For a pdf version of this announcement please click the following:  https:// 
                                  Evrima plc 
                                   AQSE: EVA 
         ("Evrima" or the "Company"; formerly Sport Capital Group plc) 
        Audited Financial Results for the Year Ended 31st December 2020 
                             Chairman's Statement 
The Company presents below its final results for the year from 1st January to 
31st December 2020 ("Final Results") as referred to in the regulatory 
announcement issued on 12th July 2021 in which it issued preliminary, unaudited 
results ("Preliminary Results") in respect of the same period. It is emphasised 
that the financial statements appearing below, whilst they are audited and have 
been extracted from the statutory accounts, do not constitute of themselves the 
statutory accounts of the Company, which are contained in the Annual Report 
available from the Company's website www.evrimaplc.com and which will shortly 
be posted to shareholders along with notice of the Cmpany's annual general 
The FInal Results released today have been prepared on same basis and applying 
the same accounting principles and conventions as were the financial results 
for the year 1st January to 31st December 2019 with which they are compared, 
earlier financial reporting periods and as were the unaudited interim financial 
statements for the six-months' period to 30th June 2020. 
When the Preliminary Results referred to above were announced I advised that, 
when the Final Results were published, these would be accompanied by a 
strategic review of the last financial year, a discussion of significant post- 
balance sheet developments (most of which latter will have been the subject of 
earlier regulatory announcements by the Company) and the Directors' outlook for 
the remainder of the current financial year.  I am pleased, therefore, to 
reproduce immediately below the Directors' Strategic Report from the Annual 
Report in respect of the last fianncial year. 
Simon Grant-Rennick, 
4th August 2021 
             Strategic Report for the year ended 31 December 2020 
The Directors present their strategic report for the year ended 
31 December 2020. 
The year, 2020 has proved transformational for the Company. After much 
consideration and review, the Company has committed to creating an investment 
entity focused primarily on opportunities in the natural resource industry with 
a focused and diligent investment strategy that the Board feel provides our 
shareholders with unique optionality. 
This was demonstrated in July 2020 whereby the Board welcomed new Directors in 
Burns Singh Tennent-Bhohi (Chief Executive Officer) and Mr Guy Miller 
(Non-Executive Director) and saw the departure of Mr Mark Jackson from the 
Board. In conjunction with these additions the Company completed a 
well-supported equity finance raising gross proceeds of £324,400 to support the 
Company's restructured Board and proposed investment strategy. 
To better reflect this change, the Company completed a consolidation and 
subdivision of its share capital, changed its name from Sport Capital Group PLC 
and adopted a new investment strategy. The proposals put to shareholders were 
duly passed. 
It has been of significance that the Company seek to evaluate investment 
opportunities that offer attractive entries and if successful result in 
valuation uplifts that subsequently reduce the dependency of maintaining those 
investment. In addition to this strategy the Company has implemented a 
versatile investment acquisition approach that has seen the Company able to 
generate acquisition opportunities through satisfying the consideration payable 
in non-cash dilutive forms including the issue of equity, further demonstrating 
the value in our investment strategy. 
In reviewing the conditions and macro backdrop associated with global commodity 
markets, the Board has isolated the Company's attention to jurisdictions that 
meet internal criteria and commodities that the Board believes stand to benefit 
from what we see as being a broad resurgence in commodities, this investment 
rationale is made stronger with global institutions such as, Goldman Sachs 
referring to, 'Copper as the new oil' and many calling for a 'super cycle' in 
To this end, as at present the Company has focused its efforts on the 
identification of base and industrial mineral opportunities in Botswana and has 
successfully executed on a number of investments in the year ending, 31 
December 2020. 
Kalahari Key Mineral Exploration Company (pty) Limited (Investment Interest: 
("Kalahari Key or KKME") 
KKME is a private mineral exploration company registered in Botswana, engaged 
in the development of its Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Metals (Ni-Cu-PGM) 
project called the Molopo Farms Complex ("MFC"). 
The KKME opportunity developed from a recognition that no historical 
exploration targeting "feeder" styles of Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation had been 
completed within the Molopo Farms ultramafic complex. The founder's group of 
four seasoned metals explorers identified a number of prospecting licences over 
a prospective geological feature often associated with feeder-style deposits. 
The exploration work conducted to date by KKME continues to support the 
prospectivity of the licence area and a series of exciting targets has been 
identified for a proposed drilling campaign. 
In 2020, KKME has been completing preparations for a scheduled maiden drill 
campaign. Through the course of the year the technical work and studies have 
included: ground geo-physics to better understand the most conductive targets, 
an AMT survey and, arguably most significantly, KKME has successfully submitted 
its Environment Impact Statement resulting in approval of a proposed drilling 
programme on the MFC. 
In 2019, Kalahari Key entered a financing and earn-in agreement with 
AIM-quoted, Power Metal Resources plc (AIM: POW). Power Metal Resources plc 
currently own 18.26% of Kalahari Key and in 2020 elected to exercise an option 
granting it the right to earn a 40% Direct Project Interest in the MFC by 
completing qualifying expenditures totalling, US$500,000. 
In anticipation of the commencement of the company's maiden drill program, the 
company engaged in discussions with its network to increase its equity 
ownership of Kalahari Key through acquisition. Prior to the commencement of the 
maiden drill program, Evrima plc held a 2.4% equity interest in Kalahari Key. 
In September 2020, the Company entered into an option agreement with two of the 
four founders of Kalahari Key to acquire their equity interest in Kalahari Key. 
The terms of the option allowed for Evrima plc to acquire a further 17.2% 
equity interest through equity consideration satisfied in fully paid ordinary 
shares of Evrima plc and consideration warrants. 
After extensive due diligence, Evrima plc exercised its rights under the option 
agreement entered and acquired a further 17.2% through the issue of in 
aggregate, 2,300,000 new ordinary shares at a price of 6 pence per share and 
2,300,000 Subscription Warrants with a strike price of 12 pence and a life to 
expiry of three years from the date on which the consideration shares were 
admitted to market ("The Consideration"). 
This transaction has enabled the Company to increase its exposure to Kalahari 
Key at a critical point as Kalahari Key seeks to make an economic discovery, 
the investment-risk was significantly reduced through the issue of equity 
rather than cash and the Company secured exposure to an opportunity that was 
already entirely financed at the project level by, Power Metal Resources plc. 
In addition to increasing Evrima's exposure to a pre-existing investment it 
enabled the company to develop a strong working relationship with the two of 
the four founders of Kalahari Key and welcome them as notifiable shareholders 
of the company. 
Evrima plc own 19.6% of Kalahari Key and is the second largest shareholder of 
that company. 
Please refer to the post year-end review for further information as to the 
developments at Kalahari Key. 
Further information can be found at KKME's website: https:// 
Premium Nickel Resources Corporation ("PNR") (Investment Interest: 813,307 
PNR is a Canadian company dedicated to the exploration and development of 
high-quality nickel-copper- cobalt (Ni-Cu-Co) resources. PNR believes that the 
medium to long-term demand for these metals will grow through continued global 
urbanization and the increasing replacement of internal combustion engines with 
electric motors. Importantly, these metals are key to a low carbon future. 
PNR maintains a skilled team with strong financial, technical and operational 
expertise to take an asset from discovery to exploration to mining. 
PNR has focused its efforts on discovering world class nickel sulphide assets 
in jurisdictions with rule-of- law that fit a strict-criteria that comply with 
PNR's values and principles which stand up against the highest acceptable 
industry standards. We are committed to governance through transparent 
accountability and open communication within our team and our stakeholders. 
After much due diligence and preparation, in 2020, PNR submitted an indicative 
offer to the liquidators of the Botswana Nickel-Copper-Cobalt ("Ni-Cu-Co") 
assets formerly operated by BCL Limited, that if accepted would award PNR an 
Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") that would allow PNR the exclusive right to 
complete further due diligence and related purchase agreements of the 
underlying associated assets. 
This is one of the most compelling and significant opportunities in the world 
of mining, and it is with great excitement and pleasure that we are involved as 
an active and supportive shareholder of PNR. 
Please refer to the post year-end review for further detail on PNR. 
Further information can be found at Premium Nickel Resources website: https:// 
Disposal of Commercial Unit: Killingbeck Office Park Unit, Leeds 
In conjunction with the company's newly defined investment strategy as approved 
by the shareholders at a general meeting on 24th August 2020, the Company took 
the decision to dispose of its commercial office unit in Leeds which the Board 
deemed as, non-core and believed there to be more value accretive uses for the 
capital. This has been disclosed as a discontinued activity in the financial 
The Company realised gross sale proceeds of £200,000. 
This was a decision taken by the Board and one that was subject to much review, 
as the Directors considered the demand for commercial office space in a 
post-pandemic world and the intended plans to reallocate the capital to 
generate superior returns to that associated with the equity value of the unit 
and the net yield generated annually. 
It continues to be an incredibly busy period for the Company, and I am pleased 
to be reporting a 2020 that reflects the focus, execution and investment 
structures that we have created in such a short period of time. The Company has 
rationalised its balance sheet and has demonstrated a year of growth in our 
investments whilst maintaining a lean and versatile cost base that does not 
expose the company to have to raise capital unless supported by compelling 
investment opportunities for which we are consistently reviewing on account of 
our global network and track record in the mining and exploration industry. 
I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to the 
shareholders of the Company for their support. 2020 has provided many 
challenges for all as we are in the midst of battling a global pandemic, this 
tragic event has effected many and I wish all safety and prosperity as we move 
forward into what we hope is its final conclusion. 
Following a highly active 2020, the company has continued working to develop 
and support its existing investments and conditionally evaluate new 
opportunities that can create optionality for the company and our shareholders. 
For the year ending 31 December 2020 it is clear that we have identified base 
and industrial metals as our commodities of preference and in-turn Botswana as 
our jurisdiction. Botswana represents one of the world's most mineral rich 
locations and one for which is experiencing marked increase in corporate 
activity. Fortunately, due to the depth of our relationships we have been in a 
position to consider some incredible opportunities in Botswana to complement 
our existing basket of investment interests that are equity investment 
interests rather than direct project investment interests. 
A consistent theme that the Board has been considering is how we can 
effectively deliver de-risked exposure and optionality to the Company and our 
shareholders. The Directors are acutely aware of the risks of capital 
investment surrounding high-impact exploration, particularly when investing at 
the project-level rather than pure equity. 
With this in mind, the Board has ensured that the equity investment interests 
represent opportunities that at our discretion we will fund rather than have 
stringent pre-emptive responsibilities and that we will review project level 
investment opportunities where the company's capital contributions are fixed, 
include residual interests that protect us from dilution and see us exposed to 
projects that reflect our investment portfolio. 
This strategy is best reflected through a number of announcements we made to 
market between March & June 2021 where the company have entered a Conditional 
Investment Agreement with, Eastport Ventures Inc. 
Eastport Ventures Inc. (Conditional Investment Agreement) 
Eastport Ventures is a company incorporated and registered in Ontario, Canada, 
which was formed by seasoned explorers and corporates for the purpose of 
identifying and evaluating mineral opportunities in Southern Africa, with a 
specific geologic focus on Botswana. Mr B S Tennent-Bhohi, a director of the 
company, is on the board of Eastport Ventures Inc. 
The commercial objective of the company has been patiently to acquire and build 
a portfolio of advanced exploration and investment opportunities at junctures 
in the resources demand cycle when commodity markets were depressed.  This 
covered a range of commodities that the Eastport Ventures' team believed would 
attract capital investment upon an upturn in global capital markets, coupled 
with a renewed appetite for undervalued mining and exploration assets. 
Eastport Ventures has hitherto amassed a portfolio of interests covering 
copper, nickel, uranium, and diamonds; it has additionally created an internal 
investment division that currently has a value in excess of C$1,000,000. The 
mineral assets within Eastport Ventures have attracted an aggregate of over 
USD$15,000,000 in both historic and current capital expenditure. 
Eastport Ventures Inc. is currently progressing to its own respective IPO on a 
recognised investment exchange in the U.K. and is preparing to commence a 
2,500m to 5,000m diamond drill programme on its Matsitama Copper Project 
focusing initially on the highly prospective: 
Phudulooga Target  [Historic Drilling Returned] 
> DS07-011 - 4.42% Cu, 5.94 g/t Ag over 3.3m at 24.1m depth 
> DS07-012 - 3.36% Cu, 3.72g/t Ag over 3.4m at 85.8m depth 
Nakalakwana Target [Historic Drilling Returned] 
>NH-014 - 2.47% Cu over 10m at 65.9m depth 
>NH-016 - 2.42% Cu over 5.26m at 60.4m depth 
The Selebi North & The Keng Nickel-Copper-PGM Projects ("The Projects") 
In addition to entering a conditional investment agreement to subscribe for new 
ordinary shares of Eastport in its Pre-IPO financing. On 2 June 2021, Evrima 
plc entered a conditional project investment agreement over two of Eastport 
Venture Inc.'s Nickel-Copper Projects. 
The Nickel-Copper projects are analogues (both geologically & geographically 
situated) to Evrima plc's investment in Kalahari Key & Premium Nickel Resources 
Selebi North Project (Ni-Cu-PGM) 
Eastport was awarded four contiguous prospecting licences (PLs) to the 
immediate south and east of the BCL mining licence. The PLs cover 2091.8 km2 
and were issued for an initial period of three years. 
The PLs are located within the Phikwe Complex of the Limpopo Zone of north-east 
Botswana. The licence geology comprises structurally complex sequences of the 
PreCambrian banded gneiss formation; the host rocks of the former BCL 
Selebi-Phikwe massive nickel-copper sulphide mine. Historical work within the 
PLs located a number of sequence-specific nickel-in-soil anomalies. 
Recently, Premium Nickel Resources (PNR) was awarded a six-month exclusive 
right to undertake detailed due diligence and purchase aggreements for the 
assets of the former BCL mine now in liquidation: PNR Awared Exclusivty to 
Acquire BCL Assets. Evrima and Eastport are both shareholders of PNR providing 
a complimentary risk off-set to the CES programme. Please refer to the 
announcement Evrima plc made in respect of Premium Nickel Resources on 19th 
February 2021. 
The Keng Nickel-Copper Project 
Eastport was awarded two contiguous PLs covering a major part of the northern 
margin of the Molopo Farms Complex (MFC). The PLs cover 1,345 km2 and were 
issued for an initial period of three years. 
The PLs are located on the northern margin of the MFC, a large mafic-ultramafic 
intrusive sequence, in a structurally complex area with interference by major 
Limpopo faults and folded, reactive host rock sequences at the contact with the 
MFC. Historical drilling within the PL's reported narrow widths up to 14.6% Ni. 
Elsewhere in the MFC intersections of low grade nickel-copper-PGE's and gold, 
characterize the MFC as metal-rich. The project will pursue a Norl'sk-Talnakh 
or Voisey's Bay style feeder systems featuring massive sulphides. 
Recent drilling by Kalahari Key Minerals, a shareholding in the Evrima 
investment portfolio, reported several nickel-rich intersections: Kalahari Key 
Drilling Results. Kalahari Key is also in pursuit of a feeder style massive 
sulphide deposit. 
The Conditional Project Investment Agreement 
Evrima plc and Eastport Ventures Inc. have been in frequent and ongoing 
commercial discussions surrounding a partnership to advance a number of 
prospective mineral opportunities in Botswana and an equity investment in 
Eastport Ventures Inc.'s pre-IPO financing round. Evrima is pleased to announce 
that the Company has entered a Conditional Project Investment Agreement ("The 
Agreement") with Eastport Ventures Inc. over the Selebi North & The Keng 
Nickel-Copper-PGM projects (together, the "Projects"). 
Terms of the Project Investment Agreement 
o Evrima plc to conduct a 45-day due diligence period, over the Selebi North & 
Keng Nickel-Copper                             Projects 
o During this period the companies will evaluate a proposed schedule of works 
that will commence in                           conjunction with the closing of 
the Agreement. 
o Eastport Ventures Inc., has confirmed that it has completed considerable 
technical evaluation and is                         planning a number of active 
exploration programmes that should de-risk the project to a point 
of                                 drill-ready status 
o Should Evrima wish to proceed the Company shall have the right to earn an 
investment interest                                 equating to 25% of the 
Projects subject to certain of the conditions of the Agreement being satisfied: 
> Evrima to fund, $400,000 of qualifying exploration expenditures over the 
Projects within 24-months of executing, the Agreement 
> Evrima shall commit to a minimum of $150,000 in exploration expenditures 
within 6 months of execution of the Agreement 
> Upon completion of the requisite exploration expenditures, Evrima (subject to 
all approvals) shall maintain a 25% Investment Interest in the Projects: Selebi 
North & Keng Nickel-Copper-PGM 
> On execution of the Agreement, Evrima shall be awarded, 1,000,0000 warrants 
over Eastport Ventures Inc. shares with a striking price reflecting the pre-IPO 
Investment Subscription Price, a life to expiry of 3 years, 500,000 warrants 
shall vest upon the Company satisfying the first 6 months of minimum 
exploration expenditures, the balance (500,000 warrants) shall vest on 
completion of the $400,000 qualifying expenditures under the terms of the 
> Upon satisfaction of the Agreement, Evrima shall have the right to maintain 
its investment interest in the Projects on a standard fund or dilute basis 
> Upon satisfaction of the Agreement, Evrima shall be awarded a 1% NSR over the 
PLs that form the Projects. 
For further detail please visit the Eastport Ventures Inc. Corporate Website: 
Premium Nickel Resources Corporation ("PNR"): Post Year-End Update 
On the 16 February 2021, PNR provided an update to its shareholders announcing 
that it has been selected as the preferred bidder for the Botswana 
Nickel-Copper-Cobalt ("Ni-Cu-Co") assets formerly operated by BCL Limited 
("BCL"), and currently in liquidation. 
On the 24 March 2021, PNR provided a further update to its shareholders 
announcing that it has been, 'Awarded Exclusivity to Acquire Former BCL Assets 
in Botswana'. 
Please refer to a direct extract from the press release made by PNR on, 24 
March 2021, 
Toronto, Ontario, March 24, 2021 - Premium Nickel Resources (" PNR ") is 
pleased to announce that it has completed the Exclusivity Memorandum of 
Understanding (" MOU ") with the Liquidator which will govern a six-month 
exclusivity period to complete its due diligence and related purchase 
agreements on the Botswana nickel-copper-cobalt (" Ni-Cu-Co ") assets formerly 
operated by BCL Limited (" BCL "), that are currently in liquidation. 
On February 10, 2021, the Honourable Lefoko Moagi, the Minister of Mineral 
Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security of Botswana, affirmed in 
Parliament a press release by the Liquidator for the BCL Group of Companies, 
stating that PNR was selected as the preferred bidder to acquire assets 
formerly owned by BCL. 
PNR will now start an estimated six-month systematic due diligence program. 
During this period, PNR will complete an environmental assessment, a 
metallurgical study, a review of legal and social responsibilities, a review of 
the mine closure and rehabilitation plans and an on-site inspection of the 
legacy mining infrastructure and equipment that has been under care & 
maintenance. Concurrent with this due diligence program PNR will negotiate 
definitive agreements to finalize terms on the prioritized assets to be 
PNR CEO, Keith Morrison commented, 
"The World, Botswana and the mining industry have changed dramatically since 
mining first started at the former BCL assets in the early 1970s. The 
nickel-copper-cobalt resources remaining at these mines are now critical 
metals, required for the continued development of a decarbonized and 
electrified global economy. As we move forward, it is our goal to demonstrate 
the potential economics of redeveloping a combination of the former BCL assets 
to produce Ni-Cu-Co and water in a manner that is inclusive of modern 
environmental, social and corporate governance responsibilities. To attain 
this, extensive upgrades to infrastructure will be required with an emphasis on 
safety, sustainability and the application of new technologies to minimize the 
environmental impact and total carbon footprint for the new operations. Our 
team remains committed to working with the local communities and all of the 
stakeholders throughout this period and we encourage anyone with questions or 
feedback to reach out to us directly." 
PNR continues to monitor the global Covid-19 developments and is committed to 
working with health and safety as a priority and in full respect of all 
government and local Covid-19 protocol requirements. PNR has developed Covid-19 
travel, living and working protocols in anticipation of moving forward to on 
site due diligence. PNR is ensuring to integrate these protocols with the 
currently applicable protocols of The Government of Botswana and surrounding 
The developments made by PNR remain incredibly encouraging as they further 
their due diligence and related purchase agreements with the liquidator. The 
company remain in frequent communications with PNR and see this as an 
exceptional opportunity to be involved and associated as Evrima continue to 
increase its presence in Botswana and develop our investment interests. 
Kalahari Key Minerals Exploration Company (pty) Limited: Post Year-End Update 
("Kalahari Key") 
Kalahari Key completed their maiden drill program in April 2021 and provided a 
shareholder update confirming the presence of Nickel-rich intersections. 
Please refer below to an extract from the Kalahari Key shareholder update; 
Completion of the first phase of drilling 
Diamond drilling commenced at the MFC Project in October 2020 and to date three 
holes have been completed. Examination of the drill core to date has 
demonstrated the geological model for the presence of a magmatic feeder zone 
prospective for the accumulation of Ni/PGE sulphides in the intrusive system. 
More recently core samples were sent to Geology Department of the University of 
Witwatersrand in Johannesburg for thin section mineralogical analysis.  This 
analysis confirmed the presence of nickel sulphides in the drill core adding 
more weight to the geological proposition. 
We have now received results back from Scientific Services Geological 
Laboratories where drill core samples from hole KKME 1-6 were sent for assay 
The first batch of assay results for nickel (Ni), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) 
have been received for the diamond drilling programme at the Molopo Farms 
Complex Project. 
Angled diamond drill hole KKME 1-6, downhole, significant Ni intersections 
> 4.8m @ 0.2% Ni from 292.7m 
> 4.1m @ 0.49% Ni from 309m, including 1.6m @ 0.72% Ni from 309.6m 
> 16.7m @ 0.16% Ni from 501.8m 
> 10.9m @ 0.13% Ni from 518.2m 
> 3.4m @ 0.28% Ni from 594.4m 
A drill core was selectively sent for sample analysis the reported mineralised 
intervals are considered to be open. 
Assay results confirm Ni grades for pentlandite-bearing university 
mineralogical samples: 
o IMK-05139 (0.44m pyroxenite sample from 310m down-hole depth) assayed at 
6,999ppm Ni (0.70% Ni) from a primary magmatic, pentlandite-bearing, 
o IMK-05149 (0.58m pyroxenite sample from 295m down-hole depth) assayed at 
6,606ppm Ni (0.66% Ni) 
o IMK-05153 (0.54m pyroxenite sample from 297m down-hole depth) assayed at 
2,244ppm Ni (0.22% Ni) 
o Both IMK-05149 and IMK-05153 contained primary pentlandite within predominant 
secondary nickel sulphides, arsenides and alloys. 
Further assay data for gold and PGE content for the reported intervals is 
currently awaited. 
On-going work 
Laboratory analyses of the core from the first two boreholes is continuing. The 
core from the third borehole is being logged by our consultant geologist and 
samples will be selected for laboratory analyses. The University of 
Witwatersrand research team plans to visit Botswana to examine the core once 
travel restrictions are lifted. 
Re-interpretation of all the geophysical data is also proceeding with the 
integration of the large amount of geological data obtained from the first 
three boreholes. The majority of the targets identified prior to the first 
drilling campaign remain to be drilled and the new geophysical and spectral 
data acquired in 2020 has also identified new exploration targets. 
The Board of Kalahari Key has communicated with shareholders the intention for 
the company to seek its own respective IPO in the near future to further 
develop the MFC project, providing shareholders of the company a public medium 
for which all can consider support and crystallisation scenario's. 
Upon the Company seeking the consent of shareholders to adopt a new investment 
strategy to be more focused on the natural resource sector in August 2020, 
Evrima plc has demonstrated its ability to creatively evaluate, assess and 
identify investment opportunities that are at critical points of their 
respective value chain. The scarcity in access to high quality opportunities in 
the base and industrial metal industry means that companies with exposure to 
recognised assets of significance will have the opportunity to generate returns 
that are considerably disproportionate to the cost of investment. 
The recent introduction of conditionally generating project investment 
optionality that is aligned with our investment portfolio is an exciting move 
for Evrima plc and one for which offers the Company and our shareholders 
leveraged exposure to our basket of investments. 
The Board remains in active review of opportunities that they can augment and 
provide structured investment options, as Evrima looks to become a premier 
investment issuer for base and industrial mineral opportunities, as we see the 
global demand for such metals playing an integral role over the next decade. 
Mr S R Grant-Rennick - Director 
Date:   ............................................. 
No dividends will be distributed for the year ended 31 December 2020. 
                       Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2020 
2020                   2020 2020 
Continuing      Discontinued Total 
Notes                                    £                         £ £ 
20,141 20,141 
(245,829)              (12,031) (257,860) 
(245,829)                  8,110 (237,719) 
Gain on revaluation of assets              69,769       -             69,769 
(176,060)                  8,110 (167,950) 
Loss on sale of fixed asset       -                        (4,436)         (4,436) 
Interest payable and similar    6 (5,959)                  -               (5,959) 
(LOSS)/PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION               (182,019)      3,674           (178,345) 
Tax on (loss)/profit 
7                              (35,621) 
-                                                     (35,621) 
FINANCIAL YEAR                 (217,640)               3,674          (213,966) 
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                         - 
FOR THE YEAR                     (213,966) 
Earnings per share expressed 
In pence per share 
                 -0.14                  0.01                      -0.14 
                 -0.14                  0.01                       -0.14 
The Company has no recognised gains or losses for the year other than the 
results above. 
                       Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2019 
2019                    2019 2019 
Continuing        Discontinued Total 
                                                                as restated 
Notes                                     £                         £ £ 
20,180 20,180 
Cost of 
(348) (348) 
19,832 19,832 
(62,120)                 19,832 (42,288) 
Interest payable and similar    6 (10,000)                 -               (10,000) 
(LOSS)/PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION               (72,120)       19,832          (52,288) 
Tax on (loss)/profit 
7                               (10,883) 
-                                                       (10,883) 
FINANCIAL YEAR                 (83,003)                19,832         (63,171) 
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                         - 
THE YEAR                        (63,171) 
Earnings per share expressed 
In pence per share 
                 -0.07              0.017                        -0.05 
                 -0.07              0.012                         -0.05 
The Company has no recognised gains or losses for the year other than the 
results above. 
                        Statement of Financial Position 
                               31 December 2020 
2020 2019 
                                                                as restated 
Notes                                             £ £ 
10                                      344,976 65,250 
Investment property 
11             -                                                       204,436 
344,976 269,686 
12                                       68,895 40,214 
Cash at 
163,607 11,845 
232,502 52,059 
Amounts falling due within one 13 (118,740)                  (115,262) 
LIABILITIES                     458,738                      206,483 
Called up share capital 
15                                      229,668 119,234 
Share premium 
16                                      673,448 321,482 
Other reserves 
16                                       27,821 24,000 
Retained earnings 
16                                    (472,199) (258,233) 
458,738 206,483 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised 
for issue on 3 August 2021 and were signed on its behalf by: 
Mr S R Grant-Rennick - Director 
                        Statement of Changes in Equity 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2020 
                                                        Called up 
Retained              Share              Other Total 
earnings         premium          reserves equity 
                     £                     £                     £ £ 
Balance at 1 January 2019                                     97,990 
(186,062)           293,726 
-                                                           205,654 
Prior year adjustment (Note 9) 
-                                                              (9,000) 
9,000                      - 
Balance at 1 January 2019 as restated 
                                                97,990          (195,062) 
           293,726               9,000 205,654 
Changes in equity 
Deficit for the year 
-                                                            (63,171) 
-            (63,171) 
Total comprehensive income 
-                                                            (63,171) 
-            (63,171) 
Issue of share capital                              21,244 
27,756             15,000 64,000 
Balance at 31 December 2019                              119,234 
(258,233)           321,482             24,000 206,483 
Balance at 01 January 2020 
                   as previously stated 
119,234                                               (249,233) 
336,482    -                   206,483 
Opening balance adjustment 
-                                                              (9,000) 
9,000                      - 
Prior year adjustment (Note 9)                         - 
-                                                            (15,000) 
            15,000    - 
Balance at 1 January 2020 
as restated                                              119,234 
(258,233)           321,482             24,000 206,483 
Changes in equity 
Deficit for the year 
-                                                          (213,966) 
-          (213,966) 
Total comprehensive income 
-                                                          (213,966) 
-          (213,966) 
Issue of share capital                             110,434 
351,966               3,821 466,221 
Balance at 31 December 2020                              229,668 
(472,199)           673,448             27,821 458,738 
                            Statement of Cash Flows 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2020 
2020 2019 
                                                                as restated 
Notes                                             £ £ 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Cash generated from operations 
1                                    (233,802) (44,091) 
(5,959) (10,000) 
Net cash from operating 
(239,761) (54,091) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of fixed asset 
(71,957) (7,840) 
Sale of investment 
200,000 - 
Net cash from investing 
128,043 (7,840) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Share issue (net of issue costs) 
263,480 64,000 
Net cash from financing 
263,480 64,000 
Increase in cash and cash equivalents              151,762        2,069 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
beginning of year                 2 11,845                        9,776 
Cash and cash equivalents at    2 163,607                    11,845 
end of year 
                     Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows 
                      for the year ended 31 December 2020 
2020 2019 
                                                                   as restated 
  Loss before taxation (178,345) 
  Gain on revaluation of fixed assets    (69,769) 
  Accrued expenses/(income) 
                                                      -  (9,372) 
  Loss on disposal of investment 
4,436 - 
  Finance costs     5,959 
(237,719) (51,660) 
  Increase in trade and other debtors (64,302) 
  Increase in trade and other 
68,219 8,463 
     Cash generated from operations                        (233,802) 
The amounts disclosed on the Statement of Cash Flows in respect of cash and 
cash equivalents are in respect of these Statement of Financial Position 
  Year ended 31 December 2020 
20                     1/1/20 
  Cash and cash 
163,607 11,845 
  Year ended 31 December 2019 
  as restated 
£                        £ 
  Cash and cash 
11,845 9,776 
1/1/20                                                                 Cash 
flow                                                        At 31/12/20 
£                     £ £ 
Net cash 
             Cash at bank 
151,762 163,607 
11,845           151,762 163,607 
11,845           151,762 163,607 
The Directors of the Company, who have issued this RIS announcement after due 
and careful enquiry, accept responsibility for its content. 
Simon Grant-Rennick (Executive Chairman) 
+44 7973 25 31 24 
Burns Singh Tennent-Bhohi (CEO & Director) 
+44 7403 16 31 85 
Keith, Bayley, Rogers & Co. Limited (AQSE Corporate Adviser): 
Graham Atthill-Beck: +44 (0) 7506 43 41 07; Graham.Atthill-Beck@kbrl.co.uk; 
Peterhouse Capital Limited (Corporate Stockbroker): 
Lucy Williams: +44 (0) 20 7469 0930 
Duncan Vasey: +44 (0) 20 7220 9797 (Direct) 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 05, 2021 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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