RNS No 2851r
2nd June 1998

         VOCALIS GROUP PLC ("Vocalis" or the "Group")
              FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH 1998

Vocalis,   the  speech  recognition  and  telephony  solutions
company, announces today its preliminary results for the  year
ended 31st March 1998.

Highlights of the results include:                       Growth

*  Increase in turnover to #6.2m (1997: #2.0m)           211%

*  Turnover per employee up to #93,000 (1997: #44,000)   111%

*  Profit before tax of #72,000 (1997: loss of #1.9m)

*  Earnings per share of 0.10p (1996: loss of 6.10p)

*  Cash balance of #2.8m

Commenting on the results and future prospects, Charles Halle,
Chief Executive of Vocalis said:

"We  will  continue  to  increase our  value  to  shareholders
through our efforts to grow revenues while being aggressive on
costs. Next year and into the future we will capitalise on the
current  growth, maintain our position as a technology leader,
and look forward to continued success."

For further information:

Charles Halle                 Tom Moriarty
Vocalis Group plc             Tavistock Communications Limited
Tel: 01223 846177             Tel: 0171 600 2288

Notes to Editors

*    Results:   a  threefold increase in turnover for  Vocalis
     Group  plc  to #6.2m and the first year of profitability.
     The company made a pre tax profit of #72,000 compared  to
     a loss of #1.9m last year.

*    Company background:  Vocalis was formed in May 1993,  via
     a  management buyout from Logica plc, and floated on  the
     London Stock Exchange in July 1996.  Vocalis is the  only
     British  speech recognition solutions company,  servicing
     an   international   client  base  from   its   Cambridge
     headquarters.    Vocalis   develops,   manufactures   and
     delivers  telephony solutions for corporate call  centres
     and  public  network  operators,  using  its  proprietary
     speech recognition technology, SpeechWare T.

*    New  CEO:  Charles Halle joined Vocalis in February  from
     IBM,  where he was instrumental in founding and achieving
     the rapid success of the "e-business" solutions unit.

*    Key  product:   The  majority of revenue  came  from  the
     Speechtel.  range  of  products.  Speechtel  comprises  a
     multi  application  platform capable of  hosting  a  wide
     variety  of  voice solutions for fixed  wire  and  mobile
     operators. The geographical spread of customers - Europe,
     Asia and the Americas - demonstrates the global appeal of
     applications  such as automated directory  enquiries  and
     reverse charge calling.

*    Markets:    The  market  for  speech  recognition   based
     telephony applications and services is growing around the
     world.  Telephone  network  operators  continue  to  seek
     innovative ways of reducing costs and increasing revenues
     from enhanced services and this will fuel growth. Vocalis
     is recognised as having world class products coupled with
     proven capability to deploy these on its own platforms.

*    Partners:   the collaboration with Ericsson continues  to
     grow,  with  contract  successes  and  joint  development
     projects.   The Group continues to work with  Logica  plc
     and Computer Sciences Corporation, and recently announced
     a partnership with royalblue plc.

*    Research and Development:  the year saw the release of  a
     second  generation  of  Vocalis  underlying  core  speech
     recognition  engine,  providing greater  reliability  and
     processing  power.   Vocalis  plays  a  leading  role  in
     several  European  Community funded programs,  developing
     technology such as speaker verification which will reduce
     card fraud in banking and telecommunications.

*    Strategy:   Vocalis will continue to increase the  number
     of  applications offered, while broadening  the  base  of
     channel  partners.  It will look to licence SpeechWare  T
     to  other  developers, systems integrators  and  solution
     vendors.   It  will  explore  ways  to  combine  Internet
     Protocol  (IP) Telephony with its existing platforms  and

End of Notes to Editors

Preliminary Statement

Following the flotation in July 1996 this has been a  year  of
rapid expansion. This demonstrates the success of our strategy
of  focusing  on the demand for speech driven applications  in
the  global  telecommunications market, a business  sector  of
which we are at the forefront. The investment we have made  in
our  people, technology and infrastructure has brought  record
results  for  the Group and we have expanded our sales  around
the world.


This  year saw a threefold increase in turnover for the  Group
to  #6.2  million  and  our first year of  profitability.  The
company  made  a  profit of #32,000 after  interest  and  tax,
compared  to a loss of  #1.9m last year. This performance  was
ahead  of  our  expectations and came from  a  combination  of
increased sales and careful cost control. Our strategy  is  to
continue to build our portfolio of speech driven applications,
target  telephone  network operators worldwide,  differentiate
ourselves  from the competition by providing total  integrated
solutions,  and  create additional routes to  market  for  our

The Markets

The market for speech recognition based telephony applications
and  services  is growing around the world. Telephone  network
operators  continue to seek innovative ways of reducing  costs
and  increasing revenues from enhanced services and this  will
fuel  our growth. Vocalis is recognised as having world  class
products coupled with proven capability to deploy these on our
own  platforms  and  we  are poised to  exploit  the  expected
increase  in  demand.  However, we should remind  shareholders
that, until we become much larger, revenue will continue to be
contingent  on  a small number of high value  orders  and  our
results will remain dependent upon their timing.


Vocalis operates in both the public network and corporate call
centre  markets.   Rapid growth has been seen  in  the  public
network  market and this is now the prime focus of  our  sales
and marketing efforts.

Speechtel is a multi-application platform, with a wide variety
of  voice  applications hosted on it such as personal  number,
directory   enquiries,  reverse  charge  calling,  and   voice
activated  dialling.  Our  customers,  the  telephone  network
operators, benefit from the ability to introduce new  services
quickly  to  provide increased capacity, cost  savings,  added
value, and to differentiate themselves from their competitors.
Such   services  are  applicable  to  both  fixed  and  mobile
networks,  all sizes of operators, and are available  in  many
different languages.  Indeed, the geographical spread  of  our
installations over the last few months attests to  the  global
appeal of the applications.

Significant  effort in product development has continued  from
the time of the interim statement.  The integration of our new
international standards-based protocols within our product set
will  enable  us  to  attract additional  sales  channels  and


Our  major  Speechtel  orders show the global  nature  of  our
business,  which  this  year  spanned  Europe,  Asia  and  the
Americas.  The  Asian network operator, Digital Communications
Philippines, Inc., selected the directory enquiries, person to
person   calling   and   reverse  charge   calling   Speechtel
applications,  all to be accessed through a one number  speech
driven  front desk service.  A further order from  a  European
network  operator  included  the  enhanced  directory  enquiry
service, which fully automates a directory enquiry call and in
another  order, a major operator is installing  the  automated
reverse charge calling application.

Many of our established customers in the corporate call centre
market  are  already  placing repeat  orders,  such  as  Abbey
National,  which recently upgraded its telebanking system  and
introduced new services. The Anglian Water call centre system,
installed  with CSC, was updated to fit into a completely  new
telecommunications  infrastructure  for  the  customer.   This
required  the  delivery of a new Vocalis Business  Application
Platform and application software with additional features.

New Technology

This  year  saw  the  release of a second  generation  of  our
underlying   core  speech  recognition  engine.   Running   on
industry-standard Power PC processors, this provides increased
reliability, greater processing power and ultimately  enhanced
business benefits for our customers.

Our  research  and development team has also  been  active  in
European  Community  funded programs, including  CAVE  (Caller
Verification  in  Banking and Telecommunications),  which  was
successfully  completed  this  year.   CAVE  resulted  in  the
development  of advanced speaker verification technology  that
helps  reduce  calling  card fraud and increases  security  of
access to telephony services.  The success of CAVE has led  to
a    continuation   project,   PICASSO   (PIoneering    Caller
Authentication for Secure Service Operation), in which Vocalis
is  playing a leading role. This will further investigate  how
to   integrate  speaker  verification  technology  into   true
business applications.

The Future

The  communications industry is an exciting arena, with  major
changes  and developments being announced continually.   There
are  positive signs that speech recognition technology is  now
being  rapidly accepted by the corporate world.  High  profile
media  coverage in the USA describes the technology as "mature
and  ready  to be deployed commercially" in applications  that
deliver substantial business benefits.

Our   existing  installations  of  Intelligent  Network  based
applications  give us a firm bridgehead from which  to  extend
our   market   position.  Further  application  concepts   and
increased  customer capacity requirements exist to  make  this
area of our business rich in growth potential.  Going forward,
we will continue to increase the number of applications in our
portfolio of telephony services while also broadening our base
of channel partners.

We  are  also evaluating the potential to licence  our  speech
technology   to  other  developers,  system  integrators   and
solution  vendors. Additionally, we are actively investigating
the prospects for speech applications and consultancy services
in attractive markets outside the telephony marketplace.

A   key  development  in  the  communications  market  is  the
increasing interest from major corporations, telephone network
operators and internet service providers in the convergence of
voice and data communications networks.  At the heart of  this
convergence is Internet Protocol (IP) Telephony, which  allows
ordinary telephones to be used to send voice signals  as  data
packets over managed internet backbones. We are exploring ways
of combining IP Telephony with our existing speech recognition
applications and platforms to address this potential market.


There  are  many  exciting opportunities before  us.  We  will
select  those  which best fit our skills and technology  while
offering  the potential for the highest return on  investment.
We will continue to increase our value to shareholders through
our  combined efforts to grow revenues while being  aggressive
on costs.

We   are  broadening  our  base  of  customer  offerings   and
continuing  to  enter into fruitful business partnerships.  We
look forward to building upon this year's success and are well
positioned  to  take advantage of the further  growth  in  the
demand for our core products.

Charles Halle              Roy Cotterill
Chief Executive Officer    Chairman

Unaudited  Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for  the  year
ended 31st March 1998
                                                            1998         1997
                                                            #000         #000
Turnover                                                   6,232        2,007
Cost of sales                                            (2,226)        (968)
                                                         -------      -------
Gross profit                                               4,006        1,039
Other operating expenses                                 (4,063)      (3,091)
                                                         -------      -------
Operating loss                                              (57)      (2,052)
Bank interest receivable                                     129          174
                                                         -------      -------
Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before tax               72      (1,878)
Taxation                                                    (40)            -
                                                         -------      -------
Profit (loss) on ordinary activities after tax                               
  and retained profit (loss ) for the year                    32      (1,878)
Earnings (loss) per share - pence                           0.10       (6.10)
Fully diluted earnings per share - pence                    0.18            -
                                                         -------      -------

The profit for 1998 and the loss for 1997 arise from
continuing operations.

Statement of total recognised gains and losses for the year
ended 31st March 1998
                                                             1998        1997
                                                             #000        #000
Profit (loss) for the year                                     32     (1,878)
Gain on foreign currency translation                           15           -
                                                          -------     -------
Total recognised gains (losses) for the year                   47     (1,878)
                                                          -------     -------

Unaudited Balance Sheet as at 31st March 1998
                                             Group    Group  Company   Company
                                              1998     1997     1998      1997
                                              #000     #000     #000      #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                              126        -        -         -
Tangible assets                                562      415        -         -
Investments                                      -        -    1,761     1,761
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
                                               688      415    1,761     1,761
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
Current assets
Stocks                                         408      479        -         -
Debtors                                      1,597      598    4,469     4,415
Cash at bank and in hand                     2,820    2,901        -         -
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
                                             4,825    3,978    4,469     4,415
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
Creditors: amounts falling due within                                         
  one year                                 (1,983)  (1,019)    (421)     (421)
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
Net current assets                           2,842    2,959    4,048     3,994
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
Total assets less current liabilities        3,530    3,374    5,809     5,755
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
Creditors: amounts falling due after                                          
  more than one year                          (55)        -        -         -
Net assets                                   3,475    3,374    5,809     5,755
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                      1,622    1,605    1,622     1,605
Share premium account                        4,187    4,150    4,187     4,150
Other reserves                               1,070    1,070        -         -
Profit and loss account                    (3,404)  (3,451)        -         -
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------
Shareholders' funds - equity interests       3,475    3,374    5,809     5,755
                                            ------   ------   ------    ------

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended
31st March 1998
                                                                1998      1997
                                                                #000      #000
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities              164   (2,195)
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                               
  - interest received                                            129       174
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                  
  - purchase of tangible fixed assets                          (346)     (352)
  - purchase of intangible fixed assets                        (138)         -
Cash outflow before management of liquid resources                            
  and financing                                                (191)   (2,373)
                                                             -------   -------
Management of liquid resources                                                
  - decrease (increase) in short term deposit                    400   (1,500)
New secured loan                                                  55         -
Issue of ordinary shares                                          54     4,415
Redemption of preference shares                                    -     (420)
                                                             -------   -------
Net cash inflow from financing                                   109     3,995
                                                             -------   -------
Increase in cash in the year                                     318       122
                                                             -------   -------

The  financial information set out above does not comprise the
Company's  statutory  accounts.  Statutory  accounts  for  the
previous  financial  year  ended 31st  March  1997  have  been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The auditor's report
on  those  accounts was unqualified and did  not  contain  any
statement  under  section 237(2) or (3) of the  Companies  Act

The  auditors have not reported on the accounts for year ended
31st March 1998, nor have any such accounts been delivered  to
the Registrar of Companies.



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