Softchoice Corporation (TSX:SO), a North American provider of technology
solutions and services, today reported earnings for the first quarter of 2012.

For the three month-period ended March 31st, 2012, Softchoice reported net
earnings of US$5.1 million compared to net earnings of $5.2 million for the same
period the year prior. Eliminating the impact of foreign exchange gains and
losses, adjusted net earnings(i) amounted to US$4.4 million, or US$0.22 per
share (basic and fully diluted) compared to US$4.2 million, or US$0.21 per share
(basic and fully diluted) recorded for the same period the year prior,
representing an increase of 5.6 percent. The lower than anticipated earnings
growth is attributed to unexpected delays in contract negotiations between the
Canadian federal government and key software publishers.

Softchoice's first quarter net revenues increased 3.8 percent to US$259.1
million compared to US$249.7 million reported for the same period in 2011. Net
revenues from the company's U.S. operations demonstrated particularly strong
growth, increasing by 28 percent year-over-year.

"Despite the challenges in Canada, the ongoing integration of the business of
UNIS LUMIN, and the investments we're making in the cloud to drive our future
growth, we continued to deliver earnings growth and are well-positioned to
improve upon our performance for the balance of the year," said David MacDonald,
President and CEO of Softchoice. "I am pleased to say that our U.S. operations
exceeded expectations, our expanded coverage of the small and medium-size
business segment is fueling gains in our Microsoft market share and sales of
enterprise software, server, storage and networking solutions continue to post
double-digit growth."

Revenues from the company's professional services business grew by 50 percent in
the period reflecting the impact of the acquisition of the business of UNIS
LUMIN, while sales of enterprise software, servers, storage and networking
increased by 17 percent. Sales of Microsoft grew 8 percent compared to the same
quarter the year prior, while total Microsoft revenue, including imputed
revenue(ii), grew by 22 percent.

"We have made great progress with the integration of the business of UNIS LUMIN
as we strengthen our ability to meet the growing demand for Managed Services as
well as expertise in the design and delivery of advanced networking solutions,"
added Mr. MacDonald. "While still early, we are already realizing some of the
cross-selling synergies we anticipated as we begin extending the full-value of
our combined capabilities to legacy Softchoice and UNIS LUMIN customers."

At the end of the quarter, cash on hand was US$42.1 million, with cash flow from
operations of $10.5 million, and total debt of nil.


--  Softchoice recently launched Key Stone Essentials, a Managed Services
    offering designed to improve network uptime while allowing organizations
    to devote more time to driving their IT strategy. 
--  For the seventh consecutive year, Softchoice was named one of Canada's
    Best Workplaces by the Globe and Mail newspaper. 
--  Softchoice was ranked among Canada's 10 largest Information and
    Communications Technology companies (ICT) and was named the country's
    second largest Professional Services organizations, according to the
    Branham Group's definitive annual listing of leading ICT organizations. 

Softchoice AGM and 2012 First Quarter Earnings Call

Softchoice will host its Annual General Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday May 15, 2012
at 10:00 a.m. at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel in Pier 7 & 8. The hotel is
located at 1 Harbour Square in downtown Toronto. The meeting will run from 10:00
am to 12:00 pm. Presenters will include Bill Linton, Chairman of the Softchoice
Board, and President and CEO, David MacDonald.

The quarterly earnings conference call will take place the same day at 8:00 a.m.
The conference call will begin with a brief presentation followed by a question
and answer period.

Participant Dial in Numbers:

416 800 1066 - North American Toll

866 212 4491 - North American Toll Free

Webcast URL:

To ensure participation, please dial in at least 10 minutes prior to the start
of the conference at 8:00 a.m. EDT.

For those unable to attend the call, a link will be made available on the
Softchoice website to an archived web and audio version on May 16th, 2012.

About Softchoice

As a leading North American provider of technology solutions and services,
Softchoice combines the efficiency and reliability of a national IT supplier
with the personal touch and technical expertise of a local solutions provider.
Softchoice's holistic approach to technology includes solution design,
implementation and asset management services, as well as access to one of the
most comprehensive and cost-effective technology distribution networks in North
America. With over 1,100 employees located in more than 40 branch offices,
Softchoice manages the technology needs of thousands of corporate and public
sector organizations across the United States and Canada.

Softchoice stock is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the trading
symbol "SO." The common shares of Softchoice are not registered under the U.S.
Securities Act of 1933 and are not publicly traded in the United States.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and
uncertainties. These forward-looking statements relate to expectations,
intentions and plans contained in this press release that are not historical
fact. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate", "expect", "will"
and similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements. These
statements reflect our current expectations and are subject to a number of risks
and uncertainties including, but not limited to, change in technology and
general market conditions, many of which are set out or incorporated by
reference in the Company's latest Annual Information Form. Due to the many risks
and uncertainties, Softchoice cannot assure that the forward-looking statements
contained in this press release will be realized.

(i) Use of Non-GAAP Measures - Adjusted Net Earnings

Adjusted net earnings eliminate the after-tax impact related to any foreign
exchange gain or loss on the cash, intercompany debt and external debt
denominated in a currency other than the Company's functional currency. Adjusted
net earnings highlight underlying business performance by adjusting for the
impact of these currency changes.

(In thousands of U.S. dollars, except         Three months ended            
 per share amounts)                                    March 31,  % Change  
                                               2012         2011            
Net earnings                            $     5,143  $     5,160      (0.3%)
Adjustments, net of income tax                  736          988     (25.5%)
Adjusted net earnings                   $     4,407        4,172       5.6% 
Adjusted net earnings per share         $      0.22  $      0.21       4.8% 

(ii) Use of Non-GAAP Measures - Imputed Revenue 

Microsoft imputed revenue is defined as the price paid by the customer to
Microsoft for sales of Enterprise Agreements ("EAs") that are transacted through
Softchoice sales representatives plus the gross amount billed to customers for
Software Assurance ("SA") agreements.

Microsoft pays Softchoice an agency fee or commission for sales of EAs, and
therefore Softchoice does not reflect the imputed revenue in the revenue line
for these transactions but records only the agency fees earned within revenue.
Microsoft imputed revenue allows for better comparability between fiscal periods
since an increase in the product mix of EAs and SA agreements would make it
appear that Softchoice is selling fewer products, when that would not be the
case. Management believes that an EA often provides a more cost-effective
solution for customers, particularly in the small and medium business ("SMB")

Other imputed revenue includes the difference between what the Company invoices
customers for non-Microsoft maintenance contracts and the net amount that is
reflected in the financial statements. Management believes that reporting the
imputed revenue for these arrangements is helpful to investors to put the
Company's trade accounts receivable and trade payables balances into context.
The Company records these arrangements on a net basis, as an agent, rather than
on a gross basis, as a principal in the transaction, as the services are
provided primarily by third parties.

The table below shows total revenue, including imputed revenue, for the first
quarter compared to the same period of the prior year.

                                              Three months ended            
(In thousands of U.S. dollars)                         March 31,   % Change 
                                               2012         2011            
Net sales, as reported                  $   259,116  $   249,718        3.8%
Microsoft Agency fees                       (11,337)      (9,195)      23.3%
Microsoft imputed revenue                   207,186      160,293       29.3%
Other imputed revenue                        66,526       63,222        5.2%
Total revenue, including imputed                                            
 revenue                                $   521,491  $   464,038       12.4%

Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

(Expressed in U.S. dollars)


Three-month periods ended March 31, 2012 and 2011


SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION                                                      
Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Position             
(In thousands of U.S. dollars)                                              
                                                    March 31,  December 31, 
                                                         2012          2011 
Current assets:                                                             
  Cash                                           $     42,089  $     32,993 
  Trade and other receivables                         249,437       306,434 
  Inventory                                             5,942         8,407 
  Work-in-progress                                        451           465 
  Deferred costs                                        1,047         2,591 
  Prepaid expenses and other assets                     5,889         6,158 
  Total current assets                                304,855       357,048 
Non-current assets:                                                         
  Long-term accounts receivable                           139           643 
  Long-term prepaid expenses                            1,958         1,821 
  Property and equipment                                6,661         6,309 
  Goodwill                                             16,647        16,441 
  Intangible assets                                    45,061        46,203 
  Deferred tax assets                                  19,797        19,224 
  Total non-current assets                             90,263        90,641 
Total assets                                     $    395,118  $    447,689 
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                                        
Current liabilities:                                                        
  Trade and other payables                       $    233,541  $    290,267 
  Deferred lease inducements                              250           243 
  Deferred revenue                                     10,380        10,627 
  Income taxes payable                                  1,264         2,279 
  Total current liabilities                           245,435       303,416 
Non-current liabilities:                                                    
  Deferred lease inducements                              602           648 
  Deferred revenue                                      3,214         3,307 
  Total non-current liabilities                         3,816         3,955 
Total liabilities                                     249,251       307,371 
Shareholders' equity:                                                       
  Capital stock                                        26,502        26,548 
  Contributed surplus                                   3,798         3,274 
  Retained earnings                                   116,832       111,689 
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss                 (1,265)       (1,193)
  Total shareholders' equity                          145,867       140,318 
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity       $    395,118  $    447,689 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited interim condensed
consolidated financial statements.

SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION                                                      
Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income           
(In thousands of U.S. dollars, except per share information)                
                                                  Three-month periods ended 
                                                                  March 31, 
                                                         2012          2011 
Net sales                                        $    259,116  $    249,718 
Cost of sales                                         210,247       205,804 
Gross profit                                           48,869        43,914 
  Selling and marketing                                29,907        26,632 
  Administrative                                       12,386        10,333 
  Other income                                            (22)         (121)
  Other expenses                                           66            43 
                                                       42,337        36,887 
Income from operating activities                        6,532         7,027 
Finance costs                                             142         1,047 
Finance income                                           (961)       (1,266)
Net finance income                                       (819)         (219)
Earnings before income taxes                            7,351         7,246 
Income tax expense                                      2,208         2,086 
Net earnings                                            5,143         5,160 
Other comprehensive loss:                                                   
  Foreign currency translation adjustment                 (72)         (355)
Total comprehensive income                       $      5,071  $      4,805 
Net earnings per common share:                                              
  Basic (note 5)                                 $       0.26  $       0.26 
  Diluted (note 5)                                       0.26          0.26 
SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION                                                      
Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity              
(In thousands of U.S. dollars)                                              
Three-month period ended               Number        Capital    Contributed 
March 31, 2012                      of shares          stock        surplus 
Balance, January 1, 2012           19,837,211  $      26,548  $       3,274 
Total comprehensive income                                                  
  Net earnings                              -              -              - 
  Other comprehensive loss:                                                 
    Foreign currency                                                        
     translation adjustment                 -              -              - 
  Total comprehensive income                                                
   (loss)                                   -              -              - 
Transactions with shareholders                                              
 recorded directly in equity:                                               
  Share-based payment                                                       
   transactions                             -              -            524 
  Repurchase of common shares          (3,700)           (46)             - 
                                       (3,700)           (46)           524 
Balance, March 31, 2012            19,833,511  $      26,502  $       3,798 

                                   Cumulative                         Total 
Three-month period ended          translation       Retained  shareholders' 
March 31, 2012                        account       earnings         equity 
Balance, January 1, 2012        $      (1,193) $     111,689  $     140,318 
Total comprehensive income                                                  
  Net earnings                              -          5,143          5,143 
  Other comprehensive loss:                                                 
    Foreign currency                                                        
     translation adjustment               (72)             -            (72)
  Total comprehensive income                                                
   (loss)                                 (72)         5,143          5,071 
Transactions with shareholders                                              
 recorded directly in equity:                                               
  Share-based payment                                                       
   transactions                             -              -            524 
  Repurchase of common shares               -              -            (46)
                                            -              -            478 
Balance, March 31, 2012         $      (1,265) $     116,832  $     145,867 
Three-month period ended                Number        Capital   Contributed 
March 31, 2011                       of shares          stock       surplus 
Balance, January 1, 2011            19,780,039  $      26,016 $       2,054 
Total comprehensive income                                                  
  Net earnings                               -              -             - 
  Other comprehensive loss:                                                 
    Foreign currency translation                                            
     adjustment                              -              -             - 
Total comprehensive income                                                  
 (loss)                                      -              -             - 
Transactions with shareholders                                              
 recorded directly in equity:                                               
  Share-based payment                                                       
   transactions                              -              -           356 
  Deferred share units                                                      
    Exercised                           52,573            461          (461)
                                        52,573            461          (105)
Balance, March 31, 2011             19,832,612  $      26,477 $       1,949 

                                    Cumulative                        Total 
Three-month period ended           translation       Retained shareholders' 
March 31, 2011                         account       earnings        equity 
Balance, January 1, 2011         $      (1,142) $      89,569 $     116,497 
Total comprehensive income                                                  
  Net earnings                               -          5,160         5,160 
  Other comprehensive loss:                                                 
    Foreign currency translation                                            
     adjustment                           (355)             -          (355)
Total comprehensive income                                                  
 (loss)                                   (355)         5,160         4,805 
Transactions with shareholders                                              
 recorded directly in equity:                                               
  Share-based payment                                                       
   transactions                              -              -           356 
  Deferred share units                                                      
    Exercised                                -              -             - 
                                             -              -           356 
Balance, March 31, 2011          $      (1,497) $      94,729 $     121,658 
SOFTCHOICE CORPORATION                                                      
Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                     
(In thousands of U.S. dollars)                                              
                                                  Three-month periods ended 
                                                                  March 31, 
                                                         2012          2011 
Cash provided by (used in):                                                 
Operating activities:                                                       
  Net earnings                                   $      5,143  $      5,160 
  Adjustments for:                                                          
    Depreciation of property and equipment                748           682 
    Share-based payment transactions                      524           356 
    Income tax expense                                  2,208         2,086 
    Amortization of intangible assets                   2,125         1,597 
    Unrealized foreign currency gain                   (1,004)       (1,039)
    Amortization of deferred financing costs                -           357 
    Interest expense on financial liabilities              32           523 
                                                        9,776         9,722 
  Change in non-cash operating working capital                              
   (note 7)                                             4,636         6,014 
                                                       14,412        15,736 
  Interest paid                                           (32)         (522)
  Income taxes paid                                    (3,835)       (2,984)
  Cash provided by operating activities                10,545        12,230 
Financing activities:                                                       
  Repayment of loans and borrowings                         -        (1,276)
  Repurchase of common shares                             (46)            - 
  Cash used in financing activities                       (46)       (1,276)
Investing activities:                                                       
  Purchase of property and equipment                   (1,009)         (578)
  Purchase of intangible assets                          (614)         (474)
  Cash used in investing activities                    (1,623)       (1,052)
Increase in cash                                        8,876         9,902 
Cash, beginning of year                                32,993        35,752 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                   220           442 
Cash, end of year                                $     42,089  $     46,096 

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