As required by the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency 
Rules 4.1 and 6.3, Crown Place VCT PLC today makes public its 
information relating to the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 
the year ended 30 June 2015. 
   This announcement was approved for release by the Board of Directors on 
13 October 2015. 
   This announcement has not been audited. 
   You will shortly be able to view the Annual Report and Financial 
Statements for the year to 30 June 2015 (which have been audited) at: 
www.albion-ventures.co.uk by clicking on 'Our Funds' and then 'Crown 
Place VCT PLC'. The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year 
to 30 June 2015 will be available as a PDF document via a link under the 
'Investor Centre' in the 'Financial Reports and Circulars' section. The 
information contained in the Annual Report and Financial Statements will 
include information as required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, 
including Rule 4.1. 
   Investment objective 
   The investment objective and policy of the Company* is to achieve long 
term capital and income growth principally through investment in smaller 
unquoted companies in the United Kingdom. 
   In pursuing this policy, the Manager aims to build a portfolio which 
concentrates on two complementary investment areas. The first are more 
mature or asset-based investments that can provide a strong income 
stream combined with a degree of capital protection. These will be 
balanced by a lesser proportion of the portfolio being invested in 
higher risk companies with greater growth prospects. 
   *The 'Company' is Crown Place VCT PLC. The 'Group' is the Company 
together with its subsidiaries CP1 VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC. 
   Financial calendar 
Record date for first dividend                                 6 November 2015 
Annual General Meeting                            11.00 am on 12 November 2015 
Payment of first dividend                                     30 November 2015 
Announcement of half-yearly results                              February 2016 
 for the six months ended 31 December 2015 
Payment of second dividend (subject to Board                     31 March 2016 
   Financial highlights 
31.0p  Net asset value per share as at 30 June 2015 
1.4p   Total return per share to shareholders for the year 
        ended 30 June 2015 
4.5%   Net asset value total return for the year 
2.5p   Total tax-free dividends per share paid during the 
        year ended 30 June 2015 
8.4%   Tax-free dividend yield on share price (dividend per 
        annum/share price as at 30 June 2015) 
                                      30 June 2015     30 June 2014 
                                     pence per share  pence per share 
Opening net asset value                        32.04            32.26 
Revenue return                                  0.73             0.61 
Capital return                                  0.67             1.67 
Total return                                    1.40             2.28 
Dividends paid                                (2.50)           (2.50) 
Impact from issue of share capital              0.03                - 
Closing net asset value                        30.97            32.04 
   Shareholder returns and shareholder value 
                                                         Crown Place 
                                                           VCT PLC* 
                                                          pence per 
Shareholder return from launch to April 2005 
 (date that Albion Ventures was appointed investment 
Total dividends paid to 6 April 2005 (i)                       24.93 
Decrease in net asset value                                  (56.60) 
Total shareholder return to 6 April 2005                     (31.67) 
Shareholder return from April 2005 to 30 June 2015: 
Total dividends paid                                           24.30 
Decrease in net asset value                                  (12.43) 
Total shareholder return from April 2005 to 30 June 
 2015                                                          11.87 
Shareholder value since launch: 
Total dividends paid to 30 June 2015 (i)                       49.23 
Net asset value as at 30 June 2015                             30.97 
Total shareholder value as at 30 June 2015                     80.20 
Current annual dividend objective                               2.50 
Dividend yield on net asset value as at 30 June 2015            8.1% 
   (i) Prior to 6 April 1999, venture capital trusts were able to add 20 
per cent. to dividends and figures for the period up until 6 April 1999 
are included at the gross equivalent rate actually paid to shareholders. 
   * Formerly Murray VCT 3 PLC 
   The above financial summary is for the Company, Crown Place VCT PLC 
only. Details of the financial performance of CP1 VCT PLC (previously 
Murray VCT PLC) and CP2 VCT PLC (previously Murray VCT 2 PLC), which 
have been merged into the Company, can be found on page 62 of the full 
Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
   Total shareholder value since launch: 
                                                        30 June 2015 
                                                      (pence per share) 
Total dividends paid during the period from launch 
 to 6 April 2005 
 (prior to change of manager)                                     24.93 
Total dividends paid during: 
the year ended 28 February 2006                                    1.00 
the period ended 30 June 2007*                                     3.30 
the year ended 30 June 2008                                        2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2009                                        2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2010                                        2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2011                                        2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2012                                        2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2013                                        2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2014                                        2.50 
the year ended 30 June 2015                                        2.50 
Total dividends paid to 30 June 2015                              49.23 
Net asset value as at 30 June 2015                                30.97 
Total shareholder value as at 30 June 2015                        80.20 
   *16 month period 
   In addition to the dividends paid above, the Board has declared a first 
dividend for the year ending 30 June 2016, of 1.25 pence per Crown Place 
VCT PLC share, payable on 30 November 2015 to shareholders on the 
register as at 6 November 2015. 
   Chairman's statement 
   I present the results for Crown Place VCT PLC for the year ended 30 June 
2015. The Group achieved a total return of 1.40 pence per share (4.5 per 
cent. on average NAV for the year), compared to 2.28 pence per share in 
the previous year (7.1 per cent.). Whilst the Company has delivered a 
positive return to shareholders for each of the past six years, the 
total return for the period was lower than that achieved the previous 
year and was impacted by write-downs in certain of the Company's higher 
risk growth investments.  Nevertheless, the Company has maintained its 
regular tax free dividend of 2.50 pence per share for the eighth 
consecutive year. This represents a yield of 8.4 per cent. based on the 
share price as at 30 June 2015 of 29.75 pence per share. 
   Results and dividends 
   As at 30 June 2015, the net asset value was GBP33.0 million or 30.97 
pence per share compared to GBP29.0 million or 32.04 pence per share at 
30 June 2014. The revenue return before taxation was GBP700,000 compared 
to GBP525,000 in the previous year. This increase is due to higher 
income from investments, reflecting the new asset based investments made 
during the year. The ongoing charges ratio for the year reduced 
marginally to 2.6 per cent. (2014: 2.7 per cent.). 
   During the year, the Company's realised and unrealised capital gains 
amounted to GBP1,036,000 compared to GBP1,812,000 in the previous year, 
with  the unquoted asset-based investments performing well and 
accounting for over 100 per cent. of the gains. These were offset by 
write downs in parts of the unquoted growth investment portfolio. 
Further detail of the Company's financial performance is given in the 
Strategic report. 
   The Board has declared a first dividend for the year ending 30 June 2016 
of 1.25 pence per share, payable on 30 November 2015 to shareholders on 
the register as at 6 November 2015. 
   Investment performance 
   Overall, the UK economic environment remained favourable during the year 
with particularly strong activity in the property sector.  This 
benefited the valuations of the asset-based investments, in particular 
those in the healthcare and education sectors but also the London based 
health clubs.  The historically low level of interest rates contributed 
to the increase in valuations, in particular in the renewable energy 
sector where the Company's investments benefit from secure long term 
income streams. We capitalised on these favourable market conditions by 
exiting some of our mature asset-based investments and reinvesting into 
new opportunities.  The sale of Oakland Care Centre Limited generated a 
return of 2.0 times cost over the four year holding period, while the 
sale of Orchard Portman Group Limited and Tower Bridge Healthclubs 
Limited generated returns of 1.6 times and 2.7 times investment cost 
respectively.  Together with loan stock repayments, the Company achieved 
disposal proceeds of GBP7,364,000 compared to GBP1,188,000 in the 
previous year.  Further detail of realisations is given on page 19 of 
the full Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
   During the year, your Company continued to benefit from a strong 

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investment pipeline which more than doubled the investment rate compared 
to the previous year.  GBP7,060,000 was invested in new and existing 
portfolio companies compared to GBP2,539,000 in the previous year. New 
investments included Shinfield Lodge Care Limited (GBP900,000), a 
residential care home development near Reading; Exco Intouch Limited 
(GBP290,000), a healthcare technology company; and OmPrompt Holdings 
Limited (GBP100,000), an enterprise software provider.  GBP2,037,000 was 
invested in Chonais River Hydro Limited and Gharagain River Hydro 
Limited to fund the construction of the assets; GBP1,008,000 was 
invested in Radnor House School (Holdings) Limited to support the 
acquisition of an independent school in Kent; and GBP690,000 was 
invested in Active Lives Care Limited and Ryefield Court Care Limited to 
fund the construction of care homes.  The Company's committed investment 
programme as at 30 June 2015 was GBP3 million, of which GBP2.4 million 
is in relation to the three residential care home developments mentioned 
   Overall, the value of the Company's unquoted investment portfolio, 
excluding investments disposed of, increased by GBP907,000 during the 
year, driven by the asset-based investments, while that of the small AIM 
portfolio fell by GBP79,000. 
   Amongst the unquoted investments, Radnor House School (Holdings) Limited 
continues to make good progress.  The acquisition of Combe Bank School 
near Sevenoaks, Kent completed in March 2015 and early signs are 
positive.  The renewable energy investments are also performing well, 
with the two hydroelectricity investments generating electricity ahead 
of forecast.  Construction is progressing on the three care homes, which 
are due to open in the first half of 2016. Following the year end, a 
number of offers have been received for Kensington Health Club.  In the 
growth portfolio, Masters Pharmaceuticals and Hilson Moran are growing 
profitably, while many of the technology investments are making good 
progress in expanding their businesses.  The largest negative valuation 
movements over the period were Rostima, which reduced by GBP367,000 and 
Lowcosttravelgroup, which reduced by GBP351,000. Trading at 
Lowcosttravelgroup, an online travel business, is slower than 
anticipated. Rostima, a company in which we invested in 2007, provides 
staff rostering software for international ports and although a leader 
in its field, has had difficulties penetrating a complex market and the 
investment is now largely written off. 
   Risks and uncertainties 
   The UK economic climate remains favourable, though a number of risks 
remain, especially from external economic factors.  The Company's 
investment portfolio is well diversified and many of the sectors in 
which its portfolio companies operate are resilient.  Approximately 
two-thirds of the unquoted portfolio is invested in companies with 
tangible assets, which support their valuation.  The majority of the 
companies in the portfolio operate in growing markets, many with a 
global dimension. It remains the Company's general policy that portfolio 
companies should have no external bank borrowings, which reduces 
financial risk.  Therefore, as the investment portfolio continues to 
mature, the prospects overall look positive.  A detailed review of risk 
management is set out in the Strategic report. 
   Changes in VCT legislation 
   The July budget introduced a number of changes to VCT legislation, 
including restrictions over the age of investments, a prohibition on 
management buyouts or the purchase of existing businesses and an overall 
lifetime investment cap of GBP12m from tax-advantaged funds into any 
portfolio company. While these changes are significant, the Company has 
been advised that had they been in place previously they would have 
affected only a relatively small minority of the investments that we 
have made into new portfolio companies over recent years. The Board's 
current view is that there will be no material change in our investment 
policy as a result. However, the legislation is still being worked on 
and we will have a more detailed view of its effect after Royal Assent, 
expected, at the latest, in November 2015. 
   Albion VCTs Prospectus Top Up Offers 2014/2015 
   The Albion VCTs Prospectus Top Up Offers 2014/2015 launched on 17 
November 2014.  Under the Offer the Company raised GBP4,271,000 for the 
tax year to 5 April 2015 and a further GBP1,271,000 for the tax year to 
5 April 2016. The proceeds of the Offer have been used to provide 
further resources to the Company at a time when a number of attractive 
new investment opportunities are being seen. 
   Further Top Up Offers are planned for later this year and details are 
expected to be sent to shareholders in November 2015. 
   Dividend re-investment scheme 
   During the year, the Company raised GBP255,000 from the dividend 
re-investment scheme. Through the scheme, shareholders may elect to 
reinvest the whole of the dividend received by subscribing for new 
shares in the Company. Under current tax rules, shareholders 
re-investing their dividends will be eligible for the income and capital 
gains tax advantages available to investors subscribing for new shares 
in venture capital trusts and will be able to increase their 
shareholding in the Company, without incurring dealing costs or stamp 
duty. Full details of the scheme and the application form are available 
on the Manager's website at: www.albion-ventures.co.uk/ourfunds/CRWN. 
   Board composition 
   Karen Brade was appointed Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee on 1 
December 2014. In addition, following a formal and competitive 
recruitment process, Penny Freer was appointed to the Board on 31 
October 2014.  Penny's biography is shown on page 15 of the full Annual 
Report and Financial Statements. Her broad experience in investment 
banking will bring a valuable added perspective to the Board. 
   Having served on the Board for over 9 years, Rachel Beagles has decided 
to retire at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. I would like to 
thank Rachel for her contribution to the Company as an independent 
director during this period and as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee 
from 2010 to 2014 and as Senior Independent Director.  I am pleased to 
announce that after a rigorous recruitment process, James Agnew will be 
joining the Board on 1 November 2015. James has extensive experience in 
investment banking and private equity fund management and is currently a 
partner at Harwood Private Equity. 
   The economic environment in the UK remains favourable for smaller 
companies.  While many companies are finding it easier than in the 
recent past to obtain funding from traditional sources, your Company 
continues to find attractive investment opportunities, especially in 
sectors such as healthcare, education and technology, where the Manager 
has many years of investment experience, expertise and well established 
   Richard Huntingford 
   13 October 2015 
   Strategic report 
   Investment objective and policy 
   The Company's investment objective is to achieve long term capital and 
income growth principally through investment in smaller unquoted 
companies in the United Kingdom. The Company's investment portfolio is 
structured to provide a balance between income and capital growth for 
the longer term through a diversified, balanced approach to investment. 
The asset-based portfolio, which currently accounts for about two-thirds 
of investments, is designed to provide stability and income whilst 
maintaining the potential for capital growth. The growth portfolio is 
intended to provide diversified exposure through its portfolio of 
investments in predominately unquoted UK companies. In neither category 
do portfolio companies normally have any external borrowing with a 
charge ranking ahead of the Company. 
   Business model 
   The Company operates as a Venture Capital Trust. This means that the 
Company has no employees other than its Directors and has outsourced the 
management of all its operations to Albion Ventures LLP, including 
secretarial and administrative services. Further details of the 
Management agreement can be found below. 
   Current  and future portfolio sector allocation 
   The pie chart at the end of this annoucement shows the split of the 
portfolio valuation by industrial or commercial sector as at 30 June 
2015. The portfolio remains well diversified and as at the year end 
comprised 55 investments. There were 24 unquoted asset-based investments 
accounting for 56 per cent. of the net asset value of the Company, 28 
unquoted growth investments accounting for 28 per cent. of the net asset 
value of the Company and 3 AIM quoted investments, accounting for 2 per 
cent. of the net asset value of the Company. 
   Overall, the direction of the portfolio remained unchanged in the past 
financial year.  The Company continued to increase its exposure to the 
less cyclical healthcare, education and renewable energy sectors which 
now account for approximately 45 per cent. of the portfolio value. 
   Looking ahead, the healthcare sector will continue to be a core area of 
investment, both in asset-based businesses such as care homes, and in 
medical technology. It is not envisaged to increase the number of 
investments in the renewable energy portfolio though the revenue 
generated by the portfolio will continue to increase, as some of the 
projects are yet to make a full year's income contribution. Investment 
in education, in the form of Radnor House School, is expected to grow 
through the recent acquisition of Combe Bank School and, in time, 
through further acquisitions.  In addition, a number of the IT companies 
in the portfolio have good growth prospects and the Company expects to 
continue supporting them, as required. 
   Results and dividend policy 

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Consolidated revenue return for the year ended 30 
 June 2015                                                 700 
Consolidated capital return for the year ended 30 
 June 2015                                                 639 
Dividend of 1.25p per share paid on 28 November 2014   (1,142) 
Dividend of 1.25p per share paid on 31 March 2015      (1,195) 
Transferred to reserves                                  (998) 
Net assets as at 30 June 2015                           33,081 
Net asset value as at 30 June 2015 (pence per share)     30.97 
   The Company paid dividends totalling 2.50 pence per share during the 
year ended 30 June 2015 (2014: 2.50 pence per share). The dividend 
objective of the Board is to provide Shareholders with a strong, 
predictable dividend flow, with a dividend target of 2.50 pence per 
share per year. 
   The Board has declared a first dividend for the year ending 30 June 2016 
of 1.25 pence per share. This dividend will be paid on 30 November 2015 
to shareholders on the register as at 6 November 2015. 
   As shown in the Consolidated statement of comprehensive income, 
investment income has increased to GBP1,105,000 (2014: GBP925,000), 
resulting in an increase of revenue return to GBP700,000 (2014: 
GBP525,000). The capital return for the year was a profit of GBP639,000 
(2014: GBP1,451,000), as a result of net realised gains on disposal of 
investments, net unrealised gains on investments in particular 
Kensington Health Club and Radnor House School, unrealised losses on 
investments in particular Lowcosttravelgroup and Rostima, partially 
offset by management fees charged to capital. The total return for the 
year was 1.40 pence per share (2014: 2.28 pence per share). 
   The Consolidated balance sheet, shows that the net asset value has 
decreased over the year to 30.97 pence per share (2014: 32.04 pence per 
share), due to the payment of the dividend of 2.50 pence per share 
during the year, partially offset by the total return for the year of 
1.40 pence per share. 
   The consolidated cash flow for the business has been a net inflow of 
GBP2,540,000 for the year (2014: outflow GBP1,314,000), reflecting cash 
inflows from operations, disposal proceeds and the issue of Ordinary 
shares under the Albion VCTs Top Up Offers, offset by dividends paid, 
new investments in the year and the buy-back of shares. 
   Review of the business 
   A review of the Company's business during the year is set out in the 
Chairman's statement. 
   The Directors do not foresee any major changes in the activity 
undertaken by the Company in the current year and have outlined their 
thoughts on the direction of the portfolio above. The Company continues 
with its objective to invest in unquoted companies throughout the United 
Kingdom with a view to providing both capital growth and a reliable 
dividend income to shareholders over the longer term. 
   Details of significant events which have occurred since the end of the 
financial year are listed in note 19. Details of transactions with the 
Manager are shown in note 4. The subsidiary undertakings affecting the 
profits and net assets of the Group in the year are listed in note 11 to 
the Financial Statements. 
   Update on CP2 VCT PLC 
   CP2 VCT PLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. CP2 VCT PLC 
transferred its business to Crown Place VCT PLC and ceased trading with 
effect from the date of merger on 12 January 2006. Since then, CP2 VCT 
PLC has had no further business other than to hold cash and intercompany 
balances. CP2 VCT PLC had significant tax losses which have been 
utilised by the Company through group relief. However, as the tax losses 
are nearly depleted, it is now the intention of the Directors to 
liquidate CP2 VCT PLC within a period of at least twelve months from the 
date on which these financial statements are approved. For this reason, 
the accounts of CP2 VCT PLC have not adopted a going concern basis of 
   Future prospects 
   The key drivers for returns within the portfolio are those sectors that 
have exposure to longer term growth trends. These include healthcare in 
an ageing population, sustainable energy against a background of climate 
change, and the developing use of information technology in an 
environment of universal information. The portfolio is well diversified 
and many investments are underpinned by property and other physical 
assets.  In addition, the great majority of investments are structured 
to be cash generative in order to provide further support for your 
Company's dividend. The Board remains confident in the long term 
prospects of the Company to deliver an attractive return to 
   Key performance indicators 
   The Directors believe that the following key performance indicators, 
which are typical for venture capital trusts and used in its own 
assessment of the Company, will provide shareholders with sufficient 
information to assess how effectively the Company has been applying its 
investment policy to meet its objectives.  The Directors are satisfied 
that the results shown in the following key performance indicators give 
a good indication that the Company is achieving its investment objective 
and policy. These are: 
   1. Increase in total shareholder value 
   The graph on page 9 of the full Annual Report and Financial Statements 
shows total shareholder value increased by 1.43 pence per share to 80.20 
pence per share (2014: 78.77) for the year ended 30 June 2015. 
   2. Annual net asset value total return to shareholders 
   The table on page 9 of the full Annual Report and Financial Statements 
shows annual total return to shareholders has remained positive for the 
sixth consecutive year at 4.5% (2014: 7.1%) for the year ended 30 June 
   3. Dividend distributions 
   Dividends paid in respect of the year ended 30 June 2015 were 2.50 pence 
per share (2014: 2.50 pence per share), in line with the Board's 
dividend objective. Cumulative dividends paid since launch (on 18 
January 1998) amount to 49.23 pence per share. 
   4. Ongoing charges 
   The ongoing charges ratio for the year to 30 June 2015 was 2.6 per cent. 
(2014: 2.7 per cent.). The ongoing charges ratio has been calculated 
using The Association of Investment Companies' (AIC) recommended 
methodology. This figure shows shareholders the total recurring annual 
running expenses (including investment management fees charged to 
capital reserve) as a percentage of the average net assets attributable 
to shareholders. The Directors expect the ongoing charges ratio for the 
year ahead to be approximately 2.6 per cent. 
   5. Running yield 
   The running yield on the portfolio (gross income divided by the average 
net asset value) for the year to 30 June 2015 was 3.6 per cent. (2014: 
3.4 per cent.). 
   VCT regulation 
   The investment policy is designed to ensure that the Company continues 
to qualify and is approved as a VCT by HMRC. In order to maintain its 
status under Venture Capital Trust legislation, a VCT must comply on a 
continuing basis with the provisions of Section 274 of the Income Tax 
Act 2007, details of which are provided in the Directors' report on page 
23 of the full Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
   The relevant tests to measure compliance have been carried out and 
independently reviewed for the year ended 30 June 2015. These showed 
that the Company has complied with all tests and continues to do so. 
   Changes in VCT legislation 
   During the July 2015 summer budget, new conditions were announced that 
are expected to become effective from Royal Assent in November 2015 
(this is subject to State Aid approval from the EU Commission).  How 
these conditions apply to the Company is summarised as follows: 
   1.       no investment made by the Company in a company causes that 
company to receive more than GBP12 million (GBP20 million if the company 
is deemed to be a Knowledge Intensive Company) of State Aid investment 
(including from VCTs) over the company's lifetime; 
   2.       no investment can be made by the Company in a company whose 
first commercial sale was more than 7 years prior to date of investment, 
except where previous Risk Finance State Aid was received by the company 
within 7 years or where a turnover test is satisfied; and 
   3.       no funds received from an investment into a company can be used 
to acquire another existing business or trade. 
   While these changes are significant, the Company has been advised that 
had they been in place previously they would have affected only a 
relatively small minority of the investments that we have made into new 
portfolio companies over recent years. The Board's current view is that 
there will be no material change in our investment policy as a result, 
however the legislation is still being worked on and we will have a more 
detailed view of its effect after Royal Assent, expected in November 
   As defined by the Articles of Association, the Company's maximum 
exposure in relation to gearing is restricted to 10 per cent. of the 
adjusted share capital and reserves. The Directors do not currently have 
any intention to utilise long term gearing. 
   Operational arrangements 
   The Group has delegated the investment management of the portfolio to 
Albion Ventures LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial 
Conduct Authority. Albion Ventures LLP also provides company secretarial 
and other accounting and administrative support to the Group. Further 
details regarding the terms of engagement of the Manager and the way the 
Board have evaluated the performance of the Manager are shown below. 
   Management agreement 
   Under the terms of the Management agreement, the Manager is paid an 
annual fee equal to 1.75 per cent. of the net asset value of the Company 
plus GBP50,000 fee per annum for administrative and secretarial 

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services. Total normal running costs, including the management fee, are 
limited to 3.0 per cent. of the net asset value. The Manager is entitled 
to an arrangement fee, payable by each portfolio company in which the 
Company invests, in the region of 2.0 per cent. on each investment made, 
and is also entitled to non-executive director fees when placing an 
investment executive from Albion Ventures LLP on the portfolio company 
   Further details of fees paid to the Manager can be found in note 4. 
   The management agreement can be terminated by either party on 12 months' 
notice and is subject to earlier termination in the event of certain 
breaches or on the insolvency of either party. 
   Management performance incentive 
   In order to provide the Manager with an incentive to maximise the return 
to investors, the Manager is entitled to charge an incentive fee in the 
event that the returns exceed minimum target levels per share. 
   The target level requires that the growth of the aggregate of the net 
asset value per share and dividends paid by the Company or declared by 
the Board and approved by the shareholders during the relevant period 
(both revenue and capital), compared with the previous accounting date, 
exceeds the average base rate of the Royal Bank of Scotland plc plus 2.0 
per cent. If the target return is not achieved in a period, the 
cumulative shortfall is carried forward to the next accounting period 
and has to be made up before an incentive fee becomes payable. 
   There was no management performance incentive fee payable during the 
year (2014: nil). As at 30 June 2015 the cumulative shortfall of the 
target return was 7.41 pence per share (2014: 7.42 pence per share) and 
this amount needs to be made up in the next accounting period before an 
incentive fee becomes payable. 
   Evaluation of the Manager 
   The Board has evaluated the performance of the Manager based on the 
returns generated by the Company, the continuing achievement of the 70 
per cent. investment requirement for venture capital trust status, the 
long term prospects of current investments, a review of the Management 
agreement and the services provided therein, and benchmarking the 
performance of the Manager to other service providers. The Board 
believes that it is in the interest of shareholders as a whole, and of 
the Company, to continue the appointment of the Manager for the 
forthcoming year. 
   Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD") 
   The Board has appointed Albion Ventures LLP as the Company's AIFM as 
required by the AIFMD. 
   Social and community issues, employees and human rights 
   The Board recognises the requirement under section 414C of the Companies 
Act 2006 (the "Act") to detail information about social and community 
issues, employees and human rights; including any policies it has in 
relation to these matters and effectiveness of these policies. As an 
externally managed investment company with no employees, the Company has 
no policies in these matters and as such these requirements do not 
   Further policies and statements 
   The Company has adopted a number of further policies and statements 
relating to: 
   -- Environment 
   -- Global greenhouse gas emissions 
   -- Anti-bribery 
   -- Diversity 
   and these are set out in the Directors' report on pages 23 and 24 of the 
full Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
   Discount management and share buy-back policy 
   It remains the Board's primary objective to maintain sufficient 
resources for investment in existing and new portfolio companies and for 
the continued payment of dividends to shareholders. Thereafter, it is 
the Board's policy to buy back shares in the market, subject to the 
overall constraint that such purchases are in the VCT's interest and it 
is the Board's intention for such buy-backs to be in the region of a 5 
per cent. discount to net asset value, so far as market conditions and 
liquidity permit. 
   Further details of shares bought back during the year ended 30 June 2015 
can be found in note 14 of the Financial Statements. 
   Risk management 
   The Board carries out a regular review of the risk environment in which 
the Company operates. The principal risks and uncertainties of the 
Company, as identified by the Board, and how they are managed are as 
Risk          Possible consequence                                            Risk management 
Economic      Changes in economic conditions, including, for example,         To reduce this risk, in addition to investing equity 
risk           interest rates, rates of inflation, industry conditions,        in portfolio companies, the Company often invests 
               competition, political and diplomatic events and other          in fixed interest secured loan stock and has a policy 
               factors could substantially and adversely affect the            of not normally permitting any external bank borrowings 
               Company's prospects in a number of ways.                        within portfolio companies. Additionally, the Manager 
                                                                               has been rebalancing the sector exposure of the portfolio 
                                                                               with a view to reducing reliance on consumer led sectors. 
Investment    This is the risk of investment in poor quality assets           To reduce this risk, the Board places reliance upon 
risk           which reduces the capital and income returns to shareholders,   the skills and expertise of the Manager in investing 
               and negatively impacts on the Company's reputation.             in this segment of the market. The Manager invests 
               By nature, smaller unquoted businesses, such as those           in a diversified portfolio of companies, across a 
               that qualify for venture capital trust purposes, are            number of sectors of the economy, thus spreading investment 
               more fragile than larger, long established businesses.          risk. In addition, the Manager operates a formal and 
               The success of investments in certain sectors is also           structured investment process, which includes an Investment 
               subject to regulatory risk, such as those affecting             Committee, comprising investment professionals from 
               companies involved in UK renewable energy.                      the Manager and at least one external investment professional. 
                                                                               The Manager also invites, and takes account of, comments 
                                                                               from non-executive Directors of the Company on investments 
                                                                               discussed at the Investment Committee meetings. Investments 
                                                                               are actively and regularly monitored by the Manager 
                                                                               (investment managers normally sit on portfolio company 
                                                                               boards) and the Board receives detailed reports on 
                                                                               each investment as part of the Manager's report at 
                                                                               quarterly board meetings. It is the policy of the 
                                                                               Company for portfolio companies to not normally have 
                                                                               external borrowings. The Board and the Manager closely 
                                                                               monitor regulatory changes in the sectors in which 
                                                                               the Company is invested. 
Valuation     The Company's investment valuation methodology is               As described in note 1 of the Financial Statements, 
risk           reliant on the accuracy and completeness of information         the unquoted equity investments, convertible loan 
               that is issued by portfolio companies. In particular,           stock and debt issued at a discount held by the Company 
               the Directors may not be aware of or take into account          are designated at fair value through profit or loss 
               certain events or circumstances which occur after               and valued in accordance with the International Private 
               the information issued by such companies is reported.           Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines. These 
                                                                               guidelines set out recommendations, intended to represent 
                                                                               current best practice on the valuation of venture 
                                                                               capital investments. These investments are valued 
                                                                               on the basis of forward looking estimates and judgments 
                                                                               about the business itself, its market and the environment 
                                                                               in which it operates, together with the state of the 
                                                                               mergers and acquisitions market, stock market conditions 

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                                                                               and other factors. In making these judgments the valuation 
                                                                               takes into account all known material facts up to 
                                                                               the date of approval of the Financial Statements by 
                                                                               the Board. The sensitivity of these assumptions are 
                                                                               commented on further in notes 9 and 18. All other 
                                                                               unquoted loan stock is measured at amortised cost. 
                                                                               The values of a number of investments are also underpinned 
                                                                               by independent third party professional valuations. 
VCT approval  The Company's current approval as a venture capital             To reduce this risk, the Board has appointed the Manager, 
risk           trust allows investors to take advantage of tax reliefs         which has a team with significant experience in venture 
               on initial investment and ongoing tax-free capital              capital trust management, used to operating within 
               gains and dividend income. Failure to meet the qualifying       the requirements of the venture capital trust legislation. 
               requirements could result in investors losing the               In addition, to provide further formal reassurance, 
               tax relief on initial investment and loss of tax relief         the Board has appointed Robertson Hare LLP as its 
               on any tax-free income or capital gains received.               taxation adviser. Robertson Hare LLP report quarterly 
               In addition, failure to meet the qualifying requirements        to the Board to independently confirm compliance with 
               could result in a loss of listing of the shares.                the venture capital trust legislation, to highlight 
                                                                               areas of risk and to inform on changes in legislation. 
                                                                               Each investment in a new portfolio company is also 
                                                                               pre-cleared with H.M. Revenue & Customs. 
VCT           The Company is required to comply with regular changes          The Board receives advice from Robertson Hare LLP 
regulatory     to VCT specific regulations including the latest ones           in respect of these requirements and conducts its 
changes        relating to European State Aid regulations which are            affairs in order to comply with these requirements. 
risk           enacted by the UK Government. Non-compliance could              The Manager engages regularly with policy makers on 
               result in a loss of VCT status and/or demands for               regulation. In addition, the Board places reliance 
               repayment of State Aid by a portfolio company or by             upon the skills and expertise of the Manager in investing 
               VCT investors.                                                  in this segment of the market. 
Compliance    The Company is listed on The London Stock Exchange              Board members and the Manager have experience of operating 
risk           and is required to comply with the rules of the UK              at senior levels within or advising quoted businesses. 
               Listing Authority, as well as with the Companies Act,           In addition, the Board and the Manager receive regular 
               Accounting Standards and other legislation. Failure             updates on new regulation from its auditor, lawyers 
               to comply with these regulations could result in a              and other professional bodies. The Company is subject 
               delisting of the Company's shares, or other penalties           to compliance checks via the Manager's Compliance 
               under the Companies Act or from financial reporting             Officer. The Manager reports monthly to its Board 
               oversight bodies.                                               on any issues arising from compliance or regulation. 
                                                                               These controls are also reviewed as part of the quarterly 
                                                                               Manager Board meetings, and also as part of the review 
                                                                               work undertaken by the Manager's Compliance Officer. 
                                                                               The report on controls is evaluated by Internal Audit 
                                                                               during its reports. 
Internal      Failures in key controls, within the Board or within            The Audit and Risk Committee meets with the Manager's 
control        the Manager's business, could put assets of the Company         Internal Auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP, when required, 
risk           at risk or result in reduced or inaccurate information          receiving a report regarding the last formal internal 
               being passed to the Board or to shareholders.                   audit performed on the Manager, and providing the 
                                                                               opportunity for the Audit and Risk Committee to ask 
                                                                               specific and detailed questions. Karen Brade as the 
                                                                               Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee met with 
                                                                               the internal audit partner of PKF Littlejohn LLP in 
                                                                               January 2015 to discuss the most recent Internal Audit 
                                                                               Report on the Manager. The Manager has a comprehensive 
                                                                               business continuity plan in place in the event that 
                                                                               operational continuity is threatened. Further details 
                                                                               regarding the Board's management and review of the 
                                                                               Company's internal controls through the implementation 
                                                                               of the Turnbull guidance are detailed on page 30 of 
                                                                               the full Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
                                                                               Measures are in place to mitigate information security 
                                                                               risk in order to ensure the integrity, availability 
                                                                               and confidentiality of information used within the 
Reliance      The Group and the Company are reliant upon the services         There are provisions within the Management agreement 
upon third     of Albion Ventures LLP and other third party service            for the change of Manager under certain circumstances 
parties        providers for the provision of investment management            (for further detail, see the Management agreement 
risk           and administrative functions.                                   paragraph in the Strategic Report). In addition, the 
                                                                               Manager has demonstrated to the Board that there is 
                                                                               no undue reliance placed upon any one individual within 
                                                                               Albion Ventures LLP. The Board monitors the performance 
                                                                               of other third party service providers annually. 
Financial     By its nature, as a venture capital trust, the Company          The Company's policies for managing these risks and 
risk           is exposed to investment risk (which comprises investment       its financial instruments are outlined in full in 
               price risk and cash flow interest rate risk), credit            note 18 to the Financial Statements. 
               risk and liquidity risk.                                        All of the Group's income and expenditure is denominated 
                                                                               in sterling and hence the Group has no foreign currency 
                                                                               risk. The Group is financed through equity and does 
                                                                               not have any borrowings. The Group does not use derivative 
                                                                               financial instruments for speculative purposes. 
Reputational  This arises from broader performance and ethical issues,        The Board clearly articulates to the Investment Manager 

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risk           including investment in businesses and sectors that             its broader aims and standards including those sectors 
               are inconsistent with the values of Board and the               which are consistent with the values of the Board. 
               VCT or, by the Boards of portfolio companies taking             The Board regularly reviews the performance and investment 
               actions which similarly are inconsistent with the               strategy of the Investment Manager. The Investment 
               values of the VCT.                                              Manager periodically attends Board meetings of the 
                                                                               VCT's portfolio companies and across the portfolio 
                                                                               receives periodic management information and is alert 
                                                                               to potential threats to reputation. 
   This Strategic report of the Company for the year ended 30 June 2015 has 
been prepared in accordance with the requirements of section 414A of the 
Act. The purpose of this report is to provide Shareholders with 
sufficient information to enable them to assess the extent to which the 
Directors have performed their duty to promote the success of the 
Company in accordance with section 172 of the Act. 
   On behalf of the Board, 
   Richard Huntingford 
   13 October 2015 
   Responsibility Statement 
   In preparing these financial statements for the year to 30 June 2015, 
the Directors of the Company, being Richard Huntingford, Rachel Beagles, 
Karen Brade and Penny Freer, confirm that to the best of their 
   -- summary financial information contained in this announcement and the full 
      Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2015 
      for the Group has been prepared in accordance with International 
      Financial Reporting Standards, and for the Company has been prepared in 
      accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK 
      Accounting Standards and applicable law) and give a true and fair view of 
      the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss of the 
      Group and the Company for the year ended 30 June 2015 as required by DTR 
   -- the Chairman's statement and Strategic report include a fair review of 
      the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events 
      during the year ended 30 June 2015 and description of principal risks and 
      uncertainties that the Group and the Company faces); and 
   -- the Chairman's statement and Strategic report include a fair review of 
      the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties 
      transactions and changes therein). 
   A detailed "Statement of Directors' responsibilities for the preparation 
of the Group and the Company's financial statements" is contained within 
the full audited Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
   By order of the Board 
   Richard Huntingford 
   13 October 2015 
   Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
                                        Year ended                 Year ended 
                                        30 June 2015               30 June 2014 
                                 Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                           Note  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
  Gains on investments        2        -    1,036    1,036        -    1,812    1,812 
Investment income and 
 deposit interest             3    1,105        -    1,105      925        -      925 
Investment management 
 fees                         4    (133)    (397)    (530)    (120)    (361)    (481) 
Other expenses                5    (272)        -    (272)    (280)        -    (280) 
  Profit before taxation             700      639    1,339      525    1,451    1,976 
Taxation                      6        -        -        -        -        -        - 
Profit and total 
 comprehensive income for 
 the year                            700      639    1,339      525    1,451    1,976 
Basic and diluted 
 earnings per Ordinary 
 share (pence)*               8     0.73     0.67     1.40     0.61     1.67     2.28 
   * excluding treasury shares 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial 
   The total column of this statement represents the Group's statement of 
comprehensive income, prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). The supplementary revenue and 
capital columns are prepared under guidance published by the Association 
of Investment Companies. 
   All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from 
continuing operations and are wholly attributable to the owners of the 
parent Company. 
   Consolidated balance sheet 
                                                    30 June 2015  30 June 2014 
                                              Note    GBP'000       GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investments                                      9        28,531        27,689 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables less than one 
 year                                           12           788            74 
Current asset investments                       12             -            42 
Cash and cash equivalents                       16         4,006         1,466 
                                                           4,794         1,582 
Total assets                                              33,325        29,271 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables less than one year     13         (244)         (221) 
Net assets                                                33,081        29,050 
Equity attributable to equityholders 
Ordinary share capital                          14        11,767        10,006 
Share premium                                              9,234         5,527 
Capital redemption reserve                                 1,415         1,415 
Unrealised capital reserve                                 1,612           657 
Realised capital reserve                                   (171)           145 
Other distributable reserve                                9,224        11,300 
Total equity shareholders' funds                          33,081        29,050 
Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
 (pence)*                                       15         30.97         32.04 
   * excluding treasury shares 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial 
   These Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors, and 
authorised for issue on 13 October 2015 and were signed on its behalf by 
   Richard Huntingford 
   Company number: 03495287 
   Company balance sheet 
                                                    30 June 2015  30 June 2014 
                                              Note    GBP'000       GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Fixed asset investments                          9        28,531        27,689 
Investment in subsidiary undertakings           11         6,619        15,095 
                                                          35,150        42,784 
Current assets 
Investment in subsidiary undertakings           11         8,473             - 
Trade and other debtors                         12           788            74 
Current asset investments                       12             -            42 
Cash at bank and in hand                        16         3,950         1,410 
                                                          13,211         1,526 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one 
 year                                           13      (15,280)      (15,260) 
Net current assets                                       (2,069)      (13,734) 
Net assets                                                33,081        29,050 
Capital and reserves 
Ordinary share capital                          14        11,767        10,006 
Share premium                                              9,234         5,527 
Capital redemption reserve                                 1,415         1,415 
Unrealised capital reserve                                 1,647           695 
Realised capital reserve                                   (380)          (64) 
Other distributable reserve                                9,398        11,471 
Total equity shareholders' funds                          33,081        29,050 
Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
 (pence)*                                       15         30.97         32.04 
   * excluding treasury shares 
   The Company balance sheet has been prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial 
   These Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors, and 
authorised for issue on 13 October 2015 and were signed on its behalf by 
   Richard Huntingford 
   Company number: 03495287 
   Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
                                                      Ordinary              Capital    Unrealised  Realised      Other 
                                                        share    Share     redemption    capital    capital   distributable 
                                                       capital   premium    reserve      reserve    reserve      reserve      Total 
                                                      GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
As at 1 July 2014                                       10,006     5,527        1,415         657       145          11,300   29,050 

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Profit and total comprehensive income                        -         -            -         759     (120)             700    1,339 
Transfer of previously unrealised losses on sale or 
 write off of investments                                    -         -            -         196     (196)               -        - 
Dividends paid                                               -         -            -           -         -         (2,337)  (2,337) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)            -         -            -           -         -           (439)    (439) 
Issue of equity                                          1,761     3,860            -           -         -               -    5,621 
Cost of issue of equity                                      -     (153)            -           -         -               -    (153) 
As at 30 June 2015                                      11,767     9,234        1,415       1,612     (171)           9,224   33,081 
As at 1 July 2013                                        9,300     3,756        1,283     (1,690)     1,041          13,476   27,166 
Profit and total comprehensive income                        -         -            -       1,823     (372)             525    1,976 
Transfer of previously unrealised losses on sale or 
 write off of investments                                    -         -            -         524     (524)               -        - 
Dividends paid                                               -         -            -           -         -         (2,132)  (2,132) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)            -         -            -           -         -           (174)    (174) 
Purchase of own shares for cancellation (including 
 costs)                                                  (132)         -          132           -         -           (395)    (395) 
Issue of equity                                            838     1,845            -           -         -               -    2,683 
Cost of issue of equity                                      -      (74)            -           -         -               -     (74) 
As at 30 June 2014                                      10,006     5,527        1,415         657       145          11,300   29,050 
   The nature of each reserve is described in note 1 below. 
   Company reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds 
                                                       Ordinary              Capital    Unrealised  Realised       Other 
                                                         share    Share     redemption    capital    capital    distributable 
                                                        capital   premium    reserve      reserve    reserve*     reserve*      Total 
                                                       GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
As at 1 July 2014                                        10,006     5,527        1,415         695       (64)          11,471   29,050 
Return for the year                                           -         -            -         759      (120)             703    1,342 
Revaluation of investment in subsidiaries                     -         -            -         (3)          -               -      (3) 
Transfer of previously unrealised losses on disposal 
 of investments                                               -         -            -         196      (196)               -        - 
Dividends paid in year                                        -         -            -           -          -         (2,337)  (2,337) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)             -         -            -           -          -           (439)    (439) 
Issue of equity                                           1,761     3,860            -           -          -               -    5,621 
Cost of issue of equity                                       -     (153)            -           -          -               -    (153) 
As at 30 June 2015                                       11,767     9,234        1,415       1,647      (380)           9,398   33,081 
As at 1 July 2013                                         9,300     3,756        1,283       (167)        832          12,162   27,166 
Return for the year                                           -         -            -       1,823      (372)           2,010    3,461 
Revaluation of investment in subsidiaries                     -         -            -     (1,485)          -               -  (1,485) 
Transfer of previously unrealised losses on disposal 
 of investments                                               -         -            -         524      (524)               -        - 
Dividends paid in year                                        -         -            -           -          -         (2,132)  (2,132) 
Purchase of shares for treasury (including costs)             -         -            -           -          -           (174)    (174) 
Purchase of own shares for cancellation (including 
 costs)                                                   (132)         -          132           -          -           (395)    (395) 
Issue of equity                                             838     1,845            -           -          -               -    2,683 
Cost of issue of equity                                       -      (74)            -           -          -               -     (74) 
As at 30 June 2014                                       10,006     5,527        1,415         695       (64)          11,471   29,050 
   * Included within these reserves is an amount of GBP9,018,000 (2014: 
GBP11,407,000) which is considered distributable. 
   The nature of each reserve is described in note 1 below. 
   Consolidated cashflow statement 
                                                        Year ended  Year ended 
                                                          30 June     30 June 
                                                           2015        2014 
                                                 Note     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                                     965         880 
Deposit interest received                                       30          18 
Dividend income received                                        51          29 
Investment management fees paid                              (512)       (473) 
Other cash payments                                          (282)       (267) 
Net cash flow from operating activities            17          252         187 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Purchase of non-current asset investments                  (7,006)     (2,539) 
Disposal of non-current asset investments                    7,187       1,129 
Net cash flow from investing activities                        181     (1,410) 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Issue of share capital                                       4,614       2,449 
Equity dividends paid                                      (2,078)     (1,966) 
Cost of issue of equity                                        (4)         (5) 
Purchase of shares for treasury                              (425)       (174) 
Purchase of shares for cancellation                              -       (395) 
Net cash flow used in financing activities                   2,107        (91) 
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                 2,540     (1,314) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the 
 year                                                        1,466       2,780 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
 year                                              16        4,006       1,466 
   Company cashflow statement 
                                                            Year ended  Year ended 
                                                              30 June     30 June 
                                                               2015        2014 
                                                     Note     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Loan stock income received                                         965         880 
Deposit interest received                                           30          18 
Dividend income received                                         1,866       3,416 
Investment management fees paid                                  (512)       (473) 
Intercompany interest paid                                     (1,815)     (3,387) 
Other cash payments                                              (282)       (267) 
Net cash flow from operating activities                17          252         187 
UK corporation tax paid                                              -           - 
Capital expenditure and financial investments 
Purchase of fixed asset investments                            (7,006)     (2,539) 
Disposal of fixed asset investments                              7,187       1,129 
Net cash flow from investing activities                            181     (1,410) 
Equity dividends paid 
Dividends paid                                                 (2,078)     (1,966) 
Net cash flow before financing                                 (1,645)     (3,189) 
Financing activities 
Issue of share capital                                           4,614       2,449 
Cost of issue of equity                                            (4)         (5) 
Purchase of own shares for treasury (including 
 costs)                                                          (425)       (174) 
Purchase of own shares for cancellation (including 
 costs)                                                              -       (395) 
Net cash flow from financing                                     4,185       1,875 
Cash flow in the year                                  16        2,540     (1,314) 

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   Notes to the Financial Statements 
   1. Accounting policies 
   The following policies refer to the Group and the Company except where 
noted. References to International Financial Reporting Standards 
('IFRS') relate to the Group Financial Statements and United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ('UK GAAP') relate to the Company 
Financial Statements. 
   Basis of accounting 
   The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ('EU IFRS') as adopted by 
the European Union (and therefore comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS 
regulation), in the case of the Group, and in accordance with UK GAAP in 
the case of the Company. 
   Both the Group and the Company Financial Statements also apply the 
Statement of Recommended Practice: "Financial Statements of Investment 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" ('SORP') issued by the Association 
of Investment Companies ("AIC") in January 2009, in so far as this does 
not conflict with IFRS. The Financial Statements have been prepared in 
accordance with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to 
companies reporting under IFRS and UK GAAP. These Financial Statements 
are presented in Sterling to the nearest thousand. Accounting policies 
have been applied consistently in current and prior periods. 
   At the balance sheet date, the following International Accounting 
Standards and interpretations were in issue but not yet effective: 
   -- IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (effective for annual periods beginning on 
      or after 1 January 2018) (the amendments to IFRS 9 are not yet endorsed 
      for use in the EU, expected endorsement is not yet determined) 
   -- IFRS 10 / IAS 28 Sale or contribution of assets between an investor and 
      its associate or joint venture (effective for annual periods beginning on 
      or after 1 January 2016) 
   -- IFRS 11 Accounting for Acquisitions of Interest in Joint Operations 
      (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016) 
   -- IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts (effective for annual periods 
      beginning on or after 1 January 2016) 
   -- IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (effective for annual 
      periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018) (the amendments to IFRS 15 
      are not yet endorsed for use in the EU, expected endorsement is not yet 
   -- IAS 16 / IAS 41 Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and 
      Amortisation (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 
      January 2016) 
   -- IAS 27 Equity Method in Separate Financial Statements (effective for 
      annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2016) 
   The above International Accounting Standards and interpretations have 
not been applied in this Annual Report and Financial Statements and are 
not expected to have any material impact on the Financial Statements 
although some changes may be required to the format of the Financial 
Statements and disclosures. 
   Basis of consolidation 
   The Group consolidated Financial Statements incorporate the Financial 
Statements of the Company for the year ended 30 June 2015 and the 
entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries), for the same 
period. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the Financial 
Statements of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies into line 
with those used by the Group. All intra-group transactions, balances, 
income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. 
   As permitted by Section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, the Company has 
not presented its own profit and loss account. The amount of the 
Company's profit before tax for the year dealt with in the accounts of 
the Group is GBP1,342,000 (2014: GBP3,461,000). 
   Segmental reporting 
   The Directors are of the opinion that the Group and the Company are 
engaged in a single operating segment of business, being investment in 
equity and debt. The Group and the Company report to the Board which 
acts as the chief operating decision maker. The Group invests in smaller 
companies principally based in the UK. 
   Business combinations 
   The acquisition of subsidiaries is accounted for using the purchase 
method in the Group Financial Statements. The cost of the acquisition is 
measured at the aggregate of the fair values, at the date of exchange, 
of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments 
issued by the Group in exchange for control of the subsidiaries, plus 
any costs directly attributable to the business combination. The 
subsidiary's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities 
that meet the conditions for recognition under IFRS 3 "Business 
Combinations" are recognised at their fair value at the acquisition 
   The preparation of the Group's and Company's Financial Statements 
requires estimates, assumptions and judgments to be made, which affect 
the reported results and balances. Actual outcomes may differ from these 
estimates, with a consequential impact on the results of future periods. 
Those estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing 
a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities 
within the next financial year are those used to determine the fair 
value of investments at fair value through the profit or loss. 
Reasonable possible alternative assumptions have been considered, 
details of which are given in note 9. 
   The valuation of investments held at fair value through profit or loss 
or measured in assessing any impairment of loan stocks is determined by 
using valuation techniques. The Group and the Company use judgments to 
select a variety of methods and makes assumptions that are mainly based 
on market conditions and portfolio company performance at each balance 
sheet date. 
   Investment in subsidiaries 
   Investments in subsidiaries are revalued at the balance sheet date based 
on the underlying net assets of the subsidiary undertakings. Revaluation 
movements are recognised in the unrealised reserve. 
   CP2 VCT PLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. CP2 VCT PLC 
transferred its business to Crown Place VCT PLC and ceased trading with 
effect from the date of merger on 12 January 2006. Since then, CP2 VCT 
PLC has had no further business other than to hold cash and intercompany 
balances. CP2 VCT PLC had significant tax losses which have been 
utilised by the Company through group relief. However, as the tax losses 
are nearly depleted, it is now the intention of the Directors to 
liquidate CP2 VCT PLC within a period of at least twelve months from the 
date on which these financial statements are approved. For this reason, 
the accounts of CP2 VCT PLC have not adopted a going concern basis of 
   The above decision will not affect CP1 VCT PLC, which will continue to 
be a wholly supported subsidiary company. 
   Non-current asset investments 
   Quoted and unquoted equity investments, debt issued at a discount, and 
convertible bonds 
   In accordance with IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and 
Measurement', and FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and 
Measurement', quoted and unquoted equity, debt issued at a discount and 
convertible bonds are designated as fair value through profit or loss 
("FVTPL"). Investments listed on recognised exchanges are valued at the 
closing bid prices at the end of the accounting period. Unquoted 
investments' fair value is determined by the Directors in accordance 
with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation 
Guidelines (IPEVCV guidelines). 
   Fair value movements and gains and losses arising on the disposal of 
investments are reflected in the capital column of the Statement of 
comprehensive income in accordance with the AIC SORP. Realised gains or 
losses on the sale of investments will be reflected in the realised 
capital reserve, and unrealised gains or losses arising from the 
revaluation of investments will be reflected in the unrealised capital 
   Warrants and unquoted equity derived instruments 
   Warrants and unquoted equity derived instruments are only valued if 
there is deemed to be additional value to the Company in exercising or 
converting as at the balance sheet date. Otherwise these instruments are 
held at nil value. The valuation techniques used are those used for the 
underlying equity investment. 
   Unquoted loan stock 
   Unquoted loan stock (excluding debt issued at a discount and convertible 
bonds) is classified as loans and receivables as permitted by IAS 39 and 
FRS 26 and measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate 
method less impairment. Movements in the amortised cost relating to 
interest income are reflected in the revenue column of the Statement of 
comprehensive income, and hence are reflected in the other distributable 
reserve, and movements in respect of capital provisions are reflected in 
the capital column of the Statement of comprehensive income and are 
reflected in the realised capital reserve following sale, or in the 
unrealised capital reserve for impairments arising from revaluations of 
the fair value of the security. 
   For all unquoted loan stock, fully performing, past due or impaired, the 
Board considers that the fair value is equal to or greater than the 
security value of these assets. For unquoted loan stock, the amount of 
the impairment is the difference between the asset's cost and the 
present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original 
effective interest rate. The future cash flows are estimated based on 
the fair value of the security held less estimated selling costs. 
   Investments are recognised as financial assets on legal completion of 
the investment contract and are de-recognised on legal completion of the 
sale of an investment. 
   Loan stock accrued interest is recognised in the Balance sheet as part 

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of the carrying value of the loans and receivables at the end of each 
reporting period. 
   In accordance with the exemptions under IAS 28 "Investments in 
associates" and FRS 9 "Associates and joint ventures", those 
undertakings in which the Group or Company holds more than 20 per cent. 
of the equity as part of an investment portfolio are not accounted for 
using the equity method. 
   Current asset investments 
   Contractual future contingent receipts on the disposal of fixed asset 
investments are designated as fair value through profit and loss and are 
subsequently measured at fair value. 
   Investment income 
   Quoted and unquoted equity income 
   Dividends receivable on quoted equity shares are recognised on the 
ex-dividend date. Income receivable on unquoted equity is recognised 
when the Company's right to receive payment and expected settlement is 
   Unquoted loan stock income 
   Fixed returns on non-equity shares and debt securities are recognised on 
a time apportionment basis using an effective interest rate over the 
life of the financial instrument. Income which is not capable of being 
received within a reasonable period of time is reflected in the capital 
value of the investment. 
   Bank interest income 
   Interest income is recognised on an accruals basis using the rate of 
interest agreed with the bank. 
   Investment management fees, performance incentive fees and other 
   All expenses have been accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are 
charged through the revenue column of the Statement of comprehensive 
income, except for management fees and performance incentive fees which 
are allocated in part to the capital column of the Statement of 
comprehensive income, to the extent that these relate to the maintenance 
or enhancement in the value of the investments and in line with the 
Board's expectation that over the long term 75 per cent. of the Group's 
investment returns will be in the form of capital gains. 
   Issue costs 
   Issue costs associated with the allotment of share capital have been 
deducted from the share premium account. 
   Taxation is applied on a current basis in accordance with IAS 12 "Income 
taxes" and FRS 16 "Current tax". Taxation associated with capital 
expenses is applied in accordance with the SORP. Deferred taxation is 
provided in full on timing differences (in accordance with FRS 16), and 
temporary differences (in accordance with IAS 12) that result in an 
obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax or a right to pay 
less tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when they 
crystallise based on current tax rates and law. Temporary differences 
(FRS 16) arise from differences between the carrying amounts of assets 
and liabilities for financial reporting and the amounts used for 
taxation purposes. Timing differences (IAS 12) arise from the inclusion 
of items of income and expenditure in taxation computations in periods 
different from those in which they are included in the Financial 
Statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is 
probable that future taxable profit will be available against which 
unused tax losses and credits can be utilised. Deferred tax assets and 
liabilities are not discounted. 
   In accordance with IAS 10 and FRS 21 "Events after the balance sheet 
date", dividends are accounted for in the period in which the dividend 
is paid or approved at the Annual General Meeting. 
   Share premium reserve 
   This reserve accounts for the difference between the price paid for the 
Company's shares and the nominal value of those shares, less issue costs 
and transfers to the other distributable reserve. 
   Capital redemption reserve 
   This reserve accounts for amounts by which the issued share capital is 
diminished through the repurchase and cancellation of the Company's own 
   Unrealised capital reserve 
   Increases and decreases in the valuation of investments held at the year 
end, against cost are included in this reserve. 
   Realised capital reserve 
   The following are disclosed in this reserve: 
   -- gains and losses compared to cost on the realisation of investments; 
   -- expenses, together with the related taxation effect, charged in 
      accordance with the above policies; and 
   -- dividends paid to equity holders. 
   Other distributable reserve 
   This reserve accounts for movements from the revenue column of the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income, the payment of dividends, the 
buy-back of shares and other non-capital realised movements. 
   2. Gains on investments 
                                                            Year ended     Year ended 
                                                            30 June 2015   30 June 2014 
                                                              GBP'000        GBP'000 
Unrealised gains on investments held at fair value 
 through profit or loss                                              185          1,780 
Reversal of impairments on investments measured at 
 amortised cost                                                      574             22 
Unrealised gains on non-current asset investments 
 sub-total                                                           759          1,802 
Unrealised gains on current asset investments held 
 at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                                        -             21 
Unrealised gains on investments                                      759          1,823 
Realised gains on investments held at fair value through 
 profit or loss                                                      487              - 
Realised losses on investments measured at amortised 
 cost                                                              (216)           (11) 
Realised gains/(losses) on non-current asset investments 
 sub-total                                                           271           (11) 
Realised gains on current asset investments held at 
 fair value through profit or loss                                     6              - 
Realised gains/(losses) on investments                               277           (11) 
                                                                   1,036          1,812 
   Investments measured at amortised cost are unquoted loan stock 
investments as described in note 9. 
   3. Investment income and deposit interest 
                                                          Year ended     Year ended 
                                                          30 June 2015   30 June 2014 
                                                            GBP'000        GBP'000 
Income recognised on investments held at fair value 
 through profit or loss 
UK dividend income                                                  51             29 
Interest on convertible bonds and debt issued at a 
 discount                                                          295            145 
                                                                   346            174 
Income recognised on investments measured at amortised 
Return on loan stock investments                                   729            732 
Bank deposit interest                                               30             19 
                                                                   759            751 
                                                                 1,105            925 
   Interest income earned on impaired investments at 30 June 2015 amounted 
to GBP205,000 (2014: GBP172,000). These investments are all held at 
amortised cost. 
   4. Investment management fees 
                               Year ended 30 June 2015    Year ended 30 June 2014 
                              Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                              GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
  Investment management fee       133      397      530      120      361      481 
   Further details of the Management agreement under which the investment 
management fee is paid are given in the Strategic report. 
   During the year, services of a total value of GBP580,000 (2014: 
GBP531,000) were purchased by the Company from Albion Ventures LLP 
comprising GBP530,000 in respect of management fees (2014: GBP481,000) 
and GBP50,000 in respect of administration fees (2014: GBP50,000).  At 
the financial year end, the amount due to Albion Ventures LLP in respect 
of these services disclosed as accruals and deferred income was 
GBP156,500 (administration fee accrual: GBP12,500, management fee 
accrual GBP144,000) (2014:  GBP139,500). 
   Albion Ventures LLP is, from time to time, eligible to receive 
transaction fees and Directors' fees from portfolio companies. During 
the year ended 30 June 2015 fees of GBP211,000 attributable to the 
investments of the Company were received pursuant to these arrangements 
(2014: GBP67,000). 
   Albion Ventures LLP holds 1,256 Ordinary shares as a result of 
fractional entitlements arising on the merger of Crown Place VCT PLC, 
CP1 VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC on 13 January 2006. In addition, Albion 
Ventures LLP holds a further 48,761 Ordinary shares in the Company. 
   5. Other expenses 
                                                             Year ended     Year ended 
                                                             30 June 2015   30 June 2014 
                                                               GBP'000        GBP'000 
  Directors' remuneration                                              75             75 
National insurance on Directors' remuneration                           6              6 
Auditor's remuneration: 
 - audit of the statutory Financial Statements (excluding 
 VAT)                                                                  26             26 

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- the auditing of accounts of associates of the Company 
 pursuant to legislation (excluding VAT)                                5              5 
Impairment of accrued interest                                          -             10 
Other expenses                                                        160            158 
                                                                      272            280 
   Further information regarding Directors' remuneration can be found in 
the audited section of the Directors' remuneration report on page 33 of 
the full Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
   6. Taxation 
                                Year ended 30 June 2015       Year ended 30 June 2014 
                              Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                              GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                    -         -         -         -         -         - 
  UK corporation tax charge 
   The tax charge for the year shown in the Statement of comprehensive 
income is lower than the standard rate of corporation tax of 21 per 
cent. to 31 March 2015 and 20 per cent. from 1 April 2015 (average rate 
of 20.75 per cent.) (2014: average rate of 22.50 per cent.). The 
differences are explained below: 
                                                         Year ended     Year ended 
                                                         30 June 2015   30 June 2014 
                                                           GBP'000        GBP'000 
Profit before taxation                                          1,339          1,976 
Profit multiplied by the standard rate of corporation 
 tax                                                            (278)          (445) 
Effect of capital gains not subject to taxation                   215            408 
Effect of income not subject to taxation                           11              7 
Utilisation of tax losses                                          52             30 
                                                                    -              - 
   No provision for deferred tax has been made in the current or prior 
accounting period.  The Company and Group have not recognised a deferred 
tax asset of GBP3,037,000 (2014: GBP2,725,000) in respect of unutilised 
management expenses and non-trading deficits as it is not considered 
sufficiently probable that there will be taxable profits against which 
to utilise these expenses in the foreseeable future. The Group has not 
recognised a further deferred tax asset of GBP302,000 (2014: GBP664,000) 
in respect of unutilised management expenses and deficits arising from 
non-trading relationships which would only be used if its subsidiaries 
made significant profits. 
   7. Dividends 
                                                Year ended     Year ended 
                                                30 June 2015   30 June 2014 
                                                  GBP'000        GBP'000 
First dividend paid on 28 November 2014 
 (29 November 2013) (1.25 pence per share)             1,142          1,053 
Second dividend paid on 31 March 2015 
 (31 March 2014) (1.25 pence per share)                1,195          1,079 
                                                       2,337          2,132 
   In addition to the dividends paid above, the Board has declared a first 
dividend for the year ending 30 June 2016, of 1.25 pence per share. This 
will be paid on 30 November 2015 to shareholders on the register as at 6 
November 2015. The total dividend will be approximately GBP1,362,000. 
   8. Basic and diluted return per share 
                                                        Year ended 30 June 2015   Year ended 30 June 2014 
                                                        Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue  Capital  Total 
Return attributable to equity shares (GBP'000)              700      639  1,339      525    1,451   1,976 
Weighted average shares (excluding treasury shares)           95,555,497                86,017,237 
Return attributable per Ordinary share (pence) (basic 
 and diluted)                                              0.73     0.67   1.40     0.61     1.67    2.28 
   The return per share has been calculated excluding treasury shares of 
10,852,410 (2014: 9,376,410). 
   There are no convertible instruments, derivatives or contingent share 
agreements in issue, and therefore no dilution affecting the return per 
share. The basic return per share is therefore the same as the diluted 
return per share. 
   9. Non-current asset investments 
                                                    30 June 2015  30 June 2014 
                                                       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Group and Company 
Investments held at fair value through profit or 
Unquoted equity and preference shares                     10,467        12,161 
Quoted equity                                                701           896 
Discounted debt and convertible loan stock                 7,277         3,635 
                                                          18,445        16,692 
Investments measured at amortised cost 
Unquoted loan stock                                       10,086        10,997 
                                                          28,531        27,689 
                                                       30 June 2015  30 June 2014 
                                                          GBP'000       GBP'000 
Opening valuation                                            27,689        24,567 
Purchases at cost                                             7,060         2,539 
Disposal proceeds                                           (7,316)       (1,188) 
Realised gains/(losses)                                         271          (11) 
Movement in loan stock accrued income                            69          (20) 
Unrealised gains                                                759         1,802 
Closing valuation                                            28,531        27,689 
Movement in loan stock accrued income 
Opening accumulated movement in loan stock accrued 
 income                                                          62            82 
Movement in loan stock accrued income                            69          (20) 
Closing accumulated movement in loan stock accrued 
 income                                                         131            62 
Movement in unrealised gains 
Opening accumulated unrealised gains/(losses)                   549       (1,777) 
Transfer of previously unrealised gains to realised 
 reserves on disposal                                       (1,305)         (227) 
Transfer of previously unrealised losses to realised 
 reserves on investments written off but still held           1,542           751 
Movement in unrealised gains                                    759         1,802 
Closing accumulated unrealised gains                          1,545           549 
Historic cost basis 
Opening book cost                                            27,079        26,262 
Purchases at cost                                             7,060         2,539 
Disposals at cost                                           (5,383)         (945) 
Cost of investments written off but still held              (1,901)         (777) 
Closing book cost                                            26,855        27,079 
Closing cost is net of amounts of GBP1,901,000 (2014: 
 GBP1,881,000) written off in respect of investments 
 still held at the balance sheet date. 
   The Directors believe that the carrying value of loan stock measured at 
amortised cost is not materially different to fair value. The Company 
does not hold any assets as the result of the enforcement of security 
during the year, and believes that the carrying values for both impaired 
and past due assets are covered by the value of security held for these 
loan stock investments. 
   Additions and disposal proceeds included in the cash flow statement 
differ from the amounts shown in the note above, due to deferred 
consideration and settlement creditors and the restructuring of 
   A schedule of disposals during the year is shown on page 19 of the full 
Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
   IFRS 13 'Fair value measurement' and IFRS 7 'Financial Instruments: 
Disclosures' requires the Company to disclose the valuation methods 
applied to its investments measured at fair value through profit or loss 
in a fair value hierarchy according to the following definitions: 
Fair value hierarchy  Definition of valuation method 
Level 1               Unadjusted quoted (bid) prices applied 
Level 2               Inputs to valuation are from observable sources and 
                       are directly or indirectly derived from prices 
Level 3               Inputs to valuations are not based on observable market 
   Quoted AIM investments are valued according to Level 1 valuation 
methods. Unquoted equity, preference shares, convertible loan stock and 
debt issued at a discount are all valued according to Level 3 valuation 
   The Company's investments measured at fair value through profit or loss 
(Level 3) had the following movements in the year to 30 June 2015: 
                          30 June 2015                    30 June 2014 
                           Discounted                      Discounted 
                            debt and                        debt and 
                           convertible                     convertible 
                 Equity    loan stock    Total   Equity    loan stock    Total 
                 GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening balance   12,161         3,635   15,796    9,582         2,824   12,406 

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Additions          1,137         4,260    5,397      773         1,337    2,110 
 proceeds        (3,819)         (611)  (4,430)    (193)         (293)    (486) 
Transfer to 
 Level 1               -             -        -    (473)         (193)    (666) 
 of convertible 
 debt                  -             -        -        -           417      417 
 conversion          299         (120)      179      342         (342)        - 
 gains/(losses)      734          (15)      719     (12)            12        - 
 (losses)/gains     (45)            73       28    2,142         (131)    2,011 
Accrued loan 
 interest              -            55       55        -             4        4 
Closing balance   10,467         7,277   17,744   12,161         3,635   15,796 
   Unquoted investments held at fair value through profit or loss are 
valued in accordance with the IPEVCV guidelines as follows: 
                                                    30 June 2015  30 June 2014 
Investment valuation methodology                      GBP'000       GBP'000 
Net asset value supported by independent valuation         9,124         6,000 
Earnings multiple                                          1,356         1,990 
Net asset value                                            2,112         2,288 
Recent investment price                                    1,368           548 
Cost (reviewed for impairment)                             1,282         2,313 
Revenue multiple                                           1,189         1,664 
Agreed sale price/Offer price                              1,313           993 
                                                          17,744        15,796 
   Level 3 valuations include inputs based on non-observable market data. 
IFRS 13 requires an entity to disclose quantitative information about 
the significant unobservable inputs used. Of the Company's Level 3 
investments, 14 per cent are held on an Earnings or Revenue multiple 
basis, which have significant judgement applied to the valuation inputs. 
The table below sets out the range of Earnings and Revenue multiples and 
discounts applied. The remainder of Level 3 investments are held at cost 
(reviewed for impairment), recent investment price, net asset value 
(supported by independent valuation) or net assets. 
                               Support services  Healthcare (growth)  Software 
Earnings multiples 
PE multiple range                      7.7-11.0                 17.0         - 
Marketability discount range           8% - 27%                  50%         - 
Revenue Multiples 
Revenue multiple range                        -            1.2 - 1.5       2.5 
Marketability discount range                  -                  50%       15% 
   IFRS 13 and IFRS 7 requires the Directors to consider the impact of 
changing one or more of the inputs used as part of the valuation process 
to reasonable possible alternative assumptions. After due consideration 
and noting that the valuation methodology applied to 74 per cent. of the 
Level 3 investments (by valuation) is based on third party independent 
evidence, recent investment price, agreed sale price/offer price and 
cost, the Directors believe that changes to reasonable possible 
alternative input assumptions (a reasonable discount to the earnings or 
revenue multiple) for the valuation of the remainder of the portfolio 
could lead to a significant change in the fair value of the portfolio. 
The impact of these changes could result in an increase in the valuation 
of the equity investments by GBP496,000 or a decrease in the valuation 
of equity investments by GBP509,000. 
   The unquoted equity instruments had the following movements between 
investment methodologies between 30 June 2014 and 30 June 2015: 
                                                        Value as at  Explanatory note 
 Change in investment valuation methodology (2014 to   30 June 2015 
 2015)                                                      GBP'000 
Earnings multiple to offer price                                664  Agreed offer price 
Cost to net asset value supported by independent                489  More relevant valuation methodology following commencement 
valuation                                                             of operations 
Cost to price of recent investment                              333  More appropriate following recent investment round 
Cost to offer price                                             117  Agreed offer price 
Cost to revenue multiple                                         58  More relevant valuation methodology 
   The valuation method used will be the most appropriate valuation 
methodology for an investment within its market, with regard to the 
financial health of the investment and the IPEVCV Guidelines. The 
Directors believe that, within these parameters, there are no other 
possible methods of valuation which would be reasonable as at 30 June 
   10. Significant interests 
   The principal activity of the Group is to select and hold a portfolio of 
investments in unquoted securities. Although the Company, through the 
Manager, will, in some cases, be represented on the board of the 
portfolio company, it will not take a controlling interest or become 
involved in the management of a portfolio company. The size and 
structure of the companies with unquoted securities may result in 
certain holdings in the portfolio representing a participating interest 
without there being any partnership, joint venture or management 
consortium agreement. 
   The Company has interests of greater than 20 per cent. of the nominal 
value of any class of the allotted shares in the portfolio companies as 
at 30 June 2015 as described below: 
                                                                                                            % total 
               Country of                                                               % class and share    voting 
  Company       incorporation    Principal activity                                      type                rights 
ELE Advanced                    Manufacturer of precision engineering components for 
 Technologies                    the industrial gas turbine, aerospace and automotive 
 Limited       Great Britain     markets                                                74.3% B Ordinary      41.9% 
                                                                                        56.7% B Ordinary/A 
                                                                                         Preference and B 
Uctal Limited  Great Britain    TV production company                                    Preference           24.2% 
   The investments listed above are held as part of an investment portfolio 
and therefore, as permitted by IAS 28 and FRS 9, they are measured at 
fair value and not accounted for using the equity method. 
   11. Investments in subsidiary undertakings 
                                              30 June 2015 
                                    CP1 VCT PLC  CP2 VCT PLC   Total 
                                      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Carrying value as at 1 July 2014          6,622        8,473   15,095 
Movement in subsidiary net assets           (3)            -      (3) 
Carrying value as at 30 June 2015         6,619        8,473   15,092 
                                              30 June 2014 
                                    CP1 VCT PLC  CP2 VCT PLC   Total 
                                      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Carrying value as at 1 July 2013          7,299        9,281   16,580 
Movement in subsidiary net assets         (677)        (808)  (1,485) 
Carrying value as at 30 June 2014         6,622        8,473   15,095 
   The subsidiary companies currently hold cash and intercompany balances. 
   Both CP1 VCT PLC and CP2 VCT PLC are wholly owned by Crown Place VCT PLC 
as follows: 
                                                30 June 2015 
                                         CP1 VCT PLC   CP2 VCT PLC 
Nominal value of shares held             GBP6,382,746  GBP8,219,350 
Percentage of total voting rights held           100%          100% 
                                                30 June 2014 
                                         CP1 VCT PLC   CP2 VCT PLC 
Nominal value of shares held             GBP6,382,746  GBP8,219,350 
Percentage of total voting rights held           100%          100% 
   12. Trade and other receivables/debtors and current asset investments 
                                                          30 June 2015      30 June 2014 
                                                         Group   Company   Group   Company 
                                                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Trade and other receivables/debtors less than one 
 year                                                       788      788       74       74 
                                                          30 June 2015      30 June 2014 
                                                          Group  Company    Group  Company 
                                                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Contingent future receipts on disposal of fixed asset 
 investments                                                  -        -       42       42 
   The fair value hierarchy applied to contingent future receipts on 
disposal of fixed asset investments is Level 3. 
   13. Trade and other payables/creditors 
                                           30 June 2015      30 June 2014 
                                          Group   Company   Group   Company 
                                         GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Amounts falling due within one year: 

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Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings         -   15,036        -   15,039 
Other payables                                23       23       21       21 
Accruals                                     221      221      200      200 
                                             244   15,280      221   15,260 
   Interest is chargeable on intercompany balances at a rate of 12 per 
cent. per annum. Intercompany balances are payable on demand. The 
subsidiaries' current business is to hold cash and intercompany 
   14. Ordinary share capital 
                                                    30 June 2015  30 June 2014 
                                                       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Allotted, called up and fully paid 
117,667,064 Ordinary shares of 10p each (2014: 
 100,057,224)                                             11,767        10,006 
  Voting rights 
106,814,654 Ordinary shares of 10p each (2014: 
   The Company did not purchase any Ordinary shares for cancellation during 
the year (2014: 1,317,000 Ordinary shares at a total cost of 
   The Company purchased 1,476,000 Ordinary shares for treasury (2014: 
582,000) during the year at a total cost of GBP439,000 (2014: 
   The total number of shares held in treasury as at 30 June 2015 was 
10,852,410 (2014: 9,376,410) representing 9.2 per cent. of the shares in 
issue as at 30 June 2015. 
   Under the terms of the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme Circular dated 26 
February 2009, the following Ordinary shares of nominal value 10 pence 
were allotted during the year: 
                                                                    Opening market 
                         Aggregate                       Net           price on 
            Number of   nominal value  Issue price   consideration     allotment 
Allotment     shares      of shares     (pence per     received       (pence per 
date         allotted     (GBP'000)       share)       (GBP'000)        share) 
 2014         389,584              39        30.79             118           30.00 
31 March 
 2015         450,741              45        31.03             137           29.75 
              840,325              84                          255 
   Under the terms of the Albion VCTs Top Up Offers 2013/2014 and Albion 
VCTs Prospectus Top Up Offers 2013/2014, the following Ordinary shares 
of nominal value 10 pence were issued during the year: 
                                                                       Opening market 
                            Aggregate                       Net           price on 
               Number of   nominal value  Issue price   consideration     allotment 
Allotment        shares      of shares     (pence per     received       (pence per 
date            allotted     (GBP'000)       share)       (GBP'000)        share) 
4 July 2014       23,321               2        31.80               7           30.00 
4 July 2014       12,538               1        31.90               4           30.00 
4 July 2014      101,104              10        32.10              32           30.00 
4 July 2014 
 (prospectus)    953,781              95        32.10             297           30.00 
               1,090,744             109                          340 
   Under the terms of the Albion VCTs Prospectus Top Up Offers 2014/2015, 
the following Ordinary shares of nominal value 10 pence were issued 
during the year: 
                                                                      Opening market 
                           Aggregate                       Net           price on 
              Number of   nominal value  Issue price   consideration     allotment 
Allotment      shares       of shares     (pence per     received       (pence per 
date          allotted      (GBP'000)       share)       (GBP'000)        share) 
30 January 
 2015         2,763,025             276        31.80             861           30.00 
30 January 
 2015         1,451,111             145        32.00             453           30.00 
2 April 
 2015         9,525,629             953        32.00           2,957           29.75 
30 June 
 2015         1,790,544             179        32.00             556           29.75 
30 June 
 2015           112,824              11        31.70              35           29.75 
30 June 
 2015            35,638               4        31.80              11           29.75 
             15,678,771           1,568                        4,873 
   15. Basic and diluted net asset value per share 
   The Group and Company net asset value attributable to the Ordinary 
shares at the year end was as follows: 
                                                30 June 2015  30 June 2014 
Net asset value per share attributable (pence)         30.97         32.04 
   The net asset value per share at the year end is calculated in 
accordance with the Articles of Association and is based upon total 
shares in issue less treasury shares of 106,814,654 shares (2014: 
90,680,814) as at 30 June 2015. 
   There are no convertible instruments, derivatives or contingent share 
agreements in issue. 
   16. Analysis of changes in cash during the year 
                          30 June 2015      30 June 2014 
                         Group   Company   Group   Company 
                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Opening cash balances     1,466    1,410    2,780    2,723 
Net cash flow             2,540    2,540  (1,314)  (1,314) 
Closing cash balances     4,006    3,950    1,466    1,410 
   17. Reconciliation of revenue return before taxation to net cash flow 
from operating activities 
                                                          Year ended        Year ended 
                                                         30 June 2015      30 June 2014 
                                                        Group   Company   Group   Company 
                                                       GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Revenue return before tax                                  700      700      525      525 
Capitalised expenses                                     (397)    (397)    (361)    (361) 
(Decrease)/increase in accrued amortised loan stock 
interest                                                  (69)     (69)       20       20 
Decrease in receivables                                      -        -        -        - 
Increase in payables                                        18       18        3        3 
Net cash flow from operating activities                    252      252      187      187 
   18. Capital and financial instruments risk management 
   The following policies are with reference to both the Company and the 
Group except where 'the Company' is used below. 
   The Group's capital comprises Ordinary shares as described in note 14. 
The Company is permitted to buy back its own shares for cancellation or 
treasury purposes, and this is described in more detail in the Strategic 
   The Group's financial instruments comprise equity and loan stock 
investments in unquoted companies, equity in AIM quoted companies, 
contingent receipts on disposal of fixed asset investments, cash 
balances, debtors and creditors which arise from its operations. The 
main purpose of these financial instruments is to generate revenue and 
capital appreciation for the Group's operations. The Group has no 
gearing or other financial liabilities apart from short term creditors. 
The Group does not use any derivatives for the management of its balance 
   The principal risks arising from the Group's operations are: 
   -- Investment (or market) risk (which comprises investment price and cash 
      flow interest rate risk); 
   -- credit risk; and 
   -- liquidity risk. 
   The Board regularly reviews and agrees policies for managing each of 
these risks. There have been no changes in the nature of the risks that 
the Group has faced during the past year, and apart from where noted 
below, there have been no changes in the objectives, policies or 
processes for managing risks during the past year. The key risks are 
summarised as follows: 
   Investment risk 
   As a venture capital trust, it is the Group's specific nature to 
evaluate and control the investment risk of its portfolio in unquoted 
and quoted companies, details of which are shown on pages 17 to 19 of 
the full Annual Report and Financial Statements. Investment risk is the 
exposure of the Group to the revaluation and devaluation of investments. 
The main driver of investment risk is the operational and financial 
performance of the portfolio companies and the dynamics of market quoted 
comparators. The Manager receives management accounts from portfolio 
companies, and members of the investment management team often sit on 
the boards of unquoted portfolio companies; this enables the close 
identification, monitoring and management of investment risk. 
   The Manager and the Board formally review investment risk (which 
includes market price risk), both at the time of initial investment and 
at quarterly Board meetings. 
   The Board monitors the prices at which sales of investments are made to 
ensure that profits to the Group are maximised, and that valuations of 
investments retained within the portfolio appear sufficiently prudent 
and realistic compared to prices being achieved in the market for sales 
of unquoted investments. 
   The maximum investment risk as at the balance sheet date is the value of 
the non-current and current asset investment portfolio which is 
GBP28,531,000 (2014: GBP27,731,000). Non-current and current asset 
investments form 86 per cent. of the net asset value as at 30 June 2015 
(2014: 95 per cent.). 
   More details regarding the classification of non-current investments are 
shown in note 9. 
   Investment price risk 

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   Investment price risk is the risk that the fair value of future 
investment cash flows will fluctuate due to factors specific to an 
investment instrument or to a market in similar instruments. To mitigate 
the investment price risk for the Group as a whole, the strategy of the 
Group is to invest in a broad spread of industries with approximately 
two-thirds of the unquoted investments comprising debt securities, which, 
owing to the structure of their yield and the fact that they are usually 
secured, have a lower level of price volatility than equity. Details of 
the industries in which investments have been made are contained in the 
Portfolio of investments section on pages 17 to 19 of the full Annual 
Report and Financial Statements and in the Strategic report. 
   The valuation method used will be the most appropriate valuation 
methodology for an investment within its market, with regard to the 
financial health of the investment and the IPEVCV Guidelines. 
   As required under IFRS 7 and FRS 29, the Board is required to illustrate 
by way of a sensitivity analysis, the degree of exposure to market risk. 
The Board considers that the value of the non-current and current asset 
investment portfolio is sensitive to a 10 per cent. change based on the 
current economic climate. The impact of a 10 per cent. change has been 
selected as this is considered reasonable given the current level of 
volatility observed both on a historical basis and future expectations. 
   The sensitivity of a 10 per cent. (2014: 10 per cent.) increase or 
decrease in the valuation of the non-current and current asset 
investments (keeping all other variables constant) would increase or 
decrease the net asset value and return for the year by GBP2,853,100 
(2014: GBP2,773,100). 
   Interest rate risk 
   It is the Group's policy to accept a degree of interest rate risk on its 
financial assets through the effect of interest rate changes. On the 
basis of the Group's analysis, it is estimated that a rise of half a 
percentage point in all interest rates would be immaterial due to the 
level of fixed rate loan stock held within the portfolio. On the basis 
of the Company's analysis, it is considered that further falls in 
interest rates would be highly unlikely. 
   The weighted average interest rate applied to the Group's fixed rate 
assets during the year was approximately 5.1 per cent. (2014: 5.7 per 
cent.). The weighted average period to maturity for the fixed rate 
assets is approximately 3.6 years (2014: 4.2 years). 
   The Group's financial assets and liabilities as at 30 June 2015, all 
denominated in pounds sterling, consist of the following: 
                                                                     30 June 2015                             30 June 2014 
                                                         Fixed    Floating    Non-                 Fixed   Floating    Non- 
                                                          rate      rate     interest   Total      rate      rate     interest   Total 
                                                         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Unquoted loan stock (including convertible loan stock 
 and discounted bonds)                                    15,290         -      2,073    17,363    14,128         -        504    14,632 
Equity                                                         -         -     11,168    11,168         -         -     13,057    13,057 
Receivables*                                                   -         -        772       772         -         -         59        59 
Current asset investments                                      -         -          -         -         -         -         42        42 
Payables                                                       -         -      (244)     (244)         -         -      (221)     (221) 
Cash                                                           -     4,006          -     4,006         -     1,466          -     1,466 
                                                          15,290     4,006     13,769    33,065    14,128     1,466     13,441    29,035 
   *The receivables do not reconcile to the balance sheet as prepayments 
are not included in the above table. 
   The Company's financial assets and liabilities as at 30 June 2015, all 
denominated in pounds sterling, consist of the following: 
                                                                     30 June 2015                             30 June 2014 
                                                          Fixed   Floating    Non-                Fixed    Floating    Non- 
                                                          rate      rate     interest   Total      rate      rate     interest   Total 
                                                         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Unquoted loan stock (including convertible loan stock 
 and discounted bonds)                                    15,290         -      2,073    17,363    14,128         -        504    14,632 
Equity**                                                       -         -     11,168    11,168         -         -     13,057    13,057 
Debtors*                                                       -         -        772       772         -         -         59        59 
Current asset investments                                      -         -          -         -         -         -         42        42 
Current liabilities                                     (15,036)         -      (244)  (15,280)  (15,039)         -      (221)  (15,260) 
Cash                                                           -     3,950          -     3,950         -     1,410          -     1,410 
                                                             254     3,950     13,769    17,973     (911)     1,410     13,441    13,940 
   *The receivables do not reconcile to the balance sheet as prepayments 
are not included in the above table. 
   ** The equity does not reconcile to the balance sheet as investments in 
subsidiaries are excluded from the above table. 
   Credit risk 
   Credit risk is the risk that the counterparty to a financial instrument 
will fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered 
into with the Group. The Group is exposed to credit risk through its 
debtors, investment in unquoted loan stock, and cash on deposit with 
   The Manager evaluates credit risk on loan stock and other similar 
instruments prior to investment, and as part of its ongoing monitoring 
of investments. In doing this, it takes into account the extent and 
quality of any security held. Typically loan stock instruments have a 
first fixed charge or a fixed and floating charge over the assets of the 
portfolio company in order to mitigate the gross credit risk. The 
Manager receives management accounts from portfolio companies, and 
members of the investment management team often sit on the boards of 
unquoted portfolio companies; this enables the close identification, 
monitoring and management of investment-specific credit risk. 
   Bank deposits are held with banks with high credit ratings assigned by 
international credit rating agencies. The Group has an informal policy 
of limiting counterparty banking exposure to a maximum of 20 per cent. 
of net asset value for any one counterparty. 
   The Manager and the Board formally review credit risk (including 
receivables) and other risks, both at the time of initial investment and 
at quarterly Board meetings. 
   The Group's total gross credit risk at 30 June 2015 was limited to 
GBP17,363,000 (2014: GBP14,632,000) of unquoted loan stock instruments 
(all are secured on the assets of the portfolio company), GBP4,006,000 
(2014: GBP1,466,000) of cash deposits with banks and GBP772,000 (2014: 
GBP99,000) of deferred consideration and receivables. 
   The Company's total gross credit risk at 30 June 2015 was limited to 
GBP17,363,000 (2014: GBP14,632,000) of unquoted loan stock instruments 
(all are secured on the assets of the portfolio company), GBP3,950,000 
(2014: GBP1,410,000) of cash deposits with banks and GBP772,000 (2014: 
GBP99,000) of deferred consideration and receivables. 
   As at the balance sheet date, the cash held by the Group is held with 
Lloyds Bank Plc, Scottish Widows Bank plc (part of Lloyds Banking Group), 
National Westminster Bank plc and Barclays Bank plc. Credit risk on cash 
transactions is mitigated by transacting with counterparties that are 
regulated entities subject to prudential supervision, with high credit 
ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies. 
   The credit profile of unquoted loan stock is described under liquidity 
risk shown below. 
   The cost, impairment and carrying value of impaired loan stocks at 30 
June 2015 and 30 June 2014 are as follows: 
                          30 June 2015                   30 June 2014 
                                       Carrying                       Carrying 
                   Cost    Impairment    value    Cost    Impairment    value 
                  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Impaired loan 
 stock              5,738       (549)     5,189    6,793     (1,914)     4,879 
   Impaired loan stock instruments have a first fixed charge or a fixed and 
floating charge over the assets of the portfolio company and the Board 
estimate that the security value approximates to the carrying value. 
   Liquidity risk 
   Liquid assets are held as cash on current account and cash on deposit or 
short term money market account. Under the terms of its Articles, the 
Group has the ability to borrow up to the amount of its adjusted capital 
and reserves of the latest published audited consolidated balance sheet, 
which amounts to GBP31,719,000 (2014: GBP27,903,000) as at 30 June 2015. 

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