RNS Number : 3809O 
Airsprung Furniture Group PLC 
29 June 2010 
                              AIRSPRUNG GROUP PLC 
              Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2010 
                      Financial and operational highlights 
Airsprung Group PLC is a leading UK manufacturer of beds, mattresses and sofa 
beds, under the Airsprung, Gainsborough, Hush and Hush-a-Bye brands.  In 
addition, the Group operates the Cavendish Upholstery, Airofreem foam component 
and Arena graphic design businesses.  The Group supplies catalogue and internet 
retailers, multiple and independent retailers, and contract customers. 
-     Group sales GBP46.5 million, up 9% on prior year 
-     Profit before tax GBP978k, favourable swing of GBP1.4 million 
-     Dividend of 0.6p recommended, 20% up on prior year 
-     Cost reductions and operational efficiencies achieved 
-     Sales up 50% at Cavendish Upholstery 
-     Cash balance GBP2.4 million at year end 
Stuart Lyons, Chairman, said: 
"Airsprung Group is well positioned in the marketplace but vigorous steps will 
continue to be necessary to secure a satisfactory platform for future progress. 
Our management teams are continuing to look for operational and buying 
efficiencies, and to develop strategic and market opportunities." 
For further information please contact: 
Tony Lisanti, Chief Executive                                   01225 779114 
Tean Dallaway, Finance Director                            01225 779145 
Marc Young (Corporate Finance)                           0207 600 1658 
Simon Starr (Corporate Broking)                           0207 600 1658 
                              AIRSPRUNG GROUP PLC 
              Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2010 
                              Chairman's Statement 
Results and dividend 
Airsprung Group sales for the year rose to GBP46.5 million, a 9% increase on the 
prior year.  Profit on ordinary activities before tax was GBP978,000, a strong 
recovery after last year's loss of GBP417,000 and representing a favourable 
swing of GBP1.4 million.  The cash position remained positive with a balance of 
GBP2.4 million at the year end. 
The directors are pleased to recommend an increased dividend of 0.6p (0.5p) per 
ordinary share, which will be payable on 13 October 2010 to shareholders on the 
register at 24 September 2010. 
Unfavourable movements in AA rated corporate bond yields resulted in an 
increased pension deficit of GBP3.7 million at the year end. The directors 
recognise that such changes are an inevitable consequence of volatile financial 
Sector performance 
The board considers that the Group operates in two business sectors, beds and 
other activities, and this year's accounts show the performance of each sector. 
In the beds sector, the Group operates in several product markets.  Airsprung 
Beds mainly supplies major catalogue, multiple and internet retailers with 
price-competitive ranges of beds and mattresses.  Gainsborough has developed a 
significant sofa bed business in the department store and independent retailer 
markets, in addition to its range of deluxe pocket-sprung beds.  Hush and the 
recent Hush-a-Bye acquisition are building a position in the mid-price range, 
mainly with independent and family-owned businesses. 
In the year under review, the Group's bed businesses, all based on freehold 
sites in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, generated revenues of GBP38.0 million and 
profits before tax of GBP1.5 million.  Airsprung Beds was the major driver of 
this improvement.  Sales at Airsprung Beds were little changed from the previous 
year in a challenging marketplace, but it achieved significant reductions in 
direct and indirect costs, while maintaining its cost ratios on raw materials. 
The Gainsborough and Hush businesses achieved increased sales in a difficult 
market, but at lower gross margins. 
Other activities 
The Group has three business activities outside the bed sector.  These are 
Cavendish Upholstery, Airofreem and Arena. 
 Cavendish Upholstery manufactures and distributes upholstered furniture from a 
freehold site in Chorley in Lancashire.  Cavendish has had a difficult three 
years, as several of its traditional customers have ceased trading, and the 
business has therefore lacked critical mass.  Consequently, the management made 
a decision to change the business model in two respects.  First, it decided to 
supply a major multiple retail group and, second, it entered into two low-cost 
partnerships to increase its breadth of offering for its traditional customers. 
The result has been substantial sales growth, with increased revenues of well 
over 50%, and a 70% reduction in losses over the previous year. 
Airofreem supplies internal and external customers with cut foam components. 
Despite rising costs for petrochemically derived materials, it increased its net 
margins during the year as a result of greater operational efficiencies. 
The Group's graphic design business Arena also serves external as well as 
internal customers. Arena had a good year and is developing increasing strength 
in web design.  I would like to congratulate its staff on being the 2009 awards 
winner in Interiors Monthly for the Best Furniture Website, a project carried 
out for Airsprung Beds. 
Sales for these three businesses, which are recorded under Other activities, 
rose to GBP8.4 million, yielding profits before tax of GBP0.4 million. 
Central charges 
Certain Airsprung Group costs, including holding company and pension charges, 
are not debited to the Group's trading businesses, but are accounted for 
centrally.  In the year under review, the net central charges were GBP0.9 
I wish to thank the employees and management of all the Group's businesses for 
their continued efforts and loyalty, which have contributed to these results, 
and not least our CEO Tony Lisanti and our finance director Tean Dallaway.  I am 
also grateful to my non-executive colleagues John Newman and Stephen Yates for 
their constructive advice and support in our board and committee meetings. 
The directors believe that the future for companies such as the Airsprung Group 
will be enhanced if they develop critical mass with the potential for increased 
efficiencies and market penetration.  Expansion can be achieved either by 
acquisition or partnership arrangements, witness the smaller initiatives made by 
Cavendish last year, or by licensing programmes, as in the USA, or by merger. 
During the year, the Group has held exploratory discussions with various parties 
with such development in mind.  We hope to be able to report further progress on 
these fronts during the second half year. 
During the early part of calendar year 2010, many of our customers experienced a 
slowdown in trading activity.  Sales in the normally buoyant January period were 
adversely affected by extensive snow throughout the UK.  Many retailers were 
left with high end-of-season stocks and were unable to re-order at the normal 
levels for Spring business.  Economic uncertainty prior to the general election 
campaign further dampened consumer enthusiasm. 
The result of these factors has been that trading in the first quarter of the 
Group's current financial year commencing 1 April 2010 has been weaker than 
expected.  Revenues for the first two months are down on last year and it is 
likely that profits for the first six months will fall modestly below the level 
of 2009.  With regard to the second half year, the new Chancellor's budget 
statement has now been delivered, but its impacts on consumer spending are not 
yet clear.  Although VAT is set to rise, it will remain at 17.5% for the first 
three-quarters of the current financial year, giving retailers and suppliers 
time to adjust and plan.  Nevertheless, the directors recognise that economic 
conditions may be challenging for some time. 
The board believes the Airsprung Group is well positioned in the marketplace but 
that vigorous steps will continue to be necessary to secure a satisfactory 
platform for future progress.  Our management teams are continuing to look for 
operational and buying efficiencies, and to develop the strategic and market 
opportunities for the Group and its products.  We are encouraged that, despite 
the difficult environment, we are continuing to secure new tranches of business 
and that our expansion plans generally are taking good shape. 
Stuart Lyons CBE 
29 June 2010 
Consolidated income statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2010 
|                                             | 12       | 12       | 
|                                             | months   | months   | 
|                                             | to       | to       | 
|                                             | 31.3.10  | 31.3.09  | 
|                                             | GBP000   | GBP000   | 
| Revenue                                     | 46,532   | 42,812   | 
| Cost of sales                               | (33,129) | (32,372) | 
| Gross profit                                | 13,403   | 10,440   | 
| Operating costs                             | (12,329) | (10,968) | 
| Operating profit/(loss) before financing    | 1,074    | (528)    | 
| Finance income                              | -        | 188      | 
| Finance costs                               | (96)     | (77)     | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax                    | 978      | (417)    | 
| Income tax                                  | (218)    | (90)     | 
| Profit/(loss) attributable to equity        | 760      | (507)    | 
| holders of the parent                       |          |          | 
| Basic earnings per share                    | 3.2p     | (2.1p)   | 
| Diluted earnings per share                  | 3.0p     | (2.1p)   | 
All the above figures relate to continuing operations. 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
for the year ended 31 March 2010 
|                                             | 2009/2010 | 2008/2009 | 
|                                             | GBP000    | GBP000    | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period                | 760       | (507)     | 
| Other comprehensive income:                 |           |           | 
| Actuarial (loss)/gain on defined            | (1,946)   | 362       | 
| benefit pension scheme                      |           |           | 
| Total comprehensive expense for the period  | (1,186)   | (145)     | 
| attributable to equity shareholders         |           |           | 
All the above figures relate to continuing operations 
Consolidated balance sheet 
at 31 March 2010 
|                                       | 31.03.10 | 31.03.09 | 01.04.08 | 
|                                       | GBP000   | GBP000   | GBP000   | 
| Intangible assets                     | 236      | -        | -        | 
| Property, plant and equipment         | 7,856    | 8,232    | 8,754    | 
| Deferred tax                          | 295      | 488      | 578      | 
| Total non-current assets              | 8,387    | 8,720    | 9,332    | 
| Inventories                           | 3,293    | 3,157    | 4,349    | 
| Trade and other receivables           | 7,776    | 6,736    | 7,723    | 
| Cash and cash equivalents             | 2,405    | 1,469    | 1,672    | 
| Total current assets                  | 13,474   | 11,362   | 13,744   | 
| Total assets                          | 21,861   | 20,082   | 23,076   | 
| Called up share capital               | 2,389    | 2,389    | 2,389    | 
| Share premium account                 | 2,348    | 2,348    | 2,348    | 
| Reserves                              | 3,065    | 3,065    | 2,399    | 
| Retained earnings                     | 2,195    | 3,501    | 4,301    | 
| Total equity                          | 9,997    | 11,303   | 11,437   | 
| Financial liabilities                 | 153      | 435      | 145      | 
| Pension scheme deficit                | 3,683    | 2,027    | 2,927    | 
| Total non-current liabilities         | 3,836    | 2,462    | 3,072    | 
| Trade and other payables              | 7,764    | 6,042    | 7,870    | 
| Financial liabilities                 | 264      | 275      | 42       | 
| Shares classed as financial           | -        | -        | 655      | 
| liabilities                           |          |          |          | 
| Total current liabilities             | 8,028    | 6,317    | 8,567    | 
| Total liabilities                     | 11,864   | 8,779    | 11,639   | 
| Total equity and liabilities          | 21,861   | 20,082   | 23,076   | 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2010 
|                                               | 2009/2010 | 2008/2009 | 
|                                               | GBP000    | GBP000    | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax                      | 978       | (417)     | 
| Adjustments for:                              |           |           | 
| Depreciation                                  | 583       | 634       | 
| Amortisation                                  | 34        | -         | 
| Interest expense/(income)                     | 96        | (111)     | 
| Contributions to defined benefit pension      | (366)     | (350)     | 
| scheme                                        |           |           | 
| Charge for share based payments               | -         | 11        | 
| Profit on sale of property, plant and         | (23)      | -         | 
| equipment                                     |           |           | 
| Operating cash flows before movements in      | 1,302     | (233)     | 
| working capital                               |           |           | 
| (Increase)/decrease in inventories            | (136)     | 1,192     | 
| (Increase)/decrease  in receivables           | (1,040)   | 987       | 
| Increase/(decrease)  in payables              | 1,510     | (1,813)   | 
| Cash generated from operations                | 1,636     | 133       | 
| Non-equity dividends and appropriations paid  | -         | (56)      | 
| Interest paid                                 | (20)      | (36)      | 
| Net cash from operating activities            | 1,616     | 41        | 
| Investing activities                          |           |           | 
| Acquisition                                   | (113)     | -         | 
| Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and   | 46        | -         | 
| equipment                                     |           |           | 
| Purchase of property, plant and equipment     | (200)     | (112)     | 
| Net cash outflow from investing activities    | (267)     | (112)     | 
| Financing activities                          |           |           | 
| Dividends paid                                | (120)     | -         | 
| Increase in borrowing                         | -         | 674       | 
| Redemption of Preference shares               | -         | (655)     | 
| Repayment of loan                             | (244)     | (112)     | 
| Payment of finance lease liabilities          | (49)      | (39)      | 
| Net cash outflow from financing activities    | (413)     | (132)     | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash      | 936       | (203)     | 
| equivalents                                   |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of     | 1,469     | 1,672     | 
| period                                        |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period    | 2,405     | 1,469     | 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
for the year ended 31 March 2010 
|               | Share   | Share   | Shares to be issued       | Capital    | Retained | Total   | 
|               | capital | premium | GBP000                    | redemption | earnings | equity  | 
|               | GBP000  | GBP000  |                           | reserve    | GBP000   | GBP000  | 
|               |         |         |                           | GBP000     |          |         | 
| Balance 1     | 2,389   | 2,348   | 54                        | 2,345      | 4,301    | 11,437  | 
| April 2008    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Redemption    | -       |         | -                         | 655        | (655)    | -       | 
| of            |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| preference    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| shares        |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Employee      | -       | -       | 11                        | -          | -        | 11      | 
| benefits      |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Transactions  | -       | -       | 11                        | 655        | (655)    | 11      | 
| with owners   |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Loss for      | -       | -       | -                         | -          | (507)    | (507)   | 
| the period    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Other         |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| comprehensive |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| income        |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Actuarial     | -       | -       | -                         | -          | 362      | 362     | 
| gain on       |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| defined       |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| benefit       |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| pension       |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| scheme        |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Total         | -       | -       | -                         | -          | (145)    | (145)   | 
| comprehensive |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| income for    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| the period    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Balance 31    | 2,389   | 2,348   | 65                        | 3,000      | 3,501    | 11,303  | 
| March 2009    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
|               |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Balance 1     | 2,389   | 2,348   | 65                        | 3,000      | 3,501    | 11,303  | 
| April 2009    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Dividends     | -       | -       | -                         | -          | (120)    | (120)   | 
| Employee      | -       | -       | -                         | -          | -        | -       | 
| benefits      |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Transactions  | -       | -       | -                         | -          | (120)    | (120)   | 
| with owners   |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Profit for    | -       | -       | -                         | -          | 760      | 760     | 
| the period    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Other         |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| comprehensive |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| income        |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Actuarial     | -       | -       | -                         | -          | (1,946)  | (1,946) | 
| loss on       |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| defined       |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| benefit       |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| pension       |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| scheme        |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Total         | -       | -       | -                         | -          | (1,186)  | (1,186) | 
| comprehensive |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| income for    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| the period    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
| Balance 31    | 2,389   | 2,348   | 65                        | 3,000      | 2,195    | 9,997   | 
| March 2010    |         |         |                           |            |          |         | 
Notes for the year ended 31 March 2010 
1      This summary of results does not constitute the statutory financial 
statements for the year ended 31 March 2010.  The financial statements have not 
yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, nor have the auditors yet 
reported on them.  The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2010 will 
be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the 
directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies.  The financial information for the year ended 31 March 
2009 has been extracted from the full report and statements which were prepared 
under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the 
European Union.  Those accounts were filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The 
auditors reported on those accounts;  their report was unqualified and did not 
contain a statement under s.237 (2) or (3) Companies Act 1985. 
2      Total continuing turnover includes turnover generated in the United 
Kingdom of GBP46.0 million (2009: GBP42.6 million) and export sales of GBP0.5 
million (2009: GBP0.2 million). 
3      The profit per ordinary share has been calculated on 23,889,000 ordinary 
shares (2009:  23,889,000) being the weighted average number of shares in issue 
during the period. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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