RNS Number : 4117P 
Plexus Holdings Plc 
25 March 2009 

Plexus Holdings plc ('Plexus' or 'the Group') 
Interim Results for the six months ended 31st December 2008 
Plexus Holdings plc, the AIM quoted oil and gas engineering services business 
and owner of the proprietary POS-GRIP  method of wellhead engineering announces 
its interim results for the six months to 31 December 2008. 
  *  Continued strong performance supplying proprietary POS-­GRIP wellhead equipment 
  *  Consistent level of turnover at GBP6.7m (2007: GBP6.7m) 
  *  EBITDA of GBP1.3m (2007: GBP2.1m) - EBITDA is stated before IFRS2 share based 
  payment charges 
  *  Profit before tax GBP0.04m (2007: GBP1.3m) 
  *  Key GBP1.7m High Pressure/High Temperature ('HP/HT') and Extreme High Pressure/ 
  High Temperature ('X-HP/HT') contract win with ConocoPhillips - revenues 
  impacting Q1 of financial year to June 2010 
  *  Continued working relationship with Royal Dutch Shell plc ('Shell') 
|      |   | Brunei Shell Petroleum Sdn Bhd ('Shell Brunei') commits   | 
|      |   | to a second contact for four years - initial value of     | 
|      |   | GBP800k commencing Q4 of financial year to June 2009      | 
|      |   | Contract win with Shell Egypt worth GBP750k commencing Q2 | 
|      |   | of financial year to June 2010                            | 
  *  Wellhead contract wins with Lundin Petroleum AB and SPD Ltd - each earning 
  revenues of GBP500k and GBP130k respectively in H2 of financial year to June 
  *  Renewal, increase, and extension of bank facilities in January 2009 - 25% 
  increase, GBP4 million credit facility on a three year revolving basis with 
  additional GBP1 million overdraft on yearly term 
  *  Continued capital investment of GBP1.3m in rental inventory particularly HP/HT 
  *  15% increase in personnel to 78 (2007: 68) 
Plexus' Chief Executive Ben van Bilderbeek said, 
"I am pleased with the progress that Plexus has made in the first half of the 
year. Our first half results are in line with management expectations and 
reflect the profile of our order book which is geared towards cash flows 
impacting in the second half. Although this phasing inevitably impacts on 
profitability in the first half we have during the period under review made 
tremendous progress in achieving further industry recognition for the benefits 
of our proprietary POS-GRIP wellhead equipment. In particular our recent 
contract wins act as testament to this. These included a major GBP1.7 million 
contract with ConocoPhillips for our HP/HT and X-HP/HT equipment which we hope 
will lead to significant levels of future business, a second longer four year 
contract with Shell Brunei, as well as a contract win with a another Shell 
operating company, Shell Egypt. 
"We are aware, like most companies that the current economic climate is 
extremely challenging.  However Plexus is in the fortunate position of 
benefiting from a number of long-term contracts with many of the major 
international oil and gas companies with lengthy and sizeable exploration 
projects. This visibility provides us with a degree of stability and enables us 
to plan and invest for the future. In addition a number of market research 
indicators support our view that the need for increased UK gas exploration and 
production will only become more important in the future. A report published 
this month by Tony Lodge, 'Step off the gas' makes it very clear why 
over-dependence on imported gas is detrimental for the UK and predicts that by 
2020 80% to 90% of the UK gas requirement will need to be imported. One way of 
addressing this is for increased investment in gas exploration and we fully 
expect to participate in such initiatives. 
"Our primary objective remains to increase our exposure within the international 
oil and gas arena by expanding our rental exploration equipment activities and 
our blue chip client base, and in turn the Company's geographic reach. 
Importantly we are committed to continuing our product research and development 
and look forward to translating the market success we have had with our 
exploration wellhead equipment methods into the significantly larger production 
wellhead market. We believe the many benefits of our technology are even more 
pronounced in the oil and gas production arena and look forward to updating the 
market on future developments. 
"In support of our ongoing investment plans we were pleased to announce in 
January 2009 that we were able to renew and increase our bank facilities and 
place the majority on a 3 year term loan basis. Therefore as we begin to achieve 
a balance between profitability, cash flow and capex commitments we will 
continue to review the timing and most suitable dividend policy for our 
For further information please visit www.posgrip.com or contact: 
| Plexus Holdings plc                          |  Tel: +44 (0)20 7589 | 
| Bernard van Bilderbeek, Chief Executive      |                 8555 | 
| Graham Stevens, Finance Director             |                      | 
| St Brides Media & Finance                    |  Tel: +44 (0)20 7236 | 
| Felicity Edwards                             |                 1177 | 
| Isabel Crossley                              |                      | 
| Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking (Nominated |     Tel: +44 131 529 | 
| Advisor and Broker)                          |                 0210 | 
| Alexander Dewar                              |                      | 
|                                              |                      | 
Chairman's Statement 
Business Progress 
I am pleased to report that in a challenging market which has been dominated by 
falling oil prices Plexus has continued to gain significant contract wins to 
supply its proprietary POS-GRIP wellhead technology to major international oil 
and gas companies including ConocoPhillips, Shell 
Egypt, and Shell Brunei. Such contract wins are a key part of our strategy of 
continuing to raise the profile of POS-GRIP technology and wellhead equipment 
around the world, whilst at the same time demonstrating to operators the clear 
benefits of our equipment in terms of enhanced safety, time savings, and 
operating performance. 
Additionally, we were delighted to announce we had renewed and increased our 
banking facilities by 25% with the Bank of Scotland Corporate. Plexus now has a 
GBP4m credit facility on a three year revolving basis with an additional GBP1m 
overdraft facility agreed on a yearly term. The Directors believe this increased 
facility together with cashflow generated from trading will enable Plexus to 
deliver on its short to medium term plans focussed on boosting revenues through 
further substantial investment in its proprietary POS-GRIP  wellhead rental 
inventory, R&D, infrastructure and personnel at its Aberdeen facilities. 
Operating Review 
Plexus is an innovative technology led business which is committed to making 
significant inroads into the global oil and gas wellhead equipment market. 
Despite recent oil price declines and related uncertainties we believe the 
outlook for energy demand and the oil price remains strong. Therefore we are 
continuing to invest in expanding our rental wellhead equipment inventory which 
drives our ability to increase capacity and generate sales to meet the demands 
from our customers around the world. Our ability to respond to and support our 
customers' requirements, particularly for unconventional and technically 
challenging exploration and production activities, is a key element of our 
success. We are delighted that this has continued to result in a number of high 
profile contract wins, particularly for X-HP/HT 20,000 pounds per square inch 
('psi') drilling projects which we believe will become an increasingly important 
area for future gas exploration and production activities. 
In addition to investing in capital equipment it is essential that we also 
continue to invest in infrastructure and people. Such commitments may impact 
margins in the short term but we see this as an essential part of our business 
strategy for increasing revenues in the long term. For this reason the number of 
Plexus personnel has increased by 15% to 78 as compared to 68 at the same time 
last year, and our administrative costs have increased 32%. Furthermore we have 
initiated planning permission to build an additional workshop fitted with a 
large overhead crane in the grounds of our existing Aberdeen facility at an 
approximate cost of GBP0.8m. We view such expenditure as an essential part of 
investing in the future and that it is important do this through the business 
cycle so that we are placed in a strong position for when the oil services 
market recovers. The recent renewal and increase in our bank facilities which 
are now of a longer term nature places us in a strong position to ensure that we 
can continue to invest in the business as required. 
Such initiatives have played an important part in our ability to continue to win 
business during the period from key international operating companies including 
Lundin Petroleum AB, Shell Egypt, ConocoPhillips, and Shell Brunei. The most 
significant of these continue to be centred on the HP/HT and X-HP/HT exploration 
arena where we believe we are increasingly establishing a reputation for being 
able to offer technical solutions that deliver a number of benefits to the 
industry. It is important to note that in terms of future potential we maintain 
that there is a clear logic for the use of our technology to migrate over time 
from exploration activities to volume production equipment requirements. While 
we acknowledge that the timescale for such opportunities is uncertain we remain 
committed to working with our key customers and the wider industry to place 
ourselves at the forefront of such commercial opportunities as they arise. This 
may result in a joint manufacturing initiative or a licensing agreement for our 
patented method of engineering. 
As our reputation for innovative and, we believe, superior wellhead equipment 
grows, it is important that we also broaden our areas of activity and continue 
to increase our geographic reach from our traditional North Sea base. For this 
reason, as previously announced we have established an operational base in 
Malaysia and are confident that this will give us access over time not only to 
lower cost manufacturing but also new sales opportunities in the South East Asia 
region, and will enable us to provide full time 'in country' support to existing 
customers such as Shell Brunei. At the same time we are exploring opportunities 
in the Middle East, China and Russia with view to further expanding our 
geographic footprint. 
Rig utilisation and availability plays an important role for our wellhead rental 
business. Although rig utilisation is currently under pressure globally as a 
number of operators scale back their drilling activities we believe there will 
continue to be a large number of new generation Jack-up rigs coming onto the 
market over the next few years. These rigs are particularly suited for the 
deployment of our HP/HT 'through the BOP (blow out preventer)' adjustable method 
of engineering, and as they are designed to be able to drill deeper, higher 
pressure wells we are confident that this increase in Jack-up rigs will 
positively impact on demand for our HP/HT equipment going forward. 
Interim Results 
Turnover for the six month period was GBP6.7m which was in line with the 
previous year and reflects the anticipated weighting of sales towards the second 
half of the year. Consistent with our strategy the rental wellhead and 
associated services business activities accounted for over 60% of sales 
revenues, and the largest element remains the supply of our HP/HT and X-HP/HT 
applications, where we continued to engage in strategic discussions with the 
broader industry regarding potential long term applications and ongoing 
developments of our technology. 
Gross margins have decreased to 49.2% in the first half of the year from 55.9% 
in the comparative period last year as a result of a higher proportion of income 
in the period being generated by lower margin Mudline and BP Shah Deniz 
production well related product sales compared to the same period in the 
previous year. If these items are excluded gross margins increase to over 60% 
which is consistent with our underlying rental business returns. 
Administration expenses have continued to increase year on year and totalled 
GBP3.2m for the period up from GBP2.38m last year. This increase results from 
increased personnel and associated costs and higher overseas base costs as we 
continue to invest in the business to support current and future anticipated 
growth and geographical expansion. 
The profit before tax of GBP0.04m compares to a profit before tax for the same 
period last year of GBP1.29m, with depreciation and amortisation increasing to 
GBP0.97m in the period against GBP0.69m for the same period last year. This 
increase primarily reflects the ongoing growth and investment in Plexus' rental 
asset inventory which is essential to meet current and anticipated demand from 
an increasing number of territories. The profit before tax is stated after 
charging amortisation of share based payments under IFRS2; the charge for the 
half year to December 2008 is GBP0.12m compared to GBP0.09m in the corresponding 
period last year. The Group has provided for a charge to UK Corporation tax at a 
rate of 31% which is expected to be the rate of tax for the full year and 
compares to a rate of 32% last year. Earnings per share amounted to 0.04p per 
share (2007 - 1.02p) on a fully diluted basis. 
The balance sheet continues to reflect the ongoing investment in operations with 
property, plant and equipment including items in the course of construction 
increasing to GBP7.9m at the end of December 2008 from GBP7.3m at the end of 
December 2007. This continued to be primarily driven by ongoing investment in 
the expansion of rental inventory as well as research and development activity. 
Net borrowings closed at GBP3.37m compared to GBP2.35m reflecting the Group's 
investment in ongoing expansion of the rental fleet of equipment. In recognition 
of the current business climate in terms of the supply of credit, the Group 
focused on renewing its bank facilities and secured a 25% increase in banking 
facilities with the Bank of Scotland Corporate. Plexus now has a GBP4m credit 
facility on a three year revolving basis with an additional GBP1m overdraft 
facility agreed on a yearly term. 
Despite the current challenging market conditions Plexus is continuing to make 
strong progress in terms of raising the profile of POS-GRIP technology with an 
increasing number of major international oil companies. Although our success to 
date is of an organic nature, I remain confident that ultimately we will be 
successful in securing licensing opportunities and potential joint ventures in 
selected regions where POS-GRIP wellheads could be manufactured locally. 
We are also fortunate that our POS-GRIP technology is particularly suited to the 
growing high pressure and high temperature applications. I fully expect that we 
will benefit from this over the 
coming years as major international operators continue to select and specify our 
equipment in preference to traditional alternatives which we maintain are less 
safe and more complicated with performance limitations which severely limit 
their capabilities at 20,000 psi and above. 
I therefore look forward to the future with confidence whilst being aware that 
we are currently operating in a volatile market place with long lead times which 
can lead to some disruption to anticipated revenues should unforeseen contract 
delays materialise. 
Finally I would like to thank all those involved with the Company for their hard 
work and commitment during the last six months. 
Robert Adair 
24th March 2009 
| Plexus Holdings Plc            |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Unaudited Interim Consolidated Income Statement                              |  |           | 
| For the six months ended 31 December 2008             |          |           |  |           | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
|                                |          |       Six |          |       Six |  |   Year to | 
|                                |          | months to |          | months to |  |   30 June | 
|                                |          |        31 |          |        31 |  |      2008 | 
|                                |          |  December |          |  December |  |           | 
|                                |          |      2008 |          |      2007 |  |           | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
|                                |          |       GBP |          |       GBP |  |       GBP | 
|                                |          |     000's |          |     000's |  |     000's | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Revenue                        |          |     6,703 |          |     6,666 |  |    13,275 | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Cost of sales                  |          |   (3,406) |          |   (2,941) |  |   (6,003) | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Gross profit                   |          |     3,297 |          |     3,725 |  |     7,272 | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Administrative expenses        |          |   (3,156) |          |   (2,379) |  |   (5,167) | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Operating profit               |          |       141 |          |     1,346 |  |     2,105 | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Share of profit/(loss) of      |          |         4 |          |       -   |  |      (58) | 
| associate                      |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Finance income                 |          |         7 |          |         7 |  |        14 | 
| Finance costs                  |          |     (110) |          |      (65) |  |     (156) | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Profit before taxation         |          |        42 |          |     1,288 |  |     1,905 | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Income tax expense (note 5)    |          |      (13) |          |     (463) |  |     (616) | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Profit after tax               |          |        29 |          |       825 |  |     1,289 | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Earnings per share (pence)     |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Basic (note 6)                 |          |     0.04p |          |     1.03p |  |     1.61p | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Diluted (note 6)               |          |     0.04p |          |     1.02p |  |     1.60p | 
|                                |          |           |          |           |  |           | 
| Unaudited Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet            |          |           |          |           | 
| As at 31 December 2008           |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |        31 |          |        31 |          |   30 June | 
|                                  |          |  December |          |  December |          |      2008 | 
|                                  |          |      2008 |          |      2007 |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          | GBP 000's |          | GBP 000's |          | GBP 000's | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| ASSETS                           |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| Goodwill                         |          |       722 |          |       722 |          |       722 | 
| Intangible assets                |          |     6,644 |          |     5,563 |          |     6,661 | 
| Property, plant and equipment    |          |     7,933 |          |     7,294 |          |     7,329 | 
| Financial asset - option to      |          |        80 |          |       -   |          |       -   | 
| purchase property                |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| Total non-current assets         |          |    15,379 |          |    13,579 |          |    14,712 | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| Inventories                      |          |     3,130 |          |     3,253 |          |     3,478 | 
| Trade and other receivables      |          |     5,932 |          |     7,044 |          |     6,907 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents        |          |       447 |          |         3 |          |       456 | 
| Total current assets             |          |     9,509 |          |    10,300 |          |    10,841 | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                     |          |    24,888 |          |    23,879 |          |    25,553 | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES           |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| Called-up share capital          |          |       802 |          |       802 |          |       802 | 
| Share premium account            |          |    15,596 |          |    15,596 |          |    15,596 | 
| Share based payments reserve     |          |       485 |          |       270 |          |       360 | 
| Retained earnings                |          |       816 |          |       323 |          |       787 | 
| Total equity attributable to     |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| equity holders                   |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| of the parent                    |          |    17,699 |          |    16,991 |          |    17,545 | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| Deferred tax liabilities         |          |       511 |          |     470   |          |       377 | 
| Total non-current liabilities    |          |       511 |          |       470 |          |       377 | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| Trade and other payables         |          |     2,487 |          |     3,648 |          |     3,521 | 
| Current income tax liabilities   |          |       370 |          |       414 |          |       510 | 
| Borrowings                       |          |     3,821 |          |     2,356 |          |     3,600 | 
| Total current liabilities        |          |     6,678 |          |     6,418 |          |     7,631 | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| Total liabilities                |          |     7,189 |          |     6,888 |          |     8,008 | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
|                                  |          |           |          |           |          |           | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                |    24,888 |          |    23,879 |          |    25,553 | 
| Unaudited Interim Cash Flow       |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Statement                         |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| For the six months ended 31 December 2008                                      | 
|                                   |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|                                   |  |       Six |  |       Six |  |   Year to | 
|                                   |  | months to |  | months to |  |   30 June | 
|                                   |  |        31 |  |        31 |  |      2008 | 
|                                   |  |  December |  |  December |  |           | 
|                                   |  |      2008 |  |      2007 |  |           | 
|                                   |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|                                   |  | GBP 000's |  | GBP 000's |  | GBP 000's | 
| Cash flows from operating         |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| activities                        |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Profit before taxation            |  |        42 |  |     1,288 |  |     1,905 | 
| Adjustments for:                  |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|          Depreciation and         |  |       972 |  |       692 |  |     1,581 | 
|          amortisation             |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|          Loss / (profit) on       |  |       -   |  |      (17) |  |        84 | 
|          disposal of property,    |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|          plant and equipment      |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|          Charge for share based   |  |       125 |  |        91 |  |       181 | 
|          payments                 |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|          Investment income        |  |       (7) |  |       (7) |  |      (14) | 
|          Interest expense         |  |       110 |  |        65 |  |       156 | 
|                                   |  |     1,242 |  |     2,112 |  |     3,893 | 
|                                   |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Decrease / (increase) in          |  |       348 |  |     (130) |  |     (355) | 
| inventories                       |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Decrease / (increase) in trade    |  |       978 |  |   (2,061) |  |   (1,920) | 
| and other receivables             |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| (Decrease) / increase in trade    |  |     (908) |  |       936 |  |        27 | 
| and other payables                |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Cash generated from operations    |  |     1,660 |  |       857 |  |     1,645 | 
| Income taxes paid                 |  |      (19) |  |       (5) |  |     (155) | 
| Net cash used in operating        |  |     1,641 |  |       852 |  |     1,490 | 
| activities                        |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|                                   |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Cash flows from investing         |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| activities                        |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Acquisition of financial assets   |  |      (80) |  |       -   |  |       -   | 
| Acquisition of subsidiary entity  |  |     (133) |  |       -   |  |     (254) | 
| Purchase of intangible fixed      |  |     (185) |  |     (118) |  |     (356) | 
| assets                            |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Purchase of property, plant and   |  |   (1,374) |  |   (1,512) |  |   (2,360) | 
| equipment                         |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Proceeds of sale of property,     |  |       -   |  |       258 |  |       258 | 
| plant and equipment               |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Net cash used in investing        |  |   (1,772) |  |   (1,372) |  |   (2,712) | 
| activities                        |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|                                   |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Cash flows from financing         |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| activities                        |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Interest paid                     |  |     (104) |  |      (61) |  |     (152) | 
| Interest received                 |  |         5 |  |         1 |  |         3 | 
| Net cash from financing           |  |      (99) |  |      (60) |  |     (149) | 
| activities                        |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|                                   |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Net decrease in cash and cash     |  |     (230) |  |     (580) |  |   (1,371) | 
| equivalents                       |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|                                   |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at 1    |  |   (3,144) |  |   (1,773) |  |   (1,773) | 
| July                              |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
|                                   |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at 31   |  |   (3,374) |  |   (2,353) |  |   (3,144) | 
| December                          |  |           |  |           |  |           | 
| Unaudited Interim Statement of Changes in Equity                          | |          |  |        | 
| For the six months ended 31 December 2008                                                          | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
|                              | |  Called | |   Share | |            Share | | Retained |  |  Total | 
|                              | |      Up | | Premium | |            Based | | Earnings |  |        | 
|                              | |   Share | | Account | | Payments Reserve | |          |  |        | 
|                              | | Capital | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
|                              | |     GBP | |     GBP | |              GBP | |      GBP |  |    GBP | 
|                              | |   000's | |   000's | |            000's | |    000's |  |  000's | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
| Balance as at 1 July 2007    | |     802 | |  15,596 | |              179 | |    (502) |  | 16,075 | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
| Profit for the year          | |     -   | |     -   | |              -   | |    1,289 |  |  1,289 | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
| Share based payments reserve | |     -   | |     -   | |              181 | |      -   |  |    181 | 
| charge                       | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
| Balance as at 30 June 2008   | |     802 | |  15,596 | |              360 | |      787 |  | 17,545 | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
| Profit for the period        | |     -   | |     -   | |              -   | |       29 |  |     29 | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
| Share based payments reserve | |     -   | |     -   | |              125 | |      -   |  |    125 | 
| charge                       | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
|                              | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
| Balance as at 31 December    | |     802 | |  15,596 | |              485 | |      816 |  | 17,699 | 
| 2008                         | |         | |         | |                  | |          |  |        | 
Notes to the Interim Report December 2008 
1. This interim financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as 
defined in section 435 of the Companies Act 2006 and is unaudited. 
This unaudited interim report has been prepared on the basis of the accounting 
policies set out in the annual report for the year ended 30 June 2008. 
The interim financial information is compliant with IAS 34 - Interim Financial 
The accounting policies are based on current IFRS, International Financial 
Reporting Interpretation Committee ("IFRIC") interpretations and current 
International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") exposure drafts that are 
expected to be issued as final standards and adopted by the EU such that they 
are effective for the year ending 30 June 2009. These standards are subject to 
ongoing review and endorsement by the EU and further IFRIC interpretations and 
may therefore be subject to change. 
2. This interim report was approved by the board of directors on 24th March 
3. The directors do not recommend payment of an interim dividend. 
4. There were no other gains or losses to be recognised in the financial period 
other than those reflected in the income statement. 
5. Taxation on the operating profit after interest has been provided at a rate 
of 31% for the six months ended 31 December 2008 (2007: 32%) which is the 
estimated rate of UK tax for the full year. 
6. Basic and pre-exceptional earnings per share are based on the weighted 
average of ordinary shares in issue during the half-year of 80,182,569 (2007: 
80,182,569). The calculation of fully diluted earnings per share is based on the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue plus the dilutive effect of 
outstanding share options being 416,346 (2007: 426,245). The number of shares 
included in the calculation of fully diluted earnings per share was 80,598,915 
(2007: 80,608,814). 
7. The Group derives turnover from the sale of its POS-GRIP technology and 
associated products, the rental of wellheads utilising the POS-GRIP technology 
and service income principally derived in assisting with the commissioning and 
ongoing service requirements of its equipment. These income streams are all 
derived from the utilisation of the technology which the Group believes is its 
only segment. Business activity is not subject to seasonal or cyclical 
8. During the period a fixed price option to purchase the long leasehold of the 
Group's main facility in Aberdeen was acquired from @SIPP which is the pension 
fund of Ben van Bilderbeek for the sum of GBP80,000. The current annual rent 
paid to @SIPP is GBP171,850. 
9. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 30 June 2008 are not the 
company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been 
reported on by the company's auditors, Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP, and 
delivered to the registrar of companies. The report of the auditors was (i) 
unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the 
auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and 
(iii) did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies 
Act 1985 which was the version of the Companies Act enacted at the time of their 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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