RNS Number:5476N
Glotel PLC
15 July 2003

Embargoed until 0700                                   15 July 2003

                            Glotel Plc

       Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2003


  -  Overall trading conditions during the period remained stable.
     The first half improvement in the USA was not sustained but UK and
     Australia showed small improvements.

  -  The Group maintained its infrastructure and branch network in
     anticipation of more favourable conditions in the future.

  -  Turnover  for the year was #76 million (2002 #98  million).
     Turnover for each of the last three half year periods has  now
     remained constant at approximately #38 million.

  -  The loss before tax and exceptional items was reduced to #1.0
     million (2002: #1.5million loss). The loss before tax was #1.3m
     (2002: #4.4m loss).

  -  The Group's cash position remains strong with cash balances of
     #8.2million (2002: #7.6 million).

Les Clark, Chairman, commented:

"Despite  adverse conditions in the telecommunications  sector  and
the  market  as a whole, our strategy is working, and we  are  well
positioned  to enjoy the benefits of any upturn. Our infrastructure
is  still  intact  and  we  have cash and borrowing  facilities  to
support growth.

"Furthermore, through these challenging market conditions, we  have
successfully managed to reduce our level of operating losses  since
31 March 2003."

                             - ends -

For further information, please contact:

Glotel Plc                             Weber Shandwick Square Mile
Les Clark, Chairman                                     Nick Oborne
Andy Baker, Chief Executive                           Becky Haywood
Alan Saffer, Group Finance Director                   020 7067 0700
020 7484 3000

            Chairman's and Chief Executive's Statement

There  have been no significant changes to trading conditions  from
those reported at the time of the Interim Results. This has enabled
us   to   maintain  our  infrastructure  and  branch   network   in
anticipation of more favourable trading conditions in  the  future.
The  improvement in the USA experienced in the six months  to  30th
September  2002  was  not  sustained and sales  returned  to  their
previous  levels.  A gentle increase in sales  in  the  UK  and  an
improvement in Australia offset this decline.


Sales  for the year were #76m (2002: #98m) with the second half  of
#38m  being in line with the first half.  The loss before  tax  and
exceptional items for the year was #1.0m (2002: #1.5m loss),  which
was  also  distributed evenly between the two  halves.  Exceptional
costs in respect of vacant properties and staff reductions amounted
to  #0.4m (2002: #2.9m). The loss before tax was #1.3m (2002: #4.4m

Due  to  our improved cash position, interest received amounted  to
#0.2m (2002: interest payable #0.3m)

The  gross  profit percentage declined from 21.2% to 19.5%  due  to
considerable  competitive pressure reflecting the softness  in  the
technology  sector  and  our  market.  Our  defensive  strategy  of
accepting volume business at lower rates also contributed  to  this

The  loss  per share for the period is 2.3p (2002: loss  8.6p)  and
consequently the Board is not recommending the payment of  a  final

The  progress and grip on our cash position has continued  and  our
net  cash  position at 31st March 2003 was #8.2m (2002: #7.6m).  We
have not experienced any significant bad debts in the period.


Our  geographical mix of sales has moved to 54% UK (2002: 58%)  and
46% overseas (2002: 42%).

As  a  support services company we rely heavily on the capital  and
development  expenditure  of  our  telecommunications   and   other
clients.  Due to market factors, political instability and internal
financial  pressures,  these companies have deferred  or  cancelled
projects.  However as a pro-active organisation we have  identified
where  there are budgets and opportunities for Glotel and  we  have
made  good progress in those areas. Specifically, sales to some  of
our telecommunication clients have shown a significant increase and
we have made major progress in the UK within the public sector.

We have continued to review our cost base. Staff costs, our largest
item  of expenditure, have been further reduced. From the beginning
of  the financial year our total cost run rate has been reduced  by
#0.2m  per  month.  We  are pleased to have  assigned  our  Wardour
Street,  London  premises for the remainder  of  the  lease,  which
removes any additional burden.


The  UK  business produced an operating profit (before  exceptional
charges and central costs) of #0.3m (2002: #0.7m restated). The  UK
market  remains competitive and we continue to experience  pressure
on   margins.   We  have  managed  three  consecutive   halves   of
approximately  #20m  revenues,  which  shows  stability.  We   have
developed  a  considerable  amount of  new  business,  particularly
within  the public sector and continue to win repeat business  from
loyal  preferred vendor customers. We are focusing  on  three  main
markets:  telecommunications, professional services and the  public
sector  and have seen an increase in market share within all three.
We  have managed to compensate for the pressure on margins with  an
increased number of consultants on assignment during the year.


The  USA  performance improved with a small operating loss  (before
exceptional charges and central costs) of #0.2m (2002: #1.0m loss).
We   experienced  a  year  of  two  very  different  halves,   with
significant growth in the first half followed by a drop to start-of-
the-year  levels  in the second half. We have retained  the  office
infrastructure,  which  puts  us in  a  stronger  position  to  win
national accounts. We continue to believe that the US market  gives
Glotel  the  best  opportunity to return to significant  sales  and
margin growth.


Our  International business, which comprises Europe, Australia  and
our  global team in London, produced sales of #10.1m (2002: #13.8m)
and  an  operating profit (before exceptional charges  and  central
costs)  of  #0.1m (2002: #0.3m). While the opportunities in  Europe
were  limited, the Australian and global markets had a  good  year.
Nearly  all our International business is in the telecommunications
sector  and we have had particular success with some of the  global
equipment  providers. A number of telecom customers  are  receiving
round the clock support due to our global coverage from our network
of offices.

Glotel Accounting Systems

This  subsidiary,  based  in Guildford,  is  focused  on  providing
software and consultancy for Microsoft Business Solutions  and  had
an excellent year with sales increasing 62% to #1.1m (2002: #0.7m).
We  have been recognised by Microsoft as one of the fastest growing
partners  and are currently 8th out of 100 resellers.  The  current
year for Glotel Accounting Systems has started well.

Current Trading and Outlook

Despite adverse conditions in the telecommunications sector and the
market  as  a  whole,  our strategy is working,  and  we  are  well
positioned  to enjoy the benefits of any upturn. Our infrastructure
is  still  intact  and  we  have cash and borrowing  facilities  to
support growth.

Furthermore, through these challenging market conditions,  we  have
successfully managed to reduce our level of operating losses  since
31 March 2003.

The  support  of the board and staff has been crucial  during  this
difficult  period  and our thanks go out to  our  global  team.  We
continue to focus on our best opportunities in our core markets.

                             - ends -

For further information, please contact:

Glotel Plc                             Weber Shandwick Square Mile
Les Clark, Chairman                                     Nick Oborne
Andy Baker, Chief Executive                           Becky Haywood
Alan Saffer, Group Finance Director                   020 7067 0700
020 7484 3000

Consolidated profit and loss account (unaudited)
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2003

                                              Year ended   Year ended
                                                31 March     31 March
                                                    2003         2002
                                                   #'000        #'000

Turnover                                          75,900       98,352

Cost of Sales                                   (61,128)     (77,461)

Gross profit                                      14,772       20,891

Administrative expenses                         (16,292)     (25,065)

Operating loss before operating exceptional
  items                                          (1,158)      (1,230)

Operating exceptional items                        (362)      (2,944)

Operating loss                                   (1,520)      (4,174)

Net interest receivable/(payable) and similar
  income/(charges)                                   173        (271)

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation and
  operating exceptional items                      (985)      (1,501)

Operating exceptional items                        (362)      (2,944)

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation      (1,347)      (4,445)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                   494        1,313


                                                   (853)      (3,132)
Loss on ordinary activities after taxation and     
  retained loss for the year

Basic loss per share                              (2.3p)       (8.6p)

Diluted loss per share                            (2.3p)       (8.6p)

The results for the year and the prior year derive from continuing

There is no difference between the loss as disclosed in the profit
and  loss  account  and that on an unmodified  historical cost basis.

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2003

                                            Year ended    Year ended
                                              31 March      31 March
                                                  2003          2002
                                                 #'000         #'000

Loss for the financial year                      (853)       (3,132)

Currency translation difference on foreign
  currency investments                           (556)          (25)


Total recognised gains and losses relating to
  the financial year                           (1,409)       (3,157)

Consolidated balance sheet (unaudited)
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2003
As at 31 March 2003

                                            As at      As at
                                         31 March   31 March
                                             2003       2002
                                            #'000      #'000

Fixed assets
Tangible assets                             1,145      2,285
Investments                                   641        641
                                            1,786      2,926
Current assets
Debtors                                    15,366     15,010
Cash at bank and in hand                    8,214      7,573
                                           23,580     22,583

Creditors - amounts falling due within
  one year                                (7,794)    (5,901)


Net current assets                         15,786     16,682

Total assets less current liabilities      17,572     19,608

Provisions for liabilities and charges      (674)    (1,302)

                                           16,898     18,306
Net assets

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                     1,895      1,895
Share premium account                      15,880     15,879
Other reserves                                100        100
Profit and loss account                     (977)        432

Equity shareholders' funds                 16,898     18,306

Consolidated cash flow statement (unaudited)
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2003

                                               Year ended    Year ended
                                                 31 March      31 March
                                                     2003          2002
                                                    #'000         #'000

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (240)        14,183

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest received                                     186            88
Interest paid                                        (13)         (408)
Interest element of hire purchase payments              -           (1)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on
  investment and servicing of finance                 173         (321)

Corporate taxes paid                                    -         (150)
Corporate taxes refunded                              900           688

Net cash inflow from taxation                         900           538

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                   (157)         (628)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                         165           582

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure      8          (46)

Net cash inflow before financing                      841        14,354

Capital element of hire purchase payments               -          (28)
Net repayment of invoice discounting advances           -       (5,360)
Issue of ordinary share capital                         1             -

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                1       (5,388)

Increase in cash in the year                          842         8,966

Translation (loss)/gain                             (201)             4

Net funds at 1 April                                7,573       (6,785)

Net funds at 31 March                               8,214         7,573

Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash flow from
operating activities (unaudited)
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2003

                                              Year ended    Year ended
                                                31 March      31 March
                                                    2003          2002
                                                   #'000         #'000

Operating loss                                   (1,520)       (4,174)
Depreciation charges                               1,065         1,654
Profit on sale of fixed assets                       (5)          (94)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                   (1,101)        26,869
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                   1,904      (11,374)
(Decrease)/increase in provisions for
  liabilities and charges                          (583)         1,302

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating
  activities                                       (240)        14,183

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                              Year ended    Year ended
                                                31 March      31 March
                                                    2003          2002
                                                   #'000         #'000

Increase in cash in the year                         842         8,966
Net cash outflow from decrease in debt                 -         5,388

Change in net funds resulting from cash flows        842        14,354
Translation difference                             (201)             4

Movement in net funds in the year                    641        14,358
Net funds at 1 April                               7,573       (6,785)

Net funds at 31 March                              8,214         7,573

Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2003
Turnover and segmental information (unaudited)

Turnover represents the invoiced amount of services provided net of
value added taxation. The Group operates in one principal area of
activity,  that being the provision of consultants (predominantly
in telecommunications and networking) on a contract basis.

The geographical split of the results of the Group is as follows:

                           Turnover       Operating profit/(loss)  Profit/(loss) before tax
                       Year        Year        Year      Year          Year          Year
                      ended       ended       ended     ended         ended         ended
                   31 March    31 March    31 March  31 March      31 March      31 March
                       2003        2002        2003       2002         2003          2002
                                                     Re-stated                  Re-stated
                                                      (note 4)                   (note 4)
                      #'000       #'000       #'000      #'000        #'000         #'000

United Kingdom
Glotel UK            39,982      56,126         346      (173)          353         (413)
  International *     4,114       4,451         366        244          366           244
Other                 1,089         674        (56)       (15)         (56)          (15)

Total United
  Kingdom            45,185      61,251         656         56          663         (184)
Glotel North
  America            24,776      27,757       (537)    (2,476)        (936)       (2,876)
  Europe*             2,577       6,100       (244)        231        (293)            83
Glotel Australia *    3,362       3,244         (2)       (84)         (21)         (114)

                     75,900      98,352       (127)    (2,273)        (587)       (3,091)

Central Activities        -           -     (1,393)    (1,901)        (760)       (1,354)

Glotel Group         75,900      98,352      (1,520)   (4,174)      (1,347)       (4,445)

* Total Glotel
  International      10,053      13,795         120        391           52           213

The  turnover figures above represent sales to third  parties  by
geographical origin.

Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2003
Notes to the accounts (unaudited)

These financial statements are prepared under the historical cost
convention in accordance with applicable accounting standards.

The  preliminary statement has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting  policies and presentation set  out  in  the  Group's
statutory  accounts for the year ended 31 March 2002,  which  is
the  most recently published set of annual financial statements,
and which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The preliminary statement was approved by the Board on 15 July 2003
and  the  financial  information contained in  this  preliminary
statement does not constitute full statutory accounts as defined
in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts
for  the year ended 31 March 2003 have not yet been reported  on
by  the Company's auditors and have not yet been filed with  the
Registrar of Companies.

Operating exceptional items relate to the redundancy and office
closure costs associated with the Group's cost reduction
programme. An analysis is given below:

                                      Year ended     Year ended
                                   31 March 2003   31 March2002
                                           #'000          #'000

Lease provisions                             265          1,741
Redundancy costs and other related costs      97          1,203
Total                                        362          2,944

The  calculation of loss per Ordinary Share is based on  a  loss
attributable  to  members  of the holding  Company  of  #853,000
(2002: loss #3,132,000) and on 36,558,500 Ordinary Shares (2002:
36,555,806),  being  the  weighted average  number  of  Ordinary
Shares  in  issue  during the year, after excluding  the  shares
owned by the Group's Employee Share Trust.

The diluted loss per Ordinary Share is based on the same loss of
#853,000  (2001:  loss  #3,132,000) and on  36,558,500  Ordinary
Shares (2002: 36,555,806).

Certain staff costs, computer depreciation, communication and property
costs  have  been  re-allocated between Glotel  UK  and  central
activities in order to more appropriately reflect the nature  of
the  costs.  The comparatives in the segmental information  have
been  re-stated to bring them onto the same allocation basis  as
the current period.

Copies of the 2003 Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders in
due course. Copies will be available from The Company Secretary,
Glotel Plc, 7th Floor, The Communications Building, 48 Leicester
Square, London, WC2H 7LT.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange