BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Companies

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation in connection
with an Agreement dated March 6, 2009 between NuCoal Energy Corp. (Ken
From/Keith Brown/Stephen P. Halabura/Alan Cruickshank and Tom MacNeill),
Alix Resources Corp. ("Alix") and GEO Minerals Ltd. ("GEO"), whereby Alix
and GEO have jointly acquire an 80% interest in the Big River, Candle
Lake, Debden, La Loche, La Ronge, Montreal River and Tway properties that
are all located in the Province of Saskatchewan. Consideration payable to
NuCoal is the issuance of 3,380,380 common shares of Alix. GEO will
reimburse Alix for their portion of the consideration by issuing
1,682,590 of their shares.


BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Price Amendment, Correction
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange bulletin dated March 25, 2009, the
Exchange has corrected the following information in regard to the
reduction in the exercise price of the following warrants:

Private Placement:

# of Warrants:               8,107,500
Expiry Date of Warrants:     May 23, 2009
Forced Exercise Provision:   If the closing price for the Company's shares 
                             is $0.0875 or greater for a period of 10 
                             consecutive trading days, then the warrant 
                             holders will have 30 days to exercise their 
                             warrants; otherwise the warrants will expire 
                             on the 31st day.
Original Exercise Price
 of Warrants:                $0.12 per share in the first year, $0.15 in 
                             the second year
New Exercise Price
 of Warrants:                $0.07

These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 11,200,000
shares with 11,200,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was
accepted for filing by the Exchange effective May 24, 2007.


(formerly Augen Gold Corp. ("AUJ"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Symbol Change
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the opening Monday, March 30, 2009, the trading symbol for
Augen Gold Corp. will change from ('AUJ') to ('GLD'). There is no change
in the company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no consolidation
of capital. The Company is classified as a 'Mining' company.


BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the open, March 27, 2009, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an
announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market
Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Amending Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange bulletin dated May 11, 2007
('Original Bulletin'), the Exchange has accepted for filing documentation
pursuant to an Amendment Agreement dated March 12, 2009 wherein the terms
of the second anniversary payment have been amended. The Original
Bulletin should be amended to read as follows:

c) on the second anniversary, an additional $10,000 cash and 50,000
common shares of the Company.


BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Price Amendment, Warrant Term Extension,
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

The French version of the bulletin of March 26, 2009 should have
indicated that TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the increase in the
exercise price of warrants and not the decrease in the exercise price.
The other elements of the bulletin of March 26, 2009, remain unchanged.
Please note that the 800,000 warrants issued to Deluxe Digital Studios
Inc. have been amended. The expiry date has been extended from August 25,
2009 to September 30, 2009. The exercise price has been increased from
$0.31 to $0.36.

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Modification du prix d'exercice de bons de
souscription, Prolongation de bons de souscription, Correction
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 27 mars 2009
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance

La version francaise du bulletin du 26 mars 2009 aurait du indiquer que
Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte l'augmentation du prix d'exercice et
non la diminution du prix d'exercice des bons de souscription. Les autres
elements du bulletin du 26 mars 2009 demeurent inchanges. Veuillez noter
que les 800 000 bons de souscription emis a Deluxe Digital Studios Inc.
ont ete modifies. La date d'echeance a ete prolongee du 25 aout 2009 au
30 septembre 2009. Le prix d'exercice a ete augmente de 0,31 $ a 0,36 $.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced January 12, 2009:

Number of Shares:            1,690,704 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.10 per share

Number of Placees:           4 placees

Finder's Fee:                $16,907.04 payable to Pilotage Capital Corp. 
                             (Paul Cox)

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation relating
to an arms-length option agreement under which Explor Resources Inc. may
acquire one patented claim (4 units) situated in the Prosser Township in
the Porcupine mining division, district of Cochrane, province of Ontario.

Under the agreement, the Company may exercise its option in consideration
of $6,000 in cash and 60,000 common shares.

Following the option's exercise, the vendors will retain a 2% Net Smelter
Royalty, of which the Company may purchase half (1%) for $1,000,000.

For further details, please refer to the Company's press release dated
March 20, 2009.

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Convention d'achat de propriete, d'actif ou d'actions
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 27 mars 2009
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance

Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot d'une convention d'option
negociee a distance en vertu de laquelle Ressources Explor inc. (la 
"societe") peut acquerir un interet de 100 % dans un claim minier patente
(4 unites minieres) situe dans le canton Prosser dans le camp minier de
Porcupine, dans le district de Cochrane, province de l'Ontario

En vertu de la convention, la societe peut exercer son option en
contrepartie de 6 000 $ en especes et 60 000 actions ordinaires.

Suite a l'exercice de l'option, les vendeurs conserveront un revenu net
de fonderie (NSR) de 2 %, dont la societe pourra racheter la moitie (1 %)
pour 1 000 000 $.

Pour plus d'information, veuillez vous referer au communique de presse
emis par la societe le 20 mars 2009.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced January 22 and March 24,

Number of Shares:            961,533 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.13 per share

Number of Placees:           13 placees

No Insider / Pro Group Participation

No Finder's Fee


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Bonuses
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's documentation
in connection with the issuance of 5,000,000 bonus shares to NATIXIS in
lieu of the 13,500,000 warrants that the Company was to issue in
consideration of a loan extension granted in October 2008.

The Company issued a press release dated February 13, 2009 concerning the
above-mentioned transaction.

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Emission d'actions en paiement de primes
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 27 mars 2009
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance

Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de documents par la societe
relativement a l'emission de 5 000 000 d'actions ordinaires a NATIXIS en
paiement d'une prime, en remplacement des 13 500 000 bons de souscription
que la societe devait emettre en contrepartie d'une prolongation d'un
pret accorde en octobre 2008.

La societe a emis un communique de presse date du 13 fevrier 2009
concernant la transaction precitee.


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 156,250 shares to settle outstanding debt for $12,500.

Number of Creditors:         5 Creditors

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

              Insider equals Y /   Amount    Deemed Price
Creditor     Progroup equals P      Owing       per Share    # of Shares
Joseph Arengi                Y     $2,500           $0.08         31,250
Marek Kreczmer               Y     $2,500           $0.08         31,250
William Thomas               Y     $2,500           $0.08         31,250
Jacques Janse
 van Rensburg                Y     $2,500           $0.08         31,250
Peter G. Wilson              Y     $2,500           $0.08         31,250

The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and the
debt extinguished.


BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares, Halt
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated February 20, 2009
has been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the Alberta, 
British Columbia and Ontario Securities Commissions effective February
23, 2009, pursuant to the provisions of the Alberta, British Columbia and
Ontario Securities Acts. The Common Shares of the Company will be listed
on TSX Venture Exchange on the effective date stated below.

The Company has completed its initial distribution of securities to the
public. The gross proceeds received by the Company for the Offering were
$500,000 (5,000,000 common shares at $0.10 per share).

Commence Date:   At the opening Monday, March 30, 2009, the common
shares will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange. Trading in the
common shares will be immediately halted upon commencement of trading and
will remain halted until the filing of certain documentation related to
the Company's Qualifying Transaction as disclosed in the Company's

Corporate Jurisdiction:      Ontario

Capitalization:              Unlimited common shares with no par value of 
                             which 7,000,000 common shares are issued and 
Escrowed Shares:             2,000,000 common shares

Transfer Agent:              Olympia Trust Company
Trading Symbol:              HFM.P
CUSIP Number:                45841Q 10 0

Sponsoring Member:           Investpro Securities Inc.

Agent's Options:             500,000 non-transferable Agent's Options. One 
                             option to purchase one common share at $0.10 
                             per common share up to a period of 24 months 
                             from the date the common shares are listed on 
                             the Exchange.

For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated
February 20, 2009.

Company Contact:             Mark Maheu
                             President, CEO & CFO
Company Address:             1412 Bouton D'or Street
                             Orleans, ON K1E 3L2

Company Phone Number:        (613) 794-6963
Company Fax Number:          (613) 834-6514


BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

Effective at the open, March 27, 2009, trading in the shares, warrants
and debentures of the Company was halted at the request of the Company,
pending an announcement; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment
Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the
Exchange pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal
Market Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement, Correction
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated October 1, 2008, the
following information is corrected regarding the consideration for the

Total consideration consists of $200,000 in cash payments, 8,000,000
units of the Company (each unit is comprised of one share and one
warrant, with each warrant exercisable at $0.20 for two years), and
$200,000 in work expenditures.

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                             Insider equals Y /
Name                        ProGroup equals P      # of Units
Edward Reisner                              P       2,800,000


(formerly Pacific Link Mining Corp. ("PKC"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement, Transfer
and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing agreements pursuant to which
the Company has agreed to sell the customer base of Beijing Huaxun
Datacom Co. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of SafeChina (BVI) Inc., to
ADT Security Services (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. and to sell the company's
wholly owned subsidiary, SafeChina (BVI) Inc., and/or Beijing Huaxun
Datacom Ltd. to a third party. This disposition was approved by
shareholders of the Company on February 27, 2009.

As a result of the preceding and in accordance with TSX Venture Policy
2.5, the Company has not maintained the requirements for a TSX Venture
Tier 2 company. Therefore, effective Monday, March 30, 2009, the
Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will
change from Vancouver to NEX.

As of Monday, March 30, 2009, the Company is subject to restrictions on
share issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX

The trading symbol for the Company will change from PKC to PKC.H. There
is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.


BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Price Amendment, Correction
BULLETIN DATE: March 27, 2009
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange bulletin dated March 25, 2009, the
Exchange has corrected the following information with regard to the
reduction in the exercise price of the following warrants:

Private Placement:

# of Warrants:               5,430,000
Expiry Date of Warrants:     August 3, 2009
Forced Exercise Provision:   If the closing price for the Company's shares 
                             is $0.0875 or greater for a period of 10 
                             consecutive trading days, then the warrant 
                             holders will have 30 days to exercise their 
                             warrants; otherwise the warrants will expire 
                             on the 31st day.
Original Exercise
 Price of Warrants:          $0.25 per share in the first year, $0.30 in 
                             the second year
New Exercise Price
 of Warrants:                $0.07

These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 5,430,000
shares with 5,430,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was
accepted for filing by the Exchange effective August 3, 2007.


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