RNS Number : 3790E
  Chromogenex PLC
  26 September 2008
Chromogenex plc
(*Chromogenex* or *the Company*)
Interim Results
Chromogenex, the developer and manufacturer of cosmetic and medical laser systems, today announces its interim results for the six months
ended 30 June 2008.
         Revenues of �1.13m (2007: �2.27m)
        Medical device licence from the Canadian Health Authority for the Chromolite-S and Nlite-V
        FDA approval to market and sell Chromolite EP (Enhanced Pulse), the newest version of Chromolite, in the United States * post period
        New product launches expected
-          October launch of iLipo laser product, a non invasive alternative to liposuction
-          November launch of SmoothLite, combined RF, laser and vacuum massage device for fat reduction, cellulite treatment and skin
        Restructuring of business and cost reductions completed
Peter McGuinness, Chairman, commented:
*We have now completed a restructuring of the business and have made cost reductions which will save over �0.5m per annum going forward. In
addition we have seen an improvement in sales and gross margins and expect an improved performance in the second half.
*We have developed new sources of lease finance for our customers that have facilitated an improvement in direct sales in the UK. We are
confident about the business going forward and are encouraged by recent trading and distributor forecasts into 2009.
For further information:
Chromogenex plc                                                                               01554 755444
Peter McGuinness, Chairman                                                                07775 834 777

HB Corporate                                                                                    020 7510 8600
Luke Cairns

Threadneedle Communications                                                         020 7653 9850
Graham Herring/Josh Royston                                

Chairman*s Statement
Chromogenex, the developer and manufacturer of cosmetic and medical laser systems, today announces the results for the six month period
ending June 30 2008.
Sales for the period were �1,134,000 compared with �2,265,000 for the same period last year. This drop in sales resulted in a loss of
�640,000 for the first half (2007 profit of �10,000). The first quarter in particular was a very difficult period, accounting for over
�500,000 of this loss for the Company. Whilst traditionally a slow time of year the market was impacted by a lack of credit available for
financing sales of our products which typically are leased by customers. In addition, we were unable to sell in key markets pending
regulatory approval which had an adverse impact on the business.
During the period, the Company resolved its issue with the Canadian Health Authority and both the Chromolite-S and Nlite-V received medical
device licences. The Board expects to recommence sales in Canada in the fourth quarter.
We have now completed a restructuring of the business and have made cost reductions which will save over �0.5m per annum going forward. In
addition, we have seen an improvement in sales and gross margins and expect an improved performance in the second half. Note 1 to these
interim results provides more details of the actions that the directors have taken to address the financing of the company.
During the fourth quarter we are also launching two new products for which we have a strong order book. Both products target the body
shaping and fat reduction market and according to Medical Insight, Inc, this sector of the market is forecast to expand by 29% per annum
through 2011. In October, we launch our iLipo laser product a non-invasive alternative to liposuction. In November, we expect to launch
SmoothLite a device which uses combined radiofrequency, laser and vacuum massage for fat reduction, cellulite treatment and skin tightening.
We believe this to be the most advanced and highest specification system on the market. We see this as a significant growth area for the
company going forward with initial sales positively impacting the fourth quarter.
We have developed new sources of lease finance for our customers that have facilitated an improvement in direct sales in the UK. We are
confident about the business going forward and are encouraged by recent trading and distributor forecasts into 2009.
Peter McGuinness
Chairman and CEO                                                               26th September 2008

    Chromogenex plc
for the period ended 30 June 2008

                                    Notes     6 months to30 Jun     6 months to30 Jun      Year ended31 Dec
                                                     2008 �'000            2007 �'000            2007 �'000
  Revenue                                                 1,134                 2,265                 4,122
 Cost of sales                                                                                             
                                                          (829)               (1,519)               (2,879)
                                                        _______               _______               _______
 Gross Profit                                               305                   746                      
 Administrative expenses                                                                                   
                                                          (940)                 (733)               (1,938)
                                                        _______               _______               _______
 Operating (Loss)/Profit                                                           13                      
                                                          (635)                                       (695)
 Finance costs                                              (5)                   (3)                   (2)
                                                        _______               _______               _______
 (Loss)/Profit on ordinary                                                         10                      
 activitiesbefore taxation                                (640)                                       (697)
 Taxation                                                     -                     -                     -
                                                        _______               _______               _______
 (Loss)/Profit for the period                                                      10                      
 attributable to equity                                   (640)                                       (697)
                                                        _______               _______               _______
 Earnings per ordinary shares                                                                              
 Basic                                  3                                                                  
                                                       (1.06) p                 0.02p               (1.15)p
                                                        _______               _______               _______
 Fully diluted                          3                                                                  
                                                        (1.06)p                 0.01p               (1.15)p
                                                        _______               _______               _______
All results relate to continuing activities. 


    Chromogenex plc
for the period ended 30 June 2008

                                                                            Attributable to equity holders of the parent company
                                   Sharecapital�'000  Sharepremiumaccount�   Mergerreserve�'000                         TotalEquity�'000
                                                                      '000                         RetainedEarnings�'
 At 1 January 2007                               605                 1,539                (302)                   505              2,347
 Profit for the period                             -                     -                    -                    10                 10
                                                                                                              _______            _______
 Total recognised income and                                                                                       10                 10
 expense for period
 Exercise of warrants                              4                    14                    -                     -                 18
 Share option costs                                -                     -                    -                    26                 26
                                             _______               _______              _______               _______            _______
 At 30 June 2007                                 609                 1,553                (302)                   541              2,401
 Loss for the period                               -                     -                    -                 (707)              (707)
                                                                                                              _______            _______
 Total recognised income and                                                                                    (707)              (707)
 expense for period
 Share option costs                                -                     -                    -                   (6)                (6)
                                             _______               _______              _______               _______            _______
 At 31 December 2007                             609                 1,553                (302)                 (172)              1,688
 Loss for the period                               -                     -                    -                 (640)              (640)
                                                                                                              _______            _______
 Total recognised income and                                                                                    (640)              (640)
 expense for period
 Share option costs                                -                     -                    -                    17                 17
                                             _______               _______              _______               _______            _______
 At 30 June 2008                                 609                 1,553                (302)                 (795)              1,065
                                             _______               _______              _______               _______            _______


    Chromogenex plc
as at 30 June 2008 

                                Notes     30 Jun 2008 �'000     30 Jun 2007 �'000        31 Dec 2007 �'000
 Non * current assets                                                                                     
 Intangible assets                                       75                   376                       79
 Plant and equipment                                     45                    56                       60
                                                    _______               _______
                                                        120                   432                      139
 Current Assets                                                                                           
 Inventory                                                                                           1,777
                                                      1,735                 1,627
 Trade and other receivables                            702                                            866
 Cash and cash equivalents                                -                   168                      130
                                                    _______               _______
                                                      2,437                 3,086
 Current liabilities                                                                                      
 Trade and other payables                             1,358                 1,041                    1,126
 Provisions                                             134                    76                       98
                                                    _______               _______                  _______
                                                      1,492                 1,117                    1,224
                                                    _______               _______
 Non-current liabilities                                  -                     -                        -
                                                    _______               _______
 NET ASSETS                                                                                          1,688
                                                      1,065                 2,401
                                                    _______               _______
 Shareholders* Equity                                                                                     
 Share capital                                          609                   609                      609
 Share premium                                                                                       1,553
                                                      1,553                 1,553
 Merger reserve                                                                                      (302)
                                                      (302)                 (302)
 Retained earnings                                                            541                    (172)
                                                    _______               _______
 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS* EQUITY                                                                          1,688
                                                      1,065                 2,401
                                                    _______               _______

Chromogenix plc
for the period ended 30 June 2008
                                  Notes     6 months to30 Jun     6 months to30 Jun    Year ended31 Dec 2007
                                                  2008 �'000            2007 �'000                    �'000
 Cash flows used in operating        4                                                                (135)
 activities                                            (367)                 (157)
 Investing activities                                                                                      
 Expenditure on development                             -                     (33)                     (81)
 Purchase of plant and                                     -                  (22)                     (34)
                                                     _______               _______
 Net cash outflow used in                                  -                                               
 investing activities                                                        (55)                     (115)
                                                     _______               _______
 Financing activities                                                                                      
 Proceeds from issue of shares                             -                    18                       18
                                                     _______               _______
 Net cash from financing                                   -                    18                       18
                                                     _______               _______
 Net (decrease) in cash and                                                                           (232)
 cash equivalents                                     (367)                 (194) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at                            130                   362                      362
 beginning of the period
                                                     _______               _______
 Cash and cash equivalents at                          (237)                   168                      130
 end of the period
                                                     _______               _______

             Chromogenex plc
for the period ended 30 June 2008
    1       These interim results were approved by the board of directors on 24th September 2008.

The financial information contained in this interim statement has not been audited or reviewed by the Company*s auditors and does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the full preceding year is
extracted from the statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2007. These accounts, upon which the auditors issued an
unqualified opinion but containing an emphasis of matter paragraph in relation to the Company*s ability to continue to operate as a going
concern, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
The interim financial statements are presented in sterling and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (�*000) except when
otherwise indicated.
Going concern
During the period, the Group incurred a loss of �640,000. As a result of the Group*s financial position, the directors have considered the
basis of preparation of the financial statements on the going concern basis.
In the light of the current market downturn the Board has been reconsidering its strategy and has made a number of decisions to re-focus the
activities of the Group. The Board has streamlined the underlying cost base of the business, started to distribute two new complementary
products into the UK market and has now obtained all regulatory approvals required in order to sell into the Canadian market. Payment plans
are in place with most of the overdue debtors as at the year end.
The directors have prepared detailed forecasts which set out the ongoing cash requirements of the business going forward. The directors
maintain regular communication with the bank and these forecasts incorporate the directors* belief that the Group*s bankers will continue to
make available the necessary level of facility. There are inherent uncertainties in the preparation of such forecasts which are not fully
under the Group*s control. Historically the Group has delivered greater sales in the second half of the year and the directors expect this
trend to continue with the planned introduction of further new products in the autumn. The directors therefore believe the assumptions used
in those forecasts are reasonable and that they have taken into account all factors that may reasonably be expected to be identified in
relation to such forecasts. On the basis of these forecasts the directors conclude that it is appropriate to prepare the interim results on
the going concern basis and the interim results do not include any adjustments that would result from the Group not being able to meet its liabilities as they fall due.
2       Chromogenex plc is a public limited company incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act 1985. The Company is
domiciled in the United Kingdom and its ordinary shares are traded on the Alternative Investment Market.
    As permitted this interim report has been prepared in accordance with UK AIM listing rules and not in accordance with IAS34 *Interim
Financial Reporting* therefore it is not fully in compliance with IFRS.

         The (loss) / earnings per ordinary share has been calculated using the result for the period and the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period as follows:
                                       30 Jun 2008 �'000     30 Jun 2007 �'000     31 Dec 2007 �'000
  (Loss)/ Profit for the period                    (640)                    10                 (697)
 attributable to equity
                                                 _______               _______               _______
                                    No.                   No.                   No.                 
                                                    '000                  '000                  '000
 Basic weighted average of                                                                          
 ordinary shares of 1p each)                      60,659                60,818                60,659
                                                 _______               _______               _______
 Basic earnings (pence per                                                                          
 share)                                           (1.06)                  0.02                (1.15)
                                                 _______               _______               _______
 Fully diluted earnings (pence                                                                      
 per share                                        (1.06)                  0.01                      
                                                 _______               _______               _______
                As losses were incurred in the period ended 30th June 2008 and the year ended 31 December 2007, there is no dilutive effect
on the existence of shares, options and warrants. The basic and diluted earnings per share figure are therefore the same for these periods.
                The weighted average number of shares for the calculation of the diluted earnings per share for the period ended 30 June
2007 was 65,470,377 reflecting the unexercised share options and warrants in place at that time.
                                    30 Jun 2008 �'000     30 Jun 2007 �'000       31 Dec 2007 �'000
 (Loss)/profit before tax                       (640)                    10                   (697)
 Amortisation                                       -                     -                     345
 Depreciation                                      18                    30                      38
 Share based payment charge                        17                    26                      20
                                              _______                                       _______
 Operating cashflow before                      (605)                    66                   (294)
 movement in working capital
 Movement in inventory                             42                                         (532)
 Movement in trade and other                      164                  (65)                     360
 Movement in trade and other                       32                   224                     331
                                              _______                                       _______
 Net Cash used in operating                     (367)                                         (135)
 activities                                                           (157)
                                              _______                                       _______

   Copies of the interim report have been sent to shareholders and are available from the company secretary at the company's registered
office * Units 1 and 2, Heol Rhosyn, Parc Dafen, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA14 8QG.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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