Atico Mining Corporation (the “Company” or “Atico”) (TSX.V: ATY |
OTC: ATCMF) is pleased to announce the results of the Definitive
Feasibility Study (the “DFS” or the “Study”) for its 100% owned La
Plata Project (“La Plata”) located in Ecuador. The DFS was prepared
in accordance with the National Instrument 43-101 Standards of
Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). Please note that all
financial figures in this press release are in United States
dollars, unless otherwise noted.
Key Highlights:
- Initial
Probable Mineral Reserves for the La Plata project 2.51 Mt with an
average grade of 1.59% Cu, 2.28 g/t Au, 30.41 g/t Ag, and 2.18%
- Updated
Indicated Resources of 2.345 Mt with an average grade of 2.13% Cu,
2.98 g/t Au, 40 g/t Ag, 3.05% Zn and Inferred Resources of 380 Kt
at average grade of 0.96% Cu, 1.75 g/t Au, 38 g/t Ag, 2.29%
- Average annual
production of 9.71 Mlbs Cu, 15,929 oz Au, 226,299 oz Ag, and 13.25
Mlbs Zn in concentrates over 8.1 years Life of Mine (“LOM”)
- Initial Capex
of US$91 Million, including a 9.8% contingency
- Average AISC of
US$2.701 per payable lb of Cu equivalent produced over
- After Tax NPV
of US$93M at a 5% discount rate and an IRR of 25.1%
- Underexplored
VMS camp, currently identified resources are contained in only 1.6%
of total land package
Fernando E. Ganoza, CEO and Director, commented,
“Completion of this study is yet another important milestone that
the Company has achieved this year as it provides for an important
foundation upon which to continue building the La Plata project. As
a next step, we have already commenced and advanced basic and
detailed engineering where we continue to see significant
opportunities yet to be captured.” Mr. Ganoza continued, “The
current reserves and resources at the La Plata project are a good
starting point, however, historic and recent exploration work
performed here tells us that these areas still provide significant
exploration potential. We intend to test this hypothesis in the
very near future. In addition, the currently identified resources
are contained in only 1.6% of the total land package, where we see
tremendous opportunities for further exploration success in the
regional target areas.”
Metallurgy and Processing
Metallurgical testwork has shown that the
production of two concentrates provide the best economic
performance for the operation, a zinc concentrate and a bulk
concentrate. The testwork results are shown in Table 1 and were
used in the estimation of the Mineral Reserve.
Table 1. Metallurgical Testwork Results
Parameter |
Algorithm |
Models |
Parameter |
Algorithm |
Models |
Bulk conc recovery, % - Au |
58 |
Zn conc Recovery, % - Au |
12 |
Bulk conc recovery, % - Ag |
Cu>=3.33 |
69.3 |
Zn conc Recovery, % - Ag |
Cu>=3.33 |
8.1 |
Cu<3.33 |
53.5 |
Cu<3.33 |
21.1 |
Bulk conc recovery, % - Cu |
Cu>=3.33 |
92.64 |
Zn conc Recovery, % - Cu |
Cu>=3.33 |
1.73 |
Cu<3.33 |
79.53 |
Cu<3.33 |
9.65 |
Bulk conc recovery, % - Pb |
Cu>=3.33 |
87.05 |
Zn conc Recovery, % - Pb |
Cu>=3.33 |
4 |
Cu<3.33 |
max(0.6675-0.0639*(Cu/Zn),0.474) |
Cu<3.33 |
12.9 |
Bulk conc recovery, % - Zn |
Fe>=9.34 |
59 |
Zn conc Recovery, % - Zn |
Fe>=9.34 |
33.1 |
Fe<9.34 |
18.2 |
Fe<9.34 |
70.7 |
The process plant design for the La Plata
Project is based on a conventional metallurgical flowsheet to treat
sulphide ore to produce bulk copper and zinc concentrates. The
flowsheet is based on metallurgical test work, industry standards
and conventional unit operations.
The process plant will nominally treat 850
tonnes per day (t/d) of ore and will consist of comminution and
flotation circuits. Flotation tailings will be dewatered to produce
a filtered tailings for storage onsite. The figure below represents
the overall flowsheet for the La Plata Project.
The key project design criteria for the process
plant are listed below:
- Throughput of 310 kilo-tonnes per year (kt/y) of ore
- Crushing plant availability of 75%
- Grinding and flotation circuits availability of 92%
- Filtered tailings availability of 85%
- Comminution circuit to produce a particle size of 80% passing
(P80) of 75 µm
- Bulk concentrate average mass pull of 12%
- Zinc concentrate average mass pull of 6%
- Equipment selection based on suitability for the required duty,
reliability, and ease of maintenance
The Feasibility study proposes to construct, at
a cost of US$1.6M, a 69kV transmission line for the power usage at
the mine site using a new 8-kilometer connection to the power grid.
Rain water will be collected from contact areas and fresh water
will be pumped by pipeline from surface collection sumps. The
company will also construct a filtered, stacked tailings
impoundment facility to accommodate tails from the milling
Mineral Resource Estimate
The Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”) of the La
Plata volcanogenic polymetallic massive sulphide (“VMS”) project
(the “Project” or “La Plata”) presented herein represents an update
from the previous MRE issued in the La Mina Preliminary Economic
Assessment (“PEA”) report, completed by SGS Canada Inc. (“SGS”) in
March 2019.
The current MRE is based on the updated
drillhole database received on March 8, 2021, which includes
additional data from the 2020 and 2021 infill drilling programs
completed since the previous MRE. Since the 2019 PEA, there has
been significant progress in the geological understanding of the
deposit due to infill drilling programs conducted on the Project.
Most of the drilling was dedicated to infill drilling to convert
Inferred resources to Indicated category for inclusion in this
Feasibility Study (“FS”).
Table 2. La Plata Project Mineral Resource
Statement as of August 1st, 2023
Resource Classification |
Tonnes (t)(Mt) |
CuEq (%) |
Au (g/t) |
Ag (g/t) |
Cu (%) |
Pb (%) |
Zn (%) |
Indicated |
North Block |
1.148 |
5.21 |
2.61 |
30 |
2.44 |
0.36 |
2.66 |
South Block |
1.014 |
6.00 |
3.79 |
56 |
1.84 |
0.70 |
3.85 |
Guatuza |
0.183 |
2.66 |
0.75 |
9 |
1.78 |
0.10 |
1.04 |
Total |
2.345 |
5.36 |
2.98 |
40 |
2.13 |
0.49 |
3.05 |
Inferred |
North Block |
0.022 |
3.43 |
2.16 |
29 |
0.97 |
0.43 |
2.54 |
South Block |
0.308 |
3.24 |
1.81 |
42 |
0.91 |
0.44 |
2.45 |
Guatuza |
0.051 |
2.51 |
1.16 |
17 |
1.23 |
0.19 |
1.24 |
Total |
0.380 |
3.16 |
1.75 |
38 |
0.96 |
0.41 |
2.29 |
*Notes on Mineral Resources: |
1. |
The Mineral Resource described above have been prepared in
accordance with the CIM Standards (Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum, 2014) and follow the Best Practices
outline by the CIM (2019). |
2. |
The Qualified Person (QP) for
this Mineral Resource Estimate is Christian Beaulieu, P.Geo.
consultant for G Mining Services inc. Mr. Beaulieu is a member of
the l’Ordre des géologues du Québec (#1072). |
3. |
The lower cut-offs for reporting
underground mineral resources are US$70 NSR for Long Hole and US$90
NSR for Cut and Fill/Room and Pillar projected mining methods. The
NSR was calculated based on the following assumptions (described in
detail in Section 15 and Table 15.3 of the ucoming Technical Report
except for different commodity prices): |
Commodity price assumptions:
Gold = US$1,900 per ounce, Silver = US$26.50 per ounce, Copper =
US$4.50 per lb, Zinc = US$1.40 per lb, Lead = US$0.92 per lb. |
Various project related
economic assumptions considered, including sale terms and
conditions (% payables by metal and concentrate type, treatment and
refining costs ($88/dmt, $0.09/lb Cu, $0.60/oz Ag, 0.8% Gold price
with min $8/oz Au), penalties ($2/dmt min. for Pb and Zn)),
transportation costs ($68/t). |
4. |
Metal grades outlined above have
not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries. Copper Equivalent
grade calculation (CuEq) is based on metal prices above and has not
been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries or related economic
assumptions as presented above. |
5. |
The La Plata deposit has been
classified as Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources depending on
drill spacing and estimation pass. No Measured Mineral Resources
are quoted. |
6. |
Known underground workings have
been incorporated into the block model with a zero-density value
within voids to exclude them from the resource tabulation. |
7. |
Bulk Density has been estimated
in the block model using ID2 from drill core measurements. Other
geological units were assigned by lithology and weathering
types. |
8. |
A minimum thickness of 1.5 m was
used when interpreting the wireframes. Areas of isolated clusters
of blocks and where minimum thickness was not reached have been
removed from the calculations. |
9. |
The tonnages and grades outlined
above are reported inside a block model with a parent block size of
5 m x 5 m x 3 m, and subblocks 1 m x 1 m x 1 m. |
10. |
Tonnage and metal content have
been expressed in the metric system, except for gold and silver
metal content which is expressed in troy ounces. Tonnages have been
rounded to the nearest 1,000 tonnes, and metal content has been
rounded to the nearest 100 tonnes or 1,000 ounces. Differences may
occur in totals due to rounding. |
11. |
Mineral resources are not mineral
reserves as they have not demonstrated economic viability. The
quantity and grade of reported inferred mineral resources are
uncertain in nature. The QP is not aware of any factors or issues
that materially affect the MRE other than normal risks faced by
mining projects in the country in terms of environmental,
permitting, taxation, socio-economic and marketing factors, and
additional risk factors regarding indicated and inferred resources.
Political and social factors that may influence the MRE is the
current instability in the country of Ecuador related to the recent
events tied to drug trafficking, which may affect market perception
of the project’s risk profile; |
12. |
There is no guarantee Mineral
Resources will become Mineral Reserves and no guarantee that
Mineral Resources will be mined. |
Mineral Reserve Estimate
The mine design and Mineral Reserve estimate
were completed to a level appropriate for feasibility studies. The
Mineral Reserve estimate stated herein is consistent with the CIM
definitions and is suitable for public reporting. As such, the
Mineral Reserves are based on Measured and Indicated Mineral
Resources and do not include any Inferred Mineral Resources. The
Inferred Mineral Resources contained within the mine design are
treated as waste.
The Mineral Resources estimate reported below
are the basis for the Mineral Reserve Estimate. Only Measured and
Indicated Resources are deemed to have sufficient confidence to be
used for the Mineral Reserve estimate. Indicated Resources are the
basis for the estimate of Probable Mineral Reserves.
The Mineral Reserves for the La Plata Project
are estimated at 2.51 Mt, at an average grade of 1.59% Cu, 2.28 g/t
Au, 30.41 g/t Ag, 0.36% Pb, and 2.18% Zn, as summarized in Table 3
Table 3. La Plata Project Mineral Reserve
Statement as of July 5, 2023
Reserve Category |
Tonnes (t)(Mt) |
CuEq (%) |
Au (g/t) |
Ag (g/t) |
Cu (%) |
Pb (%) |
Zn (%) |
Probable |
2.51 |
3.51 |
2.28 |
30.41 |
1.59 |
0.36 |
2.18 |
*Notes on Mineral Reserves: |
1. |
Mineral Reserves are as defined
by CIM definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral
Reserves 2014. |
2. |
The Mineral Reserves were
estimated from the Indicated Mineral Resource estimates. Inferred
Mineral Resources were not considered to be converted into Mineral
Reserve estimates. |
3. |
Mineral Reserves are reported
using an NSR breakeven cut-off value of 70 US$/t for bench and fill
(Long Hole) and 90 US$/t for Cut and Fill/Room and Pillar projected
mining methods; |
4. |
Metal prices used were
US$1,800.00/troy ounce Au, US$23.00/troy ounce Ag, US$4.00/lb Cu,
US$0.92/lb Pb and US$1.30/lb Zn; |
5. |
Metal grades outlined above have
not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries. Copper Equivalent
grade calculation (CuEq) is based on metal prices above and has
been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries. |
6. |
The Mineral Reserve estimates
were prepared by Mr. Thomas Kelly, RM-SME, president of Andes
Colorado Corp., who is a Qualified Person for the estimate and
independent of Atico Mining and its subsidiaries. The estimate has
an effective date of July 5, 2023; |
7. |
Modifying factors for conversion
of resources to reserves included consideration for planned
dilution which is based on spatial and geotechnical aspects of the
designed stopes and economic zones, additional dilution
consideration due to unplanned events, materials handling and other
operating aspects, and mining recovery factors. Mineable shapes
were used as geometric constraints; |
8. |
Reserves are estimated based on
mining material that can be mined, processed and smelted; |
9. |
Values are rounded and may differ
from those presented in the press release. Totals may not sum
precisely due to rounding; |
10. |
Inclusion of ore blocks in the
Mineral Reserve does not guarantee that they will be mined; |
11. |
Figures in the table are rounded
to reflect estimate precision; small differences are not regarded
as material to the estimate; |
12. |
There is no guarantee that
Mineral Reserves will be mined. |
Capital and Operating Costs
Capital and operating costs for the La Plata
Project were estimated by KCA and Atico Mining, with input from
G-Mining for material take-offs and Sinco for infrastructure costs.
The scope of these costs includes expenditures for all mining
equipment, process facilities, and infrastructure for the project.
The estimated capital and operating costs are considered to have an
accuracy of +/-15%, and are discussed in greater detail in this
The total capital cost for the Project is US$138
million including VAT (US$121 million without VAT); all VAT is
assumed to be fully refundable. The table below presents the
capital requirements for the La Plata Project.
Capital Cost Summary
Capital Costs (Excluding VAT) |
Initial Capital |
$91 |
million |
LOM Sustaining Capital |
$30 |
million |
Total LOM Capital |
$121 |
million |
Working Capital & Initial Fills |
$2 |
million |
Closure Costs |
$1 |
million |
The total life of mine operating cost for the
Project is US$91.03 per tonne of ore processed, excluding
preproduction. The table below presents the operating cost
requirements for the La Plata Project.
Operating Cost Summary
Operating Costs (Average LOM) |
Mining (moved) |
$34.38 |
/Tonne moved |
Mining (processed) |
$44.39 |
/Tonne processed |
Processing & Support |
$32.40 |
/Tonne processed |
G&A |
$14.24 |
/Tonne processed |
Total Operating Cost |
$91.03 |
/Tonne processed |
VAT is not included
in the operating costs.
Mining Methods
There will be three mining methods used for
stoping at La Plata. Given the amorphous shape of the deposit and
the associated geotechnical conditions, the stoping methodology
will change to adapt to changes in the characteristics of the
deposit. The three methods are bench-and-fill (Avoca),
room-and-pillar and cut-and-fill.
Avoca mining will be used where the structure is
steeply dipping, wider than 2.5 meters, and the RMR is over 40;
additionally, each Avoca block requires access from both ends of
each block on the drilling sublevel. Bench heights are variable
from 10-m to 20-m. A long hole (bench) drill will be used for
drilling and the mucking will be by remote controlled scoops. This
method is high productivity with low operating costs.
Drift-and-fill mining will be applied in the
relatively flat parts of the deposit. Stoping is with the same
equipment as mine development (jumbos, scoops, haul trucks) with
breasting the faces for high productivity. Pillars of cemented rock
fill (CRF) will be left to support the hangingwall and rock mass
above the stope blocks. After the first stage of stoping the
pillars are mined and the overlying load from the rock mass is
transferred to the CRF pillars.
Cut-and-fill mining will be applied to areas
where the deposit is too flat to allow for Avoca mining and too
steep for room-and-pillar mining. In addition, if the RMR is less
than 40 cut-and-fill mining will be used. As with drift-and-fill
mining, the equipment fleet for room-and-pillar is the same as the
mine development fleet. Lifts advance as breasting lifts after the
initial lift which uses a pull round. The fill medium may be waste
rock from mine development or CRF, depending upon local
Project Economics and
The life of mine production data for the La
Plata project is presented in Table 6 below.
Table 6. La Plata Production Data
Production Data |
Life of Mine |
8.1 |
Years |
Mine Throughput per day |
850 |
Tonnes/day |
Mine Throughput per year |
310,250 |
Tonnes/year |
Total Tonnes to Crusher |
2,506,009 |
Tonnes |
Grade Au (Avg.) |
2.28 |
g/t |
Grade Ag (Avg.) |
30.41 |
g/t |
Grade Cu (Avg.) |
1.59 |
% |
Grade Zn (Avg.) |
2.18 |
% |
Total Gold Produced |
128,474 |
Ounces |
Total Silver Produced |
1,825,143 |
Ounces |
Total Copper Produced |
78,297,363 |
Pounds |
Total Zinc Produced |
106,869,075 |
Pounds |
Total Payable Gold |
114,935 |
Ounces |
Total Payable Silver |
1,383,519 |
Ounces |
Total Payable Copper |
66,691,030 |
Pounds |
Total Payable Zinc |
66,700,898 |
Pounds |
LOM Underground Strip Ratio (W:O) |
0.29 |
The financial analysis for the base-case, which
evaluates a stand-alone owner’s operation and indicates an
after-tax NPV at a 5% discount rate, of US$93M with an IRR of 25.1%
and a payback period of 3.4 years2. In this scenario the project is
expected to generate US$212M pre-tax operating cash flow.
Table 7 and Table 8 below present the financial
analysis for the La Plata project.
Table 7. Base Case Financial Analysis
Base-Case |
Gold Price Assumption |
$1,920 |
/Ounce |
Silver Price Assumption |
$23 |
/Ounce |
Copper Price Assumption |
$4.05 |
/Pound |
Zinc Price Assumption |
$1.50 |
/Pound |
Average Annual Cashflow (Pre-Tax) |
$38 |
million |
Average Annual Cashflow (After-Tax) |
$31 |
million |
Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Pre-Tax |
32.9% |
Internal Rate of Return (IRR), After-Tax |
25.1% |
NPV @ 5% (Pre-Tax) |
$137 |
million |
NPV @ 5% (After-Tax) |
$93 |
million |
Pay-Back Period (Rears based on After-Tax) |
3.4 |
Years |
Table 8. Sensitivity analysis to current metal
June 2024 Average Prices |
Gold Price Assumption |
$2,325 |
/Ounce |
Silver Price Assumption |
$29 |
/Ounce |
Copper Price Assumption |
$4.45 |
/Pound |
Zinc Price Assumption |
$1.27 |
/Pound |
Average Annual Cashflow (Pre-Tax) |
$46 |
million |
Average Annual Cashflow (After-Tax) |
$35 |
million |
Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Pre-Tax |
41.8% |
Internal Rate of Return (IRR), After-Tax |
31.3% |
NPV @ 5% (Pre-Tax) |
$184 |
million |
NPV @ 5% (After-Tax) |
$123 |
million |
Pay-Back Period (Rears based on After-Tax) |
2.8 |
Years |
Qualified Person
The definitive feasibility study was prepared by
leading independent industry consultants. The Qualified Persons who
prepared the June 2024 NI 43-101 Technical Report are:
- Travis Manning
- Thomas Kelly
- Christian Beaulieu
- Neil Lincoln
- Donald Hickson
- Felipe Riquelme
- Adam Johnston
The QPs have reviewed and approved the content
of this news release.
The following consultants participated in the
- Kappes, Cassiday & Associates
- Andes Colorado Corp.
- G Mining
- Envis
- Transmin
- Sinco
The NI 43-101 Technical Report will be filed on
SEDAR+ within 45 days of this press release.
About Atico Mining
Atico is a growth-oriented Company, focused on
exploring, developing and mining copper and gold projects in Latin
America. The Company generates significant cash flow through the
operation of the El Roble mine and is developing its high-grade La
Plata VMS project in Ecuador. The Company is also pursuing
additional acquisition of advanced stage opportunities. For more
information, please visit
Fernando E. GanozaCEOAtico Mining
CorporationTrading symbols: TSX.V: ATY | OTC: ATCMF
Investor RelationsIgor DutinaTel:
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for
the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
No securities regulatory authority has either
approved or disapproved of the contents of this news release. The
securities being offered have not been, and will not be, registered
under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
‘‘U.S. Securities Act’’), or any state securities laws, and may not
be offered or sold in the United States, or to, or for the account
or benefit of, a "U.S. person" (as defined in Regulation S of the
U.S. Securities Act) unless pursuant to an exemption therefrom.
This press release is for information purposes only and does not
constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy
any securities of the Company in any jurisdiction.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking
This announcement includes certain
“forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Canadian
securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of
historical fact, included herein, without limitation the use of net
proceeds, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking
statements involve various risks and uncertainties and are based on
certain factors and assumptions. There can be no assurance that
such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in
such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results
to differ materially from the Company’s expectations include
uncertainties relating to interpretation of drill results and the
geology, continuity and grade of mineral deposits; uncertainty of
estimates of capital and operating costs; the need to obtain
additional financing to maintain its interest in and/or explore and
develop the Company’s mineral projects; uncertainty of meeting
anticipated program milestones for the Company’s mineral projects;
the world-wide economic and social impact of COVID-19 is managed
and the duration and extent of the coronavirus pandemic is
minimized or not long-term; disruptions related to the COVID-19
pandemic or other health and safety issues, or the responses of
governments, communities, the Company and others to such pandemic
or other issues; and other risks and uncertainties disclosed under
the heading “Risk Factors” in the prospectus of the Company dated
March 2, 2012 filed with the Canadian securities regulatory
authorities on the SEDAR+ website at
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
This press release refers to All In Sustaining
Cost (AISC) a non-GAAP financial measures which is used by the
Company for project evaluation and operating performance.
These measures are widely reported in the mining industry but do
not have a standardized meaning and may differ from methods used by
other companies with similar descriptions. The Company believes
that certain investors use these non-GAAP financial measures to
evaluate the Company’s operations. Accordingly, non-GAAP financial
measures should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute
for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS.
Readers should refer to Non-GAAP Financial Measures in
the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the year
ended December 31, 2023, as filed on SEDAR and as available on the
Company's website for further details.
1 *Alternative performance measures; please refer to “Non-GAAP
Financial Measures” at the end of this release.
2 Calculated from the date of declaration of
commercial production which is after plant commissioning and
production ramp-up to full nameplate capacity.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available
Atico Mining (TSXV:ATY)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Atico Mining (TSXV:ATY)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025