By Erik Holm 

Progressive Corp. (PGR) was trying to save $75,000. Instead, it unleashed a flurry of social-media rage against the company.

Now, the question is whether Progressive's experience will prompt changes throughout the auto-insurance industry as more consumers use the Internet to tell their side of the story when they feel they've been slighted by their insurers.

The car insurer found itself in the middle of an online firestorm last week after a blogger named Matt Fisher took to his Tumblr page to complain about the way Progressive treated his family as they sought to collect on his deceased sister's insurance policy.

Mr. Fisher's story went viral, and four days later, Progressive agreed to settle with the family for an undisclosed sum. Whatever the settlement amount, the total cost of the incident will be much higher, with a tally that will include those people who made good on their Twitter threats to switch their insurance away from Progressive, as well as those who won't consider Progressive for their insurance in the future.

The uproar is a cautionary tale for insurance companies. Even Mr. Fisher said in an interview Tuesday he was surprised by the furor his blog post created, but the incident shows that in the era of Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook, any customer who doesn't like how his claim is being handled could potentially become the next policyholder to go viral.

Even when a company's actions are legal and done with the blessing of regulators, it can suffer reputational and financial harm when exposed to harsh cyber-invective.

"In the court of public opinion, no one cares that it's legal or if the regulator approved it," said Robert Hunter, the director of insurance at the Consumer Federation of America. "If it can't pass the smell test, that's enough to spark something."

Industry observers and public-relations experts say claims-handlers and lawyers working for insurers typically operate strictly by the book, which is usually a valuable attribute for their employers. But they point out that someone in the chain of command needs to keep in mind how their actions will be perceived by the public, even when they are acting within the rules.

"This could be a wake-up call for insurers," said Linda Kornfeld, a partner at Jenner & Block in Los Angeles who represents companies that have disputes with their insurers. "If your job is to look at claims and do what is in the best financial interest of your company, you may lose sight of the bigger picture of what the negative repercussions could be."

Last week's firestorm began when Mr. Fisher wrote on his blog about his family's experience when they sued a driver involved in a car crash that killed his sister, Kate Fisher. Mr. Fisher said his family had filed the lawsuit to prove the other driver's negligence and collect on his sister's Progressive "uninsured/underinsured" coverage, a supplemental type of insurance that pays out if another driver is responsible for the accident.

When the case got to court, Mr. Fisher wrote that he was angry that a Progressive attorney sat alongside the defendant and argued that his sister was responsible for the crash.

"If you are insured by Progressive and they owe you money, they will defend your killer in court in order to not pay you your policy," Mr. Fisher wrote.

Two weeks ago, a Maryland jury found in favor of the Fishers, determining the other driver was responsible for the crash.

The company said in a statement Thursday it participated in the trial because there were "credible conflicting eyewitness accounts as to who was at fault" in the car crash. Court filings show the investigating police officer had concluded, based on those accounts, it was Ms. Fisher who ran a red light, not the other driver.

In fact, Progressive's stance that Ms. Fisher may have been at fault in the accident was consistent through its handling of the claim, even when it was costing the company money. The Fishers' attorney, Allen Cohen, said Progressive paid out more than $100,000 in liability claims under her main insurance policy to three people involved in the accident, including the driver whom the family later sued.

Had it determined Ms. Fisher wasn't at fault and that stance held up in court, it could have paid just the $75,000 claim the Fisher family earned by winning their lawsuit.

In the end, it paid under both parts of Ms. Fisher's insurance coverage and then settled other outstanding issues with the Fisher family for an additional amount.

"We never looked at it as a math problem," said Tricia Griffith, Progressive's chief claims officer, in an interview Monday. "We handle every claim consistently, and we do a very thorough liability investigation in order to make the best decision possible."

Still, Mr. Fisher's primary complaint wasn't how Progressive apportioned blame but that the company came to court to try to convince a jury that its own policyholder, his sister, bore the blame for the crash that killed her. On that point, he differs from lawyers and insurance-industry experts who say Progressive was entitled to argue its case in court.

"I didn't have a legal opinion to give. What I was offended by was the audacity," Mr. Fisher said. "I'm surprised people don't crow about that every time it happens. I wrote what I did to shame Progressive a little bit."

Still, some lawyers who tracked coverage of the Progressive case said they doubted insurers would drastically change their behavior in response to the incident.

"If insurers overpaid on claims or paid claims that were not owed simply because of the risk of one of them, every now and then, being wrongly blown out of proportion on account of a viral blog post, they would soon be unable to pay any claims," said Randy Maniloff, a partner at White and Williams in Philadelphia who frequently represents insurers in coverage disputes. "And then you'd really see a lot of negative blog posts."

--Leslie Scism contributed to this article.

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