Unknown Public Companies Set to Drive the Explosion of The AR/VR
Worlds as Access, Adoption, and Adaptation Become
is no doubt that the Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality
(AR) industry means big money with global sales estimates predicted
at 75 billion by 2021, and a staggering 121 billion within ten
years. Nearly triple that of the potential Cannabis market. This
same sector is the focus of publicly traded market giants such as
Google (NASDAQ:
GOOGL), Facebook
Microsoft (NASDAQ:
MSFT), Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL),
and Sony (NYSE:SNE).
But there are a
few gems that in comparison are relatively unknown to the general
public and traditional investors. These companies although small
are true leaders in their specific disciplines but they all have
one thing in common. That is that they are driving the adaption of
AR/VR by the general public by making the experiencing, creation
and development of products accessible
Patents May
Decide the Industry
With virtually
all the technology and social media giants investing heavily with
varying strategies, the one thing that they are all chasing as the
"Holy Grail" are a few key cornerstone Patents. The first of the
significant cornerstone patents that control the Intellectual
property of capturing and distributing Virtual Reality and
Augmented Reality was owned by Oculus which made up the majority of
its 2-Billion-dollar price tag that Facebook ponied up.
Apples purchase of NextVR for 100 million is rumored to
be primarily in order to gain control of another
patent technology
supporting high quality video streams of music and sporting events
to VR headsets. Although NextVR holds over 40 technology
patents in total, it is this one Patent that is rumored to be the
sparkle in Apples eye. Microsoft hold thousands of Patents and is
likely to hold at least a few pieces to the patent
of the other likely Cornerstone patents was featured in a special
"Bold Patent" spot on CNBC during Shark tank in which CEO Barry
Henthorn appeared, is ReelTimes' patent Number 10,761,303
that was just issued by the USPTO on September 1, 2020. The
patent covering apparatus and method claims for technology
involving simultaneous capturing of 360 X 360 degree Spherical
Panorama Images and Video. According J.D. Houvener, CEO of Bold
Patents and author of "Bold Ideas," "The intellectual property
contained in the patent application we filed on behalf of ReelTime
VR has the potential to be completely industry shaping. Our team of
experts was able to articulate the claims of the invention quite
broadly so as to provide ReelTime VR with the strongest and
broadest protections available to them."
Although the
original technology allows any cell phone or other camera to
instantaneously capture 360 X 360 Virtual Reality Video or pictures
without any need for stitching, the patent provides protection from
infringement from any capturing of a plurality of images utilizing
at least one mirror. This spans a wide range of industries and uses
and is likely being infringed upon or would need to be licensed by
numerous larger players.
That brings us to
the first Company on our list which is innovative content and
technology leader ReelTime VR (OTCPK:RLTR). Not only is ReelTime VR an
innovative content creator but an elite development and technology
leader. ReelTime VR among other things produced the number one VR
travel series in the world starring international superstar Front
Montgomery and her daughter Leonie Montgomery "In Front of View" and the most watched VR tween series in the
world featuring the "Really Twins" Twins in you guessed it "Really
Twins" .
It is the
proprietary technology and methodologies that it utilizes however
in production that allow it to produce in VR simultaneously as in
traditional flat video that landed their content on Amazon Prime
Video making it the first and only content originally
shot in VR to
have been able to do so. This opens up all forms of monetization
for content and in the entertainment world where "Content is King"
and distribution is an army, ReelTime has them both.
Patent that
brings the ability to produce and share VR to the general consumer
along with its persistence in creating content and technologies
that are at the forefront of the industry make ReelTime a company
to watch now before the word gets out. If you are feeling patriotic
then it may be of note that ReelTime is the only company to make
this list that is truly 100% an American company with the other two
being foreign filers. Reeltime is also the only one of the
three that has shown gains over the past 90 days leveling off for
some very good buys.
Staying with the
notion that making it easier for consumers and businesses to create
and utilize VR is a driving force as it is with ReelTime, the same
could be said about AR with Imagine AR Inc. (CSE:IP)
is an Augmented
Reality Company that enables sports teams, businesses and
enterprises to instantly create their own AR mobile campaigns. They
have recently signed a two year partnership agreement with Valencia
C.F., one of the biggest soccer clubs in the world to provide its
Augmented Reality Platform for fan activation and engagement in
addition to signing a 5 year agreement with the NFL Alumni
Association Academy to provide its Augmented Reality Platform for
the launch of their new NFLA mobile interactive
products. This agreement provides for equal program revenue
sharing over the 5-year term. They also have a fairly solid list of
clients and collaborations that they are building
also has a
portfolio of 5 issued patents that covers multiple new
growing uses for
Augmented Reality (AR) gaming where geolocation is a key part of
the gameplay. . Although ImagineARs
patents may not
have industry shaping ramifications, the core elements of their
niche and how it applies specifically to their gameplay look to be
well defined and well protected.
The stock has
suffered significantly over the past 90 days but that is after a
strong run up in June and July making it a six-month performer with
an explosive potential. Because they are
reducing the barriers of entry for business to develop and utilize
AR for the benefit of their company and the consumer experience in
whole puts ImagineAR as one of our top three
unknown players that just may carve a solid stake in the AR
While both of the
other two companies to make our list are focused on making AR/VR
accessible and enjoyable by the mass market, NexTech AR Solutions
a rapidly growing leader in the exploding AR industry, provides
businesses with augmented reality solutions that help drive their
bottom line and competitive advantage. Whether for product
promotion, increased sales, product training, or brand
evangelism, NexTech AR is focusing on several key
multi-billion-dollar verticals including fashion & apparel,
footwear, and luxury goods.
AR has managed to
secure quite the list of Blue-chip customers having beat out many
much larger and better funded competitors.
have recently
announced that it is launching its new "Genie in the Bottle"
augmented reality marketing program. The Genie in the Bottle
program will first be used in Q4 2020 to promote a new proprietary
line of organic human supplement products developed by
'TruLyfe'. Demo video of Genie
Genie in the
Bottle is a human hologram, in the form of an interactive
that shares nutritional insights
and information with customers who scan the 'TruLyfe' supplements
code through
the NexTech AR app. This platform will
mark the beginning of a new way for eCommerce brands to directly reach
their customers through an immersive episodic storytelling
experience unlike anything seen before.
Like Imagine
AR, NextTech AR has taken a bath over the
past six months but that is also due to a sharp rise leading up to
it so there may be opportunities left here.
Their ability to
create platforms that have been vetted at the highest of standards,
an ability to generate revenues, and the general interest in the
space place NextTech on our list even though they
lack the mass public appeal and accessibility of the other
However you place
your bets on the new AR/VR phenomenon, keep a keen eye on these
three public companies that have significant potential to be strong
forces in the industry and one just may reshape our entire
For more
information on all things relating to virtual reality, augmented
reality, or your reality head over to

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nor any of
its staff were compensated for the creation and/or publication of
this article. VRI
makes no
representations nor warrantees of any kind whatsoever regarding any
of the information contained herin.
This is not a solicitation nor recommendation to purchase any stock
or other products from the companies mentioned or any other
companies. This article is solely for the purpose of informing our
readers of information that was obtained through public