RNS Number:4893L
Allianz Dresdr 2 Endw Policy TstPLC
25 April 2005

For immediate release                                          25th April 2005


                         Six months to 31st March 2005

Investment Review - 2006 Pool

The net asset value per 2006 Share at 31st March 2005 was 157.4p, little changed
from the net asset value per 2006 Share as at 30th September 2004 of 157.3p.

The 2006 Pool currently has investments in policies valued at #35.1 million from
a total of 50 with-profits funds.  During the six month period the 2006 Pool
received proceeds of policy maturities amounting to #2.3 million.  The average
annualised return on these policies was 5.7%, excluding benefits arising from
demutualisation.  It is anticipated that by the end of this calendar year bank
debt for the 2006 Pool will have been repaid from maturities.

Investment Review - 2009 Pool

The net asset value has risen from 120.5p per 2009 Share at 30th September 2004
to 127.6p per 2009 Share at 31st March 2005, an increase of 5.9%.

The 2009 Pool currently has investments in policies valued at #29.8 million from
a total of 64 with-profits funds.  During the six month period the 2009 Pool
received proceeds of policy maturities amounting to #0.5 million.  The average
annualised return on these policies was 3.9%, excluding benefits arising from

Accrued guaranteed benefits

A significant proportion of shareholders' assets is now made up of guaranteed
benefits - the total of sums assured and reversionary bonuses declared to date.
Projected final net asset values based on the value of guaranteed benefit
accrued to date, after estimated costs and based on current interest rates, are
135.8p and 104.9p for the 2006 and 2009 shares respectively.  These figures
assume no further bonuses, reversionary or terminal, from 31st March 2005 and
take into account future premium commitments, expenses and interest costs.

Valuation Method

The valuation of policies has to date been in part derived from transactions at
auctions run by Messrs H E Foster & Cranfield, and in part by reference to
estimated surrender values.  For the 31st March 2005 valuation point there was
insufficient auction data from which to derive a valuation of the Company's
holdings of endowment policies.

Therefore, the Board, after consultation with the Actuarial Committee, has
approved a change in the Company's basis of valuation to an estimate of
mid-market price based on the Company's Investment Advisers' own  pricing
information, with a floor of 100% of estimated surrender value.  This has
resulted in an aggregate valuation of the endowment policy portfolios at 102.0%
(2006 Pool) and 106.7% (2009 Pool) of estimated surrender values.  These values
also show little change despite the reduction in the direct use of surrender
values caused by the change in the valuation basis.

Projected final net asset values

The Company publishes projected final net asset values on a regular basis.
These projections are based on possible future bonus rate levels, which will
reflect, inter alia, the investment returns earned by the underlying
with-profits funds.  Projected final net asset values as at 31st March 2005 are
given in the table below.

                           100% Current Bonus    80% Current Bonus    50% Current Bonus    No Further Bonuses
                                  Rates                Rates                Rates
Projected final net asset
value at 30th September
2006 (2006 Pool)                 169.9p                163.3p               153.6p               135.8p

Projected final net asset
value at 31st December
2009 (2009 Pool)                 148.4p                139.7p               127.0p               104.9p

Projected final net asset values are calculated using the principal bases and
assumptions set out on the last page of this announcement.  They provide an
indication of the sensitivity of the projected final net asset value to bonus
rate changes.  They should not be taken as forecasts of any particular degree of
change in bonus rate levels.

Earnings and dividend

The Company is managed with the objective of providing returns to investors
entirely in the form of capital growth.  The continuing deficit on the Revenue
Account is consistent with this objective.  Consequently, no dividend will be
payable on either class of share.


The Company operates as an approved investment trust within the meaning of
Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.  Such approval has
been granted for the year ended 30th September 2003 and is expected to be
granted for the year ended 30th September 2004 and the current accounting year.
The Company is not a close company.

155 Bishopsgate                       By Order of the Board
London EC2M 3AD                       P W I Ingram
                                      Company Secretary



Six months ended 31st March 2005
                                                                Revenue      Capital         Total
                                                                 #'000s       #'000s        #'000s
                                                                (Note 2)
Net gains on investments                                              -          514           514
Income from fixed asset investments                                  50            -            50
Other income                                                          7            -             7
Management and advisory fees                                      (280)            -         (280)
Expenses of administration                                         (60)            -          (60)

Return on ordinary activities
before finance costs and taxation                                 (283)          514           231

Finance costs of borrowings                                       (200)            -         (200)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                     (483)          514            31

Taxation                                                              -            -             -

Transfer (from) to reserves                                       (483)          514            31

Return per 2006 Share                                           (2.40)p        2.56p         0.16p

NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                         #'000s
As at 31st March 2005

Valuation of investments                                                                    36,499
Net Current Assets                                                                             153
Medium Term Loan                                                                           (5,050)
Total Net Assets                                                                            31,602

Called up Share Capital                                                                      1,004
Share Premium Account                                                                            -
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                       5
Capital Reserves:      Realised                                                             12,371
                       Unrealised                                                           11,736
Special Reserve                                                                             19,128
Revenue Reserve                                                                           (12,642)
Shareholders' Funds                                                                         31,602

Net asset value per 2006 Share                                                              157.4p

The net asset value is based on 20,073,064 2006 Shares in issue.

Calculations of net asset value are based on recent open market transactions at 
auction, or surrender values in certain cases.



Six months ended 31st March 2005
                                                            Revenue        Capital           Total
                                                             #'000s         #'000s          #'000s
                                                  '        (Note 2)
Net gains on investments                                          -          1,785           1,785
Income from fixed asset investments                              45              -              45
Other income                                                      3              -               3
Management and advisory fees                                  (224)              -           (224)
Expenses of administration                                     (47)              -            (47)

Return on ordinary activities
before finance costs and taxation                             (223)          1,785           1,562

Finance costs of borrowings                                   (151)              -           (151)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                 (374)          1,785           1,411

Taxation                                                          -              -               -

Transfer (from) to reserves                                   (374)          1,785           1,411

Return per 2009 Share                                       (1.89)p          9.02p           7.13p

NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                         #'000s
As at 31st March 2005
Valuation of investments                                                                    30,832
Net Current Assets                                                                              20
Medium Term Loan                                                                           (5,650)
Total Net Assets                                                                            25,202

Called up Share Capital                                                                        197
Share Premium Account                                                                       18,925
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                       3
Capital Reserves:    Realised                                                                4,732
                     Unrealised                                                              7,019
Revenue Reserve                                                                            (5,674)
Shareholders' Funds                                                                         25,202

Net asset value per 2009 Share                                                              127.6p

The net asset value is based on 19,745,000 2009 Shares in issue.

Calculations of net asset value are based on recent open market transactions at 
auction, or surrender values in certain cases.



              Six months ended 31st March 2005

                                                              Revenue              Capital           Total
                                                               #'000s               #'000s          #'000s
                                                             (Note 2)
              Net gains on investments                              -                2,299           2,299
              Income from fixed asset investments                  96                    -              96
              Other income                                         10                    -              10
              Management and advisory fees                      (504)                    -           (504)
              Expenses of administration                        (107)                    -           (107)

              Return on ordinary activities                     (505)                2,299           1,794
              before finance costs and taxation

              Finance costs of borrowings                       (351)                    -           (351)

              Return on ordinary activities before              (856)                2,299           1,443

              Taxation                                              -                    -               -

              Transfer (from) to reserves                       (856)                2,299           1,443

NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                                #'000s
As at 31st March 2005

Valuation of investments                                                                            67,331
Net Current Assets                                                                                     173
Medium Term Loan                                                                                  (10,700)
Total Net Assets                                                                                    56,804

Called up Share Capital                                                                              1,201
Share Premium Account                                                                               18,925
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                               7
Capital Reserves:       Realised                                                                    17,103
                        Unrealised                                                                  18,756
Special Reserve                                                                                     19,128
Revenue Reserve                                                                                   (18,316)
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                 56,804



Six months ended 31st March 2004
                                                                Revenue      Capital         Total
                                                                 #'000s       #'000s        #'000s
                                                                (Note 2)
Net gains on investments                                              -          918           918
Income from fixed asset investments                                  48            -            48
Other income                                                          4            -             4
Management and advisory fees                                      (289)            -         (289)
Expenses of administration                                         (58)            -          (58)

Return on ordinary activities
before finance costs and taxation                                 (295)          918           623

Finance costs of borrowings                                       (245)            -         (245)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                     (540)          918           378

Taxation                                                              -            -             -

Transfer (from) to reserves                                       (540)          918           378

Return per 2006 Share                                           (2.69)p        4.57p         1.88p

NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                         #'000s
As at 31st March 2004

Valuation of investments                                                                    39,667
Net Current Assets                                                                             139
Medium Term Loan                                                                           (7,900)
Total Net Assets                                                                            31,906

Called up Share Capital                                                                      1,004
Share Premium Account                                                                            -
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                       5
Capital Reserves:      Realised                                                             10,459
                       Unrealised                                                           12,958
Special Reserve                                                                             19,128
Revenue Reserve                                                                           (11,648)
Shareholders' Funds                                                                         31,906

Net asset value per 2006 Share                                                              159.0p

The net asset value is based on 20,073,064 2006 Shares in issue.

Calculations of net asset value are based on recent open market transactions at 
auction, or surrender values in certain cases.



Six months ended 31st March 2004
                                                            Revenue        Capital           Total
                                                             #'000s         #'000s          #'000s
                                                           (Note 2)
Net gains on investments                                          -          1,115           1,115
Income from fixed asset investments                              38              -              38
Other income                                                      4              -               4
Management and advisory fees                                  (222)              -           (222)
Expenses of administration                                     (45)              -            (45)

Return on ordinary activities
before finance costs and taxation                             (225)          1,115             890

Finance costs of borrowings                                   (133)              -           (133)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                 (358)          1,115             757

Taxation                                                          -              -               -

Transfer (from) to reserves                                   (358)          1,115             757

Return per 2009 Share                                       (1.81)p          5.64p           3.83p

NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                         #'000s
As at 31st March 2004
Valuation of investments                                                                    29,569
Net Current Assets                                                                             349
Medium Term Loan                                                                           (5,650)
Total Net Assets                                                                            24,268

Called up Share Capital                                                                        197
Share Premium Account                                                                       18,925
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                       3
Capital Reserves:    Realised                                                                4,431
                     Unrealised                                                              5,651
Revenue Reserve                                                                             (4,939)
Shareholders' Funds                                                                         24,268

Net asset value per 2009 Share                                                              122.9p

The net asset value is based on 19,745,000 2009 Shares in issue.

Calculations of net asset value are based on recent open market transactions at 
auction, or surrender values in certain cases.



              Six months ended 31st March 2004

                                                              Revenue              Capital           Total
                                                               #'000s               #'000s          #'000s
                                                             (Note 2)
              Net gains on investments                              -                2,033           2,033
              Income from fixed asset investments                  86                    -              86
              Other income                                          8                    -               8
              Management and advisory fees                      (511)                    -           (511)
              Expenses of administration                        (103)                    -           (103)

              Return on ordinary activities                     (520)                2,033           1,513
              before finance costs and taxation

              Finance costs of borrowings                       (378)                    -           (378)

              Return on ordinary activities before              (898)                2,033           1,135

              Taxation                                              -                    -               -

              Transfer (from) to reserves                       (898)                2,033           1,135

NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                                 #'000s
As at 31st March 2004

Valuation of investments                                                                            69,236
Net Current Assets                                                                                     488
Medium Term Loan                                                                                  (13,550)
Total Net Assets                                                                                    56,174

Called up Share Capital                                                                              1,201
Share Premium Account                                                                               18,925
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                               7
Capital Reserves:       Realised                                                                    14,891
                        Unrealised                                                                  18,609
Special Reserve                                                                                     19,128
Revenue Reserve                                                                                   (16,587)
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                 56,174



Year ended 30th September 2004
                                                                 Revenue        Capital              Total
                                                                  #'000s         #'000s             #'000s
                                                                (Note 2)
               Net gains on investments                                -          1,094              1,094
               Income from fixed asset investments                   100              -                100
               Other income                                           10              -                 10
               Management and advisory fees                        (567)              -              (567)
               Expenses of administration                          (118)              -              (118)

               Return on ordinary activities
               before finance costs and taxation                   (575)          1,094                519

               Finance costs of borrowings                         (476)              -              (476)

               Return on ordinary activities before              (1,051)          1,094                 43

               Taxation                                                -              -                  -

               Transfer (from) to reserves                       (1,051)          1,094                 43

               Return per 2006 Share                             (5.24)p          5.45p              0.21p

               NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                  #'000s
               as at 30th September 2004

               Valuation of investments                                                             38,644
               Net Current Assets                                                                      127
               Medium Term Loan                                                                    (7,200)
               Total Net Assets                                                                     31,571

               Called up Share Capital                                                               1,004
               Share Premium Account                                                                     -
               Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                5
               Capital Reserves:        Realised                                                    11,183
                                        Unrealised                                                  12,410
               Special Reserve                                                                      19,128
               Revenue Reserve                                                                    (12,159)
               Shareholders' Funds                                                                  31,571

               Net asset value per 2006 Share                                                       157.3p

               The net asset value is based on 20,073,064 2006 Shares in issue.

               Calculations of net asset value are based on recent open market transactions at
               auction, or surrender values in certain cases.



Year ended 30th September 2004
                                                             Revenue      Capital        Total
                                                              #'000s       #'000s       #'000s
                                                            (Note 2)

Net gains on investments                                           -          999          999
Income from fixed asset investments                               76            -           76
Other income                                                      12            -           12
Management and advisory fees                                   (437)            -        (437)
Expenses of administration                                      (91)            -         (91)

Return on ordinary activities
before finance costs and taxation                              (440)          999          559

Finance costs of borrowings                                    (280)            -        (280)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                  (720)          999          279

Taxation                                                           -            -            -

Transfer (from) to reserves                                    (720)          999          279

Return per 2009 Share                                        (3.65)p        5.06p        1.41p

NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                     #'000s
As at 30th September 2004

Valuation of investments                                                                29,224
Net Current Assets                                                                         215
Medium Term Loan                                                                       (5,650)
Total Net Assets                                                                        23,789

Called up Share Capital                                                                    197
Share Premium Account                                                                   18,925
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                   3
Capital Reserves:          Realised                                                      4,620
                           Unrealised                                                    5,345
Revenue Reserve                                                                        (5,301)
Shareholders' Funds                                                                     23,789

Net asset value per 2009 Share                                                          120.5p

The net asset value is based on 19,745,000 2009 Shares in issue.

Calculations of net asset value are based on recent open market transactions at 
auction, or surrender values in certain cases.



             Year ended 30th September 2004

                                                                 Revenue           Capital             Total
                                                                  #'000s            #'000s            #'000s
                                                                (Note 2)

             Net gains on investments                                  -             2,093             2,093
             Income from fixed asset investments                     176                 -               176
             Other income                                             22                 -                22
             Management and advisory fees                        (1,004)                 -           (1,004)
             Expenses of administration                            (209)                 -             (209)

             Return on ordinary activities
             before finance costs and taxation                   (1,015)             2,093             1,078

             Finance costs of borrowings                           (756)                 -             (756)

             Return on ordinary activities before
             taxation                                            (1,771)             2,093               322

             Taxation                                                  -                 -                 -

             Transfer (from) to reserves                         (1,771)             2,093               322

             NET ASSET STATEMENT                                                                   #'000s
             As at 30th September 2004

Valuation of investments                                                                           67,868
Net Current Assets                                                                                    342
Medium Term Loan                                                                                 (12,850)
Total Net Assets                                                                                   55,360

Called up Share Capital                                                                             1,201
Share Premium Account                                                                              18,925
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                              8
Capital Reserves:       Realised                                                                   15,803
                        Unrealised                                                                 17,755
Special Reserve                                                                                    19,128
Revenue Reserve                                                                                  (17,460)
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                55,360


                                                        Six Months to         Six Months to             Year to
                                                                March                 March           September
                                                                 2005                  2004                2004
                                                               #'000s                #'000s              #'000s

Net cash outflow from operating activities                      (244)                  (206)               (541)

Servicing of Finance
Interest paid                                                   (201)                  (290)               (446)

Income tax repaid                                                   -                      -                   1

Investing activities
Acquisition of investments                                      (509)                  (547)             (1,073)
Disposal of investments                                         3,113                  1,455               3,181
Net cash inflow from financial investment                       2,604                    908               2,108

Net cash inflow before financing                                2,159                    412               1,122

Repayment of Loan Notes with Dresdner RCM
Endowment Policy Trust 2003 plc                                     -                (4,653)             (4,653)
(Decrease) increase in medium term loans                      (2,150)                  3,950               3,250
Net cash outflow from financing                               (2,150)                  (703)             (1,403)

Increase (decrease) in cash                                         9                  (291)               (281)


                                                        Six Months to          Six Months to            Year to
                                                                March                  March           September
                                                                 2005                   2004                2004
                                                               #'000s                 #'000s              #'000s

Net cash outflow from operating activities                      (241)                  (238)               (443)

Servicing of Finance
Interest paid                                                   (149)                  (138)               (288)

Income tax repaid                                                   -                      -                   1

Investing activities
Acquisition of investments                                      (452)                  (471)               (934)
Disposal of investments                                           629                    778               1,470
Net cash inflow from financial investment                         177                    307                 536

Net cash outflow before financing                               (213)                   (69)               (194)

Decrease in medium term loans                                       -                      -                   -
Net cash outflow from financing                                     -                      -                   -

Decrease in cash                                                (213)                   (69)               (194)


                                                        Six Months to          Six Months to            Year to
                                                                March                  March          September
                                                                 2005                   2004               2004
                                                               #'000s                 #'000s             #'000s

Net cash outflow from operating activities                      (485)                  (444)               (984)

Servicing of Finance
Interest paid                                                   (350)                  (428)               (734)

Income tax repaid                                                   -                      -                   2

Investing activities
Acquisition of investments                                      (961)                (1,018)             (2,007)
Disposal of investments                                         3,742                  2,233               4,651
Net cash inflow from financial investment                       2,781                  1,215               2,644

Net cash inflow before financing                                1,946                    343                 928

Repayment of Loan Notes with Dresdner RCM
Endowment Policy Trust 2003 plc                                     -                (4,653)             (4,653)
(Decrease) increase in medium term loans                      (2,150)                  3,950               3,250
Net cash outflow from financing                               (2,150)                  (703)             (1,403)

Decrease in cash                                                (204)                  (360)               (475)

2006 POOL



As at 31st March 2005

Life Office                                                       Value of Policies
                                                            #'000s              % of Total
Standard Life                                                 9,601                    26.3
AVIVA (Norwich Union)                                         5,145                    14.1
Legal & General                                               3,028                     8.3
Prudential                                                    2,765                     7.6
Prudential (Scottish Amicable)                                2,080                     5.7
Scottish Provident                                            1,635                     4.5
Scottish Widows                                               1,431                     3.9
Clerical Medical                                                932                     2.6
Friends Provident                                               694                     1.9
Scottish Life                                                   691                     1.9
Royal & Sun Alliance (Royal Life)                               595                     1.6
Guardian                                                        533                     1.6
AXA Equity & Law                                                525                     1.4
Alba Life (Crusader)                                            473                     1.3
Colonial                                                        443                     1.2
Scottish Mutual                                                 424                     1.2
AVIVA (Commercial Union)                                        380                     1.0
London Life                                                     311                     0.8
National Mutual                                                 266                     0.7
AVIVA (General Accident)                                        242                     0.7
Total of twenty largest holdings                             32,194                    88.2
Others                                                        2,933                     8.0
Total holdings of endowment policies                         35,127                    96.2

Fixed Interest Holdings
EIB 6.125% 07/12/2005                                           907                     2.5
EIB 7.625% 07/12/2006                                           465                     1.3
                                                              1,372                     3.8

TOTAL OF INVESTED FUNDS                                      36,499                   100.0

2009 POOL



As at 31st March 2005

Life Office                                                       Value of Policies
                                                             #'000s              % of Total
Standard Life                                                 8,309                    27.0
Legal & General                                               4,633                    15.0
Prudential (Scottish Amicable)                                2,914                     9.5
Scottish Widows                                               1,988                     6.4
AVIVA (Norwich Union)                                         1,846                     6.0
Prudential                                                    1,340                     4.3
Scottish Life                                                 1,225                     4.0
Clerical Medical                                                992                     3.2
Friends Provident                                               871                     2.8
Scottish Provident                                              834                     2.7
Colonial                                                        414                     1.3
Gresham Life                                                    331                     1.1
Royal & Sun Alliance (Royal Life)                               323                     1.0
National Mutual                                                 320                     1.0
Sun Life of Canada                                              184                     0.6
AVIVA (Provident Mutual)                                        180                     0.6
AVIVA (Commercial Union )                                       173                     0.6
Guardian                                                        158                     0.5
Australian Mutual Provident                                     151                     0.5
Britannic Assurance                                             143                     0.5
Total of twenty largest holdings                             27,329                    88.6
Others                                                        2,447                     7.9
Total holdings of endowment policies                         29,776                    96.5

Fixed Interest Holdings
Abbey 5.375% 30/12/09                                           515                     1.7
Finland 10.125% 22/06/08                                        541                     1.8
                                                              1,056                     3.5

TOTAL OF INVESTED FUNDS                                      30,832                   100.0

Note 1

The Returns per 2006 Share have been calculated using a weighted average number
of shares in issue during the period of 20,073,064 (30th September 2004
20,073,064; 31st March 2004 20,073,064).  The Returns per 2009 Share have been
calculated using a weighted average number of shares in issue during the period
19,745,000 (30th September 2004 19,745,000); 31st March 2004 19,745,000).

Note 2

The revenue columns of this statement are the profit and loss accounts of the
2006 Pool, 2009 Pool or the Company.  All revenue and capital items derive from
continuing operations.  No operations were acquired or discontinued in the

Note 3

This interim statement has been neither audited nor reviewed by the Company's

The interim statement has been prepared using the same accounting policies as
those adopted in the annual accounts for the year ended 30th September 2004.

The non-statutory accounts for the year to 30th September 2004 are an extract
from the latest published accounts of the Company which have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors' opinion on those accounts was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.

The Interim Report will be sent to shareholders and made available to the public
at the Registered Office of the Company, 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AD.

Principal bases and assumptions used in projecting the final net asset value.

The final net asset values for the 2006 Pool and the 2009 Pool have been
calculated as at 30th September 2006 and 31st December 2009 respectively, on the
basis that:

1) All policies are held to maturity and no death claims or demutualisation
benefits are received and no further purchases or disposals of policies are

2) The latest reversionary and terminal bonus rates declared at 31st March 2005
continue to apply until maturity or are reduced immediately by 20%, 50% or 100%.

3) The estimated mid-market gross redemption yields, as at 31st March 2005, for
policies of differing remaining terms, are assumed to remain unchanged.

4) Annual expenses are assumed to be in line with recent experience, and future
annual inflation is assumed to be 3%.  Interest rates payable and receivable by
the Company over the Company's remaining life are assumed to be consistent with
the shape of the yield curve at 31st March 2005.

5) No further shares are issued or repurchased, nor are any dividends paid.

For further information, please contact

Simon White, RCM (UK) Limited

Tel:   020 7065 1539

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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