RNS Number : 1374H

Source Physical Markets Plc

08 March 2018

Final Terms dated 08 March 2018

Silver - Series 2


Issue of 95,000 Secured Silver-Linked Certificates due 2100

under the

Secured Precious Metals-Linked Certificates Programme

The Base Prospectus referred to below (as completed by these Final Terms) has been prepared on the basis that, except as provided in sub-paragraph (ii) below, any offer of Certificates in any Member State of the European Economic Area which has implemented the Directive 2003/71/EC, as amended (the "Prospectus Directive") (each, a "Relevant Member State") will be made pursuant to an exemption under the Prospectus Directive, as implemented in that Relevant Member State, from the requirement to publish a prospectus for offers of the Certificates. Accordingly any person making or intending to make an offer of the Certificates may only do so in:

(i) in circumstances in which no obligation arises for the Issuer or any Authorised Participant to publish a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive or supplement a prospectus pursuant to Article 16 of the Prospectus Directive, in each case, in relation to such offer; or

(ii) in those Public Offer Jurisdictions mentioned in Part A below and that such offer is made during the Offer Period specified for such purpose therein.

Neither the Issuer nor any Authorised Participant has authorised, nor do they authorise, the making of any offer of Certificates in any other circumstances.


Terms used herein shall be deemed to be defined as such for the purposes of the Conditions (the "Conditions") set forth in the Base Prospectus dated 30 March 2017 which constitutes a base prospectus (the "Base Prospectus") for the purposes of the Prospectus Directive. This document constitutes the Final Terms of the Certificates described herein for the purposes of Article 5(4) of the Prospectus Directive. These Final Terms contain the final terms of the Tranche of Certificates described herein and must be read in conjunction with such Base Prospectus.

Full information on the Issuer and the offer of the Tranche of Certificates described herein is only available on the basis of the combination of these Final Terms and the Base Prospectus. The Base Prospectus is available for viewing at www.ise.ie and www.sourceetf.com and during normal business hours at 6th Floor, Pinnacle 2, Eastpoint Business Park, Dublin 3, Ireland. A summary of the individual issue is annexed to these Final Terms.

 1.    Issuer:                            Source Physical Markets plc 
 2.    Issue Date:                        09 March 2018 
 3.    Final Maturity Date:               31 December 2100 
 4.    Underlying Precious Metal:         Silver 
 5.    Initial Per Certificate            1 fine troy ounces Silver (being 
        Entitlement to Underlying          the Per Certificate Entitlement 
        Precious Metal as at the           to Silver of the Certificates 
        Issue Date:                        already in issue, as at the Issue 
 6.    Reduction Percentage:              0.39 per cent. per annum 
 7.    Rounding Amount:                   The nearest 100 of a fine troy 
 8.    Issue Price:                       $ 16.2023 
 9.    Settlement (Condition 7):          Cash Settlement or Physical Settlement 
 10.   (a) Names and addresses            Located at: http://www.source.info/investing.html?sessMode=true 
        of Authorised Participants: 
       (b) Date of Subscription           13 April, 2011 
 11.   Total commission and concession:   Not Applicable 
 12.   Non-exempt Offer:                  Not Applicable 


These Final Terms comprise the final terms required for issue and admission to trading on the regulated market of the Irish Stock Exchange and the regulated market of the London Stock Exchange of the Certificates described herein pursuant to the Secured Precious Metals-Linked Certificates Programme of Source Physical Markets plc.


The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in these Final Terms.

Signed on behalf of Source Physical Markets plc:

   By:          ............................................ 

Duly authorised


 1.   LISTING 
      (a) Listing                Ireland and London 
      (b) Admission to trading   Application will be made 
                                  by the Issuer (or on its 
                                  behalf) for the Certificates 
                                  to be admitted to trading 
                                  on the regulated market 
                                  of the Irish Stock Exchange 
                                  and the regulated market 
                                  of the London Stock Exchange. 
                                  This Tranche of Certificates 
                                  is fungible with the Certificates 
                                  of the same Series already 
                                  in issue which have been 
                                  admitted to trading on the 
                                  regulated market of the 
                                  Irish Stock Exchange and 
                                  the regulated market of 
                                  the London Stock Exchange. 
 2.   Estimate of total expenses related to admission to 
      OPERATIONAL INFORMATION    Irish Stock Exchange listing: 
 3.   ISIN Code:                 IE00B43VDT70 
      Delivery:                  Delivery against payment 

Summary of Programme

Summaries are made up of disclosure requirements known as "Elements". These elements are numbered in Sections A-E (A.1-E.7).

This summary contains all the Elements required to be included in a summary for this type of securities and Issuer. Because some Elements are not required to be addressed, there may be gaps in the numbering sequence of the Elements.

Even though an Element may be required to be inserted in the summary because of the type of securities and Issuer, it is possible that no relevant information can be given regarding the Element. In this case a short description of the Element is included in the summary with the mention of "not applicable".

 Section A - Introduction and warnings 
 Element     Description              Disclosure requirement 
              of Element 
 A.1         Standard Warning         This summary should be read as an introduction 
                                       to this Base Prospectus. Any decision to invest 
                                       in the Certificates should be based on consideration 
                                       of this Base Prospectus as a whole by the investor. 
                                       Where a claim relating to the information contained 
                                       in this Base Prospectus is brought before a 
                                       court, the plaintiff investor might, under the 
                                       national legislation of the Member States, have 
                                       to bear the costs of translating this Base Prospectus 
                                       before the legal proceedings are initiated. 
                                       Civil liability attaches only to those persons 
                                       who have tabled the summary including any translation 
                                       thereof, but only if the summary is misleading, 
                                       inaccurate or inconsistent when read together 
                                       with the other parts of this Base Prospectus 
                                       or it does not provide, when read together with 
                                       the other parts of this Base Prospectus, key 
                                       information in order to aid investors when considering 
                                       whether to invest in the Certificates. 
 A.2         Disclosure               The Issuer has consented to the use of the Base 
              of consent               Prospectus, and has accepted responsibility 
              for use of               for the content of the Base Prospectus, with 
              the Base Prospectus      respect to subsequent resale or final placement 
              for subsequent           by way of public offer of the Certificates by 
              resale or final          any financial intermediary in any of Austria, 
              placement of             Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, 
              securities               Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, 
              by financial             Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom 
              intermediaries           which is an investment firm within the meaning 
                                       of MiFID and which is authorised in accordance 
                                       with MiFID in any member state. Such consent 
                                       applies to any such resale or final placement 
                                       by way of public offer during the period of 
                                       12 months from the date of the Base Prospectus 
                                       unless such consent is withdrawn prior to that 
                                       date by notice published on the website of the 
                                       Portfolio Adviser (www.sourceetf.com). Other 
                                       than the right of the Issuer to withdraw the 
                                       consent, no other conditions are attached to 
                                       the consent described in this paragraph. 
                                       In the event of an offer being made by a financial 
                                       intermediary, this financial intermediary will 
                                       provide information to investors on the terms 
                                       and conditions of the offer at the time the 
                                       offer is made. 
 Section B - Issuer 
 Element   Description                  Disclosure requirement 
            of Element 
 B.1       Legal and Commercial         Source Physical Markets Public Limited Company 
            Name of the                  (the "Issuer"). 
 B.2       Domicile                     The Issuer is a public limited liability company 
            /Legal Form                  incorporated in Ireland under the Irish Companies 
            /Legislation                 Acts 1963 to 2009 (which has been repealed and 
            /Country of                  replaced by the Irish Companies Act 2014) with 
            Incorporation                registered number 471344. 
 B.16      Control of                   All the issued shares of the Issuer are held 
            Issuer                       to the order of Deutsche International Finance 
                                         (Ireland) Limited (the "Share Trustee") under 
                                         the terms of a declaration of trust dated 12 
                                         June 2009 under which the Share Trustee holds 
                                         them on trust for charitable purposes. The Share 
                                         Trustee has no beneficial interest in and derives 
                                         no benefit (other than its fees for acting as 
                                         Share Trustee) from its holding of the shares 
                                         in the Issuer. 
 B.17      Credit ratings               Not applicable - the Certificates will not be 
 B.20      Special Purpose              The Issuer has been established as a special 
            Vehicle                      purpose vehicle for the purposes of issuing 
                                         asset backed securities. 
 B.21      Principal activities         The Issuer is a special purpose vehicle whose 
            and global                   sole business is the issue of asset backed securities. 
            overview of                  The Issuer has established a programme (the 
            parties                      "Programme"), described in the Base Prospectus, 
                                         under which it can, from time to time, issue 
                                         series (each, a "Series") of secured exchange 
                                         traded certificates linked to one of gold, silver, 
                                         platinum or palladium (each a "Precious Metal") 
                                         (the "Certificates"). Each Series of Certificates 
                                         will be separate (or "ring-fenced") from each 
                                         other Series of Certificates. 
                                        A number of other parties have roles in connection 
                                         with the Programme: 
                                         Arranger and Portfolio Advisor: Source UK Services 
                                         Limited, a private limited company established 
                                         in England, will act as the arranger (the "Arranger") 
                                         and the portfolio advisor (the "Portfolio Advisor") 
                                         in respect of the Programme. As Arranger, Source 
                                         UK Services Limited has arranged the establishment 
                                         of the Programme for the Issuer and as Portfolio 
                                         Advisor, Source UK Services Limited is principally 
                                         responsible for providing certain advisory services 
                                        Trustee: Deutsche Trustee Company Limited will 
                                         act as trustee in respect of each Series of 
                                         Certificates (the "Trustee"). The Trustee acts 
                                         as trustee for the Certificateholders of each 
                                         Series of Certificates and also as security 
                                         trustee (holding the benefit of the security 
                                         granted by the Issuer over certain of its assets 
                                         in respect of a Series on trust for the Certificateholders 
                                         and other transaction parties in respect of 
                                         that Series). 
                                        Portfolio Administrator and Account Bank: Wells 
                                         Fargo Bank, N.A., will act as portfolio administrator 
                                         (the "Portfolio Administrator") and account 
                                         bank (the "Account Bank") in respect of each 
                                         Series of Certificates. As Portfolio Administrator 
                                         it will make various non-discretionary determinations 
                                         that affect the Certificates of a Series, including 
                                         but not limited to, determining the Per Certificate 
                                         Entitlement for a Series and the Cash Amount 
                                         payable or the Delivery Amount deliverable on 
                                         a redemption of Certificates. As Account Bank 
                                         it will conduct certain money management functions 
                                         for the Issuer in relation to all Series of 
                                        Principal Paying Agent: Deutsche Bank AG, London 
                                         Branch will act as principal paying agent (the 
                                         "Principal Paying Agent") in respect of each 
                                         Series of Certificates. As principal paying 
                                         agent it will make certain payments in respect 
                                         of the Certificates. 
                                        Custodian: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association 
                                         will act as custodian (the "Custodian") in respect 
                                         of each Series of Certificates. As Custodian, 
                                         it will hold in custody at its London vault 
                                         premises, on behalf of the Issuer, a quantity 
                                         of the relevant Precious Metal relating to such 
                                        Registrar: Computershare Investor Services (Ireland) 
                                         Limited will act as registrar (the "Registrar") 
                                         in respect of each Series of Certificates. As 
                                         Registrar, it will provide registrar and CREST 
                                         transfer agency services to the Issuer in connection 
                                         with the Certificates. 
                                        Precious Metals Counterparty: JPMorgan Chase 
                                         Bank, N.A. will act as the precious metals counterparty 
                                         (the "Precious Metals Counterparty") to the 
                                         Issuer in respect of the purchase and sale of 
                                         Precious Metals. 
                                        Authorised Participants: Each entity appointed 
                                         as an authorised participant under the Programme 
                                         (each an "Authorised Participant") is authorised 
                                         to subscribe for the Certificates of a Series 
                                         in respect of which they are acting as Authorised 
                                         Participants in consideration of cash payment, 
                                         physical delivery of the relevant Precious Metal 
                                         or a combination of both. A Series of Certificates 
                                         may have different Authorised Participants to 
                                         the other Series, and the Authorised Participants 
                                         for a particular Series will be specified in 
                                         the Final Terms for that Series. 
 B.22      No Financial                 Not applicable - as the Issuer has commenced 
            Statements                   operations and prepared financial statements 
                                         since incorporation. 
 B.23      Key historical                                                   31 Dec          31 Dec 
            financial information                                             2015            2014 
                                                                             $               $ 
                                          Cash and cash equivalents     9    234,445         235,953 
                                          Other receivables             10   3,166,931       1,587,220 
                                          Financial assets 
                                           designated at fair 
                                           value through profit 
                                           or loss                      12   1,798,284,838   1,919,987,722 
                                          Total assets                       1,801,686,214   1,921,810,895 
                                                                            ==============  ============== 
                                          LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 
                                          Current Liabilities 
                                          Other payables                14   3,804,071       2,262,047 
                                          Financial liabilities 
                                           designated at fair 
                                           value through profit 
                                           or loss                      13   1,797,824,006   1,919,491,086 
                                          Total liabilities                  1,801,628,077   1,921,753,133 
                                                                            ==============  ============== 
                                          Shareholders' Funds-Equity 
                                          Share capital                 15   55,512          55,512 
                                          Revenue reserves                   2,625           2,250 
                                                                            --------------  -------------- 
                                          Total equity                       58,137          57,762 
                                                                            --------------  -------------- 
                                          Total liabilities 
                                           and equity                        1,801,686,214   1,921,810,895 
                                                                            ==============  ============== 
 B.24      Material adverse             Not Applicable - There has been no material 
            change                       adverse change in the prospects of the Issuer 
                                         since the date of its last published audited 
                                         financial statements. 
 B.25      Description                  The underlying assets for a Series of Certificates 
            of underlying                is the specified pool of a particular Precious 
            assets                       Metal recorded in the relevant custody accounts 
                                         of the Issuer with the Custodian from time to 
                                         time. On any date, such pool is expected to 
                                         comprise an amount of the relevant Precious 
                                         Metal no less than the aggregate of the Per 
                                         Certificate Entitlement to such Precious Metal 
                                         for all outstanding Certificates of such Series. 
                                         "Per Certificate Entitlement" means the per 
                                         Certificate entitlement to the underlying Precious 
                                         Metal specified in the Final Terms (the "Initial 
                                         Per Certificate Entitlement") which is thereafter 
                                         reduced by the Reduction Percentage. 
                                         "Reduction Percentage" means the percentage 
                                         rate by which the Initial Per Certificate Entitlement 
                                         will reduce on a daily basis on the assumption 
                                         that the daily rate will be the per annum rate 
                                         specified in the Final Terms divided by 365 
                                         and applied accordingly. 
 B.26      Investment                   Not applicable - there is no active management 
            management                   of the assets of the Issuer. 
 B.27      Further issuances            Not applicable - the Issuer will not issue further 
            backed by same               securities backed by the same pool of assets. 
            pool of assets 
 B.29      Description                  Save to the extent that the Authorised Participant 
            of the flow                  as subscribed for the issue of Certificates 
            of funds                     in whole or in part by the physical delivery 
                                         of the relevant Precious Metal in respect of 
                                         the Series (the "Underlying Precious Metal"), 
                                         the net proceeds from each issue of Certificates 
                                         will be used (a) to purchase the Underlying 
                                         Precious Metal and (b) to pay any listing fees 
                                         incurred in connection with the listing of the 
                                        The Certificates will not bear interest. 
                                                  On redemption, a Certificateholder will, in 
                                                   respect of a Certificate, receive on a date 
                                                   on or before the third business day following 
                                                   the relevant Eligible Redemption Valuation Date(being 
                                                   any business day) (in each case the "Settlement 
                                                   1. an amount in US dollars determined by the 
                                                   Portfolio Administrator equal to the amount 
                                                   of received by the Issuer in respect of the 
                                                   sale of the relevant amount of the Underlying 
                                                   Precious Metal in respect of such Certificates 
                                                   less all expenses, fees and charges incurred 
                                                   or to be incurred by the Issuer in respect of 
                                                   such redemption, subject to a minimum of US$0.01 
                                                   (the "Cash Amount"); 
                                                   or, if requested by the Certificateholder and 
                                                   certain conditions being fulfilled, 
                                                   2. an amount of the Underlying Precious Metal 
                                                   determined by the Portfolio Administrator equal 
                                                   1. the aggregate Per Certificate Entitlement 
                                                   to the Underlying Precious Metal at the relevant 
                                                   Eligible Redemption Valuation Date; less 
                                                   2. an amount of the Underlying Precious Metal 
                                                   equal in value (as determined by the Portfolio 
                                                   Administrator by reference to prevailing market 
                                                   conditions) to all expenses, fees and charges 
                                                   incurred or to be incurred in connection with 
                                                   such redemption, 
                                                   (the "Delivery Amount"). 
 B.30      Originators                  Not applicable - there are no originators of 
            of securitised               the Precious Metals 
 Section C - Securities 
 Element     Description              Disclosure requirement 
              of Element 
 C.1         Type and class           The Issuer may issue secured exchange traded 
              of securities            Precious Metal linked certificates. Each Series 
              being offered            may be issued in tranches (each a "Tranche") 
              and/or admitted          on the same or different issue dates. 
              to trading. 
                                      Underlying Precious Metal: Silver 
                                       ISIN: IE00B43VDT70 
 C.2         Currency                 US dollars 
 C.8         Rights attached          Payment of redemption amount 
              to the securities 
                                      Each Certificate gives the holder the right 
                                       to receive the applicable payment (or in certain 
                                       circumstances, the delivery of an amount of 
                                       the Underlying Precious Metal) on its redemption, 
                                       as described in C.9. 
                                      Status and Security 
                                      The Certificates constitute secured, limited 
                                       recourse obligations of the Issuer. 
                                      The Certificates will be secured pursuant to 
                                       the security deed entered into by the Trustee 
                                       and the Issuer (the "Security Deed") in favour 
                                       of the Trustee for itself and for the other 
                                       parties listed and entitles to payment in the 
                                       Payment Priorities (the "Secured Creditors"), 
                                       as follows: 
                                      (a) a first fixed charge over all of the Issuer's 
                                       rights, title and interest in and to the Underlying 
                                       Precious Metal from time to time standing to 
                                       the credit of the unallocated account of the 
                                       Issuer with the Custodian, in which the Custodian 
                                       holds the Underlying Precious Metal on an unallocated 
                                       basis (the "Secured Unallocated Account") and 
                                       all rights and sums derived therefrom from time 
                                       to time; 
                                      (b) a first fixed charge over all of the Issuer's 
                                       rights, title and interest in and to the Underlying 
                                       Precious Metal from time to time standing to 
                                       the credit of the unallocated account of the 
                                       Issuer with the Custodian, in which the Custodian 
                                       holds the Underlying Precious Metal to which 
                                       the Certificates are linked, on an allocated 
                                       basis (the "Secured Allocated Account") and 
                                       all rights and sums derived therefrom from time 
                                       to time; and 
                                      (c) an assignment by way of security of the 
                                       Issuer's rights, title and interest in and to 
                                       each of the transaction documents relating to 
                                       the Programme to the extent that they relate 
                                       to the Certificates and any sums payable thereunder 
                                       including the Issuer's rights to any sums held 
                                       by any other party thereto to meet payments 
                                       due in respect of the Certificates, but only 
                                       to the extent that the same relates to the Certificates. 
                                       In addition, the Certificates will be secured 
                                       by a security agreement (the "Security Agreement") 
                                       between the Issuer and the Trustee which creates 
                                       in favour of the Trustee, a New York law governed 
                                       security interest over the cash account maintained 
                                       by the Account Bank in respect of the Certificates 
                                       (the "Issuer Cash Account"). 
                                       (collectively, the "Security"). 
                                      Limited Recourse 
                                      In respect of any Series of Certificates, the 
                                       Certificateholders shall have recourse only 
                                       to the property of the Issuer which is subject 
                                       to the Security (the "Secured Property") in 
                                       respect of such Series of Certificates. If the 
                                       net proceeds of the realisation of the Secured 
                                       Property are not sufficient to make all payments 
                                       due in respect of the Certificates and due to 
                                       each other creditor relating to the Certificates, 
                                       no other assets of the Issuer will be available 
                                       to meet such shortfall, the claims of the Certificateholders 
                                       and any other creditors relating to the Certificates 
                                       in respect of any such shortfall shall be extinguished. 
                                       No party will be able to petition for the winding-up 
                                       of the Issuer as a consequence of any such shortfall. 
                                      Events of Default 
                                      If any of the following events ("Certificate 
                                       Events of Default") occurs, the Trustee shall, 
                                       if so directed and may, at its discretion, give 
                                       notice to the Issuer that the Certificates are, 
                                       and they shall immediately become, due and payable: 
                                      1. the Issuer fails to pay any amounts due in 
                                       respect of the Certificates or deliver any Underlying 
                                       Precious Metal due in respect of the Certificates 
                                       within 5 business days of the due date for payment 
                                       or delivery, other than as contemplated by the 
                                       conditions of the Certificates; 
                                       2. the Issuer defaults in the performance or 
                                       observance of any of its other obligations under 
                                       the Certificates or any of the other documents 
                                       relating to the issue of the Certificates or 
                                       any of the covenants of the Issuer contained 
                                       in the trust deed between the Issuer, the Trustee 
                                       and the Portfolio Adviser which default is incapable 
                                       of remedy or, if in the opinion of the Trustee 
                                       capable of remedy, is not in the opinion of 
                                       the Trustee remedied within 30 days after notice 
                                       of such default shall have been given to the 
                                       Issuer by the Trustee; 
                                       3. an insolvency event occurs in relation to 
                                       the Issuer; or 
                                       4. it is or will become unlawful for the Issuer 
                                       to perform or comply with any of its obligations 
                                       under or in respect of the Certificates or any 
                                       of the other documents relating to the issue 
                                       of the Certificates. 
                                      Governing law 
                                      The Certificates, the Trust Deed and the Registrar 
                                       Agreement will be governed by Irish law. All 
                                       other transaction documents relating to the 
                                       Programme will be governed by English law. 
 C.9                                  In addition to the rights attached to the securities 
                                       set out in C.8 above: 
             Interest                 Not Applicable - No interest shall accrue and 
                                       be payable on the Certificates. 
             Redemption               Final Redemption 
                                      All Certificates that have not been previously 
                                       redeemed or purchased or cancelled will be redeemed 
                                       on the date specified in the Final Terms as 
                                       the final maturity date (the "Final Maturity 
                                       Date") by payment of the relevant Cash Amount 
                                       (as defined above) in respect of such Certificates. 
                                      Certificateholder Optional Redemption 
                                           The Issuer shall at the option of a Certificateholder, 
                                            redeem some or all of the Certificate held by 
                                            such Certificateholder in respect of any Eligible 
                                            Redemption Valuation Date by payment of the 
                                            relevant Cash Amount on the relevant Settlement 
                                            Date ("Cash Settlement"), unless it is specified 
                                            in the redemption notice: 
                                            1. that the Certificateholder is electing for 
                                            settlement by the transfer of the Delivery Amount 
                                            of the relevant Underlying Precious Metal ("Physical 
                                            2. the number and account name of an unallocated 
                                            account in London with a member of the LBMA 
                                            or the LPPM where the relevant Delivery Amount 
                                            should be delivered; and 
                                            3. contains a representation and warranty from 
                                            the Certificateholder that (a) it is not a UCITS 
                                            fund; and (b) the request for Physical Settlement 
                                            and acceptance of the Delivery Amount is in 
                                            accordance with all laws and regulations applicable 
                                            to the Certificateholder. 
                                      Automatic Redemption for CREST Reasons 
                                      If on any date notice is received by or on behalf 
                                       of the Issuer that a Certificateholder has or 
                                       will cease to have an account with CREST, any 
                                       Certificates held by such Certificateholder 
                                       shall be automatically redeemed as if such Certificateholder 
                                       had delivery a redemption notice on such date 
                                       (or if that date is not an Eligible Redemption 
                                       Valuation Date, the next Eligible Redemption 
                                       Valuation Date) and Cash Settlement shall apply 
                                       to such redemption. 
                                      Optional Redemption in whole 
                                      The Issuer may redeem all (but not some only) 
                                       of the Certificates in respect of any Eligible 
                                       Redemption Valuation Date by payment of the 
                                       relevant Cash Amount in the relevant Settlement 
                                       Date, provided the Issuer has given not less 
                                       than 60 days' notice of its intention to redeem 
                                       all of the Certificates on such Eligible Redemption 
                                       Valuation Date to the Trustee, the Certificateholders, 
                                       other parties to the transaction documents relating 
                                       to the Programme and any stock exchange on which 
                                       the Certificates are listed. 
                                      Mandatory Redemption 
                                           The Issuer shall instruct the Portfolio Administrator 
                                            to sell all of the Secured Property and apply 
                                            the sales proceeds (less all expenses, fees 
                                            and charges) in accordance with the Payment 
                                            Priorities and redeem each outstanding Certificate, 
                                            in the event of: 
                                            1. changes in tax law which may result in withholding 
                                            to be applied to payments made by the Issuer 
                                            in respect of the Certificates, the cost of 
                                            the Issuer complying with its obligations in 
                                            respect of the Programme being material increased 
                                            or result in an increased VAT cost to the Issuer; 
                                            2. the resignation or termination of the appointment 
                                            of the Trustee, Custodian or Portfolio Administrator 
                                            and a successor is not appointed within the 
                                            prescribed timeframe; 
                                            3. the Certificates cease to be, or notice is 
                                            received that the Certificates will cease to 
                                            be held in uncertificated form and accepted 
                                            for clearance through CREST; or 
                                            4. if at any time the Portfolio Administrator 
                                            determines and notifies the Issuer that the 
                                            aggregate number of Certificates outstanding 
                                            on any day after the first anniversary of the 
                                            issue date of the first Tranche of Certificates 
                                            is less than 1,000,000. 
                                      Trustee: The Trustee in respect of the Certificates 
                                       shall be Deutsche Trust Company Limited. 
 C.10        Derivative               Not applicable - the Certificates do not bear 
              component of             interest at a prescribed rate. 
 C.11        Admission to             Application has been made to The Irish Stock 
              Trading                  Exchange Limited for the Certificates to be 
                                       admitted to the Official List and trading on 
                                       its regulated market. 
                                      Application has been made for the Certificates 
                                       to be admitted to the Official List maintained 
                                       by the UK Listing Authority for the purpose 
                                       of Part VI of the Financial Services and Markets 
                                       Act 2000 and the Financial Services Act 2012 
                                       and trading on the regulated market of the London 
                                       Stock Exchange plc. 
 C.12        Minimum denomination     The Certificates are being treated by the Issuer 
                                       for the purposes of Annexes V and VII of Commission 
                                       Regulation No. 809/2004 of 29 April 2004, as 
                                       amended as having a minimum denomination of 
                                       less than EUR100,000. 
 C.15        Value of the             Issue Price: $ 16.2023 
              investment               On redemption, a Certificateholder will, in 
              is affected              respect of a Certificate, receive on the relevant 
              by the value             Settlement Date (a) the Cash Amount; or (b) 
              of the underlying        the Delivery Amount as determined in accordance 
              instruments              with the Conditions from time to time. 
 C.16        Expiration/              Maturity Date: 31/12/2100 
              Maturity date 
 C.17        Settlement               The Certificates will be held in uncertificated 
                                       form in accordance with the Irish Companies 
                                       Act 1990 (Uncertificated Securities) Regulations 
                                       1996 (S.I. No. 68 of 1996), as amended by the 
                                       Irish Companies Act 1990 (Uncertificated Securities) 
                                       (Amendment) Regulations 2005 (S.I. No. 693 of 
                                       2005) and such other regulations made under 
                                       section 1086 of the Irish Companies Act 2014 
                                       having force within Ireland as are applicable 
                                       to Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited (formerly 
                                       known as CRESTCo Limited) ("CREST") and/or the 
                                       CREST relevant system from time to time in force 
                                       (the "Regulations"). 
                                      The Issuer will apply for the Certificates to 
                                       be accepted for clearance through CREST. The 
                                       Certificates are participating securities for 
                                       the purposes of the Regulations. 
 C.18        Description                         On redemption, a Certificateholder will, in 
              of return                           respect of a Certificate, receive on a date 
                                                  on the relevant Settlement Date: 
                                                  1. an amount in US dollars determined by the 
                                                  Portfolio Administrator equal to the amount 
                                                  of received by the Issuer in respect of the 
                                                  sale of the relevant Underlying Precious Metal 
                                                  in respect of such Certificates less all expenses, 
                                                  fees and charges incurred or to be incurred 
                                                  by the Issuer in respect of such redemption, 
                                                  subject to a minimum of US$0.01; or 
                                                  2. an amount of the Underlying Precious Metal 
                                                  determined by the Portfolio Administrator equal 
                                                  1. the aggregate Per Certificate Entitlement 
                                                  to the Underlying Precious Metal at the relevant 
                                                  Eligible Redemption Valuation Date; less 
                                                  2. an amount of the Underlying Precious Metal 
                                                  equal in value (as determined by the Portfolio 
                                                  Administrator by reference to prevailing market 
                                                  conditions) to all expenses, fees and charges 
                                                  incurred or to be incurred in connection with 
                                                  such redemption. 
 C.19        Final price              On redemption at maturity, a Certificateholder 
              / exercise               will, in respect of a Certificate, receive on 
              price                    the Final Maturity Date an amount in US dollars 
                                       determined by the Portfolio Administrator equal 
                                       to the amount of received by the Issuer in respect 
                                       of the sale of the relevant Underlying Precious 
                                       Metal in respect of such Certificates less all 
                                       expenses, fees and charges incurred or to be 
                                       incurred by the Issuer in respect of such redemption, 
                                       subject to a minimum of US$0.01. 
 C.20        Type of underlying       Information on the past and the future performance 
              and where information    and volatility of silver prices can be found 
              on underlying            at Bloomberg ticker "SLVRLN". 
              can be found 
 Section D - Risks 
 Element     Description              Disclosure requirement 
              of Element 
 D.2         Key risks specific       The Issuer has been established as a special 
              to the Issuer            purpose vehicle for the purpose of establishing 
                                       the Programme and issuing multiple series of 
                                       asset backed securities, holding the Underlying 
                                       Precious Metal for each Series, through the 
                                       Custodian, and entering into, and performing 
                                       its obligations under, agreements related to 
                                       the foregoing. The Issuer has, and will have, 
                                       no assets other than its issued and paid-up 
                                       share capital, such fees (as agreed) payable 
                                       to it in connection with the issue of Certificates 
                                       or entry into other obligations from time to 
                                       time and any Secured Property and any other 
                                       assets on which Certificates or other obligations 
                                       are secured. 
                                      The Issuer is an Irish company. Under Irish 
                                       law, upon an insolvency of an Irish company, 
                                       when applying the proceeds of assets subject 
                                       to fixed security which may have been realised 
                                       in the course of a liquidation or receivership, 
                                       the claims of a limited category of preferential 
                                       creditors will take priority over the claims 
                                       of creditors holding the relevant fixed security. 
 Section E - Offer 
 Element     Description              Disclosure requirement 
              of Element 
 E.2b        Reasons for              Not applicable - the reasons for the offer and 
              the offer and            use of proceeds are not different from making 
              use of proceeds          profit and/or hedging. 
 E.3         Terms and conditions     Offers and sales of the Certificates to an investor 
              of the offer             by an Authorised Participant will be made, in 
                                       accordance with any terms and other arrangements 
                                       in place between such Authorised Participant 
                                       and such investor including as to price, allocations 
                                       and settlement arrangements. Neither the Issuer 
                                       nor the Arranger will be a party to any such 
                                       arrangements with investors (except where the 
                                       Arranger itself offers Certificates to an investor) 
                                       and, accordingly, this Base Prospectus and any 
                                       Final Terms may not contain such information 
                                       and, in such case, an investor must obtain such 
                                       information from the relevant Authorised Participant 
                                       or the Arranger, as applicable. Investors should 
                                       however note the following: 
                                       Amount of the offer: The number of Certificates 
                                       subject to the offer will be determined on the 
                                       basis of the demand for the Certificates and 
                                       prevailing market conditions and be published, 
                                       provided that the aggregate number of all Certificates 
                                       of any and all Series outstanding from time 
                                       to time shall not in any event exceed 1,000,000,000 
                                       (the "Programme Limit"). 
                                       Offer Price: The offer price per Certificate 
                                       will be equal to the Issue Price, subject to 
                                       any applicable fees and commissions of the person 
                                       offering such Certificate. 
                                       Offer Period: Certificates may be offered to 
                                       an investor at any time between the Issue Date 
                                       of the first Tranche of a Series of Certificates 
                                       and the Maturity Date of such Series. 
                                       Issue Date: 09/03/2018 
 E.4         Material interests       Source UK Services Limited which is acting as 
              in the offer             Portfolio Adviser and Arranger in respect of 
                                       the Programme has a relationship with certain 
                                       Authorised Participants under the Programme 
                                       and may have a relationship with future Authorised 
                                       Participants appointed to the Programme. Such 
                                       relationships may therefore potentially give 
                                       rise to conflicts of interest which are adverse 
                                       to the interests of the Certificateholders. 
                                       The Authorised Participants and/or their affiliates 
                                       actively trade in commodities markets. These 
                                       activities could give rise to conflicts of interest 
                                       which are adverse to the interests of the Certificateholders 
                                       and could adversely affect the market value 
                                       of the Certificates. 
 E.7         Expenses chargeable      In connection with the redemption of any Certificate 
              to Investors             at the option of a Certificateholder, a redemption 
                                       notice fee of up to US$500.00 will be payable 
                                       by the relevant Certificateholder. 
                                       The Cash Amount payable or the Delivery Amount 
                                       deliverable, as applicable, in respect of any 
                                       redemption is calculated net of all expenses, 
                                       fees and charges incurred or to be incurred 
                                       in connection therewith. 
                                       From time to time, in respect of Certificates, 
                                       a portion of the Underlying Precious Metal equal 
                                       to the aggregate of the daily amounts by which 
                                       the Per Certificate Entitlement to such Underlying 
                                       Precious Metal has been reduced by the Reduction 
                                       Percentage over the relevant period (the "Combined 
                                       Fees") will be withdrawn from the relevant Secured 
                                       Custody Accounts and sold on behalf of the Issuer 
                                       and the proceeds thereof, in the normal course, 
                                       paid to the Portfolio Adviser in consideration 
                                       for its services as Portfolio Adviser and also 
                                       its agreement to pay the fees and expenses due 
                                       to the other service providers in connection 
                                       with the Programme (but not including any indemnities 
                                       granted in favour of the other service providers). 

This announcement has been issued through the Companies Announcement Service of

the Irish Stock Exchange.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 08, 2018 06:36 ET (11:36 GMT)

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