RNS Number : 1247I

National Bank of Canada

30 November 2022

Regulatory Announcement

National Bank of Canada

November 30, 2022

2022 Management's Discussion and Analysis (Part 2)

National Bank of Canada (the "Bank") announces publication of its 2022 Annual Report, including the Management's Discussion and Analysis thereon (the "2022 MD&A"). The 2022 MD&A has been uploaded to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism and is available on the Bank's website as part of the 2022 Annual Report at: https://www.nbc.ca/en/about-us/investors/investor-relations/annual-reports-proxy-circulars-aif.html .

To view the full PDF of the 2022 MD&A, the 2022 Annual Report and the 2022 Annual CEO and CFO Certifications please click on the following link:


Risk Management

Risk-taking is intrinsic to a financial institution's business. The Bank views risk as an integral part of its development and the diversification of its activities . It advocates a risk management approach that is consistent with its business strategy. The Bank voluntarily exposes itself to certain risk categories, particularly credit and market risk, in order to generate revenue. It also assumes certain risks that are inherent to its activities-to which it does not choose to expose itself-and that do not generate revenue, i.e., mainly operational risks. The purpose of sound and effective risk management is to provide reasonable assurance that incurred risks do not exceed acceptable thresholds, to control the volatility in the Bank's results, and to ensure that risk-taking contributes to the creation of shareholder value.

Risk Management Framework

Risk is rigorously managed. Risks are identified, measured, and controlled to achieve an appropriate balance between returns obtained and risks assumed. Decision-making is therefore guided by risk assessments that align with the Bank's risk appetite and by prudent levels of capital and liquidity. Despite the exercise of stringent risk management and existing mitigation measures, risk cannot be eliminated entirely, and residual risks may occasionally cause significant losses.

The Bank has developed guidelines that support sound and effective risk management and that help preserve its reputation, brand, and long-term viability.

-- risk is everyone's business: the business units, the risk management and oversight functions, and Internal Audit all play an important role in ensuring a risk management framework is in place; operational transformations and simplifications are conducted without compromising rigorous risk management;

-- client-centric: having quality information is key to understanding clients, effectively managing risk, and delivering excellent client service;

-- enterprise-wide: an integrated view of risk is the basis for sound and effective risk management and decision-making by management;

-- human capital: the Bank's employees are engaged, experienced and have a high level of expertise; their curiosity supports continuous development and their rigour ensures that risk management is built into the corporate culture; incentive-based compensation programs are designed to adhere to the Bank's risk tolerance;

-- fact-based: good risk management relies heavily on common sense and good judgment and on advanced systems and models.

Risk Appetite

Risk appetite represents how much risk an organization is willing to assume to achieve its business strategy. The Bank defines its risk appetite by setting tolerance thresholds , by aligning those thresholds with its business strategy, and by integrating risk management throughout its corporate culture. Risk appetite is built into decision-making processes as well as into strategic, financial, and capital planning .

The Bank's risk appetite framework consists of principles, statements, metrics as well as targets and is reinforced by policies and limits. When setting its risk appetite targets, the Bank considers regulatory constraints and the expectations of stakeholders, in particular customers, employees, the community, shareholders, regulatory agencies, governments, and rating agencies . The risk appetite framework is defined by the following principles and statements:

The Bank's reputation, brand and long-term viability are at the centre of our decisions, which demand:

   --     a strong credit rating to be maintained; 
   --     a strong capital and cash position; 
   --     rigorous management of regulatory compliance risk, including sales practices; 
   --     zero tolerance for negligence in information security. 

The Bank understands the risks taken; they are aligned with our business strategy and translate into:

   --     a risk-reward balance; 
   --     a stable risk profile; 
   --     a strategic level of concentration aligned with approved targets. 

The Bank's transformation and simplification plan is being carried out without compromising rigorous risk management, which is reflected in:

   --     a low tolerance to operational and reputation risk; 

-- operational and information systems stability, both under normal circumstances and in times of crisis .

The Bank's management and business units are involved in the risk appetite setting process and are responsible for adequately monitoring the chosen risk indicators. These needs are assessed by means of the enterprise strategic planning process. The risk indicators are reported on a regular basis to ensure an effective alignment between the Bank's risk profile and its risk appetite, failing which appropriate actions might be taken. Additional information on the key credit, market and liquidity risk indicators monitored by the Bank's management is presented on the following pages .

Enterprise-Wide Stress Testing

An enterprise-wide stress testing program is in place at the Bank. It is part of a more extensive process aimed at ensuring that the Bank maintains adequate capital levels commensurate with its business strategy and risk appetite. Stress testing can be defined as a risk management method that assesses the potential effects-on the Bank's financial position, capital and liquidity-of a series of specified changes in risk factors, corresponding to exceptional but plausible events. The program supports management's decision-making process by identifying potential vulnerabilities for the Bank as a whole and that are considered in setting limits as well as in longer term business planning. The scenarios and stress test results are approved by the Stress Testing Oversight Committee and are reviewed by the Global Risk Committee (GRC) and the Risk Management Committee (RMC). For additional information, see the Stress Testing section of this MD&A applicable to credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk.

Incorporation of Risk Management Into the Corporate Culture

Risk management is supported by the Bank's cultural evolution through, notably, the following pillars:

-- Tone set by management: The Bank's management continually promotes risk management through internal communications. The Bank's risk appetite is therefore known to all.

-- Shared accountability: A balanced approach is advocated, whereby business development initiatives are combined with a constant focus on sound and effective risk management. In particular, risk is taken into consideration when preparing the business plans of the business segments, when analyzing strategic initiatives, and when launching new products.

-- Transparency: A foundation of the business's values, transparency lets us communicate our concerns quickly without fear of reprisal. We are a learning--focused organization where employees are allowed to make mistakes.

-- Behaviour: The Bank's risk management is strengthened by incentive compensation programs that are structured to reflect the Bank's risk appetite.

-- Continuous development: All employees must complete mandatory annual regulatory compliance training focused on the Bank's Code of Conduct and on anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing (AML/ATF) efforts as well as cybersecurity training. Risk management training is also offered across all of the Bank's business units.

In addition to these five pillars, Internal Audit carries out an evaluation of the corporate culture as part of its mandate. Furthermore, to ensure the effectiveness of the existing risk management framework, the Bank has defined clear roles and responsibilities by reinforcing the concept of the three lines of defence. The Governance Structure section presented on the following pages defines this concept as well as the roles and responsibilities of the three lines of defence.

                    First Line of Defence                                                 Second Line of Defence                                                Third Line of Defence 
                          Risk Owner                                                       Independent Oversight                                                 Independent Assurance 
                        Business Units                                                        Risk Management                                                       Internal Audit 
                                                                                          and Oversight Functions 
                                                                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 
      *    Identify, manage, assess and mitigate risks in                      *    Oversee risk management by setting policies and               *    Provide the Board and management with independent 
           day-to-day activities.                                                   standards.                                                         assurance as to the effectiveness of the main 
                                                                                                                                                       governance, risk management, and internal control 
                                                                                                                                                       processes and systems. 
      *    Ensure activities are in alignment with the Bank's                  *    Provide independent oversight of management practices 
           risk appetite and risk management policies.                              and an independent challenge of the first line of 
                                                                                    defence.                                                      *    Provide recommendations and advice to promote the 
                                                                                                                                                       Bank's long-term financial strength. 
                                                                               *    Promote sound and effective risk management at the 
                                                                               *    Monitor and report on risk. 
                                                                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------- 

Governance Structure *

The following chart shows the Bank's overall governance architecture and the governance relationships established for risk management.

The Board of Directors (Board) (1)

The Board is responsible for approving and overseeing management of the Bank's internal and commercial affairs, and it establishes strategic directions together with management. It also approves and oversees the Bank's overall risk philosophy and risk appetite, acknowledges and understands the main risks faced by the Bank, and makes sure appropriate systems are in place to effectively manage and control those risks. In addition, the Board ensures that the Bank operates in accordance with environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices and strategies. It carries out its mandate both directly and through its committees: the Audit Committee, the Risk Management Committee, the Human Resources Committee , the Conduct Review and Corporate Governance Committee, and the Technology Committee. In addition, the various oversight functions, the Global Risk Committee and the working groups report to the Board and advise it.

The Audit Committee (1)

The Audit Committee oversees the work of the Bank's internal auditor and independent auditor ; ensures the Bank's financial strength; establishes the Bank's financial reporting framework, analysis processes and internal controls ; and reviews any reports of irregularities in accounting, internal controls , or audit .

The Risk Management Committee (RMC) (1)

The Risk Management Committee examines the risk appetite framework and recommends it to the Board for approval. It approves the main risk management policies and risk tolerance limits. It ensures that appropriate resources, processes, and procedures are in place to properly and effectively manage risk on an ongoing basis. Finally, it monitors the risk profile and risk trends of the Bank's activities and ensures alignment with the risk appetite.

The Human Resources Committee (1)

The Human Resources Committee examines and approves the Bank's total compensation policies and programs, taking into consideration the risk management framework and ESG strategies, and recommends their approval to the Board. It recommends, for Board approval, the compensation of the President and Chief Executive Officer, of the members of the Senior Leadership Team, and of the heads of the oversight functions. This committee oversees all human resources practices, including employee health and well-being, talent management matters such as succession planning for management and oversight functions, as well as inclusion and diversity.

The Conduct Review and Corporate Governance Committee (1)

The Conduct Review and Corporate Governance Committee ensures that the Bank maintains sound practices that comply with legislation and best practices, particularly in the area of ESG responsibilities, and that they align with the Bank's One Mission. It periodically reviews and approves professional conduct and ethical behaviour standards, including the Code of Conduct. The committee oversees the application of complaint review mechanisms and implements mechanisms that ensure compliance with consumer protection provisions, including the Whistleblower Protection Policy, and that prevent prohibited financial transactions between the Bank and related parties. Lastly, it ensures that the directors are qualified by evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the Board and its members and by planning director succession and the composition of the Board .

The Technology Committee (1)

The Technology Committee oversees the various components of the Bank's technology program . It reviews, among other things, the Bank's technology strategy and monitors technology risks, including cyberrisks, cybercrime, and protection of personal information. The IT Risk Management Strategic Committee and the Privacy Office report to the Technology Committee.

(1) Additional information about the Bank's governance architecture can be found in the Management Proxy Circular for the 2023 Annual Meeting of Holders of Common Shares, which will soon be available on the Bank's website at nbc.ca and on SEDAR's website at sedar.com. The mandates of the Board and of its committees are available in their entirety at nbc.ca.

Senior Leadership Team of the Bank

Composed of the President and Chief Executive Officer and the officers responsible for the Bank's main functions and business units, the Bank's Senior Leadership Team ensures that risk management is sound and effective and aligned with the Bank's pursuit of its objectives and strategies. The Senior Leadership Team promotes the integration of risk management into its corporate culture and manages the primary risks facing the Bank.

The Internal Audit Oversight Function

The Internal Audit Oversight Function is the third line of defence in the risk management framework. It is responsible for providing the Bank's Board and management with objective, independent assurance on the effectiveness of the main governance, risk management, and internal control processes and systems and for making recommendations and providing advice to promote the Bank's long-term strength.

The Finance Oversight Function

The Finance Oversight Function is responsible for optimizing management of financial resources and ensuring sound governance of financial information. It helps the business segments and support functions with their financial performance, ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, and carries out the Bank's reporting to shareholders and the external reporting of the various units, entities, and subsidiaries of the Bank. It is responsible for capital management and actively participates in the activities of the Asset/Liability Management Committee.

The Risk Management Oversight Function

The Risk Management service is responsible for identifying, assessing and monitoring-independently and using an integrated approach-the various risks to which the Bank and its subsidiaries are exposed and for promoting a risk management culture throughout the Bank. The Risk Management team helps the Board and management understand and monitor the main risks. This service also develops, maintains, and communicates the risk appetite framework while overseeing the integrity and reliability of risk measures.

The Compliance Oversight Function

The Compliance Oversight Function is responsible for implementing a Bank-wide regulatory compliance risk management framework by relying on an organizational structure that includes functional links to the main business segments. It also exercises independent oversight and conducts assessments of the compliance of the Bank and its subsidiaries with regulatory compliance risk standards and policies.

The Global Risk Committee (GRC)

The Global Risk Committee is the overriding governing entity of all the Bank's risk committees, and it oversees every aspect of the overall management of the Bank's risk. It sets the parameters of the policies that determine risk tolerance and the overall risk strategy, for the Bank and its subsidiaries as a whole, and sets limits as well as tolerance and intervention thresholds enabling the Bank to properly manage the main risks to which it is exposed. The committee approves and monitors all large credit facilities. It reports to the Board, and recommends for Board approval, the Bank's risk philosophy, risk appetite, and risk profile management. The Operational Risk Management Committee, the Financial Markets Risk Committee, and the Enterprise-Wide Risk Management Committee presented in the governance structure chart are the primary committees reporting to the Global Risk Committee. The Global Risk Committee also carries out its mandate through the Senior Complex Valuation Committee, the Models Oversight Committee, and the Product and Activity Review Committees.

The Compensation Risk Oversight Working Group

The working group that monitors compensation-related risks supports the Human Resources Committee in its compensation risk oversight role. It is made up of at least three members, namely, the Executive Vice-President, Risk Management; the Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice-President, Finance; and the Executive Vice-President, Employee Experience. The working group helps to ensure that compensation policies and programs do not unduly encourage senior management members, officers, material risk takers, or bank employees to take risks beyond the Bank's risk tolerance thresholds. As part of that role, it ensures that the Bank is adhering to the Corporate Governance Guidelines issued by OSFI and to the Principles for Sound Compensation Practices issued by the Financial Stability Board, for which the Canadian implementation and monitoring is conducted by OSFI. The RMC also reviews the reports presented by this working group.

The ESG Working Group

Under the leadership of the Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice-President, Finance, and made up of several officers from different areas of the Bank, the ESG Working Group's main role is to develop and support the Bank's environmental, social and governance initiatives and strategies. Its members meet on a monthly basis. The ESG Working Group is responsible for implementing the recommendations made by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and by the UN Principles for Responsible Banking as well as for implementing the Bank's climate commitments. At least twice a year, the ESG Working Group reports to the Conduct Review and Governance Committee on the progress made and on ongoing and upcoming ESG projects. In addition, and in a timely fashion, the ESG Working Group makes presentations on topics of particular interest, such as the TCFD report, to the Audit Committee and the RMC.

The IT Risk Management Strategic Committee (ITRMSC)

The Bank's management has entrusted the ITRMSC with responsibility for the governance of technology-related risk and cyberrisk. Under the leadership of the Executive Vice-President, Risk Management and the Executive Vice-President, Technology and Operations, this committee approves the technology and cyberrisk management policy as well as other policies related to technology risk management. Among other responsibilities, it reviews the technology risk and cyberrisk posture as well as any matter requiring an alignment between the technology strategy and the associated risks.

The Privacy Office

The Privacy Office develops and implements the personal information privacy program and the Bank's strategy for ensuring privacy and protecting personal information. It oversees the development, updating, and application of appropriate documentation in support of the Bank's personal information privacy program, including policies, standards, and procedures. It also oversees the risk governance framework and the implementation of appropriate controls designed to mitigate privacy risk. Lastly, it supports the business units in their execution of the Bank's strategic directions and ensures adherence to privacy best practices.

The Business Units

As the first line of defence, the business units manage risks related to their operations within established limits and in accordance with risk management policies by identifying, analyzing, managing, and understanding the risks to which they are exposed and implementing risk mitigation mechanisms. The management of these units must ensure that employees are adhering to current policies and limits.

Risk Management Policies

The risk management policies and related standards and procedures set out responsibilities, define and describe the main business-related risks, specify the requirements that business units must fulfill when assessing and managing these risks, stipulate the authorization process for risk-taking, and set the risk limits to be adhered to. They also establish the accountability reporting that must be provided to the various risk-related bodies, including the RMC. The policies cover the Bank's main risks, are reviewed regularly to ensure they are still relevant given market changes, regulatory changes and changes in the business plans of the Bank's business units, and they apply to the entire Bank and its subsidiaries, when applicable. Other policies, standards, and procedures complement the main policies and cover more specific aspects of risk management such as business continuity; the launch of new products, initiatives, or activities; or financial instrument measurement.

Governance of Model Risk Management

The Bank uses several models to guide enterprise-wide risk management, financial markets strategy, economic and regulatory capital allocation, global credit risk management, wealth management, and profitability measures. The model risk management policies as well as a rigorous model management process ensure that model usage is appropriate and effective .

The key components of the Bank's model risk management governance framework are as follows: the model risk management policies and standards, the model validation group, and the Models Oversight Committee. The policies and standards set the rules and principles applicable to the development and independent validation of models . The scope of models covered is wide, ranging from market risk pricing models and automated credit decision-making models to the business risk capital models, including models used for regulatory capital and stressed capital purposes, expected credit losses models, and financial-crime models. The framework also includes more advanced artificial intelligence models.

One of the cornerstones of the Bank's policies is the general principle that all models deemed important for the Bank or used for regulatory capital purposes require heightened lifecycle monitoring and independent validation. All models used by the Bank are therefore classified in terms of risk level (low, medium , or high). Based on this classification , the Bank applies strict guidelines regarding the requirements for model development and documentation, independent review thereof , performance monitoring thereof, and minimum review frequency. The Bank believes that the best defence against "model risk" is the implementation of a robust development and validation framework .

Independent Oversight by the Compliance Service

Compliance is an independent oversight function within the Bank. Its Senior Vice-President, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer has direct access to the RMC and to the President and Chief Executive Officer and can communicate directly with officers and directors of the Bank and of its subsidiaries and foreign centres. The Senior Vice-President, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer regularly meets with the Chair of the RMC, in the absence of management, to review matters on the relationship between the Compliance Service and the Bank's management and on access to the information required.

Business unit managers must oversee the implementation of mechanisms for the daily control of regulatory compliance risks arising from the operations under their responsibility. Compliance exercises independent oversight in order to assist managers in effectively managing these risks and to obtain reasonable assurance that the Bank is compliant with the regulatory requirements in effect where it does business, both in Canada and internationally.

Independent Assessment by Internal Audit

Internal Audit is an independent oversight function created by the Audit Committee. Its Senior Vice-President has direct access to the Chair of the Audit Committee and to the Bank's President and Chief Executive Officer and can communicate directly with officers and directors of the Bank and of its subsidiaries and foreign centres. The Senior Vice-President, Internal Audit, regularly meets with the Chair of the Audit Committee, in the absence of management, to review matters on the relationship between Internal Audit and the Bank's management.

Internal Audit provides reasonable assurance that the main governance, risk management, and internal control processes and systems are ensuring that, in all material respects, the Bank's key control procedures are effective and compliant. Internal Audit also provides recommendations and advice on how to strengthen these key control procedures. Business unit managers and senior management must ensure the effectiveness of the main governance, risk management, and internal control processes and systems, and they must implement corrective measures if needed.

Top and Emerging Risks

Managing risk requires a solid understanding of every type of risk found across the Bank, as they could have a material adverse effect on the Bank's business, results of operations, financial position, and reputation. As part of its approach to risk management, the Bank identifies, assesses, reviews and monitors the range of top and emerging risks to which it is exposed in order to proactively manage them and implement appropriate mitigation strategies. Identified top and emerging risks are presented to senior management and communicated to the RMC.

The Bank applies a risk taxonomy that categorizes, into two groups, the top risks to which the Bank is exposed in the normal course of business:

-- Financial risks: Directly tied to the Bank's key business activities and are generally more quantifiable or predictable;

-- Non-financial risks: Inherent to the Bank's activities and to which it does not choose to expose itself .

The Bank separately qualifies the risks to which it is exposed: a "top risk" is a risk that has been identified, is clearly defined, and could have a significant impact on the Bank's business, results of operations, financial position, and reputation, whereas an "emerging risk" is a risk that, while it may also have an impact on the Bank, is not yet well understood in terms of its likelihood, consequences, timing, or the magnitude of its potential impact.

In the normal course of business, the Bank is exposed to the following top risks.

   Financial risks                            Non-financial risks 
                       Operational   Regulatory    Reputation   Strategic   Environmental 
                           risk       compliance      risk         risk       and social 
                                         risk                                    risk 
    ----------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------  -------------- 

The Bank is also exposed to other new, so-called emerging or significant risks, which are defined as follows.

                    Government decisions and international relations can have a significant 
                    impact on the environment in which the Bank operates. Geopolitical 
                    events can lead to volatility, have a negative impact on at-risk 
                    assets, and cause financial conditions to deteriorate. They could 
                    also directly or indirectly affect banking activities by having 
                    repercussions on clients. The war in Ukraine, which has disrupted 
   Geopolitical     energy and agricultural supply chains, is a good example. The 
       risk         economic sanctions taken against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine 
                    and the steps taken by Russia to significantly reduce natural 
                    gas supply to Europe have led to soaring energy costs. This situation 
                    has triggered the negative economic headwinds now facing Europe 
                    and heightened the risk of a political reaction in the form of 
                    new governments taking power and social unrest. Even if the war 
                    was expected to end relatively quickly, the shattered trust suggests 
                    that Europe and Russia will continue to take measures to become 
                    less dependant on one another, notably regarding energy matters. 
                    While new risks could arise at any time, certain concerns are 
                    compelling us to monitor other situations at this time. The geopolitical 
                    power struggle that for years has pitted the U.S. against China 
                    is one such concern. Businesses, in particular those operating 
                    in sectors deemed strategic, run an increasing risk of finding 
                    themselves in a maze of contradictory regulations, where complying 
                    with U.S. regulations means violating Chinese law, and vice versa. 
                    These tensions could also partially undo some of the ties forged 
                    between these two superpowers in the financial markets, and Canada 
                    might get caught in the crosshairs of the two countries. A recent 
                    escalation in tensions between China and the United States on 
                    the subject of Taiwan is a new source of disagreement between 
                    the two superpowers. While we do not believe an invasion is imminent, 
                    China will continue to exert pressure on Taiwan through a combination 
                    of unprecedented military exercises and economic sanctions. Taiwan's 
                    importance is highlighted by the fact that it is by far the leading 
                    global producer of advanced microchips (over 90% of the market 
                    share). But the potential for confrontation is not limited to 
                    the China-U.S. relationship, as protectionism is gaining popularity, 
                    and a growing number of countries are implementing measures to 
                    both financially support domestic businesses in key sectors (high 
                    tech, health care, and food) and to protect them against global 
                    competition through business restrictions. The combined effects 
                    of supply shortages and geopolitical tensions have shifted the 
                    focus from efficiency to supply security. We will continue to 
                    monitor all of these developments, analyze any new risks that 
                    arise, and assess the impacts that they may have on our organization 
---------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    Although the economy recovered quickly during the pandemic, a 
                    number of risks still remain and others are emerging. Most countries 
     Economic       are now dealing with variants, but we are not immune to the emergence 
       risk         of new, more infectious strains that could once again destabilize 
                    the economy. For its part, China is going it alone with its zero-COVID 
                    policy. Given China's importance to the global economy and supply 
                    chain, such a policy, which involves repeated lockdowns, has 
                    repercussions not only on growth but also on inflationary pressure. 
                    With this in mind, the inflationary outlook remains uncertain 
                    insofar as supply chain bottlenecks could stop improving or worse, 
                    deteriorate once again. 
                  The war in Ukraine and extreme weather events have proven just 
                  how vulnerable the global economy is to such shocks. The sharp 
                  rise in inflation in 2022 is presenting another risk, i.e., the 
                  risk of spiralling inflation created by higher wages. In fact, 
                  the inflationary shock has prompted employees to demand compensation 
                  for their lost buying power, which could subsequently compel 
                  businesses to raise prices in order to maintain margins, thus 
                  creating a vicious cycle. If this scenario of unchecked inflation 
                  above central bank targets were to occur, the central banks could 
                  move towards a much tighter monetary policy by hiking interest 
                  rates even higher. Given that interest rates have remained quite 
                  low over the past few years, market participants seeking additional 
                  returns may have engaged in excessive risk-taking strategies 
                  and would not be immune from negative repercussions should interest 
                  rates suddenly spike higher. This would serve as a major headwind 
                  for the real estate sector and Canadian households, which have 
                  seen their debt levels rise sharply over the past few years. 
                  Lastly, climate issues are an added risk in the current context. 
                  If too few measures are adopted on the climate front, severe 
                  weather events will intensify and result in economic woes over 
                  the long term. Conversely, a too-swift transition could result 
                  in other risks, particularly short- and medium-term costs and 
                  rising pressure on production costs. In short, given the ongoing 
                  uncertainties in this environment, the Bank remains vigilant 
                  in the face of numerous factors and is continuing to rely on 
                  its strong risk management framework to identify, assess, and 
                  mitigate the negative impacts while also remaining within its 
                  risk appetite limits. 
--------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  change     In accordance with the TCFD's recommendations, the Bank has identified 
             two types of direct climate-change-related risks (climate risk), 
             i.e., physical risks and transition risks. Physical risks refer 
             to the potential impacts of more frequent and more intense extreme 
             weather events and/ or of chronic changes in weather conditions 
             on physical assets, infrastructures, the value chain , productivity 
             , and other physical aspects. Transition risks refer to the potential 
             impacts of moving toward a low-carbon economy (such as technological 
             changes , behavioural changes by consumers, or political or public 
             policy shifts designed to reduce GHG emissions through taxes 
             or incentives) as well as to regulatory changes made to manage 
             and support such an economy. In addition to these two risks are 
             indirect risks, such as the risk of lawsuits, reputation risk, 
             and regulatory compliance risk in an environment that is constantly 
             changing due to ongoing and upcoming initiatives enacted by governments 
             and regulators. Climate risk could have an impact on the traditional 
             risks that are inherent to a financial institution's operations, 
             including credit risk, market risk, liquidity and funding risk, 
             and operational risk , among others. 
             Managing climate risk has become increasingly important, as evidenced 
             by the interest level in this risk, aligned over a societal, 
             political, and regulatory landscape in constant flux, shown by 
             the Bank's stakeholders, in particular clients, shareholders, 
             governments, and regulators. This past year, several initiatives 
             and public consultations were announced, including OSFI's guideline 
             B-15, Climate Risk Management, the International Sustainability 
             Standards Board's initiative to establish a financial disclosure 
             framework addressing sustainability and climate; and the CSA's 
             proposed National Instrument 51-107 - Disclosure of Climate-related 
             matters. Other announcements include the Government of Canada's 
             2030 Emissions Reduction Plan and the Government of Quebec's 
             Plan for a Green Economy . 
             It is possible that the Bank's or its clients' business models 
             fail to align with a low-carbon economy or that their responses 
             to government strategies and regulatory changes prove inadequate 
             or fail to achieve the target objectives. Another possibility 
             is that events caused by physical risks prove catastrophic (extreme 
             episodes) or that there are adaptability issues (chronic episodes). 
             As such, these risks could result in financial losses for the 
             Bank, affect its business activities and how they are conducted, 
             harm its reputation and increase its regulatory compliance risk, 
             or even affect the activities and financial position of the clients 
             to whom it offers financial services . 
             The actual impact of climate risk will depend on future events 
             that are beyond the Bank's control. The Bank must therefore devote 
             special attention to reducing its exposure to these negative 
             outside factors and, at the same time, to seizing new growth 
             opportunities. Its strategies and policies have therefore been 
             designed to consider climate risks while also supporting the 
             transition to a low-carbon economy. The Bank constantly strives 
             to remain apprised of best practices and to support and advise 
             its clients in their move to a low-carbon economy. From this 
             perspective, we will continue to deliver climate risk management 
             training across the organization, in particular among front-line 
             employees who have direct contact with clients. To better understand 
             and mitigate climate change risks, the Bank also takes part in 
             major national and international financial initiatives, including 
             TCFD, the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking (UNPRB), 
             the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing (UNPRI), 
             and others. However , it cannot predict the effectiveness of 
             government-led climate strategies or of regulatory changes enacted, 
             nor can it assume responsibility for achieving the objectives 
             set out in these strategies and changes . 
             The Bank continues to closely monitor developments on this topic 
             and to deploy its climate change risk management framework. 
             For additional information, see the Environmental and Social 
             Risk section of this MD&A. 
--------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
      security               Technology, which is now omnipresent in our daily lives, is at 
  and cybersecurity          the heart of banking services and has become the main driver 
                             of innovation in the financial sector. While this digital transformation 
                             meets the growing needs of customers by enhancing the operational 
                             efficiency of institutions, it nevertheless comes with information 
                             security and cybersecurity risks. The personal information and 
                             financial data of financial institution customers are prime targets 
                             for criminals. These criminals, who are increasingly well organized 
                             and employing ever more sophisticated schemes, try to use technology 
                             to steal information . 
                             Faced with a resurgence of cyberthreats and the sophistication 
                             of cybercriminals, the Bank is exposed to the risks associated 
                             with data breaches, malicious software, unauthorized access, 
                             hacking, phishing, identity theft, intellectual property theft, 
                             asset theft, industrial espionage, and possible denial of service 
                             due to activities causing network failures and service interruptions. 
                             Cyberattacks, as with breaches or interruptions of systems that 
                             support the Bank and its customers, could cause client attrition; 
                             financial loss; an inability of clients to do their banking; 
                             non-compliance with privacy legislation or any other current 
                             laws; legal disputes; fines; penalties or regulatory action; 
                             reputational damage; compliance costs, corrective measures, investigative, 
                             or restoration costs; cost hikes to maintain and upgrade technological 
                             infrastructures and systems, all of which could affect the Bank's 
                             operating results or financial position , in addition to having 
                             an impact on its reputation. 
                             It is also possible for the Bank to be unable to prevent or implement 
                             effective preventive measures against every potential cyberthreat, 
                             as the tactics used are multiplying, change frequently, come 
                             from a wide range of sources, and are increasingly sophisticated. 
                             Within this context, the Bank works to ensure the integrity and 
                             protection of its systems and the information they contain. The 
                             Bank reaffirms its commitment to continuous improvement in the 
                             area of information security, the ultimate goal being to protect 
                             its customers and maintain their trust. Along with its partners 
                             in the financial sector and with the regulatory authorities, 
                             the Bank is committed to making a sustained effort to mitigate 
                             technology risks. Measures specifically directed at anticipating 
                             this type of threat include the formation of multidisciplinary 
                             teams comprising cybersecurity and fraud prevention specialists. 
                             The Bank is also pursuing initiatives under its own cybersecurity 
                             program aimed at adapting its protection, surveillance, detection, 
                             and response capabilities according to changing threats, the 
                             aim being to continue to reduce delays in detecting any anomalies 
                             or cybersecurity incidents and limiting the impact thereof as 
                             much as possible. A governance and accountability structure has 
                             also been established to support decision-making based on sound 
                             risk management . The Technology Committee is regularly informed 
                             of the cybersecurity posture, of cybersecurity trends and developments, 
                             and of lessons learned from operational incidents that have occurred 
                             in other large organizations such that it can gain a better understanding 
                             of risks, particularly risks related to cybersecurity and the 
                             protection of personal information. 
-------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     of personal        Risks related to protecting personal information exist through 
     information        the entire lifecycle of information and arise, in particular, 
                        from inadequate control measures and weak processes. Such risks 
                        could also arise from information being improperly created, collected, 
                        used, communicated, stored, or destroyed. Greater attention will 
                        be paid to the collection, use, and communication of personal 
                        information as well as the management and governance applied 
                        to such information as the Bank continues to invest in technological 
                        solutions and innovations and according to the evolution of its 
                        commercial activities. 
                        Risks related to the protection of personal information could 
                        cause client attrition; financial loss; non-compliance with legislation; 
                        legal disputes; fines; penalties; punitive damages; regulatory 
                        action; reputational damage; compliance, remediation, investigative, 
                        or restoration costs; cost hikes to maintain and upgrade technological 
                        infrastructures and systems, all of which could affect the Bank's 
                        operating results or financial position, in addition to having 
                        an impact on its reputation. 
                        In recent years, innovations and the proliferation of technological 
                        solutions that collect, use, and communicate personal information 
                        such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, automated learning 
                        and open banking, have given rise to significant legislative 
                        changes in many jurisdictions, including Canada and Quebec. For 
                        example, in September 2021, the Quebec government passed An Act 
                        to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection 
                        of personal information, which will gradually come into effect 
                        over the next three years. And on June 16, 2022, the federal 
                        government tabled Bill C-27 entitled Digital Charter Implementation 
                        Act, 2022, which aims to enhance and modernize the personal information 
                        protection framework. 
                        The Bank continues to monitor relevant legislative developments 
                        and has bolstered its governance structure by updating its policies 
                        , standards and practices and by deploying a personal information 
                        privacy program that reflects its determination to maintain the 
                        trust of its clients . 
-------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   on technology       The Bank's clients have high expectations regarding the accessibility 
        and            to products and services that are offered on various platforms 
    third-party        that house substantial amounts of data. In response to those heightened 
     providers         client expectations, to the rapid pace of technological change, 
                       and to the growing presence of new actors in the banking sector, 
                       the Bank diligently makes significant and ongoing investments 
                       in its technology while maintaining the operational resilience 
                       and robustness of its controls. Inadequate implementation of technological 
                       improvements or new products or services could significantly affect 
                       the Bank's ability to serve and retain clients. 
                       Third parties provide essential components of the Bank's technological 
                       infrastructure such as Internet connections and access to network 
                       and other communications services. The Bank also relies on the 
                       services of third parties to support certain business processes 
                       and to handle certain IT activities. An interruption of these 
                       services or a breach of security could have an unfavourable impact 
                       on the Bank's ability to provide products and services to its 
                       customers and to conduct business, not to mention the impact that 
                       such events would have on the Bank's reputation. To mitigate this 
                       risk, the Bank has a third-party risk management framework wherein 
                       information security, financial health, and performance are validated 
                       before any agreements are reached and throughout the life of the 
                       agreements. It also includes business continuity plans, which 
                       are tested periodically to ensure their effectiveness in times 
                       of crisis. A governance and accountability structure has also 
                       been established to support decision-making based on sound risk 
                       management. Despite these preventive measures and the efforts 
                       deployed by the Bank to manage third parties, there remains a 
                       possibility that certain risks will materialize. In such cases, 
                       the Bank would rely on mitigation mechanisms developed in collaboration 
                       with the various agreement owners and third parties concerned. 
                       Aware of the significance of third-party risk, the Bank makes 
                       sure that its practices evolve in collaboration with its financial 
                       sector partners and with regulatory authorities. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    innovation         On the one hand, the Bank's financial performance depends on its 
  and competition      ability to develop and market new and innovative products and 
                       services, adopt and develop new technologies that help differentiate 
                       its product and services and generate cost savings, and market 
                       these new products and services at the right time and at competitive 
                       prices. On the other hand, failure to properly review critical 
                       changes within the business before and during the implementation 
                       and deployment of key technological systems or failure to align 
                       client expectations with the Bank's client commitments and operating 
                       capabilities could adversely affect the Bank's business, operating 
                       results, financial position, and reputation. 
                       The transition toward new digital channels and solutions has accelerated 
                       greatly following the COVID-19 pandemic, where demand for digital 
                       banking services grew to the detriment of traditional banking 
                       services. The arrival of new, non-conventional players in the 
                       market has intensified competitive pressure, as they are proposing 
                       to enhance client experience with new technologies, data analysis 
                       tools, and customized solutions in a simplified and more cost-effective 
                       manner. These businesses are not necessarily subject to the same 
                       regulatory requirements as financial institutions and may sometimes 
                       be able to react more quickly to new consumer habits. 
                       As such, to mitigate disintermediation risk and help make innovative 
                       technologies accessible to its clients, the Bank continues to 
                       incorporate artificial intelligence into its business processes 
                       and remains highly committed to innovation by making strategic 
                       investments in emerging technologies through its specialized venture 
                       capital arm, NAventures. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
      Ability         The Bank's future performance depends greatly on its ability to 
     to recruit       recruit, develop, and retain key resources. There is strong competition, 
     and retain       partly supported by a relatively low unemployment rate, in the 
   key resources      financial services sector in terms of attracting and retaining 
                      the most qualified people, notably with the arrival of new players 
                      in certain sectors and the emergence of the global workforce concept. 
                      As a result, reports are periodically presented to the Board through 
                      the governance mechanisms of the Human Resources Committee, the 
                      aim being to deploy appropriate strategies to implement conditions 
                      favourable to the Bank's competitiveness as an employer. There 
                      is no assurance that the Bank or a business acquired by the Bank 
                      will be able to continue recruiting or retaining talented people. 
-----------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

Other Factors That Can Affect the Bank's Business, Operating Results, Financial Position, and Reputation

Risks Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have disruptive and adverse effects in the countries where the Bank operates and, more broadly, on the global economy, supply chains, and financial markets. The pandemic has also had, and could continue to have, repercussions on the Bank, notably on the way in which it carries out its business activities as well as on its operating results, financial position, regulatory capital and liquidity ratios, reputation, and ability to satisfy regulatory requirements, as well as on its clients, which could exacerbate certain top and emerging risks to which the Bank is exposed. Since a large part of the Bank's activities consist of granting loans or providing various liquidity channels to clients, namely, to individuals, businesses in various sectors, and governments, the impacts of the pandemic on these parties could also significantly influence the provisions for credit losses recorded by the Bank. As the pandemic evolves, certain industries and geographic sectors have been facing more persistent consequences thereof. The Bank has therefore continued to closely monitor the situation and, given the considerable degree of uncertainty surrounding the post-pandemic landscape, additional mitigation measures may be needed. The actual impacts will depend on future events that are highly uncertain, including the extent, severity, and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, and on the effectiveness of actions and measures taken by governments, monetary authorities, and regulators over the long term .

International Risks

Through the operations of some of the Bank's units (mainly its New York and London offices) and subsidiaries in Canada and abroad (in particular, Credigy Ltd., NBC Global Finance Limited, and Advanced Bank of Asia Limited), the Bank is exposed to risks arising from its presence in international markets and foreign jurisdictions. While these risks do not affect a significant proportion of the Bank's portfolios, their impact must not be overlooked, especially those that are of a legal or regulatory nature. International risks can be particularly high in territories where the enforceability of agreements signed by the Bank is uncertain, in countries and regions facing political or socio-economic disturbances, or in countries that may be subject to international sanctions. Generally speaking, there are many ways in which the Bank may be exposed to the risks posed by other countries, not the least of which being foreign laws and regulations. In all such situations, it is important to consider what is referred to as "country risk." Country risk affects not only the activities that the Bank carries out abroad but also the business that it conducts with non-resident clients as well as the services it provides to clients doing business abroad, such as electronic funds transfers, international products, and transactions made from Canada in foreign currencies.

As part of its activities, the Bank must adhere to anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing (AML/ATF) regulatory requirements in effect in each jurisdiction where it conducts business. It must also comply with the requirements pertaining to current international sanctions in these various jurisdictions. Money laundering and terrorist financing is a financial, regulatory, and reputation risk. For additional information, see the Regulatory Compliance Risk Management section of this MD&A .

The Bank is exposed to financial risks outside Canada and the United States, primarily through its interbank transactions on international financial markets or through international trade finance activities. This geographic exposure represents a moderate proportion of the Bank's total risk. The geographic exposure of loans is disclosed in the quarterly Supplementary Financial Information report available on the Bank's website at nbc.ca. To control country risk, the Bank sets credit concentration limits by country and reviews and submits them to the Board for approval upon renewal of the Credit Risk Management Policy. These limits are based on a percentage of the Bank's regulatory capital, in line with the level of risk represented by each country, particularly emerging countries. The risk is rated using a classification mechanism similar to the one used for credit default risk. In addition to the country limits, authorization caps and limits are established, as a percentage of capital, for the world's high-risk regions, i.e., essentially all regions except for North America, Western European countries, and the developed countries of Asia.


The Bank's ability to successfully complete an acquisition is often conditional on regulatory approval, and the Bank cannot be certain of the timing or conditions of regulatory decisions. Acquisitions could affect future results should the Bank experience difficulty integrating the acquired business. If the Bank does encounter difficulty integrating an acquired business, maintaining an appropriate governance level over the acquired business, or retaining key officers within the acquired business, these factors could prevent the Bank from realizing expected revenue growth, cost savings, market share gains, and other projected benefits of the acquisition.

Intellectual Property

The Bank protects the intellectual property developed by its employees in connection with their duties. However, in some cases, the Bank's ability to acquire intellectual property rights may be more limited. In addition, the intellectual property rights acquired by the Bank provide no guarantees that they will be effective in deterring or preventing a third party from misappropriating intellectual property or providing a defense against the misappropriation of intellectual property. Moreover, the goods and services developed by the Bank are provided in a competitive market where third parties could hold intellectual property rights prior to those held by the Bank. In such circumstances, there is no guarantee that the Bank will successfully provide a defense against an infringement claim, that it will be able to modify its goods and services to avoid infringing upon third party rights, or that it will obtain a licence with commercially acceptable conditions.

Judicial and Regulatory Proceedings

The Bank takes reasonable measures to comply with the laws and regulations in effect in the jurisdictions where it operates. Still, the Bank could be subject to judicial or regulatory decisions resulting in fines, damages, or other costs or to restrictions likely to adversely affect its operating results or its reputation. The Bank may also be subject to litigation in the normal course of business. Although the Bank establishes provisions for the measures it is subject to under accounting requirements, actual losses resulting from such litigation could differ significantly from the recognized amounts, and unfavourable outcomes in such cases could have a significant adverse effect on the Bank's operating results. The resulting reputational damage could also affect the Bank's future business prospects. For additional information, see Note 26 to the consolidated financial statements.

Tax Risk

The tax laws applicable to the Bank are numerous, complex, and subject to amendment at any time. This complexity can result in differing legal interpretations between the Bank and the respective tax authorities with which it deals. In addition, legislative changes and changes in tax policy, including the interpretation thereof by tax authorities and courts, could affect the Bank's earnings. International and domestic initiatives may also result in changes to tax laws and policies, including international efforts by the G20 and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to broaden the tax base and domestic proposals to increase the taxes payable by banks and insurance companies. For additional information on income taxes, see the Income Taxes section on page 52 of this MD&A, the Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates section on page 110 of this MD&A, and Note 24 to the consolidated financial statements.

Accounting Policies, Methods and Estimates Used by the Bank

The accounting policies and methods used by the Bank determine how the Bank reports its financial position and operating results and require management to make estimates or rely on assumptions about matters that are inherently uncertain. Any changes to these estimates and assumptions may have a significant impact on the Bank's operating results and financial position.

Additional Factors

Other factors that could affect the Bank's business, operating results, and reputation include unexpected changes in consumer spending and saving habits; the timely development and launch of new products and services; the ability to successfully align its organizational structure, resources and processes; the ability to activate a business continuity plan within a reasonable time; the potential impact of international conflicts, natural disasters or public health emergencies such as COVID-19; and the Bank's ability to foresee and effectively manage the risks resulting from these factors through rigorous risk management.

Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk of incurring a financial loss if an obligor does not fully honour its contractual commitments to the Bank. Obligors may be debtors, issuers, counterparties, or guarantors. Credit risk is the most significant risk facing the Bank in the normal course of its business. The Bank is exposed to credit risk not only through its direct lending activities and transactions but also through commitments to extend credit and through letters of guarantee, letters of credit, over-the-counter derivatives trading, debt securities, securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements, deposits with financial institutions, brokerage activities, and transactions carrying a settlement risk for the Bank such as irrevocable fund transfers to third parties via electronic payment systems.


A policy framework centralizes the governance of activities that generate credit risk for the Bank and its subsidiaries and is supplemented by a series of subordinate internal policies and standards. These policies and standards address specific management issues such as concentration limits by borrower group and sector, credit limits, collateral requirements, and risk quantification or issues that provide more thorough guidance for given business segments.

For example, the institutional activities of the Bank and its subsidiaries on financial markets and international commercial transactions are governed by business unit directives that set out standards adapted to the specific environment of these activities. This also applies to retail brokerage subsidiaries. In isolated cases, a business unit or subsidiary may have its own credit policy, and that policy must always fall within the spirit of the Bank's policy framework. Risk Management's leadership team defines the scope of the universe of subsidiaries carrying significant credit risks and the magnitude of the risks incurred.

Credit risk is controlled through a rigorous process that comprises the following elements:

   --     credit risk rating and assessment; 
   --     economic capital assessment; 
   --     stress testing; 
   --     credit granting process; 
   --     revision and renewal process; 
   --     risk mitigation; 
   --     follow-up of monitored accounts and recovery; 
   --     counterparty risk assessment; 
   --     settlement risk assessment; 
   --     environmental risk assessment. 

Concentration Limits

The Bank sets credit concentration and settlement limits by obligor group, by industry sector, by country, and by region. These limits are subject to the approval of the RMC. Certain types of financing or financing programs are also subject to specific limits. Breaches of concentration limits by obligor group or by region are reported to the RMC each quarter. Furthermore, every industry sector, country, and region whose exposure equals a predetermined percentage of the corresponding authorized limit are reported to the Bank's Risk Management leadership team. At least once a year, the Bank revises these exposures by industry sector, by country, and by region in order to determine the appropriateness of the corresponding concentration limits.


Every quarter, an integrated risk management report is presented to senior management and the RMC. It presents changes in the credit portfolio and highlights on the following matters:

   --     credit portfolio volume growth by business segment; 

-- a breakdown of the credit portfolio according to various criteria for which concentration limits have been set;

   --     changes in provisions and allowances for credit losses; 
   --     changes in impaired loans; 
   --     follow-up of monitored accounts. 

Credit Risk Rating and Assessment

Before a sound and prudent credit decision can be made, an obligor's or counterparty's credit risk must be accurately assessed. This is the first step in processing credit applications. Using a credit rating system developed by the Bank, each application is analyzed and assigned one of 19 grades on a scale of 1 to 10 for all portfolios exposed to credit risk. As each grade corresponds to a debtor ' s, counterparty's, or third party's probability of default, the Bank can estimate the credit risk. The credit risk assessment method varies according to portfolio type. There are two main methods for assessing credit risk, i.e., the Advanced Internal Ratings-Based (AIRB) Approach and the Standardized Approach, as defined by the Basel Accord, to determine minimum regulatory capital requirements for most of its portfolios.

The main parameters used to measure the credit risk of loans outstanding and undrawn amounts under the AIRB Approach are as follows:

-- probability of default (PD), which is the probability of through-the-cycle 12-month default by the obligor , calibrated on a long-run average PD throughout a full economic cycle ;

-- loss given default (LGD), which represents the magnitude of the loss from the obligor's default that would be expected in an economic downturn and subject to certain regulatory floors , expressed as a percentage of exposure at default;

-- exposure at default (EAD), which is an estimate of the amount drawn and of the expected use of any undrawn portion prior to default, and cannot be lower than the current balance.

The methodology as well as the data and the downturn periods used to estimate LGD are described below.

 AIRB APPROACH     DATA (1)                                                       DOWNTURN PERIOD     METHODOLOGY FOR 
                                                                                   (1)                 CALCULATING LGD 
                  -------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------ 
 Retail            The Bank's internal historical                                 1996-1998 and       LGD based on the 
                    data from 1996 to 2021                                         2008-2009          Bank's 
                                                                                                      internal data on 
                                                                                                      recoveries and 
--------------    -------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Corporate                                                                        2000-2003,          LGD based on the 
                        The Bank's internal historical                            2008-2009           Bank's 
                        data from 2000 to 2021                                    and 2020            historical 
                                                                                                      recoveries and 
                        Benchmarking results using:                                                   losses 
                         *    Moody's observed default price of bonds,                                internal data 
                                                                                                      on Moody's data 
                        from 1983 to 2021 
                         *    Global Credit Data Consortium historical loss and 
                              recovery database from 1998 to 2021 
--------------    -------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Sovereign         Moody's observed default                                       1999-2001 and       Based on implied 
                    price of bonds, from 1983                                      2008-2012          market LGD using 
                    to 2015                                                                           observed bond 
                    S&P rating history from                                                           decreases 
                    1975 to 2016                                                                      following 
                                                                                                      the issuer's 
--------------    -------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Financial         Global Credit Data Consortium                                  1991-1992, 1994,    Model for 
  institutions      historical loss and recovery                                  1997-1998,          predicting 
                    database from 1991 to 2013                                    2001--2002,         LGD based on 
                                                                                  and 2008-2009       different 
                                                                                                      issue- and 
                                                                                                      risk drivers 
--------------    -------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ----------------- 

(1) The performance of the models resulting from the AIRB Approach is measured quarterly, and the methodologies are validated by an independent third party annually. A report on model performance under the AIRB Approach is presented annually to the RMC. According to the most recent performance report, the models continue to perform well and do not require the addition of new data.

Personal Credit Portfolios

This category comprises portfolios of residential mortgage loans, consumer loans, and loans to certain small businesses. To assess credit risk, AIRB models are in place for the main portfolios, particularly mortgage loans, home equity lines of credit, credit cards, budget loans, lines of credit, and SME retail. A risk analysis based on loan grouping in pools of homogeneous obligor and product profiles is used for overall management of personal credit portfolios. This personal credit assessment approach, which has proven particularly effective for estimating credit defaults and losses, takes a number of factors into account, namely:

   --       Attributes from credit rating agencies (scoring) related to behaviour; 
   --       loan product characteristics; 
   --       collateral provided; 
   --       the length of time on the Bank's balance sheet; 
   --       loan status (active, delinquent, or defaulted). 

This mechanism provides adequate risk measurement inasmuch as it effectively differentiates risk levels by pool. Therefore, the results are periodically reviewed and, if necessary, adjustments are made to the models. Obligor migrations between pools are among the factors considered when assessing credit risk.

Loan pools are also established based on PD, LGD, and EAD, which are measured based on the characteristics of the obligor and the transaction itself. The credit risk of these portfolios is estimated using credit scoring models that determine the obligor's PD. LGD is estimated based on transaction-specific factors such as loan product characteristics (for example, a line of credit versus a term loan), loan-to-value ratio, and types of collateral.

Credit scoring models are also used to grant credit. These models use proven statistical methods that measure an obligor's demand characteristics and history based on internal and external historical information to estimate the obligor's future credit behaviour and assign a probability of default. The underlying data include obligor information such as current and past employment, historical loan data in the Bank's management systems, and information from external sources such as credit rating agencies.

The Bank also uses behaviour scoring models to manage and monitor current commitments. The risk assessment is based on statistical analyses of the past behaviour of obligors with which the Bank has a long-term relationship in an effort to predict their future behaviour. The underlying information includes the obligor's cash flows and borrowing trends. Information on characteristics that determine behaviour in these models also comes from both internal sources on current commitments and external sources. The table on the following page presents the PD categories and credit quality of the associated personal credit portfolio.

Mortgage Loan Underwriting

To mitigate the impact of an economic slowdown and ensure the long-term quality of its portfolio, the Bank uses sound risk management when granting residential mortgages to confirm: (i) the obligor's intention to meet its financial obligations, (ii) the obligor's ability to repay its debts, and (iii) the quality of the collateral. In addition, in accordance with the applicable rules, the Bank takes a prudent approach to client qualification by using, for example, a higher interest rate to mitigate the risk of short- or medium-term rate hikes.

Nonetheless, the risk of economic slowdown could adversely affect the profitability of the mortgage portfolio. In stress test analyses, the Bank considers a variety of scenarios to measure the impact of adverse market conditions. In such circumstances, our analyses show significantly higher credit losses, which would decrease profitability and reduce the Bank's capital ratios.

New Regulatory Developments

On December 17, 2021, OSFI confirmed the qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages (i.e., residential mortgages with a down payment of 20% or more) will remain as the greater of the mortgage contract interest rate plus 2% and a minimum floor of 5.25%. OSFI is well aware that the country's post-pandemic economic recovery must be backed by a strong financial system capable of supporting the Canadian population in the current environment and that real estate market conditions in Canada could heighten the financial risk weighing on lenders. The minimum qualifying interest rate provides an additional level of safety to ensure that borrowers would have the ability to make mortgage payments should circumstances change, e.g., in the case of reduced income or a rise in interest rates.

On June 28, 2022, OSFI published an Advisory entitled Clarification on the Treatment of Innovative Real Estate Secured Lending Products Under Guideline B-20. The Advisory complements the existing expectations set out in Guideline B-20 - Residential Mortgage Underwriting Practices and Procedures. The Advisory specifies OSFI's expectations concerning underwriting practices and procedures for reverse residential mortgages, residential mortgages with shared equity features, and combined loan plans (CLPs), notably for CLPs and the re-advanceability of credit above the 65% loan-to-value (LTV) limit. For loans that exceed the 65% LTV limit, there will be a transition period where a portion of the principal payments will go towards repaying the overall mortgage amount until it is below 65% of the original LTV ratio and not re-advanceable. The implementation date for this change is October 31, 2023.

On August 1, 2022, Quebec's consumer protection organization, the Office de la protection du consommateur, increased the monthly minimum payment percentage to 3.5% of the balance for credit cardholders in Quebec whose contract was issued before August 1, 2019. Annual increases of 0.5% until 2025 are planned in order to raise the monthly minimum payment percentage to the 5% minimum currently applicable to contracts issued in Quebec after August 1, 2019. The purpose of these measures is to help households avoid debt issues and to reduce the risk of loss among lenders.

The objective of Bill 53 is to tighten the regulatory framework governing credit assessment agents and ensure that Quebec consumers can access protection measures, including security freezes of their credit files, which would limit access to lenders for credit authorization purposes. This measure is expected to come into force on February 1, 2023 .

Business and Government Credit Portfolios

This category comprises business (other than some small businesses that are classified in personal credit portfolios), government, and financial institution credit portfolios.

These credit portfolios are assigned a risk rating that is based on a detailed individual analysis of the financial and non-financial aspects of the obligor, including the obligor's financial strength, sector of economic activity, competitive ability, access to capital management quality, and number of years in business. The Bank uses risk-rating tools and models to specifically assess the risk represented by an obligor in relation to its industry and peers. The models used are adapted to the obligor's broad sector of activity. Models are in place for ten sectors: business/commercial, large business, financial institutions, sovereigns, investment funds, energy, real estate, agriculture, insurance, and public-private partnership project financing.

This risk assessment method assigns a default risk rating to an obligor that reflects its credit quality. To each default credit risk rating corresponds a PD (see the table below). Using this classification of obligor credit risk, the Bank can differentiate appropriately between the various assessments of an obligor's capacity to meet its contractual obligations. Default risk ratings are assigned according to an assessment of an obligor's commercial and financial risks based on a solvency review. Various risk quantification models, described below, are used to perform this assessment.

The business and government default risk rating scale used by the Bank is similar to the systems used by major external rating agencies. The following table presents a grouping of the ratings by major risk category and compares them with the ratings of two major rating agencies.

Internal Default Risk Ratings*

                        credit                                            Business and government 
Description(1)      portfolios                                                  credit portfolios 
----------------   -----------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                              PD (%) - 
                      PD (%) -               financial       PD (%) -      Standard 
                        Retail  Ratings   institutions      Sovereign      & Poor's       Moody's 
================   ===========  =======  =============  =============  ============  ============ 
Excellent          0.000-0.144    1-2.5    0.000-0.112    0.000-0.060     AAA to A-     Aaa to A3 
Good               0.145-0.506      3-4    0.112-0.384    0.060-0.331  BBB+ to BBB-  Baa1 to Baa3 
Satisfactory       0.507-2.681  4.5-6.5    0.384-4.235    0.331-5.738      BB+ to B     Ba1 to B2 
Special mention    2.682-9.348    7-7.5   4.235-10.182   5.738-17.964    B- to CCC+    B3 to Caa1 
Substandard        9.349-9.999    8-8.5  10.182-99.999  17.964-99.999    CCC & CCC-   Caa2 & Caa3 
Default                      1     9-10            100            100     CC, C & D     Ca, C & D 
=================  ===========  =======  =============  =============  ============  ============ 

(1) Additional information is provided in Note 7 - Loans and Allowances for Credit Losses to the consolidated financial statements.

The Bank also uses individual assessment models by industry to assign a risk rating to the credit facility based on the collateral that the obligor is able to provide and, in some cases, based on other factors. The Bank consequently has a bi-dimensional risk-rating system that, using models and internal and external historical data, establishes a default risk rating for each obligor. In addition, the models assign, to each credit facility, an LGD risk rating that is independent of the default risk rating assigned to the obligor.

The Bank's default risk ratings and LGD risk ratings as well as the related risk parameters contribute directly to informed credit-granting, renewal, and monitoring decisions. They are also used to determine and analyze risk-based pricing. In addition, from a credit portfolio management perspective, they are used to establish counterparty credit concentration limits and segment concentration limits as well as limits to decision-making power and to determine the credit risk appetite of these portfolios. Moreover, they represent an important component in estimating expected and unexpected losses, measuring minimum required economic capital, and measuring the minimum level of capital required, as prescribed by the regulatory authorities.

The credit risk of obligors and of their facilities is assessed with the PD and LGD parameters at least once a year or more often if significant changes (triggers) are observed when updating financial information or if another qualitative indicator of a deterioration in the obligor's solvency or in the collateral associated with the obligor's facilities is noted. The Bank also uses a watchlist to more actively monitor the financial position of obligors whose default-risk rating is greater than or equal to 7.0. This process seeks to minimize an obligor's default risk and allows for proactive credit risk management.


The Risk Management Group monitors the effectiveness of the risk-rating systems and associated parameters, which are also reviewed regularly in accordance with the Bank's policies. Backtesting is performed at regular intervals to validate the effectiveness of the models used to estimate PD, LGD, and EAD. For PD in particular, this backtesting takes the form of sequentially applied measures designed to assess the following criteria:

   --     the model's discriminatory power; 
   --     the proportion of overrides; 
   --     model calibration; 
   --     the stability of the model's inputs and outputs. 

The credit risk quantification models are developed and tested by a team of specialists with model performance being monitored by the applicable business units and related credit risk management services. Models are validated by a unit that is independent of both the specialists who developed the model and the concerned business units. Approvals of new models or changes to existing models are subject to an escalation process established by the model risk management policy. Furthermore, new models or changes to existing models that markedly impact regulatory capital must be approved by the Board before being submitted to the regulatory agencies.

The facility and default risk-rating systems, methods, and models are also subject to periodic independent validation, the frequency of which depends on the model's risk level. Models that have a significant impact on regulatory capital must be reviewed regularly, thereby further raising the certainty that these quantification mechanisms are working as expected.

The key aspects to be validated are risk factors allowing for accurate classification of default risk by level, adequate quantification of exposure, use of assessment techniques that consider external factors such as economic conditions and credit status and, lastly, compliance with internal policies and regulatory provisions.

The Bank's credit risk assessment and rating systems are overseen by the Models Oversight Committee, the GRC, and the RMC, and these systems constitute an integral part of a comprehensive Bank-wide credit risk oversight framework. Along with the above-mentioned elements, the Bank documents and periodically reviews the policies, definitions of responsibilities, resource allocation, and existing processes.

Assessment of Economic Capital

The assessment of the Bank's minimum required economic capital is based on the credit risk assessments of obligors. These two activities are therefore interlinked. The different models used to assess the credit risk of a given portfolio type also enable the Bank to determine the default correlation among obligors. This information is a critical component in the evaluation of potential losses for all portfolios carrying credit risk. Estimates of potential losses, whether expected or not, are based on historical loss experience, portfolio monitoring, market data, and statistical modelling. Expected and unexpected losses are factors used in assessing the minimum required economic capital for all of the Bank's credit portfolios. The assessment of economic capital also considers the anticipated potential migrations of the default risk ratings of obligors during the remaining term of their credit commitments. The main risk factors that have an impact on economic capital are as follows:

   --       the obligor's PD ; 
   --       the obligor's EAD; 
   --       the obligor's LGD; 
   --       the default correlation among various obligors; 
   --       the residual term of credit commitments; 
   --       the impact of economic and sector-based cycles on asset quality. 

Stress Testing

The Bank carries out stress tests to evaluate its sensitivity to crisis situations in certain activity sectors and key portfolios. A global stress test methodology covers most business, government, and personal credit portfolios to provide the Bank with an overview of the situation. By simulating specific scenarios, these tests enable the Bank to measure allowances for credit losses according to IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments (IFRS 9), to assess the level of regulatory capital needed to absorb potential losses, and to determine the impact on its solvency. In addition, these tests contribute to portfolio management as they influence the determination of concentration limits by obligor, product, or business sector.

Credit-Granting Process

Credit-granting decisions are based first and foremost on the results of the risk assessment. Aside from an obligor's solvency, credit-granting decisions are also influenced by factors such as available collateral and guarantees, transaction compliance with policies, standards and procedures, and the Bank's overall risk-adjusted return objective. Each credit-granting decision is made by authorities within the risk management teams and management, who are independent of the business units and are at a reporting level commensurate with the size of the proposed credit transaction and the associated risk. Decision-making authority is determined in compliance with the delegation of authority set out in the Credit Risk Management Policy. A person in a senior position in the organization approves credit facilities that are substantial or carry a higher risk for the Bank. The GRC approves and monitors all substantial credit facilities. Credit applications that exceed management's latitudes are submitted to the Board for approval. The credit-granting process demands a high level of accountability from managers, who must proactively manage the credit portfolio.

Review and Renewal Processes

The Bank periodically reviews credit files. The review process enables the Bank to update information on the quality of the facilities and covers, among other things, risk ratings, compliance with credit conditions, and obligor behaviour. In the specific case of business credit portfolios, the credit risk of all obligors is reviewed at least once per year. After this periodic review, for on-demand or unused credit, the Bank decides whether to pursue its business relationship with the obligor and, if so, revises the credit conditions. For personal credit portfolios, the credit risk of all obligors is reviewed on a continual basis.

Risk Mitigation

The Bank also controls credit risk using various risk mitigation techniques. In addition to the standard practice of requiring collateral to guarantee repayment of the credit it grants, the Bank also uses protection mechanisms such as credit derivative financial instruments, syndication, and loan assignments as well as an orderly reduction in the amount of credit granted.

The most common method used to mitigate credit risk is obtaining quality collateral from obligors. Obtaining collateral cannot replace a rigorous assessment of an obligor ' s ability to meet its financial obligations, but, beyond a certain risk threshold, it is an essential complement. The obtaining of collateral depends on the level of risk presented by the obligor and the type of loan granted. The legal validity and enforceability of any collateral obtained and the Bank's ability to regularly and correctly measure the collateral's value are critical for this mechanism to play its proper role in risk mitigation.

In its internal policies and standards, the Bank has established specific requirements regarding the appropriate legal documentation and assessment for the kinds of collateral that business units may require to guarantee the loans granted. The categories of eligible collateral and the lending value of the collateralized assets have also been defined by the Bank. For the most part, they include the following asset categories as well as guarantees (whether secured by collateral or unsecured) and government and bank guarantees:

   --     accounts receivable; 
   --     inventories; 
   --     machinery and equipment and rolling stock; 
   --     residential and commercial real estate, office buildings and industrial facilities; 
   --     cash and marketable securities. 

Portfolio Diversification and Management

The Bank is exposed to credit risk, not only through outstanding loans and undrawn amounts of commitments to a particular obligor but also through the sectoral distribution of the outstanding loans and undrawn amounts and through the exposure of its various credit portfolios to geographical, concentration, and settlement risks.

The Bank's approach to controlling these diverse risks begins with a diversification of exposures. Measures designed to maintain a healthy degree of credit risk diversification in its portfolios are set out in the Bank's policies, standards, and procedures. These instructions are mainly reflected in the application of various exposure limits: credit concentration limits by counterparty and credit concentration limits by business sector, country, region, product, and type of financial instrument. These limits are determined based on the Bank's credit risk appetite framework and are reviewed periodically. Compliance with these limits, particularly exceptions, is monitored through periodic reports submitted by the Risk Management Group's officers to the Board.

Continuous analyses are performed in order to anticipate problems with a sector or obligor before they materialize, notably as defaulted payments.

Other Risk Mitigation Methods

Credit risk mitigation measures for transactions in derivative financial instruments, which are regularly used by the Bank, are described in detail in the Counterparty Risk section.

Credit Derivative Financial Instruments and Financial Guarantee Contracts

The Bank also reduces credit risk by using the protection provided by credit derivative financial instruments such as credit default swaps. When the Bank acquires credit protection, it pays a premium on the swap to the counterparty in exchange for the counterparty's commitment to pay if the underlying entity defaults or another event involving the counterparty and covered by the legal agreement occurs. Since, like obligors, providers of credit protection must receive a default risk rating, the Bank's standards set out all the criteria under which a counterparty may be judged eligible to mitigate the Bank's credit risk. The Bank may also reduce its credit risk by entering into financial guarantee contracts whereby a guarantor indemnifies the Bank for a loss resulting from an obligor failing to make a payment when due in accordance with the contractual terms of a debt instrument.

Loan Syndication

The Bank has developed specific instructions on the appropriate objectives, responsibilities, and documentation requirements for loan syndication.

Follow-Up of Monitored Accounts and Recovery

Credit granted and obligors are monitored on an ongoing basis and in a manner commensurate with the degree of risk. Loan portfolio managers use an array of intervention methods to conduct a particularly rigorous follow-up on files that show a high risk of default, and they submit comments to credit risk management groups about each identified borrower on the watchlist for whom they are responsible. When loans continue to deteriorate and there is an increase in risk to the point where monitoring has to be increased, a group specialized in managing problem accounts (Work Out units) steps in to maximize collection of the disbursed amounts and tailor strategies to these accounts.

Each quarter, the Work Out units submit a monitoring report (called a watchlist) to a monitoring committee that tracks the status of at-risk obligors and the corrective measures undertaken. In addition, files in which the authorized amount is $5 million and up are presented to the Watchlist Committee, which in turn reviews the action plans and watchlist reports. The authority to approve allowances for credit losses is attributed using limits delegated on the basis of hierarchical level presented in the Credit Risk Management Policy.

Information on the recognition of impaired loans and allowances for credit losses is presented in Notes 1 and 7 to the consolidated financial statements.

Forbearance and Restructuring

Situations where a business or retail obligor begins showing clear signs of potential insolvency are managed on a case-by-case basis and require the use of judgment. The Loan Work Out Policy sets out the principles applicable in such situations to guide loan restructuring decisions and identify situations where distressed restructuring applies. A distressed restructuring situation occurs when the Bank, for economic or legal reasons related to the obligor's financial difficulties, grants the obligor a special concession that is contrary to the Bank's policies. Such concessions could include a lower interest rate, waiver of principal, and extension of the maturity date.

The Bank has established a management framework for commercial and corporate obligors that represent higher-than-normal risk of default. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of loan portfolio managers with respect to managing high-risk accounts and the responsibilities of the Work Out units and other participants in the process. Lastly, the Credit Risk Management Policy and a management framework are used to determine the authorization limits for distressed restructuring situations. During fiscal years 2022 and 2021, the amount of distressed loan restructurings was not significant.

Counterparty Risk Assessment

Counterparty risk is a credit risk that the Bank incurs on various types of transactions involving financial instruments. The most significant risks are those it faces when it trades derivative financial instruments with counterparties on the over-the-counter market or when it purchases securities under reverse repurchase agreements or sells securities under repurchase agreements. Securities lending transactions and securities brokerage activities involving derivative financial instruments are also sources of counterparty risk. Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements provides a complete description of the credit risk for derivative financial instruments by type of traded product.

The Risk Management Group has developed models by type of counterparty through which it applies an advanced methodology for calculating the Bank's credit risk exposure and economic capital. The exposures are subject to limits. These limits are established based on the counterparty's internal default risk rating and on the potential volatility of the underlying assets until expiration of the contract.

Counterparty obligations related to the trading of contracts on derivative financial instruments, securities lending transactions, and reverse repurchase agreements are frequently subject to credit risk mitigation measures. The mitigation techniques are somewhat different from those used for loans and advances and depend on the nature of the instrument or the type of contract traded. The most widely used measure is the signing of master agreements: the International Swaps & Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) master agreement, the Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA), and the Global Master Securities Lending Agreement (GMSLA). These agreements make it possible, in the event of default, insolvency, or bankruptcy of one of the contracting parties, to apply full netting of the gross amounts of the market values for each of the transactions covered by the agreement in force at the time of default. The amount of the final settlement is therefore the net balance of gains and losses on each transaction, which reduces exposure when a counterparty defaults. The Bank's policies require that an ISDA, GMRA, or GMSLA agreement be signed with its trading counterparties to derivatives, foreign exchange forward contracts, securities lending transactions, and reverse repurchase agreements.

Another mechanism for reducing credit risk on derivatives and foreign exchange forward contracts complements the ISDA master agreement in many cases and provides the Bank and its counterparty (or either of the parties, if need be) with the right to request collateral from the counterparty when the net balance of gains and losses on each transaction exceeds a threshold defined in the agreement. These agreements, also known as Credit Support Annexes (CSA), are mandatory when financial institutions trade between each other in international financial markets since they limit credit risk while providing traders with additional flexibility to continue negotiating with the counterparty. When required by regulation, the Bank always uses this type of legal documentation in transactions with financial institutions and governments. For business transactions, the Bank prefers to use internal mechanisms, notably involving collateral and mortgages, set out in the credit agreements. The Bank's internal policies set the conditions governing the implementation of such mitigation methods.

Requiring collateral as part of a securities lending transaction or reverse repurchase agreement is not solely the result of an internal credit decision. In fact, it is a mandatory market practice imposed by self-regulating organizations in the financial services sector such as the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC).

The Bank has identified circumstances in which it is likely to be exposed to wrong-way risk. There are two types of wrong-way risk: general wrong-way risk and specific wrong-way risk. General wrong-way risk occurs when the probability of default of the counterparties is positively correlated to general market risk factors. Specific wrong-way risk occurs when the exposure to a specific counterparty is positively correlated to the probability of default of the counterparty due to the nature of the transactions with this counterparty.

Assessment of Settlement Risk

Settlement risk potentially arises from transactions that feature reciprocal delivery of cash or securities between the Bank and a counterparty. Foreign exchange contracts are an example of transactions that can generate significant levels of settlement risk. However, the implementation of multilateral settlement systems that allow settlement netting among participating institutions has contributed greatly to reducing the risks associated with the settlement of foreign exchange transactions among banks. The Bank also uses financial intermediaries to gain access to established clearing houses in order to minimize settlement risk for certain financial derivative transactions. In some cases, the Bank may have direct access to established clearing houses for settling financial transactions such as repurchase agreements or reverse repurchase agreements. In addition, certain derivative financial instruments traded over the counter are settled directly or indirectly by central counterparties. For additional information, see the table that presents notional amounts in Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements.

There are several other types of transactions that may generate settlement risk, in particular the use of certain electronic fund transfer services. This risk refers to the possibility that the Bank may make a payment or settlement on a transaction without receiving the amount owed by the counterparty, and with no opportunity to recover the funds delivered (irrevocable settlement).

The ultimate means for completely eliminating such a risk is for the Bank to complete no payments or settlements before receiving the funds due from the counterparty. Such an approach cannot, however, be used systematically. For several electronic payment services, the Bank is able to implement mechanisms that allow it to make its transfers revocable or to debit the counterparty in the amount of the settlements before it makes its own transfer. On the other hand, the nature of transactions in financial instruments makes it impossible for such practices to be widely used. For example, on foreign exchange transactions involving a currency other than the U.S. dollar, time zone differentials impose strict payment schedules on the parties. The Bank cannot unduly postpone a settlement without facing penalties, due to the large size of the amounts involved.

The most effective way for the Bank to control settlement risks, both for financial market transactions and irrevocable transfers, is to impose internal risk limits based on the counterparty's ability to pay.

Assessment of Environmental Risk

Environmental risk can affect credit risk in that the energy transition movement and extreme weather events could result in a decreased ability to make repayments or in a decrease in the value of assets pledged as collateral. Ultimately, environmental risk can lead to both a higher probability of default and higher loss given default among counterparties. In response, the risk management framework has been expanded to include new measures that identify, assess, control, and monitor environmental risk. In addition, the Bank has developed and is gradually deploying a process used to assess and quantify the impacts of climate changes on its strategy and results. Furthermore, for clients in specific industries, the impacts of climate changes are discussed at least once a year as part of the credit granting or renewal process.

The Bank also assesses its exposure to environment-related credit risk using a variety of control and monitoring mechanisms. For example, analyses are performed on vulnerabilities to physical risks and on loan portfolio transition risks. These analyses are applied to all financing activities and provide greater visibility of the Bank's exposure to environmental risk. In addition, the Bank periodically assesses loan portfolio concentration risk to ensure that such risk is not being significantly affected by environmental risk. Furthermore, an industry sector matrix has been developed to provide the Risk Management Group with a clearer vision of the loan portfolio sectors that are most affected by climate-related risks. Thanks to these initiatives, the Bank can take concrete steps in the process used to review sectoral limits, as each business sector or industry now has an ESG section describing its environmental risk. As well, to help the Bank achieve its business objectives, the Risk Management Group created the position of Vice-President, Credit Analytics and Climate Risk, whose responsibilities consist of increasing the Bank's ability to extract business intelligence, to integrate climate risk into its decision-making processes, and to develop its climate risk analysis capacities. Regarding this latter point, the Bank has begun climate risk impact analyses using the climate scenarios recommended by the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).

This year also saw the emergence of a new environmental risk issue, i.e., the potential financial repercussions of climate change on biodiversity. Financial system participants were called upon by the PRB Biodiversity Community initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), of which the Bank is a member. Similarly, as part of a Fondaction initiative the Bank took part in a one-day brainstorming exercise on biodiversity indicators for investors. As this environmental risk issue begins to emerge, the Bank will continue to closely monitor the various initiatives and contribute to deliberations about potentially incorporating this issue into both investment and credit-granting decisions . The Risk Management Group closely monitors changes in trends and calculation methods and actively participates in various industry discussion groups.

Maximum Credit Risk Exposure

The amounts in the following tables represent the Bank's maximum exposure to credit risk as at the financial reporting date without considering any collateral held or any other credit enhancements. These amounts do not include allowances for credit losses nor amounts pledged as collateral. The tables also exclude equity securities.

Maximum Credit Risk Exposure Under the Basel Asset Categories (1) *

(millions of 
dollars)                                                                                     As at October 31, 2022 
================   ================================================================================================ 
                                           Repo-style   Derivative         sheet           Standardized 
                     Drawn      Undrawn  transactions    financial         items               Approach       AIRB 
                       (2)  commitments           (3)  instruments           (4)    Total           (5)   Approach 
 ===============   =======  ===========  ============  ===========  ============  =======  ============   ======== 
  mortgage          73,324        8,616             -            -             -   81,940            12%        88% 
  retail             2,483        6,920             -            -             -    9,403             -%       100% 
 Other retail       17,526        2,688             -            -            35   20,249            25%        75% 
 ----------------  -------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------   -------- 
                    93,333       18,224             -            -            35  111,592 
----------------   -------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------   -------- 
 Corporate          81,763       29,811        36,194          322         5,538  153,628            13%        87% 
 Sovereign          56,253        5,821        68,906            -           326  131,306             2%        98% 
  institutions       7,200          166        76,856        1,150           754   86,126            19%        81% 
 ----------------  -------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------   -------- 
                   145,216       35,798       181,956        1,472         6,618  371,060 
----------------   -------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------   -------- 
 portfolio               -            -             -       13,662             -   13,662             2%        98% 
Securitization       4,409            -             -            -         4,373    8,782            80%        20% 
----------------   -------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------   -------- 
Total - Gross 
 credit risk       242,958       54,022       181,956       15,134        11,026  505,096            12%        88% 
----------------   -------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------   -------- 
 Approach (5)       30,704          311        24,783        1,308         4,610   61,716 
AIRB Approach      212,254       53,711       157,173       13,826         6,416  443,380 
----------------   -------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------   -------- 
Total - Gross 
 credit risk       242,958       54,022       181,956       15,134        11,026  505,096            12%        88% 
================   =======  ===========  ============  ===========  ============  =======  ============   ======== 
(millions of 
dollars)                                                                                               As at October 31, 2021 
================   ========================================================================================================== 
                                                            Derivative  off-balance- 
                                 Undrawn       Repo-style    financial         sheet           Standardized          AIRB 
                   Drawn(2)  commitments  transactions(3)  instruments      items(4)    Total   Approach(5)      Approach 
 ===============   ========  ===========  ===============  ===========  ============  =======  ============      ======== 
  mortgage           66,791       10,578                -            -             -   77,369             9%           91% 
  retail              2,270        6,282                -            -             -    8,552             -%          100% 
 Other retail        15,519        2,481                -            -            31   18,031            29%           71% 
 ----------------  --------  -----------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------      -------- 
                     84,580       19,341                -            -            31  103,952 
----------------   --------  -----------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------      -------- 
 Corporate           70,589       27,783           26,190          161         5,415  130,138            11%           89% 
 Sovereign           55,323        6,217           58,452          294            83  120,369             2%           98% 
  institutions        7,228          126           72,122        2,248           619   82,343            28%           72% 
 ----------------  --------  -----------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------      -------- 
                    133,140       34,126          156,764        2,703         6,117  332,850 
----------------   --------  -----------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------      -------- 
 portfolio                -            -                -       17,010             -   17,010             -%          100% 
Securitization        3,269            -                -            -         4,206    7,475            68%           32% 
----------------   --------  -----------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------      -------- 
Total - Gross 
 credit risk        220,989       53,467          156,764       19,713        10,354  461,287            13%           87% 
----------------   --------  -----------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------      -------- 
 Approach (5)        25,009          258           26,385        2,203         3,955   57,810 
AIRB Approach       195,980       53,209          130,379       17,510         6,399  403,477 
----------------   --------  -----------  ---------------  -----------  ------------  -------  ------------      -------- 
Total - Gross 
 credit risk        220,989       53,467          156,764       19,713        10,354  461,287            13%           87% 
================   ========  ===========  ===============  ===========  ============  =======  ============      ======== 

(1) See the Financial Reporting Method section on pages 16 to 21 for additional information on capital management measures.

(2) Excludes equity securities and certain other assets such as investments in deconsolidated subsidiaries and joint ventures, right-of-use properties and assets, goodwill, deferred tax assets, and intangible assets.

(3) Securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements and sold under repurchase agreements as well as securities loaned and borrowed.

(4) Letters of guarantee, documentary letters of credit, and securitized assets that represent the Bank's commitment to make payments in the event that an obligor cannot meet its financial obligations to third parties.

   (5)    Includes exposures to qualifying central counterparties (QCCP). 

Market Risk

Market risk is the risk of losses arising from movements in market prices. Market risk comes from a number of factors, particularly changes to market variables such as interest rates, credit spreads, exchange rates, equity prices, commodity prices, and implied volatilities . The Bank is exposed to market risk through its participation in trading, investment, and asset/liability management activities. Trading activities involve taking positions on various instruments such as bonds, shares, currencies, commodities, or derivative financial instruments. The Bank is exposed to non-trading market risk through its asset/liability management and investment portfolios.

The trading portfolios include positions in financial instruments and commodities held either with trading intent or to hedge other elements of the trading book. Positions held with trading intent are those held for short-term resale and/or with the intent of taking advantage of actual or expected short-term price movements or to lock in arbitrage profits. These portfolios target one of the following objectives: market making, liquidating positions for clients, or selling financial products to clients.

Non-trading portfolios include financial instruments intended to be held to maturity as well as those held for daily cash management or for the purpose of maintaining targeted returns or ensuring asset and liability management .


A market risk management policy governs global market risk management across the Bank's units and subsidiaries that are exposed to this type of risk. It is approved by the GRC. The policy sets out the principles for managing market risk and the framework that defines risk measures, control and monitoring activities; sets market risk limits; and reports on breaches .

The Financial Markets Risk Committee oversees all Financial Markets segment risks that could adversely affect the Bank's results, liquidity, or capital. This committee also oversees the Financial Markets segment's risk framework to ensure that controls are in place to contain risk in accordance with the Bank's risk appetite framework .

Market risk limits ensure the link and coherence between the Bank's market risk appetite targets and the day-to-day market risk management by all parties involved, notably senior management, the business units, and the market risk sector in its independent control function. The Bank's monitoring and reporting process consists of comparing market risk exposure to alert levels and to the market risk limits established for all limit authorization and approval levels .

Assessment of Market Risk

The Risk Management Group uses a variety of risk measures to estimate the size of potential losses under more or less severe scenarios, and using both short-term and long-term time horizons. For short-term horizons, the Bank's risk measures include Value-at-Risk (VaR), Stressed VaR (SVaR), and sensitivity metrics. For long-term horizons or sudden significant market moves, including those due to a lack of market liquidity, the risk measures include stress testing across an extensive range of scenarios.

VaR and SVaR Models

VaR is a statistical measure of risk that is used to quantify market risks by activity and by risk type. VaR is defined as the maximum loss at a specific confidence level over a certain horizon under normal market conditions. The VaR method has the advantage of providing a uniform measurement of financial-instrument-related market risks based on a single statistical confidence level and time horizon.

For VaR, the Bank uses a historical price distribution to compute the probable loss levels at a 99% confidence level, using a two-year history of daily time series of risk factor changes. VaR is the maximum daily loss that the Bank could incur, in 99 out of 100 cases, in a given portfolio. In other words, the loss could exceed that amount in only one out of 100 cases.

The trading VaR is measured by assuming a holding period of one day for ongoing market risk management and a 10-day holding period for regulatory capital purposes. VaR is calculated on a daily basis both for major classes of financial instruments (including derivative financial instruments) and for all trading portfolios in the Financial Markets segment and the Bank's Global Funding and Treasury Group.

In addition to the one-day trading VaR, the Bank calculates a trading SVaR, which is a statistical measure of risk that replicates the VaR calculation method but uses, instead of a two-year history of risk factor changes, a 12-month data period corresponding to a continuous period of significant financial stress that is relevant in terms of the Bank's portfolios.

VaR methodology techniques are well suited to measuring risks under normal market conditions. VaR metrics are most appropriate as a risk measure for trading positions in liquid financial markets. However, there are limitations in measuring risks with this method when extreme and sudden market risk events occur, since they are likely to underestimate the Bank's market risk. VaR methodology limitations include the following:

-- past changes in market risk factors may not always produce accurate predictions of the distribution and correlations of future market movements;

-- a VaR with a daily time horizon does not fully capture the market risk of positions that cannot be liquidated or hedged within one day;

-- the market risk factor historical database used for VaR calculation may not reflect potential losses that could occur under unusual market conditions (e.g., periods of extreme illiquidity) relative to the historical period used for VaR estimates;

-- the use of a 99% VaR confidence level does not reflect the extent of potential losses beyond that percentile.

Given the limitations of VaR, this measure represents only one component of the Bank's risk management oversight, which also incorporates, among other measures, stress testing, sensitivity analysis, and concentration and liquidity limits and analysis.

The Bank also conducts backtesting of the VaR model. It consists of comparing the profits and losses to the statistical VaR measure. Backtesting is essential to verifying the VaR model's capacity to adequately forecast the maximum risk of market losses and thus validate, retroactively, the quality and accuracy of the results obtained using the model. If the backtesting results present material discrepancies, the VaR model could be revised in accordance with the Bank's model risk management framework. All market risk models and their performance are subject to periodic independent validation by the model validation group.

Controlling Market Risk

A comprehensive set of limits is applied to market risk measures, and these limits are monitored and reported on a regular basis. Instances when limits are exceeded are reported to the appropriate management level. The risk profiles of the Bank's operations remain consistent with its risk appetite and the resulting limits, and are monitored and reported to traders, management of the applicable business unit, senior executives, and Board committees.

The Bank also uses economic capital for market risk as an indicator for risk appetite and limit setting. This indicator measures the amount of capital that is required to absorb unexpected losses due to market risk events over a one-year horizon and with a determined confidence level. For additional information on economic capital, see the Capital Management section of this MD&A.

The following tables provide a breakdown of the Bank's Consolidated Balance Sheet into assets and liabilities by those that carry market risk and those that do not carry market risk, distinguishing between trading positions whose main risk measures are VaR and SVaR and non-trading positions that use other risk measures.

Reconciliation of Market Risk With Consolidated Balance Sheet Items

(millions of Canadian dollars)                                                    As at October 31, 2022 
===============================  ======================================================================= 
                                            Market risk measures 
 ------------------------------  -------  ----------------------  -----------  ------------------------- 
                                                                  Not subject 
                                 Balance   Trading   Non-Trading    to market            Non-traded risk 
                                   sheet       (1)           (2)         risk   primary risk sensitivity 
  =============================  =======  ========  ============  ===========  ========================= 
 Cash and deposits with 
  financial                                                                                Interest rate 
  institutions                    31,870       837        20,269       10,764                        (3) 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
  At fair value through profit                                                            (3) and equity 
   or loss                        87,375    85,805         1,570            -                        (4) 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
  At fair value through other                                                             (3) and equity 
   comprehensive income            8,828         -         8,828            -                        (5) 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
  At amortized cost               13,516         -        13,516            -                        (3) 
 Securities purchased under 
  reverse repurchase 
  agreements and securities                                                                Interest rate 
   borrowed                       26,486         -        26,486            -                     (3)(6) 
 Loans and acceptances, net                                                                Interest rate 
  of allowances                  206,744     9,914       196,830            -                        (3) 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
 Derivative financial                                                                   (7) and exchange 
  instruments                     18,547    16,968         1,579            -                   rate (7) 
 Defined benefit asset               498         -           498            -                  Other (8) 
 Other                             9,876         -             -        9,876 
 ------------------------------  -------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------- 
                                 403,740   113,524       269,576       20,640 
  -----------------------------  -------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------- 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
 Deposits                        266,394    15,422       250,972            -                        (3) 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
 Acceptances                       6,541         -         6,541            -                        (3) 
 Obligations related to 
  sold short                      21,817    21,817             -            - 
 Obligations related to 
 sold under repurchase 
  agreements and securities                                                                Interest rate 
   loaned                         33,473         -        33,473            -                     (3)(6) 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
 Derivative financial                                                                   (7) and exchange 
  instruments                     19,632    18,909           723            -                   rate (7) 
 Liabilities related to 
  transferred                                                                              Interest rate 
  receivables                     26,277     9,927        16,350            -                        (3) 
 Defined benefit liability           111         -           111            -                  Other (8) 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
 Other                             6,250         -            77        6,173                        (3) 
                                                                                           Interest rate 
 Subordinated debt                 1,499         -         1,499            -                        (3) 
 ------------------------------  -------  --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------- 
                                 381,994    66,075       309,746        6,173 
 ==============================  =======  ========  ============  ===========  ========================= 

(1) Trading positions whose risk measures are VaR as well as total SVaR. For additional information, see the table in the pages ahead that shows the VaR distribution of the trading portfolios by risk category, their diversification effect, and total trading SVaR.

   (2)    Non-trading positions that use other risk measures. 

(3) For additional information, see the tables in the pages ahead, namely, the table that shows the VaR distribution of the trading portfolios by risk category, their diversification effect, and total trading SVaR as well as the table that shows the interest rate sensitivity.

   (4)    For additional information, see Note 6 to the consolidated financial statements. 

(5) The fair value of equity securities designated at fair value through other comprehensive income is presented in Notes 3 and 6 to the consolidated financial statements.

(6) These instruments are recorded at amortized cost and are subject to credit risk for capital management purposes. For trading-related transactions with maturities of more than one day, interest rate risk is included in the VaR and SVaR measures.

   (7)    For additional information, see Notes 16 and 17 to the consolidated financial statements. 
   (8)    For additional information, see Note 23 to the consolidated financial statements. 
(millions of Canadian dollars)                                                    As at October 31, 2021 
===============================  ======================================================================= 
                                                Market risk measures 
 ------------------------------  -------  --------------------------  -----------  --------------------- 
                                                                      Not subject        Non-traded risk 
                                 Balance                                to market                primary 
                                   sheet  Trading(1)  Non-trading(2)         risk       risk sensitivity 
  =============================  =======  ==========  ==============  ===========  ===================== 
 Cash and deposits with 
  institutions                    33,879         401          16,518       16,960       Interest rate(3) 
  At fair value through profit                                                          Interest rate(3) 
   or loss                        84,811      82,995           1,816            -          and equity(4) 
  At fair value through other                                                           Interest rate(3) 
   comprehensive income            9,583           -           9,583            -          and equity(5) 
  At amortized cost               11,910           -          11,910            -       Interest rate(3) 
 Securities purchased under 
  reverse repurchase 
  agreements and securities 
   borrowed                        7,516           -           7,516            -    Interest rate(3)(6) 
 Loans and acceptances, net 
  of allowances                  182,689       7,827         174,862            -       Interest rate(3) 
 Derivative financial                                                                   Interest rate(7) 
  instruments                     16,484      16,033             451            -   and exchange rate(7) 
 Defined benefit asset               691           -             691            -               Other(8) 
 Other(9)                          8,058           -               -        8,058 
 ------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------  -----------  --------------------- 
                                 355,621     107,256         223,347       25,018 
  -----------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------  -----------  --------------------- 
 Deposits                        240,938      14,215         226,723            -       Interest rate(3) 
 Acceptances                       6,836           -           6,836            -       Interest rate(3) 
 Obligations related to 
  sold short                      20,266      20,266               -            - 
 Obligations related to 
 sold under repurchase 
  agreements and securities 
   loaned                         17,293           -          17,293            -    Interest rate(3)(6) 
 Derivative financial                                                                   Interest rate(7) 
  instruments                     19,367      18,999             368            -   and exchange rate(7) 
 Liabilities related to 
  receivables                     25,170       9,058          16,112            -       Interest rate(3) 
 Defined benefit liability           143           -             143            -               Other(8) 
 Other                             6,158           -             113        6,045       Interest rate(3) 
 Subordinated debt                   768           -             768            -       Interest rate(3) 
 ------------------------------  -------  ----------  --------------  -----------  --------------------- 
                                 336,939      62,538         268,356        6,045 
 ==============================  =======  ==========  ==============  ===========  ===================== 

(1) Trading positions whose risk measures are VaR as well as total SVaR. For additional information, see the table on the following page that shows the VaR distribution of the trading portfolios by risk category, their diversification effect, and total trading SVaR.

   (2)    Non-trading positions that use other risk measures. 

(3) For additional information, see the tables in the pages ahead, namely, the table that shows the VaR distribution of the trading portfolios by risk category, their diversification effect, and total trading SVaR as well as the table that shows the interest rate sensitivity.

   (4)    For additional information, see Note 6 to the consolidated financial statements. 

(5) The fair value of equity securities designated at fair value through other comprehensive income is presented in Notes 3 and 6 to the consolidated financial statements.

(6) These instruments are recorded at amortized cost and are subject to credit risk for capital management purposes. For trading-related transactions with maturities of more than one day, interest rate risk is included in the VaR and SVaR measures.

   (7)    For additional information, see Notes 16 and 17 to the consolidated financial statements. 
   (8)    For additional information, see Note 23 to the consolidated financial statements. 

(9) Certain amounts have been adjusted to reflect an accounting policy change applicable to cloud computing arrangements. For additional information, see Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

Trading Activities

The table below shows the VaR distribution of trading portfolios by risk category and their diversification effect as well as total trading SVaR, i.e., the VaR of the Bank ' s current portfolios obtained following the calibration of risk factors over a 12-month stress period.

VaR and SVaR of Trading Portfolios (1)(2) *

Year ended October 
(millions of Canadian 
 dollars)                                              2022                            2021 
==========================   =====  =======================  =====  ======================= 
                                                     Period                          Period 
                               Low    High  Average     end    Low    High  Average     end 
==========================   =====  ======  =======  ======  =====  ======  =======  ====== 
Interest rate                (3.9)  (11.3)    (5.8)   (5.2)  (4.5)  (11.0)    (7.2)   (8.2) 
Foreign exchange             (0.4)   (6.9)    (2.1)   (2.1)  (0.3)   (2.3)    (0.9)   (0.9) 
Equity                       (4.0)  (10.6)    (7.2)   (7.1)  (4.4)  (10.2)    (6.2)   (6.0) 
Commodity                    (0.5)   (1.6)    (0.9)   (1.2)  (0.4)   (1.9)    (0.9)   (1.4) 
Diversification effect(3)     n.m.    n.m.      8.1     7.3   n.m.    n.m.      7.8    11.3 
---------------------------  -----  ------  -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  ------ 
Total trading VaR            (4.6)  (11.4)    (7.9)   (8.3)  (4.8)  (12.3)    (7.4)   (5.2) 
---------------------------  -----  ------  -------  ------  -----  ------  -------  ------ 
Total trading SVaR           (5.1)  (26.2)   (14.6)  (18.8)  (6.5)  (23.1)   (13.8)   (9.5) 
===========================  =====  ======  =======  ======  =====  ======  =======  ====== 

n.m. Computation of a diversification effect for the high and low is not meaningful, as highs and lows may occur on different days and be attributable to different types of risk.

(1) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

(2) Amounts are presented on a pre-tax basis and represent one-day VaR and SVaR using a 99% confidence level.

(3) The total trading VaR is less than the sum of the individual risk factor VaR results due to the diversification effect.

The average total trading VaR stood at $7.9 million for fiscal 2022, up slightly from $7.4 million in fiscal 2021. The average total trading SVaR was also up slightly, increasing from $13.8 million in fiscal 2021 to $ 14.6 million in fiscal 2022 . These increases were mainly driven by higher equity risk, largely offset by a lower interest rate risk.

The revenues generated by trading activities are compared with VaR as a backtesting assessment of the appropriateness of this risk measure as well as the financial performance of trading activities relative to the risk undertaken.

The table below shows daily trading and underwriting revenues and VaR. Daily trading and underwriting revenues were positive on 92% of the days for the year ended October 31, 2022. Daily trading and underwriting losses in excess of $1 million were recorded on 17 days, and on one of those days, the losses exceeded the VaR.

 Daily Trading and Underwriting Revenues 
  (millions of Canadian dollars) 

Stress Testing

Stress testing is a risk management technique that consists of estimating potential losses under abnormal market conditions and risk factor movements. This technique enhances transparency by exploring a range of severe but plausible scenarios.

These stress tests simulate the results that the portfolios would generate if the extreme scenarios in question were to occur. The Bank's stress testing framework, which is applied to all positions generating market risk, currently comprises the following categories of stress test scenarios:

   --    Historical scenarios based on past major disruption situations; 

-- Hypothetical scenarios designed to be forward-looking in the face of potential market stresses;

   --     Scenarios specific to asset classes, including: 

o sharp parallel increases/decreases in interest rates; non-parallel movements of interest rates (flattening and steepening) and increases/decreases in credit spreads;

o sharp stock market crash coupled with a significant increase in volatility of the term structure; increase in stock prices combined with less volatility;

o significant increases/decreases in commodity prices coupled with increases/decreases in volatility; short-term and long-term increases/decreases in commodity prices;

o depreciation/appreciation of the U.S. dollar and of other currencies relative to the Canadian dollar.

Structural Interest Rate Risk

As part of its core banking activities, such as lending and deposit taking, the Bank is exposed to interest rate risk. Interest rate risk is the potential negative impact of interest rate fluctuations on the Bank's annual net interest income and the economic value of its equity. Activities related to hedging, investments, and term funding are also exposed to structural interest rate risk. The Bank's main exposure to interest rate risk stems from a variety of sources:

   --     yield curve risk, which refers to changes in the level, slope, and shape of the yield curve; 

-- repricing risk, which arises from timing differences in the maturity and repricing of on- and off-balance-sheet items;

-- options risk, either implicit (e.g., prepayment of mortgage loans) or explicit (e.g., capped mortgages and rate guarantees) in balance sheet products;

   --     basis risk that is caused by imperfect correlation between different yield curves. 

The Bank's exposure to structural interest rate risk is assessed and controlled mostly through the impact of stress scenarios and market shocks on the economic value of the Bank's equity and on 12-month net interest income projections. These metrics are based on cash flow projections prepared using a number of assumptions. Specifically, the Bank has developed key assumptions on loan prepayment levels, deposit redemptions, and the behaviour of customers that were granted rate guarantees. These specific assumptions were developed based on historical analyses and are reviewed frequently.

Funds transfer pricing is a process by which the Bank's business units are charged or paid according to their use or supply of funding. Through this mechanism, all funding activities as well as the interest rate risk and liquidity risk associated with those activities are centralized in the Global Funding and Treasury Group.

Active management of structural interest rate risk can significantly enhance the Bank's profitability and add to shareholder value. The Bank's goal is to maximize the economic value of its equity and its annual net interest income considering its risk appetite. This goal must be achieved within prescribed risk limits and is accomplished primarily by implementing a policy framework, approved by the GRC and submitted for information purposes to the RMC, that sets a risk tolerance threshold, monitoring structures controlled by the various committees, risk indicators, reporting procedures, delegation of responsibilities, and segregation of duties. The Bank also prepares an annual funding plan that includes the expected growth of assets and liabilities.


Management of the Bank's structural interest rate risk is mandated to the Global Funding and Treasury Group . In this role, the executives and personnel of this group are responsible for the day-to-day management of the risks inherent to structural interest rate risk hedging decisions and operations. They act as the primary effective challenge function with respect to the execution of these activities. The GRC approves and endorses the structural interest rate exposure and strategies on the recommendation of the Global Funding and Treasury Group. The Risk Management Group is responsible for assessing structural interest rate risk, monitoring activities, and ensuring compliance with the interest rate risk in the banking book policy. The Risk Management Group ensures that an appropriate risk management framework is in place and ensures compliance with the risk appetite framework and policy. Structural interest rate risk supervision is mainly provided by the Financial Markets Risk Committee. This committee reviews exposure to structural interest rate risk, the use of limits, and changes made to assumptions .

Stress Testing

Stress tests are performed on a regular basis to assess the impact of various scenarios on annual net interest income and on the economic value of equity in order to guide the management of structural interest rate risk. Stress test scenarios are performed where the yield curve level, slope, and shape are shocked. Yield curve basis and volatility scenarios are also performed. All risk factors mentioned above are covered by specific scenarios and have Board-approved or GRC--approved risk limits.

Dynamic simulation is also used to project the Bank's future net interest income, future economic value, and future exposure to structural interest rate risk. These simulations project cash flows of assets, liabilities, and off-balance-sheet products over a given investment horizon. Given their dynamic nature, they encompass assumptions pertaining to changes in volume, client term preference, prepayments of deposits and loans, and the yield curve.

The following table presents the potential before-tax impact of an immediate and sustained 100-basis-point increase or of an immediate and sustained 100 basis-point decrease in interest rates on the economic value of equity and on the net interest income of the Bank's non-trading portfolios for the next 12 months, assuming no further hedging is undertaken.

Interest Rate Sensitivity - Non-Trading Activities (Before Tax)*

As at October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)                              2022                          2021 
=================================  =============================  ========  ================== 
                                    Canadian        Other         Canadian        Other 
                                      dollar   currencies  Total    dollar   currencies  Total 
 ================================   ========  ===========  =====  ========  ===========  ===== 
Impact on equity 
100-basis-point increase in the 
interest rate                          (191)         (24)  (215)     (277)           39  (238) 
100-basis-point decrease in the 
interest rate                            179           27    206       253         (34)    219 
---------------------------------   --------  -----------  -----  --------  -----------  ----- 
Impact on net interest income 
100-basis-point increase in the 
interest rate                            128            2    130        91           17    108 
100-basis-point decrease in the 
interest rate                          (141)          (2)  (143)      (67)         (17)   (84) 
=================================   ========  ===========  =====  ========  ===========  ===== 

Investment Governance

The Bank has created securities portfolios in liquid and less liquid securities for strategic, long-term investment, and liquidity management purposes. These investments carry market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and concentration risk.

The investment governance framework sets out the guiding principles and general management standards that must be followed by all those who manage portfolios of these securities included in the portfolios of the Bank and its subsidiaries. Under this investment governance framework, business units that are active in managing these types of portfolios adopt internal investment policies that set, among other things, targets and limits for the allocation of assets in the portfolios concerned and internal approval mechanisms. The primary objective is to reduce concentration risk by industry, issuer, country, type of financial instrument, and credit quality.

Overall limits in value and in proportion to the Bank's equity are set on the outstanding amount of liquid preferred shares, liquid equity securities excluding preferred shares, and instruments classified as illiquid securities in the securities portfolios. The overall exposure to common shares with respect to an individual issuer and the total outstanding amount invested in private equity funds, for investment banking services, are also subject to limits. Restrictions are also set on investments defined as special. Lastly, the Bank has a specific policy, approved by the RMC, applicable to investments in debt and equity securities, including strategic investments. Strategic investments are defined as purchases of business assets or acquisitions of significant interests in an entity for purposes of acquiring control or creating a long-term relationship.

Structural Foreign Exchange Risk

The Bank's structural foreign exchange risk arises from investments in foreign operations denominated in currencies other than the Canadian dollar. This risk, predominantly in U.S. dollars, is measured by assessing the impact of currency fluctuations on retained earnings. The Bank uses financial instruments (derivative and non-derivative) to hedge this risk. An adverse change in foreign exchange rates can also impact the Bank's capital ratios due to the amount of RWA denominated in a foreign currency. When the Canadian dollar depreciates relative to other currencies, unrealized translation gains on the Bank's net investments in foreign operations, as well as the impact on hedging transactions, are reported in other comprehensive income in shareholders' equity. In addition, the Canadian-dollar equivalent of U.S.-dollar-denominated RWA and regulatory capital deductions increases. The reverse is true when the Canadian dollar appreciates relative to the U.S. dollar. The structural foreign exchange risk is managed to ensure that the potential impacts on the capital ratios and net income are within tolerable limits set by risk policies.

Liquidity and Funding Risk

Liquidity and funding risk is the risk that the Bank will be unable to honour daily cash and financial obligations without resorting to costly and untimely measures. Liquidity and funding risk arises when sources of funds become insufficient to meet scheduled payments under the Bank's commitments. Liquidity risk stems from mismatched cash flows related to assets and liabilities as well as the characteristics of certain products such as credit commitments and non-fixed-term deposits.

The Bank's primary objective as a financial institution is to manage liquidity such that it supports the Bank's business strategy and allows it to honour its commitments when they come due, even in extreme conditions. This is done primarily by implementing a policy framework approved by the RMC, which establishes a risk appetite, monitoring structures controlled by various committees, risk indicators, reporting procedures, delegation of responsibilities, and segregation of duties. The Bank also prepares an annual funding plan that incorporates the expected growth of assets and liabilities.

Regulatory Environment

The Bank works closely with national and international regulators to implement regulatory liquidity standards. The Bank adapts its processes and policies to reflect its liquidity risk appetite towards these new requirements.

The Liquidity Adequacy Requirements (LAR) are reviewed annually to reflect domestic and international regulatory changes. They constitute OSFI's proposed liquidity framework and include six chapters :

   --     overview; 
   --     liquidity coverage ratio (LCR); 
   --     net stable funding ratio (NSFR); 
   --     net cumulative cash flow (NCCF); 
   --     liquidity monitoring tools; 
   --     intraday liquidity monitoring tools. 

LCR is used to ensure that banks can overcome severe short-term stress, while the NSFR is a structural ratio over a one-year horizon. The NCCF metric is defined as a monitoring tool that calculates a survival period. It is based on the assumptions of a stress scenario prescribed by OSFI that aims to represent a combined systemic and bank-specific crisis. The Bank publishes LCR and NSFR on a quarterly basis, whereas NCCF is produced monthly and communicated to OSFI.

On March 11, 2021, OSFI released, for public consultation, revisions to its LAR guideline, which was to take effect in the first quarter of 2023. OSFI is making changes that will improve the sensitivity to risk and that will ensure that financial institutions hold sufficient cash or other liquid investments to meet potential liquidity needs and to support the continued lending of credit, in particular during periods of financial stress. On November 29, 2021, OSFI postponed the implementation of the revisions to its LAR guideline to April 1, 2023.

On January 31, 2022, OSFI published a final version of the liquidity rules, which reflects the most recent Basel III reforms and, on February 16, 2022, OSFI published the corresponding changes to the regulatory return, i.e., the Net Cumulative Cash Flow (NCCF) return.

On March 31, 2022, OSFI published, for consultation purposes, a draft guideline entitled Assurance on Capital, Leverage and Liquidity Returns. OSFI relies largely on the regulatory returns produced by financial institutions when assessing their safety and soundness. The purpose of this draft guideline is to better inform auditors and institutions on the work to be performed on regulatory returns in order to clarify and align OSFI's assurance expectations across all financial institutions. In particular, the draft guideline addresses the assurance that must be provided by an external audit, attestation by senior management, the assurance that must be provided by an internal audit, and the proposed effective dates. The Bank is actively participating in this consultation.

The Bank continues to closely monitor regulatory developments and actively participates in various consultation processes.


The Global Funding and Treasury Group is responsible for managing liquidity and funding risk . Although the day-to-day and strategic management of risks associated with liquidity, funding, and pledging activities is assumed by the Global Funding and Treasury Group, the Risk Management Group is responsible for assessing liquidity risk and overseeing compliance with the resulting policy. The Risk Management Group ensures that an appropriate risk management framework is in place and ensures compliance with the risk appetite framework. This structure provides an independent oversight and effective challenge for liquidity , funding, and pledging decisions, strategy, and exposure .

The Bank's Liquidity, Funding and Pledging Governance Policy requires review and approval by the RMC, based on recommendations from the GRC. The Bank has established three levels of limits. The first two levels involve the Bank's overall cash position and are respectively approved by the Board and the GRC, whereas the third level of limits focuses more on specific aspects of liquidity risk and is approved by the Financial Markets Risk Committee. The Board not only approves the supervision of day-to-day risk management and governance but also backup plans in anticipation of emergency and liquidity crisis situations. If a limit has to be revised, the Risk Management Group with the support of the Global Funding and Treasury Group, submits the proposed revision to the approving committee.

Oversight of liquidity risk is entrusted mainly to the Financial Markets Risk Committee, whose members include representatives of the Financial Markets segment, the Global Funding and Treasury Group, and the Risk Management Group .

The Bank also has policies and guidelines governing its own collateral pledged to counterparties, given the potential impact of such asset transfers on its liquidity. In accordance with its Liquidity, Funding and Pledging Governance Policy, the Bank conducts simulations of potential counterparty collateral claims under the CSAs in effect in the event of a Bank downgrade or other unlikely occurrences. The simulations are based on various Bank downgrading scenarios or market value fluctuations of transactions covered by CSAs.

Through the Financial Markets Risk Committee, the Risk Management Group regularly reports changes in liquidity, funding, and pledging indicators and compliance with regulatory-, Board-, and GRC-approved limits. If control reports indicate non-compliance with the limits and a general deterioration of liquidity indicators, the Global Funding and Treasury Group takes remedial action. According to an escalation process, problematic situations are reported to management and to the GRC and the RMC. An executive report on the Bank's liquidity and funding risk management is submitted quarterly to the RMC; this report describes the Bank's liquidity position and informs the Board of non-compliance with the limits and other rules observed during the reference period as well as remedial action taken.

Liquidity Management

The Bank performs liquidity management, funding, and pledging operations not only from its head office and regional offices in Canada, but also through certain foreign centres. Although the volume of such operations abroad represents a sizable portion of global liquidity management, the Bank's liquidity management is centralized. By organizing liquidity management, funding, and pledging activities within the Global Funding and Treasury Group , the Bank can better coordinate enterprise-wide funding and risk monitoring activities. All internal funding transactions between Bank entities are controlled by the Global Funding and Treasury Group .

This centralized structure streamlines the allocation and control of liquidity management, funding, and pledging limits. Nonetheless, the Liquidity, Funding and Pledging Governance Policy contains special provisions for financial centres whose size and/or strategic importance makes them more likely to contribute to the Bank's liquidity risk. Consequently, a liquidity and funding risk management structure exists at each financial centre. This structure imposes a set of limits of varying levels, up to the limits approved by the RMC, on diverse liquidity parameters, including liquidity stress tests as well as simple concentration measures .

The Bank's funds transfer pricing system prices liquidity by allocating the cost or income to the various business segments. Liquidity costs are allocated to liquidity-intensive activities, mainly long-term loans, and commitments to extend credit and less liquid securities as well as strategic investments. The liquidity compensation is credited to the suppliers of funds, primarily funding in the form of stable deposits from the Bank's distribution network.

Short-term day-to-day funding decisions are based on a daily cumulative net cash position, which is controlled using liquidity ratio limits. Among these ratios and parameters, the Bank pays particular attention to the funds obtained on the wholesale market and to cumulative cash flows over various time horizons.

Moreover, the Bank's collateral pledging activities are monitored in relation to the different limits set by the Bank and are subject to monthly stress tests using various scenarios. In particular, the Bank uses various scenarios to estimate the potential amounts of additional collateral that would be required in the event of a downgrade to the Bank's credit rating.

Liquidity risk can be assessed in many different ways using different liquidity indicators. One of the key liquidity risk monitoring tools is the Bank's survival period, which is based on contractual maturity and behavioural assumptions applied to balance sheet items as well as off-balance-sheet commitments.

Stress Testing

Using various simulations, survival period measures the number of months it would take to completely utilize the Bank's liquid assets if the Bank were to lose deposits prematurely or if funds from wholesale markets were not renewed at maturity. It is measured monthly using three scenarios, which were developed to assess sensitivity to a Bank-specific and/or systemic crisis. Deposit loss simulations are carried out based on their degree of stability, while the value of certain assets is encumbered by an amount reflecting their readiness for liquidation in a crisis. Appropriate scenarios and limits are included in the Bank's Liquidity, Funding and Pledging Governance Policy .

The Bank maintains an up-to-date, comprehensive financial contingency and crisis recovery plan that describes the measures to be taken in the event of a critical liquidity situation. This plan is reviewed and approved annually by the Board as part of business continuity and recovery planning. For additional information, see the Regulatory Compliance Risk section of this MD&A.

Liquidity Risk Appetite

The Bank monitors and manages its risk appetite through liquidity limits, ratios, and stress tests. The Bank's liquidity risk appetite is based on the following three principles:

-- ensure the Bank has a sufficient amount of unencumbered liquid assets to cover its financial requirements, in both normal and stressed conditions;

   --     ensure the Bank keeps a liquidity buffer above the minimum regulatory requirement; 
   --     ensure the Bank maintains diversified and stable sources of funding. 

Liquid Assets

To protect depositors and creditors from unexpected crisis situations, the Bank holds a portfolio of unencumbered liquid assets that can be readily liquidated to meet financial obligations. The majority of the unencumbered liquid assets are held in Canadian or U.S. dollars. Moreover, all assets that can be quickly monetized are considered liquid assets. The Bank's liquidity reserves do not factor in the availability of the emergency liquidity facilities of central banks. The following tables provide information on the Bank's encumbered and unencumbered assets.

Liquid Asset Portfolio (1)

As at October 31 
(millions of Canadian 
dollars)                                                                       2022          2021 
========================   ==========  =========  =======  ========================  ============ 
                           Bank-owned     Liquid           Encumbered 
                               liquid     assets    Total      liquid  Unencumbered  Unencumbered 
                               assets   received   liquid      assets        liquid        liquid 
                                  (2)        (3)   assets         (4)        assets        assets 
  ======================   ==========  =========  =======  ==========  ============  ============ 
Cash and deposits with 
 institutions                  31,870          -   31,870       7,690        24,180        27,098 
 Issued or guaranteed by 
 Canadian government, 
  U.S. Treasury, other 
  agencies and 
  other foreign 
   governments                 38,983     35,996   74,979      49,085        25,894        29,002 
 Issued or guaranteed by 
  and municipal 
   governments                 13,056      8,864   21,920      13,499         8,421         4,678 
 Other debt securities         10,399      2,342   12,741       2,932         9,809         7,201 
 Equity securities             47,281     45,055   92,336      65,045        27,291        26,824 
 Securities backed by 
  residential mortgages        11,795          -   11,795       6,213         5,582         3,545 
 -----------------------   ----------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
As at October 31, 2022        153,384     92,257  245,641     144,464       101,177 
------------------------   ----------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
As at October 31, 2021        149,431     74,070  223,501     125,153                      98,348 
========================   ==========  =========  =======  ==========  ============  ============ 
As at October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)                                   2022                        2021 
=========================================================  ==========  ========================== 
Unencumbered liquid assets by entity 
 National Bank (parent)                                        52,544                      62,438 
 Domestic subsidiaries                                         14,576                      12,471 
 Foreign subsidiaries and branches                             34,057                      23,439 
 --------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------------------- 
                                                              101,177                      98,348 
  =======================================================  ==========  ========================== 
As at October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)                                   2022                        2021 
=========================================================  ==========  ========================== 
Unencumbered liquid assets by currency 
 Canadian dollar                                               49,466                      47,293 
 U.S. dollar                                                   24,871                      40,999 
 Other currencies                                              26,840                      10,056 
 --------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------------------- 
                                                              101,177                      98,348 
  =======================================================  ==========  ========================== 

Liquid Asset Portfolio (1) - Average (5)

Year ended October 31 
(millions of Canadian 
dollars)                                                                          2022          2021 
===========================   ==========  =========  =======  ========================  ============ 
                              Bank-owned     Liquid           Encumbered 
                                  liquid     assets    Total      liquid  Unencumbered  Unencumbered 
                                  assets   received   liquid      assets        liquid        liquid 
                                     (2)        (3)   assets         (4)        assets        assets 
  =========================   ==========  =========  =======  ==========  ============  ============ 
Cash and deposits with 
 institutions                     39,431          -   39,431       8,062        31,369        32,238 
 Issued or guaranteed by 
 Canadian government, 
  U.S. Treasury, other U.S. 
   agencies and 
  other foreign governments       33,167     32,546   65,713      42,012        23,701        20,349 
 Issued or guaranteed by 
  and municipal governments       13,093      7,283   20,376      14,100         6,276         5,895 
 Other debt securities             8,772      2,408   11,180       2,409         8,771         6,413 
 Equity securities                55,020     43,610   98,630      74,203        24,427        34,351 
 Securities backed by 
  residential mortgages           10,980          -   10,980       6,762         4,218         3,693 
 --------------------------   ----------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
As at October 31, 2022           160,463     85,847  246,310     147,548        98,762 
---------------------------   ----------  ---------  -------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
As at October 31, 2021           161,650     75,626  237,276     134,337                     102,939 
===========================   ==========  =========  =======  ==========  ============  ============ 

(1) See the Financial Reporting Method section on pages 16 to 21 for additional information on capital management measures.

(2) Bank-owned liquid assets include assets for which there are no legal or geographic restrictions.

(3) Securities received as collateral with respect to securities financing and derivative transactions and securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements and securities borrowed.

(4) In the normal course of its funding activities, the Bank pledges assets as collateral in accordance with standard terms. Encumbered liquid assets include assets used to cover short sales, obligations related to securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities loaned, guarantees related to security-backed loans and borrowings, collateral related to derivative financial instrument transactions, asset-backed securities, and liquid assets legally restricted from transfers.

(5) The average is based on the sum of the end-of-period balances of the 12 months of the year divided by 12.

Summary of Encumbered and Unencumbered Assets (1)

                                                                                         As at October 
(millions of Canadian dollars)                                                                31, 2022 
==================================   ===========  ========  ===========  ========  =================== 
                                                                                                  as % 
                                                Encumbered           Unencumbered             of total 
                                                assets (2)                 assets    Total      assets 
 ---------------------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  -------  ---------- 
                                         Pledged              Available 
                                              as     Other           as     Other 
                                      collateral       (3)   collateral       (4) 
 =================================   ===========  ========  ===========  ========  =======  ========== 
Cash and deposits with financial 
 institutions                                295     7,395       24,180         -   31,870         1.9 
Securities                                42,972         -       66,747         -  109,719        10.6 
Securities purchased under 
 reverse repurchase 
 agreements and securities 
  borrowed                                     -    21,818        4,668         -   26,486         5.4 
Loans and acceptances, net 
 of allowances                            37,426         -        5,582   163,736  206,744         9.3 
Derivative financial instruments               -         -            -    18,547   18,547           - 
Investments in associates 
 and joint ventures                            -         -            -       140      140           - 
Premises and equipment                         -         -            -     1,397    1,397           - 
Goodwill                                       -         -            -     1,519    1,519           - 
Intangible assets                              -         -            -     1,360    1,360           - 
Other assets                                   -         -            -     5,958    5,958           - 
----------------------------------   -----------  --------  -----------  --------  -------  ---------- 
                                          80,693    29,213      101,177   192,657  403,740        27.2 
==================================   ===========  ========  ===========  ========  =======  ========== 
                                                                                         As at October 
(millions of Canadian dollars)                                                             31, 2021(5) 
==================================   ===========  ========  ===========  ========  =================== 
                                                                                                  as % 
                                                Encumbered           Unencumbered             of total 
                                                 assets(2)                 assets    Total      assets 
 ---------------------------------   ---------------------  ---------------------  -------  ---------- 
                                         Pledged              Available 
                                              as                     as 
                                      collateral  Other(3)   collateral  Other(4) 
 =================================   ===========  ========  ===========  ========  =======  ========== 
Cash and deposits with financial 
 institutions                                275     6,506       27,098         -   33,879         1.9 
Securities                                38,599         -       67,705         -  106,304        10.9 
Securities purchased under 
 reverse repurchase 
 agreements and securities 
  borrowed                                     -     7,516            -         -    7,516         2.1 
Loans and acceptances, net 
 of allowances                            37,307         -        3,545   141,837  182,689        10.5 
Derivative financial instruments               -         -            -    16,484   16,484           - 
Investments in associates 
 and joint ventures                            -         -            -       225      225           - 
Premises and equipment                         -         -            -     1,216    1,216           - 
Goodwill                                       -         -            -     1,504    1,504           - 
Intangible assets                              -         -            -     1,274    1,274           - 
Other assets                                   -         -            -     4,530    4,530           - 
----------------------------------   -----------  --------  -----------  --------  -------  ---------- 
                                          76,181    14,022       98,348   167,070  355,621        25.4 
==================================   ===========  ========  ===========  ========  =======  ========== 

(1) See the Financial Reporting Method section on pages 16 to 21 for additional information on capital management measures.

(2) In the normal course of its funding activities, the Bank pledges assets as collateral in accordance with standard terms. Encumbered assets include assets used to cover short sales, obligations related to securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities loaned, guarantees related to security-backed loans and borrowings, collateral related to derivative financial instrument transactions, asset-backed securities, residential mortgage loans securitized and transferred under the Canada Mortgage Bond program, assets held in consolidated trusts supporting the Bank's funding activities, and mortgage loans transferred under the covered bond program.

(3) Other encumbered assets include assets for which there are restrictions and that cannot therefore be used for collateral or funding purposes as well as assets used to cover short sales.

(4) Other unencumbered assets are assets that cannot be used for collateral or funding purposes in their current form. This category includes assets that are potentially eligible as funding program collateral (e.g., mortgages insured by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation that can be securitized into mortgage-backed securities under the National Housing Act (Canada)).

(5) Certain amounts have been adjusted to reflect an accounting policy change applicable to cloud computing arrangements. For additional information, see Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

Liquidity Coverage Ratio

The liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) was introduced primarily to ensure that banks could withstand periods of severe short-term stress. LCR is calculated by dividing the total amount of high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) by the total amount of net cash outflows. OSFI has been requiring Canadian banks to maintain a minimum LCR of 100%. An LCR above 100% ensures that banks are holding sufficient high-quality liquid assets to cover net cash outflows given a severe, 30-day liquidity crisis. The assumptions underlying the LCR scenario were established by the BCBS and OSFI's Liquidity Adequacy Requirements Guideline.

The following table provides average LCR data calculated using the daily figures in the quarter. For the quarter ended October 31, 2022, the Bank's average LCR was 140%, well above the 100% regulatory requirement and demonstrating the Bank's solid liquidity position.

LCR Disclosure Requirements (1)(2)

                                                                                     For the quarter 
(millions of Canadian dollars)                                                                 ended 
=============================================   ================  ==============  ================== 
                                                                                            July 31, 
                                                                October 31, 2022                2022 
---------------------------------------------   --------------------------------      -------------- 
                                                Total unweighted  Total weighted      Total weighted 
                                                       value (3)       value (4)            value(4) 
                                                       (average)       (average)           (average) 
 ============================================   ================  ==============      ============== 
High-quality liquid assets (HQLA) 
 Total HQLA                                                 n.a.          76,469              71,388 
Cash outflows 
 Retail deposits and deposits from small 
  customers, of which:                                    67,086           6,953               5,281 
  Stable deposits                                         28,709             861                 876 
  Less stable deposits(5)                                 38,377           6,092               4,405 
 Unsecured wholesale funding, of which:                  102,020          55,770              56,563 
  Operational deposits(5) (all 
   and deposits in networks of cooperative 
   banks                                                  27,635           6,738               5,715 
  Non-operational deposits (all 
   counterparties)                                        62,319          36,966              39,620 
  Unsecured debt                                          12,066          12,066              11,228 
 Secured wholesale funding                                  n.a.          20,465              15,955 
 Additional requirements, of which:                       53,259          14,231              12,559 
  Outflows related to derivative exposures 
   and other collateral requirements                      15,872           7,381               5,718 
  Outflows related to loss of funding on 
   debt securities                                         1,580           1,580               1,864 
  Backstop liquidity and credit enhancement 
   facilities and commitments to extend 
   credit                                                 35,807           5,270               4,977 
 Other contractual commitments to extend 
  credit                                                   1,830           1,040                 758 
 Other contingent commitments to extend 
  credit                                                 121,558           1,788               1,771 
 --------------------------------------------   ----------------  --------------      -------------- 
 Total cash outflows                                        n.a.         100,247              92,887 
 --------------------------------------------   ----------------  --------------      -------------- 
Cash inflows 
 Secured lending (e.g., reverse repos)                   106,713          22,562              20,976 
 Inflows from fully performing exposures                  10,737           6,673               5,910 
 Other cash inflows                                       15,966          15,966              17,496 
 --------------------------------------------   ----------------  --------------      -------------- 
 Total cash inflows                                      133,416          45,201              44,382 
 ============================================   ================  ==============      ============== 
                                                                  Total adjusted      Total adjusted 
                                                                       value (6)            value(6) 
   ==========================================   ================  ==============      ============== 
Total HQLA                                                                76,469              71,388 
Total net cash outflows                                                   55,046              48,505 
Liquidity coverage ratio (%) (7)                                             140   %             148  % 
=============================================   ================  ==============      ============== 
   n.a.   Not applicable 

(1) See the Financial Reporting Method section on pages 16 to 21 for additional information on capital management measures.

(2) OSFI prescribed a table format in order to standardize disclosure throughout the banking industry.

(3) Unweighted values are calculated as outstanding balances maturing or callable within 30 days (for inflows and outflows).

(4) Weighted values are calculated after the application of respective haircuts (for HQLA) or inflow and outflow rates.

(5) During the quarter ended October 31, 2022, the Bank refined its method for classifying less stable retail deposits and deposits from small business customers as well as unsecured wholesale funding operational deposits.

(6) Total adjusted values are calculated after the application of both haircuts and inflow and outflow rates and any applicable caps.

(7) The data in this table has been calculated using averages of the daily figures in the quarter.

As at October 31, 2022, Level 1 liquid assets represented 84% of the Bank's HQLA, which includes cash, central bank deposits, and bonds issued or guaranteed by the Canadian government and Canadian provincial governments. Cash outflows arise from the application of OSFI-prescribed assumptions on deposits, debt, secured funding, commitments and additional collateral requirements. The cash outflows are partly offset by cash inflows, which come mainly from secured loans and performing loans. The Bank expects some quarter-over-quarter variation between reported LCRs without such variation being necessarily indicative of a trend. The variation between the quarter ended October 31, 2022 and the preceding quarter is a result of normal business operations . The Bank's liquid asset buffer is well in excess of its total net cash outflows. The LCR assumptions differ from the assumptions used for the liquidity disclosures presented in the tables on the previous pages or those used for internal liquidity management rules. While the liquidity disclosure framework is prescribed by the EDTF, the Bank's internal liquidity metrics use assumptions that are calibrated according to its business model and experience.

Intraday Liquidity

The Bank manages its intraday liquidity in such a way that the amount of available liquidity exceeds its maximum intraday liquidity requirements. The Bank monitors its intraday liquidity on an hourly basis, and the evolution thereof is presented monthly to the Financial Markets Risk Committee.

Net Stable Funding Ratio

The BCBS has developed the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) to promote a more resilient banking sector. The NSFR requires institutions to maintain a stable funding profile in relation to the composition of their assets and off-balance-sheet activities. A viable funding structure is intended to reduce the likelihood that disruptions to an institution's regular sources of funding would erode its liquidity position in a way that would increase the risk of its failure and potentially lead to broader systemic stress. NSFR is calculated by dividing available stable funding by required stable funding. OSFI has been requiring Canadian banks to maintain a minimum NSFR of 100%.

The following table provides the available stable funding and the required stable funding in accordance with OSFI's Liquidity Adequacy Requirements Guideline . As at October 31, 2022, the Bank's NSFR was 117%, well above the 100% regulatory requirement and demonstrating the Bank's solid liquidity in a long-term position.

NSFR Disclosure Requirements (1)(2)

                                                                     As at October             As at 
                                                                               31,          July 31, 
(millions of Canadian dollars)                                                2022              2022 
=================================  ========   ======   =======   =================          ======== 
                                            Unweighted value by residual 
  -------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ======== 
                                                   6         6 
                                              months    months            Weighted 
                                         No       or      to 1      Over     value          Weighted 
                                   maturity     less      year    1 year       (3)          value(3) 
  ===============================  ========   ======   =======   =======  ========          ======== 
Available Stable Funding (ASF) 
Capital:                             21,746        -         -     1,499    23,245            22,607 
 Regulatory capital                  21,746        -         -     1,499    23,245            22,607 
 Other capital instruments                -        -         -         -         -                 - 
Retail deposits and deposits from 
 small business customers:           63,232   11,080     9,025    17,447    90,866            83,433 
 Stable deposits                     26,500    3,102     4,065     5,866    37,850            37,750 
 Less stable deposits(4)             36,732    7,978     4,960    11,581    53,016            45,683 
Wholesale funding:                   62,829   85,492    10,832    37,405    91,959            96,027 
 Operational deposits(4)             31,076        -         -         -    15,538            10,600 
 Other wholesale funding             31,753   85,492    10,832    37,405    76,421            85,427 
Liabilities with matching 
 assets(5)                                -    3,271     3,553    19,453         -                 - 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
Other liabilities(6) :               25,445             21,711                 710               704 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
 NSFR derivative liabilities(6)        n.a.             19,055                n.a.              n.a. 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
 All other liabilities and equity 
  not included in the above 
  categories                         25,445    1,820       253       583       710               704 
 --------------------------------  --------   ------   -------   -------  --------          -------- 
Total ASF                              n.a.     n.a.      n.a.      n.a.   206,780           202,771 
---------------------------------  --------   ------   -------   -------  --------          -------- 
Required Stable Funding (RSF) 
Total NSFR high-quality liquid 
 assets (HQLA)                         n.a.     n.a.      n.a.      n.a.     8,845             7,235 
Deposits held at other financial 
institutions for operational 
purposes                                  -        -         -         -         -                 - 
Performing loans and securities:     58,799   61,316    22,183    98,980   145,555           140,975 
 Performing loans to financial 
  institutions secured by Level 
  1 HQLA                              2,595    3,932         -         9       343                83 
 Performing loans to financial 
  institutions secured by 
  HQLA and unsecured performing 
  loans to financial institutions     8,325   22,222     1,650       365     5,426             5,383 
 Performing loans to 
  corporate clients, loans to 
  and small business customers, 
  and loans to sovereigns, 
  banks and public sector 
  of which:                          25,149   27,048    13,868    36,478    70,494            67,324 
  With a risk weight of less than 
   or equal to 35% under the 
   Standardized Approach for 
   risk                                 816    2,867       431       279     2,360             1,965 
 Performing residential 
  of which:                           9,624    5,166     5,928    57,933    52,743            52,236 
  With a risk weight of less than 
   or equal to 35% under the 
   Standardized Approach for 
   risk                               9,624    5,166     5,928    57,933    52,743            52,236 
 Securities that are not in 
  and do not qualify as HQLA, 
  exchange-traded equities           13,106    2,948       737     4,195    16,549            15,949 
Assets with matching 
 liabilities(5)                           -    3,271     3,553    19,453         -                 - 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
Other assets(6) :                     3,810             58,136              18,455            18,428 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
 Physical traded commodities, 
  gold                                  294     n.a.      n.a.      n.a.       294               292 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
 Assets posted as initial margin 
  for derivative contracts and 
  contributions to default funds 
  of central counterparties(5)         n.a.              8,413               7,151             7,581 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
 NSFR derivative assets(6)             n.a.             16,985                   -                 - 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
 NSFR derivative liabilities 
  deduction of the variation 
  margin posted(6)                     n.a.             25,686               1,284               949 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
 All other assets not included 
  in the above categories             3,516    5,733       645       674     9,726             9,606 
                                              ------   -------   ------- 
Off-balance-sheet items(6)             n.a.            101,010               3,787             3,677 
---------------------------------  --------   ------   -------   -------  --------          -------- 
Total RSF                              n.a.     n.a.      n.a.      n.a.   176,642           170,315 
---------------------------------  --------   ------   -------   -------  --------          -------- 
Net Stable Funding Ratio (%)           n.a.     n.a.      n.a.      n.a.       117%              119% 
=================================  ========   ======   =======   =======  ========          ======== 
   n.a.   Not applicable 

(1) See the Financial Reporting Method section on pages 16 to 21 for additional information on capital management measures.

(2) OSFI prescribed a table format in order to standardize disclosure throughout the banking industry.

(3) Weighted values are calculated after application of the weightings set out in OSFI's Liquidity Adequacy Requirements Guideline.

(4) During the quarter ended October 31, 2022, the Bank refined its method for classifying less stable retail deposits and deposits from small business customers as well as wholesale funding operational deposits.

(5) As per OSFI's specifications, liabilities arising from transactions involving the Canada Mortgage Bond program and their corresponding encumbered mortgages are given ASF and RSF weights of 0%, respectively.

   (6)    As per OSFI's specifications, there is no need to differentiate by maturity. 

The NSFR represents the amount of ASF relative to the amount of RSF. ASF is defined as the portion of capital and liabilities expected to be reliable over the time horizon considered by the NSFR, which extends to one year. The amount of RSF of a specific institution is a function of the liquidity characteristics and residual maturities of the various assets held by that institution as well as those of its off-balance-sheet exposures. The amounts of ASF and RSF are calibrated to reflect the degree of stability of liabilities and liquidity of assets. The Bank expects some quarter-over-quarter variation between reported NSFRs without such variation being necessarily indicative of a trend.

The NSFR assumptions differ from the assumptions used for the liquidity disclosures provided in the tables on the preceding pages or those used for internal liquidity management rules. While the liquidity disclosure framework is prescribed by the EDTF, the Bank's internal liquidity metrics use assumptions that are calibrated according to its business model and experience.

Funding Risk

Funding risk is defined as the risk to the Bank's ongoing ability to raise sufficient funds to finance actual or proposed business activities on an unsecured or secured basis at an acceptable price. The Bank maintains a good balance of its funding through appropriate diversification of its unsecured funding vehicles, securitization programs, and secured funding. The Bank also diversifies its funding by currency, geography, and maturity. The funding management priority is to achieve an optimal balance between deposits, securitization, secured funding, and unsecured funding. This brings optimal stability to the funding and reduces vulnerability to unpredictable events.

Liquidity and funding levels remained sound and robust over the year, and the Bank does not foresee any event, commitment, or demand that might have a significant impact on its liquidity and funding risk position. For additional information, see the table entitled Residual Contractual Maturities of Balance Sheet Items and Off-Balance-Sheet Commitments in Note 29 to the consolidated financial statements.

Credit Ratings

The credit ratings assigned by ratings agencies represent their assessment of the Bank's credit quality based on qualitative and quantitative information provided to them. Credit ratings may be revised at any time based on various factors, including macroeconomic factors, the methodologies used by ratings agencies, or the current and projected financial condition of the Bank. Credit ratings are one of the main factors that influence the Bank's ability to access financial markets at a reasonable cost. A downgrade in the Bank's credit ratings could adversely affect the cost, size, and term of future funding and could also result in increased requirement to pledge collateral or decreased capacity to engage in certain collateralized business activities at a reasonable cost, including hedging and derivative transactions.

Liquidity and funding levels remain sound and robust, and the Bank continues to enjoy excellent access to the market for its funding needs. The Bank received favourable credit ratings from all the agencies, reflecting the high quality of its debt instruments, and the Bank's objective is to maintain these strong credit ratings. On April 29, 2022, DBRS Morningstar (DBRS) raised the ratings of the Bank and its related entities, including the rating for long-term deposits and for long-term non-bail-inable senior debt to AA from AA(low), and it raised the rating for short-term senior debt to R-1(high) from R-1(mid). In addition, DBRS changed the trends of all the ratings to "Stable" from "Positive". This change reflects DBRS's recognition of the Bank's solid performance in recent years. For Moody's, S&P, and Fitch, the outlook remains unchanged at "Stable." The following table presents the Bank's credit ratings according to four rating agencies as at October 31, 2022.

The Bank's Credit Ratings

                                                                            As at October 31, 
  ========================================    ==========  ==========    ===================== 
                                                 Moody's         S&P           DBRS     Fitch 
  ========================================    ==========  ==========    ===========    ====== 
Short-term senior debt                               P-1         A-1     R-1 (high)       F1+ 
Canadian commercial paper                                  A-1 (mid) 
Long-term deposits                                   Aa3                         AA       AA- 
Long-term non-bail-inable senior debt(1)             Aa3           A             AA       AA- 
Long term senior debt(2)                              A3        BBB+       AA (low)        A+ 
NVCC subordinated debt                        Baa2 (hyb)         BBB        A (low) 
NVCC limited recourse capital notes            Ba1 (hyb)         BB+     BBB (high) 
NVCC preferred shares                          Ba1 (hyb)  P-3 (high)          Pfd-2 
Counterparty risk(3)                             Aa3/P-1                                  AA- 
Covered bonds program                                Aaa                        AAA       AAA 
------------------------------------------    ----------  ----------    -----------    ------ 
Rating outlook                                    Stable      Stable         Stable    Stable 
==========================================    ==========  ==========    ===========    ====== 

(1) Includes senior debt issued before September 23, 2018 and senior debt issued on or after September 23, 2018, which is excluded from the Bank Recapitalization (Bail-In) Regime.

   (2)    Subject to conversion under the Bank Recapitalization (Bail-In) Regime. 

(3) Moody's uses the term Counterparty Risk Rating while Fitch uses the term Derivative Counterparty Rating.


As part of a comprehensive liquidity management framework, the Bank regularly reviews its contracts that stipulate that additional collateral could be required in the event of a downgrade of the Bank's credit rating. The Bank's liquidity position management approach already incorporates additional collateral requirements in the event of a one-notch to three-notch downgrade. These additional collateral requirements are presented in the table below.

(millions of Canadian dollars)       As at October 31, 2022 
================================   ======================== 
                                     One-notch  Three-notch 
                                     downgrade    downgrade 
 ===============================   ===========  =========== 
Derivatives(1)                              30           98 
================================   ===========  =========== 
   (1)    Contractual requirements related to agreements known as Credit Support Annexes. 

Funding Strategy

The main objective of the funding strategy is to support the Bank's organic growth while also enabling it to survive potentially severe and prolonged crises and to meet its regulatory obligations and financial targets.

The Bank's funding framework is summarized as follows:

-- pursue a diversified deposit strategy to fund core banking activities through stable deposits coming from the networks of each of the Bank's major business segments;

-- maintain sound liquidity risk management through centralized expertise and management of liquidity metrics within a predefined risk appetite;

-- maintain active access to various markets to ensure a diversification of institutional funding in terms of source, geographic location, currency, instrument, and maturity, whether or not funding is secured.

The funding strategy is implemented in support of the Bank's overall objectives of strengthening its franchise among market participants and reinforcing its excellent reputation. The Bank continuously monitors and analyzes market trends as well as possibilities for accessing less expensive and more flexible funding, considering both the risks and opportunities observed. The deposit strategy remains a priority for the Bank, which continues to prefer deposits to institutional funding .

The Bank actively monitors and controls liquidity risk exposures and funding needs within and across entities, business segments , and currencies. The process involves evaluating the liquidity position of individual business segments in addition to that of the Bank as a whole as well as the liquidity risk from raising unsecured and secured funding in foreign currencies. The funding strategy is implemented through the funding plan and deposit strategy, which are monitored, updated to reflect actual results, and regularly evaluated.

Diversified Funding Sources

The primary purpose of diversifying by source, geographic location, currency, instrument, maturity, and depositor is to mitigate liquidity and funding risk by ensuring that the Bank maintains alternative sources of funds that strengthen its capacity to withstand a variety of severe yet plausible institution-specific and market-wide shocks. To meet this objective, the Bank:

   --     takes funding diversification into account in the business planning process; 
   --     maintains a variety of funding programs to access different markets; 
   --     sets limits on funding concentration; 
   --     maintains strong relationships with fund providers; 
   --     is active in various funding markets of all tenors and for various instruments; 
   --     identifies and monitors the main factors that affect the ability to raise funds. 

The Bank is active in the following funding and securitization platforms:

   --     Canadian dollar Senior Unsecured Debt; 
   --     U.S. dollar Senior Unsecured Debt programs; 
   --     Canadian Medium-Term Note Shelf; 
   --     U.S. dollar Commercial Paper programs; 
   --     U.S. dollar Certificates of Deposit; 
   --     Euro Medium-Term Note program; 
   --     Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation securitization programs; 
   --     Canadian Credit Card Trust II; 
   --     Legislative Covered Bond program. 

The table below presents the residual contractual maturities of the Bank's wholesale funding. The information has been presented in accordance with the categories recommended by the EDTF for comparison purposes with other banks.

Residual Contractual Maturities of Wholesale Funding (1)

(millions of Canadian                                                                As at October 
 dollars)                                                                                 31, 2022 
=======================   ========  =======  =======  =======  ========  ========  =============== 
                                       Over     Over     Over 
                                          1        3        6                Over 
                                      month   months   months                   1 
                                         to       to       to  Subtotal      year     Over 
                           1 month        3        6       12    1 year        to        2 
                           or less   months   months   months   or less   2 years    years   Total 
 ======================   ========  =======  =======  =======  ========  ========  =======  ====== 
Deposits from banks(2)         484        -        -        -       484         -        -     484 
Certificates of deposit 
 and commercial 
 paper(3)                    5,560    4,230    4,788      793    15,371         -        -  15,371 
Senior unsecured 
 notes(4)(5)                    78    1,348    3,000      587     5,013     3,771    6,423  15,207 
Senior unsecured 
 notes                           -      140      183       70       393         -    2,387   2,780 
Covered bonds and 
 Mortgage securitization         -    2,672      422    3,617     6,711     4,558   15,008  26,277 
 Covered bonds                   -        -        -    2,017     2,017     1,009    7,386  10,412 
 Securitization of 
  card receivables               -        -        -       29        29         -       49      78 
 liabilities(6)                  -        -        -        -         -         -    1,499   1,499 
                             6,122    8,390    8,393    7,113    30,018     9,338   32,752  72,108 
-----------------------   --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  --------  -------  ------ 
Secured funding                  -    2,672      422    5,663     8,757     5,567   22,443  36,767 
Unsecured funding            6,122    5,718    7,971    1,450    21,261     3,771   10,309  35,341 
-----------------------   --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  --------  -------  ------ 
                             6,122    8,390    8,393    7,113    30,018     9,338   32,752  72,108 
-----------------------   --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  --------  -------  ------ 
As at October 31, 2021       2,643    8,872    9,802    7,390    28,707    10,400   29,331  68,438 
=======================   ========  =======  =======  =======  ========  ========  =======  ====== 
   (1)    Bankers' acceptances are not included in this table. 
   (2)    Deposits from banks include all non-negotiable term deposits from banks. 
   (3)    Includes bearer deposit notes. 

(4) Certificates of deposit denominated in euros are included in senior unsecured medium-term notes.

   (5)    Includes deposits subject to bank recapitalization (Bail-In) conversion regulations. 

(6) Subordinated debt is presented in this table, but the Bank does not consider it as part of its wholesale funding.

Operational Risk

Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from an inadequacy or a failure ascribable to human resources, equipment, processes, technology, or external events. Operational risk exists for every Bank activity. Theft, fraud, cyberattacks, unauthorized transactions, system errors, human error, amendments to or misinterpretation of laws and regulations, litigation or disputes with clients, inappropriate sales practice behaviour, or property damage are just a few examples of events likely to cause financial loss, harm the Bank's reputation, or lead to regulatory penalties or sanctions.

Although operational risk cannot be eliminated entirely, it can be managed in a thorough and transparent manner to keep it at an acceptable level. The Bank's operational risk management framework is built on the concept of three lines of defence and provides a clear allocation of responsibilities to all levels of the organization, as mentioned below.

Operational Risk Management Framework

The operational risk management framework is described in the Operational Risk Management Policy, which is derived from the Risk Management Policy. The operational risk management framework is aligned with the Bank's risk appetite and is made up of policies, standards, and procedures specific to each operational risk, which fall under the responsibility of specialized groups.

The Operational Risk Management Committee (ORMC), a subcommittee of the GRC, is the main governance committee overseeing operational risk matters. Its mission is to provide oversight of the operational risk level across the organization to ensure it aligns with the Bank's risk appetite targets. It implements effective frameworks for managing operational risk, including policies and standards, and monitors the application thereof .

The segments use several operational risk management tools and methods to identify, assess, and manage their operational risks and control measures. With these tools and methods, the segments can :

-- recognize and understand the inherent and residual risks to which their activities and operations are exposed;

   --     identify how to manage and monitor the identified risks to keep them at an acceptable level; 
   --     proactively and continuously manage risks. 

Operational Risk Management Tools and Methods

Collection and Analysis of Data on Operational Events

The Operational Risk Unit applies a process, across the Bank and its subsidiaries, for identifying, collecting, and analyzing data on internal operational events. This process helps determine the Bank's exposure to the operational risks and operational losses incurred and assess the effectiveness of internal controls. It also helps limit operational events, keep losses at an acceptable level and, as a result, reduce potential capital charges and lower the likelihood of damage to the Bank's reputation . These data are processed and saved in a centralized database and are periodically the subject of a quality assurance exercise.

Analysis and Lessons Learned From Operational Incidents Observed in Other Large Businesses

By collecting and analyzing media-reported information about significant operational incidents, in particular incidents related to fraud, information security, and theft of personal information experienced by other organizations, the Bank can assess the effectiveness of its own operational risk management practices and reinforce them, if necessary.

Operational Risk Self-Assessment Program

The operational risk self-assessment program gives each business unit and corporate unit the means to proactively identify and assess the new or major operational risks to which they are exposed, evaluate the effectiveness of mitigating controls, and develop action plans to keep such risks at acceptable levels. As such, the program helps in anticipating factors that could hinder performance or the achievement of objectives.

Key Risk Indicators

Key risk indicators are used to monitor the main operational risk exposure factors and track how risks are evolving in order to proactively manage them. The business units and corporate units define the key indicators associated with their main operational risks and assign tolerance thresholds to them. These indicators are monitored periodically and, when they show a significant increase in risk or when a tolerance threshold is exceeded, they are sent to an appropriate level in the hierarchy and action plans are implemented as required.

Scenario Analysis

Scenario analysis, which is part of a Bank-wide stress testing program, is an important and useful tool for assessing the impacts related to potentially serious events. It is used to define the risk appetite, set risk exposure limits, and engage in business planning. More specifically, scenario analysis provides management with a better understanding of the risks faced by the Bank and helps it make appropriate management decisions to mitigate potential operational risks that are inconsistent with the Bank's risk appetite .

Insurance Program

To protect itself against any material losses arising from unforeseeable operational risk exposure, the Bank also has adequate insurance, the nature and amount of which meet its coverage requirements.

Operational Risk Reports and Disclosures

Operational events for which the financial impact exceeds tolerance thresholds or that have a significant regulatory or reputation impact are submitted to appropriate decision-making levels. Management is obligated to report on its management process and to remain alert to current and future issues. Reports on the Bank's risk profile, highlights, and emerging risks are periodically submitted, on a timely basis, to the ORMC, the GRC, and the RMC . This reporting enhances the transparency and proactive management of the main operational risk factors.

Regulatory Compliance Risk

Regulatory compliance risk is the risk of the Bank or of one of its employees or business partners failing to comply with the regulatory requirements in effect where it does business, both in Canada and internationally. Regulatory compliance risk is present in all of the daily operations of each Bank segment. A situation of regulatory non-compliance can adversely affect the Bank's reputation and result in penalties and sanctions or increased oversight by regulators.

Organizational Structure of Compliance

Compliance is an independent oversight function within the Bank. The Senior Vice-President, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Anti-Money Laundering Officer serves as both chief compliance officer (CCO) and chief anti-money laundering officer (CAMLO) for the Bank and its subsidiaries and foreign centres. She is responsible for implementing and updating the Bank's programs for regulatory compliance management, regulatory requirements related to AML/ATF, international sanctions, and the fight against corruption . The CCO and CAMLO has a direct relationship with the Chair of the RMC and meets with him at least once every quarter. She can also communicate directly with senior management, officers, and directors of the Bank and of its subsidiaries and foreign centres.

Regulatory Compliance Framework

The Bank operates in a highly regulated industry. To ensure sound management of regulatory compliance, the Bank favours proactive approaches and incorporates regulatory requirements into its day-to-day operations.

Such proactive management also provides reasonable assurance that the Bank is in compliance, in all material respects, with the regulatory requirements in effect where it does business, both in Canada and internationally.

The implementation of a regulatory compliance risk management framework across the Bank is entrusted to the Compliance Service, which has the following mandate:

-- implement policies and standards that ensure compliance with current regulatory requirements, including those related to AML/ATF, to international sanctions, and to the fight against corruption;

-- develop compliance and AML/ATF training programs for Bank employees, officers, and directors;

-- exercise independent oversight and monitoring of the programs, policies, and procedures implemented by the management of the Bank, its subsidiaries, and its foreign centres to ensure that the control mechanisms are sufficient, respected, and effective ;

-- report relevant compliance and AML/ATF matters to the Bank's Board and inform it of any significant changes in the effectiveness of the risk management framework.

The Bank holds itself to high regulatory compliance risk management standards in order to earn the trust of its clients, its shareholders, the market, and the general public.

Described below are the main regulatory developments that have been monitored over the past year.

   Reform of the Official Languages Act   (federal law) 

Bill C-13, An Act to amend the Official Languages Act , to enact the Use of French in Federally Regulated Private Businesses Act and to make related amendments to other Acts, proposes to modernize the Official Languages Act by granting new powers to the Commissioner of Official Languages (entering into compliance agreements, issuing orders, and imposing penalties). The bill also proposes enactment of a new act, namely, the Use of French in Federally Regulated Private Businesses Act , which addresses the language of service for consumers and the language of work in Quebec and in regions with a strong francophone presence.

Bill 96: An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Quebec (Quebec law)

Bill 96 makes amendments to the Charter of the French Language and other laws. The objectives are to strengthen the presence and use of the French language in Quebec, to establish a new Charter of the French Language, and to affirm that French is the only official language of Quebec. Key aspects of Bill 96 notably include francization committees, work and employment rights, contracts and consumer rights, litigation and the publication of rights, and public signs and commercial advertising. Bill 96 was assented to on June 1, 2022.

Bill 18 - Protection of Vulnerable Persons

Bill 18, An Act to amend the Civil Code, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Public Curator Act and various provisions as regards the protection of persons, has abolished curatorships and adviserships to persons of full age. Tutorships to persons of full age will remain in place, but it will be possible to modulate them based on the incapacity level of the person of full age. The new law will create temporary representation of persons of full age and assistants to persons of full age . The effective date, initially expected in June, was postponed to November 2022.

Consumer Protection (Bank Act)

A new Financial Consumer Protection Framework (C-86) took effect on June 30, 2022. It modernized certain provisions of the Bank Act and related regulations in order to strengthen consumer protections, notably through additional communications to customers, assessments of product and service appropriateness, employee training, reporting of wrongdoings (whistleblowing), and complaint handling processes .

Bill C-30 Addressing Unclaimed Bank Balances, Among Other Matters

Bill C-30 makes an amendment to the Bank Act. Unclaimed balances refer in particular to a deposit in an inactive bank account and will now include deposits and instruments in foreign currencies. This plan requires financial institutions to send letters to clients to inform them of the existence of unclaimed balances. An electronic notice must also be sent when the financial institution possesses the electronic contact information of the clients. Additional information regarding clients who have an unclaimed balance will also have to be sent to the Bank of Canada. The effective date of the bill is anticipated to be June 30, 2023.

Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing (AML/ATF) Activities

Amendments made to the regulations set out in the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act took effect on June 1, 2021 . The new reporting requirements are expected to take effect in 2023-2024 such that the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) can prepare the new reporting forms.

Protection of Personal Information

Given changing technologies and societal behaviours, privacy and the protection of personal information is a topical issue in Canada. Recent regulatory measures (such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe in 2018 and the California Consumer Privacy Act in the United States in 2020) reflect a desire to implement a stronger legislative framework in the areas of confidentiality and use of personal information. In Quebec, in September 2021, the government adopted Bill 64, An Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information , which has introduced substantial changes regarding the protection of personal information. Essentially, the Act promotes transparency, raises the confidentiality level of data, and provides a framework for the collection, use, and sharing of personal information. At the federal level, Bill C-27, tabled in June 2022, enacts three new laws: the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act, the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act. The latter act is the first bill designed to regulate artificial intelligence in Canada. Members of industry, regulatory agencies, and consumer advocates were consulted to help design and establish the pillars of an open banking system, which enable consumers to transfer their financial data between financial institutions and accredited third parties in a secure and user-friendly manner .

Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC)

On April 30, 2022, separate coverage for registered education savings plans and registered disability savings plans was granted as part of changes to the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act. New requirements were established for the coverage of deposits in trust, particularly nominee-brokered deposits and those of professional trustees.

Recovery and Resolution Planning

As part of the regulatory measures used to manage systemic risks, D-SIBs are required to prepare recovery and resolution plans. A recovery plan is essentially a roadmap that guides the recovery of a bank in the event of severe financial stress; conversely, a resolution plan guides its orderly wind-down in the event of failure when recovery is no longer an option. The Bank improves and periodically updates its recovery and resolution plans to prepare for these high-risk, but low-probability, events. In addition, the Bank and other D-SIBs continue to work with the CDIC to maintain a comprehensive settlement plan that would ensure an orderly winding down of the Bank's operations. These plans are approved by the Board and submitted to the national regulatory agencies.

Section 871(m) - Dividend Equivalent Payments

Section 871(m) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) aims to ensure that non-U.S. persons pay tax on payments that can be considered dividends on U.S. shares, when these payments are made on certain derivative instruments. The derivative instruments for which the underlyings are U.S. shares (including U.S. exchange-traded funds) or "non-qualified indices" concluded as of January 1, 2017 are subject to the withholding and reporting requirements. The effective date for certain components of this regulation has been deferred to January 1, 2023. Some of the obligations of a qualified derivatives dealer, established under section 871(m) of the IRC and the qualified intermediary agreement, have also been deferred to January 1, 2023. However, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service has informed market participants that it is working on a new notice that would again postpone these obligations beyond 2023.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and the Common Reporting Standard

The U.S. law addressing foreign account tax compliance (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act or FATCA), and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), an international standard, the principles of which have been incorporated into the Income Tax Act (Canada), are intended to counter tax evasion by taxpayers through the international exchange of tax information through financial institutions. On March 10, 2022, clarifications were provided on the application of some of the guidelines in these regulations.

Client-Centred Reforms - Amendments to Regulation 31-103

Pursuant to Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements , Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant obligations , regulatory changes were made to the process for declaring conflicts of interest and external activities and to the following topics: KYC (know-your-client) and KYP (know-your-product), suitability determination, misleading communications, relationship disclosure, and training. The Bank is ensuring that it is compliant with these changes as they are published.

Reform of Interest Rate Benchmarks

The reform of interest rate benchmarks is a global initiative that is being coordinated and led by central banks and governments around the world, including Canada. The objective is to improve benchmarks by ensuring that they meet robust international standards. LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rates) in particular is in the process of being discontinued, and risk-free rates such as SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate), ESTR (Euro Short-Term Rate), SONIA (Sterling Over Night Index Average), SARON (Swiss Average Rate Overnight), and TONAR (Tokyo Overnight Average Rate) are recommended as replacements for LIBOR. On December 31, 2021, all LIBOR rates in European, British, Swiss, and Japanese currency as well as the one-week and two-month USD LIBOR rates were discontinued, whereas the other USD LIBOR rates will be discontinued after June 30, 2023. In Canada, publication of the CDOR (Canadian Dollar Offered Rate) will be discontinued on June 28, 2024 and be replaced by the risk-free rate CORRA (Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average). For additional information, see the Basis of Presentation section in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

One-Day Settlement Cycle

In February 2022, the CSA staff published a notice to inform Canadian securities stakeholders about an initiative to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most trades in securities from two days to one day. This notice follows a report published in the U.S. securities sector indicating that it has set March 31, 2024 as the date for transitioning the standard settlement cycle in the U.S. to one day from the current settlement time of two days. Aligning the Canadian and U.S. settlement cycles is critical so as to avoid inefficiencies and prevent any prejudicial impact on Canadian investors and capital markets. The move towards a shortened settlement cycle will result in changes to systems, regulations, and procedures.

New Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO)

The CSA will create a new self-regulatory organization that will, among other things, combine the functions of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada. This new organization is expected to be operational by the end of 2022. A working committee was created to assess the potential impacts and benefits of this new structure for Wealth Management and the National Bank Investments subsidiary.

Reputation Risk

Reputation risk is the risk that the Bank's operations or practices will be judged negatively by the public, whether that judgment is with or without basis, thereby adversely affecting the perception, image, or trademarks of the Bank and potentially resulting in costly litigation or loss of income. Reputation risk generally arises from a deficiency in managing another risk. The Bank's reputation may, for example, be adversely affected by non-compliance with laws and regulations or by process failures. All risks must therefore be managed effectively in order to protect the Bank's reputation.

The Bank's corporate culture continually promotes the behaviours and values to be adopted by employees. It creates an awareness among all employees about the potential consequences of their actions on the Bank's reputation and brand. In addition to the above-mentioned operational risk management initiatives, the Bank uses a variety of mechanisms to support sound management of reputation risk . Our Code of Conduct outlines what is expected from each employee in terms of ethical behaviour and rules to be followed as they carry out their duties. Also supporting our corporate culture are policies specifically addressing ethics and corporate governance as well as appropriate training programs. The Bank also has a crisis management framework featuring effective intervention, communication, and behavioural parameters that help to minimize any impact on business activities, clients, and employees .

The Bank also has a reputation risk policy, approved by the RMC, that covers all of the Bank's practices and activities . The policy sets the reputation risk management principles and rules for clients, employees, and communities, all of which are stakeholders of the Bank. The policy is complemented by the special provisions of the new products and activities policy, which determines the approvals required by the various committees that assess risk whenever new products or activities are introduced within the business units. These provisions are intended, among other things, to provide oversight for the management of reputation risk, which may be material for such products or activities. The new products and activities policy requires that any new product or activity for which reputation risk is determined to be high be submitted to the GRC for approval. The activities of the Compliance Service, Legal Affairs Department, Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility Department and Investor Relations Department complete the reputation risk management framework.

Strategic Risk

Strategic risk is the risk of a financial loss or of reputational harm arising from inappropriate strategic orientations, improper execution, or ineffective response to economic, financial, or regulatory changes. The corporate strategic plan is developed by the Senior Leadership Team, in alignment with the Bank's overall risk appetite, and approved by the Board. Once approved, the initiatives of the strategic plan are monitored regularly to ensure that they are progressing. If not, strategies could be reviewed or adjusted if deemed appropriate.

In addition, the Bank has a specific Board-approved policy for strategic investments, which are defined as purchases of business assets or acquisitions of significant interests in an entity for the purposes of acquiring control or creating a long-term relationship. As such, acquisition projects and other strategic investments are analyzed through a due diligence process to ensure that these investments are aligned with the corporate strategic plan and the Bank's risk appetite.

Environmental and Social Risk

Environmental and social risk is the possibility that environmental and social matters would result in a financial loss for the Bank or affect its business activities. The Bank is directly exposed to such risk through its own activities and indirectly exposed through the activities of its clients. This risk encompasses many topics, in particular pollution and waste; the use of energy, water, and other resources; climate change; biodiversity; human rights; inclusion, diversity and equity; labour standards and human capital management practices; community health; occupational health and safety; the rights of Indigenous Peoples and consultation thereof; as well as cultural heritage. The impact of environmental and social risk could also increase exposure to strategic, reputation, and regulatory compliance risks if the Bank's response is deemed inadequate or non-compliant with commitments. As such, it is possible that the Bank's predictions, targets, projections, expectations or conclusions prove to be inaccurate, that its assumptions may not be confirmed, and that its strategic objectives and performance targets will not be achieved.

Assessing and mitigating environmental and social risk are integral parts of the Bank's risk management framework. Environmental and social issues are now central to the Bank's decision-making process and are becoming increasingly imperative to the Bank. Addressing such risk may even prove to be a considerable asset in certain financing or investment transactions, and doing so also contributes to promoting exemplary practices to the Bank's stakeholders.

The Bank has adopted environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles that show the importance it attaches to sustainable development and to balancing the interests of societal stakeholders. These ESG principles have been incorporated into the organization's priorities, and ESG indicators have been added to various monitoring dashboards and are gradually being integrated into the Bank's risk appetite framework. Reports on these indicators and on the Bank's ESG commitments are being periodically presented to various internal committees and to Board committees. In addition, the Bank's Code of Conduct outlines what is expected from each employee in their professional, business, and community interactions. It also provides guidance on adhering to the Bank's values, on the day-to-day conduct of the Bank's affairs, and on relationships with third parties, employees, and clients to create an environment conducive to achieving the Bank's One Mission, namely, to have a positive impact on people's lives.

The Bank has also implemented an environmental policy that applies to all activities and decisions made across the Bank. This policy clearly sets out principles for identifying and limiting environmental risk and climate risk as well as the impacts therefrom on the community and on the Bank's business segments. The Bank is pursuing its commitment to carbon neutrality by reducing the carbon footprint of its own activities and by offsetting its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through various organizations. The Bank is also prioritizing energy efficiency and has demonstrated leadership in this regard by deploying an innovative system that lets it regulate the energy consumption of 260 branches using building control systems and a web interface. In addition, responsible procurement criteria have been incorporated into the purchasing and supplier selection practices for the construction of the Bank's new head office building. The new head office is, in fact, aiming to achieve LEED v4(1) Gold certification in addition to WELL(2) certification. Furthermore, we are continuing to work on the implementation of a global responsible procurement strategy .

ESG factors continue to be integrated into the Bank's processes, in line with its strategy and the guiding principles approved by the Board. This integration is being conducted with due diligence, particularly in the area of credit-granting, and starting with the corporate credit portfolio. For this clientele, ESG risk is being analyzed using a collection of carbon footprint information and a climate risk classification (transition and physical risks) based on industry as well as scores assigned by ESG-rating agencies. Several other criteria are also being considered, notably waste management, labour standards, corporate governance, product liability, and human rights policies. The Bank plans to gradually extend the collection of such information to clients in other portfolios by adapting the current process.

The Bank collaborates with various industry partners to identify and implement sound management practices to support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Aware that it has a mobilizing role to play, the Bank supports the recommendations of the TCFD and continues to demonstrate its commitment to mitigating climate risk. For example, it has become a signatory to the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) as well as the United Nations' Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA). This year, the Bank also began quantifying financed GHG emissions. Specifically, it quantified the emissions of oil and gas producers in its loan portfolio, and it has also set its first interim reduction targets under its PCAF and NZBA commitments. These targets consist of a 31% reduction in the intensity of the portfolio respectively for direct and indirect energy-related emissions and for other indirect emissions. In the next two years, the Bank plans to continue setting GHG emission reduction targets for other portfolios. The Bank has also started examining stress test scenarios to quantify the anticipated losses in the loan portfolio. Also during the year, the Bank joined the UNEP-FI's discussion group on biodiversity protection. This is an initiative seeking to mobilize financial system stakeholders towards biodiversity protection efforts, as the financial risk arising from biodiversity loss may take the form of both physical risk and transition risk. Given that this initiative is in its early stages, the Bank will continue to closely monitor the evolution thereof and take part in discussions. The Bank has also started taking concrete action to meet its commitments and to move its plan forward, notably by quantifying the financial impacts of environmental and social risk. Furthermore, the Bank is committed to transparently communicating information about its progress and its signatory commitments by periodically publishing its own performance reports .

To proactively ensure the strategic positioning of its entire portfolio, the Bank continues to support the transition to a low-carbon economy while closely monitoring the related developments and implications. Doing so involves ongoing and stronger adaptation efforts as well as additional mitigation measures for instances of business interruptions or disruptions caused by major incidents such as natural disasters or health crises. Such measures include the business continuity plan, the operational risk management program, and the disaster risk management program.

(1) Criteria of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification system. LEED certification involves satisfying climate criteria and adaptation characteristics that will help limit potential physical climate risks.

(2) The WELL Standard, administered by the International WELL Building Institute, recognizes environments that support the health and well-being of the occupants .

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

A summary of the significant accounting policies used by the Bank is presented in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements of this Annual Report. The accounting policies discussed below are considered critical given their importance to the presentation of the Bank's financial position and operating results and require subjective and complex judgments and estimates on matters that are inherently uncertain. Any change in these judgments and estimates could have a significant impact on the Bank's consolidated financial statements.

The impacts of COVID-19 and the geopolitical landscape, in particular supply chain disruptions and rising inflation, are persisting and creating uncertainty. As a result, establishing reliable estimates and applying judgment continue to be substantially complex. Some of the Bank's accounting policies, such as measurement of expected credit losses (ECLs), require particularly complex judgments and estimates. See Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements for a summary of the most significant estimation processes used to prepare the consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS and the valuation techniques used to determine carrying values and fair values of assets and liabilities. The uncertainty regarding certain key inputs used in measuring ECLs is described in Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements.

Classification of Financial Instruments

At initial recognition, all financial instruments are recorded at fair value on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. At initial recognition, financial assets must be classified as subsequently measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, at amortized cost, or at fair value through profit or loss. The Bank determines the classification based on the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial assets and on the business model it uses to manage these financial assets. At initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified as subsequently measured at amortized cost or as at fair value through profit or loss.

For the purpose of classifying a financial asset, the Bank must determine whether the contractual cash flows associated with the financial asset are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. The principal is generally the fair value of the financial asset at initial recognition. The interest consists of consideration for the time value of money, for the credit risk associated with the principal amount outstanding during a particular period, and for other basic lending risks and costs as well as of a profit margin. If the Bank determines that the contractual cash flows associated with a financial asset are not solely payments of principal and interest, the financial assets must be classified as measured at fair value through profit or loss.

When classifying financial assets, the Bank determines the business model used for each portfolio of financial assets that are managed together to achieve a same business objective. The business model reflects how the Bank manages its financial assets and the extent to which the financial asset cash flows are generated by the collection of the contractual cash flows, the sale of the financial assets, or both. The Bank determines the business model using scenarios that it reasonably expects to occur. Consequently, the business model determination is a matter of fact and requires the use of judgment and consideration of all the relevant evidence available to the Bank at the date of determination.

A financial asset portfolio falls within a "hold to collect" business model when the Bank's primary objective is to hold these financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows from them and not to sell them. When the Bank's objective is achieved both by collecting contractual cash flows and by selling the financial assets, the financial asset portfolio falls within a "hold to collect and sell" business model. In this type of business model, collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets are both integral components to achieving the Bank's objective for this financial asset portfolio. Financial assets are mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss if they do not fall within either a "hold to collect" business model or a "hold to collect and sell" business model.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The fair value of a financial instrument is the price that would be received to sell a financial asset or paid to transfer a financial liability in an orderly transaction in the principal market at the measurement date under current market conditions (i.e., an exit price).

Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets, based on bid prices for financial assets and offered prices for financial liabilities, provide the best evidence of fair value. A financial instrument is considered quoted in an active market when prices in exchange, dealer, broker or principal--to--principal markets are accessible at the measurement date. An active market is one where transactions occur with sufficient frequency and volume to provide quoted prices on an ongoing basis.

When there is no quoted price in an active market, the Bank uses another valuation technique that maximizes the use of relevant observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs. The chosen valuation technique incorporates all the factors that market participants would consider when pricing a transaction. Judgment is required when applying a large number of acceptable valuation techniques and estimates to determine fair value. The estimated fair value reflects market conditions on the measurement date and, consequently, may not be indicative of future fair value.

The best evidence of the fair value of a financial instrument at initial recognition is the transaction price, i.e., the fair value of the consideration received or paid. If there is a difference between the fair value at initial recognition and the transaction price, and the fair value is determined using a valuation technique based on observable market inputs or, in the case of a derivative, if the risks are fully offset by other contracts entered into with third parties, this difference is recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Income. In other cases, the difference between the fair value at initial recognition and the transaction price is deferred on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. The amount of the deferred gain or loss is recognized over the term of the financial instrument. The unamortized balance is immediately recognized in net income when (i) observable market inputs can be obtained and support the fair value of the transaction, (ii) the risks associated with the initial contract are substantially offset by other contracts entered into with third parties, (iii) the gain or loss is realized through a cash receipt or payment, or (iv) the transaction matures or is terminated before maturity.

In certain cases, measurement adjustments are recognized to address factors that market participants would use at the measurement date to determine fair value but that are not included in the valuation technique due to system limitations or uncertainty surrounding the measure. These factors include, but are not limited to, the unobservable nature of inputs used in the valuation model, assumptions about risk such as market risk, credit risk, or valuation model risk and future administration costs. The Bank may also consider market liquidity risk when determining the fair value of financial instruments when it believes these instruments could be disposed of for a consideration below the fair value otherwise determined due to a lack of market liquidity or an insufficient volume of transactions in a given market. The measurement adjustments also include the funding valuation adjustment applied to derivative financial instruments to reflect the market implied cost or benefits of funding collateral for uncollateralized or partly collateralized transactions.

IFRS establishes a fair value measurement hierarchy that classifies the inputs used in financial instrument fair value measurement techniques according to three levels . The fair value measurement hierarchy has the following levels:

Level 1

I nputs corresponding to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities and accessible to the Bank at the measurement date. These instruments consist primarily of equity securities, derivative financial instruments traded in active markets, and certain highly liquid debt securities actively traded in over-the-counter markets.

Level 2

Valuation techniques based on inputs, other than the quoted prices included in Level 1 inputs, that are directly or indirectly observable in the market for the asset or liability. These inputs are quoted prices of similar instruments in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active; inputs other than quoted prices used in a valuation model that are observable for that instrument; and inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market inputs by correlation or other means. These instruments consist primarily of certain loans, certain deposits, derivative financial instruments traded in over-the-counter markets, certain debt securities, certain equity securities whose value is not directly observable in an active market, liabilities related to transferred receivables, and certain other liabilities.

Level 3

Valuation techniques based on one or more significant inputs that are not observable in the market for the asset or liability. The Bank classifies financial instruments in Level 3 when the valuation technique is based on at least one significant input that is not observable in the markets. The valuation technique may also be partly based on observable market inputs. Financial instruments whose fair values are classified in Level 3 consist of investments in hedge funds, certain derivative financial instruments, equity and debt securities of private companies, certain loans, certain deposits (structured deposit notes), and certain other assets .

Establishing fair value is an accounting estimate and has an impact on the following items: Securities at fair value through profit or loss, certain Loans, Securities at fair value through other comprehensive income, Obligations related to securities sold short, Derivative financial instruments, financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss, and financial instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income on the Consolidated Balance Sheet . This estimate also has an impact on Non-interest income in the Consolidated Statement of Income of the Financial Markets segment and of the Other heading . Lastly, this estimate has an impact on Other comprehensive income in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income. For additional information on the fair value determination of financial instruments, see Notes 3 and 6 to the consolidated financial statements.

Impairment of Financial Assets

At the end of each reporting period, the Bank applies a three-stage impairment approach to measure the expected credit losses (ECL) on all debt instruments measured at amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income and on loan commitments and financial guarantees that are not measured at fair value. ECLs are a probability-weighted estimate of credit losses over the remaining expected life of the financial instrument. The ECL model is forward looking. Measurement of ECLs at each reporting period reflects reasonable and supportable information about past events, current conditions, and forecasts of future events and economic conditions. Judgment is required in making assumptions and estimates, determining movements between the three stages, and applying forward-looking information. Any changes in assumptions and estimates, as well as the use of different, but equally reasonable, estimates and assumptions, could have an impact on the allowances for credit losses and the provisions for credit losses for the year. All business segments are affected by this accounting estimate. For additional information, see Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements.

Determining the Stage

The ECL three-stage impairment approach is based on the change in the credit quality of financial assets since initial recognition. If, at the reporting date, the credit risk of non-impaired financial instruments has not increased significantly since initial recognition, these financial instruments are classified in Stage 1, and an allowance for credit losses that is measured, at each reporting date, in an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses, is recorded. When there is a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, these non-impaired financial instruments are migrated to Stage 2, and an allowance for credit losses that is measured, at each reporting date, in an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses, is recorded. In subsequent reporting periods, if the credit risk of a financial instrument improves such that there is no longer a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, the ECL model requires reverting to Stage 1, i.e., recognition of 12-month expected credit losses. When one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of a financial asset occurs, the financial asset is considered credit-impaired and is migrated to Stage 3, and an allowance for credit losses equal to lifetime expected credit losses continues to be recorded or the

financial asset is written off. Interest income is calculated on the gross carrying amount for financial assets in Stages 1 and 2 and on the net carrying amount for financial assets in Stage 3.

Assessment of Significant Increase in Credit Risk

In determining whether credit risk has increased significantly, the Bank uses an internal credit risk grading system, external risk ratings, and forward-looking information to assess deterioration in the credit quality of a financial instrument. To assess whether or not the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly, the Bank compares the probability of default (PD) occurring over its expected life as at the reporting date with the PD occurring over its expected life on the date of initial recognition and considers reasonable and supportable information indicative of a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition. The Bank includes relative and absolute thresholds in the definition of significant increase in credit risk and a backstop of 30 days past due. All financial instruments that are 30 days past due are migrated to Stage 2 even if other metrics do not indicate that a significant increase in credit risk has occurred. The assessment of a significant increase in credit risk requires significant judgment.

Measurement of Expected Credit Losses

ECLs are measured as the probability-weighted present value of all expected cash shortfalls over the remaining expected life of the financial instrument, and reasonable and supportable information about past events, current conditions, and forecasts of future events and economic conditions is considered. The estimation and application of forward-looking information requires significant judgment. Cash shortfalls represent the difference between all contractual cash flows owed to the Bank and all cash flows that the Bank expects to receive.

The measurement of ECLs is primarily based on the product of the financial instrument's PD, loss given default (LGD) and exposure at default (EAD). Forward-looking macroeconomic factors such as unemployment rates, housing price indices, interest rates, and gross domestic product (GDP) are incorporated into the risk parameters. The estimate of expected credit losses reflects an unbiased and probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes. The Bank incorporates three forward-looking macroeconomic scenarios in its ECL calculation process: a base scenario, an upside scenario, and a downside scenario. Probability weights are assigned to each scenario. The scenarios and probability weights are reassessed quarterly and are subject to management review. The Bank applies experienced credit judgment to adjust the modelled ECL results when it becomes evident that known or expected risk factors and information were not considered in the credit risk rating and modelling process.

ECLs for all financial instruments are recognized in Provisions for credit losses in the Consolidated Statement of Income. In the case of debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, ECLs are recognized in Provisions for credit losses in the Consolidated Statement of Income, and a corresponding amount is recognized in Other comprehensive income with no reduction in the carrying amount of the asset on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. As for debt instruments measured at amortized cost, they are presented net of the related allowances for credit losses on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Allowances for credit losses for off-balance-sheet credit exposures that are not measured at fair value are included in Other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

Purchased or Originated Credit-Impaired Financial Assets

On initial recognition of a financial asset, the Bank determines whether the asset is credit-impaired. For financial assets that are credit-impaired upon purchase or origination, the lifetime expected credit losses are reflected in the initial fair value. In subsequent reporting periods, the Bank recognizes only the cumulative changes in these lifetime ECLs since initial recognition as an allowance for credit losses. The Bank recognizes changes in ECLs in Provisions for credit losses in the Consolidated Statement of Income, even if the lifetime ECLs are less than the ECLs that were included in the estimated cash flows on initial recognition.

Definition of Default

The definition of default used by the Bank to measure ECLs and transfer financial instruments between stages is consistent with the definition of default used for internal credit risk management purposes. The Bank considers a financial asset, other than a credit card receivable, to be credit-impaired when one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset have occurred or when contractual payments are 90 days past due. Credit card receivables are considered credit-impaired and are fully written off at the earlier of the following dates: when a notice of bankruptcy is received, a settlement proposal is made, or contractual payments are 180 days past due.


A financial asset and its related allowance for credit losses are normally written off in whole or in part when the Bank considers the probability of recovery to be non-existent and when all guarantees and other remedies available to the Bank have been exhausted or if the borrower is bankrupt or winding up and balances owing are not likely to be recovered.

Impairment of Non-Financial Assets

Premises and equipment and intangible assets with finite useful lives are tested for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying value may not be recoverable. At the end of each reporting period, the Bank determines whether there is an indication that premises and equipment or intangible assets with finite useful lives may be impaired. Goodwill and intangible assets that are not available for use or that have indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment annually or more frequently if there is an indication that the asset might be impaired.

An impairment test compares the carrying amount of an asset with its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount must be estimated for the individual asset. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit (CGU) to which the asset belongs will be determined. Goodwill is always tested for impairment at the level of a CGU or a group of CGUs. A CGU is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. The Bank uses judgment to identify CGUs.

An asset's recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and the value in use of the asset or CGU . Value in use is the present value of expected future cash flows from the asset or CGU . The recoverable amount of the CGU is determined using valuation models that consider various factors such as projected future cash flows, discount rates, and growth rates. The use of different estimates and assumptions in applying the impairment tests could have a significant impact on income. If the recoverable amount of an asset or a CGU is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount and an impairment loss is recognized in Non-interest expenses in the Consolidated Statement of Income.

Management exercises judgment when determining whether there is objective evidence that premises and equipment or intangible assets with finite useful lives may be impaired. It also uses judgment in determining to which CGU or group of CGUs an asset or goodwill is to be allocated. Moreover, for impairment assessment purposes, management must make estimates and assumptions regarding the recoverable amount of non-financial assets, CGUs, or a group of CGUs. For additional information on the estimates and assumptions used to calculate the recoverable amount of an asset or CGU, see Note 11 to the consolidated financial statements.

Any changes to these estimates and assumptions may have an impact on the recoverable amount of a non-financial asset and, consequently, on impairment testing results. These accounting estimates have an impact on Premises and equipment, Intangible assets and Goodwill reported on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. The aggregate impairment loss, if any, is recognized as a non-interest expense for the corresponding segment and presented in the Other item.

Employee Benefits - Pension Plans and Other Post-Employment Benefit Plans

The expense and obligation of the defined benefit component of the pension plans and other post-employment benefit plans are actuarially determined using the projected benefit method prorated on service. The calculations incorporate management's best estimates of various actuarial assumptions such as discount rates, rates of compensation increase, health care cost trend rates, mortality rates, and retirement age.

Remeasurements of these plans represent the actuarial gains and losses related to the defined benefit obligation and the actual return on plan assets, excluding the net interest determined by applying a discount rate to the net asset or net liability of the plans. Remeasurements are immediately recognized in Other comprehensive income and are not subsequently reclassified to net income; these cumulative gains and losses are reclassified to Retained earnings.

The use of different assumptions could have a significant impact on the defined benefit asset (liability) presented in Other assets (Other liabilities) on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, on the pension plan and other post-employment benefit plan expenses presented in Compensation and employee benefits in the Consolidated Statement of Income, as well as on Remeasurements of pension plans and other post-employment benefit plans presented in Other comprehensive income. All business segments are affected by this accounting estimate. For additional information, including the significant assumptions used to determine the Bank's pension plan and other post-employment benefit plan expenses and the sensitivity analysis for significant plan assumptions, see Note 23 to the consolidated financial statements.

Income Taxes

The Bank makes assumptions to estimate income taxes as well as deferred tax assets and liabilities. This process involves estimating the actual amount of current taxes and evaluating tax loss carryforwards and temporary differences arising from differences between the values of items reported for accounting and for income tax purposes. Deferred tax assets and liabilities, presented in Other assets and Other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheet, are calculated according to the tax rates to be applied in future periods. Previously recorded deferred tax assets and liabilities must be adjusted when the date of the future event is revised based on current information. The Bank periodically evaluates deferred tax assets to assess recoverability. In the Bank's opinion, based on the information at its disposal, it is probable that all deferred tax assets will be realized before they expire.

This accounting estimate affects Income taxes in the Consolidated Statement of Income for all business segments. For additional information on income taxes, see Notes 1 and 24 to the consolidated financial statements.


In the normal course of business, the Bank and its subsidiaries are involved in various claims relating, among other matters, to loan portfolios, investment portfolios, and supplier agreements, including court proceedings, investigations or claims of a regulatory nature, class actions, or other legal remedies of varied natures.

More specifically, the Bank is involved as a defendant in class actions instituted by consumers contesting, inter alia, certain transaction fees or who wish to avail themselves of certain legislative provisions relating to consumer protection. The recent developments in the main legal proceeding involving the Bank are as follows:


On January 21, 2019, the Quebec Superior Court authorized a class action against the National Bank and several other Canadian financial institutions. The originating application was served to the Bank on April 23, 2019. The class action was initiated on behalf of consumers residing in Quebec. The plaintiffs allege that non-sufficient funds charges, billed by all of the defendants when a payment order is refused due to non-sufficient funds, are illegal and prohibited by the Consumer Protection Act. The plaintiffs are claiming, in the form of damages, the repayment of these charges as well as punitive damages.

It is impossible to determine the outcome of the claims instituted or which may be instituted against the Bank and its subsidiaries. The Bank estimates, based on the information at its disposal, that while the amount of contingent liabilities pertaining to these claims, taken individually or in the aggregate, could have a material impact on the Bank's consolidated results of operations for a particular period, it would not have a material adverse impact on the Bank's consolidated financial position.

Provisions are liabilities of uncertain timing and amount. A provision is recognized when the Bank has a present obligation (legal or constructive) arising from a past event, when it is probable that an outflow of economic resources will be required to settle the obligation and when the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated. Provisions are based on the Bank's best estimates of the economic resources required to settle the present obligation, given all relevant risks and uncertainties, and, when it is significant, the effect of the time value of money.

The recognition of a litigation provision requires the Bank's management to assess the probability of loss and estimate any potential monetary impact. The Bank examines each litigation provision individually by considering the development of each case, its past experience in similar transactions and the opinion of its legal counsel. Each new piece of information can alter the Bank's assessment as to the probability and estimated amount of the loss and the extent to which it adjusts the recorded provision. Moreover, the actual settlement cost of these litigations can be significantly higher or lower than the amounts recognized.

Structured Entities

In the normal course of business, the Bank enters into arrangements and transactions with structured entities . Structured entities are entities designed so that voting or similar rights are not the dominant factor in deciding who controls the entity, such as when voting rights relate solely to administrative tasks and the relevant activities are directed by means of contractual arrangements. A structured entity is consolidated when the Bank concludes, after evaluating the substance of the relationship and its right or exposure to variable returns , that it controls that entity. Management must exercise judgment in determining whether the Bank controls an entity. Additional information is provided in the Securitization and Off-Balance-Sheet Arrangements section of this MD&A and in Note 27 to the consolidated financial statements.

Accounting Policy Changes

Cloud Computing Arrangements - Final Agenda Decision by IFRIC

In April 2021, IFRIC issued a final agenda decision on accounting for the costs of configuring or customizing a supplier's software as part of a cloud computing or SaaS (Software as a Service) arrangement. The main conclusion was that, if the incurred configuration or customization costs do not give rise to an intangible asset that is separate from the software or if the services received are distinct from the software, those costs are expensed as incurred. IFRIC decided that the relevant accounting standards (IAS 38 - Intangible Assets and IFRS 15 - Revenue From Contracts With Customers) contain sufficient guidance and that the conclusions, as indicated in the final agenda decision, are part of the interpretation of IFRS. As such, any change arising from these interpretations must be accounted for as a retrospectively applied accounting policy change in accordance with IAS 8 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.

During fiscal 2022, the Bank completed an assessment of the impacts of this change in accounting policy. The change was applied retrospectively and had the following impacts on the consolidated financial statements:

-- As at November 1, 2020 : A $186 million decrease in Intangible assets, a $49 million increase in Other assets - Deferred tax assets, and a $137 million decrease in Retained earnings;

-- As at October 31, 2021: A $50 million decrease in Intangible assets and a $13 million increase in Other assets - Deferred tax assets;

-- For the year ended October 31, 2021 : A $50 million increase in Non-interest expenses - Technology, a $13 million decrease in Income taxes, a $37 million decrease in Net income and Net income attributable to common shareholders, and a $0.11 decrease in Earnings per share - Basic and diluted .

For the year ended October 31, 2022, the impacts of this accounting policy change on the Consolidated Statement of Income consisted of a $10 million increase in Non-interest expenses - Technology and a $3 million decrease in Income taxes.

Future Accounting Policy Changes

The Bank closely monitors both new accounting standards and amendments to existing accounting standards issued by the IASB. The following standard has been issued but is not yet in effect. The Bank is currently assessing the impacts of applying this standard on the consolidated financial statements.

Effective Date - November 1, 2023

IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts

In May 2017, the IASB issued IFRS 17 - Insurance Contracts (IFRS 17), a new standard that replaces IFRS 4, the current insurance contract accounting standard. IFRS 17 introduces a new accounting framework that will improve the comparability and quality of financial information. IFRS 17 provides guidance on the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of insurance contracts. IFRS 17 will affect how an entity accounts for its insurance contracts and how it reports financial performance in the consolidated income statement, in particular the timing of revenue recognition for insurance contracts. In June 2020, the IASB issued amendments to IFRS 17 that included a two-year deferral of the effective date along with other changes aimed at addressing concerns and implementation challenges identified after IFRS 17 was published in 2017. IFRS 17, as amended, is to be applied retrospectively for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023. If full retrospective application to a group of insurance contracts is impracticable, the modified retrospective approach or the fair value approach may be used.

To prepare for the application of IFRS 17, the Bank developed a project, set up a specialized team, and established a formal governance structure. It also started executing a detailed plan for the project that defines key activities and the timing of those activities. The project is progressing according to schedule. The Bank is continuing to assess all of the impacts of applying IFRS 17 on its consolidated financial statements as well as on the financial statements of its insurance subsidiary.

Additional Financial Information

Table 1 - Quarterly Results

(millions of Canadian dollars, 
 per share amounts)                                                                       2022 (1) 
================================   =============================================================== 
                                         Total           Q4           Q3           Q2           Q1 
   ==============================      =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 
Statement of income data 
Net interest income                      5,271        1,207        1,419        1,313        1,332 
Non-interest income(2)                   4,381        1,127          994        1,126        1,134 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Total revenues                           9,652        2,334        2,413        2,439        2,466 
Non-interest expenses(3)                 5,230        1,346        1,305        1,299        1,280 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Income before provisions for 
 losses and income taxes                 4,422          988        1,108        1,140        1,186 
Provisions for credit losses               145           87           57            3          (2) 
Income taxes                               894          163          225          248          258 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Net income                               3,383          738          826          889          930 
Non-controlling interests                  (1)            -            -          (1)            - 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Net income attributable to the 
 shareholders and 
 holders of other equity 
 instruments                             3,384          738          826          890          930 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Earnings per common share 
 Basic                              $     9.72   $     2.10   $     2.38   $     2.56   $     2.67 
 Diluted                                  9.61         2.08         2.35         2.53         2.64 
 -------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Dividends (per share) 
 Common                             $     3.58   $     0.92   $     0.92   $     0.87   $     0.87 
  Series 30                             1.0063       0.2516       0.2516       0.2515       0.2516 
  Series 32                             0.9598       0.2400       0.2399       0.2400       0.2399 
  Series 34                                  -            -            -            -            - 
  Series 36                                  -            -            -            -            - 
  Series 38                             1.1125       0.2781       0.2781       0.2782       0.2781 
  Series 40                             1.1500       0.2875       0.2875       0.2875       0.2875 
  Series 42                             1.2375       0.3094       0.3093       0.3094       0.3094 
  -------------------------------      -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Return on common shareholders' 
 (4)                                      18.8   %     15.3   %     17.9   %     20.7   %     21.9   % 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Total assets                                        403,740      386,833      369,570      366,680 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Subordinated debt (5)                                 1,499        1,510          764          766 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Net impaired loans excluding 
 loans (4)                                              479          301          293          287 
--------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Number of common shares 
 Average - Basic                       337,099      336,530      336,437      337,381      338,056 
 Average - Diluted                     340,837      339,910      339,875      341,418      342,318 
 End of period                                      336,582      336,456      336,513      338,367 
 -------------------------------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Per common share 
 Book value(4)                                   $    55.24   $    54.29   $    52.28   $    49.71 
 Share price 
  High                              $   105.44        94.37        97.87       104.59       105.44 
  Low                                    83.12        83.12        83.33        89.33        94.37 
Number of employees - Worldwide                      29,509       28,903       28,189       27,804 
Number of branches in Canada                            378          384          385          385 
================================       =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 

(1) Certain amounts have been adjusted to reflect an accounting policy change applicable to cloud computing arrangements. For additional information, see Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

(2) For fiscal 2020, the Non-interest income item had included a foreign currency translation loss on a disposal of subsidiaries of $24 million.

(3) For fiscal 2021, the Non-interest expenses item had included $9 million in intangible asset impairment losses (2020: $71 million impairment loss on premises and equipment and intangible assets). For fiscal 2020, the Non-interest expenses item had included $48 million in severance pay and a $13 million charge related to Maple Financial Group Inc. (Maple).

(4) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

   (5)    Long-term financial liabilities. 
                                                       2021(1)                                                           2020(1) 
   ===========================================================       =========================================================== 
     Total           Q4           Q3           Q2           Q1         Total           Q4           Q3           Q2           Q1 
   =======      =======      =======      =======      =======       =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 
     4,783        1,190        1,230        1,156        1,207         4,255        1,124        1,096        1,105          930 
     4,144        1,021        1,024        1,082        1,017         3,672          876          872          931          993 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
     8,927        2,211        2,254        2,238        2,224         7,927        2,000        1,968        2,036        1,923 
     4,903        1,268        1,224        1,217        1,194         4,616        1,267        1,096        1,144        1,109 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
     4,024          943        1,030        1,021        1,030         3,311          733          872          892          814 
         2         (41)         (43)            5           81           846          110          143          504           89 
       882          215          240          228          199           434          136          144           25          129 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
     3,140          769          833          788          750         2,031          487          585          363          596 
         -            -            -            -            -            42            2           13           11           16 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
     3,140          769          833          788          750         1,989          485          572          352          580 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
  $   8.95   $     2.20   $     2.38   $     2.24   $     2.13      $   5.57   $     1.35   $     1.62   $     0.96   $     1.65 
      8.85         2.17         2.35         2.21         2.12          5.54         1.34         1.61         0.96         1.63 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
  $   2.84   $     0.71   $     0.71   $     0.71   $     0.71      $   2.84   $     0.71   $     0.71   $     0.71   $     0.71 
    1.0063       0.2516       0.2516       0.2515       0.2516        1.0063       0.2516       0.2516       0.2515       0.2516 
    0.9598       0.2400       0.2399       0.2400       0.2399        0.9636       0.2400       0.2399       0.2399       0.2438 
    0.7000            -            -       0.3500       0.3500        1.4000       0.3500       0.3500       0.3500       0.3500 
    1.0125            -       0.3375       0.3375       0.3375        1.3500       0.3375       0.3375       0.3375       0.3375 
    1.1125       0.2781       0.2781       0.2782       0.2781        1.1125       0.2781       0.2781       0.2782       0.2781 
    1.1500       0.2875       0.2875       0.2875       0.2875        1.1500       0.2875       0.2875       0.2875       0.2875 
    1.2375       0.3094       0.3093       0.3094       0.3094        1.2375       0.3094       0.3093       0.3094       0.3094 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
      20.7   %     18.7   %     21.4   %     21.8   %     21.1%         14.6   %     13.7   %     16.7   %     10.3   %     17.7% 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                355,621      353,873      350,581      343,489                    331,488      322,321      316,835      289,092 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                    768          769          771          773                        775          777          779          774 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                    283          312          349          400                        465          453          479          436 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
   337,212      337,779      337,517      337,142      336,408       335,508      335,859      335,552      335,603      335,020 
   340,861      342,400      341,818      340,614      338,617       337,580      338,264      337,231      337,317      338,111 
                337,912      337,587      337,372      336,770                    335,998      335,666      335,400      335,818 
   -------      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
             $    47.44   $    45.51   $    43.11   $    41.04                 $    39.56   $    38.51   $    38.40   $    37.29 
  $ 104.32       104.32        96.97        89.42        73.81      $  74.79        72.85        65.54        74.79        74.22 
     65.54        95.00        89.47        72.30        65.54         38.73        62.99        51.38        38.73        68.25 
                 26,920       26,428       26,211       26,231                     26,517       26,544       26,589       26,314 
                    384          389          401          402                        403          409          413          416 
   =======      =======      =======      =======      =======       =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 

Table 2 - Overview of Results

Year ended October 31(1) 
(millions of Canadian dollars)       2022   2021   2020   2019   2018 
=================================   =====  =====  =====  =====  ===== 
Net interest income                 5,271  4,783  4,255  3,596  3,382 
Non-interest income(2)              4,381  4,144  3,672  3,836  3,784 
---------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Total revenues                      9,652  8,927  7,927  7,432  7,166 
Non-interest expenses(3)            5,230  4,903  4,616  4,375  4,100 
---------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Income before provisions for 
 credit losses and income taxes     4,422  4,024  3,311  3,057  3,066 
Provisions for credit losses          145      2    846    347    327 
---------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Income before income taxes          4,277  4,022  2,465  2,710  2,739 
Income taxes                          894    882    434    443    534 
---------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Net income                          3,383  3,140  2,031  2,267  2,205 
Non-controlling interests             (1)      -     42     66     87 
---------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Net income attributable to 
 the Bank's 
 shareholders and holders of 
  other equity instruments          3,384  3,140  1,989  2,201  2,118 
 =================================  =====  =====  =====  =====  ===== 

(1) Certain amounts have been adjusted to reflect an accounting policy change applicable to cloud computing arrangements. For additional information, see Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

(2) For fiscal 2021, Non-interest income had included a $33 million gain following a remeasurement of the previously held equity interest in Flinks and a $30 million loss related to the fair value measurement of the Bank's equity interest in AfrAsia (2020: $24 million foreign currency translation loss on a disposal of subsidiaries; 2019: $79 million gain on disposal of Fiera Capital Corporation shares, $50 million gain on disposal of premises and equipment, and $33 million loss resulting from the fair value measurement of an investment).

(3) For fiscal 2021, Non-interest expenses had included $9 million in intangible asset impairment losses (2020: $71 million in impairment losses on premises and equipment and intangible assets; 2019: $57 million). For fiscal 2020, Non-interest expenses had included $48 million in severance pay (2019: $10 million) and a $13 million charge related to Maple (2019: $11 million). An amount of $45 million in provisions for onerous contracts had been recorded in 2019.

Table 3 - Changes in Net Interest Income

Year ended October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)              2022         2021         2020         2019         2018 
======================================   =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 
Personal and Commercial (1) 
Net interest income                        2,865        2,547        2,420        2,360        2,256 
Average assets(2)                        140,514      126,637      115,716      111,140      105,460 
Average interest-bearing assets(2)(3)    133,754      120,956      110,544      106,995      101,446 
Net interest margin(3)                      2.14   %     2.11%        2.19%        2.21%        2.22% 
--------------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Wealth Management 
Net interest income on a taxable 
 equivalent basis(4)                         594          446          442          455          426 
Average assets(2)                          8,226        7,146        5,917        6,219        6,167 
--------------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Financial Markets (1) 
Net interest income on a taxable 
 equivalent basis(4)                       1,258        1,262          971          498          429 
Average assets(2)                        154,349      151,240      125,565      114,151      102,118 
--------------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Net interest income                        1,090          907          807          656          584 
Average assets(2)                         18,890       16,150       14,336       10,985        9,270 
--------------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Net interest income(4)                     (536)        (379)        (385)        (373)        (313) 
Average assets(2)(5)                      71,868       62,333       56,553       43,667       42,925 
--------------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Net interest income                        5,271        4,783        4,255        3,596        3,382 
Average assets(2)(5)                     393,847      363,506      318,087      286,162      265,940 
======================================   =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 

(1) For fiscal years prior to 2022, certain amounts have been reclassified, in particular amounts of the loan portfolio of borrowers in the "Oil and gas" and "Pipelines" sectors as well as related activities, which were transferred from the Personal and Commercial segment to the Financial Markets segment.

   (2)    Represents an average of the daily balances for the period. 

(3) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

(4) For fiscal 2022, the Net interest income of the Financial Markets segment was grossed up by $229 million (2021: $175 million; 2020: $202 million; 2019: $191 million; 2018: $141 million), the Net interest income of the Other heading was grossed up by $5 million (2021: $6 million; 2020: $6 million; 2019: $3 million; 2018: $3 million), the Net interest income of the Wealth Management segment was grossed up by $1 million in 2019. The effect of these adjustments is reversed under the Other heading.

(5) The amounts have been adjusted to reflect an accounting policy change applicable to cloud computing arrangements (for additional information, see Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements), except for the fiscal 2019 and 2018 figures.

Table 4 - Non-Interest Income

Year ended October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)        2022       2021       2020       2019       2018 
==================================   =====      =====      =====      =====      ===== 
Underwriting and advisory 
 fees                                  324        415        314        246        322 
Securities brokerage commissions       204        238        204        166        169 
Mutual fund revenues                   587        563        477        449        438 
Investment management and 
 trust service fees                    997        900        735        677        665 
Credit fees                            155        164        147        134        126 
Revenues from acceptances, 
 letters of 
 credit and guarantee                  335        342        320        283        277 
Card revenues                          186        148        138        175        159 
Deposit and payment service 
 charges                               298        274        262        271        280 
Trading revenues (losses)              543        268        544        788        801 
Gains (losses) on non-trading 
  securities, net                      113        151         93         77         77 
Insurance revenues, net                158        131        128        136        121 
Foreign exchange revenues, 
 other than trading                    211        202        164        137        134 
Share in the net income of 
 associates and 
 joint ventures                         28         23         28         34         28 
Other(1)                               242        325        118        263        187 
----------------------------------   -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
                                     4,381      4,144      3,672      3,836      3,784 
----------------------------------   -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Canada                               4,299      3,992      3,574      3,645      3,488 
United States                           18        106          5         85        108 
Other countries                         64         46         93        106        188 
----------------------------------   -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Non-interest income as a % 
 of total revenues                    45.4   %   46.4%      46.3%      51.6%      52.8% 
==================================   =====      =====      =====      =====      ===== 

(1) For fiscal 2021, Other revenues had included a $33 million gain following a remeasurement of the previously held equity interest in Flinks and a $30 million loss related to the fair value measurement of the Bank's equity interest in AfrAsia (2020: $24 million foreign currency translation loss on a disposal of subsidiaries; 2019 : $79 million gain on disposal of Fiera Capital Corporation shares, $50 million gain on disposal of premises and equipment, and $33 million loss resulting from the fair value measurement of an investment).

Table 5 - Trading Activity Revenues

Year ended October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)      2022   2021   2020   2019   2018 
================================   =====  =====  =====  =====  ===== 
Net interest income related 
 to trading activity(1)              682    777    522     28     44 
Taxable equivalent basis(2)          229    171    202    188    138 
--------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Net interest income related 
 to trading activity on 
 a taxable equivalent basis 
 (2)                                 911    948    724    216    182 
--------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Non-interest income related 
 to trading activity(1)              548    282    625    800    822 
Taxable equivalent basis(2)           48      8     57    135    101 
--------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Non-interest income related 
 to trading activity on 
 a taxable equivalent basis 
 (2)                                 596    290    682    935    923 
--------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Trading activity revenues(1)       1,230  1,059  1,147    828    866 
Taxable equivalent basis(2)          277    179    259    323    239 
--------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Trading activity revenues 
 on a taxable equivalent basis 
 (2)                               1,507  1,238  1,406  1,151  1,105 
--------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Trading activity revenues 
 by segment 
 on a taxable equivalent basis 
Financial Markets 
  Equities                           979    685    706    621    575 
  Fixed-income                       367    357    430    285    263 
  Commodities and foreign 
   exchange                          156    128    132    126    130 
 --------------------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
                                   1,502  1,170  1,268  1,032    968 
Other segments                         5     68    138    119    137 
--------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
                                   1,507  1,238  1,406  1,151  1,105 
================================   =====  =====  =====  =====  ===== 

(1) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

(2) See the Financial Reporting Method section on pages 16 to 21 for additional information on non-GAAP financial measures. The taxable equivalent basis presented in this table is related to trading portfolios. The Bank also uses the taxable equivalent basis for certain investment portfolios, and the amounts stood at $5 million for fiscal 2022 (2021: $10 million; 2020: $6 million; 2019: $7 million; 2018: $6 million).

Table 6 - Non-Interest Expenses

Year ended October 31 (1) 
(millions of Canadian dollars)         2022         2021         2020         2019         2018 
=================================   =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 
Compensation and employee 
 benefits(2)                          3,284        3,027        2,713        2,532        2,466 
Occupancy(3)                            157          147          151          254          193 
Amortization - Premises 
 and equipment                          155          152          140           44           43 
Technology                              589          557          510          446          412 
Amortization - Technology(4)            326          314          366          332          245 
Communications                           57           53           58           62           63 
Professional fees                       249          246          244          249          244 
Travel and business development         144          109          103          128          128 
Capital and payroll taxes                32           52           73           70           79 
Other(5)                                237          246          258          258          227 
---------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Total                                 5,230        4,903        4,616        4,375        4,100 
---------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Canada                                4,760        4,478        4,195        4,005        3,787 
United States                           209          203          209          210          205 
Other countries                         261          222          212          160          108 
---------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Efficiency ratio(6)                    54.2   %     54.9%        58.2%        58.9%        57.2% 
---------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 

(1) Certain amounts have been adjusted to reflect an accounting policy change applicable to cloud computing arrangements. For additional information, see Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

(2) For fiscal 2020, Compensation and employee benefits had included $48 million in severance pay (2019: $10 million).

(3) For fiscal 2019, Occupancy expense had included $45 million in provisions for onerous contracts.

(4) For fiscal 2021, the Amortization - Technology expense had included $9 million in intangible asset impairment losses (2020: $71 million in impairment losses on premises and equipment and intangible assets; 2019: $57 million).

(5) For fiscal 2020, Other expenses had included a $13 million charge related to Maple (2019: $11 million).

(6) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

Table 7 - Provisions for Credit Losses (1)

Year ended October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)            2022         2021         2020         2019         2018 
====================================   =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 
 Personal Banking (2) 
  Impaired loans - Stage 3                  75           65          147          166          158 
  Non-impaired loans - Stages 
   1 and 2                                   9         (77)          121            8            9 
  -----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                                            84         (12)          268          174          167 
   ----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
 Commercial Banking (3) 
  Impaired loans - Stage 3                  13           26           76           31           28 
  Non-impaired loans - Stages 
   1 and 2                                   -           26          103           19           14 
  -----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                                            13           52          179           50           42 
   ----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
 Wealth Management 
  Impaired loans - Stage 3                   1            1            4            -            - 
  Non-impaired loans - Stages 
   1 and 2                                   2            -            3            -            1 
  -----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                                             3            1            7            -            1 
   ----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
 Financial Markets (3) 
  Impaired loans - Stage 3                   1           78           99           22           12 
  Non-impaired loans - Stages 
   1 and 2                                (24)        (102)          210           21           11 
  -----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                                          (23)         (24)          309           43           23 
   ----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
  Impaired loans - Stage 3                  48           13           46           94          126 
  Non-impaired loans - Stages 
   1 and 2                                  12          (2)           41         (24)          (3) 
  POCI loans                                 6         (26)          (7)           10         (29) 
  -----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                                            66         (15)           80           80           94 
   ----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
  Impaired loans - Stage 3                   -            -            -            -            - 
  Non-impaired loans - Stages 
   1 and 2                                   2            -            3            -            - 
  -----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                                             2            -            3            -            - 
   ----------------------------------  -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Total provisions for credit 
Impaired loans - Stage 3                   138          183          372          313          324 
Non-impaired loans - Stages 
 1 and 2                                     1        (155)          481           24           32 
POCI loans                                   6         (26)          (7)           10         (29) 
------------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
                                           145            2          846          347          327 
------------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Average loans and acceptances          194,340      172,323      159,275      148,765      139,603 
------------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Provisions for credit losses 
 on impaired loans 
 excluding POCI loans as a 
  % of average loans and 
  acceptances(4)                          0.07   %     0.11%        0.23%        0.21%        0.23% 
 -----------------------------------   -------      -------      -------      -------      ------- 
Provisions for credit losses 
 as a % of average loans and 
  acceptances(4)                          0.07   %        -%        0.53%        0.23%        0.23% 
 ===================================   =======      =======      =======      =======      ======= 

(1) The Impaired loans - Stage 3 category presented in this table reflects provisions for credit losses on loans classified in Stage 3 of the expected credit loss model and excludes POCI loans.

   (2)    Includes credit card receivables. 

(3) For fiscal years prior to 2022, certain amounts have been reclassified to reflect a transfer of the loan portfolio of borrowers in the "Oil and gas" and "Pipelines" sectors from the Personal and Commercial segment to the Financial Markets segment.

(4) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

Table 8 - Change in Average Volumes (1)

Year ended October 
(millions of Canadian 
 dollars)                           2022            2021            2020            2019            2018 
=======================   ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ============== 
                          Average         Average         Average         Average         Average 
                           volume   Rate   volume   Rate   volume   Rate   volume   Rate   volume   Rate 
                                $      %        $      %        $      %        $      %        $      % 
 ======================   =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  ===== 
Deposits with financial 
 institutions              42,042   1.55   40,294   0.31   24,966   0.44   13,172   1.64   16,322   1.27 
Securities                111,863   1.77  116,023   1.25   97,025   1.63   85,772   1.74   75,923   1.45 
Securities purchased 
 under reverse 
 repurchase agreements 
 securities borrowed       16,255   2.08   11,559   0.90   16,408   1.39   22,472   1.60   20,090   1.09 
Residential mortgage 
 loans                     75,712   2.90   68,297   2.93   59,801   3.13   54,493   3.30   51,509   3.07 
Personal loans             42,723   3.82   38,434   3.16   36,273   3.68   35,816   4.25   35,041   3.98 
Credit card receivables     2,133  12.81    1,864  13.47    1,995  14.62    2,221  14.06    2,165  13.69 
Business and government 
 loans                     58,947   3.63   51,229   3.06   47,272   4.13   42,922   5.34   38,204   5.06 
POCI loans                    493  32.68      686  22.64    1,073  16.45    1,386  13.37    1,486  13.12 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
 assets(1)                350,168   2.75  328,386   2.13  284,813   2.66  258,254   3.17  240,740   2.88 
Other assets(2)            43,679          35,120          33,274          27,908          25,200 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
                          393,847   2.43  363,506   1.93  318,087   2.38  286,162   2.86  265,940   2.61 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
Liabilities and equity 
Personal deposits          72,927   0.67   68,334   0.42   63,634   0.87   58,680   1.22   53,179   1.08 
 institutions               5,695   0.88    6,522   0.09    6,494   0.63    5,987   1.80    5,985   1.45 
Other deposits            180,307   1.28  161,373   0.68  137,253   1.26  119,793   2.06  108,012   1.66 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
                          258,929   1.10  236,229   0.58  207,381   1.12  184,460   1.79  167,176   1.47 
Subordinated debt             960   3.70      758   3.22      759   3.25      758   3.25      564   3.20 
Obligations other 
 than deposits(3)          81,659   1.13   80,808   0.67   70,973   1.12   67,638   1.67   67,220   1.57 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
 liabilities(1)           341,548   1.25  317,795   0.69  279,113   1.19  252,856   1.81  234,960   1.57 
Other liabilities          30,209          28,195          23,400          18,593          17,034 
Equity(2)                  22,090          17,516          15,574          14,713          13,946 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
                          393,847   1.09  363,506   0.61  318,087   1.04  286,162   1.60  265,940   1.34 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
Net interest margin(4)              1.34            1.32            1.34            1.26            1.27 
=======================   =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  ===== 

(1) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

(2) The amounts have been adjusted to reflect an accounting policy change applicable to cloud computing arrangements ( for additional information, see Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements ), except for the fiscal 2019 and 2018 figures .

(3) Average obligations other than deposits represent the average of the daily balances for the fiscal year of obligations related to securities sold short, obligations related to securities sold under repurchase agreements and securities loaned, and liabilities related to transferred receivables.

   (4)    Calculated by dividing net interest income by average assets. 

Table 9 - Distribution of Gross Loans and Acceptances by Borrower Category Under

Basel Asset Classes

As at October 31 
(millions of Canadian 
 dollars)                                 2022            2021            2020            2019            2018 
=============================   ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ============== 
                                      $      %        $      %        $      %        $      %        $      % 
 ============================   =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  ===== 
Residential mortgage(1)          95,575   46.0   89,035   48.5   81,543   49.2   74,448   48.4   70,591   48.1 
Qualifying revolving 
 retail                           3,801    1.8    3,589    2.0    3,599    2.2    4,099    2.7    4,211    2.9 
Other retail                     14,899    7.2   12,949    7.0   11,569    7.0   11,606    7.5   12,246    8.3 
Agriculture                       8,109    3.9    7,357    4.0    6,696    4.0    6,308    4.1    5,759    3.9 
Oil and gas(2)                    1,435    0.7    1,807    1.0    2,506    1.5    2,742    1.8    2,506    1.7 
Mining                            1,049    0.5      529    0.3      756    0.5      758    0.5    1,032    0.7 
Utilities(2)                      9,682    4.6    7,687    4.2    6,640    4.0    4,713    3.0    4,033    2.7 
 construction(3)                  1,935    0.9    1,541    0.8    1,079    0.7    1,168    0.8    1,006    0.7 
Manufacturing(2)                  7,374    3.6    5,720    3.1    5,803    3.5    6,549    4.3    5,535    3.8 
Wholesale                         3,241    1.6    2,598    1.4    2,206    1.3    2,221    1.4    2,163    1.5 
Retail                            3,494    1.7    2,978    1.6    2,955    1.8    3,289    2.1    3,069    2.1 
Transportation                    2,209    1.1    1,811    1.0    1,528    0.9    1,682    1.1    1,452    1.0 
Communications                    1,830    0.9    1,441    0.8    1,184    0.7    1,601    1.0    1,597    1.1 
Financial services(2)            10,777    5.2    8,870    4.8    7,476    4.4    6,115    3.9    5,482    3.7 
Real estate and 
 real-estate-construction(4)     22,382   10.8   18,195    9.9   14,171    8.6   11,635    7.6   11,671    8.0 
Professional services             2,338    1.1    1,872    1.0    1,490    0.9    1,845    1.2    1,582    1.1 
Education and health 
 care                             3,412    1.6    4,073    2.2    3,800    2.3    3,520    2.3    3,284    2.2 
Other services                    6,247    3.0    5,875    3.2    5,296    3.2    4,937    3.2    4,715    3.2 
Government                        1,661    0.8    1,159    0.6    1,160    0.7    1,071    0.7    1,445    1.0 
Other(2)                          5,790    2.8    4,137    2.3    3,586    2.1    2,456    1.6    1,785    1.2 
POCI loans                          459    0.2      464    0.3      855    0.5    1,166    0.8    1,576    1.1 
-----------------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
                                207,699  100.0  183,687  100.0  165,898  100.0  153,929  100.0  146,740  100.0 
=============================   =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  ===== 

(1) Includes residential mortgage loans on one- to four-unit dwellings (Basel definition) and home equity lines of credit.

(2) In fiscal 2022, the presentation was changed to better align borrower categories with their definitions. Comparative figures have been reclassified.

(3) Includes civil engineering loans, public-private partnership loans, and project finance loans.

   (4)    Includes residential mortgages on dwellings of five or more units and SME loans. 

Table 10 - Impaired Loans

As at October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)          2022       2021       2020       2019       2018 
====================================   =====      =====      =====      =====      ===== 
Gross impaired loans 
 Personal Banking                        176        169        287        256        266 
 Commercial Banking(1)                   206        244        333        294        231 
 Wealth Management                        21         23          8          5          5 
 Financial Markets(1)                    167        162        134         93         92 
 USSF&I                                  242         64         55         36         36 
Gross impaired loans excluding 
 POCI loans(2)                           812        662        817        684        630 
Gross POCI loans                         459        464        855      1,166      1,576 
------------------------------------   -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
                                       1,271      1,126      1,672      1,850      2,206 
  -----------------------------------  -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Net impaired loans(3) 
 Personal Banking                        104        106        206        187        199 
 Commercial Banking(1)                    89        107        184        192        139 
 Wealth Management                        15         16          2          3          3 
 Financial Markets(1)                     91         14         43         53         48 
 USSF&I                                  180         40         30         15         15 
Net impaired loans excluding 
 POCI loans(2)                           479        283        465        450        404 
Net POCI loans                           551        553        921      1,223      1,642 
------------------------------------   -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
                                       1,030        836      1,386      1,673      2,046 
  -----------------------------------  -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Allowances for credit losses 
 on impaired loans 
 excluding POCI loans(2)                 333        379        352        234        226 
Allowances for credit losses 
 on POCI loans                          (92)       (89)       (66)       (57)       (66) 
------------------------------------   -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Allowances for credit losses 
 on impaired loans                       241        290        286        177        160 
------------------------------------   -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Provisioning rate excluding 
 POCI loans(2)                          41.0   %   57.3%      43.1%      34.2%      35.9% 
Gross impaired loans excluding 
 POCI loans as a % 
 of total loans and acceptances(2)      0.39   %   0.36%      0.49%      0.45%      0.43% 
Net impaired loans excluding 
 POCI loans as a % 
 of total loans and acceptances(2)      0.23   %   0.15%      0.28%      0.29%      0.28% 
====================================   =====      =====      =====      =====      ===== 

(1) For fiscal years prior to 2022, certain amounts have been reclassified to reflect a transfer of the loan portfolio of borrowers in the "Oil and gas" and "Pipelines" sectors from the Personal and Commercial segment to the Financial Markets segment.

(2) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

(3) Net impaired loans are presented net of allowances for credit losses on Stage 3 loan amounts drawn and on POCI loans.

Table 11 - Allowances for Credit Losses

Year ended October 31 
(millions of Canadian dollars)       2022   2021   2020   2019   2018 
=================================   =====  =====  =====  =====  ===== 
 Balance at beginning               1,169  1,343    755    714    735 
 Provisions for credit losses         145      2    846    347    327 
 Write-offs                         (233)  (192)  (294)  (351)  (367) 
 Disposals                              -   (14)      -    (1)   (24) 
 Recoveries                            40     44     44     52     45 
 Exchange and other movements          10   (14)    (8)    (6)    (2) 
 --------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
 Balance at end                     1,131  1,169  1,343    755    714 
 --------------------------------   -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Composition of allowances: 
 Allowances for credit losses 
  on impaired loans excluding 
  POCI loans(1)                       333    379    352    234    226 
 Allowances for credit losses 
  on POCI loans                      (92)   (89)   (66)   (57)   (66) 
 Allowances for credit losses 
  on non-impaired loans               714    708    872    501    498 
 Allowances for credit losses 
  on off-balance-sheet 
  commitments and other assets        176    171    185     77     56 
  --------------------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 

(1) See the Glossary section on pages 122 to 125 for details on the composition of these measures.

Table 12 - Deposits

As at October 31 
(millions of Canadian 
 dollars)                           2022            2021            2020            2019            2018 
=======================   ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============  ============== 
                                $      %        $      %        $      %        $      %        $      % 
 ======================   =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  ===== 
Personal                   78,811   29.6   70,076   29.1   67,499   31.3   60,065   31.7   55,688   32.6 
Business and government   184,230   69.1  167,870   69.7  143,787   66.6  125,266   66.1  110,321   64.6 
 institutions               3,353    1.3    2,992    1.2    4,592    2.1    4,235    2.2    4,821    2.8 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
Total                     266,394  100.0  240,938  100.0  215,878  100.0  189,566  100.0  170,830  100.0 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
Canada                    238,239   89.5  216,906   90.0  195,730   90.7  172,764   91.1  156,054   91.4 
United States               9,147    3.4    9,234    3.8    8,126    3.7    6,907    3.7    6,048    3.5 
Other countries            19,008    7.1   14,798    6.2   12,022    5.6    9,895    5.2    8,728    5.1 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
Total                     266,394  100.0  240,938  100.0  215,878  100.0  189,566  100.0  170,830  100.0 
-----------------------   -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  -----  -------  ----- 
Personal deposits 
 as a % 
 of total assets                    19.5            19.7            20.4            21.3            21.2 
 =======================  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  =====  =======  ===== 



Acceptances and the customers' liability under acceptances constitute a guarantee of payment by a bank and can be traded in the money market. The Bank earns a "stamping fee" for providing this guarantee.

Allowances for credit losses

Allowances for credit losses represent management's unbiased estimate of expected credit losses as at the balance sheet date. These allowances are primarily related to loans and off-balance-sheet items such as loan commitments and financial guarantees.

Assets under administration

Assets in respect of which a financial institution provides administrative services on behalf of the clients who own the assets. Such services include custodial services, collection of investment income, settlement of purchase and sale transactions, and record-keeping. Assets under administration are not reported on the balance sheet of the institution offering such services.

Assets under management

Assets managed by a financial institution and that are beneficially owned by clients. Management services are more comprehensive than administrative services and include selecting investments or offering investment advice. Assets under management, which may also be administered by the financial institution, are not reported on the balance sheet of the institution offering such services.

Available TLAC

Available TLAC includes total capital as well as certain senior unsecured debt subject to the federal government's bail-in regulations that satisfy all of the eligibility criteria in OSFI's Total Loss Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Guideline.

Average interest-bearing assets

Average interest-bearing assets include interest-bearing deposits with financial institutions and certain cash items, securities, securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements and securities borrowed, and loans, while excluding customers' liability under acceptances and other assets. The average is calculated based on the daily balances for the period.

Average interest-bearing assets, non-trading

Average interest-bearing assets, non-trading, include interest-bearing deposits with financial institutions and certain cash items, securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements and securities borrowed, and loans, while excluding other assets and assets related to trading activities. The average is calculated based on the daily balances for the period.

Average volumes

Average volumes represent the average of the daily balances for the period of the consolidated balance sheet items.

Basic earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing net income attributable to common shareholders by the weighted average basic number of common shares outstanding.

Basis point (bps)

Unit of measure equal to one one-hundredth of a percentage point (0.01%).

Book value of a common share

The book value of a common share is calculated by dividing common shareholders' equity by the number of common shares on a given date.

Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio

Common Equity CET1 capital consists of common shareholders' equity less goodwill, intangible assets, and other capital deductions. The CET1 capital ratio is calculated by dividing total CET1 capital by the corresponding risk-weighted assets.

Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)

CAGR is a rate of growth that shows, for a period exceeding one year, the annual change as though the growth had been constant throughout the period.

Derivative financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments are financial contracts whose value is derived from an underlying interest rate, exchange rate or equity, commodity or credit instrument or index. Examples of derivatives include swaps, options, forward rate agreements, and futures. The notional amount of the derivative is the contract amount used as a reference point to calculate the payments to be exchanged between the two parties, and the notional amount itself is generally not exchanged by the parties.

Diluted earnings per share

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing net income attributable to common shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding after taking into account the dilution effect of stock options using the treasury stock method and any gain (loss) on the redemption of preferred shares.

Dividend payout ratio

The dividend payout ratio represents the dividends of common shares (per share amount) expressed as a percentage of basic earnings per share.

Economic capital

Economic capital is the internal measure used by the Bank to determine the capital required for its solvency and to pursue its business operations. Economic capital takes into consideration the credit, market, operational, business and other risks to which the Bank is exposed as well as the risk diversification effect among them and among the business segments. Economic capital thus helps the Bank to determine the capital required to protect itself against such risks and ensure its long-term viability.

Efficiency ratio

The efficiency ratio represents non-interest expenses expressed as a percentage of total revenues. It measures the efficiency of the Bank's operations.

Fair value

The fair value of a financial instrument is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction in the principal market at the measurement date under current market conditions (i.e., an exit price).

Gross impaired loans as a percentage of total loans and acceptances

This measure represents gross impaired loans expressed as a percentage of the balance of loans and acceptances.

Gross impaired loans excluding POCI loans

Gross impaired loans excluding POCI loans are all loans classified in Stage 3 of the expected credit loss model excluding POCI loans.

Gross impaired loans excluding POCI loans as a percentage of total loans and acceptances

This measure represents gross impaired loans excluding POCI loans expressed as a percentage of the balance of loans and acceptances.


The purpose of a hedging transaction is to modify the Bank's exposure to one or more risks by creating an offset between changes in the fair value of, or the cash flows attributable to, the hedged item and the hedging instrument.

Impaired Loans

The Bank considers a financial asset, other than a credit card receivable, to be credit-impaired when one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset have occurred or when contractual payments are 90 days past due. Credit card receivables are considered credit-impaired and are fully written off at the earlier of the following dates: when a notice of bankruptcy is received, a settlement proposal is made, or contractual payments are 180 days past due.

Leverage ratio

The leverage ratio is calculated by dividing Tier 1 capital by total exposure. Total exposure is defined as the sum of on-balance-sheet assets (including derivative financial instruments exposures and securities financing transaction exposures) and off-balance-sheet items.

Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)

The LCR is a measure designed to ensure that the Bank has sufficient high-quality liquid assets to cover net cash outflows given a severe, 30-day liquidity crisis.

Loans and acceptances

Loans and acceptances represent the sum of loans and of the customers' liability under acceptances.

Loan-to-value ratio

The loan-to-value ratio is calculated according to the total facility amount for residential mortgages and home equity lines of credit divided by the value of the related residential property.

Master netting agreement

Legal agreement between two parties that have multiple derivative contracts with each other that provides for the net settlement of all contracts through a single payment, in the event of default, insolvency or bankruptcy.

Net impaired loans

Net impaired loans are gross impaired loans presented net of allowances for credit losses on Stage 3 loan amounts drawn.

Net impaired loans as a percentage of total loans and acceptances

This measure represents net impaired loans as a percentage of the balance of loans and acceptances.

Net impaired loans excluding POCI loans

Net impaired loans excluding POCI loans are gross impaired loans excluding POCI loans presented net of allowances for credit losses on amounts drawn on Stage 3 loans granted by the Bank.

Net interest income from trading activities

Net interest income from trading activities comprises dividends related to financial assets and liabilities associated with trading activities, net of interest expenses and interest income related to the financing of these financial assets and liabilities.

Net interest income, non-trading

Net interest income, non-trading, comprises revenues related to financial assets and liabilities associated with non-trading activities, net of interest expenses and interest income related to the financing of these financial assets and liabilities.

Net interest margin

Net interest margin is calculated by dividing net interest income by average interest-bearing assets.

Net stable funding ratio (NSFR)

The NSFR ratio is a measure that helps guarantee that a bank is maintaining a stable funding profile to reduce the risk of funding stress.

Net write-offs as a percentage of average loans and acceptances

This measure represents the net write-offs (net of recoveries) expressed as a percentage of average loans and acceptances.

Non-interest income related to trading activities

Non-interest income related to trading activities consists of realized and unrealized gains and losses as well as interest income on securities measured at fair value through profit or loss, income from held-for-trading derivative financial instruments, changes in the fair value of loans at fair value through profit or loss, changes in the fair value of financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss, certain commission income, other trading activity revenues, and any applicable transaction costs.

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Canada) (OSFI)

The mandate of OSFI is to regulate and supervise financial institutions and private pension plans subject to federal oversight, to help minimize undue losses to depositors and policyholders and, thereby, to contribute to public confidence in the Canadian financial system.

Operating leverage

Operating leverage is the difference between the growth rate for total revenues and the growth rate for non-interest expenses.

Provisioning rate

This measure represents the allowances for credit losses on impaired loans expressed as a percentage of gross impaired loans.

Provisioning rate excluding POCI loans

This measure represents the allowances for credit losses on impaired loans excluding POCI loans expressed as a percentage of gross impaired loans excluding POCI loans.

Provisions for credit losses

Amount charged to income necessary to bring the allowances for credit losses to a level deemed appropriate by management and is comprised of provisions for credit losses on impaired and non-impaired financial assets.

Provisions for credit losses as a percentage of average loans and acceptances

This measure represents the provisions for credit losses expressed as a percentage of average loans and acceptances.

Provisions for credit losses on impaired loans excluding POCI loans as a percentage of average loans and acceptances or provisions for credit losses on impaired loans excluding POCI loans ratio

This measure represents the provisions for credit losses on impaired loans excluding POCI loans expressed as a percentage of average loans and acceptances.

Provisions for credit losses on impaired loans as a percentage of average loans and acceptances

This measure represents the provisions for credit losses on impaired loans expressed as a percentage of average loans and acceptances.

Return on average assets

Return on average assets represents net income expressed as a percentage of average assets.

Return on common shareholders' equity (ROE)

ROE represents net income attributable to common shareholders expressed as a percentage of average equity attributable to common shareholders. It is a general measure of the Bank's efficiency in using equity.

Risk-weighted assets

Assets are risk weighted according to the guidelines established by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Canada). In the Standardized calculation approach, risk factors are applied to the face value of certain assets in order to reflect comparable risk levels. In the Advanced Internal Ratings-Based (AIRB) Approach, risk-weighted assets are derived from the Bank's internal models, which represent the Bank's own assessment of the risks it incurs. Off-balance-sheet instruments are converted to balance sheet (or credit) equivalents by adjusting the notional values before applying the appropriate risk-weighting factors.

Securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements

Securities purchased by the Bank from a client pursuant to an agreement under which the securities will be resold to the same client on a specified date and at a specified price. Such an agreement is a form of short-term collateralized lending.

Securities sold under repurchase agreements

Financial obligations related to securities sold pursuant to an agreement under which the securities will be repurchased on a specified date and at a specified price. Such an agreement is a form of short-term funding.

Stressed VaR (SVaR)

SVaR is a statistical measure of risk that replicates the VaR calculation method but uses, instead of a two-year history of risk factor changes, a 12--month data period corresponding to a continuous period of significant financial stress that is relevant in terms of the Bank's portfolios.

Structured entity

A structured entity is an entity created to accomplish a narrow and well-defined objective and is designed so that voting or similar rights are not the dominant factor in deciding who controls the entity, such as when any voting rights relate solely to administrative tasks and the relevant activities are directed by means of contractual arrangements.

Taxable equivalent

Taxable equivalent basis is a calculation method that consists in grossing up certain tax-exempt income (particularly dividends) by the amount of income tax that would have otherwise been payable. The Bank uses the taxable equivalent basis to calculate net interest income, non-interest income and income taxes.

Tier 1 capital ratio

Tier 1 capital ratio consists of Common Equity Tier 1 capital and Additional Tier 1 instruments, namely, qualifying non-cumulative preferred shares and the eligible amount of innovative instruments. Tier 1 capital ratio is calculated by dividing Tier 1 capital, less regulatory adjustments, by the corresponding risk-weighted assets.

TLAC leverage ratio

The TLAC leverage ratio is an independent risk measure that is calculated by dividing available TLAC by total exposure, as set out in OSFI's Total Loss Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Guideline.

TLAC ratio

The TLAC ratio is a measure used to assess whether a non-viable Domestic Systemically Important Bank (D-SIB) has sufficient loss-absorbing capacity to support its recapitalization. It is calculated by dividing available TLAC by risk weighted assets, as set out in OSFI's Total Loss Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Guideline.

Total capital ratio

Total capital is the sum of Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital. Tier 2 capital consists of the eligible portion of subordinated debt and certain allowances for credit losses. The Total capital ratio is calculated by dividing total capital, less regulatory adjustments, by the corresponding risk-weighted assets.

Total shareholder return (TSR)

TSR represents the average total return on an investment in the Bank's common shares. The return includes changes in share price and assumes that the dividends received were reinvested in additional common shares of the Bank.

Trading activity revenues

Trading activity revenues consist of the net interest income and the non-interest income related to trading activities. Net interest income comprises dividends related to financial assets and liabilities associated with trading activities, net of interest expenses and interest income related to the financing of these financial assets and liabilities. Non-interest income consists of realized and unrealized gains and losses as well as interest income on securities measured at fair value through profit or loss, income from held-for-trading derivative financial instruments, changes in the fair value of loans at fair value through profit or loss, changes in the fair value of financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss, certain commission income, other trading activity revenues, and any applicable transaction costs.

Value-at-Risk (VaR)

VaR is a statistical measure of risk that is used to quantify market risks across products, per types of risks, and aggregate risk on a portfolio basis. VaR is defined as the maximum loss at a specific confidence level over a certain horizon under normal market conditions. The VaR method has the advantage of providing a uniform measurement of financial-instrument-related market risks based on a single statistical confidence level and time horizon.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 30, 2022 10:53 ET (15:53 GMT)

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