Pantheon International Participations PLC                   

The Directors are pleased to announce that Tom Bartlam has accepted an
invitation to join the Board as a non-executive Director with effect from 26
June 2003.

Mr Bartlam, aged 55, is a founder and Managing Director of Intermediate Capital
Group PLC, which is the leading independent arranger and provider of mezzanine
finance in Europe with a market capitalisation in excess of �500m. He is a
graduate of Cambridge University and a qualified chartered accountant. Prior to
founding Intermediate Capital Group PLC in 1989 Mr Bartlam worked for
Charterhouse Bank, where he was a director involved in their corporate finance
and private equity activities.

There are no details required to be disclosed pursuant to paragraph 6.F.2(a) to
(g) of the UKLA Listing Rules.

26 June 2003