RNS Number : 6808F

Real Office Group PLC

28 April 2011

Real Office Group plc

Unaudited interim results for

the six months ended 31 January 2011


Following the capital reduction which took place in August 2010 an extraordinary general meeting held on March 23 2011 gave approval to a reduction of the company's ordinary shares to a nominal value of 0.1p and the creation of a class of deferred shares of 1.9p. This action was to give the company greater flexibility in terms of its ability to issue shares and raise fresh capital in the future.

Concurrently, the Board took the decision to reduce its interest in Pacific India Limited to a level at which the activities of that company no longer require consolidation and the results of the company can be treated as those of an affiliate and recorded as an investment. The cost and time constraints of managing an operation that far away are better dealt with at this time by local management.

The loss for the period reflected the impact of the poor economic environment, with weak demand, intense competition and as a consequence a reduction in both the volume of business and margins. Economic uncertainty resulted in existing and potential new clients curbing capital expenditure and delaying or cutting back on planned expansion. Design and build fit out businesses thrive in an environment where speed and quality of service are paramount. In the current economic environment clients have the time to consider options and appear less willing to appoint directly and increasingly turn to project managers to approve and select contractors. We have seen an increase in tendered work which inevitably results in increased competition and pressure on margins.

Restructuring of the company's principal UK trading vehicle, Pacific Interiors Limited took place during the first half resulting in departure of a number of directors and staff and, the appointment in of a new chief executive in November 2010. These changes gave rise to a material reduction in fixed costs with the objective of curbing losses and repositioning the business commensurate with reduced volumes of activity.

Similar reductions were made in Real Office Group with one director leaving. Although I remain Chairman and a director, my remuneration package with the company was suspended in March 2010 and I have not drawn any remuneration since that time. I am currently negotiating a compromise agreement whereby all amounts due but unpaid under my existing contract from 1 April 2010 will be expunged. Although I will continue in my current role I shall not be entitled to any salary until the company makes a profit at which point a new employment contract will be negotiated. The effect of these changes will be reflected in the second half results.

Major cutbacks in public expenditure announced by the Coalition Government, which are yet to impact on the market place has increased uncertainty. Despite the measures referred to above as announced in March, second half trading by Pacific Interiors Limited has been weaker than expected with further reductions in volume of business, reduced margins and continued losses. With no sign of an immediate change in prospects the Board has taken appropriate insolvency advice and bids have been sought with a view to a sale of the business of Pacific Interiors Limited. A further announcement on this process will be made shortly.

Roger Smee


28 April 2011

 Income statements 
 For the period ended 31 January 2011 
                                                             Six month       Six month period 
                                                          period ended                  ended            Twelve month 
                                                            31 January             31 January            period ended 
                                                                  2011                   2010            31 July 2010 
 Continuing activities:                                      Unaudited              Unaudited                 Audited 
                                                               GBP'000                GBP'000                 GBP'000 
 Revenue                                     3                 4,673.7                8,553.2                22,612.6 
 Cost of sales                                               (3,870.5)              (7,222.7)              (19,784.0) 
 Gross profit                                                    803.2                1,330.5                 2,828.6 
 Administrative expense- 
  excluding exceptional 
  items.                                                     (1,277.9)              (1,836.8)               (3,199.8) 
 Finance revenue                                                   2.9                      -                    29.6 
 Finance costs                                                       -                  (2.4)                   (3.7) 
 Other income                                                        -                      -                   (1.8) 
 (Loss)/profit before 
  exceptional items                                            (471.8)                (508.7)                 (347.1) 
 Administrative expenses 
  - exceptional items                        4                 (224.6)              (8,849.1)                       - 
 Operating (loss)/ profit                                      (696.4)              (9,357.8)                 (347.1) 
 (Loss)/profit on discounted 
  activities                                 5                       -              (1,045.5)               (8,512.5) 
 (Loss)/profit before 
  tax                                                          (696.4)             (10,403.3)               (8,859.6) 
 Tax                                                                 -                 (42.9)                  (29.4) 
 Minority Interest                                                   -                   49.3                    25.7 
 (Loss)/profit after tax                                       (696.4)             (10.396.9)               (8,863.3) 
 Attributable to:- 
 Equity holders of the 
  parent                                                       (696.4)             (10,396.9)               (8,863.3) 
 Minority interests                                                  -                 (49.3)                  (25.7) 
 Earnings per share - 
  basic (pence)                              6                  (0.46)                 (7.24)                  (0.24) 
 Earnings per share - 
  diluted (pence)                            6                  (0.46)                 (7.24)                  (0.24) 
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this consolidated 
  interim financial information 
 Balance sheets 
                                                                 As at                  As at                   As at 
                                                       31 January 2011        31 January 2010            31 July 2010 
 As at 31 January 2011                                       Unaudited              Unaudited                 Audited 
 Continuing activities: 
                                                               GBP'000                GBP'000                 GBP'000 
 Non Current assets 
 Investments                                                         -                      -                       - 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                                                      112.0                  223.2                   208.2 
                                                                 112.0                  223.2                   208.2 
 Current Assets 
 Trade and other receivables            7                      1,322.6                2,702.0                 4,056.7 
 Cash and short term 
  deposits                                                         1.2                  424.2                 1,876.3 
                                                               1,323.8                3,126.2                 5,933.0 
 Total assets                                                  1,435.8                3,349.4                 6,141.2 
 Current Liabilities 
 Trade and other payables               8                    (3,109.4)              (5,629.0)               (7,197.8) 
 Bank overdrafts                                                (79.4)                      -                       - 
 Finance lease obligations                                           -                      -                       - 
                                                              3,188.8)              (5,629.0)               (7,197.8) 
 Net current (liabilities)/assets                            (1,865.0)              (2,502.8)               (1,264.8) 
 Non- current liabilities 
 Other payables                                                      -                      -                       - 
 Finance lease obligations                                           -                      -                       - 
 Total liabilities                                           (3,188.8)              (5,629.0)               (7,197.8) 
 Net (liabilities)/assets                                    (1,753.0)              (2,279.6)               (1,056.6) 
 Share capital                                                 3,039.0               14,366.9                15,194.9 
 Share premium                                                       -                1,646.6                 1,646.6 
 Special reserve                                               2,848.3                      -                       - 
 Unity of interest reserve                                   (7,642.9)              (7,983.0)               (7,642.9) 
 Translation reserve                                                 -                  (5.8)                    10.6 
 Minority interest                                                   -                 (49.3)                  (25.7) 
 Retained earnings                                                 2.6             (10,255.0)              (10,240.1) 
 Total equity                                                (1,753.0)              (2,279.6)               (1,056.6) 
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this consolidated 
  interim financial information. 
 Statements of changes in equity 
  As at 31 January 2011 
      Continuing     Share       Share       Convertible     interest     Forex     Retained    Minority 
     activities:    capital      premium         loan         reserve    reserve    earnings    interest     Total 
                    GBP,000     GBP,000        GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
 At 31 July 
  2009              14,366.9      1,646.6         1,902.7   (19,975.2)   (148.1)      (952.9)          -    (3,160.0) 
 Loss for 
  Period                                                                           (10,347.6)     (49.3)   (10,396.9) 
  before tax                                                                          1,045.5                 1,045.5 
  balances                                                     2,033.8                                        2,033.8 
  loan repayment                                   (19.6)                                                      (19.6) 
  loan write-off                                (1,883.1)                                                   (1,883.1) 
  translation                                                              142.3                                142.3 
  on impairment 
  of PME                                                       9,958.4                                        9,958.4 
 At 31 January 
  2010              14,366.9      1,646.6               -    (7,983.0)     (5.8)   (10,255.0)     (49.3)    (2,279.6) 
                     Share       Share         Special       interest     Forex     Retained    Minority 
                    capital      premium       reserve        reserve    reserve    earnings    interest     Total 
                    GBP,000     GBP,000        GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
 At 31 July 
  2010              15,194.9      1,646.6               -    (7,642.9)      10.6   (10,240.1)     (25.7)    (1,056.6) 
  August 2010      -12,155.9     -1,646.6         2,848.3            -               10,954.2                       - 
 (Loss) for the 
  period before 
  items                                                                               (471.8)                 (471.8) 
  item: dilution 
  of interest 
  in Pacific 
  India                                                                   (10.6)      (239.7)       25.7      (224.6) 
  after tax                                                                                                         - 
 At 31 January 
  2011               3,039.0            -         2,848.3    (7,642.9)         -          2.6          -    (1,753.0) 
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this consolidated 
  interim financial information. 
 Cash flow statements 
  For the period ended 31 January 2011 
                                                      Six month period       Six month period            Twelve month 
                                                                 ended                  ended            period ended 
                                                       31 January 2011        31 January 2010            31 July 2010 
                                                             Unaudited              Unaudited                 Audited 
                                                                GBP000                 GBP000                  GBP000 
 Continuing activities: 
 Net cash flow from activities 
  9                                                          (1,945.8)                (438.1)                   357.5 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Capital expenditure                                             (4.3)                  (8.7)                  (20.8) 
 Acquisitions                                                        -                 (12.1)                    12.4 
 Investment income received                                        2.9                      -                    29.6 
 Net cash disposed of 
  within subsidiaries                                            (7.3)                      -                  (91.1) 
 Cash flow from investing 
  activities- discounted                                             -                      -                  (54.5) 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                                     (1.4)                 (20.8)                 (124.4) 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Interest paid                                                       -                  (2.4)                   (3.7) 
 Cash flow from investing 
  activities - discontinued                                          -                      -                  (21.1) 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                                                         -                  (2.4)                  (24.8) 
 Net (decrease) in cash 
  and cash equivalents                                       (1,954.5)                (461.3)                   208.3 
 Effect of foreign exchange 
  rate changes                                                       -                    5.7                    13.5 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at start of the period                                       1,876.3                  879.8                 1,654.5 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the period                                      (78.2)                  424.2                 1,876.3 
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this consolidated 
  interim financial information. 

Notes to the interim financial statement

For the six months ended 31 January 2011

1. Basis of preparation

Real Office Group plc (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (together the "Group") is a global office design and fit out group specialising in commercial real estate. The Company is incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom under the provisions of The Companies Act 2006 with the registered number 06195939. The Company's registered office is Thavies Inn House, 3-4 Holborn Circus, London EC1N 2HA.

The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis which assumes that the Group will be able to meet its liabilities as they fall due for at least 12 months following the date of approval of these financial statements.

This financial information comprises a consolidated balance sheet as of 31 January 2011 and related consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of recognized income and expenses, consolidated cash flow statements and related notes for the six months then ended of Real Office Group plc (hereinafter referred to as 'financial information').

The interim financial results are unaudited and do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the twelve months ended 31(st) July 2010 were approved by the Board of Directors on 1 December 2010 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on these accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

The acquisitions of the subsidiaries are deemed to be 'combinations under common control' as ultimate control before and after the acquisition was the same. As a result, these acquisitions are outside the scope of IFRS 3 "Business combinations" and have been consolidated under the principles of the pooling of interest method of accounting from November 2008, the date common control was established by the acquisition of the Company.

The directors have reconsidered their capitalization of "acquisition costs settled in cash" as per the audited accounts to 31 July 2009 released on 30 January 2010 and reiterated in the further commentary release on 1 February 2010. They remain of the view that this is the correct treatment and these interim financial statements have been prepared on that basis.

2. Accounting policies

The accounting policies adopted in the financial information are consistent with those of the annual financial statements for the twelve months ended 31 July 2010, as described in those financial statements.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the accounting policies.

3. Segmental information

Geographical segments

The Group operates on a global basis with a subsidiary company in the United Kingdom and an affiliated company, in which the company has a minority interest, in India.

Business segments

The group operates in only one business segment, the provision of office design and fit out services.

                                               Six month period 
                                                          ended         Six month 
                                                     31 January   period ended 31 
                                                           2011      January 2010 
                                                      Unaudited         Unaudited 
                                                        GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Continuing activities: 
 Geographical analysis by revenue 
 United Kingdom                                         4,673.7           8,598.3 
 India (see Note 4)                                           -             276.3 
                                                        4,673.7           8,874.6 
 Inter-company                                                -           (321.4) 
 Total revenue                                          4,673.7           8,553.2 
 Geographical analysis by operating 
  (loss)/profit (pre exceptional costs) 
 United Kingdom                                         (471.8)            (86.7) 
 India (see Note 4)                                           -           (100.6) 
                                                        (471.8)           (187.3) 
 Inter-company                                                -           (321.4) 
 Total                                                  (471.8)           (508.7) 
 4. Exceptional items 
 Included in the group's financial statements are number of costs 
  that are considered to be exceptional. These are disclosed separately 
  on the face of the income statements. A breakdown of these costs 
  is set out below. 
                                               Six month period 
                                                          ended         Six month 
                                                     31 January   period ended 31 
                                                           2011      January 2010 
                                                      Unaudited         Unaudited 
 Exceptional items                                      GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Impairment of investment on PME                              -           7,637.1 
 Write-off of non-recoverable balances                        -           1,212.0 
 Dilution of Group interest in Pacific 
  India                                                   224.6                 - 
 Total                                                    224.6           8,849.1 
 The Group's equity interest in Pacific India was diluted to less 
  than 25% following issue of further shares to the Company's Indian 
  partner, Mayaland Hotels Pty Ltd. As the Group no longer has any 
  control or influence over this company's activities, its interest 
  in the company's net assets has been written off as an exceptional 
  item with effect from 1 August 2010. The Group results to 31 January 
  2011 therefore do not include any share of the trading results 
  of Pacific India. 
      5. Discontinued activities 
       As part of a short term strategy of disposing of or closing down 
       unprofitable activities, on 28 January 2010 the company disposed 
       of its investment in Isis Projects Limited. After a major customer 
       in the Middle East defaulted on its contractual obligations, on 
       28 February 2010 the decision was taken to close down the operations 
       in the Pacific Middle East LLC. The impact of these decisions was 
       reflected in the interim results to 31 January 2010 by excluding 
       the loss from those discontinued activities in the income statement 
       in accordance with IAS 34 and by providing for the impairment of 
       the investment in Pacific Middle East LLC (see note 4). The results 
       from discontinued activities were as follows:- 
                                         Six month        Six month         month 
                                      period ended     period ended        period 
                                        31 January       31 January      ended 31 
                                              2011             2010     July 2010 
 (Loss)/ Profit for the year             Unaudited        Unaudited       Audited 
  from discontinued operations             GBP'000          GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Discontinued activities: 
 Revenue                                         -          5,140.6       7,175.8 
 Expenses                                        -        (6,186.1)     (9,809.9) 
 Loss for the period from 
  operations(attributable to 
  owners of the company                          -        (1,045.5)      (2,634.1 
 Cash flow from 
 Net cash (outflow) from operating activities-              (641.7)       (406.6) 
 Net cash (outflow) from investing activities                (13.7)        (54.5) 
 Net cash (outflow) from financing activities 
  -                                                           (6.5)        (21.1) 
 Net cash (outflows)                             -          (661.9)       (482.2) 
      6. Earnings per share 
       The basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net 
       (loss)/profit attributable to equity holders of the company by the 
       weighted number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 
                                       Six month period          Six month period 
                                                  ended                     ended 
                                        31 January 2011           31 January 2010 
                                              Unaudited                 Unaudited 
 Continuing activities: 
 Loss)/profit attributable to 
  equity holders (in GBP'000)                   (696.4)                (10,396.9) 
 Weighed average number of 
  ordinary shares in issue 
  (000's)                                     151,949.0                 143,669.1 
 Basic (loss)/ earnings per 
  share (in GBP)                             (GBP0.005)                (GBP0.072) 
 7. Trade and other receivables 
                                                              As at 
                                     As at 31            31 January      As at 31 
                                 January 2011                  2010     July 2010 
                                    Unaudited             Unaudited       Audited 
                                      GBP'000               GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Trade receivables                      526.9               1,112.4       2,925.0 
 Amounts due by customers 
  for contract work                     691.7               1,379.3         911.0 
 Prepayments                            104.0                 210.3         220.7 
                                      1,322.6               2,702.0       4,056.7 
 8. Trade and other payables 
                                                              As at 
                                     As at 31            31 January      As at 31 
                                 January 2011                  2010     July 2010 
                                    Unaudited             Unaudited       Audited 
                                      GBP'000               GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Trade payables                       1,488.1               2,689.2       4,135.1 
 Related company payables               366.1                 479.9         313.1 
 Amounts payable to 
  suppliers for contract 
  work                                  194.4               1,007.3         309.7 
 Other payables                       1,060.8                 623.8       2,439.9 
 Deferred purchase 
 consideration                              -                 828.8             - 
                                      3,109.4               5,629.0       7,197.8 
 9. Cash flow generated from continuing 
                                                         Six months        Twelve 
                                   Six months          period ended        months 
                              period ended 31            31 January      ended 31 
                                 January 2011                  2010     July 2010 
 Continuing activities:             Unaudited             Unaudited       Audited 
 Cash flow activities 
                                      GBP,000               GBP'000       GBP'000 
 (Loss)/profit before tax             (696.4)             (9,357.8)     (8,859.6) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Finance income                         (2.9)                     -        (29.6) 
 Finance expense                            -                   2.4           3.7 
 Impairment of trade 
 receivable                                 -                     -             - 
 Impairment of investment               224.6               8,849.1       8,512.5 
 Depreciation of tangible 
  fixed assets                           14.4                  25.1          52.9 
                                      (460.3)               (481.2)       (320.1) 
 (Increase)/decrease in 
  inventories                           123.3               (579.0)         532.6 
 (increase)/decrease in 
  operating receivables               2,377.0               (415.2)     (2,883.8) 
 Increase/(decrease) in 
  operating payables                (3,917.1)               1,156.4       3,584.1 
                                    (1,877.1)               (319.0)         912.8 
 Dividends paid                                                   -             - 
 Tax paid                              (68.7)               (119.1)       (148.7) 
 Cash flow from operating 
  activities - discontinued                 -                     -       (406.6) 
 Net cash flow from 
  activities                        (1,945.8)               (438.1)       (357.5) 
 Aggregate cash flows arising from business combinations are presented 
  separately on the face of the cash flow statement and are classified 
  as investing activities, in accordance with IAS 7 'Cash Flow Statements'. 
  Therefore, movements in working capital included within operating 
  cash flows and presented above exclude working capital changes arising 
  from business combinations. 
 10. Capital reconstruction 
  As stated in the trading statement issued on 1 February 2010, Pacific 
  Middle East LLC had management issues and difficulties over deferred 
  and late contract payments by customers. The decision was taken 
  on 28 February 2010 to scale back operations and to reduce costs. 
  However during March a major customer defaulted on its contractual 
  obligations, and the Board resolved at a meeting on 28 April 2010 
  that it would for the time being cease all direct business through 
  its subsidiary companies in the Middle East. Pacific Middle East 
  has now been put into formal liquidation, and the other two Middle 
  East subsidiaries will follow suit shortly. 
  In accordance with IAS 35 "Discontinuing Activities" the effects 
  of discontinuing of these businesses, principally Pacific Middle 
  East LLC were reflected in discontinued activities at note 5 in 
  the accounts to 31 July 2010. All costs associated with this liquidation, 
  and the effect of the impairment on the investments held by the 
  company were recognized in the half year's and full year's results. 
  In order to offset the impact of losses arising by way of impairment 
  in the cost of investment in the subsidiaries closed of GBP7.637m 
  and the irrecoverable intercompany debt of GBP1.212m, the Board 
  therefore, with shareholder approval, made an application to the 
  Court for reduction of capital. This was approved by the Court in 
  August 2010 and is reflected in the statements on changes in equity 
  within this statement. 
  11. Contingent liability 
  A former employee of the Middle East subsidiary company, Pacific 
  Middle East LLC has brought a claim against the subsidiary. Pacific 
  Middle East LLC is now in liquidation and the board of Real Office 
  Group plc do not believe that this claim could result in any loss 
  to the Group. 
 Enquiries: Real Office       0207 822 0989 
  Group plc Roger Smee         0207 148 7900 
  Chairman Quentin Jones 
  Company Secretary Cairn 
  Financial Advisers LLP 
  Nominated Advisor Tony 

This information is provided by RNS

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