Item 8.01 Other Events.
Quad M Solutions, Inc., a Nevada corporation, (the “Company” or “Registrant”) is filing this Current Report on Form 8-K to report its reliance on the order of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) issued on March 4, 2020 (the “Order”) in connection with the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period-ended March 31, 2020, which Order was supplemented and updated on March 25, 2020, as set forth below.
On March 4, 2020, the Commission issued an Order under Section 36 (Release No. 34-88318) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”), which was supplemented by Release No. 34-88465 dated March 25, 2020. Pursuant to the Order, as supplemented on March 25, 2020, the Commission stated, in relevant part, as follows: “(a) [If] The registrant . . . is unable to meet a filing deadline due to circumstances related to COVID-19; (b) Any registrant relying on this Order furnishes to the Commission a Form 8-K . . . by the later of March 16 or original filing deadline of the report [March 30, 2020] stating:(1) that it is relying on this Order; (2) [and files] a brief description of the reasons why it could not file such report, schedule or form on a timely basis; (3) [and discloses] the estimated date by which the report, schedule, or form is expected to be filed; 4 (4) if appropriate, a risk factor explaining, if material, the impact of COVID-19 on its business; and [if applicable] (5) if the reason the subject report cannot be filed timely relates to the inability of any person, other than the registrant, to furnish any required opinion, report or certification, the Form 8-K shall have attached as an exhibit a statement signed by such person stating the specific reasons why such person is unable to furnish the required opinion, report or certification on or before the date such report must be filed. (c) The registrant or any person required to make any filings with respect to such a registrant files with the Commission any report, schedule, or form required to be filed no later than 45 days after the original due date; and (d) In any report, schedule or form filed by the applicable deadline pursuant to paragraph (c) above, the registrant must disclose that it is relying on this Order and state the reasons why it could not file such report, schedule or form on a timely basis.”
As a result of the travel and work restrictions stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company is unable to obtain all of the necessary financial records that it needs to permit the Company to finish the internal and external review process in order to file a timely and accurate Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period-ended March 31, 2020 by the prescribed date of May 15, 2020, or by the extended date of May 20, 2020, even if the Company files for an extension on Form 12b-25.
In addition, we plan on including in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q a separate risk factor under “Management’s Discussion and Analysis” regarding the potential and actual impact on our business and operations, as a result of the growing presence and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The substance of the new risk factor disclosure is still in preparation as we evaluate the various governmental and non-governmental reports about business and banking closures in New Jersey where the Company is located and the United States where the Company’s operations are conducted, including the fact that the State of New Jersey, as a precaution and as a result of the growing COVID-19 pandemic within the State, has ordered and the Company has directed its key employees to work from home to the greatest extent possible, implementing self-confinement even if not showing any COVID-19 symptoms.
Accordingly, in reliance upon the Order dated March 4, 2020, Release No. 34-88465, supplemented by Release No. 34-88465 dated March 25, 2020, the Company expects to file its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q on or before 45 days from the original filing deadline of March 30, 2020, which will include an appropriate Risk Factor disclosure on the potential and actual impact of COVID-19 on the Company.