RNS Number : 8758O 
CBG Group Plc 
16 March 2009 

16 MARCH 2009 
(AIM: CB.) 
CBG Group plc ("CBG" or the "Group"), the Manchester based insurance broker and 
financial services specialist, is pleased to announce full year results for the 
year to 31 December 2008. 
  *  49.9% increase in revenue to GBP11,148,000 (2007: GBP7,436,000); 
  *  21.2% increase in adjusted * EBITDA to GBP2,602,000 (2007: GBP2,146,000); 
  *  17.5 % rise in adjusted * pre-tax profits to GBP2,246,000 (2007: GBP1,912,000); 
  *  7.2% increase in diluted adjusted * earnings per share to 11.00p (2007: 10.26p); 
  *  10.0% increase in final dividend proposed to 0.66p per share (2007: 0.6p); 
  *  Two Acquisitions, Barclay Brown and EDN were completed in the year and fully 
  *  Successfully raised GBP1.65m via oversubscribed placing at 120p; and 
  *  New head office with over 100 staff transferred to Southmoor House, Manchester 
  resulting in significant cost savings and increased cross selling opportunities. 
* Adjusted to add back exceptional operating expenses, amortisation, negative 
goodwill credited and share option charges. 
Laurie Turnbull, Chairman of CBG said: "We are pleased to announce another set 
of very impressive results, especially in the current economic climate. CBG has, 
for the past six years, demonstrated continual growth organically and through 
acquisition. Last year we successfully completed two acquisitions in the North 
West and we're continuing to look for further opportunities. 
"We have a solid business model of organic growth augmenting a selective 
acquisition program. This enables us to deliver a complete service to our 
clients including insurance broking, financial services and healthcare. Our 
management teams are dedicated to enhancing shareholder and customer value. 
Having invested in infrastructure and technology we are now in a solid position 
to take the business forward across the Group and delivered another year of 
excellent results. 
CBG Group plc 
            0161 920 0200 
Mike Askew, Group Managing Director 
            07720 400356 
Laurie Turnbull, Chairman  07768 641141 
Bishopsgate Communications Ltd 020 7562 3350 
Nick Rome 
Gemma O'Hara 
Zeus Capital 
                  0161 831 1512 
Alex Clarkson 
Bobby Fletcher 
I am pleased to report another year of improved performance as our robust 
business model matures and our strategy of build, invest and grow has delivered 
impressive results for the year. 
I am immensely proud of our staff who have again raised the bar, got on with 
their job and delivered an impressive result for the year despite the 
exceptional market conditions. We remain focused on improving our service and 
controlling our costs with efficient working conditions and technology 
improvements across our businesses. While our clients and competitors are 
finding business conditions difficult, we believe that our continued 
development, which is supplemental to our integration of acquisitions ensures 
that we continue to be at the forefront of delivering value to our shareholders 
and clients. 
The Group has delivered a 21.2% increase in adjusted * EBITDA to GBP2,602,000 
(2007: GBP2,146,000) and revenue is up with a 49.9% increase to GBP11,148,000 
(2007: GBP7,436,000). Shareholders are, with good reason, particularly 
interested in growth in earnings per share, and the increase in our diluted 
adjusted * earnings per share is an impressive 7.2% to 11.00p (2007: 10.26p). 
This is particularly impressive when taken into account with our increased 
shares in issue following the successful and oversubscribed share placing in 
November of 1,375,000 shares (raising GBP1,650,000 at GBP1.20 per share). 
Adjusted * pre-tax profits were again increased by double digits with a 17.5% 
increase to GBP2,246,000. 
During the year the group carried out a significant reorganisation incurring 
expenditure of GBP466,000 considered outside the normal course of business. 
Accounting treatments have meant that a further GBP675,000 (2007: GBP242,000) 
has been charged to the income and expenditure accounts for the amortisation of 
customer related intangible assets. Due to the exceptional nature of these costs 
we have concentrated our review on the adjusted earnings figures which give a 
better appreciation and presentation of the underlying business. 
|                                            |   2008    |   2007    |    %      | 
+                                            +-----------+-----------+-----------+ 
|                                            |                  GBP'000                   |  GBP'000  |  Growth   | 
| Revenue                                    |    11,148 |     7,436 |     49.9% | 
| Adjusted * EBITDA                          |     2,602 |     2,146 |     21.2% | 
| Adjusted * pre tax profit                  |     2,246 |     1,912 |     17.5% | 
| Adjusted * earnings per share - diluted    |     11.00 |     10.26 |      7.2% | 
| (pence)                                    |           |           |           | 
| Earnings per share - diluted (pence)       |      4.26 |      9.31 |    -54.2% | 
* Adjusted to add back exceptional operating expenses, amortisation, negative 
goodwill credited and share option charges. 
Board and staff 
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for their diligence 
and work ethic which has become synonymous with CBG and due to their dedication 
I am delighted to report our sixth consecutive year of impressive growth in our 
I would also like to record my thanks to all my fellow Board members and the 
Directors of our subsidiary companies, who have led from the front in 2008 and 
who, without exception, were dedicated to ensuring the success of our Group. I 
would like to record a special thanks to Martin Lewis who had until recently 
been a main Board Director and indeed one of the founders of the Group. Martin 
had a particularly difficult year in 2008 with a severe back condition that 
resulted in the need for an operation. This unfortunately has not proved to be 
as successful as had hoped and his debilitating condition continues. Under the 
circumstances he tendered his resignation from the Board and we hope that we 
will soon be able to see him return to the business. 
It is proposed to increase the final dividend by 10% to 0.66p per share (2007: 
0.6p) in respect of the year ended 31 December 2008, which, subject to 
shareholder approval, will be paid on 29 May 2009 to all shareholders on the 
register on 1 May 2009. 
Our dividend policy is to pay a nominal final dividend recognising the 
acquisitive nature of the Group and the need to retain most of the free cash 
within the business to grow and develop. We recognise the fact that the 
financial markets have been devastated by the virtual collapse of the banking 
system and in our view shareholders should have some return from the success of 
their Group. 
Our acquisition strategy of building a strong platform in the North West has 
resulted in us completing two selected acquisitions during the period. The 
first, Barclay Brown, a business dedicated to providing Insurance broking 
services was acquired with its Manchester hub and three regional offices. We 
integrated the business and reduced the cost base by closing their main local 
office and transferring staff to our Manchester operation, and similarly with 
their offices in Mold and Preston where we transferred business to our Group 
operations. Our second acquisition was EDN, a provider of general insurance 
broking services and financial services which we reorganised by transferring the 
financial services business to Group operations from Oldham. 
As a result of these acquisitions our senior management team was further 
enhanced. We are delighted to welcome two excellent teams of people who have 
already demonstrated their desires, ambitions and skills to our Group. 
Our acquisition activity has enhanced the scale and breadth of our activities, 
and we continue to look for further additions. We are prudent in spending 
shareholders' money and we retain a discipline that acquisitions must add value 
and have the appropriate profile to improve our business at several levels. 
A further enhancement to our business operations has been made. From the 1st of 
January this year we operate from a new head office at Southmoor House, 
Manchester where we have centralised three of our Manchester offices to bring 
about further efficiencies in our business. 
CBG is dedicated to remain at the forefront of delivering value to its 
shareholders by providing a first class and competitive service to our 
clients. The dynamics continue to change in the insurance broking market where 
we have seen a number of larger consolidators in the private and public sector 
develop over the last few years. This activity would appear to have slowed as 
margins come under pressure from the suppliers and acquisition prices driven up. 
Whilst we do not enjoy the substantial improved commissions that the larger 
consolidators obtain we compensate by efficient and prudent management. Our 
suppliers recognise that our growth is built carefully and selectively in 
partnership and they look to our record and to the future. This differential is 
important as we further strengthen our position and grow the gap between 
ourselves and the smaller regional brokers. 
We will continue to be selective in our acquisition strategy and look for value, 
simultaneously working on our cost base and improvements in margin. Our sales 
and service teams in insurance broking and financial services work closely 
together to provide a complete solution to our clients. The cross selling of 
insurance, financial services and healthcare products provides us with 
considerable growth potential which, aided by centralisation, remains a 
cornerstone of our growth strategy. 
We are well prepared to drive our business forward as a result of the 
investments we have made across the board in the last year. The investment in 
facilities and technology as well as the integration of our businesses has 
helped further grow the efficiency of the organisation. At all levels our teams 
of staff are dedicated to capture growth both internally and from further 
acquisitions. There is no doubt that 2009 will continue to see changes in the 
sector and in UK businesses, however, we remain well positioned to capitalise 
and deliver enhanced value to our clients and shareholders. We have clear 
objectives to drive our business forward, raising the bar at every opportunity 
remaining vigilant and focused on ensuring that CBG continues, as it has done 
for over six years, in growing and delivering value. 
We live and work in interesting times and situations evolve and change as do 
market conditions, reporting our results for 2008 one cannot help but reflect on 
the changes from the commencement of the year which are totally different from 
the way it ended. In CBG we responded to the changes and maintained our drive to 
excel. We are well placed to continue to deliver value to our clients and 
shareholders and look forward not with trepidation but with an appetite to notch 
the bar up again. 
Laurie Turnbull 
16 March 2009 
CBG has had a successful 2008, both in terms of another strong set of results 
but also in carrying through our acquisition strategy and reducing our overall 
cost base for the future. Our business model is sound and we continue to 
maintain tight financial management. 
Looking ahead, trading conditions and the economy as a whole will no doubt 
remain volatile. However, we are confident of delivering sustainable profits and 
I see exciting opportunities to continue to build and grow CBG. 
Group Performance 
The Group has recorded a 21.2% rise in EBITDA, adjusted to add back exceptional 
operating expenses, amortisation, negative goodwill credited and share option 
charges and a 7.2% rise in diluted earnings per share, adjusted to add back 
exceptional operating expenses, amortisation, negative goodwill credited and 
share option charges. Our focus remains on ensuring that our core businesses 
perform and deliver growth, to complement the benefits brought in via our 
acquisition programme. 
We continually examine our business in order to identify improvements that can 
be made, reviewing and implementing change as required, and we have to thank our 
staff who have had much asked of them during the year and have responded 
On 18 January 2008 we acquired Barclay Brown Holdings Limited and its trading 
subsidiaries ("Barclay Brown"), a provider of general insurance broking 
services, with offices in Manchester, Mold, Preston and Waterfoot. Since 
acquisition all areas of the business have been integrated and three of the 
existing offices closed with the operations transferred to other offices of the 
On 4 April 2008 we acquired Howgud Limited and its trading subsidiaries, EDN 
(Insurance Services) Ltd, E Davies (Northern) Ltd and EDN (Financial Services) 
Ltd ("EDN"). The financial services business was integrated within our existing 
operations within days of completion and immediately traded under the CBG brand. 
The acquisitions detailed have been integrated rapidly in order to reduce costs 
and maximise opportunities more quickly. Both businesses are trading in line 
with our expectations. 
Further details of acquisitions are given in note six in this preliminary 
Business Operations 
Each of our core trading divisions continue to operate with dedicated Boards who 
have responsibility for the day to day management of their division and are 
accountable for the financial performance to the main Board. 
A key strength to overall performance continues to be our highly skilled Group 
finance function. We pride ourselves in the controls we have in place, with the 
quality and timeliness of the management information to allow us to monitor and 
manage our business sectors effectively. As a centralised function it also 
allows us to evaluate and manage our corporate governance obligations. 
A centralised ICT function coupled with a continually developing CRM capability 
enables us to focus and specialise in each trading sector but to also identify 
and take advantage of the synergies and selling opportunities across the Group, 
which is a vital key to our ongoing success. 
Financial information on the Group's three core operating divisions is given in 
note two to this preliminary announcement. 
     > Insurance 
The Group's insurance broking services are delivered through CBG Insurance 
Brokers Limited and CBG London Limited; together the Insurance Broking division. 
The Insurance Broking operating division is a provider of general insurance 
broking services to corporate, SME and private individuals. Much work has been 
concluded during 2008 to further segment this Division thereby allowing a more 
focused, cost effective client offering, without detracting from our strengths 
of a broad based bespoke solution. 
CBG Insurance Brokers Limited will continue to develop its position as insurance 
advisors to the larger corporate businesses and our Corporate Transactions Team 
allows us to attract an increasing number of existing acquisitive clients and 
their professional advisors. 
We have made much progress in the development of a technologically led offering 
to the SME sector allowing highly competitive premiums on a least cost basis 
enabling CBG to maintain our market position, but at higher margins. 
As part of our continual review of our business the private client offering has 
been split between the transactional client and the high and mid net worth 
clients. At the transactional end of the business it is very much technology led 
whereas our Private Client Team, which also now incorporates our CBG Sports 
business are able to offer far more sophisticated offerings due to the enhanced 
The general insurance business continues to operate in an environment where 
market rates remain weak. There does however appear to be the signs of some 
hardening of rates as would be expected on the basis of previous pricing cycles. 
Nevertheless, we remain cautious in our budgeting as undoubtedly it will take 
some time to see these early indicators develop into an overall market change. 
> Financial Services 
The Group's financial services offering is delivered through CBG Financial 
Services Limited. 
At the end of 2008 we merged our Healthcare business with that of Benefit 
Consulting so that the Financial Services division operates two distinct areas 
in Private Client and Benefit Solutions. 
The consolidation within Benefit Solutions has allowed us to reduce 
administrative costs and sharpen the focus of our cross selling opportunities 
between the Healthcare and Benefit Consulting executives. 
Our Private Client offering sets us apart from the conventional financial 
adviser as we generally work on an agreed fee basis as our focus is on providing 
a holistic financial planning solution rather than selling products. This 
distinction has helped sustain our position through the challenges of the 
current investment climate albeit we have reduced operating costs and scaled 
back heavily on mortgage advice. 
> Exius 
           The Group's premium finance division operates through Exius Limited. 
Exius continues to provide in-house finance capability through our committed 
banking lines, principally insurance premium finance, to a significant 
percentage of our Insurance Broking client base. This business continues to grow 
as our client base expands, both organically and as further acquisitions are 
added, and our revenues increase. 
Organisational Consolidation 
2008 has seen the implementation of two key integration projects. Firstly during 
the autumn we were able to close our Blackpool and Preston offices bringing 
these operations into our Poulton le Fylde office. 
In January 2009, an even more ambitious consolidation occurred with our three 
Manchester offices relocating to a modern specifically designed open plan head 
office at Southmoor House. 
Both projects saw us exit existing premises at nil or minimal cost and the 
benefits of bringing larger teams together has allowed us to restructure and 
reduce costs as well as develop enhanced cross selling opportunities. 
Compliance is a significant and increasingly demanding obligation across the 
core areas of the Group through the single regulatory body of the Financial 
Services Authority (FSA). We ensure uniformity across all areas of the business 
by applying in depth knowledge of the regulatory obligations. 
The Board and I wish yet again to express our thanks to all our staff, as they 
are so critical to our business. Their contribution throughout the year and 
their hard work is a key to our success and is very much valued by us. 
CBG's commitment as an accredited Investor in People is undiminished and has 
seen our accreditation renewed in February 2009. The key drivers of IiP are 
fundamental to us and allow us to attract, retain and encourage development of 
our people, sustaining a motivated highly skilled team. 
All of our qualifying employees are members of our Enterprise Management 
Incentive Scheme, a scheme that has Group performance triggers attached to 
ensure all efforts are focused on the achievement of Group objectives. 
As with any business operating in the current economic climate CBG recognises 
the many challenges it faces. However, much work has been done and continues to 
be done in ensuring our cost base is efficient and our sales efforts focused and 
We remain responsive to the changes we will face from both within and outside 
our business, but have complete confidence in the robustness of our core 
activities and our operational and managerial capabilities to deliver that 
Mike Askew 
Group Managing Director 
16 March 2009 
  Consolidated Income Statement 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
|                                    |                |     2008 |          |     2007 | 
+                                    +----------------+----------+          +----------+ 
|                                    |                                     Note |          |          |  GBP'000 | 
|                                    |                                          |  GBP'000 |          |          | 
+                                    +------------------------------------------+----------+          +----------+ 
|                                    |                                          |          |          |          | 
|                                    |                |          |          |          | 
| Revenue                                  |        2 |          |          |          | 
| Continuing operations                    |          |    8,576 |          |    7,436 | 
| Acquisitions                             |          |    2,572 |          |        - | 
|                                          |          |   11,148 |          |    7,436 | 
|                                          |          |          |          |          | 
+------------------------------------------+          +----------+          +----------+ 
| Net administrative expenses              |          |  (9,873) |          |  (5,722) | 
|                                    |     |          |          |          |          | 
| Operating profit before amortisation, exceptional   |          |          |          | 
| operating expenses, negative goodwill credited and  |          |          |          | 
| share option charges                                |          |          |          | 
+                                                     +----------+----------+----------+ 
|                                                     |                                    |     |          | 
| Continuing operations              |     |          |    2,080 |          |    2,016 | 
| Acquisitions                       |     |          |      348 |          |        - | 
|                                    |     |          |          |          |          | 
|                                    |     |          |    2,428 |          |    2,016 | 
|                                    |     |          |          |          |          | 
| Amortisation                       |     |          |    (675) |          |    (242) | 
| Exceptional operating expenses           |    3     |    (466) |          |     (42) | 
| Negative goodwill credited               |    6     |       48 |          |        - | 
| Share option charges                     |          |     (60) |          |     (18) | 
|                                    |     |          |          |          |          | 
| Operating profit                         |          |          |          |          | 
| Continuing operations                    |          |    1,233 |          |    1,714 | 
| Acquisitions                             |          |       42 |          |        - | 
|                                          |          |    1,275 |          |    1,714 | 
|                                    |     |          |          |          |          | 
| Investment income                        |          |      120 |          |       64 | 
| Finance charges                          |          |    (302) |          |    (168) | 
|                                          |          |          |          |          | 
+------------------------------------------+          +----------+          +----------+ 
| Profit on ordinary activities before     |          |    1,093 |          |    1,610 | 
| taxation                                 |          |          |          |          | 
|                                          |          |          |          |          | 
| Taxation                                 |          |    (467) |          |    (395) | 
|                                          |          |          |          |          | 
+------------------------------------------+          +----------+          +----------+ 
| Profit attributable to ordinary          |          |      626 |          |    1,215 | 
| shareholders in respect of continuing    |          |          |          |          | 
| operations                               |          |          |          |          | 
|                                          |          |          |          |          | 
+------------------------------------------+          +----------+          +----------+ 
| Earnings per share:                      |          |    Pence |          |    Pence | 
|                                          |          |          |          |          | 
+------------------------------------------+----------+----------+          +----------+ 
| Earnings per share - basic               |    4     |     4.33 |          |     9.79 | 
| Earnings per share - diluted             |          |     4.26 |          |     9.31 | 
|                                    |     |          |          |          |          | 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
31 December 2008 
|                                    |        |     2008 |   |     2007 | 
|                                    |  Note  |          |   |  GBP'000 | 
|                                    |        |  GBP'000 |   |          | 
| Non-current assets                 |        |          |   |          | 
| Goodwill                           |        |   13,573 |   |    8,523 | 
| Other intangible assets            |        |    3,611 |   |    2,099 | 
| Property, plant and equipment      |        |      607 |   |      304 | 
| Deferred tax asset                 |        |        9 |   |        9 | 
|                                    |        |   17,800 |   |   10,935 | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
| Current assets                     |        |          |   |          | 
| Trade and other receivables        |        |    8,420 |   |    6,902 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents          |        |    3,302 |   |    1,918 | 
|                                    |        |   11,722 |   |    8,820 | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
| Current liabilities                |        |          |   |          | 
| Trade and other payables           |        |  (7,806) |   |  (4,810) | 
| Deferred consideration             |        |  (2,101) |   |  (1,460) | 
| Current tax                        |        |    (554) |   |    (237) | 
| Borrowings                         |        |    (456) |   |    (150) | 
|                                    |        | (10,917) |   |  (6,657) | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
| Net current assets                 |        |      805 |   |    2,163 | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
| Non-current liabilities            |        |          |   |          | 
| Deferred consideration             |        |  (1,418) |   |    (732) | 
| Deferred tax                       |        |    (924) |   |    (603) | 
| Borrowings                         |        |  (3,985) |   |  (2,230) | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
|                                    |        |  (6,327) |   |  (3,565) | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
| Net assets                         |        |   12,278 |   |    9,533 | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
| Equity                             |        |          |   |          | 
| Ordinary shares                    |   7    |      620 |   |      549 | 
| Share premium account              |        |    7,675 |   |    6,010 | 
| Merger reserve                     |        |      449 |   |        - | 
| Equity reserve                     |        |        - |   |      100 | 
| Retained earnings                  |        |    3,534 |   |    2,874 | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
| Equity shareholders' funds         |        |   12,278 |   |    9,533 | 
|                                    |        |          |   |          | 
  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
|                             |                       Share |   Share |  Merger |  Equity | Retained |   Total | 
|                             |                     capital | premium | reserve | reserve | earnings |  equity | 
|                             |                             | account |         |         |          |         | 
|                             |                     GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
|                             |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 1 January 2007   |                         440 |   2,719 |       - |     230 |    1,696 |   5,085 | 
|                             |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Net profit for the period   |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| attributable to equity      |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| shareholders                |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
+                             +-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+ 
|                             |                           - |       - |       - |       - |    1,215 |   1,215 | 
|                             |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Total recognised income and |                         440 |   2,719 |       - |     230 |    2,911 |   6,300 | 
| expense                     |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Dividends paid              |                           - |       - |       - |       - |     (55) |    (55) | 
| Issue of ordinary shares    |                         109 |   3,291 |       - |       - |        - |   3,400 | 
| Shares to be issued         |                           - |       - |       - |   (130) |        - |   (130) | 
| Other reserves movement due |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| to share options charge     |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
+                             +-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+ 
|                             |                           - |       - |       - |       - |       18 |      18 | 
|                             |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 31 December 2007 |                         549 |   6,010 |       - |     100 |    2,874 |   9,533 | 
|                             |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Net profit for the period   |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| attributable to equity      |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| shareholders                |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
+                             +-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+ 
|                             |                           - |       - |       - |       - |      626 |     626 | 
|                             |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Total recognised income and |                         549 |   6,010 |       - |     100 |    3,500 |  10,159 | 
| expense                     |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Dividends paid              |                           - |       - |       - |       - |     (85) |    (85) | 
| Issue of ordinary shares    |                          71 |   1,665 |     449 |       - |        - |   2,185 | 
| Shares to be issued         |                           - |       - |       - |   (100) |        - |   (100) | 
| Other reserves movement due |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| to share options charge     |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
+                             +-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+ 
|                             |                           - |       - |       - |       - |       60 |      60 | 
| Impact of deferred tax on   |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| share option charge         |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
+                             +-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------+---------+ 
|                             |                           - |       - |       - |       - |       59 |      59 | 
|                             |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 31 December 2008 |                         620 |   7,675 |     449 |       - |    3,534 |  12,278 | 
|                             |                             |         |         |         |          |         | 
  Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
|                                        |                       |           | 
+                                        +-----------------------+-----------+ 
|                                        |                                                    |           | 
+                                        +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+ 
|                                        |                                               2008 |      2007 | 
+                                        +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+ 
|                                        |                                   Note |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Operating Activities                   |           |           |           | 
| Cash generated by operations           |         8 |     3,377 |     1,490 | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Income taxes paid                      |           |     (542) |     (351) | 
| Interest paid                          |           |     (302) |     (175) | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Net cash inflow from operating         |           |     2,533 |       964 | 
| activities                             |           |           |           | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Investing activities                   |           |           |           | 
| Interest received                      |           |       120 |        64 | 
| Purchases of property, plant and       |           |     (465) |     (103) | 
| equipment                              |           |           |           | 
| Deferred consideration paid            |           |   (1,332) |     (430) | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries and        |         6 |   (2,679) |   (2,100) | 
| businesses                             |           |           |           | 
|                                                    |           |           | 
| Net cash used in investing activities              |   (4,356) |   (2,569) | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Financing activities                   |           |           |           | 
| Dividends paid                         |           |      (85) |      (55) | 
| Proceeds from issue of shares (net of expenses)    |     1,587 |     2,910 | 
| Receipt of bank loans                  |           |     3,500 |     2,000 | 
| Receipt of other loans                 |           |       900 |       361 | 
| Repayment of bank loans                |           |   (2,000) |   (2,306) | 
| Repayment of other loans               |           |     (610) |     (248) | 
| Repayment of hire purchase obligations |           |      (85) |       (2) | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Net cash generated by financing        |           |     3,207 |     2,660 | 
| activities                             |           |           |           | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Net increase in cash and cash          |           |     1,384 |     1,055 | 
| equivalents                            |           |           |           | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at start of  |           |     1,918 |       863 | 
| period                                 |           |           |           | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
|                                        |           |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of    |           |     3,302 |     1,918 | 
| period                                 |           |           |           | 
1. Results and accounting policies 
While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has 
been computed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 
("IFRS"), this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to 
comply with IFRS. The Group expects to publish full financial statements which 
comply with IFRS on or before 15 May 2009. 
The accounting polices used in preparation of this preliminary announcement have 
remained unchanged from those set out in the Group's 2007 annual report and 
financial statements and are consistent with those in the full financial 
statements which have yet to be published. The preliminary results for the year 
ended 31 December 2008 were approved by the Board of Directors on 16 March 2009. 
The financial information set out above does not constitute the group's 
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2008 or 2007 as detailed in 
sections 240 of the Companies Act 1985, but is derived from those accounts. 
Statutory accounts for 2007 under IFRS have been delivered to the Registrar of 
Companies and those for the year ended 31 December 2008, under IFRS, will be 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's annual general 
meeting. The auditors have reported on these accounts; their report was 
unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237 (2) or (3) of the 
Companies Act 1985. 
2.Segment information 
For management purposes, the Group is organised into three divisions; Insurance 
Broking, Financial Services and Premium Finance. These divisions are the basis 
on which the Group reports its primary segment information and is reported as 
|                                    |                  Year ended                    |      Year ended      | 
+                                    +------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ 
|                                    |                31 December 2008                |  31 December 2007    | 
|                                    |                            Revenue | Operating |  Revenue | Operating | 
|                                    |                                    |    profit |          |    profit | 
+                                    +------------------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ 
|                                    |                            GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
+------------------------------------+                                    +           +          +           + 
| By class of business:              |                                    |           |          |           | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
| Insurance Broking                  |                              8,181 |     2,134 |    4,877 |     1,456 | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
| Financial Services                 |                              2,465 |       543 |    2,150 |       746 | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
| Premium Finance                    |                                472 |       418 |      367 |       312 | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
| Other                              |                                 30 |        30 |       42 |        42 | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
+                                    +------------------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ 
|                                    |                             11,148 |     3,125 |    7,436 |     2,556 | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
+------------------------------------+                                    +-----------+          +-----------+ 
| Amortisation                       |                                    |     (675) |          |     (242) | 
+------------------------------------+                                    +-----------+          +-----------+ 
| Exceptional operating expenses and |                                    |     (418) |          |      (42) | 
| negative goodwill credited         |                                    |           |          |           | 
+------------------------------------+                                    +-----------+          +-----------+ 
| Central costs                      |                                    |     (757) |          |     (558) | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
+------------------------------------+                                    +-----------+          +-----------+ 
| Profit from operations             |                                    |     1,275 |          |     1,714 | 
|                                    |                                    |           |          |           | 
Assets and liabilities 
|                                    |                              Year ended                                 |      Year ended        | 
+                                    +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+ 
|                                    |                            31 December 2008                             |    31 December 2007    | 
|                                    |                             Assets |                        Liabilities |   Assets | Liabilities | 
|                                    |                            GBP'000 |                                    |  GBP'000 |             | 
+                                    +                                    +------------------------------------+          +-------------+ 
|                                    |                                    |                            GBP'000 |          |     GBP'000 | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
+------------------------------------+                                    +                                    +          +             + 
| By segment:                        |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
| Insurance Broking                  |                             11,777 |                            (9,208) |    8,023 |     (4,980) | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
| Financial Services                 |                              2,080 |                            (1,136) |    1,512 |       (943) | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
| Premium Finance                    |                              2,727 |                            (2,362) |    4,479 |     (4,263) | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
| Eliminations                       |                            (5,233) |                              5,233 |  (2,425) |       2,425 | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
| Segment assets and liabilities     |                             11,351 |                            (7,473) |   11,589 |     (7,761) | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
| Unallocated corporate              |                             18,171 |                            (9,771) |    8,166 |     (2,461) | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
| Consolidated assets and            |                             29,522 |                           (17,244) |   19,755 |    (10,222) | 
| liabilities                        |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
|                                    |                                    |                                    |          |             | 
3. Exceptional operating expenses 
|                                        |       |        2008 |        2007 | 
|                                        |  Note |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 | 
|                                        |       |             |             | 
| Redundancy costs                       |       |          12 |          42 | 
| Reorganisation costs                   |       |         454 |           - | 
|                                        |       |             |             | 
|                                        |       |         466 |          42 | 
|                                        |       |             |             | 
All redundancy and reorganisation costs have been charged against operating 
profit derived from continuing operations. 
4. Earnings per share 
The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2008 
is based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of GBP626,000 
(2007: GBP1,215,000) divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue 
of 14,454,978 (2007: 12,412,161). 
At 31 December 2008, there were 805,250 (2007: 575,000) share options in issue 
of which 254,548 (2007: 301,929) were dilutive potential ordinary shares on 
average during the year. At the year end there were 292,362 (2007: 68,998) 
shares to be issued in respect of deferred consideration for acquisitions made 
during or prior to the current year, and there were nil (2007: 331,299) dilutive 
potential ordinary shares on average during the year. At 31 December 2008, there 
were therefore a total of 254,548 (2007: 633,228) dilutive potential ordinary 
shares on average during the year. The calculation of diluted earnings per share 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 is based on the profit attributable to 
ordinary shareholders of GBP626,000 (2007: GBP1,215,000) divided by the weighted 
average number of diluted shares in issue of 14,709,526 (2007: 13,045,389). 
The adjusted earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to ordinary 
shareholders, after adding back amortisation, exceptional operating expenses, 
negative goodwill credited, share option charges and reflecting an ongoing tax 
charge of 28% (2007: 30%), as follows: 
|                                    |                       |                       | 
|                                    |         2008          |         2007          | 
|                                    |    GBP000 |     Pence |    GBP000 |     Pence | 
|                                    |           |           |           |           | 
| Profit for the year                |       626 |      4.33 |     1,215 |      9.79 | 
|                                    |           |           |           |           | 
| Amortisation                       |       675 |      4.67 |       242 |      1.95 | 
|                                    |           |           |           |           | 
| Exceptional operating charges and  |       418 |      2.89 |        42 |      0.34 | 
| negative goodwill credited         |           |           |           |           | 
|                                    |           |           |           |           | 
| Share option charge                |        60 |      0.42 |        18 |      0.14 | 
|                                    |           |           |           |           | 
| Adjustment to reflect an ongoing   |     (161) |    (1.12) |     (179) |    (1.44) | 
| tax charge of 28% (2007: 30%)      |           |           |           |           | 
| Adjusted earnings per share        |     1,618 |     11.19 |     1,338 |     10.78 | 
|                                    |           |           |           |           | 
| Diluted adjusted earnings per      |     1,618 |     11.00 |     1,338 |     10.26 | 
| share                              |           |           |           |           | 
|                                    |           |           |           |           | 
There have been no changes to the shares in issue since 31 December 2008. 
5. Dividends 
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity shareholders in the year: 
|                                        |             |             | 
|                                        |        2008 |        2007 | 
|                                        |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 | 
|                                        |             |             | 
| Dividend paid per share in the period  |          85 |          55 | 
| 0.6 pence (2007: 0.5p)                 |             |             | 
A final dividend of 0.66p per share (2007: 0.6p per share) amounting to 
GBP102,000 (2007: GBP85,000) in respect of the year ended 31 December 2008 is 
proposed. If approved at the Annual General Meeting, it will be paid on 29 May 
2009 to those shareholders on the register on 1 May 2009. 
6. Acquisitions 
During the year, the Company acquired the whole of the issued share capital and 
voting rights of the following companies: 
| 23 January 2008    | PenMc plc                              | 
| 18 January 2008    | Barclay Brown (Holdings) Limited       | 
| 4 April 2008       | Howgud Limited                         | 
  The acquisitions may be summarised as follows: 
|                                    | PenMc plc |    Barclay |    Howgud |     Total | 
|                                    |           |      Brown |   Limited |           | 
|                                    |           | (Holdings) |           |           | 
|                                    |           |    Limited |           |           | 
+                                    +           +            +           +           + 
|                                    |           |            |           |           |                                    | 
+                                    +           +            +           +           +------------------------------------+ 
|                                    |           |            |           |           |                                    | 
|                                    |  GBP'000  |  GBP'000   |  GBP'000  |  GBP'000  | 
| Property, plant and equipment      |         - |         13 |        38 |        51 | 
| Trade and other receivables        |         - |      1,351 |       528 |     1,879 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents          |       261 |      (135) |       394 |       520 | 
| Trade and other payables           |       (4) |    (1,988) |     (519) |   (2,511) | 
| Current tax                        |         - |       (76) |      (86) |     (162) | 
|                                    |           |            |           |           | 
| Fair value of net assets acquired  |       257 |      (835) |       355 |     (223) | 
| Goodwill - positive                |         - |      3,464 |     1,752 |     5,216 | 
| Goodwill - negative (see below)    |      (48) |          - |         - |      (48) | 
| Other intangible assets            |         - |      1,226 |       961 |     2,187 | 
| Deferred tax on other intangible   |         - |      (343) |     (269) |     (612) | 
| assets                             |           |            |           |           | 
|                                    |           |            |           |           | 
| Consideration                      |       209 |      3,512 |     2,799 |     6,520 | 
|                                    |           |            |           |           | 
| Comprising:                        |           |            |           |           | 
| Cash                               |        11 |      1,650 |     1,229 |     2,890 | 
| Shares issued                      |       101 |          - |       360 |       461 | 
| Deferred consideration:            |           |            |           |           | 
|   Cash                             |         - |      1,585 |       905 |     2,490 | 
|   Cash or shares                   |         - |        150 |       220 |       370 | 
| Acquisition costs                  |        97 |        127 |        85 |       309 | 
|                                    |           |            |           |           | 
|                                    |       209 |      3,512 |     2,799 |     6,520 | 
|                                    |           |            |           |           | 
| Purchase consideration settled in  |       108 |      1,777 |     1,314 |     3,199 | 
| cash                               |           |            |           |           | 
|                                    |           |            |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents acquired |     (261) |        135 |     (394) |     (520) | 
|                                    |           |            |           |           | 
| Cash inflow/(outflow) on           |     (153) |      1,912 |       920 |     2,679 | 
| acquisitions                       |           |            |           |           | 
The assets and liabilities included in net assets acquired are stated at book 
values which are equivalent to their fair values. The only fair value 
adjustments made are in respect of intangible assets acquired. The initial 
accounting for the acquisitions made during the year ended 31 December 2008 has 
only been provisionally determined at the balance sheet date as adjustments may 
be necessary to book values following assessment after a further period of 
The goodwill paid in respect of current period acquisitions relates to expected 
synergies to be achieved. Synergies to be achieved are as a result of a stronger 
presence in the market and synergies in sourcing and selling. 
Negative goodwill in respect of the acquisition of PenMC plc has been credited 
to the income statement during the year. 
7. Share capital 
| Authorised share capital:                                                             | 
|                               |        2008 |        2007 |             |             | 
|                               |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |             |             | 
|                               |             |             |             |             | 
| 20,000,000 (2007: 20,000,000) |         800 |         800 |             |             | 
| Ordinary shares of GBP0.04    |             |             |             |             | 
| each                          |             |             |             |             | 
|                               |             |             |             |             | 
| Allotted, called up and fully paid:                                                   | 
|                               |           2008            |           2007            | 
|                               |         No  |     GBP'000 |         No  |     GBP'000 | 
|                               |             |             |             |             | 
| Ordinary shares of GBP0.04    |  15,497,006 |         620 |  13,730,930 |         549 | 
| each                          |             |             |             |             | 
|                               |             |             |             |             | 
| Allotted, called up and fully paid:                                                   | 
|                               |        2008 |        2007 |             |             | 
|                               |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |             |             | 
|                               |             |             |             |             | 
| At 1 January                  |         549 |         440 |             |             | 
|                               |             |             |             |             | 
| Issued in the year:           |             |             |             |             | 
| Acquisitions                  |          16 |          21 |             |             | 
| Fund raising                  |          55 |          85 |             |             | 
| Share option exercises        |           - |           3 |             |             | 
|                               |             |             |             |             | 
| At 31 December                |         620 |         549 |             |             | 
8. Reconciliation of profit before taxation to net cash inflow from operating 
|                                        |        2008 |        2007 | 
|                                        |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 | 
|                                        |             |             | 
| Profit before taxation                 |       1,093 |       1,610 | 
| Depreciation and loss on disposal of   |         213 |         130 | 
| property plant and equipment           |             |             | 
| Amortisation                           |         675 |         242 | 
| Negative goodwill                      |        (48) |           - | 
| Share option charge                    |          60 |          18 | 
| Investment income                      |       (120) |        (64) | 
| Finance charges                        |         302 |         168 | 
| Movements in working capital:          |             |             | 
| Decrease / (increase) in receivables   |         361 |       (888) | 
| Increase in payables                   |         841 |         274 | 
|                                        |             |             | 
| Net cash inflow from operating         |       3,377 |       1,490 | 
| activities                             |             |             | 
|                                        |             |             | 
9. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 
|                                            |        2008 |        2007 | 
|                                            |     GBP'000 |     GBP'000 | 
|                                            |             |             | 
| Net debt at 1 January                      |       (462) |     (1,712) | 
|                                            |             |             | 
| Increase in cash in the period             |       1,384 |       1,055 | 
| Cash (outflow)/inflow from                 |     (1,705) |         195 | 
| (decrease)/increase in debt financing      |             |             | 
| Loans acquired with subsidiary             |       (235) |           - | 
| undertakings                               |             |             | 
| Hire purchase obligations acquired with    |       (121) |           - | 
| subsidiary undertakings                    |             |             | 
|                                            |             |             | 
| Net debt at 31 December                    |     (1,139) |       (462) | 
10. Annual Report 
The annual report will be posted to shareholders on or around the 15 May 2009 
and will also be available from the Group's website (www.cbg-group.co.uk) or 
from the Company Secretary at the Company's registered office: Southmoor House, 
Southmoor Road, Manchester M23 9XD. 
16 March 2009 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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