BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation pertaining
to an Agreement, whereby the Company acquired ownership of 15 mining
claims located in Fredmont and Barraute townships in Abitibi, Quebec for
a consideration of 400,000 shares. The Vendor shall retain a 2% NSR and a
right over any concentrate produced.
For further information, please refer to the Company's press release
dated February 25, 2011.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Convention d'achat de propriete, d'actif ou d'actions
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 8 mars 2011
Societe du groupe 1 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de documents en vertu d'une
convention d'achat de propriete, selon laquelle la societe a acquis 15
claims miniers situes dans les cantons Fredmont et Barraute, en Abitibi,
Quebec, pour une contrepartie de 400 000 actions. Le vendeur conservera
une royaute de 2 % du produit net de la vente des metaux ainsi que des
droits concernant toute production de concentres.
Pour plus d'information, veuillez vous referer au communique de presse
emis par la societe le 25 fevrier 2011.
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
Effective at 6:00 a.m. PST, March 8, 2011, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules. Members are prohibited from trading in the shares of the
Company during the period of the Halt.
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 12:05 p.m. PST, March 8, 2011, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules. Members are prohibited from trading in the shares of the
Company during the period of the Halt.
BULLETIN TYPE: Remain Halted
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated March 4, 2011, effective
at 8:43 a.m., PST, March 8, 2011, trading in the shares of the Company
will remain halted pending receipt and review of acceptable documentation
regarding the Qualifying Transaction pursuant to Listings Policy 2.4.
Members are prohibited from trading in the shares of the Company during
the period of the Halt.
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 6:15 a.m. PST, March 8, 2011, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted, pending confirmation of closing; this regulatory halt
is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, the
Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to the provisions of Section
10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules. Members are prohibited
from trading in the shares of the Company during the period of the Halt.
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 9:45 a.m., PST, March 8, 2011, shares of the Company resumed
trading, an announcement having been made over Market News Publishing.
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
Effective at 6:30 a.m., PST, March 8, 2011, shares of the Company resumed
trading, an announcement having been made over Stockwatch.
(formerly Critical Capital Corporation ("CQZ.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Qualifying Transaction-Completed/New Symbol, Private
Placement-Brokered, Private Placement-Non Brokered, Name Change, Resume
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") has accepted for filing the
Company's Qualifying Transaction described in its Filing Statement dated
February 23, 2011. As a result, at the opening on Wednesday March 9,
2011, the Company will no longer be considered a Capital Pool Company.
The Qualifying Transaction includes the following:
Qualifying Transaction:
The Exchange has accepted for filing the acquisition of all the shares of
Castle Peak for a consideration of 18,000,000 shares of the Company at a
deemed price of $0.35 per share ($6,300,000) (exchange ratio of one
Castle Peak share for 0.5803222 shares of the Company).
In addition, the Exchange has accepted for filing the following:
Private Placement - Brokered and Non-Brokered:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Brokered and Non-Brokered Private Placement announced November 8,
Number of Shares: 22,857,143 shares
Purchase Price: $0.35 per share
Warrants: 11,428,567 share purchase warrants to purchase
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.50 for a one year period
Number of Placees: 195 placees from the non-brokered private
placement and 74 placees from the brokered
private placement
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Randy Smallwood Y 965,000
Brian Lock Y 387,602
Brigill Investments Ltd.
(Beneficiary: Brian Lock) Y 243,000
David W. Smalley Y 235,700
Darren Lindsay Y 70,000
Giovanna Martino Y 15,000
Randi Gindi Y 122,000
Paula Rogers Y 552,357
James Rogers Y 40,500
David Zadak P 100,000
Michael Gray P 71,400
Mark Tomek P 65,000
Neville Dastoor P 60,000
Stephen Williams P 57,000
Brian Butterworth P 50,000
Susan Read-Friedmann P 15,000
Amardeep S. Bratch P 100,000
Teymur Englesby P 10,000
Thomas W. Seltzer P 100,000
Fareed Ahamed P 200,000
Yasmin Ahamed P 100,000
Gina Holliday P 25,000
Ali Pejman P 300,000
David Hamilton-Smith P 35,000
Laura Anderson P 50,000
Franco Papalia P 75,000
Brad Birarda P 285,714
Shane Parhar P 16,500
Justus Parmar P 131,500
Agent's Fees (Brokered): Raymond James Ltd will receive a cash fee
of $78,081.50 and 50,000 warrants with each
warrant exercisable for 12 months at $0.50
per share
Global Securities Corporation will receive a
cash fee $24,003.00 and 68,580 warrants with
each warrant exercisable for 12 months at
$0.50 per share
Macquarie Private Wealth Inc will receive a
cash fee of $14,700.00 and 42,000 warrants
with each warrant exercisable for 12 months
at $0.50 per share
Canaccord Genuity Corp a cash fee of
$12,600.00 and 36,000 warrants with each
warrant exercisable for 12 months at $0.50
per share
Finders' Fees: Global Securities Corporation will receive a
cash fee of $9,310.00
Steven Parhar will receive a cash fee of
Nicholas Watters will receive a cash fee of
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close
promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later
extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum
permitted term.
Name Change:
Pursuant to a shareholder resolution dated August 11, 2009, the Company
obtained shareholder approval to change the name of the Company to Castle
Peak Mining Ltd.
Effective at the opening on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, the common shares
of Castle Peak Mining Ltd. will commence trading on the TSX Venture
Exchange the common shares of Critical Capital Corporation will be
Resume Trading:
The common shares of the Company have been halted from trading since
March 19, 2010, pending completion of the Qualifying Transaction.
Effective at the opening on Wednesday, March 9, 2011, trading in the
shares of the Company will resume trading.
Capitalization: Unlimited shares with no par value of which
45,357,143 shares are issued and outstanding
Escrow: 12,010,225 shares issued to shareholders of
Castle Peak Mining Ltd who are now principals
and/or insiders of the Company are subject to
a 36-staged release escrow under Form 5D Value
Escrow Agreement
2,000,000 shares subject to 36-month staged
release escrow under CPC Escrow Agreement
Transfer Agent: Computershare Investor Services Inc
Trading Symbol: CAP (new)
CUSIP Number: 14846A106 (new)
The Company is classified as a "Mineral Exploration and Development"
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced February 8, 2011:
Number of Shares: 6,000,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.10 per share
Warrants: 3,000,000 share purchase warrants to purchase
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.15 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 50 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Andrew Muir P 120,000
Sean Duncan P 20,000
Ivan Veschino P 300,000
David Hamilton Smith P 400,000
Azim Dhala P 50,000
Finders' Fees: Haywood Securities Inc. - $2,160 and 30,000
Warrants that are exercisable into common
shares at $0.15 per share for a 12 month
Union Securities Ltd. - $1,440 and 20,000
Warrants that are exercisable into common
shares at $0.15 per share for a 12 month
Canaccord Genuity Corp. - $3,600 and 50,000
Warrants that are exercisable into common
shares at $0.15 per share for a 12 month
Trident Financial Corp. (Rob Riley) - $3,240
and 45,000 Warrants that are exercisable into
common shares at $0.15 per share for a 12
month period.
0846811 BC Ltd. (Fab Carella) - $6,300 and
87,500 Warrants that are exercisable into
common shares at $0.15 per share for a 12
month period.
544449 BC Ltd. (Valerie Cheer) - $14,580 and
202,500 Warrants that are exercisable into
common shares at $0.15 per share for a 12
month period.
Daniel Tong - $1,800 and 25,000 Warrants that
are exercisable into common shares at $0.15
per share for a 12 month period.
Connie Regan - $10,080 and 140,000 Warrants
that are exercisable into common shares at
$0.15 per share for a 12 month period.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close
promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later
extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum
permitted term.)
BULLETIN TYPE: Regional Office Change
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Pursuant to Policy 1.2, TSX Venture Exchange has been advised of, and
accepted the change of the Filing and Regional Office from Vancouver, BC
to Calgary, AB.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation of an
agreement dated February 16, 2011 to acquire a 100% interest in height
properties located in Quebec. In consideration, the Company will pay
$10,000 and issue 1,000,000 common shares to the Vendors.
The agreement is subject to a 1.5% net smelter royalty, of which the
Company may purchase the first half (0.75%) for $500,000 and the second
half (0.75%) for $5,000,000.
For further information, please refer to the Company's press release
dated February 22, 2011.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Convention d'achat de propriete, d'actif ou d'actions
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 8 mars 2011
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de documents d'une entente
datee du 16 fevrier 2011 pour l'acquisition d'un interet de 100 % dans
huit proprietes situees au Quebec. En contrepartie, la societe paiera 10
000 $ et emettra 1 000 000 d'actions ordinaires aux vendeurs.
L'entente est assujettie a une redevance de 1,5 % sur le produit net de
fonderie dont la moitie (0,75 %) pourra etre rachetee par la societe pour
500 000 $ et l'autre moitie (0,75 %) pour 5 000 000 $.
Pour plus d'information, veuillez vous referer au communique de presse
emis par la societe le 22 fevrier 2011.
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 6:26 a.m. PST, March 8, 2011, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules. Members are prohibited from trading in the shares of the
Company during the period of the Halt.
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 8:00 a.m., PST, March 8, 2011, shares of the Company resumed
trading, an announcement having been made over Stockwatch.
BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Term Extension
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Private Placement:
# of Warrants: 8,625,000
Original Expiry Date of Warrants: March 25, 2011
New Expiry Date of Warrants: July 25, 2011
Exercise Price of Warrants: $0.20
These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 8,625,000
shares with 8,625,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was
accepted for filing by the Exchange effective April 2, 2009.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to the first tranche of a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced
February 17, 2011:
Number of Shares: 640,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.55 per share
Warrants: 320,000 share purchase warrants to purchase
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.70 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 12 placees
Finder's Fee: $21,175.75 payable to Michel Drolet
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close
promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later
extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum
permitted term.
BULLETIN TYPE: Normal Course Issuer Bid
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has been advised by the Company that pursuant to a
Notice of Intention to make a Normal Course Issuer Bid, it may repurchase
for cancellation, up to 5,726,466 shares in its own capital stock. The
purchases are to be made through the facilities of TSX Venture Exchange
during the period March 11, 2011 to March 11, 2012. Purchases pursuant to
the bid will be made by BMO Nesbitt Burns on behalf of the Company.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced January 21, 2011 and
February 2, 2011:
Number of Shares: 11,005,055 shares
Purchase Price: $0.18 per share
Warrants: 11,005,055 share purchase warrants to purchase
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.27 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 86 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Lily Fey P 100,000
Bruce Counts Y 100,000
Brock Aynsley P 200,000
Thomas W. Seltzer P 150,000
John Robins Y 900,000
Jeff Willis P 50,000
Scott Hunter P 250,000
Kerry Smith P 250,000
Donny Cordick P 100,000
Brian Butterworth P 100,000
Mike Siggs P 75,000
G. Ross Henderson P 100,000
Terry Sklavenitis P 75,000
Gordon Bussieres P 75,000
Sherman Dahl P 100,000
Amanda Morris P 150,000
Douglas McDonald P 55,000
David Kelsch Y 100,000
Steve Wright P 25,000
Gary Winters P 87,500
Finder's Fee: $15,570 and 86,500 Agent Warrants payable to
Canaccord Genuity Corp.
$15,300 and 85,000 Agent Warrants payable to
Haywood Securities Inc.
$5,000 and 27,778 Agent Warrants payable to
Trimark Trading
$900 and 5,000 Agent Warrants payable to
Mackie Research Capital Corporation
$5,850 and 32,500 Agent Warrants payable to
Macquarie Private Wealth Inc.
$6,300 and 35,000 Agent Warrants payable to
$21,609 and 120,050 Agent Warrants payable to
PI Financial Corp.
- Each Agent Warrant is exercisable into one
common share at a price of $0.27 for a period
of two years.
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close
promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later
extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum
permitted term.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private-Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation with
respect to a Non-Brokered Private Placement:
Number of Shares: 1,062,500 common shares
Purchase Price: $0.08 per common share
Warrants: 1,062,500 warrants to purchase 1,062,500
common shares
Warrants Exercise Price: $0.11 until February 14, 2012
Number of Placees: 2 Placees
The Company has confirmed the closing of the Private Placement by way of
a news release dated February 14, 2011.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 8 mars 2011
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier :
Nombre d'actions : 1 062 500 actions ordinaires
Prix : 0,08 $ par action ordinaire
Bons de souscription : 1 062 500 bons de souscription permettant
d'acquerir 1 062 500 actions ordinaires
Prix d'exercice : 0,11 $ jusqu'au 14 fevrier 2012
Nombre de souscripteurs : 2
La societe a confirme la cloture du placement prive en vertu d'un
communique de presse date du 14 fevrier 2011.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private-Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation with
respect to a Non-Brokered Private Placement:
Number of Shares: 2,200,000 common shares, including 1,980,000
flow-through common shares
Purchase Price: $0.10 per common share and per flow-through
common share
Warrants: 2,200,000 warrants to purchase 2,200,000
common shares
Warrants Exercise Price: $0.13 until February 23, 2013
Number of Placees: 18 Placees
The Company has confirmed the closing of the Private Placement by way of
a news release dated February 23, 2011.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 8 mars 2011
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier :
Nombre d'actions : 2 200 000 actions ordinaires dont 1 980 000
actions ordinaires accreditives
Prix : 0,10 $ par action ordinaire et par action
ordinaire accreditive
Bons de souscription : 2 200 000 bons de souscription permettant
d'acquerir 2 200 000 actions ordinaires
Prix d'exercice : 0,13 $ jusqu'au 23 fevrier 2013
Nombre de souscripteurs : 18
La societe a confirme la cloture du placement prive en vertu d'un
communique de presse date du 23 fevrier 2011.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced January 12, 2011:
Number of Shares: 3,000,000 shares
Purchase Price: $5.15 per share
Number of Placees: 64 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P # of Shares
Ross J. Beaty Y 700,000
Martin Rip Y 2,750
Marshall Koval Y 29,726
Finders' Fees: $150,000 cash payable to Trimark Trading
(Ibrahim Abdulla).
$240,750 cash payable to Raymond James Ltd.
$150,000 cash payable to Canaccord Genuity
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation of an option
agreement dated February 16, 2011 to acquire a 75% interest in 55 mining
claims located in Quebec.
In consideration for the first tranche of 51% interest, the Company will
pay an aggregate of $250,000, of which $75,000 is payable after one year
and $100,000 after two years, will issue 1,000,000 common shares to the
Vendors, half being issuable after one year, and will commit for
exploration work expenditures of $1,000,000 over two years with $300,000
minimum during the first year.
Conditional to completion of the first tranche and in consideration for
an additional 24% interest, the Company will pay an additional
$1,000,000, half being payable one year thereafter, will issue additional
common shares having a value of $500,000 and will commit for additional
exploration work expenditures of $4,000,000 over the two years that
A finder's fee of 281,250 common shares will be paid in connection with
this transaction.
For further information, please refer to the Company's press release
dated March 1, 2011.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Convention d'achat de propriete, d'actif ou d'actions
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 8 mars 2011
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de documents d'une entente
datee du 16 fevrier 2011 visant l'option d'acquerir un interet de 75 %
dans 55 claims miniers situes au Quebec.
En contrepartie pour la premiere tranche d'un interet de 51 %, la societe
paiera 250 000 $, dont 75 000 $ est payable apres un an et 100 000 $ est
payable apres deux ans, emettra 1 000 000 d'actions ordinaires aux
vendeurs, dont la moitie seront emises apres un an, et s'engagera pour
des depenses en travaux d'exploration de 1 000 000 $ sur deux ans dont au
moins 300 000 $ durant la premiere annee
Sujet a la conclusion de la premiere tranche et en contrepartie d'un
interet additionnel de 24 %, la societe paiera 1 000 000 $ additionnel,
dont la moitie est payable un an plus tard, emettra des actions
ordinaires additionnelles ayant une valeur de 500 000 $ et s'engagera
pour des depenses additionnelles en travaux d'exploration de 4 000 000 $
au cours des deux annees subsequentes.
Des honoraires d'intermediation de 281 250 actions ordinaires seront
payes dans le cadre de cette operation.
Pour plus d'information, veuillez vous referer au communique de presse
emis par la societe le 1er mars 2011.
BULLETIN TYPE: Prospectus-Share Offering, Correction
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated March 7, 2011, the
Bulletin should have read as follows:
TSX Venture Exchange has been advised that closing occurred on February
28, 2011, for gross proceeds of $86,839,847.50 (includes over-allotment
option and pre-emptive right).
Offering: 15,714,286 common shares
6,739,956 common shares (pre-emptive right
exercised by Tata Steel Global Mineral
Holdings Pte Ltd.
Agents Commission: 5.5% cash of the gross proceeds
6% compensation options. The compensation
options are exercisable at a price of $3.50
a share for a period of eighteen months.
All other aspects of the bulletin remain the same.
BULLETIN TYPE: Prospectus-Debenture Offering
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
Reference is made to our bulletin dated March 7, 2011.
We have received confirmation that the closing has occurred. Therefore,
the securities of Partners Real Estate Investment Trust (the "REIT")
which were listed at the close of business on March 7, 2011, commenced
trading at the opening of business on Tuesday, March 8, 2011.
The REIT has completed its public offering. The gross proceeds received
by the REIT for the offering are $25,000,000 in Debentures.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced February 9, 2011:
Number of Shares: 4,006,666 flow through shares
1,606,667 non-flow through shares
Purchase Price: $0.15 per share
Warrants: 803,334 share purchase warrants attached to
non-flow through shares to purchase 803,334
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.20 for a two year period
Number of Placees: 29 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Colin Rothery P 340,000 f/t
Finders' Fees: Canaccord Genuity Corp. receives $38,570
Essence Dos Santos receives $1,050
Arnold H. Rossen receives $2,100
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close
promptly. (Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later
extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum
permitted term.)
BULLETIN TYPE: Prospectus-Share Offering
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective February 18, 2011, the Company's Prospectus dated February 18,
2011 was filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange, and filed with
and receipted by the Alberta Securities Commission, the Ontario
Securities Commission, the British Columbia Securities Commission, the
Saskatchewan Securities Commission, the Manitoba Securities Commission
the New Brunswick Securities Commission, the Nova Scotia Securities
Commission, the Prince Edward Island Securities Commission, the
Newfoundland and Labrador and Yukon Securities Commission pursuant to the
provisions of the Securities Act.
TSX Venture Exchange has been advised that closing occurred on February
28, 2011, for gross proceeds of $17,250,552. (including the over-
allotment option).
Agents: Macquarie Capital Markets
Casimir Capital Ltd.
Offering: 20,834,000 common shares
Share Price: $0.72 per share
Agent's Commission: 6% of the gross proceeds
718,773 broker warrants. Each broker warrant
is exercisable at a price of $0.72 per share
for a period of one year.
Greenshoe Option: The Agent exercised their over-allotment
option and purchased an additional 3,125,100
common shares at a price of $0.72 per share
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced March 7, 2011:
Number of Shares: 1,500,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.05 per share
Warrants: 1,500,000 share purchase warrants to purchase
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.10 for a five year period
Number of Placees: 1 placee
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Maverick Investment Corp.
(Patrick D. O'Brien) Y 1,500,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close
BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Services
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 15,306 shares at a deemed price of $1.47 per share in consideration
of certain financial and advisory services provided to the Company
pursuant to an agreement dated April 2, 2009.
The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation with
respect to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced on February 21,
Number of Shares: 23,076,923 common shares
Purchase Price: $0.13 per common share
Warrants: 11,538,461 warrants to purchase 11,538,461
common shares
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.18 per share for a period of 24 months.
Number of placees: 78 placees
Insider/Pro Group Participation:
Insider = Y / Number of
Name Pro Group = P Shares
Gabriel Alarie Y 769,231
Jean-Claude Morel Y 750,000
Jacques Trottier Y 150,000
Claude Goulet Y 69,231
Finder's fee: Canaccord Genuity Corp was paid $27,170 cash
and received 209,000 finder's warrants to
purchase 209,000 common shares at $0.18 each
for a period of 24 months following the
closing of the private placement.
Mine Management Inc. was paid $43,200 cash
and received 166,153 common shares of the
Company as well as 83,076 warrants to purchase
83,076 common shares of the Company for $0.18
each for a period of 24 months following the
closing of the private placement.
The Company has confirmed the closing of the above-mentioned Private
Placement by way of press releases dated February 22, 2011 and February
25, 2011.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 8 mars 2011
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, tel qu'annonce le 21
fevrier 2011 :
Nombre d'actions : 23 076 923 actions ordinaires
Prix : 0,13 $ par action ordinaire
Bons de souscription : 11 538 461 bons de souscription permettant de
souscrire a 11 538 461 actions ordinaires.
Prix d'exercice des bons : 0,18 $ par action pour une periode de 24
Nombre de souscripteurs : 78 souscripteurs
Participation initie / Groupe Pro :
Initie = Y / Nombre
Nom Groupe Pro = P d'actions
Gabriel Alarie Y 769 231
Jean-Claude Morel Y 750 000
Jacques Trottier Y 150 000
Claude Goulet Y 69 231
d'intermediation : Canaccord Capital Corp a recu 27 170 $ en
especes et 209 000 bons d'intermediation
permettant de souscrire a 209 000 actions
ordinaires a 0,18 $ l'action sur une periode
de 24 mois suivant la cloture du placement
Mine Management Inc. a recu 43 200 $ en
especes, 166 153 actions ordinaires de la
societe et 83 076 bons de souscription
permettant de souscrire a 83 076 actions
ordinaires de la societe pour 0,18 $ l'action
sur une periode de 24 mois suivant la cloture
du placement prive.
La societe a confirme la cloture du placement prive par voie de
communiques de presse dates du 22 et du 25 fevrier 2011.
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for expedited filing documentation
amending the terms of an option agreement dated November 16, 2007, as
amended on June 25, 2008 between the Company and the five optionors;
Walter Cheguis, Frederick Ross, George Ross, Gary Windsor and Leslie A.
Tihor, pursuant to which the Company has an option to acquire a 100% in
11 claims, comprising 111 units, located in the Penhorwood Township,
Porcupine Mining Division, Ontario, known as the Radio Hill Property. The
amending agreement dated November 16, 2010 delays the final cash payment
of $100,000 until February 28, 2011, and as consideration, the optionors
will receive 100,000 shares on a pro-rata basis.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation with
respect to a Non-Brokered Private Placement:
Number of Shares: 869,565 common shares, including 782,609 flow-
through common shares
Purchase Price: $0.23 per common share
Warrants: 869,565 warrants to purchase 869,565 common
Warrant Exercise Price: $0.29 until February 23, 2013
Number of Placees: 18 placees
The Company has confirmed the closing of the above-mentioned Private
Placement by way of a press release dated February 23, 2011.
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 8 mars 2011
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier :
Nombre d'actions : 869 565 actions ordinaires, dont 782 609 sont
des actions ordinaires accreditives
Prix : 0,23 $ par action ordinaire
Bons de souscription : 869 565 bons de souscription permettant de
souscrire a 869 565 actions ordinaires
Prix d'exercice des bons : 0,29 $ jusqu'au 23 fevrier 2013
Nombre de souscripteurs : 18 souscripteurs
La societe a confirme la cloture du present placement prive par voie de
communique de presse date du 23 fevrier 2011.
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading, Qualifying Transaction-Announced
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
NEX Company
Effective at the open, Wednesday, March 9, 2011, trading in the Company's
shares will resume.
This resumption does not constitute acceptance of the Company's proposed
acquisition under the terms of a purchase agreement between Blue Cove
Capital Corp. (the "Company") and Colombia Mines S.A.S., dated December
22, 2011 under which the Company may acquire a 100% interest in the Santa
Elena Copper and Gold Project (the 'Qualifying Transaction'), as
described in the Company's news releases dated January 10, 2011, February
2, 2011, February 22, 2011 and March 4, 2011 and should not be construed
as an assurance of the merits of the transaction or the likelihood of
The Company is required to submit all of the required initial
documentation relating to the Qualifying Transaction within 75 days of
the issuance of the news release. IF THIS DOCUMENTATION IS NOT PROVIDED,
Completion of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions. Prior
to the Exchange granting final acceptance of the Qualifying Transaction,
the Company must satisfy the Exchange's Minimum Listing Requirements.
There is a risk that the transaction will not be accepted or that the
terms of the transaction may change substantially prior to acceptance.
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 8, 2011
NEX Company
Private Placement
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced January 19, 2011:
Number of Shares: 800,000 shares
Purchase Price: $0.05 per share
Number of Placees: 2 placees
Insider / Pro Group Participation:
Insider=Y /
Name ProGroup=P / # of Shares
Antonio (Tony) M. Ricci Y 100,000
Desmond Balakrishnan
Law Corporation Y 100,000
Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close
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