Coupled with the nature and benefits of our
breakthrough technology, I feel confident that the milestone of securing a firm
commitment for the use of our AmmLeach(R) technology will come to fruition soon.
A successful demonstration of the process, firstly in a pilot plant operating in
a region with major potential due to the prevailing geology, should be the
catalyst for growing commercial adoption and commensurately reflected in the
value of the company. 

As always, I would like to thank the Company's shareholders for their continuing
support and our employees, directors, consultants and advisors for their
dedication and hard work. 

Matt Sutcliffe, Executive Chairman 

27 September 2011

Consolidated income statement                                               
                       Six months ended  Six months ended     Year ended 31 
                           30 June 2011      30 June 2010     December 2010 
                               GBP '000          GBP '000          GBP '000 
Continuing operations                                                       
Revenue                               -               141               220 
Cost of sales                         -                (1)               (4)
Gross profit                          -               140               216 
 expenses                          (789)             (571)           (1,361)
Research and                                                                
 development expenses              (230)             (196)             (369)
Operating loss                   (1,019)             (627)           (1,514)
Profit on sale of                                                           
 investment                           -                 -               370 
Investment income                     3                79                50 
Finance cost                        (26)                -                 - 
Loss before taxation             (1,042)             (548)           (1,094)
Income tax expense                    -                 -                 - 
Loss for the period                                                         
 from continuing                                                            
 operations                      (1,042)             (548)           (1,094)
Profit / (loss) for                                                         
 the period from                                                            
 operations - Note 2              1,532               (29)              884 
Profit / (loss) for                                                         
 the period                         490              (577)             (210)
Basic and diluted                                                           
 profit / (loss) per                                                        
 share (pence):                                                             
from continuing                                                             
 operations                      (0.77p)           (0.42p)           (0.81p)
from discontinued                                                           
 operations                       1.13p                 -             0.65p 
from continuing and                                                         
 operations                       0.36p            (0.42p)           (0.16p)
All components of profit or loss are attributable to equity holders of the  
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income                              
                       Six months ended  Six months ended     Year ended 31 
                           30 June 2011      30 June 2010     December 2010 
                               GBP '000          GBP '000          GBP '000 
Profit / (loss) for                                                         
 the period                         490              (577)             (210)
Other comprehensive                                                         
Exchange differences                                                        
 on translating                                                             
 foreign operations                 (11)              (13)               (5)
Gain on available for                                                       
 sale investments                     -               128                 - 
Previously recognised                                                       
 gain on investment                                                         
 transferred to the                                                         
 income statement                     -                 -              (102)
Total comprehensive                                                         
 profit / (loss) for                                                        
 the period                                                                 
 attributable to                                                            
 equity holders of the                                                      
 parent                             479              (462)             (317)
Consolidated balance sheet                                                  
                             As at 30 June   As at 30 June         As at 31 
                                      2011            2010    December 2010 
                                  GBP '000        GBP '000         GBP '000 
Property, plant & equipment             36               -                - 
Available for sale                                                          
 investments                             -             330                - 
Total non-current assets                36             330                - 
Trade and other                                                             
 receivables         note 2            908             145              115 
Cash and cash equivalents            1,655           2,835            2,357 
                                     2,563           2,980            2,472 
Assets classified                                                           
 as held for sale    note 2              -               -            1,213 
Total current assets                 2,563           2,980            3,685 
Total assets                         2,599           3,310            3,685 
Equity attributable to                                                      
 owners of the parent                                                       
Issued share capital                13,599          13,549           13,549 
Share premium                       11,850          11,850           11,850 
Merger reserve                           -          (2,487)          (2,487)
Share option reserve                   590             535              563 
Translation reserve                    (71)          1,335            1,343 
Fair value reserve                       -             230                - 
Accumulated losses                 (23,482)        (21,851)         (21,485)
Total equity                         2,486           3,161            3,333 
Non-current liabilities                                                     
Provisions                               -              56                - 
Current liabilities                                                         
Trade and other payables               113              93              279 
 classified as                                                              
 held for sale       note 2              -               -               73 
Total Current liabilities              113              93              352 
Total liabilities                      113             149              352 
Total equity and                                                            
 liabilities                         2,599           3,310            3,685 
Consolidated statement of cash flows                                        
                                Six months      Six months                  
                             ended 30 June   ended 30 June    Year ended 31 
                                      2011            2010    December 2010 
                                                  GBP '000         GBP '000 
Cash flows from operating                                                   
Operating loss - continuing                                                 
 operations                         (1,019)           (656)          (1,514)
Discontinued operations -                                                   
 costs of selling subsidiary           (41)              -             (204)
Depreciation and                                                            
 amortisation charge                     1               -                1 
Decrease / (Increase) in                                                    
 trade and other receivables           420             (18)              (5)
(Decrease) / Increase in                                                    
 trade and other payables             (166)           (126)              78 
Shares issued in payment of                                                 
 expenses                               50               -                - 
Share option charge                     27              25               52 
Net cash outflow from                                                       
 operating activities                 (728)           (775)          (1,592)
Cash flows from investing                                                   
Interest received                        3               6               10 
Acquisition of Property,                                                    
 Plant and Equipment                   (37)              -                - 
Proceeds from sale of                                                       
 investment                              -               -              470 
Net cash (outflow) / inflow                                                 
 from investing activities             (34)              6              480 
Net decrease in cash and                                                    
 cash equivalents                     (762)           (769)          (1,112)
Cash and cash equivalents at                                                
 beginning of period                 2,454           3,540            3,540 
Exchange differences                   (37)             64               26 
Cash and cash equivalents at                                                
 end of period                       1,655           2,835            2,454 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity                                 
                                    Share      Share     Merger      option 
                                  capital    premium    reserve     reserve 
                                 GBP '000   GBP '000   GBP '000    GBP '000 
At 1 January 2010                  13,549     11,850    (2,487)         515 
Retained loss for period                -          -          -           - 
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign operations         -          -          -           - 
Valuation gains on available                                                
 for sale investments                   -          -          -           - 
Total comprehensive income for                                              
 the period attributable to                                                 
 equity holders of the parent           -          -          -           - 
Share option costs                      -          -          -          25 
Share options cancelled in                                                  
 period                                 -          -          -          (5)
At 30 June 2010                    13,549     11,850     (2,487)        535 
Retained loss for period                -          -          -           - 
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign operations         -          -          -           - 
Realisation of investment               -          -          -           - 
Total comprehensive income for                                              
 the period attributable to                                                 
 equity holders of the parent           -          -          -           - 
Share option costs                      -          -          -          28 
Share options cancelled in                                                  
 period                                 -          -          -           1 
At 31 December 2010                13,549     11,850     (2,487)        563 
Retained loss for period                -          -          -           - 
Realisation of translation                                                  
 reserve on disposal of                                                     
 offshore subsidiary (IAS 21)           -          -          -           - 
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign operations         -          -          -           - 
Total comprehensive income for                                              
 the period attributable to                                                 
 equity holders of the parent           -          -          -           - 
Share option costs                      -          -          -          27 
Shares issued                          50          -          -           - 
Transfer between reserves               -          -      2,487           - 
At 30 June 2011                    13,599     11,850          -         590 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity                                 
                               Translation     value  Accumulated     Total 
                                   reserve   reserve       losses    equity 
                                  GBP '000  GBP '000     GBP '000  GBP '000 
At 1 January 2010                    1,348       102     (21,279)     3,598 
Retained loss for period                 -         -         (577)     (577)
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign operations        (13)        -            -       (13)
Valuation gains on available                                                
 for sale investments                    -       128            -       128 
Total comprehensive income for                                              
 the period attributable to                                                 
 equity holders of the parent          (13)      128         (577)     (462)
Share option costs                       -         -            -        25 
Share options cancelled in                                                  
 period                                  -         -            5         - 
At 30 June 2010                      1,335       230      (21,851)    3,161 
Retained loss for period                 -         -          367       367 
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign operations          8         -            -         8 
Realisation of investment                -      (230)           -      (230)
Total comprehensive income for                                              
 the period attributable to                                                 
 equity holders of the parent            8      (230)         367       145 
Share option costs                       -         -            -        28 
Share options cancelled in                                                  
 period                                  -         -           (1)        - 
At 31 December 2010                  1,343         -      (21,485)    3,333 
Retained loss for period                           -         (913)     (913)
Realisation of translation                                                  
 reserve on disposal of                                                     
 offshore subsidiary (IAS 21)       (1,403)        -         1403         - 
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign operations        (11)        -            -       (11)
Total comprehensive income for                                              
 the period attributable to                                                 
 equity holders of the parent       (1,414)        -          490      (924)
Share option costs                       -         -            -        27 
Shares issued                            -         -            -        50 
Transfer between reserves                -         -       (2,487)        - 
At 30 June 2011                        (71)        -      (23,482)    2,486 

Notes to the interim financial information

1. Basis of preparation 

The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
recognition and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU) and implemented in the
UK. The accounting policies, methods of computation and presentation used in the
preparation of the interim financial information are the same as those used in
the Group's audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010.

The financial information in this statement does not constitute full statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The
financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2011 and 30 June 2010 is
unaudited. The comparative information for the year ended 31 December 2010 was
derived from the Group's audited financial statements for that period as filed
with the Registrar of Companies. It does not constitute the financial statements
for that period. Those accounts received an unqualified audit report. 

2. Discontinued operations 

Components of discontinued operations in the Income Statement and Balance Sheet
are in respect of the Company's recently sold subsidiary, Alexander Gold Group
Limited, as follows:

Income Statement:                Six months     Six months                  
                              ended 30 June  ended 30 June     Year ended 31
                                       2011           2010     December 2010
 Profit / (loss) for the                                                    
  period from discontinued                                                  
  operations                              -            (29)              884
 Fair value adjustment of the                                               
  receivable balance from the                                               
  sale of the subsidiary.               129              -                 -
 Realisation of translation                                                 
  reserve, transferred to                                                   
  Income Statement on                                                       
  disposal of the subsidiary                                                
  (IAS 21).                           1,403              -                 -
Discontinued operations total         1,532            (29)              884

Balance Sheet: 

Alexander Gold Group Limited was classified as an asset, with its associated
liabilities, held for sale at 31 December 2010 at a net held for sale value of
GBP 1,140,000 (30 June 2010, GBP nil). This subsidiary was sold during March

At 30 June 2011, the fair value adjusted receivable balance of GBP 780,000
remaining from the sale is included within trade and other receivables, in
respect of the scheduled instalment payments remaining due from the purchasers.

Upon disposal, the merger reserve previously associated with the subsidiary has
been transferred to accumulated losses, as shown in the consolidated statement
of changes in equity.

3. Loss per share 

The calculation of loss per share is based on the weighted average number of
shares in issue in the six months to 30 June 2011 of 135,605,327; six months to
30 June 2010 of 135,486,542; and the year to 31 December 2010 of 135,486,542 and
computed on the respective profit and loss figures as follows:

                            6 months 2011   6 Months 2010    Full year 2010 
                            GBP       Per   GBP       Per     GBP       Per 
                           '000     share  '000     share    '000     share 
(Loss) - continuing                                                         
 operations              (1,042)   (0.77p) (577)   (0.42p) (1,094)   (0.81p)
Profit - discontinued                                                       
 operations               1,532     1.13p     -         -     884     0.65p 
Profit / (Loss) -                                                           
 continuing and                                                             
 discontinued operations    490      0.36  (577)   (0.42p)   (210)   (0.16p)

There is no difference between the diluted loss per share and the basic loss per
share presented. Share options granted to employees could potentially dilute
basic earnings per share in the future, but were not included in the calculation
of diluted earnings per share as they are anti-dilutive for the period

At 30 June 2011 there were 10,225,000 (30 June 2010: 9,875,000; at 31 December
2010: 9,975,000) share options in issue that could have a potentially dilutive
effect on the basic earnings per share in the future.

Copies of this announcement are available to view at the Company's website at


This news release may contain forward looking statements, being statements which
are not historical facts, including, without limitation, statements regarding
potential mineralization, exploration results, resource or reserve estimates,
anticipated production or results, sales, revenues, costs, "best-efforts"
financings or discussions of future plans and objectives. There can be no
assurance that such statements will prove accurate. Such statements are
necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that are subject to
numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and future
events to differ materially from those anticipated or projected. Important
factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's
expectations are in Company documents filed from time to time with the TSX
Venture Exchange and provincial securities regulators, most of which are
available at The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to
revise or update such statements unless required by law.

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