RNS Number:3495S
MG Capital PLC
05 March 2007

                                 MG CAPITAL PLC

                                Interim Results

                   For the six months ended 31 December 2006

Statement by Chairman

We made further encouraging progress in the six months to 31 December 2006, as
the hard work invested in all areas of the business over the previous two years
has begun to bear fruit.

On the corporate advisory and consultancy side there is, as I stated in the last
Annual Report, a strong and now quite mature pipeline of projects. Last month we
announced  the completion of one of these with the launch of Sky Express, the
first low cost airline to be set up in Russia. In consideration for work done in
introducing investors and in assisting in the setting up of the airline, we
received a 4% beneficial equity interest in Sky Express. Other investors include
the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, other London-based
investors, and Boris Abramovich, director-general of Krasnoyarsk Airlines
(Russia's third largest carrier). The airline flew its first commercial flight
on 29th January and is now flying daily services to and from three destinations
within Russia, all within two or three hours flying time of its base at Moscow's
Vnukovo Airport. The airline plans to expand its fleet rapidly from its current
two leased Boeing 737s: to six aircraft by the end of this year and then to
sixteen during 2008. We believe that there is an enormous opportunity to provide
affordable and efficient domestic air travel to Russia's fast growing and
increasingly prosperous and demanding consumers, by providing a competitive
alternative to the railway network which still accounts for the bulk of domestic
long distance travel.

We have also made good progress on a number of other advisory and consultancy
projects several of which we hope will be completed in the current financial
year. These include transactions both in China (under the auspices of our
Beijing representative office) and in Europe. We expect these to generate
revenues for the group by way of both cash fees, performance-related fees and/or
equity in the projects.

On the asset management side, our 75% subsidiary Jade Absolute Fund Managers has
enjoyed a very good half year. With their specialist Asian equity markets
picking up strongly during the period after a more difficult few months earlier
in 2006, the Jade funds performed extremely well and earned significant
performance fees. Nevertheless despite our strenuous efforts we are aware that
the assets under management still need to grow much faster if we are to
capitalise upon the performance that the funds are delivering.

These performance fees and the Sky Express transaction have had a positive
impact on both our revenues and profits for the period. Revenues rose to
#1,153,726 compared to #352,843 for the comparable period in the previous year,
and we made a small profit of #37,469 after tax and minorities, compared to a
loss of #566,369 for the previous year, giving earnings per share of 0.78p for
the period. These results are encouraging, although I would remind Shareholders
that performance fees are by their nature "one-off" and unpredictable, and that
revenues for the corporate advisory and consultancy side of the business are
also likely to remain volatile and difficult to predict from year to year.
Moreover, as in the case of Sky Express, they may sometimes be paid in equity
rather than cash.

Looking ahead to the remainder of the current financial year, we hope to be able
in due course to report on further progress not only on the corporate advisory
and consultancy projects mentioned earlier, but also on other new business and
investment opportunities which we have been actively pursuing.  We believe that
we are very much on track in our intention to build up a strong and independent
investment house offering distinctive specialised expertise in areas with
outstanding long term growth potential.

Peter Hannen                                                     5th March 2007

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

For the six months ended 31 December 2006
                                                         Unaudited             Unaudited     Audited

                                        Notes             6 months              6 months     12 months to 30
                                                         to 31 Dec             to 31 Dec     Jun
                                                              2006                  2005     2006
                                                                 #                     #                    #
Turnover                                   2

Continuing operations                                    1,153,726               352,843              690,374

Net operating expenses                                 (1,053,862)             (939,169)          (1,702,351)

Operating profit/(loss)

Continuing operations                                       99,864             (586,326)          (1,011,977)
Exceptional write off of investment                              -                     -            (534,120)

Share of operating loss in associated                            -                     -             (24,997)

Interest receivable and similar items                        5,153                10,193               14,896

Interest payable and similar charges                        (3,997)                 (511)                (868)

Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation                                             101,020             (576,644)          (1,557,066)

Taxation                                                     (2,146)                   -                5,772

Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities
after taxation                                               98,874             (576,644)          (1,551,294)


Equity minority interest                                    (61,405)               5,980               34,259
Dividend receivable                                             -                  4,295                4,294
Non-equity dividend (payable) / Write                           -                    -                      -

Profit / (Loss) for the financial                           37,469             (566,369)          (1,512,741)

Basic earnings per share in pence          3                 0.78p              (11.78p)              (32.6p)

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 31 December 2006
                                                         Unaudited            Unaudited              Audited

                                     Notes                   As at                As at                As at

                                                            31 Dec               31 Dec               30 Jun

                                                              2006                 2005                 2006

                                                                 #                    #                    #

Tangible                                                    17,581               23,275               25,357

Investments                                              1,034,602            1,987,083            1,074,649

Purchased Goodwill less amortisation                       196,315              221,526              208,921
                                                         1,248,498            2,231,884            1,308,927

Debtors                                                    909,173              323,909              316,093
Cash at bank and in hand                                   142,418              246,231              200,287
                                                         1,051,591              570,140              516,380
Amounts falling due within one year                      (632,188)            (213,971)            (206,586)

NET CURRENT ASSETS                                         419,403              356,169             309,794

TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT                                1,667,901            2,588,053            1,618,721


Amounts falling due after more than
one year                                                         -                   -                    -

NET ASSETS                                               1,667,901            2,588,053            1,618,721


Called up share capital                 7                2,402,255            4,637,458            4,637,458
Share premium account                   7                        -            5,101,552            5,101,552
Profit and loss account                 7                 (843,459)          (7,275,280)          (8,221,652)

Shareholders' funds (including                           1,558,796             2,463,730           1,517,358
non-equity interests)

Minority Interest - equity                                 109,105               124,323             101,363

                                                         1,667,901             2,588,053           1,618,721

Consolidated Cash flow Statement

For the six months ended 31 December 2006
                                                         Unaudited           Unaudited     Audited

                                           Notes          6 months            6 months     12 months to 30
                                                         to 31 Dec           to 31 Dec     Jun
                                                              2006                2005     2006
                                                                 #                   #                   #

Net cash (outflow) from operating              4       (233,903)             (616,466)            (1,053,052)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance

Interest paid                                             (3,997)                (511)                  (868)

Interest received                                           5,153               10,193                 14,896
Dividend Received                                               -                   -                   4,294

Net cash (outflow) / inflow from returns
on investments and servicing of finance                     1,156                9,682                 18,322

Taxation                                                   (2,146)                   -                      -

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                  (6,039)             (8,119)               (15,565)

Payments to acquire investments                           (40,688)                   -                      -

Receipts from sale of investments                         235,965              199,097                576,419

Net cash (outflow) / inflow from capital                 (45,655)             190,978                   560,854
expenditure and financial investment


Expenses paid in connection with share                           -               (828)                      -


Net cash inflow from financing                                   -               (828)                      -

(Decrease) in cash                             5         (45,655)            (416,634)                (473,876)

Notes to Financial Statements

For the six months ended 31 December 2006

1.                 Basis of preparation

This Interim Statement, which has not been audited and does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985,
was approved by the Board on the 5th March 2007.  It has been prepared on the
basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2006 statutory accounts.

The Group's Interim Statement consolidates the financial statements of MG
Capital plc and its subsidiaries MG Global Investment Limited, MG Research
Limited, Hannen & Company Limited, Jade Absolute Fund Managers Limited, MG Maple
Capital Partners Inc and Aztec Capital Limited all of which have been made up to
31 December 2006.

The results for the year ended 30 June 2006 have been extracted from the Group's
published accounts for that period which have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies.  The auditors' report on the full statutory accounts of the Group for
the year ended 30 June 2006 was unqualified.

2.                 Turnover - Geographical Analysis

                                     Unaudited           Unaudited     Audited

                                      6 months            6 months     12 months to 30
                                     to 31 Dec           to 31 Dec     Jun
                                          2006                2005     2006
                                             #                   #                   #

United Kingdom                         754,411             205,602             356,861
North America                          133,058             124,993             239,245
Far East / Asia                         70,339              22,248              23,623
Other European                         195,918                   -              70,645
                                     1,153,726             352,843             690,374

     3.         Earnings per share

The basic earnings per share for the six months to 31 December 2006 is
calculated by dividing the Group's profit / (loss) after taxation of #37,469
(six months to 31 December 2005: (#566,369), year to 30 June 2006: (#1,512,741))
by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 4,804,510
(six months to 31 December 2005: 4,804,510, year to 30 June 2006:  4,637,458).

     4.          Reconciliation of operating profit / (loss) to net cash inflow
from operating activities

                                             Unaudited        Unaudited     Audited

                                              6 months         6 months     12 months to 30
                                             to 31 Dec        to 31 Dec     Jun
                                                  2006             2005     2006
                                                     #                #                     #

Operating Profit/ (loss)                        99,864        (586,326)          (1,011,977)
Depreciation and amortisation                   16,475           21,681               39,649
Investments received in consideration        (195,918)                -                    -
for consultancy services provided
Loss on disposal of investments                 13,915                -                    -
Share of associated company loss                     -                -             (24,997)
Movement in share premium a/c                        -                -                (828)
(Increase) / decrease in debtors             (593,080)          (4,376)               3,440
Increase / (Decrease) in creditors             437,816         (47,445)             (64,647)
Write down of fixed asset investment                 -                -                 991
Minority interest movement                    (12,975)                -               5,317
Foreign exchange                                     -                -                   -
Net cash (outflow) from Operating
Activities                                   (233,903)        (616,466)          (1,053,052)

    5.           Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds / debt

                                        Unaudited         Unaudited     Audited

                                         6 months          6 months     12 months to 30
                                        to 31 Dec         to 31 Dec     Jun
                                             2006              2005     2006
                                                #                 #                #

(Decrease) in cash                       (45,655)         (416,634)            (473,876)
Decrease in debt                                                                       
                                          -                 -                         -
Change in net debt arising from
cash flows
                                         (45,655)         (416,634)            (473,876)
Changes in debt arising from                    -                 -                    -
Net debt at beginning of period          188,073           661,949               661,949

Net funds at end of period               142,418           245,315              188,073

6.             Analysis of change in net funds
                                            Unaudited         Unaudited     Audited

                                             6 months          6 months     12 months to 30
                                            to 31 Dec         to 31 Dec     Jun
                                                 2006              2005     2006
                                                    #                 #                  #

Cash at bank and in hand                      142,418           246,231             200,287
Bank overdraft                                      -              (916)            (12,214)

Net funds at end of period                    142,418           245,315             188,073

7.             Capital and reserves

Court approval was given in October 2006 to cancel the deferred shares and write
back the share premium account to reserves.


Peter Hannen / Charles Fowler, MG Capital plc         020 7332 2040

Hugh Oram, Nabarro Wells & Co. Limited                020 7710 7400

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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