RNS Number : 3194H

Prospex Energy PLC

27 July 2023

Prospex Energy PLC / Index: AIM / Epic: PXEN / Sector: Oil and Gas

27 July 2023

Prospex Energy PLC

('Prospex' or the 'Company')

Award of Options

Prospex Energy PLC, the AIM quoted investment company focused on European energy projects, has today granted a total of 4,200,000 share options in the Company to directors and other staff (the "Options") following the Company's success in commencing gas production from the Podere Maiar-1 well in Italy announced on 5 July 2023. The new options awarded represent 1.43% of the total issued share capital of the Company on 31 July 2023. The new award results in the total number of options awarded to staff and management of 17,946,364 which represents 6.11% of the total issued share capital on 31 July 2023.

The options have been awarded at 7.0p per share representing an 11.1% premium to 6.3p, the closing price of Prospex shares on 26 July 2023.

The Options vest immediately and are exercisable for a period of five years.

The Options to be issued are set out below:

     Mark Routh       1,200,000 
   William Smith       300,000 
 Alasdair Buchanan     300,000 
     Andrew Hay        900,000 
  Grant Glanfield      500,000 
   Other non-PDMR 
        staff         1,000,000 
       Total          4,200,000 

Options currently held by directors/PDMRs:

    Director*        Expiry     Strike    Expiry     Strike    Expiry     Strike    Expiry     Strike     Total 
       /PDMR         14/04/25    Price    17/3/25     Price    22/09/27    Price    27/02/28    Price 
      Smith*           21,669   75.0p      900,000   5.0p       900,000   8.15p      370,000   12.25p   2,191,669 
                   ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ---------- 
     Buchanan*          -         -        900,000   5.0p       900,000   8.15p      370,000   12.25p   2,170,000 
                   ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ---------- 
   Mark Routh*          -         -      2,100,000   5.0p       900,000   8.15p    1,233,333   12.25p   4,233,333 
                   ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ---------- 
      Andrew            -         -          -         -          -         -          -         -          - 
                   ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ---------- 
 Grant Glanfield        -         -          -         -                             575,556   12.25p    575,556 
                   ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ---------- 
      Total          21,669       -      3,900,000     -      2,700,000     -      2,548,889     -      9,170,558 
                   ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  -------  ---------- 

Directors'/PDMRs total Options after this award:

     Director*/PDMR         Number      % of share 
                                         capital at 
                                        31 July 2023 
      Mark Routh*         5,433,333        1.85% 
                         -----------  -------------- 
     William Smith*       2,491,669        0.85% 
                         -----------  -------------- 
   Alasdair Buchanan*     2,470,000        0.84% 
                         -----------  -------------- 
      Andrew Hay*          900,000         0.31% 
                         -----------  -------------- 
    Grant Glanfield       1,075,556        0.37% 
                         -----------  -------------- 
 Total Directors/PDMRs    12,370,558       4.21% 
                         -----------  -------------- 

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("MAR") and is disclosed in accordance with the Company's obligations under Article 17 of MAR.

* *S * *

For further information visit www.prospex.energy or contact the following:

Mark Routh                           Prospex Energy      Tel: +44 (0) 20 7236 
                                      PLC                                1177 
Ritchie Balmer                       Strand Hanson       Tel: +44 (0) 20 7409 
 Rory Murphy                          Limited                            3494 
                                     ------------------  -------------------- 
Jerry Keen                           Fox-Davies          Tel: +44 (0) 20 3884 
                                      Capital Limited                    7447 
                                     ------------------  -------------------- 
Andrew Monk (Corporate Broking)      VSA Capital         Tel: +44 (0) 20 3005 
 Andrew Raca/Alex Cabral (Corporate   Limited                            5000 
                                     ------------------  -------------------- 
Ana Ribeiro / Susie Geliher          St Brides Partners  Tel: +44 (0) 20 7236 
                                      Limited                            1177 
                                     ------------------  -------------------- 

PDMR Notification

 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
       / person closely associated 
 a)   Name                              William Smith 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the Notification 
 a)   Position/status                   Director 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/amendment    Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name                              Prospex Energy Plc 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                               213800NY9RH8O1B72D27 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
       (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv)each place where transactions have 
       been conducted 
 a)   Description of the Financial      Ordinary shares of 0.1p each in the 
       instrument, type of instrument    share capital of the Prospex Energy 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
      Identification code               GB00BMFZVZ53 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the Transaction         Issue of options to acquire Ordinary 
                                         Shares over the next 5 years 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                          7.0 pence    300,000 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information            N/A (Single Transaction) 
       Aggregated volume Price 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction           26 July 2023 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction          AIM 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
       / person closely associated 
 a)   Name                              Alasdair Buchanan 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the Notification 
 a)   Position/status                   Director 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/amendment    Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name                              Prospex Energy Plc 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                               213800NY9RH8O1B72D27 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s):section to be repeated for 
       (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv)each place where transactions have 
       been conducted 
 a)   Description of the Financial      Ordinary shares of 0.1p each in the 
       instrument, type of instrument    share capital of the Prospex Energy 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
      Identification code               GB00BMFZVZ53 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the Transaction         Issue of options to acquire Ordinary 
                                         Shares over the next 5 years 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                          7.0 pence    300,000 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information            N/A (Single Transaction) 
       Aggregated volume Price 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction           26 July 2023 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction          AIM 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
       / person closely associated 
 a)   Name                              Mark Routh 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the Notification 
 a)   Position/status                   Director 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/amendment    Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name                              Prospex Energy Plc 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                               213800NY9RH8O1B72D27 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
       (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv)each place where transactions have 
       been conducted 
 a)   Description of the Financial      Ordinary shares of 0.1p each in the 
       instrument, type of instrument    share capital of the Prospex Energy 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
      Identification code               GB00BMFZVZ53 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the Transaction         Issue of options to acquire Ordinary 
                                         Shares over the next 5 years 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                          7.0 pence    1,200,000 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information            N/A (Single Transaction) 
       Aggregated volume Price 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction           26 July 2023 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction          AIM 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
       / person closely associated 
 a)   Name                              Andrew Hay 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the Notification 
 a)   Position/status                   Director 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/amendment    Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name                              Prospex Energy Plc 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                               213800NY9RH8O1B72D27 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
       (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv)each place where transactions have 
       been conducted 
 a)   Description of the Financial      Ordinary shares of 0.1p each in the 
       instrument, type of instrument    share capital of the Prospex Energy 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
      Identification code               GB00BMFZVZ53 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the Transaction         Issue of options to acquire Ordinary 
                                         Shares over the next 5 years 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                          7.0 pence    900,000 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information            N/A (Single Transaction) 
       Aggregated volume Price 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction           26 July 2023 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction          AIM 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 1.   Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
       / person closely associated 
 a)   Name                              Grant Glanfield 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 2.   Reason for the Notification 
 a)   Position/status                   Group Head of Finance 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification/amendment    Initial notification 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 3.   Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
       auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)   Name                              Prospex Energy Plc 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                               213800NY9RH8O1B72D27 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 4.   Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
       (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
       (iii) each date; and (iv)each place where transactions have 
       been conducted 
 a)   Description of the Financial      Ordinary shares of 0.1p each in the 
       instrument, type of instrument    share capital of the Prospex Energy 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
      Identification code               GB00BMFZVZ53 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of the Transaction         Issue of options to acquire Ordinary 
                                         Shares over the next 5 years 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)     Volume(s) 
                                          7.0 pence    500,000 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated information            N/A (Single Transaction) 
       Aggregated volume Price 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the transaction           26 July 2023 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the transaction          AIM 
     --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 27, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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