RNS Number:5815M
Tanjong PLC
20 June 2003

                    TANJONG public limited company
             (Incorporated in England 1926 - No. 210874) 
    (Registered as a foreign company in Malaysia - No. 990903-V) 


                    Condensed Group Profit and Loss Account  
                                                              3 months ended  
  in RM'000                             Note           30-Apr-03    30-Apr-02 

  Group turnover                        8               622,698      609,005  

  Operating costs                                      (482,070)    (485,824) 

  Group operating profit                8               140,628      123,181  
  Share of associated undertakings                                            
  and joint venture                                         233          563  

  Group operating profit after share                                          
  of associated undertakings and joint                  140,861      123,744  

  Net interest expense and                                                    
  investment charge                                     (19,966)     (10,740) 

  Profit on ordinary activities                         120,895      113,004  
  before taxation                                                             

  Taxation                                              (33,036)     (34,609) 

  Profit on ordinary activities after                    87,859       78,395  

  Minority interests                                     (3,905)      (7,122) 

  Net profit for the period                              83,954       71,273  
  Earnings per share (sen)                                                    

  - Basic                                                  21.7         18.6  

  - Diluted                                                21.6         18.5  

  The condensed group profit and loss account should be read in conjunction with 
  the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2003. 
                        Condensed Group Balance Sheet  
                                                         As at         As at 
                                                     30-Apr-03     31-Jan-03 
  in RM'000                                        (Unaudited)     (Audited)  

  Tangible assets*                                   2,677,261     2,553,804  
  Investment property                                  365,000       365,000  
  Intangible assets                                     55,738        56,682  
  Investments in associate and joint venture            26,879        31,155  
  Long term investments                                  5,833         6,356  

  Current Assets                                                              
                           Stocks                      106,553       114,889  
                           Debtors                     260,376       205,908  
                           Investments and             935,152       708,190  
                           short term placements                   
                           Cash at bank and in hand     22,498        13,798  
                                                     1,324,579     1,042,785  
  Current Liabilities                                                         
                           Creditors                   297,131       324,817  
                           Short term borrowings        62,557       362,368  
                           Taxation                      6,965        14,601  
                           Dividends payable            78,061        78,061  
                                                       444,714       779,847  

  Net current assets                                   879,865       262,938 

  Long term liabilities                                                       
                           Borrowings and other      1,814,360       984,389  
                           long term liabilities                                        
                           Deferred taxation           211,169       200,108  

                                                     1,985,047     2,091,438  

  Capital and Reserves                                                        
  Paid up share capital                                138,156       138,102  
  Share premium account                                110,747       109,733  
  Revaluation reserve                                    9,915         9,915  
  Profit and loss account                            1,651,535     1,568,220  
  Equity Shareholders' funds                         1,910,353     1,825,970  

  Minority interests                                    74,694       265,468  

                                                     1,985,047     2,091,438  

  Net Tangible Assets per share (in sen)                 478.8         456.9  

* Included in tangible assets is construction-in-progress amounting to 
  RM14.1 million (31.01.2003 - RM781.5 million)  

  The condensed group balance sheet should be read in conjunction with the
  Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2002.  
                      Condensed Group Cash Flow Statement  
                                                            3 months ended 
  in RM'000                                            30-Apr-03    30-Apr-02 

  Profit on ordinary activities before taxation         120,895      113,004  
  Adjustment for non-cash and non-operating items:                                                                      
                          Depreciation & amortisation    42,643       30,149  
                          Others                         19,732       10,178  
                                                        183,270      153,331  

  Changes in working capital                            (46,444)     (13,510) 

  Net cash inflow from operating activities             136,826      139,821  

  Returns on investments and servicing of                                     
                          Interest received               4,998        3,378  
                          Interest paid                 (18,072)     (14,289) 
                          Dividend received                 227           91  
                          from current asset                                  

  Net cash outflow from returns                                               
     on investments and servicing of finance            (12,847)     (10,820) 

  Corporate income taxes paid                           (29,570)     (13,676) 

  Capital expenditure                                    (4,329)      (2,200) 

  Acquisitions and disposals:                                                 
                          Construction of a            (114,780)    (114,439) 
                          power generation plant                                               
                          Acquisition of               (267,805)           -  
                          minority interests                                  
                          in a subsidiary                                     
                          Investment in                    (130)           -  
                          venture funds                                       
                          Repayment from a                4,500            -  
                          joint venture                                       

  Net cash outflow from acquisitions and               (378,215)    (114,439) 

  Management of liquid resources:                                             
                          Increase in funds            (238,728)    (133,201) 
                          placed on term deposits                                            
                          Current asset investments        4,496          762  
  Net cash outflow from management of liquid           (234,232)    (132,439) 

  Financing activities:                                                       
                          Issue of ordinary shares        1,067       29,180  
                          Net increase in borrowings    530,000      130,000  

  Net cash inflow from financing activities             531,067      159,180  

  Decrease in cash and bank balances                      8,700       25,427  

  Cash and bank balances at beginning of the             13,798       14,451  

  Cash and bank balances at period end                   22,498       39,878  

The condensed group cash flow statement should be read in conjunction with the 
Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2003.  

                Condensed Group Statement of Changes in Equity  
                      Non-distributable          Distributable  
                                                 Profit                 Total  
                     Share  Share  Revaluation    Loss     30-Apr-03   31-Jan-03
  in RM'000        Capital  Premium  Reserve     Account  (Unaudited)  (Audited)
         Balance    138,102  109,733    9,915   1,568,220  1,825,970   1,575,304

         Net           -      -          -    83,954       83,954    323,119  
         for the                                                              

         of shares                                                            
         exercise     54    1,014        -         -        1,068     46,255  
         of share                                                             

         Dividends     -      -          -         -            -    (117,482)
         on foreign                                                              
         currency      -      -          -      (639)        (639)    (1,226) 
         Balance   138,156  110,747    9,915   1,651,535  1,910,353    1,825,970

  The condensed group statement of changes in equity should be read in        
  conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 
  31 January 2003.                    

Part A     Explanatory notes in compliance with MASB Statement 26 

1.     Basis of preparation

The Quarterly Report has been prepared in accordance with the reporting
requirements outlined in Malaysian Accounting Standards Board ("MASB")
Standard No. 26 - "Interim Financial Reporting" and Paragraph 9.22 of the
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Listing Requirements and should be read in
conjunction with the Group's annual audited financial statements for the year
ended 31 January 2003.

The accounting policies adopted by the Group comply with United Kingdom
Generally Accepted Accounting Practices ("UK GAAP).

2.     Qualification of preceding annual financial statements

There was no audit qualification to the preceding annual audited financial
statements of the Group.

3.     Seasonal / cyclical factors

The principal business operations of the Group are not materially affected by
seasonal or cyclical factors.

4.     Unusual items

There were no unusual items affecting assets, liabilities, equity, net
income, or cash flows during the period under review.

5.     Material changes in estimates of amounts reported

There were no material changes in estimates of amounts reported in the prior
financial year.

Part A     Explanatory notes in compliance with MASB Statement 26 

6.     Movements in debt and equity securities

6.1     Issuance of debt securities 

Panglima Power Sdn Bhd ("Panglima"), a subsidiary of Tanjong issued
redeemable bonds with a nominal value of RM830 million in two tranches, RM500
million on 7 March 2003 and RM330 million on 19 March 2003.

6.2 Issuance of equity securities 

For the period under review, 154,000 shares in the Company were issued for a
total subscription amount of RM1.1 million pursuant to the exercise of
options to subscribe for unissued shares of the Company by eligible employees
under the Company's Employees' Share Option Scheme No. 2.

7. Dividends paid

There were no dividends paid during the quarter under review.

8. Segmental results

                                 3 months ended                3 months ended 
                                    30-Apr-03                     30-Apr-02 

                                     Operating                     Operating  
  in RM' 000          Turnover    profit/(loss)     Turnover    profit/(loss) 


  Numbers             380,934           37,417      383,393           54,584  

  Power               217,189           96,638      200,300           61,538  

  Racing                5,564              209        5,932              756  

  Property             11,912            7,403       11,226            7,146  

                      615,599          141,667      600,851          124,024  

  Republic of                                                                 

  Liquefied             9,270             (652)      10,294             (343) 
  Petroleum Gas                                                               

  Segment totals      624,869          141,015      611,145          123,681  

  Inter-segment        (2,171)                       (2,140)                  

  Non-segmental                           (387)                         (500) 

                      622,698          140,628      609,005          123,181  

Part A     Explanatory notes in compliance with MASB Statement 26 

9.     Valuations of property, plant and equipment

The valuation of the investment property of RM365 million held by the Group
has been brought forward without amendments from the previous annual audited
financial statements.

10.     Material events subsequent to the end of the financial period

There were no material subsequent events as at the date of this quarterly

11.     Changes in the composition of the Group

Apart from the developments reported in Note 21(a), there have been no
changes in the composition of the Group during the financial year.

12.     Commitments and contingencies

12.1     Capital commitments as at 30 April 2003 


                    Authorised and contracted         47,319
                    Authorised but not contracted     23,389


The above commitments relate primarily to project completion costs and other
ancillary capital expenditure that will be incurred in relation to the
Panglima power plant and related facilities.

12.2     Contingencies 

There were no material contingent liabilities or contingent assets since the
last annual balance sheet date.

Part A     Explanatory notes in compliance with MASB Statement 26 

13. Significant related party disclosures

The following is a summary of material transactions as defined by Financial
Reporting Standard 8, "Related Party Disclosures", which have been contracted
in the ordinary course of business and on normal commercial terms between the
Group and companies that are associated with:

(i) The trust that is associated with the family of Ananda Krishnan
Tatparanandam and foundations ("the Trust") and

(ii) The family of Ananda Krishnan Tatparanandam.

The trustee of the Trust is the controlling shareholder of the Company as
defined by the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority Listing Rules.

                                                              3 months ended
                                                        30- Apr-03   30-Apr-02
                                                            RM'000      RM'000
  Expenses charged to the Group profit and loss                               

  Consultancy services                                       3,893       3,500

  Technical advisory, operations & maintenance               1,337       1,925

  Software support and licence fees                          1,155       1,155

  Building and property maintenance services                   772         790

  Closed circuit television broadcasting services              572         572

  Equipment lease rentals                                      420         420

  Telecommunication and related services                       393         323

  Bloodstock management, service fees,                         365           -
  accounting &                                                                
  clerical services                                                           

  Sponsorship of events                                        337          75

  Other services                                               216         132

                                                             9,460       8,892

  Income credited to the Group profit and loss account  

  Lease rental and tenant service revenue                    5,632       5,220

  Car park income                                              204          25

  Others                                                        50          12

                                                             5,886       5,257

  Recovery of expenses and shared overhead costs             1,879       1,668

Part B     Explanatory notes in compliance with KLSE Listing Requirements
          (Part A of Appendix 9B) 

14.     Review of performance

Group turnover for the current quarter increased by RM13.7 million to RM622.7
million from RM609.0 million in the corresponding quarter in the previous
year ("corresponding quarter"). Group operating profit is, at RM140.6
million, higher by RM17.4 million or 14.1%.

The increased Group turnover is mainly attributable to the additional
contribution from Panglima, which successfully converted its 460MW Open Cycle
Gas Turbine power plant into a 720MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power plant
on 31 March 2003. The increase in capacity billings arising from the
commercial operations of the Panglima plant as well as lower plant
maintenance costs have contributed to the increase in Power Generation's
operating profit from RM61.5 million to RM96.6 million.

Despite a higher prize payout structure which took effect on 1 January 2003,
consumer demand for NFO products continues to be soft. The said revision to
the prize payout structure and an increase in Betting and Sweepstake duties
on the same date have reduced operating margins thereby leading to a
reduction in the NFO operating profit from RM54.6 million in the
corresponding quarter to RM37.4 million in the current quarter.

Net interest expense and investment charge increased from RM10.7 million to
RM20.0 million, largely due to increased interest expense on additional
borrowings. As at 30 April 2003, Group borrowings totalled RM1.87 billion
against RM1.28 billion in the corresponding quarter, as additional borrowings
were taken to finance the development of the Panglima power plant.

For the period under review, Group profit attributable to shareholders
increased by 17.8% from RM71.3 million to RM83.9 million. Net earnings per
share has accordingly increased from 18.6 sen to 21.7 sen.

15.     Variation of current quarter's profit before tax to preceding quarter

The current quarter's profit before taxation of RM120.9 million is lower than
the preceding quarter's profit before taxation of RM123.5 million due to the
reduced operating margin of the NFO segment mitigated by the increased profit
contribution of Panglima.

16.     Current year prospects

Demand for NFO products has been sluggish since the end of the quarter under
review whilst the Power Generation segment has generally performed in line
with expectations. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Board of Directors
anticipates a satisfactory overall performance for the Group for the
remainder of this financial year.

Part B     Explanatory notes in compliance with KLSE Listing Requirements
          (Part A of Appendix 9B) 

17.     Variance to profit forecast or shortfall in profit guarantee (only
applicable to the final quarter)

The Group did not issue a profit forecast during the period under review.

18.     Taxation

                                     Individual/Cumulative Quarter
                                        30/4/2003   30/4/2002
                                           RM'000      RM'000
                  Malaysian Taxation                         
                  Income tax                                 
                  - Current year           25,176      24,740
                  - Prior year               (46)           -
                                           25,130      24,740
                  Deferred tax             11,000       9,709
                                           36,130      34,449
                  Foreign Taxation        (3,094)         160
                                           33,036      34,609

The effective tax rate for the current quarter was 27.3% whereas the
statutory tax rate is 28%. The variance between the tax rates is mainly due
to the write back of withholding tax provisions.

19.     Sale of unquoted investments and/or properties

There were no disposals of unquoted investments and/or properties during the
period under review.

Part B     Explanatory notes in compliance with KLSE Listing Requirements
          (Part A of Appendix 9B) 

20.     Quoted securities

  (a)   Summary of dealings in quoted securities                   Individual/
        for the year ended 30 April 2003: -                 Cumulative Quarter

        (i)                  Total purchase consideration                   -
        (ii)                 Total sale proceeds                           653
        (iii)                Total profit on disposal                      126

  (b)   Investments in quoted securities as at the end of the reporting       

        (i)                  At cost                                    69,540
        (ii)                 At carrying value/book value; and          60,578
        (iii)                At market value                            71,522

21.     Status of corporate proposals announced but not completed

(a) Status of the General Offer for the remaining shares in Powertek Berhad

The general offer for the remaining shares in Powertek Berhad (offer shares)
undertaken by Tanjong Energy Holdings Sdn Bhd ("TEH") was completed on 21
February 2003.

As a result of TEH having received acceptances for not less than nine-tenths
of the offer shares (other than shares held by TEH; its nominees or its
related corporations), TEH was able to invoke the compulsory acquisition for
the remaining shares of 1,898,526 for which acceptances were not received, in
accordance with Section 34 of the Malaysian Securities Commission Act, 1993.
The compulsory acquisition was completed on 30 April 2003, upon which
Powertek and its wholly-owned subsidiaries became wholly-owned subsidiaries
of TEH, and in turn, Tanjong.

(b)     Status of utilisation of proceeds raised from corporate proposals

As disclosed in Note 6, Panglima had during the quarter issued serial bonds
with a total nominal value of RM830 million. These serial bonds form part of
the RM1.22 billion financing facility obtained for the development of
Panglima's 720MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power plant

Part B     Explanatory notes in compliance with KLSE Listing Requirements
          (Part A of Appendix 9B) 

22.     Group borrowings and debt securities
                                             Short        Long       Total
                                              Term        Term            
                                            RM'000      RM'000      RM'000

      Al-Murabahah Commercial Papers*       24,837           -      24,837
      Al-Bai' Bithaman Ajil                 30,000     420,000     450,000
      Islamic Debt Securities ("BaIDS")*                                  
      Al-Murabahah Medium Term Notes*            -      55,000      55,000
      Serial bonds**                                   830,000     830,000
      Syndicated loan                        7,720     153,240     160,960
                                            62,557   1,458,240   1,520,797


      Redeemable bonds                           -     350,000     350,000

      As at 30 April 2003                   62,557   1,808,240   1,870,797

*     These debt securities are secured by way of assignment of its rights,
title, benefits and interest in and under certain insurances procured by
Pahlawan Power Sdn Bhd in relation to its properties, assets and business and
all amounts standing to the credit of its finance service reserve account. 

**     These debts are undertaken by Panglima Power Sdn Bhd and are secured
against a debenture over its assets and properties, a charge over its landed
properties, an assignment of its rights, title, benefits and interest in and
under certain insurances and project agreements and an assignment of all
amounts standing to the credit of a designated project and debt service
reserve accounts of that subsidiary company. 

Part B     Explanatory notes in compliance with KLSE Listing Requirements
          (Part A of Appendix 9B) 

23.     Off balance sheet financial instruments

Panglima is obliged to make progressive payments in EURO currency pursuant to
the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract ("EPC Contract")
entered for the construction and development of the new 720MW CCGT power
plant as well as supply contracts in relation to its procurement of materials
and parts. In this respect, Panglima has entered into forward contracts to
hedge the above payments.

At the date of this report, the amount outstanding under the forward
contracts entered into by Panglima is RM211.3 million (EURO 47.8 million at
forward contract rates ranging between RM4.37 to RM4.45 : EURO 1). The
forward contracts are executed with three (3) licensed financial institutions
and are accounted for on a basis which is consistent with the accounting
policies adopted by the Group. These contracts have various maturity periods
straddling over the next four months to meet the payment obligations under
the EPC Contract.

24.     Changes in material litigation

There is no pending material litigation since the last annual balance sheet
date to the date of issue of this quarterly report.

25.     Dividend

The Board had on 27 March 2003 when approving its unaudited results for the
fourth quarter and financial year ended 31 January 2003, recommended a final
gross dividend of 28 sen per share less Malaysian income tax at 28% in
respect of the financial year ended 31 January 2003. The proposed dividend,
if approved at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting scheduled on 26 June
2003, will be paid on 22 July 2003.

Part B     Explanatory notes in compliance with KLSE Listing Requirements
           (Part A of Appendix 9B) 

26.     Earnings per share ("EPS")

The basic and diluted EPS for the reporting period are computed as follows:

                                                      Cumulative Quarter

        Net profit for the quarter (RM'000)                       83,954

        Weighted average number of ordinary shares           387,271,979

        Dilutive effect*                                         817,283

        Diluted average number of ordinary shares            388,089,262

        Basic EPS (sen)                                             21.7

        Diluted EPS (sen)                                           21.6

* arising from unexercised employee share options over unissued shares which
have a dilutive potential 

By order of the Board

Siuagamy Ramasamy                                   20 June 2003
Group Company Secretary                              Kuala Lumpur

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange