RNS Number:2869S
Takefuji Corporation
20 November 2003

I. Summary of the Financial Results at the Interim for the Fiscal Year Ending
March 31, 2004

On October 28, Takefuji Corporation ("the Company") held a press conference on
the interim financial results for the 37th fiscal year at the Tokyo Stock
Exchange. IR Explanatory meeting of the financial results was held at the LEVEL
XXI Tokyo Kaikan on the following day, which attracted a large number of
investors and analysts. We wish to take this opportunity to express our
gratitude once again.

In view of the deflationary stagnation prolonged more than three years in Japan,
we have drastically shifted our loan business strategy from "quantitative
expansion" to "qualitative improvement" since July 2002 in advance of other
consumer finance companies in order to prevent delinquent loans from increasing.
Although Japanese economy has shown some positive signs recently, we will
continue our strict credit assessment policy until we are confident of economic
recovery. Moreover, we intend to further improve and enhance our "Customer
Service", which has been lifting the Company up to the industry leader, focus
on the small amount loans and keep our stance as a regional "nearby finance
company" based on the Company's creed of serving many consumers widely and

 (Unit: million yen)
                (Consolidated)    Year-on-year  (Non-consolidated) Year-on-year
                                  comparison                       comparison
                Interim period                  Interim period
                ended Sept. 03                  ended Sept. 03
Outstanding           1,653,801   -5.8%                1,653,801   -5.8%
Cash Loans
No. of                2,761,248   -5.7%                2,761,248   -5.7%
Operating               199,570   -9.0%                  197,852   -9.2%
Operating                53,953   -39.1%                  53,069   -39.5%
Ordinary                 68,160   -33.5%                  67,169   -34.5%
Net Profit for           35,379   -33.5%                  34,682   -35.3%
Current FY
Net Income per           247.47   -31.5%                  242.59   -33.3%
Share (yen)
Shareholders'            860,689   +4.3%                  865,843   +4.1%
Shareholders'              45.8%   +4.5%                    45.2%  +4.3%
Equity Ratio

*Please refer to the Brief Statement of Financial Results at the Interim for the
Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004 (Consolidated)

II. Revision of Fiscal Year business result forecasts

Taking the interim financial results into consideration, a decision has been
made to revise part of the forecasts for the current fiscal year ending March
31, 2004 as follows. Please note that the previous forecasts were made at our
results announcement as of April 30, 2003.

(Unit: million yen)
                   Outstanding  Number of    Operating  Ordinary   Net income
                   cash loans   accounts     revenue    Income     for the
Previous            1,704,100    2,851,417    397,400    181,600        94,400
Revised             1,644,800    2,719,848    385,000    130,100        68,200
Previous            1,704,100    2,851,417    400,900    183,200        95,400
Revised             1,644,800    2,719,848    388,300    131,800        69,400

*As for dividends, the forecast remains the same, at 50 yen for the interim
period, 50 yen at the end of the fiscal year, totaling 100 yen for the entire
fiscal year.

III. Loan Business in October

We have made a net increase exceeding yen 10 billion in outstanding cash loans
for three consecutive months since August 2003.

The performance of the loan business for the month of October 2003 was as
                       October 2002    October 2003    Ratio/Number of change
Outstanding cash loans     1,750,109       1,665,648                     -4.8%
Installment accounts               -             172                         -
receivable (**)
Number of loan             2,930,454       2,770,316                     -5.5%
customer accounts
Number of new loan            26,623          27,879                      4.7%
customer accounts
Number of branch               1,896           1,891                     -0.3%
offices (***)
    Manned                       529             528                      (-1)
    Unmanned                   1,366           1,362                      (-4)
    Internet                       1               1                       (0)
Number of unmanned             1,896           1,891                      (-5)
loan contract machines
(Yen-musubi machines)

* Unit: millions of yen.

** Installment accounts receivable: credit card balance. Unit: millions of yen.

*** Increase/decrease in branch offices is shown in terms of the number of
branch offices rather than the rate of increase/decrease.

IV. Notification of Purchase of Treasury Stock

We would like to announce that the Company acquired its treasury stock in
conformity with Article 210 of the Japanese Commercial Code.

Details of Treasury Stock Buyback are as follows:

1.      Purchase period: October 29, 2003 - October 31, 2003

2.      Number of shares purchased: 123,000 shares

3.      Total purchased value: Yen 775,018,300

4.      Method of purchase: Purchase on the TSE

5.      Reason of purchase: The Company acquired its treasury stock in
consideration of its agile capital strategy from the viewpoint of its capital


1.      A program of buying back shares was approved at the 36th Annual
Stockholder's Meeting on June 27, 2003 as follows:

a.      Type of shares to be acquired: Common stock of Takefuji Corporation

b.      Maximum number of shares to be acquired: 13 million shares

c.       Maximum amount of acquisition: 130 billion yen

2.      Aggregate total of treasury stock purchased after the resolution at the
36th Annual Stockholder's Meeting on June 27, 2003:

a.      Aggregate total number of shares purchased: 818,000 shares

b.      Aggregate total purchase value: Yen 5,747,043,700

3.      Aggregate total of treasury stock purchased as of October 31, 2003

a.      Total number of shares issued: 147,295,200 shares

b.      Total number of shares purchased: 5,368,000 shares


Takefuji Bamboo News

The 10th V League starts!

The competition to win the top place in Japanese volleyball, the "10th V
League", will start on December 6. Takefuji Bamboo will meet Hitachi Sawa
Rivale in the opening match at the Aizu General Gymnasium in Fukushima pref.,
followed by the second match against Pioneer Redwings at its home ground, the
Fukaya Big Turtle in Saitama pref. in the next week. Ten V League women's teams
compete in 2-time round robin regular rounds that continue for about 3 months
until mid-February, 2004, and the top 4 teams will move on to the final rounds
to be held on February 20, 21 and 22 in Osaka, and also 28 and 29 in Tokyo.

The team's head coach, Mr. Akihisa Ishihara speaks of his aspiration for the
opening of 10th V League as follows: In the third season since the team was
launched as Takefuji Bamboo, we intend to make every effort and devote ourselves
to win the V League cup not settling for the last season's position of the

Takefuji Bamboo will continue to do their utmost in one accord as a team. Your
kind support would be greatly appreciated.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange