RNS No 5182t
9 June 1999

                      PRELIMINARY RESULTS
              FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH 1999
Vocalis  Group  plc ("Vocalis" or the "Group"), the  Cambridge
based  speech  recognition telephony company, today  announces
its preliminary results for the year ended 31st March 1999.

Highlights of the results include:

     Introduction of new business strategy
     Innovative products brought to market
     Successful placing and open offer raising #8.7 million
     (net) completed 21 May 1999
     Appointment of Peter Hauser as new Sales Director
     Effective cash management

Financial highlights include:

     Turnover of #4.8 million in line with expectations (1998
     : #6.2m)
     Loss of #1.1 million in line with expectations (1998 :
     profit of #72,000)
     Loss per share 3.36p (1998 : earnings per share 0.10p)
     Cash balance of #2.7 million at year end - now #11
     million after placing

Commenting on the results and future prospects, Roy Cotterill,
Chairman of Vocalis, said:

"We  have  ended  the  year in a strong position  to  take  us
forward  into new and exciting areas despite adverse  external
trading conditions experienced at times during the year."

"Given  the  expected explosive growth in  speech  recognition
technologies,  the changes in strategy we have put  in  place,
and  the  money raised, we believe we are very well positioned
for  the  future.  We  will continue to  concentrate  all  our
efforts in our core technologies of speech recognition and  to
capitalise  on  the  opportunities that are clearly  emerging.
With  the energy, ability and commitment of our staff we  look
to  the future with confidence and we will pursue our business
with aggressive enthusiasm."

For further information please contact:

Charles Halle/Minesh Patel
Vocalis Group plc
Tel: 0171 600 2288 (9 June 1999)
       01223 846 177 (thereafter)

John West/Jeremy Carey
Tavistock Communications
Tel: 0171 600 2288

                     PRELIMINARY STATEMENT

Review of Results

As  expected,  Group  revenue  was  #4.8  million  during  the
financial year under review, compared with #6.2m in 1998.  The
loss  after tax and interest was #1.1 million, compared  to  a
profit after tax and interest of #32,000 last year.  As  noted
in  the trading statement issued by the Group in October 1998,
trading conditions in the telecommunications market in general
and  the Far East in particular deteriorated in the first half
of  the  year.    As  a result, the level of sales  originally
anticipated  was  not achieved, reflecting clearly  the  lumpy
nature of our business, based on our historic product range.

Operating expenses, however, were reduced to #3.7 million from
#4.1 million last year, and as anticipated the Group reports a
loss of #1.1 million for the year.

New Market Strategy

After streamlining our existing product set in the early  part
of  last  year  we  formulated a new  market  strategy.   This
strategy will take the company forward into new areas, as well
as continuing to exploit the ones in which we already operate.
Also, it should bring a more regular income.

We  are  pleased  to  announce today  that  Peter  Hauser  was
appointed as Sales Director.  Peter Hauser joins Vocalis  from
Premisys where he was VP of international sales and marketing.
Prior  to  this  he  has  had several senior  appointments  in
international  sales  roles  all  with  companies  in  various
technology fields.

New Initiatives

In the early part of the year we reviewed the company's market
strategy and as a result decided to concentrate on developing
three additional opportunities, SpeecHTML, ENtelAgent and
SpeechWare.   It became clear at this time that though we had
sufficient funds to continue development of our existing
business, further funding would be required to ensure rapid
product development to capitalise on the newly defined
opportunities.  We are delighted to report that we have been
successful in raising the sum of #8.7m, net of expenses by way
of a placing and open offer.

SpeecHTML:  one  constraint on the massive  potential  of  the
Internet  is  the  number  of  computers  available   to   the
population  or  their immediate access.   But  with  SpeecHTML
every Internet Website host could make each site available  to
every person with access to a telephone.

The  concept of Web interactive voice response where  visitors
to  a  Website can hear its content and interact with it using
their  voice  is  gaining a significant  amount  of  interest.
Vocalis'   SpeecHTML  is  a  product  capable   of   this   by
interpreting  standard HTML over the telephone.    Registering
for a SpeecHTML licence can be done quickly and easily just by
entering  the  company details onto the SpeecHTML  Website.  A
telephone number is generated that will link specifically with
the designated Website.

We  have  had a pilot service operating in the UK and planning
for  the installation of a pilot in the USA is well under way.
Following  completion of the pilot we have now fully  launched
the  commercial service in the UK.   A number of other vendors
have  recognised this opportunity but they require the Website
owner  to  learn  a  new  language to  program  their  system.
SpeecHTML  allows Website owners to have all the  benefits  of
this service using their existing HTML language.

SpeechMail:  Launched  on  25th May 1999  Vocalis'  SpeechMail
offers  people  access to their e-mails  from  any  telephone.
Using spoken commands, the mailbox can be managed without  the
need for a computer or direct Internet Access.

ENtelAgent: This opportunity lies in the development of "path-
finder"  speech  utilities  which will  provide  a  compelling
reason for our corporate market, regardless of industry  type,
to   purchase   them   for  their  telephone   call   handling
requirements.   An  example 'utility'  is  the  capability  of
ascertaining, from a population of as many as 20 million,  who
the  incoming caller is (regardless of where the call is being
made  from)  and  presenting the information  to  call  centre
agents,    making   significant   improvements   in    overall
productivity.  We expect to bring this product  to  market  in
the coming year.

SpeechWare:  As  speech  recognition  becomes  a  more  widely
adopted  technology, a growing number of systems  integrators,
both large and small, are experimenting and building their own
applications  and products.  Whilst continuing to  maintain  a
reputation   for   leading  edge  technology   and   providing
specialist  service  and  support through  our  SPEECHtel  and
ENtelAgent products, we will offer our core speech recognition
technology,  SpeechWare, to address this gap  in  the  market.
SpeechWare   is   our  highly  featured,  speech   recognition
technology  that  will  offer ease of  use  to  the  developer

New Technology

We  have  continued  to  develop the core  speech  recognition
technology in line with the requirements of our products.   We
have  introduced a variety of new speech models  suitable  for
different  languages;  many of these models  are  now  in  use
around  the  world.  We are constantly working on improvements
to  processes  and  techniques  that  will  improve  our  core
technology. The growth in the power of microprocessors is such
that techniques and algorithms that in the past could only  be
used  in  laboratory research are now being  deployed  in  the

We have introduced new algorithms which give us the ability to
recognise  even  larger vocabularies.   Other improvements  to
our  processing  techniques, as well  as  making  use  of  the
increasing  power of the processors we use, have enhanced  the
performance   of  systems  in  noisy  and  otherwise   adverse


We  continued  to generate significant new business  from  our
existing    partnership    with   EricssonTelecom    AB    for
telecommunications operators.  Further product development  to
support   international   telecommunications   standards   has
increased  the  appeal  of  SPEECHtel  to  other  non-Ericsson
operators and switch vendors.

In  the  enterprise applications, we continued to do  business
with another established partner, Logica plc.

We are working to increase our channels to market and, to that
end,  we have signed agreements with Dialogic Corporation  and
Natural  Micro  Systems,  for deployment  of  SpeechWare,  our
packaged  speech  recognition  technology.   The  coming  year
should see the first sales fulfilled.

EU projects

Vocalis  continues  to play a leading part in  European  Union
sponsored  research projects.  New projects started this  year
include  PICASSO, in which our speaker verification algorithms
are  being  tested  in a variety of environments.   Nationwide
Building  Society is taking part in this project and  will  be
using  our technology to provide a security check on customers
before they can make a telephone transaction.

As  the  REWARD  project  comes to an  end,  the  results  and
findings  from  the trials that have been run  are  now  being
collated  and summarised.  All the results will be  shared  by
the  partners involved in the project.  This will help  us  to
create more sophisticated telephone marketing systems.

As   part  of  our  constant  mission  to  collect  up-to-date
databases we are taking part in SPEECHDAT Car, which  aims  to
build  a  European speech database for the mobile environment.
Collection  for  this  is  underway and  should  be  completed
towards the end of this year.

Delivered Solutions

Given  our  new  market strategy and focus  on  four  specific
product  areas  all  resources are now being  concentrated  on
these  four specific product areas outlined in our new  market
strategy.   This  has  resulted  in  a  major   internal   re-
organisation  of  product development activities.  Adopting  a
modular  format to delivery enables us to have a more scalable
approach.  The  streamlining of operations  enables  increased
focus  on product and market opportunities that are presented.
By  putting  systems in place that enable the fast development
and  implementation  of production we reduce  lead  times  and
increase our speed to market.

One of the early successes of this reorganisation has been the
recent release of a standard configuration of SPEECHtel.   Our
new   offering  supports  the  latest  industry  standard  for
telecommunications  interfaces  and  is  therefore   easy   to
integrate into an existing telecommunications operator with  a
compatible  network.  We have delivered this configuration  to
two  commercial  sites this year and have  an  expectation  of
further business from both these customers and other sites.

A  large  extension to an existing installation was  completed
this  year.   This site in Mexico, we believe, represents  the
largest  deployment of a speech-enabled Intelligent Peripheral
in  the  world.   This further proves that  our  products  are
capable of large mission critical deployment.

The Future

Given  the  expected  explosive growth in  speech  recognition
technologies,  the changes in strategy we have put  in  place,
and  the  money raised, we believe we are very well positioned
for  the  future.  We  will continue to  concentrate  all  our
efforts in our core technologies of speech recognition and  to
capitalise on the opportunities that are clearly emerging.

We  will continue to focus our efforts on being cost effective
and  developing  innovative products to ensure  we  are  in  a
leading  position in this dynamic marketplace.  With  our  new
strategy in place, which is already showing positive signs, we
are  confident  that  Vocalis  is  at  the  leading  edge   of
developments in the speech recognition market.

Roy  Cotterill                             Charles Halle
Chairman                                   Chief Executive

9 June 1999

 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 1999
                                                          1999        1998
                                                          #000        #000
Turnover                                                 4,820       6,232
Cost of sales                                          (2,395)     (2,226)
                                                       -------     -------
Gross profit                                             2,425       4,006
Other operating expenses                               (3,659)     (4,063)
                                                       -------     -------
Operating (loss)                                       (1,234)        (57)
Bank interest receivable                                   152         129
Interest payable                                          (16)           -
                                                       -------     -------
(Loss) profit on ordinary activities before tax        (1,098)          72
Taxation                                                     -        (40)
                                                       -------     -------
(Loss) profit on ordinary activities after tax and                        
  retained (loss) profit for the year                  (1,098)          32
(Loss) earnings per share - pence                       (3.36)        0.10
Diluted (loss) earnings per share - pence               (3.36)        0.10
The loss for 1999 and the profit for 1998 arise from continuing
Statement of total recognised gains and losses for the year ended 31st
March 1999
                                                          1999        1998
                                                          #000        #000
(Loss) profit for the year                             (1,098)          32
(Loss) gain on foreign currency translation               (18)          15
                                                       -------     -------
Total recognised (losses) gains for the year           (1,116)          47
                                                       =======     =======

Balance Sheet as at 31st March 1999                                          
                                        Group      Group    Company   Company
                                         1999       1998       1999      1998
                                         #000       #000       #000      #000
Fixed assets                                                                 
Intangible assets                          92        126          -         -
Tangible assets                           650        562          -         -
Investments                                 -          -      1,761     1,761
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
                                          742        688      1,761     1,761
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
Current assets                                                               
Stocks                                    377        408          -         -
Debtors                                 1,058      1,597      4,614     4,469
Cash at bank and in hand                2,704      2,820          -         -
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
                                        4,139      4,825      4,614     4,469
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
Creditors: amounts falling due                                               
  within one year                     (2,271)    (1,983)      (512)     (421)
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
Net current assets                      1,868      2,842      4,102     4,048
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
Total assets less current                                                    
  liabilities                           2,610      3,530      5,863     5,809
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
Creditors: amounts falling due                                               
  after more than one year              (197)       (55)          -         -
Net assets                              2,413      3,475      5,863     5,809
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
Capital and reserves                                                         
Called-up share capital                 1,638      1,622      1,638     1,622
Share premium account                   4,225      4,187      4,225     4,187
Other reserves                          1,070      1,070          -         -
Profit and loss account               (4,520)    (3,404)          -         -
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----
Shareholders' funds -                                                        
  equity interests                      2,413      3,475      5,863     5,809
                                        -----      -----      -----     -----

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 1999
                                                              1999       1998
                                                              #000       #000
Net cash (outflow) inflow from operating activities          (217)        164
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                              
 - interest received                                           152        129
 - interest element of finance lease rentals                  (16)          -
Net cash inflow from returns on investments and                              
  servicing  of finance                                        136        129
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                 
 - purchase of tangible fixed assets                         (340)      (346)
 - purchase of intangible fixed assets                        (16)      (138)
Net cash (outflow) from capital expenditure and                              
  financial investment                                       (356)      (484)
Cash (outflow) before management of liquid resources                         
  and financing                                              (437)      (191)
                                                             -----      -----
Management of liquid resources
 - decrease in short term deposit                              200        400
Secured loan                                                     -         55
Funds received from sale and leaseback transaction             294          -
Issue of ordinary shares                                        54         54
Repayment of secured loan                                      (2)          -
Capital element of finance lease repayments                   (25)          -
                                                             -----      -----
Net cash inflow from financing                                 321        109
                                                             -----      -----
Increase in cash in the year                                    84        318
                                                             -----      -----

The financial information set out above does not comprise the
company's statutory accounts.  Statutory accounts for the
previous financial year ended 31 March 1998 have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors' report
on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any
statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act
1985.  The auditors have not yet reported on accounts for the
year ended 31 March 1999, nor have any such accounts been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.



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