RNS Number:0711Q
Gresham House PLC
23 September 2003

                              GRESHAM HOUSE plc

                         36 Elder Street, London E1 6BT
               Telephone: 020 7588 7352, Facsimile: 020 7377 2946

                        CHAIRMAN'S INTERIM STATEMENT

The results for the half year ended 30th June, 2003 show a return on ordinary
activities after tax for the Revenue account of #279,000, compared with #430,000
for the comparable period last year and a much improved position for the Capital
account even though this is still showing a loss of #176,000 for the period.

Overall this has resulted in a basic return per ordinary share of 2.3p against a
loss of 30.6p for the comparable period last year.

Underlying revenue streams have remained fairly constant compared with the
similar period last year, the increase being attributable to construction
activities undertaken in the period under review. These activities also largely
account for the increase in Other expenses although the Group has also incurred
additional costs in maintaining its property portfolio.

The investment portfolio reflects improvements in the markets generally and,
whilst the climate for start up situations remains very difficult, we are seeing
many more promising investment opportunities. As stated above, improvements to
the property portfolio have continued during the period and have been met from
Group resources rather than from an increase in borrowings.

Whilst the basic net asset value per ordinary share has fallen by 2.7% to 475.2p
over the period this is solely as a result of the issue of 171,299 ordinary
shares through the exercise of rights under the Company's Share Option schemes
and under the terms of the 8% Secured Redeemable Loan Stock 2006 issued by
Gresham House Finance plc.

Your Board continues its strategy of seeking out innovative early stage
investments but remains cautious as to short term prospects.

A P Stirling
Chairman                                                  23rd  September, 2003.

                               GRESHAM HOUSE plc

                              INTERIM RESULTS 2003

                    for the Half Year ended 30th June, 2003

                                     Six months to                   Six months to                   Year ended
                                   30th June, 2003                  30th June, 2002              31st December, 2002
                                     (Unaudited)                      (Unaudited)                      (Audited)

                             Revenue   Capital    Total     Revenue    Capital     Total     Revenue    Capital    Total
                              #' 000    #' 000   #' 000      #' 000     #' 000    #' 000      #' 000     #' 000   #' 000

Loss on Investments                -      (176)   (176)           -     (1,767)   (1,767)          -    (3,497)  (3,497)
Dividend and Interest Income     114          -     114         135           -       135        276          -      276
Rental Income                  1,505          -   1,505       1,473           -     1,473      2,908          -    2,908
Other operating income           331          -     331         157           -       157      1,056          -    1,056
                               1,950      (176)   1,774       1,765     (1,767)       (2)      4,240    (3,497)      743
Other expenses                 (940)          -   (940)       (606)           -     (606)    (1,767)          -  (1,767)
Net return before finance
costs and taxation             1,010      (176)     834       1,159       1,767)    (608)      2,473    (3,497)  (1,024)
Interest payable and     
similar charges                (731)          -   (731)       (729)            -    (729)    (1,450)          -  (1,450)
Return on ordinary
activities before
taxation                         279      (176)     103         430      (1,767)  (1,337)      1,023    (3,497)  (2,474)
Taxation                           -                  -           -                     -          -          -        -
Return on ordinary
activities after
taxation attributable to
equity shareholders              279      (176)     103         430      (1,767)  (1,337)      1,023    (3,497)  (2,474)

Dividend - Equity shares           -          -       -           -            -        -      (141)          -    (141)
Transfer to reserves             279       (176)    103         430      (1,767)  (1,337)        882    (3,497)  (2,615)
Basic return per 
Ordinary Share                   6.2p      (3.9)p   2.3p        9.8p      (40.4)p  (30.6)p      23.2p    (79.5)p (56.3)p
Diluted return per 
Ordinary Share                   6.0p      (3.8)p   2.2p        9.3p      (40.4)p  (31.1)p      21.6p    (73.9)p (52.3)p

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                      30th June               30th June            31st December
                                                           2003                    2002                     2002
                                                          #'000                   #'000                    #'000

Profit for the financial period                             279                     430                    1,023        
Net movement on capital reserves                          (176)                  (1,767)                 (3,497)
                                                       ________                 ________                ________  
                                                            103                  (1,337)                 (2,474)
                                                       ========                 ========                ========
(i)  The revenue column of this statement is the consolidated profit and loss 
     account of the group.
(ii) All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 

                               GRESHAM HOUSE plc

                              INTERIM RESULTS 2003

                              as at 30th June, 2003

                                                 30th June, 2003             30th June, 2002       31st December, 2002
                                                     (Unaudited)                 (Unaudited)                 (Audited)
                                                           #'000                       #'000                     #'000
              Securities                                   6,234                       7,958                     6,649
              Properties                                  31,666                      29,455                    30,976

Tangible assets                                              391                         393                       382
                                                        ________                    ________                  ________
                                                          38,291                      37,806                    38,007
                                                        ________                    ________                  ________

Current assets                                             7,779                       7,815                     7,087
Creditors  - amounts falling due
within one year                                            5,496                       4,408                     5,346
                                                        ________                     ________                 ________
Net current assets                                         2,283                       3,407                     1,741
                                                        ________                     ________                 ________

Total assets less current liabilities                     40,574                      41,213                    39,748

Creditors   - amounts falling due
after more than one year                                  18,452                      18,132                    17,860

              Deferred income                                245                         245                       245
                                                        ________                    ________                  ________
                                                          21,877                      22,836                    21,643
                                                        ========                    ========                  ========
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital (Note 5)                           1,151                       1,100                     1,108
Share premium account                                        453                         287                       364

Other reserves
              Revaluation reserve                          8,064                       8,064                     8,064
              Capital reserve - realised                  22,425                      22,879                    22,403
              Capital reserve - unrealised                 (256)                       1,197                      (57)
Revenue reserves                                         (9,960)                    (10,691)                  (10,239)
                                                        ________                    ________                  ________
Equity shareholders' funds                                21,877                      22,836                    21,643
                                                        ========                    ========                  ========

Basic Net Asset Value per ordinary share                  475.2p                       518.9p                    488.3p
                                                        ========                    ========                  ========
Diluted Net Asset Value per ordinary share                461.4p                       489.4p                    454.2p
                                                        ========                    ========                  ========

                               GRESHAM HOUSE plc

                             INTERIM RESULTS 2003

                    for the Half Year ended 30th June, 2003

                                                    Six months to              Six months to                12 months to
                                                  30th June, 2003            30th June, 2002         31st December, 2002
                                                      (Unaudited)                (Unaudited)                   (Audited)
                                                            #'000                      #'000                       #'000

Cashflow from operating activities
Investment income                                              81                         71                        106
Interest received                                              33                         64                        166
Rental income received                                      1,477                      1,937                      3,479
Other cash payments                                         (121)                      (916)                      (743)
                                                         ________                   ________                   ________ 
Net cash inflow from operating activities (Note 2)          1,470                      1,156                      3,008
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest paid on 2.5% Secured Redeemable Loan Stock 2001        -                        (9)                        (6)
Interest paid on 8% Secured Redeemable Loan Stock 2006      (146)                       (92)                      (243)
Interest paid on property loans                             (577)                      (711)                    (1,183)

Net cash outflow from investments                        ________                   ________                   ________
and servicing of finance                                    (723)                      (812)                    (1,432)
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                   6                         10                         10
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                            (19)                         -                           -
Purchase of investments                                     (557)                      (855)                    (1,633)
Sale of investments                                           795                      1,333                      1,690
Net loans (advanced)/repaid                                  (51)                        472                        483
Purchase of investment properties                           (690)                      (572)                    (2,093)
Purchase of developments in hand                            (146)                      (134)                      (822)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from                           ________                   ________                   ________
capital expenditure and financial investment                (662)                        254                    (2,365) 
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========
Corporation tax paid                                            -                          -                          -
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========
Equity dividends paid                                       (141)                      (136)                       (136)
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========
Cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid
resources and financing                                      (56)                        462                      (925)
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========
Management of liquid resources
Acquisition of listed securities held for dealing           (261)                       (50)                       (36)
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========
Repayment of loans                                          (391)                      (542)                    (1,238)
Receipt of loans                                              199                      1,209                      1,929
Share capital issued                                          132                         53                        138

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing                     (60)                        720                        829
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========
(Decrease)/increase in Cash                                 (377)                      1,132                       (132)
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========

                               GRESHAM HOUSE plc

                             INTERIM RESULTS 2003


                                                    Six months to              Six months to                12 months to
                                                  30th June, 2003            30th June, 2002         31st December, 2002
                                                      (Unaudited)                (Unaudited)                   (Audited)
                                                            #'000                      #'000                       #'000

Retained profit for the period                                279                        430                         882
Revaluation surplus
Net movement on capital reserves                            (177)                    (1,767)                     (3,497)
Issue of ordinary shares                                      132                         53                        138
                                                         ________                   ________                   ________ 
                                                              234                    (1,284)                    (2,477)

Shareholders' funds at beginning of period                 21,643                     24,120                     24,120
                                                         ________                   ________                   ________ 
Shareholders' funds at  end of period                      21,877                     22,836                     21,643
                                                         ========                   ========                   ========

                               GRESHAM HOUSE plc

                              INTERIM RESULTS 2003

                         NOTES TO THE INTERIM STATEMENT
                    for the Half Year ended 30th June, 2003
1.   Basis of preparation
(a)  The interim statement has been prepared in accordance with the accounting
     policies as set out in the Group's Report and Accounts for the year ended 
     31st December, 2002.

(b)  The interim statement is neither audited nor reviewed. The figures for the 
     year ended 31st December, 2002 do not comprise statutory accounts for the
     purpose of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, and have been extracted 
     from the Group's full accounts for that year which received an unqualified 
     Auditors' Report and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or 
     (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The accounts have been filed with the 
     Registrar of Companies.
(c)  In accordance with the Company's accounting policies the above figures take 
     into account the results of significant investments only to the extent of
     dividends received amounting to #1,717 (2002: #1,717).

                                            Six months to                Six months to                12 months to
                                          30th June, 2003              30th June, 2002         31st December, 2002
                                              (Unaudited)                  (Unaudited)                   (Audited)
                                                    #'000                        #'000                       #'000
2.   Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows.

Return on ordinary activities before taxation         279                          430                       1,023
Interest payable                                      731                          729                       1,450
                                                 ________                     ________                    ________      
                                                    1,010                        1,159                       2,473
Depreciation                                            4                            3                          14
Loan provision written back                             -                            -                           4
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                      (611)                          344                         467
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                    1,067                        (350)                          50
                                                 ________                     ________                    ________      
Net cash flow from operating activities             1,470                        1,156                       3,008
                                                 ========                     ========                    ========
3.   Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt.

(Decrease)/increase in cash for the period          (377)                        1,132                       (132)  
Cash outflow  from repayment of debt                  391                          542                       1,238
Cash inflow from loans received                     (199)                      (1,209)                     (1,929)
Cash outflow from increase
in liquid resources                                   261                           50                          36
                                                 ________                     ________                    ________      
Movement in net debt in the period                     76                          515                       (787)

Net debt at beginning of period                  (17,840)                     (17,053)                    (17,053)
                                                 ________                     ________                    ________      
Balance at end of period                         (17,764)                     (16,538)                    (17,840)
                                                 ========                     ========                    ========

4.   Analysis of net debt
                                             At 1st January           Cash flow       Other non-cash     At 30th June
                                                       2003                                  changes             2003
                                                      #'000               #'000                #'000            #'000

Cash  in hand and at bank / brokers                   2,592               (377)                                 2,215

Debt due within one year                            (2,918)                 192                  592          (2,134)
Debt due after  one year                           (17,860)                   -                (592)         (18,452)
                                                   ________            ________             ________         ________   
                                                   (20,778)                 192                    -         (20,586) 
Current asset investments                              346                  261                                   607

                                                   ________            ________             ________         ________   
                                                   (17,840)                  76                    -         (17,764)
                                                   ========            ========             ========         ========
5.   Called up share capital

During the period under review 97,000 share options were exercised at par under
the Unapproved Share Option Schemes and, in addition, 74,299 ordinary shares
were issued under the terms of the 8% Secured Redeemable Loan Stock 2006; 26,572
ordinary shares at a price of 180p per share; and 47,727 ordinary shares at a
price of 126p per share.

The allotted share capital has therefore increased by 171,299 ordinary shares.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange