RNS Number : 4753D
  China Shoto plc
  17 September 2008

    China Shoto plc
    ("China Shoto" or the "Group")

    Interim results for the six months to 30th June 2008


 *                       Turnover up 81% to �68.6million (H1 2007: �38.0million)

 *            Profit for the period up 29% to �3.9million (H1 2007: �3.0million)

 *  Foreign sales revenue increased to � 11.7million (H1 2007: �0.5million)
 *  Basic earnings per share from continuing operations up 44% to 16.3p(H1 2007:

 *    New product large capacity spiral wound battery achieves successful market

 *     The Board recommends an interim dividend of 1.5 pence per share (H1 2007:

    Chairman's Statement 

    Despite the snowstorms across China, the Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake and the pressure of growing inflation in H1 2008, China's economy
has sustained its recent rapid growth. According to a report issued by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the Gross Domestic
Product growth was 10.4% for the first half of 2008.

    In the six months ending 30 June 2008, China Shoto plc has achieved results which have exceeded expectations. In particular, the Group
has made progress in overseas sales and in the OEM market, highlighting a successful strategy focusing on core markets involving an
assessment of the market, renovating current products and developing new products.

    Operational Review

    Back up batteries*
    During the first half of the year the revenue from back up batteries increased by 142% to*59.3 million compared to *24.5 million in the
same period last year, representing 86% of the Group's total revenue. The division realised a profit of*4.3 million, an increase of 30%
compared with*3.3 million in H1 2007.

    China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, China Netcom and China Tietong remain the main customers of the Group. Sales revenues from
telecommunication service operators are up 91% compared to the same period last year.

    The Group achieved �11.7million of overseas sales in H1 2008, 23 times the figure of �0.5 million in H1 2007. In particular, sales to
India represented 82.8% of overseas sales. As the Indian telecommunications market is the second largest telecommunications market after
China amongst developing countries, the Group has focused on marketing to this market following the successful cooperation with Reliance
Communications. An active program and cooperation with Indian's key telecommunications operators is in place.

    Power type batteries:
    In H1 2008 the Group adjusted its manufacturing configuration because of capacity shortage for back up batteries, and the margin are
more attractive in Back up batteries. This resulted in a decrease of 31% in PTB business compared to the same period of 2007.

    Research and Development 
    R&D for back up batteries has focused on creating smaller products to meet demand; the Group successfully developed four types of 12V
series Narrow Front Terminal AGM Batteries, and two types of 12V series Narrow Front Terminal Gel Batteries. These new products are more
compact and save space in the installation. 

    In R&D program for power type batteries, the Group successfully finished the development of 12V 25AH and a series of new power batteries
used in electric motorcycles.  

    An environmentally friendly super energy storage system-super capacitor developed and produced by the research laboratory in the first
half of the year was successfully installed and used in solar-energy street lighting systems at the Beijing Olympic Village. 

    A large capacity spiral wound battery used by heavy machines has been introduced into the market. Revenues of 8 million RMB are

    Financial Review
    The sales revenue in H1 2008 increased by 81% to �68.6 million compared to �38.0 million in H1 2007. The net profit achieved of �3.9
million was an increase of 29% compared to the �3.0 million achieved in H1 2007. The overseas sales for H1 2008 were �11.7million which is
23 times the sales in H1 2007 which were �0.5 million. 

    Principal risks and uncertainties 
    In overseas markets, the Group has adjusted the price of its products in line with RMB appreciation and adopted exchange rate risk
avoidance mechanisms such as export finance under letter of credits and bill discounts and other methods to reduce risks in exchange rates.

    Changes in national monetary policy have limited the growth of bank loans which is slowing down cash flows from our customers.

    Interim Dividend 
    The Board recommends an interim dividend for 2008 of 1.5 pence per share.

    The Government has an investment plan of over 300 billion RMB in the telecom networks following the corporate restructurings of China's
Telecom Operators and the issuance of 3G license. The plan could bring new market opportunities for the Group in the next 2 years. The Group
continues to seek opportunities to achieve continuous and sustainable growth, both organically and, where appropriate, through acquisitions.
Our core objective to increase shareholder value remains unchanged and the whole of our team is committed to achieving this.

    Our objective of becoming the largest lead acid battery producer in Asia continues. We plan to gradually enter into renewable energy
industries to become a powerful green energy solution provider.

    Cao Guifa 

    Consolidated income statement 
    For the six months ended 30 June 2008
                                          30 June          30 June    31 December
                                 Notes     2008               2007       2007
                                        (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                           �000               �000       �000
 Revenue                                  68,594            37,990     107,497 
 Cost of sales                           (51,510)         (28,472)     (82,376)
 Gross profit                             17,084             9,518      25,121 
 Other operating income                     620                614       503 
 Distribution expenses                    (8,265)          (3,753)     (11,131)
 Administrative expenses                  (4,016)          (2,394)      (5,869)
 Other operating expenses                  (21)                (3)       (96)
 Profit from operations                    5,402             3,982      8,528 
 Finance income                             59                  35        73 
 Finance costs                            (1,106)            (549)      (1,445)
 Profit before tax from                    4,355             3,468      7,156 
 continuing operations                                              
 Tax expense                       4       (480)             (489)      (1,255)
 Profit from continuing                    3,875             2,979      5,901 
 Profit/(loss) on discontinued               -                  32       (14)
 operations, net of tax                                             
 Profit for the period                     3,875             3,011      5,887 
 Attributable to:                                                   
 Equity holders of the parent              3,813             2,870       5,618
 Minority interests                         62                 141        269
                                           3,875             3,011       5,887
 Earnings per share for profit                                      
 attributable to the                                                
 equity holders of the parent                                       
 during the period                                                  
  -Basic                                  16.33p            12.29p      24.07p
  -Diluted                                16.29p            12.08p      23.66p
 Continuing operation                                               
  -Basic                                  16.33p            11.37p      24.87p
  -Diluted                                16.29p            11.17p      24.45p

    Consolidated balance sheet 
    As at 30 June 2008
 *                                      30 June        30 June    *  31 December
                                         2008           2007            2007
                                      (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)      (Audited)
 Assets                                  �000           �000      *     �000
 Non-current assets                        *                      *       *
 Property, plant and equipment          16,716         13,183     *    15,590
 Available-for-sale investment            148            131      *      137
 Intangible assets                       1,891          1,735           1,778
 Deferred tax assets                      81             118      *      92
 *                                                       118      *       *
 *                                      18,836         15,167     *    17,597
 *                                                                *       *
 Current assets                                                   *       *
 Inventories                            29,270         17,135     *    19,426
 Trade and other receivables            42,568         29,361          31,479
 Due from related parties                1,263          2,193     *    1,299 
 Short-term investments                  4,311           578      *     1,290
 Cash and cash equivalents               7,344          4,331     *    11,087
 *                                                                *       *
 *                                      84,756         53,598     *    64,581
 *                                                     68,765     *       *
 Total assets                           103,592        68,765     *    82,178
 *                                                                *       *
 Liabilities                                                      *       *
 Current liabilities                                              *       *
 Bank borrowings                        30,656         18,727     *    23,284
 Trade and other payables               36,816         23,650     *    27,817
 Income tax payable                       260            199      *     516 
 *                                                                *       *
                                        67,732         42,576          51,617
 *                                                                *       *
 Non-current liabilities                           
 Deferred tax liabilities                  -             56       *      - 
 *                                                                *       *
                                           -             56       *       -
 *                                                                *       *
 Total liabilities                      67,732         42,632          51,617
 Equity                                                           *       *
 Share capital                           2,334          2,334     *     2,334
 Share premium                           8,630          8,630     *     8,630
 Other reserves                          2,916          2,916     *     2,916
 Statutory reserves                      6,678          5,071     *     6,678
 Retained earnings                      13,332          9,102     *    10,406
 Foreign currency translation            1,402         (2,960)    *     (871)
 *                                                                *       *
 Total equity attributable to equity       35,292      25,093     *    30,093
 holders of the parent                             
 *                                                                *       *
 Minority interests                       568           1,040     *      468
 *                                                                *       *
 Total equity and liabilities           103,592        68,765     *    82,178
 *                                                                *  *

    Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
    For the period ended 30 June 2008

                                                                               Attributable to equity holders   Minorityinterests    Total
 For the six months ended 30       Share    Share     Other  Statutory  Retained      ForeignCurrency    Total                            
 June 2008 (Unaudited)
                                 capital  premium  Reserves   reserves  earnings   TranslationReserve                                    *
                                    �000     �000      �000       �000      �000                 �000     �000               �000     �000
 Balance as at 1 January 2008      2,334    8,630     2,916      6,678    10,406                (871)   30,093                468   30,561
 Net profit for the financial          -        -         -          -     3,813                    -    3,813                 62    3,875
 Foreign currency translation          -        -         -          -         -                2,273    2,273                 38    2,311
 Total recognized income and                                                                             6,086                100    6,186
 Share based payment expense                                                                                                              
 Employee share options                -        -         -          -       163                    -      163                  -      163
 Dividends paid                        -        -         -          -   (1,050)                    -  (1,050)                  -  (1,050)
 Balance as at 30 June 2008        2,334    8,630     2,916      6,678    13,332                1,402   35,292                568   35,860
                                                                               Attributable to equity holders   Minorityinterests    Total
 For the six months ended 30       Share    Share     Other  Statutory  Retained      ForeignCurrency    Total                            
 June 2007(Unaudited)
                                 capital  premium  Reserves   reserves  earnings  Translation Reserve                                    *
                                    �000     �000      �000       �000      �000                 �000     �000               �000     �000
 Balance as at 1 January 2007      2,334    8,630     2,916      5,071     6,769              (2,272)   23,448              1,140   24,588
 Net profit for the financial          -        -         -          -     2,870                    -    2,870                141    3,011
 Foreign currency translation          -        -         -          -         -                (688)    (688)                  5    (683)
 Total recognized income and                                                                             2,182                146    2,328
 Share based payment expense                                                                                                              
 Employee share options                -        -         -          -       163                    -      163                  -      163
 Dividends paid                        -        -         -          -     (700)                    -    (700)                  -    (700)
 Dividends paid to minority            -        -         -          -         -                    -        -              (246)    (246)
 shareholders of subsidiaries
 Balance as at 30 June 2007        2,334    8,630     2,916      5,071     9,102              (2,960)   25,093              1,040   26,133
                                   2,334    8,630     2,916      5,071     6,769              (2,272)   23,448              1,140   24,588
 For the twelve months ended 31
 December 2007 (audited)
 Balance as at 1 January 2007
 Net profit for the financial        -        -         -          -       5,618                  -      5,618                269    5,887
 Foreign currency translation        -        -         -          -         -                  1,401    1,401                 17    1,418
 Total recognized income and                                                                             7,019                       7,305
 Disposal of subsidiary              -        -         -          -         -                    -        -                (712)    (712)
 Transfer to statutory reserves      -        -         -        1,607   (1,607)                  -        -                  -          -
 Share based payment expense                                                                                                             *
  Employee share options             -        -         -          -         326                  -        326                -        326
 Dividends paid                      -        -         -          -       (700)                  -      (700)                -      (700)
 Dividends announced to                -        -         -          -         -                    -        -              (246)    (246)
 minority shareholders of
 Balance as at 31 December 2007    2,334    8,630     2,916     6,678*   10,406*               (871)*  30,093*               468*   30,561

    Consolidated cash flow statements     
    For the period ended 30 June 2008 
                                        30 June         30 June           31 December
                                           2008            2007                  2007
                                    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)                 
 Cash flows from operating                 �000            �000                  �000
 Profit before tax from                   4,355           3,468                 7,156
 continuing operations 
 Profit/(Loss) before tax from                -               1                   351
 discontinued operations 
 Profit before tax                        4,355           3,469                 7,507
 Adjustments for: 
 Amortisation of intangible                  23              41                    50
 Depreciation of property,                  683             560                 1,137
 plant and equipment 
 Losses/(profit) on disposal of              20            (10)                    42
 property, plant and equipment 
 Share based payment expense                163             163                   326
 Financial income                          (59)            (48)                  (88)
 Financial expense                        1,106             493                 1,460
 Cash flow from operating
 activities before changes of             6,291           4,668                10,434
 working capital and provisions
 Working capital changes: 
 Gain on payable write-off                    -               -                   (9)
 (Increase)/decrease in: 
 Inventories                            (8,085)         (6,990)               (8,997)
 Trade and other receivables            (8,447)        (10,259)              (12,504)
 Due from related parties                   132             937                 (228)
 Increase/(decrease) in: 
 Trade and other payables                 6,848           1,077                 9,817
 Due to related parties                       -               -                 (651)
 Cash generated from/(used in)          (3,261)        (10,567)               (2,138)
 Interest received                           59              48                    88
 Income tax paid                          (749)           (422)                 (976)
 Net cash flows from operating          (3,951)        (10,941)               (3,026)
 Cash flows from investing
 Purchase of land use right                 (2)           (241)                 (422)
 Purchase of property, plant            (1,004)         (1,106)               (3,627)
 and equip 
 Purchase of short-term                 (2,832)             375                 (283)
 Disposal of a subsidiary                     -               -                 (361)
 undertaking, net of cash
 Proceeds from disposal of                  133             288                   307
 property, plant and equipment 
  Dividend from former                        -               -                   175
 subsidiary (declared before
 Cash flows used in investing           (3,705)           (684)               (4,211)
 Cash flows from financing
 Increase in bank borrowings             23,993           7,837                37,853
 Decrease in bank borrowings           (18,593)         (1,383)              (27,864)
 Interest paid                          (1,106)           (493)               (1,460)
 Dividends paid                         (1,050)               -                 (700)
 Cash flows from financing                3,244           5,961                 7,829
 Net increase in cash and cash          (4,412)         (5,664)                   592
 Cash and cash equivalents at            11,087           9,937                 9,937
 beginning of period 
 Foreign exchange differences               669              58                   558
 Cash and cash equivalents at             7,344           4,331                11,087
 end of period 

    Notes to the interim consolidated financial information 
    For the six months ended 30 June 2008 

    1.  General information 
    China Shoto plc is a company incorporated in the United Kingdom on 10 May 2005 under the Companies Act 1985. The interim consolidated
financial information of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2008 comprises China Shoto plc (the 'Company') and its subsidiary
undertakings (the 'Group'). 
    The interim consolidated financial information was authorised for issue on 17 Sep 2008. 

    2.  Accounting policies
    Basis of preparation 
    This unaudited consolidated interim financial information has been prepared using the recognition and measurement principles of
International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards and Interpretations adopted for use in the European Union
(collectively EU IFRSs). The principal accounting policies used in preparing the interim results are unchanged from those disclosed in the
group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.
    While the financial information included in this interim consolidated financial information has been prepared in accordance with the
recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU (IFRSs), this interim consolidated
financial information does not itself contain sufficient information to comply fully with IFRSs. 
    The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and 30 June 2007 is unreviewed and unaudited and does not constitute the
group's statutory financial statements for those periods. The comparative financial information for the full year ended 31 December 2007
has, however, been derived from the statutory financial statement for that period. A copy of those statutory financial statements has been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified, did not include references to any matters
to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and did not contain a statement under section
237(2)-(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
    Foreign currencies
    The functional currency of the subsidiary undertakings is Renminbi ('RMB'), and the unaudited interim consolidated financial information
of the subsidiary undertakings have been drawn up in RMB. The presentation currency of the Group is pounds sterling and therefore the
interim consolidated financial information has been translated from RMB to pounds sterling at the following exchange rates: 
                   Period-end rates  Average rates
 30 June 2007      �1 = RMB 15.2455  �1 = RMB 15.1841
 31 December 2007  �1 = RMB 14.5807  �1 = RMB 15.2166
 30 June 2008      �1 = RMB 13.5342  �1 = RMB 13.9622
    Assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at the closing rate, and all income and expenses are translated at the average rate
during the financial period, being an approximation for the actual rates at the date of the transactions. All resulting exchange differences
are taken to the Foreign Currency Translation within equity. 

    3.  Segment reports

    Reporting format 
    The primary segment reporting format is determined to be business segments as the Group's risks and rates of return are affected
predominantly by differences in the products and services produced. The operating businesses are organized and managed separately according
to the nature of the products and services provided, with each segment representing a strategic business unit that offers different products
and serves different markets. The operating businesses are all located in the People's Republic of China, and therefore geographic
information is provided only in respect of the destination of sales. 

    Business segments
    The Group is comprised of the following business segments:
    The Back up batteries business segment includes Value Regulated Lead Acid Batteries and Flooded and Gel Batteries. 
    The Turbine business segment includes the development and construction of new turbines and the refurbishment and reconstruction of
existing turbines. On 7 November 2007 the Group disposed of Beijing Full Three Dimension Engineering Co. Ltd which carried out all of the
Group's turbine manufacturing operation.

    Allocation basis and transfer pricing
    Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a
reasonable basis.  

    Business segments 
    The following tables present certain sales, profit regarding the Group's business segments for the period ended 30 June 2007 and 2008
and 31 December 2007.  

 Six months to 30 June 2008      Back up Batteries   PTB    Eliminations  Continuing  Turbine   Total
 (Unaudited)                                                              operations
                                       2008          2008       2008        2008       2008     2008
 *                                     �000          �000       �000         �000      �000     �000
 Revenue*                                *            *          *            *          *        *
 Sales to external customers          59,312        9,282        -         68,594        -     68,594 
 Inter-segment sales                     -          13,840    (13,840)        -          -        -  
 *                                       *            *          *            *          *        *
 Total revenue                        59,312        23,122    (13,840)     68,594        -     68,594 
 *                                       *            *          *            *          *        *
 *                                       *            *          *            *          *        *
 Results:                                *            *          *            *          *        *
 Segment profit                       4,305          383         -          4,688        -     4,688 
 *                                       *            *          *            *          *        *
 Unallocated corporate expenses          *            *          *          (333)        -      (333)
 *                                       *            *          *            *          *        *
 Profit from operations before           *            *          *          4,355        -     4,355 
 Income taxation                         *            *          *          (480)        -      (480)
 *                                       *            *          *            *          *        *
 Profit for the period                   *            *          *          3,875        -     3,875 

 Six months to 30 June 2007      Back up Batteries       PTB       Eliminations  Continuing  Turbine     Total
 (Unaudited)                                                                     operations
                                       2007             2007           2007         2007       2007      2007
 *                                     �000             �000           �000         �000       �000      �000
 Revenue:                                *                *             *            *          *          *
 Sales to external customers           24,525           13,465           -         37,990      3,602     41,592 
 Inter-segment sales                     3                 -           (3)            -          -         - 
 *                                       *                *             *            *          *          *
 Total revenue                         24,528           13,465         (3)        37,990       3,602     41,592 
 *                                       *                *             *            *          *          *
 *                                       *                *             *            *          *          *
 Results:                                *                *             *            *          *          *
 Segment profit                        3,302                  726        -          4,028       1        4,029 
 *                                       *                *             *            *          *          *
 Unallocated corporate expenses          *                *             *          (560)         -       (560)
 *                                       *                *             *            *          *          *
 Profit from operations before           *                *             *           3,468        1       3,469 
 Income taxation                         *                *             *          (489)        31       (458)
 *                                       *                *             *            *          *          *
 Profit for the year                     *                *             *           2,979       32       3,011 

 Twelve months to 31 December    Back up Batteries     PTB     Eliminations  Continuing  Turbine     Total
 2007 (Audited)                                                              operations
                                       2007           2007         2007         2007       2007       2007
 *                                     �000           �000         �000         �000       �000       �000
 Revenue:                                *              *           *            *          *          *
 Sales to external customers           78,018         29,479        -          107,497     5,817     113,314 
 Inter-segment sales                     -            5,814      (5,814)         -          -          -  
 *                                       *              *           *            *          *          *
 Total revenue                         78,018         35,293     (5,814)      107,497      5,817     113,314 
 *                                       *              *           *            *          *          *
 *                                       *              *           *            *          *          *
 Results:                                *              *           *            *          *          *
 Segment profit                        7,535          1,149         -           8,684      351        9,035 
 *                                       *              *           *            *          *          *
 Unallocated corporate expenses          *              *           *         (1,528)        -      (1,528)
 *                                       *              *           *            *          *          *
 Profit from operations before           *              *           *           7,156       351       7,507 
 Income taxation                         *              *           *         (1,255)       1       (1,254)
 Loss from selling discontinued          *              *           *             -       (366)      (366)
 *                                       *              *           *            *          *          *
 Profit/*loss* for the year              *              *           *           5,901      (14)       5,887 

    Geographical segments 
    Six months to 30 June 2008 (Unaudited) 
                   Domestic sales       Export sales        Elimination          *      *   Total
                    2008      2007       2008    2007     2008       2007         2008       2007
                    �000      �000  *    �000    �000  *  �000       �000  *      �000       �000
 Segment sales    56,894    41,117     11,700    475         -      3,602       68,594     37,990

Twelve months to 31 December 2007 (Audited) 
                  Domestic sales     Export sales     Elimination       Total
                            2007             2007            2007        2007
                            �000  *          �000  *         �000  *     �000
 Segment sales          106,394             6,920  *        5,817     107,497
                               *                *               *           *
    All export sales originate from the Back up Batteries segment. 

    4. Income tax
 *                               30 June 2008  *  30 June 2007    31 December 2007
                                  (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)           (Audited)
                                         �000  *          �000                �000
 Income tax expense is as                                       
 Current income tax                       463  *           509               1,324
 *                                             *                                 *
 Deferred income tax:                          *                
 Origination and reversal of               17             (20)                (57)
 temporary differences                                          
 Previously recognized deferred                                 
 tax liability written off in               -                -                (12)
 the period                                                     
 *                                             *                                 *
                                           17             (20)                (69)
 *                                             *                                 *
                                          480  *           489               1,255

    5. Dividends
 *                                   30 June  *  30 June 2007    31 December 2007
                                 (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)            (Audited)
                                        �000  *          �000                �000
 Dividends on ordinary shares          1,050  *           700                 700
 declared and paid                                             
 during the six months period                                  
 *                                         *  *             *                   *
    China Shoto plc declared a dividend of 4.5p per ordinary share amounting to �1,050,000 on 22 April 2008 and the dividend was approved by
the shareholders on 22 May 2008. China Shoto plc declared a dividend of 3p per ordinary share amounting to �700,000 on 26 April 2007 and the
dividend was approved by the shareholders on 12 June 2007. 

    6. Earnings per share from continuing operations 
    Earnings for the purpose of basic and diluted earnings per share are the net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent for the
six months ended 30 June 2008 of �3,813,000 (30 June 2007: �2,870,000) and twelve months ended 31 December 2007 of �5,618,000. 
    The profit from continuing operations for the financial period attributable to equity holders of the parent is as follows: 

                                     30 June  *      30 June    31 December 2007
                                        2008            2007  
                                 (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)           (Audited)
                                        �000            �000                �000
 Profit attributable to equity         3,813           2,870               5,618
 holders of the parent                                        
 Profit/*Loss* on discontinued             -            (32)                  14
 operation, net of                                            
 Minority interest of                      -              16                 173
 discontinued operation                                       
 Profit from continuing                3,813           2,854               5,805
 operations attributable to                                   
 equity holders of the parent                                 

    The weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of earnings per share from continuing operations has been derived
as follows:

                                     30 June  *      30 June    31 December 2007
                                        2008            2007  
                                 (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)           (Audited)
                                        �000            �000                �000
 Number of ordinary shares                                    
 Weighted average number of       23,744,755      23,343,770          23,343,770
 ordinary shares - basic                                      
 Dilutive effect of share             66,642         411,971             400,985
 Weighted average number of       23,811,397      23,755,741          23,744,755
 ordinary shares - diluted                                    

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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