RNS Number:8824S
AMCO Corporation PLC
23 April 2008

Press Release                                                      23 April 2008

                              Amco Corporation plc

                             ("Amco" or "The Group")

                               Preliminary Results

Amco  Corporation plc (AIM: ARP) announces its preliminary  results for the year
ended 31st December 2007, including the disposal of certain non-core assets.

Financial highlights:

*    First full year to be  presented  under IFRS;  disposal of non-core  assets
     reported as a post balance  sheet event and results  reported as continuing
     and discontinued operations
*    Operating  profit  on  continuing  operations  up 5.4% at �4.8  million  on
     turnover of �69.8 million (2006: �65.4 million)
*    Profit  before  tax  before   non-recurring   items  in  line  with  market
     expectations at �7.5 million
*    Earnings per share 28.6 pence (2006: 28.0 pence)
*    Proposed  final  dividend of 7.5 pence per share that  increases  the total
     dividend for the year to 11.0 pence (2006: 13.0 pence on the back of record

Operational highlights:

*    Disposal of non-core  assets:  Amalgamated  Construction  Ltd and  property
     development activities
*    Market position and reputation of continuing operations strengthened during
*    Structural Steel division  reported record results and record forward order
     book of �40 million;  further  investment in plant and machinery as well as
     development of new products

Peter Hems, Executive Chairman, commented:

"I am very pleased with the progress the Group made in 2007.  Our strategic
decision to create a business that is capable of sustained organic growth led to
the disposal of non-core assets post year end. The continuing operations, and in
particular Structural Steel, have performed well and we are confident about the
future prospects of the Group."

                                    - Ends -

For further information:

Amco Corporation plc
Peter Hems, Executive Chairman                         Tel: +44 (0) 116 257 5170
Steve Fareham, Managing Director                            +44 (0) 1226 340666

Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking
Andrew Emmott, Corporate Finance                       Tel: +44 (0) 845 270 8610

Media enquiries:
Abchurch Communications
Ariane Comstive/ Jack Ballantyne                       Tel: +44 (0) 207 398 7705
ariane.comstive@abchurch-group.com                        www.abchurch-group.com


I am pleased to report on the full year  results  for Amco  Corporation  plc for
2007; a strong operating performance particularly from the core Structural Steel
business and a major  turning point in our strategy with the disposal of certain
non-core businesses announced on 14 April 2008.

The Group is now focussed on our award winning and industry  leading  Structural
Steel business,  Billington  Structures Ltd. We believe this business is capable
of  sustained  organic  growth,  and  with  the  disposal  proceeds  we have the
flexibility  to invest  where  appropriate  to  capitalise  on  further  organic
opportunities and to consider growth by acquisition.

In order to  support  that new focus the  company  intends to change its name to
Billington Holdings plc at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

Results overview

The 2007  figures  for the Group are the first full year to be  presented  under
International  Financial  Reporting Standards "IFRS", the rules of which require
us to reflect the  disposal of the non-core  businesses  as a  substantial  post
balance  sheet event and to report the results as  continuing  and  discontinued

Overall  profits before taxation  before  non-recurring  items were in line with
market expectations at �7.5m. This result is down from the outstanding result of
�8.8m profit before taxation achieved in 2006 which included substantial profits
from the Group's property development arm.

Continuing  operations  generated an operating  profit of �4.8m,  an increase of
5.4% over 2006, on a turnover of �69.8m (2006:  �65.4m).  It is pleasing to note
that the  majority  of this  increase  has come  from  improved  margins  in the
Structural  Steel  business.   Earnings  per  share  for  continuing  activities
increased from 28.0p to 28.6p.

Discontinued operations generated an operating profit of �0.8m after a provision
of �1.8m relating to a contract in Guinea (2006: �4.3m).  Earnings per share for
discontinued operations were 9.7p compared with 24.9p in 2006.

The disposal of non-core assets gave rise to an �8.6m  non-recurring item from a
write down of the assets to fair value.  This brings the loss for the year after
taxation  to �4.2m and the loss per  share to 36.0p  (2006:  earnings  per share

Overall  Group  operating  cash flow was  �7.5m for the year and the  continuing
operations finished the year with �6.0m of cash and no borrowings.


I am pleased to announce a recommended  final dividend for 2007 of 7.5 pence per
share payable on 7 July 2008 to shareholders on record on 6 June 2008. This will
make the total  dividend paid and proposed in respect of 2007 11.0 pence,  which
is in line with broker  expectations.  This figure  compares with 13.0 pence per
share for 2006 on the back of record profits.

Pension Schemes

The net deficits on the Group's final salary pension schemes reduced by �4.6m to
�4.0m at 31 December 2007. The continuing Group has retained  responsibility for
the Dosco scheme and in line with the new  requirements  of the Pensions Act has
been in discussion  with the Trustees in terms of agreement of a recovery  plan.
Provisional  agreement has been reached with the Trustees on the terms of such a
plan  and as  part of  those  arrangements  it is  intended  to make  additional
contributions of around �0.8m during 2008.

The Disposal

As we set out in the  announcement  on 14  April  2008,  the  rationale  for the
transaction has been to enable the Group to have focus and to develop a strategy
around the core activity of its Structural Steel business.

In arriving at that  rationale it was necessary to assess which of the principal
activities  carried on by the Group was the most  appropriate  to form the basis
from which to develop a future focus and strategy for the Group.

Amalgamated Construction Ltd has suffered substantial losses from contracting in
the past as it looked to move away from its traditional coal mining  background.
Although it has substantially moved away from those activities that gave rise to
the loss making contracts and has sought to change the nature of its activities,
the profits  generated  from the new work have not yet generated an  appropriate
contribution  to  Group  profits.  The  company  also has an  overseas  drilling
operation based in Guinea, which although profitable is reliant for the majority
of its work on one customer.  It was concluded that this was not the business on
which to develop a future group strategy.

The property development  activities have from time to time produced substantial
contributions  to profits.  However the level of activity is not  sufficient  to
generate a regular flow of transactions to provide a consistent  contribution to
profit in each year. The property  development  activities are principally under
the  control  of one  person  and in order to  generate  an  increased  level of
activity this would require a substantial  increased  investment in terms of the
size of the team  and  also the  additional  working  capital  required  to fund
development  activities.  In the  light of all  these  factors  and the  current
difficulties  in the property market it was concluded that this also was not the
business on which to develop a future group strategy.

The  conclusion  regarding  the future  focus for the Group  coincided  with the
management  team  approaching  the Board about the  possibility  of a management
buyout of these businesses.  An Independent Committee of the Board was formed to
carry out  negotiations  with Endless LLP and the  management  team on behalf of
Newco.  This resulted in the agreement to dispose of the non core businesses for
a total  consideration  of �9.4 m, with �8 m paid on completion  and the balance
within twelve months. The value attributed to the exiting businesses was arrived
at following a process of  negotiation to agree the overall value of the package
based on the  profitability  of those  businesses  and  taking  into  account an
allowance towards the pension deficit on the Amco Pension Scheme.  The Scheme is
showing a small surplus on an FRS17 basis,  but shows a deficit of between �5.3m
and  �8.0m on a buy out  basis  depending  on the  assumptions  used.  The value
arrived at was less than the carrying value of the assets  attributable to those
businesses  resulting  in a one off write  off in the  accounts  of  �8.6m.  The
Independent  Committee of the Board  appointed  Grant  Thornton to advise on the
transaction.  The independent  directors,  having  consulted with Brewin Dolphin
Investment  Banking,  the  nominated  adviser,  consider  that the  terms of the
transaction are fair and reasonable insofar as the shareholders are concerned.

Board Changes

The disposal has given rise to some board changes.

David Jackson and Ian Swire,  previously Executive Director and Finance Director
of Amco  Corporation,  worked with Endless LLP on the disposal and have resigned
to take up new roles  with the new  owners.  Ian Swire  and David  Jackson  have
served as  directors  on the Group  Board since 1996 and 1999  respectively  and
during  that time have made a  substantial  contribution  to the  success of the
business.  On  behalf  of the  Board  I would  like  to  thank  them  for  their
contribution and to wish them success with their new venture.

Steve Fareham, managing director of Billington Structures Ltd and a board member
since October 2006, becomes Managing Director for the Group.

Peter Hart, finance director of Billington Structures Ltd, was appointed Finance
Director for the Group on completion of the disposal.

Likewise,  Mike Fewster,  operations director of Billington  Structures Ltd, was
appointed Operations Director for the Group.

Prospects for 2008

The new Board are confident about the future prospects of the Group.

Structural Steel has a record forward order book in excess of �40m. The workload
is spread  geographically  across the length and breadth of the UK mainland with
structural  steelwork  destined  for  projects  that  service a wide  variety of
building types and sectors. Current projects cover a wide spectrum of activities
including education, military infrastructure,  the arts, commercial premises and
industrial  buildings.  This coupled with a substantial blue chip customer base,
provides a strong trading pipeline for Structural Steel through 2008 and beyond.

The  recent  turmoil  in the  financial  markets  has led to a degree of general
nervousness in the construction sector,  particularly  affecting residential and
distribution  projects.  Neither  of these  building  types  feature  highly  in
Billington's  current  portfolio  and we continue to see strong  demand from the
various schools initiatives, power stations and general town centre regeneration

The  easi-edge  safety  solutions  business  has  already  developed a number of
interesting  products  and should see a steady  growth in their  activities  and
profitability in 2008.

We can expect a  consistent  level of demand for rental of barriers and sales of
the new trailarrest and coresafe products.

The current  buoyant  conditions in the world mining industry mean that Dosco is
experiencing a steady demand in its spares business and has orders and enquiries
for new and refurbished machines going through into 2009.

Management and workforce

I should like to express my thanks to all the  directors and employees for their
efforts and assistance in the last twelve months. I look forward to working with
the continuing  team to achieve future success and wish those departing with the
exiting business every success for the future.

Peter Hems
Executive Chairman
22 April 2008


The Group as a whole performed in line with expectations in 2007.  However,  the
disposal  completed since the year end has had a significant impact on the Group
and so we  concentrate  here on the  continuing  operations.  These comprise the
existing Structural Steel and Engineering businesses.

Discontinued operations includes businesses which have provided volatile results
which detract from the  consistency  and visibility of the earnings  stream from
the businesses we have retained.

Structural  Steel  comprises  Billington   Structures,   the  award-winning  and
nationally  recognised  steelwork contractor and the largest single component of
continuing operations;  easi-edge, a safety solutions provider, and Hollybank, a
manufacturer of steel arches for the mining industry.

Engineering  comprises Dosco, an internationally known designer and manufacturer
of underground tunnelling and roadheading machinery.

The  continuing  operations of Amco  Corporation  plc,  particularly  Structural
Steel,  further  strengthened  its  reputation  and position in the market place
during 2007.  It produced  its best ever  results in turnover and  profitability
terms, coupled with a record end of the year forward order book.

Client focus and service on projects both large and small remain at our core.

Structural Steel

Billington Structures

A selection of projects undertaken by the company, included:

*    Buildings at Warwick and Liverpool Universities;
*    Complex fabrications for Government Agencies;
*    Various Military buildings under the ongoing SLAM project;
*    Castle Hill Hospital Hull;
*    Retail,  leisure  and  residential  developments  at Bishop  Stortford  and
*    Wakefield Market Hall;
*    Sheffield's Digital Centre;
*    Major  refurbishment  projects in Finsbury Circus,  London and The Headrow,
*    Completion of 3 major structures at St Paul's Square, Liverpool,  including
     the first use of a bi-steel core fabricated by the steelwork contractor;
*    Mezzanine  floors for a variety of data  centres and also Rolls Royce Cars,
*    Various schools in and around Manchester as part of our ongoing  Manchester
     Schools partnership;
*    The National Blood Service, Bristol; and
*    Architectural extensions to the Trafford Centre, Manchester.

The new  Headquarters  building for  Billington was handed over and brought into
use during the year,  providing an industry  best working  environment.  Further
investments  in  plant  and  machinery  were  undertaken  particularly  with the
installation  of a new CNC  controlled  saw and drill  line in the Yate  factory
which is capable of scribing the positions of fittings.

In house  erections  teams  were  introduced,  and as a key part of our  ongoing
development,  the new post of Supply Chain Manager was created and  successfully
filled during the year.


Operating from our Tuxford, North Nottinghamshire base, as a trading division of

easi-edge  continues to expand its portfolio of safety solution  products to the
construction  industry.  These include  coresafe a new development in lift shaft
void protection.

Over 80km of the award winning  easi-edge  barriers are in daily use on projects
across the  length  and  breadth  of the  country,  many on major  high  profile
structures including:

*    The first ever Ikea inner city store in Coventry;
*    Newcastle upon Tyne's stylish new library;
*    Gresham Street, London;
*    Extensions to the Majedski Stadium, Reading;
*    Sheffield Heart of the city projects;
*    Various projects in Aberdeen and Inverness;
*    Burnley College;
*    Southampton Row, London;
*    Suffolk College; and
*    The Rose Bowl, Leeds Metropolitan University.

easi-edge  was a  founder  member of the EPF (Edge  Protection  Federation)  and
actively participated in the development of the new guidance booklet to BS13374.
It became the first edge protection  member of the BCSA (British  Constructional
Steelwork Association) to achieve Silver status in Sustainability.

Hollybank Engineering

As the  major  supplier  of  underground  steelwork  to the  UK  coal  industry,
Hollybank  enjoyed a buoyant second half as the world demand for coal increased.
Working in partnership  with UK Coal and Corus  alternative  steel arch sections
were  developed.   The  factory  buildings  at  Tuxford  were  rationalised  and
production processes improved.


Dosco Overseas Engineering

Further  success was enjoyed by Dosco in generating  yet more orders from China.
Further  reorganisation  and  streamlining  of the company took place during the
year with key posts in Engineering and Purchasing filled. A decision was made to
withdraw from the non core pipe conveyor market.

The  company  continues  to focus  its  activities  and  services  away from its
traditional core market,  which centered on the UK mining  industry,  and whilst
this  market  remains  important,  2007  saw in  excess  of 86% of the  turnover
generated  overseas.  During  2007  the  company  successfully  built  upon  the
achievements made in 2006 and sold equipment into China,  Russia and the USA. In
addition  spares sales were generated in twelve  different  countries as well as
the UK.

The company has further  consolidated its activities and will now concentrate on
its core  business of supplying  equipment for the  development  of roadways and
tunnels to customers around the world.  Significant  opportunities exist in 2008
where it is expected  that a further  four MK4  machines  will be supplied to an
existing  customer in China,  four LH1400 machines complete with drill rigs will
be sold to a new client in India and further sales will take place in Russia. In
addition there is an excellent  opportunity to introduce a new continuous  miner
and a new backhoe loader to a customer in the USA.

The company had a  disappointing  result in 2007,  as explained in the Financial
Review, but we believe that the operational difficulties that gave rise to those
results will not be repeated and that  continuing to focus on key export markets
and core products provides a solid base for the company's  continued  structured
and sustainable growth in worldwide markets.

Health, Safety and Environment

Health,  safety and the  environment  underpins all activities in the Group.  We
participated  in the formation of an industry led  sustainability  group and the
inaugural  meeting was held in our  Wombwell  office.  During the period  health
surveillance  schemes,  for all, were introduced and all employees were actively
encouraged  to become  involved  in various  aspects  of health,  safety and the
environment. This included participating in the filming of and assistance in the
financing of a BCSA (British Constructional  Steelwork Association) DVD entitled
'Protecting  our People'.  The  recruitment  of an additional  Health and Safety
Manager,  based at our  Bristol  plant,  further  demonstrated  our  commitment.
Various audits were  successfully  completed,  of our management  systems to ISO
9000, 14000 and 18001 during the period. We were particularly  pleased to be one
of the  first,  of Bovis  preferred  suppliers,  to be  successfully  accredited
through the Achilles process.

Training and Development

Billington successfully  maintained the internationally  recognised Investors in
People (IIP) accreditation. Graduate recruitment and development continues to be
a key driver in the Group's HR development programme. Acknowledging the industry
wide  problem  of  recruitment  and  development  at  all  levels,  we  actively
participated in the formation of a BCSA fronted HR group and inaugural  meetings
were held at our Wombwell office.  Our links to the  professional  institutions,
particularly   the   Institution  of  Structural   Engineers,   BCSA  and  local
Universities  remain  extremely  active  at  all  levels  in  the  organisation.
Communication  on all aspects of our business to all  employees is paramount and
three 'Team Briefs' were given at all sites.


2007 will be  remembered as a significant  milestone in the  development  of the
AMCO group,  with changes at Board level and a greater empathy from the now more
focussed  organisation.  Going  forward  I  now  believe  the  Group  is  better
positioned than ever to enjoy sustainable growth.

Steve Fareham
Managing Director
22 April 2008


International Financial Reporting Standards "IFRS"

These are the first full year  accounts of the Group to be prepared  under IFRS.
The change has no impact on the  overall  profit for the year,  but does have an
impact in terms of Balance Sheet  disclosures of Investments,  Deferred Taxation
and Revaluation Reserve. Full details of the impact of those changes are set out
in Note 26 to the Financial Statements. IFRS require that where there has been a
substantial  transaction post year end the Group Financial  Statements should be
drawn up on the basis of showing  separately  the  figures  for  continuing  and
discontinued activities. The disposal referred to in Note 3 is deemed to be such
a transaction and this is the basis on which the Group Financial Statements have
been prepared.

Continuing and Discontinued Operations

The  continuing  operations  reflect the new group  structure and consist of the
Structural   Steel  business  of  Billington   Structures  and  Hollybank,   the
Engineering  business  consisting  of Dosco and Group  activities,  which  cover
central costs offset by management charges and internal group rentals.

The  discontinued  operations  reflect  the results  relating  to the  companies
exiting the group  being  Amalgamated  Construction,  the  Property  Development
businesses,  Amco  Plastics  and that  part of the  Group  costs  which are also

Results for year

The profit for the year before taxation from  continuing  operations is reported
as �4.8m (2006: �4.6m) and after taxation as �3.31m (2006:  �3.27m).  The profit
for the year before  taxation  from  discontinued  operations  was �0.9m  (2006:
�4.2m) and after taxation �1.1m (2006: �2.9m).

The result for the year was expected to be a profit  before tax of between �7.0m
and �8.0m depending on whether or not the sales of apartments on the first phase
of the  Summerfield  Street  property  development  completed  in the year.  The
achieved  overall  profit  before  taxation  was �5.7m,  which is after making a
provision of �1.8m in connection with an overseas drilling contract. Thus before
having made that  provision  the results were in line with  expectations  on the
basis that virtually all the  Summerfield  Street sales did not complete  before
the year end.  The  profits  from  discontinued  activities  in 2006  included a
substantial contribution from property development activities.

The  assets  that are being  disposed  of as part of the  transaction  have been
written down by �8.6m to the value realised. This is a one off transaction,  but
in terms of  presentation  the write down is  charged  against  the profit  from
operations  resulting  in a loss  for  the  year  of  �4.2m.  The  statement  of
recognised income and expense shows a credit from actuarial gains in relation to
the pension schemes (net of taxation)  amounting to �3.4m such that after taking
into  account the loss for the year there is a net  reduction  in the income and
expense for the period attributable to shareholders of �0.8m.

Continuing Operations

Structural Steel

The turnover  showed a slight increase over the previous year at �58.2m compared
with �57.1m,  but the profit before tax increased from �4.2m to �4.6m, which was
in line with expectations and represented the company's best ever performance.

The company's safety products  division enjoyed a year of  consolidation.  Sales
grew by 12%,  but  profit  was  lower as demand  was  affected  by strong  price
competition,  particularly earlier in the year. However,  good progress was made
in strengthening the team and in developing  products.  Trailarrest,  the system
for protecting workers loading and unloading trailers, proved attractive and the
company is hopeful that its new development,  coresafe,  which guards lift-shaft
voids, will also meet an unsatisfied need in the market.

Investment  expenditure was down on the record level of the previous year. There
were no major items of plant purchased and expenditure on new easi-edge barriers
was also lower. The company starts 2008 with its best-ever order book.


Dosco is principally  engaged in the manufacture and sale of mining,  tunnelling
and material handling equipment.  2007 again saw a significant increase in sales
with  turnover  being some 42% higher  than that  achieved  in 2006 at �12.0m as
against  �9.2m.  However  disappointingly  this  was not  reflected  in terms of
profit,  which  showed a reduction  from �0.3m to �0.1m.  The  company  suffered
adversely  due  to  the  performance  of  Sterling  against  the  Dollar  and  a
particularly  problematic pipe conveyor  project.  The company normally looks to
protect  against  currency  exchange  risks,  but due to the  volatility  of the
exchange markets during this period there was an exposure which was not covered.
In order to avoid  such  future  risks  the  company  has  moved to a policy  of
contracting  in  sterling  wherever  possible.  The  loss on the  pipe  conveyor
contract was such that the company has decided not to take on any new  contracts
for this type of work.

Discontinued Activities

Amalgamated Construction

The profit before  taxation was in line with budget before taking into account a
loss  provision of �1.8m (�1.2m  after tax)  resulting in an overall  break even
position for the company.  The  provision is in respect of overseas  withholding
tax that  should  have been  deducted  by a customer  in  relation to a drilling
contract.  The claim by the customer has been  strenuously  resisted,  but after
commercial  negotiation a new schedule of rates and an extension to the contract
term has been agreed in return for which Amalgamated  Construction has agreed to
accept responsibility for the overpayment and to repay this to the customer over
the revised term of the contract.

Property Development

The profit before  taxation  generated from property  development and investment
activities in 2006 amounted to �3.4m.  The achieved  result for the current year
amounted to �0.4m,  which was considered to be a satisfactory  result in all the
circumstances.  The 2006  results  included the  completion  of the 68 apartment
residential development in Arundel Street,  Sheffield.  There remain a number of
those  apartments  still to be sold, sales of which during 2007 were much slower
than anticipated.  The first phase, involving 50 residential apartments,  of the
larger mixed use development at Summerfield  Street,  Sheffield was completed in
December  2007,  but  completion of the sales did not take place until after the
year end.


The tax  charge  of �1.5m in the year on  continuing  operations  equates  to an
effective corporation tax rate of 30% on the Group's profits.

Profit and dividends per share

Earnings per share from continuing activities were 28.6 pence per share in 2007,
as against 28.0 pence per share in 2006. During the year a final dividend of 6.0
pence was paid in respect of the 2006  results and an interim of dividend of 3.5
pence per share was paid in respect of the 2007 results. A final dividend of 7.5
pence per share is proposed in respect of the 2007 results which would bring the
total  dividend in respect of 2007 to 11.0  pence.  This  compares  with a total
dividend  of 13.0  pence  per  share  for  2006 on the  back of  record  profits
including a substantial contribution from property development.

Cash flow

The continuing operations had no borrowings at the balance sheet date, but had
cash balances of �6.0 m.

Cash and cash equivalent balances for the Group, including the disposed
companies, grew by �7.4m in the year.  Depreciation charges exceeded capital
expenditure by �2.2m and the growth in creditors was �1.5m greater than that of
stock, work-in-progress and debtors.  The additional funds of �8.4m (�9.4m
consideration net of �1.0m professional fees) which will be generated from the
disposal mean that the company will be well placed to fund organic growth and
niche acquisitions from its own resources as and when opportunities arise.

Pension Schemes

The deficit on the Group's pension schemes, as calculated in accordance with FRS
17, reduced by �4.6m (after allowing for deferred tax) to �4.0m at the year-end.
This deficit is entirely  attributable  to the Dosco scheme,  which remains with
the continuing operations.  The deficit before deferred tax reduced by �6.7m, of
which  �1.4m was due to  additional  contributions  by  Group,  �4.0m was due to
changes in actuarial  assumptions in calculating  scheme  liabilities  and �1.3m
from gains on scheme  liabilities.  A valuation of the  liabilities of the Dosco
Scheme  was due at 30  April  2007  and in line  with  the  requirements  of the
Pensions Act there have been discussions with the Trustees in terms of agreement
of a recovery plan.  Provisional agreement has been reached with the Trustees on
the terms of such a plan and as part of those  arrangements  it is  intended  to
make additional contributions of around �0.8m to that Scheme during 2008.

Peter Hart
Finance Director
22 April 2008

Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31st December 2007

                                                                            2007                            2006
                                                           �'000           �'000           �'000           �'000

Continuing operations

Revenue                                                                   69,831                          65,436
Increase in work in progress                                                 317                           1,105
                                                                          70,148                          66,541

Raw materials and consumables                             46,649                          44,966
Other external charges                                     1,125                           1,115
Staff costs                                               13,415                          12,366
Depreciation                                               1,495                           1,274
Other operating charges                                    2,621                           2,224
                                                                        (65,305)                        (61,945)
Total operating profit                                                     4,843                           4,596

Finance cost                                                                (39)                             (5)
Finance income                                                                 6                              58
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                              4,810                           4,649

Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                     (1,496)                         (1,375)
Profit for the year from continuing operations                             3,314                           3,274

Discontinued operations

Profit for the year from discontinued operations                           1,130                           2,912

Loss on measurement to fair value less costs to                          (8,624)                               -
sell of discontinued operations

(Loss)/profit for the year attributable to                               (4,180)                           6,186
equity holders of the parent company

Earnings per share (basic and diluted) from                                28.6p                           28.0p
continuing operations

Earnings per share (basic and diluted) from                                 9.7p                           24.9p
discontinued operations

(Loss)/earnings per share (basic and diluted)                            (36.0)p                           53.0p
from continuing and discontinued operations

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense for the year ended 31st
December 2007

                                                                            2007                            2006
                                                                           �'000                           �'000

Actuarial gain recognised in the pension schemes                           5,043                           4,291

Movement on deferred tax relating to pension                             (2,114)                         (1,734)
Current tax relating to pension liability                                    489                             447
Net income recognised directly in equity                                   3,418                           3,004

(Loss)/profit for the year                                               (4,180)                           6,186
Total recognised income and expense in the year                            (762)                           9,190
attributable to equity holders of the parent

Consolidated balance sheet at 31st December 2007

                                                                           2007                            2006
                                                         �'000            �'000           �'000           �'000


Non current assets
      Property, plant and equipment                                      10,920                          18,735
      Investments in joint ventures                                           -                           1,250
      Deferred tax assets                                                 1,748                           4,054
Total non current assets                                                 12,668                          24,039

Current assets
      Inventories and work in progress                   8,385                           21,591
      Amounts recoverable on contracts                       -                            8,230
      Trade and other receivables                        4,812                           13,385
      Cash and cash equivalents                          6,038                            3,427
Total current assets                                                     19,235                          46,633
Assets included in disposal group classified                             57,224                               -
as held for sale
Total assets                                                             89,127                          70,672


Current liabilities
      Short term borrowings                                  -                            1,477
      Current portion of long term borrowings                -                            3,623
      Trade and other payables                          19,252                           32,513
      Current tax payable                                  691                              633
Total current liabilities                                                19,943                          38,246
Liabilities included in disposal group                                   48,824                               -
classified as held for sale

Non current liabilities
      Long term borrowings                                   -                            3,089
      Pension liabilities                                5,603                           12,275
Total non current liabilities                                             5,603                          15,364
Total liabilities                                                        74,370                          53,610
Net assets                                                               14,757                          17,062

      Called up share capital                                             1,293                           1,293
      Share premium                                                       1,864                           1,864
      Capital redemption reserve                                            132                             132
      Other reserve                                                     (1,310)                           (869)
      Accumulated profits                                                12,778                          14,642
Shareholders' funds                                                      14,757                          17,062

Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31st December 2007

                                                                          2007                             2006
                                                                         �'000                            �'000

Cash flows from operating activities
      Group (loss)/profit after tax                                    (4,180)                            6,186
Adjustments for:
      Profits from joint ventures                                          (5)                          (2,039)
      Depreciation on property, plant and                                3,432                            2,905
      Difference between pension charge and cash                       (1,490)                          (1,467)
      Profit on sale of property, plant and                              (122)                            (470)
      Taxation expense recognised in income                              1,263                            2,689
      Taxation paid                                                    (1,475)                          (1,552)
      Finance income                                                      (55)                             (25)
      Increase in inventories and work in                              (5,505)                         (10,210)
      Increase in trade and other receivables                          (2,070)                          (5,573)
      Increase in trade and other payables                               9,090                            6,016
      Loss on measurement to fair value of                               8,624                                -
      disposal group
Net cash flow from operating activities                                  7,507                          (3,540)

Cash flows from investing activities
      Distributions from joint ventures                                    192                            2,450
      Net cash flow from returns on investments                           (84)                                1
      and servicing of finance
      Purchase of property, plant and equipment                        (1,249)                          (4,981)
      Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                            438                              805
      Net cash inflow from disposal of                                       -                              372
Net cash flow from investing activities                                  (703)                          (1,353)

Cash flows from financing activities
      Equity dividends paid                                            (1,102)                          (2,100)
      Proceeds of bank and other loans                                   7,153                            6,357
      Repayment of bank and other loans                                (3,187)                          (3,310)
      Capital element of hire purchase payments                        (1,786)                          (1,771)
      Employee Share Ownership Plan share                                (458)                            (104)
      Employee Share Ownership Plan share sales                             17                               33
Net cash flow from financing activities                                    637                            (895)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash                                 7,441                          (5,788)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                         1,950                            7,738
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                               9,391                            1,950
Cash and cash equivalents                                                6,038                            3,427
Bank overdraft                                                               -                          (1,477)
Cash and cash equivalents of continuing Group                            6,038                            1,950
Included within the disposal group                                       3,353
Total cash and cash equivalents                                          9,391


1.   Basis of preparation

     With effect from 1st January  2007,  the company is required to present its
     consolidated   financial   statements  in  accordance  with   International
     Financial  Reporting  Standards  (IFRS) as adopted by the  European  Union.
     Accordingly, the financial information in this preliminary announcement has
     been prepared in accordance with accounting policies which are based on the
     IFRS in issue and in effect at 31st December 2007.

     Comparatives have been restated in compliance with the principles of IFRS.

     The  details of the impact of the  transition  from UK GAAP to IFRS are set
     out in Note 26 to the Group financial statements which is appended hereto.

2.   Accounts

     The summary accounts set out above do not constitute  statutory accounts as
     defined  by  Section  240 of the UK  Companies  Act  1985.  The  summarised
     consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2007, the summarised consolidated
     income statement,  the summarised  consolidated cash flow statement and the
     summarised  statement  of  recognised  income and expense for the year then
     ended  have  been  extracted  from the  Group's  2007  statutory  financial
     statements upon which the auditors'  opinion is unqualified.  The statutory
     financial  statements  for the year ended 31 December 2007 were approved by
     the  directors  on 22 April 2008,  but have not yet been  delivered  to the
     Registrar of Companies.

3.   Earnings per share

     Earnings per ordinary share have been calculated on the basis of the result
     for the year after tax,  divided by the weighted average number of ordinary
     shares in issue in the year  (excluding  those  held in the ESOP  Trust) of
     11,598,808 (2006 - 11,674,408).

     Reconciliation of profit before taxation and non-recurring item
     Profit before taxation - continuing operations                                        4,810
     Profit before taxation - discontinued operations                                        897
     Non recurring item - discontinued operations                                          1,800

4.   Report and accounts and AGM

     The Annual  Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st  December 2007 will
     be posted to  shareholders  by the end of May and will be  available on the
     company's website: www.amco-corporation.co.uk.

     The  Annual  General  Meeting  will  be  held  on 24  June  2008 at 11am at
     Billington  Structures Ltd,  Barnsley Road,  Wombwell,  South Yorkshire S73

5.   Segmental information

     The continuing  operations of Amco Corporation Plc operate in two segments:
     - Structural Steel and  Engineering.  The Structural Steel segment includes
     the  activities of  Billington  Structures  Ltd and  Hollybank  Engineering
     Company Ltd. The operations of Dosco Overseas  Engineering Ltd are included
     within the Engineering  segment. The Group activities comprise services and
     assets provided to Group companies and a small element of external property
     rentals and management  charges.  All assets of the continuing Group reside
     in the UK.

                                             Structural                              Continuing   Discontinued
                                                  Steel   Engineering        Group   Activities     Activities          
                                                  �'000         �'000        �'000        �'000          �'000

Year ended 31st December 2007

External sales                                   58,270        11,781           97       70,148         81,370

Segmental result
Operating profit                                  4,593           131          119        4,843            803
Share of results of joint ventures                                                            -              5
Net finance income/(cost)                                                     (33)         (33)             89
Profit before taxation                            4,593           131           86        4,810            897
Taxation                                                                                (1,496)            233
Profit for the year before fair value                                                     3,314          1,130

Assets and liabilities
Segment assets                                   12,312         3,923        8,581       24,816         42,557
Unallocated assets                                                                        7,087         13,604
Investment in joint venture                                                                   -          1,063
Total assets                                     12,312         3,923        8,581       31,903         57,224
Segment liabilities                            (14,379)       (1,068)      (1,275)     (16,722)       (23,405)
Unallocated liabilities                                                                 (8,824)       (25,419)
Total liabilities                              (14,379)       (1,068)      (1,275)     (25,546)       (48,824)
Net assets                                      (2,067)         2,855        7,306        6,357          8,400

Other information
Capital expenditure                                 863             8            7          878          2,013
Depreciation                                      1,398            64           33        1,495          1,937

                                             Structural                             Continuing     Discontinued
                                                  Steel   Engineering       Group   Activities       Activities         
                                                  �'000         �'000       �'000        �'000            �'000

Year ended 31st December 2006

External sales                                   57,188         9,186         167       66,541           70,753

Segmental result
Operating profit                                  4,178           347          71        4,596            2,215
Share of results of joint ventures                                                           -            2,039
Net finance income/(cost)                                                      53           53             (28)
Profit before taxation                            4,178           347         124        4,649            4,226
Taxation                                                                               (1,375)          (1,314)
Profit for the year before fair value                                                    3,274            2,912

Assets and liabilities
Segment assets                                   13,203         4,438       8,280       25,921           34,737
Unallocated assets                                                                       (384)            9,148
Investment in joint venture                                                                  -            1,250
Total assets                                     13,203         4,438       8,280       25,537           45,135
Segment liabilities                            (11,617)       (1,632)     (1,310)     (14,559)         (18,646)
Unallocated liabilities                                                                (5,598)         (14,807)
Total liabilities                              (11,617)       (1,632)     (1,310)     (20,157)         (33,453)
Net assets                                        1,586         2,806       6,970        5,380           11,682

Other information
Capital expenditure                               2,500           177          13        2,690            4,171
Depreciation                                      1,164           123          33        1,320            1,585

6.   Discontinued activities

     On 11 April 2008 the non core businesses  were sold to a NEWCO,  Amco Group
     Ltd.  Amco Group Ltd is owned by Endless LLP, a venture  capital  business,
     and members of a management team lead by Messrs Swire and Jackson.  The non
     core businesses consist of Amalgamated  Construction Ltd, Amco Developments
     Ltd, Amco Plastics Ltd and associated  subsidiaries  together with a number
     of dormant companies.  The 'held for sale' date is deemed to be 31 December
     2007. The continuing operations consist of Billington Structures Ltd, Dosco
     Overseas Engineering Ltd and Hollybank Engineering Ltd.

     As at 31st  December  2007 these  operations  are reported as  discontinued
     activities. The discontinued activities results were as follows:

                                                                            2007                            2006
                                                           �'000           �'000           �'000           �'000

Revenue                                                                   76,917                          62,462
Increase in work in progress                                               4,453                           8,291
                                                                          81,370                          70,753

Raw materials and consumables                              7,357                           5,832
Other external charges                                    43,183                          36,357
Staff costs                                               27,216                          23,932
Depreciation                                               1,937                           1,631
Other operating charges                                      874                             786
                                                                        (80,567)                        (68,538)
Group operating profit                                                       803                           2,215
Share of post tax profit in joint ventures                                     5                           2,039
Total operating profit                                                       808                           4,254
Finance cost                                                                (50)                            (52)
Other finance income                                                         139                              24

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                897                           4,226
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                         223                         (1,314)
Profit for the year from discontinued operations                           1,130                           2,912

Cash flows from discontinued operations for the year ended 31st December 2007

Net cash flow from operating activities                     (1,372)
Net cash flow from investing activities                     (1,435)
Net cash flow from financing activities                       3,847
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                     1,040

In accordance with IAS 7 and IFRS 5 the cash flows above in respect of the
discontinued operations are included in the consolidated cash flow statement
under their respective headings.

Balance sheet of disposal group at 31st December 2007

                                                                  �'000           �'000
Property, plant and equipment                                                     6,958
Investment in joint ventures                                                      1,063
Deferred tax assets                                                                 901
Inventories and work in progress                                                 18,711
Amounts recoverable on contracts                                                 10,080
Trade and other receivables                                                      24,732
Current tax receivables                                                              50
Cash and cash equivalents                                                         3,353
Assets of disposal group                                                         65,848
Current portion of long term borrowings                         (8,124)
Trade and other payables                                       (38,291)
Long term borrowings                                            (2,409)
Liabilities of disposal group                                                  (48,824)
Net assets of disposal group                                                     17,024
Disposal proceeds (net of professional fees)                                    (8,400)
Loss on disposal allocated to disposal group assets                               8,624

Note 26 to the financial statements - Transition notes

These are the Group's first  consolidated  financial  statements  prepared under
IFRS. An explanation of how the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS has affected the
Group is set out below.  The IFRS accounting  policies of the Group are detailed
in the Group financial statements.

IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures

Previously  under FRS 9 Joint Ventures were accounted for under the gross equity
method.  Under IFRS these are reported under the equity method.  Under FRS 9 the
Group's share of the  turnover,  operating  profit  before tax,  finance cost or
income and taxation charge were reported  separately  within the profit and loss
account or notes thereto. Under IFRS Joint Ventures appear as a single line item
within the income statement, being the Group's share of the profit or loss after
tax.  Within the balance sheet the Group's  investment in joint  ventures is now
shown as a single line item  rather than the share of gross  assets and share of
gross liabilities which was previously shown under FRS 9. All joint ventures are
undertaken by the discontinued operations.

IAS 12 Income Taxes

Under IFRS,  deferred tax is to be provided on all revalued  assets  included in
the  balance  sheet.  Under UK GAAP  deferred  tax had not been  provided on the
property  revaluations.  As a result of the application of IFRS the gross amount
of the  property  revaluations  has been left  unchanged as the  application  of
indexation  allowance  means that no  capital  gains tax would be payable in the
event of a disposal of  properties.  In  addition  pension  liabilities  are now
stated  gross and the related  deferred tax asset  disclosed  within non current

Property Revaluation Reserve

The revalued amount for property has been accounted for as deemed cost under the
transition  to IFRS.  As a result the property  revaluation  reserve  previously
disclosed under UK GAAP is transferred to the profit and loss account reserve.

Explanation of material adjustments to the cash flow statement

Application  of IFRS has resulted in  reclassification  of certain  items in the
cash flow statement as follows:

Under UK GAAP, payments to acquire property, plant and equipment were classified
as part of 'Capital expenditure and financial investment'.  Under IFRS, payments
to  acquire  property,  plant  and  equipment  have been  classified  as part of
'Investing activities'.

Income  taxes are  classified  as  operating  cash flows  under  IFRS,  but were
included in a separate category of tax cash flows under previous GAAP.

Interest paid and interest  received are classified as cash flows from investing
activities  under IFRS,  but were  included in the 'Returns on  investments  and
servicing of finance' category in cash flows under UK GAAP.

Equity  dividends  paid are  classified as financing  cash flows under IFRS, but
were included in a separate category of dividend cash flows under previous GAAP.

There  are no  other  material  differences  between  the  cash  flow  statement
presented under IFRS and the cash flow statement presented under UK GAAP.

Discontinued operations

As  referred  to  in  note  6  above,  certain  of  the  Group's  companies  are
recategorised  as  discontinued  operations  as  at  31st  December  2007.  2006
comparatives  have  been  restated  to  reflect  the  trading  results  of these
operations which are now separately disclosed within the income statement.

In the  balance  sheet,  all assets  and  liabilities  held by the  discontinued
operations at 31st December 2007 are reclassified as held for sale and disclosed
separately within total assets and total liabilities.

Reconciliation of net income for the year ended 31st December 2007

                                                 �'000        �'000        �'000           �'000       �'000
                                               UK GAAP        Joint        Total    Discontinued        IFRS
                                                           Ventures   Operations      Operations As Restated

Total revenue (including share of revenue      135,730      (7,832)      127,898        (62,462)      65,436
in joint ventures
     (Decrease)/increase in work in              9,396            -        9,396         (8,291)       1,105
                                               145,126      (7,832)      137,294        (70,753)      66,541

     Less: share of revenue in joint           (7,832)        7,832            -               -           -
                                               137,294            -      137,294        (70,753)      66,541

Raw materials and consumables                   50,798            -       50,798         (5,832)      44,966
Other external charges                          37,472            -       37,472        (36,357)       1,115
Staff costs                                     36,298            -       36,298        (23,932)      12,366
Depreciation                                     2,905            -        2,905         (1,631)       1,274
Other operating charges                          3,010            -        3,010           (786)       2,224
                                               130,483            -      130,483        (68,538)      61,945

Group operating profit                           6,811            -        6,811         (2,215)       4,596
Share of operating (loss)/profit in joint        2,092         (53)        2,039         (2,039)           -
Total operating profit                           8,903         (53)        8,850         (4,254)       4,596
Finance income                                     210          (9)          201           (143)          58
Finance cost                                     (200)            -        (200)             195         (5)
Other finance income/(cost)                         24            -           24            (24)           -
Profit on ordinary activities before             8,937         (62)        8,875         (4,226)       4,649
Tax on profit on ordinary activities           (2,751)           62      (2,689)           1,314     (1,375)
Profit for the year from continuing              6,186            -        6,186         (2,912)       3,274

Discontinued operations
Profit for the year from discontinued                -            -            -           2,912       2,912

Profit for the year attributable to the          6,186            -        6,186               -       6,186
equity holders of the parent company

Reconciliation of equity as at 1st January 2006

                                            1st January                                           1st January
                                                   2006                                                  2006
                                                  �'000        �'000        �'000         �'000         �'000
                                                UK GAAP        Joint Deferred Tax   Revaluation          IFRS
                                                            Ventures                    Reserve

Non current assets
     Property, plant and equipment               15,136            -            -             -        15,136
     Investments in joint ventures:                   -        1,661            -             -         1,661
        share of gross assets                    12,595     (12,595)            -             -             -
        share of gross liabilities             (10,934)       10,934            -             -             -
     Investment held for resale                     350            -            -             -           350
     Deferred tax assets                          1,263            -        4,892             -         6,155
Total non current assets                         18,410            -        4,892             -        23,302

Current assets
     Inventories and work in progress            11,381            -            -             -        11,381
     Amounts recoverable on contracts               957            -            -             -           957
     Trade and other receivables                 15,085            -            -             -        15,085
     Cash and cash equivalents                    7,738            -            -             -         7,738
Total current assets                             35,161            -            -             -        35,161
Total assets                                    53,571-            -        4,892             -        58,463

Current liabilities
Short term borrowings                                 -            -            -             -             -
Current portion of long term borrowings           1,846            -            -             -         1,846
Trade and other payables                         26,497            -            -             -        26,497
Current tax payable                                 310            -            -             -           310
Total current liabilities                        28,653            -            -             -        28,653
Non current liabilities
Long term borrowings                              1,710            -            -             -         1,710
Deferred tax provision                              525            -        (525)             -             -
Pension liabilities                              12,640            -        5,417             -        18,057
Total non current liabilities                    14,875            -        4,892             -        19,767
Total liabilities                                43,528            -        4,892             -        48,420
Net assets                                       10,043            -            -             -        10,043

     Issued capital                               1,293            -            -             -         1,293
     Share premium                                1,864            -            -             -         1,864
     Capital redemption reserve                     132            -            -             -           132
     Property revaluation reserve                 3,284            -            -       (3,284)             -
     Other reserve                                (798)            -            -             -         (798)
     Accumulated profits                          4,268            -            -         3,284         7,552
Shareholders' funds                              10,043            -            -             -        10,043

Reconciliation of equity as at 31st December 2006

                                         31st December                                         31st December
                                                  2006                                                  2006
                                                 �'000        �'000        �'000        �'000          �'000
                                               UK GAAP        Joint Deferred Tax  Revaluation           IFRS
                                                           Ventures                   Reserve

Non current assets
     Property, plant and equipment              18,735            -            -            -         18,735
     Investments in joint ventures:                  -        1,250            -            -          1,250
       share of gross assets                     4,765      (4,765)            -            -              -
       share of gross liabilities              (3,515)        3,515            -            -              -
     Deferred tax assets                           942            -        3,112            -          4,054
Total non current assets                        20,927            -        3,112            -         24,039

Current assets
     Inventories and work in progress           21,591            -            -            -         21,591
     Amounts recoverable on contracts            8,230            -            -            -          8,230
     Trade and other receivables                13,385            -            -            -         13,385
     Cash and cash equivalents                   3,427            -            -            -          3,427
Total current assets                            46,633            -            -            -         46,633
Total assets                                    67,560            -        3,112            -         70,672

Current liabilities
Short term borrowings                            1,477            -            -            -          1,477
Current portion of long term borrowings          3,623            -            -            -          3,623
Trade and other payables                        32,513            -            -            -         32,513
Current tax payable                                633            -            -            -            633
Total current liabilities                       38,246            -            -            -         38,246
Non current liabilities
Long term borrowings                             3,089            -            -            -          3,089
Deferred tax provision                             571            -        (571)            -              -
Pension liabilities                              8,592            -        3,683            -         12,275
Total non current liabilities                   12,252            -        3,112            -         15,364
Total liabilities                               50,498            -        3,112            -         53,610
Net assets                                      17,062            -            -            -         17,062

     Issued capital                              1,293            -            -            -          1,293
     Share premium                               1,864            -            -            -          1,864
     Capital redemption reserve                    132            -            -            -            132
     Property revaluation reserve                3,284            -            -      (3,284)              -
     Other reserve                               (869)            -            -            -          (869)
     Accumulated profits                        11,358            -            -        3,284         14,642
Shareholders' funds                             17,062            -            -            -         17,062


                       This information is provided by RNS
             The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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